How to care for lemon at home. Indoor lemon - cultivation and care

Winter is just around the corner already. And winter is a special time in the life of plants. During this period, they go into rest mode to endure adverse conditions. Indoor plants also need to be prepared for the onset of cold weather, in winter they need special care, even though they are in a warm apartment. About how to do it right take care of indoor lemon in winter we will tell you in this article.


In winter, the irrigation regime will be different from the summer. The number of waterings in winter should be reduced to once a week, it is best to water in the evening. Frequent watering is fraught with acidification of the earth in a pot, and, consequently, further diseases of the lemon tree. Water slowly, gradually, allowing the water to soak well into the soil. Water for irrigation must be at room temperature, you can even heat it up a little, up to about 30-35 degrees.

In winter, it is imperative to monitor soil moisture, warm batteries can dry out an earthen ball very quickly. But the plant should not be flooded either.

And also winter is an ideal time for watering lemon with melt water, since such water is considered the best for this purpose. Melt the required amount of snow, let the resulting water warm to room temperature and water your lemon tree with it. Melt water is much softer than tap water, it will not saline the soil, which means it will have a beneficial effect on the condition of your lemon.

Air humidity

In winter, due to the beginning of the heating season, the air in the apartment becomes dry, its humidity decreases. This can adversely affect the health of your lemon tree. in winter implies that dry air should be humidified, for this you can use containers with water. Place them indoors, preferably next to radiators, so that the water evaporates faster. You can also use special devices for humidifying the air.

Be sure to spray the crown

Spray your tree weekly with water from a spray bottle or wipe the leaves with a damp cloth. The water must be warm for this.
Several times a month, arrange “water procedures” for him: wash the plant with a shower in the bathroom. Such a procedure will saturate the plant with moisture, wash dust from the leaves and help get rid of possible insects.

There are several more ways moisten the lemon tree in winter. One of these ways to maintain optimal plant moisture is to purchase a special stand with pebbles. It is necessary to place in this stand, pour water into it so that the bottom of the pot does not sink into the water.

Light mode

The lemon tree is quite sensitive to the amount of sunlight, especially in winter. At this time, you need to be very careful to ensure that your plant receives a sufficient amount of light. It should be remembered that the higher the temperature in the room where it is contained, the more sunlight it needs.

Do not place under the sun for a long time, the tree may get sunburn. It is also best not to place the tree next to the window, because it can blow cold air from it, and lemons do not like drafts. The location of the pot next to the radiators is also not best idea, from elevated temperature and dry air, the plant will quickly dry out.

It looks very nice on the window, but this arrangement is fraught with sunburn and hypothermia

In case the lighting in your apartment is not enough, you need to additionally highlight. winter implies that, for normal health, citrus fruits need 12 hours of daylight, but in winter it is much shorter. With a lack of light, the plant begins to shed its leaves, its condition is generally depressed, in the worst case, the tree may die. This is where supplementary lighting comes to the rescue - extending daylight hours with the help of lamps.

Now in stores you can find a wide variety of lamps: fluorescent, sodium, metal halide and LED. In almost each of these groups, you can find phytolamps, the spectrum of which is most optimal for plants.
Be sure to pay attention to the power of the lamp, it is measured in watts. The more watts a given lamp has, the greater the flux of light, and therefore the greater the efficiency of the lamp. For illumination, one or three lamps with a power of 40 watts will suffice.

The use of phytolamps will help the plant survive the lack of sunlight without consequences.

At what height should the lamp be placed? For more effective illumination, the lamp should be located as close as possible to the lemon. But it is very important not to place it too close to the plant, because the plant will be too warm. You can find out the optimal height for a phytolamp by placing your hand under it. If the hand feels too much heat, you should raise the lamp higher. In general, the recommended lamp height is 15-20 cm.

Pruning and feeding

In general, pruning a lemon in winter is not much needed, especially if your plant hibernates in cool conditions. Trim only dead branches and leaves. This procedure will generally improve the condition of the lemon tree.
Feeding in winter may not be needed.

wintering lemon

There is another wintering option for your lemon - you can enter it into a winter state of rest, natural for all plants. This method is also called "cold wintering". This method is especially suitable for novice citrus growers, as a dormant lemon requires minimal attention.

Before wintering, you need to carry out some preparatory activities. About a couple of months before the onset of cold weather, move the tree to the room in which you are going to leave it for the winter. Before doing this, do not forget to wipe it well to get rid of dust and possible insects.

Where to put for the time of cold weather? For this, a glazed loggia or veranda is perfect. The most optimal conditions for the room where you are going to place the plant for the winter are soft diffused light and a constant temperature of about 7-10C. With a combination of such conditions, it will be able to maintain normal life, but will not evaporate excess moisture. But it is worth lowering the temperature gradually, by several degrees over 10-14 days. If you abruptly move from a warm room to a cold one, the leaves from the plant may fall off.

And also lemons can hibernate in complete darkness, but on condition that the temperature in this place will be maintained at + 3-5 degrees. During cold wintering, the temperature should not be allowed to fall below 0 degrees, this temperature is detrimental to lemons and can cause massive leaf fall. Temperature rise should also be avoided. daytime up to 15 degrees, such overheating can also cause massive leaf fall.

A well-wintered one will definitely shoot new shoots in the spring

Although your lemon tree is dormant, it still needs to be watered occasionally. The plant needs to be watered only when the soil in its pot becomes dry (when trying to compress the earth into a lump, it should crumble).
In the spring, with the onset of heat, it can be taken out of dormancy, but this should be done gradually.

It is impossible to bring from cold to heat without first heating the soil in a pot. It is necessary to increase the temperature and the amount of light gradually, over several days, in order to avoid leaf fall due to temperature differences.

That's all the advice that will help the lemon tree to endure the winter period normally. If they are observed, your green pet will again delight you with flowering in the spring, and subsequently with delicious fruits.

The lemon tree is an unpretentious indoor plant that easily adapts to home conditions. For its active growth and development, it will be necessary to create suitable conditions, as well as perform simple manipulations to care for and protect against pests. This article will help you understand all the intricacies of growing a lemon with your own hands, as well as tell you about the rules for planting and how to propagate a tree.

Material for planting a lemon tree

For planting a tree at home use:

  • fruit pits;
  • cuttings.

Selection of fruits

When buying lemons in a store or on the market, you need to choose only ripe fruits, from which the planting material will be extracted. Citruses should be bright yellow in color with a characteristic odor.

For harvesting seeds, choose only ripe fruits

  • lethargic;
  • green;
  • rotten.

Seed lemon trees grow and develop much faster than plants from cuttings. They adapt better to room conditions(level of air humidity, temperature and lighting) and are less exposed to various diseases.

Planting cuttings

Cuttings are also actively used for growing at home. They can be purchased at a flower shop, or taken from a familiar grower.

Important! The offshoot lemon tree has the genetic material of its "parents".

Disadvantages of the method:

  • the need to search for cuttings;
  • financial costs for the purchase of planting material;

lemon tree sprout

  • sprouts do not adapt well to the new environment;
  • the crown of the plant is not so lush (unlike citrus grown from a stone).

Soil preparation for lemon seeds

Before you start planting the seeds in the ground, you need to prepare the pots and the ground. For active germination of grains, it is ideal as a special soil for citrus plants, it is sold in flower shops, and the soil home cooking. If the purchased land is already ready for use, then homemade soil should be given a little time and attention. It should consist of:

  • ½ sod land;
  • ½ humus land;
  • a small amount of fertilizer - charcoal and / or peat.

Advice. Flowerpots for planting must be taken capacious and deep so that the root system has a place for its growth and development.

Planting a grain in the ground:

  1. Expanded clay, pieces of charcoal or polystyrene are placed at the bottom of the flowerpot (this material will serve as drainage).
  2. The pot is filled with prepared or purchased soil.
  3. The earth is moistened with rain or purified water.
  4. Several grains are planted in a container, immersed to a depth of 0.5-1 cm.
  5. The flowerpot is covered with a film to create greenhouse conditions.

At proper fit, sprouts appear quite quickly

After 2-2.5 weeks, the first sprouts will already appear on the soil surface, the strongest of them are transplanted into another container for further germination.

  • Lemon, like a southern plant, loves heat very much (the ideal temperature for a lemon is 17-27 degrees). Flowerpots with shoots must be placed in a bright room, but not under the direct rays of the sun.
  • The tree needs moderate watering (2-3 times a week), since an excess of moisture leads to rotting of the root, and its lack leads to the death of the plant.
  • For irrigation, use only settled, rain or purified water.
  • Flower growers recommend spraying the tree crown 2-3 times a week (especially in winter) and wiping its leaves from dust.

Fertilizing the soil and top dressing lemon

Lemon, like any other plant, needs fertilizer and top dressing. They noticeably accelerate the growth and development of the tree, fill it with all the necessary useful substances. Experts recommend feeding the lemon tree once every three months.

The lemon tree needs to be fertilized several times a year.

For feeding and fertilizing indoor citrus plants use:

  • sodium nitrate (13 g per 1 liter of rainwater);
  • ammonium nitrate(5 g per 1 liter of water);
  • bird droppings (it is mixed with water (ratio - 1: 1), insisted for 2-3 weeks, diluted with plenty of water (1:20), poured under the root);
  • other ready-made dressings sold in specialized stores.

Important! The amount of fertilizer should be moderate, as they are able to accumulate in the plant and its fruits.

Reproduction methods

At home, lemons multiply:

  • seeds;
  • bends;
  • cuttings.

Lemon tree cuttings

Reproduction by seeds is a fairly common method, it is simple and understandable. Fruits on such plants appear only 10-12 years after planting.


  1. This is another way to propagate the lemon tree, and is used in spring or summer. Breeding technology:
  2. A twig with 3-4 green leaves is cut off with a sharp knife or pruner (the lower edge of the shoot should have a pointed edge).
  3. Immerse it in a specialized liquid (growth activator) for 10-12 hours.
  4. The treated shoot is planted in prepared sandy soil.
  5. It is plentifully sprayed with water, covered with a film (such water procedures are repeated daily).
  6. When young sprouts appear, the film is removed from the handle, cared for in accordance with all the requirements and recommendations of specialists.

Reproduction by grafting

Inoculations in the cleft actively propagate indoor lemons. This method is quite effective, but not everyone can succeed. Technology:

Indoor citrus pests

  • fungus;
  • various harmful bacteria;
  • viruses.

Important! Diseases can be seen by the appearance of spots and flaws on the foliage, a decrease in its size, the appearance of various growths and raids.

Common citrus tree diseases:

  • gommosis;
  • scab;

Lemon disease - scab

  • root rot;
  • sooty fungus;
  • stickiness of the sheets (a sign of the appearance of scale insects).

Gommosis is one of the most serious diseases. It appears in the lower part of the tree, gradually spreading to its upper part (tubercles with a dark brown liquid form on the trunk, "burns" and cracks appear on the affected branches). Gommosis is very difficult to treat. In this situation, only processing with copper sulphate and stripping branches can help.

Manifestation of gommosis

Soot fungus also often disturbs citrus fruits. It manifests itself in the form of dark spots on the foliage, they have a bad effect on the growth and development of the lemon. You can fight it with the help of warm water, it is washed off the formed stains, thereby freeing the leaves from plaque.

Sticky leaves are the result of the appearance of a scale insect. You can fight it with ready-made means that are sold in specialized stores, as well as with the help of folk remedies.

How to grow a lemon at home: video

Growing a lemon from a stone: photo

For seven years I have not bought lemons in the store. This is because I managed to grow several citrus trees at home in pots. There is really nothing complicated about this. In this article I will tell you how to care for a lemon at home.

Lemon is an evergreen perennial. It has strong spiny branches with purple tips, large leathery leaves and ovoid fruits. Homemade lemons bloom for 7-9 weeks, all this time delighting their owner with a pleasant aroma.

They can bear fruit in the third year after planting. The fruits ripen for several months. To taste, they practically do not differ from lemons grown in tropical countries.

Beneficial features

Lemon is not just ornamental plant is your reliable home assistant. It has many useful properties:

  • Phytoncides, which are secreted by citrus leaves, purify the air of microbes.
  • The aroma of lemon helps to increase tone, helps a person fight stress.
  • Citrus fruits contain a lot of vitamin C, which is necessary for a person to quickly recover from colds and flu.

Favorably affects a person essential oil lemon, which can be obtained from its leaves. It improves mood, relieves cold symptoms, relieves anxiety.

What varieties are suitable for home growing

At home, lemons of the following varieties grow well:

  • Genoa is a low-growing variety, has a high yield, gives delicious fragrant fruits.
  • Lisbon is a tall growing variety that tolerates high temperatures well.
  • Pavlovsky lemon is a low variety that delights its owners with fruits with a thin peel.
  • Meyer lemon is one of the most popular low-growing homemade varieties. Gives sour fruits.

Any of these varieties grows well in apartment conditions and does not require complex care. You need to choose the lemon that you like the most in terms of taste and appearance, and you can safely proceed to its landing.

Growing your own lemon

At home, lemons can be grown from cuttings or seeds. The first option is easier. To grow a lemon from a cutting, you need to do this:

  1. Purchase a cutting of the variety of your choice. It is better to buy it from trusted people, as inexperienced gardeners often cut the cuttings incorrectly, which is why young plants die before they have time to take root in the soil.
  2. The stalk must be placed in water or in a mixture of sand and earth. It is deepened by 2 centimeters and covered plastic wrap to provide the required level of humidity.
  3. After 2-3 weeks, the plant that has taken root is transplanted into the ground. Deepen it into the ground by 2-3 centimeters. In order for a young lemon to grow well, it is placed in a room with a temperature of 20-25 degrees Celsius.

Since it is rather difficult to buy quality cuttings, growing a homemade lemon from seeds is more reliable, in my opinion.

For this purpose, the bones of any ripe lemon bought in the store are suitable. The process of germinating seeds is quite simple:

  1. From a ripe citrus, you need to pull out the bone, rinse it thoroughly under warm water. After that, you should lower it into warm water so that it is only half deep. The container with the bone must be removed in a place that is hard to reach for children and pets.
  2. Next, you need to monitor the condition of the bone, periodically changing the water in the container. As soon as it cracks and a small sprout appears on the surface, the future lemon will need to be transplanted into a small pot. At this stage, you can use ordinary universal soil to grow the plant, then it will need to be replaced with a special mixture, which includes two parts of dry clay and leafy soil, as well as part of the sand and part of the manure. The bone itself should be half-immersed in the ground, otherwise it will not grow.

After transplantation, a young lemon will grow rapidly and gain strength. In order for the plant not to die at this stage, it needs to be properly cared for.

How to care for lemon at home

Room lemon is pretty unpretentious plant. In order for it to grow well and quickly, it needs to provide:

  1. Regular watering at least 2 times a week. For this purpose, it is recommended to use settled filtered water.
  2. Top dressing. It should be carried out once every 3-4 weeks in the summer months and once every one and a half months in the winter. For this purpose it is necessary to use mineral and organic fertilizers. In order for the plant to form correctly, it is recommended to alternate such dressings. They need to be planted in moist soil.
  3. Pruning. It is carried out in April, until the lemon tree has entered the phase of active growth. Its trunk is shortened to 5 true leaves. After that, the tree is pruned once a year at the beginning of spring.
  4. Frequent spraying. It allows you to make lemon leaves juicy and fleshy, and the fruits more fragrant.

Flowering in indoor lemon usually begins in the 2nd year after planting. Its fruits are formed on the branches of the second, third, fourth order.

If you want to treat yourself to homemade lemons, in the third year of a houseplant's life, remove half of the flowers from it and leave 4 fruit ovaries. The next year, their number can be increased to 6, and a year later - up to 8.

At proper care Behind the tree, homemade lemons are juicy and fragrant. To taste, they do not step on their store counterparts.

Plant care in winter

Lemon does not tolerate cold. The plant needs to provide a temperature of +15 to +18 degrees in winter time. If possible, he should be provided with additional lighting due to a UV lamp. To make the lemon feel better, it is recommended to slightly warm up the water for watering it in the cold season.

You also need to ensure that the air in the room with citrus does not dry out. If central heating is making it very dry, spray lemon leaves or use an automatic humidifier.


In general, grow homemade lemon not as difficult as it might seem. To succeed in this business, it is enough to choose the right cutting or seed, as well as follow all the recommendations for caring for a house tree in a pot. Then, already in the third year, lemon can please you with its fragrant fruits.

Growing a lemon tree at home is a very simple process. Moreover, it is available to every fan of experimenting, because it is enough to sow a few seeds taken from fresh fruits, and you will grow a neat tree. True, without grafting or artificial pollination, the fruits of a homemade lemon are unlikely to ripen, but in terms of decorative qualities, the plant will not be inferior to any other indoor flowers.

What a homemade lemon tree looks like: photos and descriptions of flowers, leaves and fruits

Lemon (Citrus lemon L.) belongs to the rue family, the orange subfamily, and the citrus genus. In addition to lemon, this genus includes mandarin, orange, citron, brigaradia, grapefruit, etc. According to the established classification, all these fruits are called citrus fruits.

All citrus fruits, including lemon, are evergreens. In the cold season, they do not shed their leaves: there is no outflow in them nutrients, like other trees, but their constant accumulation takes place. Thus, the leaves are, as it were, a repository of elements important for the plant, which are spent exclusively on the growth of new leaves, shoots and branches, as well as on fruiting. It is very easy to distinguish a healthy tree from a diseased one: a healthy lemon tree has an abundance of green healthy leaves that are actively involved in the physiological processes of growth.

A leaf of a lemon tree lives, as a rule, from two to three years. Leaves fall off gradually as they age. If a sharp fall of the leaf cover is detected, this indicates that the growth mechanism is broken and the plant needs to be fertilized with fertilizers. If a tree loses leaves, it negatively affects its fruiting.

The root system has one curious feature that should be given a little attention. The roots of most plants are webs of root hairs through which they draw water and nutrients from the ground. Citrus fruits, including lemon, do not have these. They are replaced by special soil fungi, located on the roots of a tree in the form of thickenings, called mycorrhiza. The relationship between fungi and wood is built on the basis of symbiosis: the fungus receives nutrients from the tree, and in turn provides the plant with the consumption of everything necessary for growth.

The capriciousness of the symbiotic fungus is largely determined by the behavior of the tree itself. The fact is that mycorrhiza is quite sensitive to temperature and other factors. For example, it does not tolerate lack of moisture and lack of air when the ground is too dense. At temperatures above 50 ° C and below 7 ° C, it dies.

Flower buds are formed mainly in spring. From the moment of appearance, the buds develop for a month and only then bloom. Flowering lasts several days, during which pollination occurs. A few days after the petals fall, the rudiments of the fetus are formed.

Look at the photo - a lemon tree often forms many ovaries at the first fruiting:

But since young tree still cannot properly maintain fruiting, many ovaries crumble before reaching maturity.

Lemons are perhaps the most capricious of citrus fruits: temperatures below 7 ° C are fatal for them, and at negative temperatures, various metabolic disorders occur. Thus, the lemon is quite whimsical, but this quality is more than offset by the valuable substances that it possesses.

Lemon is a perennial tree-like plant, 4–5 m high (but often smaller), with flexible branches, in most cases with thorns. Its leaves are dark green, with spines growing in the axils of the leaves. Leaf blades are elongated-ovate or elliptical in shape with crenate or finely serrate serrations. Leaf petioles with narrow wings or wingless. Lemon blooms with small, white and clustered flowers with a very pleasant aroma. Buds can also be reddish-purple.

As you can see in the photo, the petals of the lemon tree flowers are oval, strongly bent, the cups are slightly serrated, with a characteristic aroma of a lemon:

The fruits of the lemon tree are oval, light green, sour and edible. The fruits have a very thin peel, few seeds, high vitamin C content, strong aroma. They taste very sour (7.2% citric acid), and their yield can reach 20-30 pieces per year from each plant. A homemade lemon tree looks like a garden one, only in miniature.

Tropical and subtropical regions are traditionally considered the birthplace of citrus fruits. South-East Asia and India. The lemon is no exception. In these areas, nature has created ideal conditions for his life: the combination of the right amount of light, heat and moisture allows the tree to bear fruit all year round - flowering is observed 2-3 times a year. As you can see, the conditions under which the lemon culture was born are ideal, but this does not mean that the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthis citrus fruit has not spread to other parts of the world.

Citrus fruits are generally cultivated in Asia for more than one century, even more than one millennium. For example, the Chinese did not limit themselves to simple cultivation of crops and proved to be skillful breeders. Even in the first centuries BC, new varieties of lemon were bred there, which came to Europe after many centuries.

On the territory of Russia, lemon can be grown in the southern regions with a subtropical climate, for example, on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. But even in such a mild climate as the Black Sea, it is often necessary to use greenhouses, since in the winter season quite strong frosts and a large amount of precipitation in the form of snow are not uncommon. To increase the frost resistance of lemon, breeders are developing new varieties with increased resistance to low temperatures. Lemon in this case is crossed with other representatives of citrus fruits, depending on what goals are pursued by such selection.

History of the lemon tree

The name "lemon" comes, presumably, from the Malay word "lemo"; and in China, this plant is called "limung", which means "beneficial for mothers." Lemons are native to India and Indochina, where they grow wild in the Nilshkhim mountains at the foot of the Himalayas. From there, the lemon gradually penetrated into Mesopotamia, where it acclimatized.

More than three thousand years ago, people knew about the healing properties of lemon and used its fruits to treat many diseases. According to legend, Pharaoh Mikerena drank a miraculous composition of garlic and lemon to maintain vigor of the body and spirit.

Ancient medicine recommended lemon for vomiting, fever, and diarrhea. The stomach was washed with a decoction of its fruits, the peel was used for snake bites. As a prevention of cholera and jaundice in the countries of Asia Minor and the Middle East, sour fruits of a medicinal tree are still added to many dishes.

Theophrastus called the lemon the apple of the Mussel. Among the Romans, this plant appears in the 4th century AD. e., after Palladius brought it to Italy from Media.

From the history of the lemon tree, it is known that the Arabs contributed to the active spread of lemon in Africa, Europe; from the gardens of Oman in Egypt they brought it to Palestine in the 10th century, and from there the crusaders brought it to Italy and Sicily.

The first information about the cultivation of the lemon tree in the gardens of Georgia dates back to the beginning of the 18th century. Currently, lemon is bred in the subtropical zone of the Caucasus. In 1934, this plant was brought to Tajikistan, where it is grown in semi-closed trenches. Up to 500 fruits are harvested from one tree. The largest plantations of lemon trees in the world are in Italy.

Lemon was brought to Russia more than a hundred years ago from Turkey. In the village of Pavlovo-on-Oka, not far from Nizhny Novgorod, Turkish merchants visited and treated the owners with lemons. From lemon seeds, residents began to grow lemon trees at home. During the season, 10–15 fruits were removed from one tree. Since that time, the passion for indoor gardening began to spread throughout Russia.

Lemon tree: benefits, healing properties and applications

The juicy pulp of the lemon fruit contains 5–7% citric acid and a lot of vitamin C. However, the skin of this valuable vitamin is 2–3 times more than the pulp. Vitamin P, also present in the skin, improves metabolism in the walls of blood vessels, and therefore increases their elasticity, thereby preventing the appearance of sclerotic changes. In addition, the skin of the lemon fruit is rich in essential oil (0.6%), contains flavonoid glycosides: hesperidin, eriocitrin and furocoumarin.

The combined action of vitamins C and P increases the efficiency of the body, reduces its fatigue, and facilitates the treatment of many diseases.

In addition to vitamin C, lemon fruits contain vitamin B1 (0.05–0.03 mg), a small amount of vitamin A (0.02–0.15 mg). They also contain citric acid (5–6%), nitrogen substances (0.05%), sugars (0.87%) and water (90.74%).

As soon as people learned about this valuable fruit and useful properties lemon, more and more ways to use the fruit began to appear. They are used in the treatment of patients from many ailments and simply to maintain human immunity, to raise the tone.

People who are convinced in practice of the enormous benefits of the fruits of the lemon tree claim that lemon has not only anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and analgesic properties, but also has a diuretic, choleretic, hemostatic and calming effect. In folk medicine, it is also used as an antihelminthic. And preparations based on it are also used for various inflammations of the respiratory tract, diseases of the stomach, cardiovascular system, tuberculosis, beriberi, scurvy, inflammation of the oral cavity, fungal skin lesions, as well as rheumatism, gout and other types of joint diseases.

Lemon essential oil is used in aromatherapy as a heart tonic, bactericidal, disinfectant, anti-febrile and immunity booster.

Juice rich in vitamin C is used, perhaps, more often than all other components of lemon fruits, both in the form of drinks and as part of preparations for external use. And among other fruit juices, it is in the leading group in terms of useful qualities. But lemon juice should be consumed immediately after receiving it, since during long-term storage under the influence of air, most of the vitamin C is destroyed.

Useful properties of lemon for the human body

In prescription medication traditional medicine all parts of a lemon are used: zest, whole peel, pulp, juice, and essential oil. And, as the legend says, even seeds.

Lemon fruits, as mentioned earlier, impress with their rich composition: they contain up to 8% organic acids, up to 3% sugars, minerals, vitamins, phytoncides, alkaline elements and nitrogenous substances.

Ignore healing properties lemon, this storehouse of health, is simply unreasonable, especially since there are no contraindications, except for individual intolerance.

Scientists have proven that vitamin C in mature lemon fruits contains about 50-65 mg per 100 g of weight, in the ovaries - 83 mg, in the peel of the fruit - 163 mg, and in the tops of the young shoots of the plant - 880 mg! Therefore, knowing about the beneficial properties of lemon for the human body, it is recommended to eat this fruit completely, without a trace.

So, the peel of a lemon is the outer, pigmented skin - and its whole peel is very useful, since it contains 3 times more vitamin C than the pulp of the fruit and the supply of citrine in the peel from one lemon is 3-4 doses of the daily requirement of the body .

Lemon oil is often used to prevent diseases and strengthen the immune system, which is an excellent food supplement.

How a lemon tree propagates: growing from cuttings and layering

The lemon tree, like many other plants, propagates by cuttings, layering and seeds.

Rooting cuttings is the fastest and easiest way to propagate it. Under favorable conditions, lemon cuttings take root in 2-3 weeks. They root better when planted on cleanly washed river sand.

Cuttings 6–10 cm long (with 3–5 leaves) are cut from one-, two- or three-year-old branches of a cultivated indoor lemon. The lower cut on the handle is made oblique, directly under the kidney, and the upper one is straight above the upper kidney. Before planting, the bottom sheet of the cutting is completely removed, the bottom cut is sprinkled with crushed charcoal, protecting it from decay. Immediately after planting, the stalk is watered and covered with a 0.5-liter jar. The most favorable temperature for rooting cuttings is 20-25 degrees. After 1.5 months, the rooted stalk is transplanted into a pot with a diameter of 10–12 cm, with a specially prepared soil mixture. The following composition of the soil mixture is recommended: granular sod land 5 parts, manure humus 2 parts, leaf (forest) humus 2 parts, river sand 1 part. The lemon is planted in a pot somewhat deeper than when rooting, but the root neck of the plant should not be covered with soil by more than 1 cm. temperature. good development seedlings contribute to feeding a young seedling with weak solutions of slurry, and then every 10–12 days with infusion of mullein or horse manure, diluted with water 6 times. In the infusion, you can add ammonium nitrate at the rate of 2 g per liter of infusion.

Growing lemon indoors is also possible using the hydroponic method. Green cuttings are rooted in spring in expanded clay. In summer, young plants are planted in double flowerpots or in pots with gravel, expanded clay or in a mixture of sand and expanded clay. Then correct pruning branches of the first and second orders receive branches of the third and fourth orders. Every year, flowers appear on young shoots, and with artificial 2-3-fold pollination, fruits are tied. With an excess of nitrogen in nutrient solution the lemon turns into a beautifully leafy plant with large dark green leaves, but it does not bear fruit.

How to graft and grow a lemon tree from seed at home

It is easy to grow a lemon from fresh seeds, which are planted immediately after they are taken out of the fruit, to a depth of 1 cm. Before growing a lemon tree from seeds, you can leave them to lie a little in a cotton pad moistened with water. They germinate in a month. The wildlings obtained in this way at the age of 3-4 years must be grafted to accelerate fruiting and improve the quality of the fruit.

Another way to get a fruit-bearing tree is grafting. How to graft a lemon tree yourself? To do this, a bud or cutting from a fruiting specimen is grafted into the crown of a seedling that has reached the age of one. Such a plant begins to bloom on the 2nd-3rd year, and it is advisable to leave the fruits starting from the next year after flowering, always adhering to the rule: 10-15 ripe leaves per ovary.

The easiest way to get a plant is to buy a lemon tree of the appropriate age and size, given that such plants are expensive and it makes sense to purchase them only if they were grown in conditions that coincide as closely as possible with the conditions of your premises.

How to care for a lemon tree at home

Growing indoor lemon at home is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. The lemon tree at home is quite shade tolerant, it adapts well to room conditions, it tends to bloom almost continuously. But the strongest flowering occurs in spring, especially after a long dormant period in winter.

Fruits develop without pollination, ripening lasts from 7 to 14 months. If yellow lemons are not cut before winter, they begin to turn green again by spring. In summer, their peel thickens, turns yellow again in autumn, but despite their large size, biennial fruits have worse taste, and this weakens the plant. To care for a lemon tree at home, the most favorable temperature for flowering and fruit set is from +17 to +18 ° C. The ovary crumbles from a lack of nutrients, high temperature, dry air and soil, drafts, excess moisture and lack of lighting in winter, as well as sharp turns relative to the cardinal points and a change of place.

In a room for a lemon tree, the window sill is the most suitable place. However, the negative point is the significant hypothermia of the root system in winter, which weakens the water supply from the roots to the leaves, while they, due to the high air temperature, evaporate a lot of moisture. This can be eliminated by placing the foam under the bowl or placing it in a heat-insulating planter (container).

Even knowing how to grow a lemon tree at home, do not forget that for normal development, the plant needs a good light regime, which should last 8 hours in winter, 10–14 hours in summer. Therefore, if possible, it should be placed near a bright window. In winter, additional lighting is usually carried out with a lamp. daylight in the morning and evening for 5-6 hours a day, placing the lamp 50-60 cm from the plant. The lemon is sensitive to changes in light, so it should not be moved from place to place, otherwise it will stop growing until it adapts to new lighting conditions.

Watering and fertilizing the lemon tree

In summer, during a period of strong growth, watering a lemon tree should be plentiful, the earthen ball should not dry out. In winter, it is enough to pour water at room temperature 2-3 times a week in warm rooms and 1-2 times a week in cool rooms. Both overdrying of the earth and excess moisture in winter with a lack of light causes leaf fall. Very useful for lemon daily spraying with water, especially if the plant is in a city apartment with central heating, where the air is very dry. Once every 10-15 days, lemon leaves should be wiped with a wet cloth to remove dust.

Citrus fruits prefer breathable substrates, because with a lack of oxygen, their roots quickly rot. In the process of caring for a lemon tree, remember that its root system is also sensitive to lack of moisture. In this case, the soil lags behind the roots, in citrus fruits they are devoid of hairs and voids form. The roots are covered with a cork layer, which further prevents the absorption of nutrients from the soil. When composing substrates, one cannot ignore the age of seedlings. As a rule, young plants need a lighter mixture, and adult trees are planted in soil with the addition of clay soil. They are very responsive to fertilization. To fertilize indoor lemons, you can use both organic and complex chlorine-free mineral fertilizers. The timing of fertilizer application must be timed to the spring-summer period, that is, with active vegetation of plants from early March to mid-September, 2-3 times a month. In winter, during the dormant period, fertilizers are not applied.

Having an idea of ​​​​how to properly care for a lemon tree, organic fertilizers can be used - manure, mullein (1:10), chicken manure (1:20), and complex chlorine-free mineral top dressings.

From two summer age an indoor lemon tree is transplanted every year into a pot of a larger (2-3 cm) diameter, be sure to gradually increase the size of the dishes. You can not immediately plant a lemon in a large pot.

Of the pests, lemon, when grown indoors, is most often damaged by scale insects. To destroy them, the bushes are washed with a soap-oil emulsion, prepared at the rate of 40–50 g of laundry soap and 10–15 g of machine oil per 1 liter of water. It is better to apply the emulsion with a hard toothbrush, while removing the shields. After 2-3 hours, the plant is washed with warm water. Such treatment, if necessary, is carried out 3-4 times, repeating in a week. At good care and creating favorable conditions, a lemon grown from a cutting begins to bear fruit in the 3rd–4th year.

The video "Lemon tree at home" shows how to grow this plant:

How to properly form a lemon tree

For successful fruiting of lemons, a properly formed crown is important. To do this, in the 1st year of life, the top of the plant is cut off in early February, leaving four leaves on the plant. In summer, 3-4 branches of the first order will develop on the stem from the leaf axils, in which the tops are also cut off the next year, leaving 2 leaves on each branch. On each of the branches of the first order, two shoots of the second order are allowed to develop. This is how a crown of 6-8 main branches is obtained, on which shoots of the third and fourth orders will develop in the future. With the appearance of branches of the fourth order, the formation of the crown ends. Flowering and fruiting in houseplant the lemon tree occurs on the branches of the fourth order. Flowers and fruits are formed on thin twigs-fruits, directed horizontally.

In the process of forming a lemon tree, the so-called fatty shoots that appear at the bottom of the trunk or at the base of the lower leaves must be cut out as soon as they appear. Fatty shoots are unable to bloom and bear fruit, they grow very quickly in the form of long twigs, consume most of the mineral salts coming from the roots, and therefore inhibit the growth of other branches in plants. If you leave them, then the lemons will endlessly bush, but not bloom. In summer, it is better to take out a lemon in greenhouses arranged on a balcony, protecting the plant from rain and direct sunlight with frames and visors.

The best varieties of indoor lemon for home growing: photo and description

A wide variety of forms and varieties of lemon are divided into three groups:

  • sour lemons, combining varieties and forms of typical lemons;
  • sweet lemons - a group of acid-free varieties;
  • forms close to a real lemon (ponderose, rough lemon, etc.).

Lemon fruits, regardless of their belonging to the above groups, depending on the conditions of their cultivation, can be classified according to the following criteria: thin- and thick-skinned; oval, ovoid or rounded (according to the shape of the fruit); seed and seedless (according to the presence of seeds).

Many varieties of lemon are remontant, ie. That is, under favorable temperature conditions, they can bloom and bear fruit throughout the year.

All varieties of indoor lemons that are grown indoors have a high multiplication factor. Almost all semi-lignified cuttings take root under optimal care conditions.

When indoor cultivation of lemons is extremely important right choice special varieties adapted to low light and resistant to dry indoor air.

Pavlovsky- one of the most attractive varieties of this type of citrus, intended for growing indoors. The variety was bred more than a hundred years ago in Pavlovo-on-Oka, Gorky region. According to legend, two original mother lemon specimens were brought here from Turkey by one artisan. Since then, the cultivation of lemons and other citrus fruits has become a tradition in this town.

Plants are propagated by cuttings, which take root in 15-25 days. How to grow a lemon tree of this variety at home? This variety of lemon is well adapted to keeping in rooms even with low lighting and increased dryness of the air. It can be cultivated all year round, including on the north or northeast windows, in semi-basements, where there is very little light. At the same time, lemons do not lose their appearance, bloom and bear fruit well, withstand dry air in the rooms.

Maykop- a variety of folk selection, obtained by selecting seedlings in the city of Maykop. The average yield is 300-350 fruits from an adult tree in the prime of fruiting. It is well adapted to indoor conditions, including unfavorable ones. Its great advantage is its small size (dwarfism).

Chinese dwarf (meyer lemon) - found by F. Meyer in 1908 near Beijing among lovers of tub culture. It is a spontaneous hybrid of lemon and orange, high-yielding and early in the fruiting period. The tree is almost dwarf (the rootstock has a very strong influence). It blooms profusely and bears fruit annually, without "holidays". The fruits taste like a cross between a lemon and an orange, but without the aroma of lemon, they are closer in color and structure to an orange, and in taste - to a lemon.

As you can see in the photo, such a home-grown lemon tree has round-oval fruits, orange skin, smooth, shiny and thin, easily removed:

Segments 10. The pulp is also orange, juicy, contains about 4% citric acid. Seeds are few or completely absent. Frost resistance hybrid variety higher than regular lemon. The Chinese dwarf bears abundantly and regularly, as a rule, 2–3 years after inoculation. In cultivation, the variety is unpretentious, but requires bright rooms. In terms of decorative and taste qualities, the Meyer lemon completely replaces the ordinary lemon.

Ponderosa- this variety refers to lemons conditionally, because it differs significantly from other varieties of this type of citrus. According to some scientists, it is rather a kind of lemon. Most people think that this is a hybrid of lemon and pompelmus.

By its nature, it is a dwarf tree. Even in greenhouses, old 25-year-old specimens reach only 1.5 meters in height.

It blooms very profusely, sometimes the number of flowers interferes with the development of plants.

The fruits of this variety of lemon for home growing differ from the fruits of other varieties in shape, aroma, size, reach 400 g or more. They are almost pear-shaped, with a blunt apex and a somewhat spherical lower end. The skin is too thick, rough, rough, bumpy, rarely glossy, more often matte. The flesh tastes like an orange, but sweeter, pale yellow. It looks like a real lemon in color. chemical composition and the taste is almost indistinguishable from it. Contains up to 2.5% sugar, 5-8% citric acid and up to 40-80 mg of vitamin C, which is stored in fruits for a long time. They have a very specific aroma. The variety is especially decorative during flowering and fruiting. Grows well indoors. Of all the varieties, it is most adapted to adverse room conditions, withstands bright light and shade, but prefers good lighting. Ponderosa indoors may shed leaves during the winter, but this occurs much less than other varieties.

AT open field Ponderosa is rarely grown due to the excessive size of the fruit and low yield: old specimens produce no more than 10–15 fruits per year; in room conditions, the crop does not exceed 2-5 pieces.

Despite the fact that Ponderosa has poor shoot growth, the variety forms a large number of buds at the ends of branches and shoots. By the way, this also differs from other ordinary varieties of lemon, which lay fruits in the axils of the leaves, which is why it is considered a hybrid.

The percentage of fruit set is low - only 1-2 fruits develop from a large mass of flowers on one shoot.

The leaves of the Ponderosa variety are dark green, the plate near the base is rounded (in other varieties it is pointed), stipules on short petioles, large, convex. The breeding coefficient of the variety is low due to weak growth.

The Skiernevitsky Lemon is a variation of Ponderosa. It is a dwarf tree that easily propagates vegetatively and begins to bloom and bear fruit very early. Cuttings from it were brought in 1967 to the Skiernevitsky Institute of Horticulture and Floriculture (Poland) from Canada and propagated.

This variety blooms very early. When cutting small plant with 1-2 leaves gives an inflorescence of flowers (5-8 per brush).

Fruits weighing up to 200 g, have a wonderful aroma, taste like lemon, most often without seeds. Plants are unpretentious, tolerate room conditions well.

Kursk. Plants of this variety are undersized, have a spreading crown, the fruits are no worse than southern ones in taste. Propagated by cuttings, grafting, layering. The variety is high-yielding, tolerates poor lighting and relatively dry air indoors, adapted to short-term frosts.

Novogruzinsky. One of the best varieties of indoor lemon, intended for indoor cultivation. The tree is medium-sized, with a spreading crown. The fruits are oval, with a wide, blunt, nipple-like protrusion at the tip, encircled on one side by a groove. Near the base, the fruit tapers into a short wrinkled neck. The skin is light yellow, rough or smooth and shiny, usually thick. The pulp of the fruit is tender, juicy, has 9-12 segments. Fruits are either without seeds, or there are few of them - 2-6 pieces in one lemon.

Odessa. Variety bred in Odessa botanical garden seedling selection method. The variety is very fruitful and undemanding to growing conditions.

Drummer. The tree is medium. Fruits weighing up to 200 g, oval or obovate, with a wide blunt nipple at the top, often surrounded by a semicircular groove. The neck near the base is short, wrinkled. The skin is golden yellow, almost without bitterness, slightly rough. The pulp is fragrant, pleasant in taste, has 8-11 segments. The fruit contains up to 14 seeds.

Lisbon. Tree of medium height. The fruits are oblong-oval, slightly pointed, with a slightly wrinkled nipple at the tip, with a small groove near the base of the nipple. The skin is thin, smooth and shiny. Pulp with 9–11 segments. The fruit has 4–5 seeds, has a strong aroma, is well transported and stored.

The variety tolerates high temperature and dry air well. In room conditions, it is cultivated with great success.

Genoa. The tree is short, has a beautiful crown, shoots with a small number of thorns. The fruits are oblong-oval, with a small elongated nipple at the top of the fruit. The pulp is tender in taste, juicy. Skin without bitterness. Well cultivated indoors.

Cabo. There is an assumption that this is a hybrid of lemon and citron. Weak tree, blooms profusely, gives large yields. The fruits are large, oval or broad-egg-shaped, at the top with an annular groove, orange-yellow in color. The taste of the fruit is peculiar, slightly bitter.

Villa Franca. Variety Villa Franca is a bushy tree with a well-developed densely leafy crown, with strong elastic branches. There are few or no spines. The leaves are medium in size, light green, with a wedge-shaped base, pointed at the top. The flowers are small in comparison with the flowers of other varieties of lemon.

Fruits are medium or above average in size, oblong-oval in shape, with a short blunt nipple having a groove in the form of a semicircle at the base. The skin is smooth, dense, of medium thickness. The pulp is tender, fine-grained, very juicy, fragrant, light yellow in color. Slices in the fruit - 9 - 11. The pulp is of very good taste.

A characteristic feature of this variety is a relatively early entry into the fruiting period, often in the second or third year after planting the grafted plants in a permanent place.

Lemon Jubilee- the most unpretentious variety. It has the largest leaves compared to other varieties - leathery, dark green. The height of the tree is on average 80-120 cm. It blooms in clusters - 1012 flowers per inflorescence, the flowers are very large, beautiful, up to 5 cm in diameter, the tree is all strewn with flowers. The fruits are large, weighing up to 300–500 g, oval or round in shape. This lemon does not need to be shaped, it is shade-tolerant, it tolerates the dry air of the apartment very well.

Commune. It is considered one of the best varieties in terms of yield and fruit quality. Having reached 4 - 5 years of age, one tree of this variety can produce up to 60 fruits. Trees of medium height, with a dense crown, with infrequent small spines. The fruits, as a rule, grow large, oval in shape, practically without seeds, the pulp of the fruit is very juicy, tender, the juice tastes sour and very fragrant. The nipple of the fetus is rough, short and blunt, with an indistinct groove at the base. Peel of medium thickness, slightly bumpy, smooth

How to grow lemon fruits at home

Many flower growers, knowing how to plant a lemon and grow a beautiful tree out of it, are faced with such a problem as the lack of flowers and fruits. A plant grown from a cutting, under favorable conditions, should begin to bear fruit in the third, or even in the second year of life. When this does not happen, it is possible that the lemon lacks nutrients or the conditions of detention are not suitable for it.

How to grow a lemon with fruits at home? If the grower believes that care is provided properly, then flowering can be stimulated by grafting a branch from a fruiting specimen. In the event that there are flowers, but the fruits are not tied, you can try to pollinate the plant yourself with a cotton swab. It is worth making a little effort and the plant will surely please you with tasty and juicy fruits.

Problems When Growing Houseplant Lemon Tree

One of the problems with indoor lemon growing is leaf curl. This can occur both due to unfavorable conditions of detention (lack of fresh air, dry air, rare spraying, insufficient watering), and due to damage by herbivorous mites (wipe lemon leaves with a soft sponge dipped in hot 50-degree soapy water - 20 g of liquid green soap per 1 liter of water, the next day after the procedure, give the lemon a “shower”). Take the lemon out in the summer to fresh air, put the pot of lemon in a wide container of water on a stand (so that water does not flow into the drainage hole), in the summer water the lemon regularly and spray at least 2 times a day.

New leaves are too small, and old ones gradually turn yellow and fall off. This is due to the lack of sufficient nutrients in the soil.

Yellow spots appear on the leaves or the leaves turn very yellow, starting from the edges. This indicates too frequent watering. The soil should dry out between waterings.

Leaves fall in droves. We can talk about overflow, about the lack of sunlight (especially true in winter). Often the leaves fall off lemons that are watered very cold water and even from an excess of nutrients in the soil.

Lemon is an exotic, beautiful and fragrant plant that can be grown at home, and also get healthy and tasty fruits. But for this you have to work hard, because the tree is quite whimsical. In our article you will find everything about caring for lemon at home. How to choose the best soil and place for growing citrus, the type of lemon that is right for you, and what to do if the tree suddenly starts to hurt. Having studied all the subtleties and recommendations, you will soon be able to enjoy tea with a slice of your own grown sour citrus.

Indoor lemon variety selection for home growing

Growing a lemon at home is a matter that requires regular care and suitable conditions. Not everything is as clear as it seems. Choosing the right varieties of indoor lemons is not a difficult task. There are many types of citrus, but we will tell you which are the most the best varieties indoor lemon for home growing.

  • Pavlovsky. Perhaps the most popular of all. Lemon tree up to 2 meters tall. It bears fruit already for 3-4 years of life. Gives 20-40 fruits per year, their size is up to 500 grams. The plant can do without spraying and in a partially darkened room. This variety has a strong pungent aroma that will fill the whole house.

  • Meyer. This variety is a hybrid of lemon with. A low tree that bears fruit up to 3-4 times a year, weighing about 150 grams. It can bloom in inflorescences and usually earlier than other indoor citrus fruits. He needs careful care: spray the leaves, protect from drafts, do not put in a dark room. But a large amount of light is also undesirable, as it will slow down the setting of flowers.

  • Ponderosa. Compact house tree, reaching 1.8 meters in height. A feature are large fruits that can reach a weight of up to 1 kg. A very whimsical home plant, needs to be fed and does not respond well to excessive acidity of the soil. Likes diffused bright light. It is also often confused with the variety "Kyiv large-fruited".

  • Genoa. It is considered a rare type of homemade lemon. The fruit weight is about 110 grams, but an adult tree can produce up to 150-180 fruits per year. The rind is edible and not bitter, while the flesh is tender. This variety of homemade lemon needs a lot of light, without which it develops poorly.
  • Anniversary. In height up to 1.5 meters. Well adapted to room conditions. Blooms very profusely. The whole plant is covered with white flowers with a purple tint. Fruits up to 600 grams with a thick skin.

How to plant a lemon from the seed

The easiest way to get a homemade lemon tree is to grow it from a citrus seed. Such plants begin to bear fruit late, but they adapt well to indoor living conditions and are more hardy than cuttings or grafted trees. best time for the germination of homemade citrus, the end of winter is considered - the beginning of spring, when daylight hours increase.

To plant a lemon, you need a few simple manipulations:

  1. Take the pits out of the lemon. It is better to have about 10 of them. So one of them will definitely grow and take root.
  2. Soak citrus seeds in cold water for a day so that they get enough moisture.
  3. We take small pots with holes in the bottom so that excess moisture does not linger inside and does not destroy the roots of the plant.
  4. Pour some pebbles or coarse sand at the bottom of the pot. We buy ready-made soil or make it ourselves from sand, humus, earth and charcoal. The soil must be moist, but not too much.
  5. We plant the bones to a depth of 2-3 cm. If desired, you can cover the pot with a film on top to create more favorable conditions.
  6. We spray the soil every 2-3 days. The temperature for seedlings should not be below 18⁰ C.
  7. After 3-4 weeks, the first shoots should appear.

How to choose a container and soil for planting indoor lemon

Good soil for homemade lemon should be breathable and water permeable. Also fluffy and light. Particular attention should be paid to acidity. The normal level for citrus fruits is closer to neutral. But in an acidic and alkaline environment, lemons do not grow well.

To choose the right pot, it is important to pay special attention to its size. The diameter of the top should match the height of the pot. In addition, the top should be wide. It is better to choose an even pot. If the top is narrowed, then during transplantation it will be difficult to get an earthen clod out of such a container.

Annual house trees are planted in pots up to 15 cm in diameter at the top. As the citrus grows, it is transplanted into pots 2-3 cm larger in diameter. Drainage holes should be about 1.5-2.5 cm. It is better to make a few additional holes. If you immediately use a larger pot for young seedlings, then the soil in it can easily turn sour, and the lemon in the pot can get sick.

There are three types of pots: clay, plastic and wood. All have their pros and cons for citrus trees, but any of them can be used.

How to care for lemon at home

Growing a lemon from a stone is not a guarantee that you will get a healthy, strong fruit-bearing tree. Lemon care plays a huge role. It is important to observe everything: watering the plant, fertilizer, timely transplantation, crown formation, temperature regime, lighting. If you comply with all favorable conditions for a home tree, then in return you will receive a grateful fruit-bearing homemade lemon.

The most important time in the care of lemons is spring. It is during this period that the citrus tree begins its growth and the period of budding. The temperature in the room during this period should be 14-18⁰С. If it is warmer, then a beautiful tree will simply begin to drop buds, and this can lead to its death. When the temperature is the same outside, the lemon can be taken out into the yard, onto the balcony, so that it grows as much as possible in its natural environment. In winter, the temperature should be around 16-18⁰C for good growth and ripe fruits. Under such conditions, the lemon tree does not turn yellow and leaves do not fall off. Do not keep homemade lemon in a hot room, and do not allow large temperature fluctuations.

Humidity in the apartment should be 60-70%. In the summer heat, you need to spray homemade lemon daily, and bathe in a warm shower once a week.

How to water and feed a lemon

Anyone who wants to grow citrus at home should know how often to water a lemon. It all depends on the time of year. If it is winter outside, then once a week is enough to irrigate the lemon tree. With the advent of spring, and then in summer, and at the beginning of autumn, you need to water the home tree daily with warm water. At the same time, periodically loosen the earth, prevent moisture from lingering in the soil, which leads to rotting of the roots. But it is not necessary to overdry the earthen ball. Then the leaves will curl up and fall off. Water for irrigation is suitable rain or settled at room temperature. Maybe a couple of degrees higher. In the spring, it is advisable to water the lemon in the morning, and in the autumn and summer closer to the night, in the evening.

You need to feed the indoor citrus plant constantly. In winter, fertilizer is applied once a month, if there are fruits, and in summer, once a week. On the day you feed the tree, water it 2 hours before so as not to burn the roots. You can fertilize with both organic matter and minerals. And in order to enrich and disinfect the soil, water homemade lemon 2 times a year with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Proper lighting

To get more fruits, not leaves, a lemon does not need a long daylight hours. It is best if the window faces east. On the southern window in the summer, you need to protect homemade lemon from direct sunlight, because due to excessive lighting, burns may appear on the leaves. A homemade lemon tree will bear fruit well in diffused bright light. If the plant is in the shade, then the leaves grow more slowly, and the fruits are sour. In order for the lemon in the apartment to acquire a uniform beautiful crown, you need to turn it towards the sun with different side once in two weeks.

How and when to prune a plant

Pruning the plant is necessary so that the tree does not stretch up and grow like a candle. Such a lemon will never begin to bear fruit, and will spend all its strength on growth upwards.

The best period for pruning is considered early spring when flower buds appear on the home tree. But you can do pruning in the winter after harvesting, then the number of fruits for the next year will successfully increase.

The first time you need to cut a room lemon in the first year of life. You need to cut off about 20 cm of the trunk, while leaving 4 buds, of which there will subsequently be a basis for branches of the first order. Since a young lemon tree produces only one vertical shoot, all other branches will grow sideways. They need to be cut, leaving only 4 pieces. Homemade lemon will give the first fruits after branches of the 4th order are formed. If the cut is thicker than a pencil, then it must be treated with an antiseptic.

The lemon blooms very profusely. This is a beautiful sight, pleasing to the eye. But flowering takes a lot of strength and weakens house tree. There can be many fruits from this, but their quality will be worse. Therefore, it is better to remove some of the flowers. If there is a whole branch with weak flowers, then it can be safely cut off. Then the home tree will be stronger, and the fruit crop will be of high quality and tasty.

Indoor lemon transplant

It is worth thinking about the first transplant already for the 2nd year of the life of a homemade lemon. You can not transplant a homemade lemon tree during the flowering and fruiting period.

Soil for citrus fruits can be purchased at the store or made independently from earth and humus with the addition of wood ash and calcined sand. The proportions should be 4:1:1:1.

For transplanting, the plant must be transshipped, while shaking off part of the old earth into a pot of soil. In this way, you do not need to think about how to root a home plant in a new pot. A new home for a lemon tree should be chosen 4 cm more than the previous one. Then you need to transplant a lemon every 2 years. Do not forget to pour 2 cm of drainage into the bottom of the pot.

How the lemon blossoms

If all favorable conditions are created for a home lemon tree, then for the first time the plants bloom in mid-May, less often at the end of April. Flowers are formed in the axils of the leaves. they themselves white color with yellow stamens and stigma. They have 4-5 oval-shaped petals. A lemon tree can bloom for 2 months, or maybe the whole year to please with its color.

During flowering, the plant is very depleted. Therefore, do not forget to remove some of the flowers manually. It is best to leave no more than 2 flowers on each branch, from which the number of ovaries will be formed that a homemade indoor lemon can grow on itself. The plant does not need pollination, it self-pollinates.

At the first flowering, you need to cut off half of the flowers and leave only up to 4 fruits of the formed ovary. At the second flowering - 6, at the third - 8, etc. In order for a homemade lemon tree to grow healthy and strong, be guided by 10 healthy, developed leaves for each ovary.

Why do lemon leaves fall off?

Sometimes it happens that with insufficient care, the lemon leaves turn yellow. It can be difficult for a novice florist to immediately follow all the rules for growing this subtropical plant. Nevertheless, not everyone succeeds in creating the necessary favorable conditions for indoor lemon in an artificial environment.

In order to revive, restore the health of a diseased tree, you must first deal with the reasons why a homemade lemon suddenly throws off its leaves:

  • Little lighting;
  • Too wet soil or vice versa dry with insufficient watering;
  • The soil lacks nutrients;
  • Not enough fresh air in the room. It is hot and dry;
  • Low temperature in the apartment and the tree is frozen;
  • If there are sudden changes in temperature;
  • Perhaps the lemon does not like the new habitat when transferred;
  • Overdone with fertilizers;
  • The transplant into a new pot had a negative impact.

Having dealt with the cause, and there may be several of them, it's time to understand if the green leaves curl and fall off, what should I do?

In winter, with a short daylight hours, you need to turn on the plant fluorescent lamps in the evening. If you overdo it with watering, then this leads to acidification of the soil, which is not saturated with oxygen. And if the root system has ceased to receive enough oxygen, then some roots die off, then the home plant sheds part of the foliage, as it is unable to provide it with food. If you forget to water a lemon tree, the same thing happens as if you overwater it, only this time because of the drought. Drying out is so harmful to the lemon tree that it can lead to the death of the plant.

You also need to remember about top dressing, because there is a small amount of land in the pot and there is nowhere to take new fertilizers, you will need to add them yourself. If some important element is missing from the lemon, then the leaves may turn yellow, curl, become stained and fall off.

In winter, hot and dry conditions are created in the apartment, which often leads to leaf fall. During this period, you need to choose a place for the lemon tree away from the radiator. Spray the plants more often and take a warm shower. It is good to use a humidifier.

At temperatures below 10⁰C, the lemon will freeze and shed its leaves. The same applies to drafts and ventilation of rooms. Sudden temperature changes have a bad effect on the home tree.

Sometimes a lemon gets sick. The house tree can infect aphids and spider mites. They need to be removed or pest control products used.

With proper care, a homemade lemon tree will be grateful and delight with its sunny fragrant fruits all year round.