Rose lydia planting and care. Spray roses: description, review of the best varieties


Consider the varieties of spray roses:

Rose Tamango belongs to the Floribunda. A photo of this variety is presented in the catalog. Basically, the flower reaches a height of about 48 centimeters, and reaches a width of about 45 centimeters. Flowers are about 7.5 cm. This variety has red flowers. Planting and further cultivation of this species is possible in the climatic zone 6-9, they are the most favorable for this hybrid. The variety was bred in 1965.

Spray rose varieties

Mandarin has 4 cm flowers in diameter with an orange-yellow color: sometimes the color becomes apricot-yellow, densely doubled. The aroma is fragrant, the flowers are elegant cup-shaped. Leaves are medium in size. The stalks are densely branched, profusely flowering, which form large bouquets. The hybrid is frost-resistant. The flowering period of Mandarin is long.

Lydia was bred in the Netherlands around 1995 with the help of G. Peter Ilsink. This hybrid belongs to the spray rose. By most features, this category of roses belongs to floribundas. This category is characterized by short stature and small flowers, blooming in huge inflorescences and quite abundantly. This hybrid is shown in the photo below.

Lydia has 15 rich pink flowers per inflorescence. Such inflorescences are often called sprays, from where the name of this category of roses came from. In diameter, these flowers reach about 3 centimeters. This hybrid reaches a height of approximately 78 centimeters, but in general, growth does not exceed 58 centimeters.

rose care

Basically, these roses are shown in the catalog of cut hybrids. Consider the description of this hybrid. The roots are formed by the age of 3, as it is believed that by this period the rose becomes a mature plant. Planting seedlings is possible in open ground, and in pots. On a personal plot, seedlings should be planted in categories of 5 bushes. Cropping is not needed here: since it itself is neatly formed. The spray rose is very similar to the mini rose, however, these roses reach a height of approximately 35 centimeters.

These varieties are quite whimsical, the flowering period is the whole season. Lydia is perfectly cut, planting is possible with its own roots. For cuttings, you can take the lower processes with several leaves. You need to cut the seedlings obliquely, while leaving 2 buds with one leaf below. From above, the seedlings need to be covered with a transparent bag. After 2 months you will get a young bush.

Cuttings of seedlings are best done in the summer months of May-August. For quite a long period of time in our country, this category of roses was represented by only one hybrid, Lydia. Roses should be planted in the spring, the grafting area will be a couple of centimeters below the ground. Pruning should be done in the spring. In addition: pruning should be carried out in summer and autumn. If the rose was planted in the fall, then the first pruning should be carried out in the spring.

Care and landing

The spray rose needs little care as it is a hardy plant. the flowering period of this flower is almost constant. Caring for a flower also involves sheltering it for the winter, and this process is not difficult to implement. Care also involves pruning, and it also does not hurt to feed the plant. Main conditions proper cultivation This rose hybrid is a sunny site and constant loosening, moderate watering. As you can see, it's easy to take care of.

Features of planting a rose

Consider how to plant a spray rose:

  • If you bought seedlings not in a container, and the bush has an open root system, then while digging a planting hole, the bush must be placed in a bucket of liquid.
  • Pit dimensions: about 45 cm in diameter, the same in depth.
  • The top layer of soil, which is about 23 cm thick, must be set aside separately, it is then laid in its place. On the basis of the recess, it is necessary to arrange the drainage necessary for damp soil. The drainage is based on 2 layers of small stones, which are sprinkled with sand.
  • Then stacked organic fertilizers, for example, rotten. Or you can use dry branches, dry foliage, or either grass. Then they will be an excellent fertilizer.
  • In addition, you can sprinkle manure on the base of the pit.
  • The soil prepared by this method is formed as a low mound on the basis of the pit, where the root system of the seedlings needs to be spread and then it should be sprinkled with the top layer of identical soil. Then the soil must be compacted, carefully trampled down so that there are no air voids.

If you purchased in a container from a container, then, carefully tapping on it from any side, we take out the seedlings, while trying not to damage the soil with the root system. The paper type container needs to be deployed. Then you need to install the soil with the root system in the planting recess on the made hill, you need to spread the outer root system over it, then you need to dig in, compact the soil, and fill it up from the upper area, while making sure that the bush is exactly on the hill. Need to stomp around.

Near the bush, it is necessary to make a small hole so that during watering the water is near the rose. After the planting process, you need to pour from a proportion of 8 liters of liquid per bush. It is better to take the liquid from the rain, and by all means it must be warm, for example, from the sun heated by the sun's rays. We let the tap liquid stand for several days so that there is no chlorine, and the water can warm up. Thus, plantings need to be watered with this water. Rose care also involves watering and mulching. so the water doesn't evaporate.

Spray roses or the favorite flower of all brides

amazing flowers

A new group of roses #8212 spray appeared relatively recently, in the 80s of the last century. By separation from the floribunda group. They have compact, low bushes (40 #8212 50 cm), the flowers are quite large and there can be up to 15 buds on one branch, scattered like sprays. Spray roses #8212 are incredibly beautiful and elegant.

The bushes of this flower are neat and compact. The spray group is unpretentious, quite winter-hardy, and of course, very decorative.

We are all well aware of such varieties of roses as: tea #8212 hybrid, bush, climbing, and even miniature. But recently they started selling spray. They are also called bouquets.

Where does such an unusual name come from?

It's simple, on one branch of the spray rose group, 10 #8212 15 double flowers collected in a brush, 4 #8212 7 cm in diameter, bloom at the same time. These mini bouquets are often sold in flower shop like a cut.

Spray #8212 is a group of roses that belongs to the floribundas. Therefore, their care and landing are similar. Very often it is the spray that is used to decorate wedding bouquets. The favorite flower of all brides and their girlfriends who are eager to catch the wedding bouquet. One cut rose branch #8212 whole bouquet for a happy bride.

Like all varieties, the spray is responsive to top dressing. For intensive growth, rose bushes can be fertilized with nitrogen-containing fertilizers from spring to the end of July, and in the summer they need trace elements (phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, etc.) for flowering.

A very long time ago I read in some # 8212 magazine that under rose bushes, including for spray, you can bury a banana peel. Since it contains all the necessary nutrients for these colors.

I tried it, I can say that the roses did not complain. On the contrary, the flowering has become better. I advise you to try it too. Just be careful not to damage the roots if you bury.

black Jack #8212

One of the tallest varieties. The bush is compact, the stems are straight. Each shoot produces 5 to 30 dark #8212 red flowers. Flowering is long and abundant #8212 all summer long!

spray #8212 Black Jack

Spray Rose Care Tips

The rose is without a doubt one of the most beautiful flowers in the world, its unusualness and beauty has attracted attention since ancient times. Many people want to grow and enjoy its charms, but not everyone knows that the rose is quite difficult and demanding to grow. It requires careful care, which includes watering, pruning, top dressing, loosening, weed removal, protection from pests and diseases. The proper development and rapid growth of the plant depends on all these procedures.

The difficulties in growing are that the rose loves space, loves to be the center of attention, it is not for nothing that she is the queen of flowers.

Following some tips will help grow this whimsical, but such a beautiful plant.

Roses do not like dry air and temperature changes, they are demanding on fresh air. When growing roses in rooms in which warm and stuffy air, growth and flowering are retarded. Therefore, by the middle of spring, indoor roses should be gradually accustomed to outdoor air, open windows and do airing.

Roses are very sensitive to watering, especially during the period of active growth, as well as in spring and winter. In spring, watering is increased as soon as the first, young leaves appear on the plant. In summer, the rose needs constant and abundant watering, avoiding drying out. For better growth, water for irrigation is taken clean, at room temperature and preferably settled. By the beginning of autumn, watering is gradually reduced, with the exception of those varieties that continue to bloom. The lack of water leads to the fact that roses stop growing, wither, lose leaves and general decorative effect.

In summer, roses need moist air, so they need to be sprayed. Spraying is carried out quite often, up to 3 times a day, and serves as a prevention of the appearance of pests. Do not spray roses that are in the sun, this can lead to sunburn.

The rose needs constant loosening of the soil, which begins in May and stops in August, in order to avoid further growth. In addition, in the process of loosening, weeds are destroyed, the soil is saturated with oxygen and heat. Especially the plant needs loosening after watering in sunny and hot weather, as well as after long rains. Loosening should be done not deep by 5-10 cm, so as not to damage the roots.

For continuous and successful development and the growth of roses, they need to be fed with a complex of mineral fertilizers. Which must include nitrogen, which accompanies the growth of shoots and leaves, phosphorus, for the formation of flowers, potassium and calcium, necessary to prevent diseases and root growth.

Top dressing is carried out in early spring and continues throughout the summer and towards the end of autumn.

Rose, as a representative of bush plants, needs pruning. Bushes are cut several times in spring, summer and autumn, after flowering. If the roses are not pruned, they lose their decorative effect and flowering worsens.

Summer pruning is considered very important, which excludes the formation of fruits and contributes to the development of the bush and abundant flowering. Pruning is also a prevention of many fungal diseases. It is desirable to do pruning at the same time, this contributes to the development of shoots and mass flowering. Also, thinning is carried out in the summer. Old and weak shoots growing inside the bush are removed from the bushes, they are cut off at the base, leaving 3-4 of the strongest and most stable shoots.

During heavy rains, unblown buds and flowers are damaged by rot and dew, in which case the damaged buds are cut off immediately, otherwise the plant may die.

spray roses

Spray roses are a group of roses that, in many ways, can be attributed to the floribunda group. But their medium-sized, and often, frankly small flowers are not only numerous, but also collected in brushes, resembling separate small bunches, or in splashes, which is sometimes indicated in the name. Also, often the roses of this group are called Wedding. The most extensive spray roses presented in the category of cut roses, which is understandable: one flower - one bouquet. Recently, many new varieties of spray roses for the garden have appeared on the Russian market, they are becoming fashionable.

Spray roses? What can you say good about them?

Judging by the description, such a rose lives with me. I didn't know her name. Very beautiful!

Other answers

IRONWEED Enlightened (29971) 3 years ago

Spray - branched or bouquet roses, with a not very large flower (4-7 cm). Even one branch of such a rose looks like a bouquet.

Spray roses are a group of roses that, in many ways, can be attributed to the floribunda group. But their medium-sized, and often frankly small flowers are not only numerous, but also collected in brushes, resembling separate small bunches. Or spray, as indicated in the title. Most of all, spray roses are presented in the category of cut roses, which is understandable: one flower - one bouquet. In Russian gardens, until recently, the most common (and practically the only) variety was Lydia.

Recently, many new varieties of spray roses for the garden have appeared on the Russian market, they are becoming fashionable. The most favorite of them, of course, is Mimi Eden from the Meilland nursery. Its delicate, as if skillfully carved pink and white flowers are very reminiscent of the Eden rose itself - one of the best Meyan roses, only in miniature.

Mimi Eden, originally a cut rose, has recently been adapted for the garden by grafting onto a hardy rootstock. Despite the opinion that spray roses need some special care, Mimi Eden in Russia has shown itself to be an absolutely unpretentious rose. It blooms almost constantly and needs the lightest shelter for the winter. Due to the fact that its dimensions do not exceed 50 centimeters, it is not at all difficult to provide such a shelter.

Care for spray roses is the same as for all floribunda roses. They bloom on the shoots of the current year, it is better to cut them in the spring, feed them in the usual way. Like many floribundas, they naturally form a neat bush almost correct form. And, like floribundas, they look most spectacular when planted in a group of at least 5-10, or even more plants.

A DROP Thinker (7660) 3 years ago

Do you grow them? Can you personally tell me something?

I have read online sources.

IRONWEED Enlightened (29971) Well, let's put it this way: they grow up with relatives in the country (unfortunately, they don't have their own). Near Moscow, Yaroslavl road. Planted - I take care, too, I.))

Thanks to the painstaking work of breeders, a huge number of varieties of roses have appeared, which today are divided by the World Federation of Horticultural Societies into groups and classes. The spray rose group is considered relatively young, as the first representatives were shown to the public in the middle of the 20th century. Today they are very common and in demand among flower growers and loved by florists, as they are often used to decorate flower arrangements.

Rose spray: description and characteristics

Spray roses - what is it? This is a new group of roses that has split off from the floribunda varieties. There is an alternative name - patio roses. They are designed to grow in open field, often grow on household plots and in the parks.

Plants are compact bushes, the average height of which is not more than half a meter. However, individual varieties can reach 1 m. Up to 15 buds can form on each branch. The roses themselves are both large and not very. The diameter can vary between 4-7 cm. Subject to the rules of agricultural technology, a large number of flowers are formed on each bush, so spray roses can still be called pink sprays.

Pay attention! This group of roses is a real embodiment of sophistication, as their decorative qualities are on top. Varieties of such rose bushes are considered elite.

Spray roses combine a large number of advantageous features, such as abundant and long flowering, hardiness, adaptability and unpretentiousness. Due to the excellent indicators of cold resistance, they can be grown in Central Russia.

There are practically no thorns on the shoots. If you properly prune the bushes, flowering will be lush and long until the first frost. During flowering, the plant exudes a pleasant light floral aroma.

rose spray

Characteristics of popular varieties

The most common varieties of spray roses include:

  • Rose Tamango is formed by a compact bush, the height of which is not more than 60 cm. It reaches half a meter in diameter. Distinctive features varieties - lush, long flowering and compactness. Velvet flowers of a dark crimson color are formed on the bush, which reach a diameter of 7 cm. Flowers consist of a large number of petals. On each branch, as a rule, there are up to 10 buds. The variety is disease resistant and low temperatures. It can grow both in a sunny area and in partial shade conditions. Often used for decorating home gardens.
  • Rose Droplet red, pink, purple and white - Spray rose, whose height does not exceed 40 cm. Delicate drop - border flower, which is often planted along the paths for their decoration. In addition, these flowers can be grown at home.
  • Rosa Typhoon mini has a significant feature - abundant and long flowering until the first frost. Inflorescences densely double, bright orange. The diameter of the flower can reach 5 cm. The height is not more than 0.7 m, therefore climbing variety do not name exactly. Up to 10 buds can form on each shoot. The variety is resistant to low temperatures and diseases.
  • Rosa Orion is one of the most delicate representatives of this species, which blooms with large flowers of pale lilac color. Flowering is not only lush, but also long-lasting. A significant advantage of the variety is excellent indicators of cold resistance.
  • Spray Chery Cheops - a rose whose bushes reach 0.75 m. The diameter of the inflorescences is not more than 5 cm, the color can be white, ivory with a greenish tint. The smell is practically absent. The plant blooms continuously, starting from the second or third decade of May and ending in late autumn. Like most representatives of this group, the variety has good cold resistance, as well as disease resistance.
  • Rosa Antigua is able to reach 0.7 m in height. The flowers are miniature, their diameter does not exceed 5 cm, they practically do not exude aroma, the color is pink-orange. Flowering lasts almost the entire growing season. Characteristics species - increased resistance to low temperatures and diseases.
  • Beach Hilcado is a spray rose that was recently bred by breeders from the Netherlands. The height of the plant, as a rule, does not exceed 70 cm. Approximately up to 15 buds are located on each shoot, their color is rich pink. The diameter of each flower is not more than 5 cm, the aroma is noticeable, but not saturated. Flowering is lush and lasts almost the entire growing season.
  • Fire Flash is a fairly common variety of this group. The height of an adult bush reaches 0.7 m. The color of the flowers is unusual: the buds are bicolor and variegated. Mostly yellow and red colors are combined, they do not fade under the influence of direct sunlight. Flowering is long, but only subject to all the rules of agricultural technology. The variety is resistant to low temperatures, as well as diseases. It is often planted for decorative purposes in household plots of Central Russia.

Fire Flash

Landing and care

Most varieties of the spray group are unpretentious plants, planting and subsequent care does not require much physical and financial costs at the florist. Therefore, even a novice grower can grow such roses.

The first step is to choose a good landing site. When choosing a site, you should pay attention to the following requirements:

  • Roses are light-loving crops, but some varieties grow in partial shade. If the seedlings are planted in the shade, then the bush will delight the owner with only a modest presence, it will not be possible to achieve lush flowering for sure.
  • Let the rose spray and cold-resistant, but she does not like gusts of wind and drafts, although the site should be ventilated.
  • The landing site should be located on a hill. If you give preference to a place in the lowland, then the plant will soon disappear there. This is due to the stagnation of excess moisture there, which leads to decay of the root system and the defeat of fungal diseases, as well as the accumulation of cold air currents.

A pit about 40 by 40 cm in size is prepared for planting. Expanded clay is evenly distributed as drainage at the bottom. During planting, rotted compost is added to the soil. The soil optimal for growth and development is light slightly acidic.

Note! Further care is no different from what other roses require. The spray group needs watering, pruning and top dressing.

Spray roses are a unique variety of plants that are ideal and easy to care for. Varieties are resistant to diseases and adverse weather conditions. Another important advantage is unpretentiousness in cultivation, which allows observing exquisite flowering at minimal cost throughout the growing season.

The rose is the most popular and beloved representative of flowering plants, which can be seen not only in flower beds near private houses, but also in flowerbeds in city parks and various public recreation areas. High popularity this plant forced breeders to work on breeding new varieties. They have a wide color spectrum, as well as high resistance to various diseases and adverse climatic conditions.

One of the latest achievements in the field of breeding has become a spray rose. The new plant quickly gained a leading position in the sales ranking of this group of products due to its high aesthetic parameters and undemanding to agrotechnical measures.

What it is?

Rose spray ( pink spray) is an innovative development that arose as a result of the joint work of professional botanists and breeders in the 20th century. The second name for flowers is patio roses. Small flowers are very popular with florists, who use them to create wedding and holiday arrangements and bridal bouquets.

Distinctive features - the small size of the bush, the maximum height of the plant is not more than 80 cm, the formation of more than 9 buds on one branch. Peduncles can be both large and medium, and small, the diameter of which is in the range from 3 cm to 8 cm.

The main advantages of this plant:

  • mass fruiting over a long period;
  • unpretentiousness;
  • resistance to low temperatures and adverse climatic conditions;
  • lack of prickly spines;
  • the last formation of peduncles in late autumn;
  • the presence of a delicate aroma;
  • the ability to grow in flowerpots and flower containers.

The best varieties and their characteristics

In specialized nurseries you can see a large assortment of spray roses, which differ as colors, and the shape and size of the bud.

The range of the most common shades:

  • red;
  • Orange;
  • white;
  • cream;
  • pink;
  • citric;
  • yellow.


There are other color shades that are sure to surprise even experienced gardeners.

Representatives of pink and cream roses are the following types:

  • "Lovely Lydia";
  • "Yana";
  • "Memi Eden";
  • "Barbodos";
  • "Deep Waters";
  • "Hiho Spray";
  • "Evelyn";
  • "Grace";
  • "Lankom";
  • "Bonica";
  • "Satin";
  • "Lidelaike";
  • "Pinks Intuition";
  • "Jessica";
  • "Victoria";
  • Gloreus.

Bright representatives of orange and yellow varieties spray roses have become the following types:

  • "Mandarin";
  • "Sphinx";
  • "Fire Flash";
  • "Kelly";
  • "Samba";
  • "Samer";
  • "Clementine";
  • "Hit";
  • "Makorena";
  • "Sant City";
  • "Orange Spray";
  • "Alegria";
  • "Orange baby";
  • "Jazabel";
  • "Rizenshine";
  • "Rumba";
  • "Typhoon";
  • "Zorenka";
  • "Tibet".

Red roses include the following types:

  • "Tomango";
  • "Natalie";
  • "Midget;
  • "Layli Flirt";
  • "Mikado";
  • "Baby Bakara";
  • "Mirabel";
  • "Black Jack";
  • "Cheri Folies";
  • "Rubicon".

Multi-colored varieties are less popular - Papple, Princess, Kent, Droplet, Abracadabra, Orion, Bordeaux, Tiramisu.

Particular attention should be paid to the description of the most popular representatives of this flower.

  • "Lovely Lydia"- a Dutch plant, whose height is less than 75 cm, and the diameter of the bush reaches 55 cm. The color range of the buds ranges from raspberry to pale pink. The main feature is the presence of a dark core. The size of the buds is about 3.5 cm. Advantages - long and massive flowering, high resistance to low temperatures and the most common types of diseases, spectacular appearance.

  • "Fire Flash"- a bright variety, the color of which resembles fire. Yellow buds with orange spots grow on low bushes, the size of which does not exceed 3.5 cm. This variety is one of the most popular among florists and designers.

  • "Yana"- a decorative representative of the spray rose family, the maximum bush height of which is 55 cm. Advantages - compactness, the presence of an elusive and delicate aroma. Scope - decorating borders and balconies.

  • "Rumba"- a colorful flower that has a deep yellow tint with pink and crimson highlights. The number of flowers on one process is 15 pieces. The color of each bud is unique and inimitable.

  • "Hiha Spray"- an abundantly flowering plant, the number of bright pink buds, their number can reach 20 pieces. The height of one bush reaches 100 cm.

  • "Tomango" small plant with large velvet flowers. The main feature is the preservation of color even under the scorching ultraviolet rays of the sun;

  • "Black Jack"- a spectacular bush, the number of buds on which can reach up to 30 pieces. Petals have an openwork structure and are indispensable for making bouquets.

Landing Rules

Spray rose is an unpretentious type of ornamental plant that does not require increased attention. To obtain beautiful flowers, experienced gardeners recommend using the secrets of plant care and reproduction.

Selection and storage of seedlings

Right choice seedlings - the key to obtaining a strong and beautiful plant. Plants are sold in bulk, packaged in plastic bags with a nutritious soil mixture and with an open root system. Breeders recommend giving preference to the first type of flowers.

Signs of a healthy plant:

  • strong root system;
  • no mechanical damage;
  • lack of dry branches and signs of a fungal disease;
  • the presence of a pleasant earthy aroma and loose soil in the container;
  • the presence of living white shoots at the ends of the roots.

Before planting, it is imperative to trim the planting material, during which buds, dry branches and damaged stems are removed. The maximum number of eyes should be 5 pieces. The cut points must be treated with garden pitch.

Placement of seedlings in water with sodium humate overnight is a prerequisite before planting.

Drop off time and place

The choice of planting site for your favorite plant depends on its variety. For some species, the most favorable place for growth and development are sunny flower beds, and for others, places with partial shade, where the buds will always have juicy and rich shades.

The landing process consists of several main stages:

  • formation of a landing pit with a diameter of 50x50;
  • laying a drainage layer, for which it is necessary to choose river sand and fine gravel;
  • the formation of a nutrient layer, which consists of fallen leaves, humus, manure and organic fertilizers;
  • placing a bush in a prepared pit;
  • backfilling the plant with earth while compacting the soil around the stem;
  • abundant watering of the bush with clean water at room temperature in the amount of 10 liters per planting hole.

If planting is planned for autumn, then from the summer it is necessary to actively prepare the land in the flower bed.

  • cleaning of weeds and their root system;
  • digging the site with turning over the soil coma;
  • digging the necessary trench;
  • mixing the upper fertile layer with mineral fertilizers and placing the mixture at the bottom of the pit;
  • keeping the landing pit for several months.

If planting is scheduled for spring, gardeners recommend simply digging up the site and adding fertilizer to the ground. By the arrival of spring, the soil will be enriched with minerals and for planting it will be enough just to dig a hole of the required size.

Before forming a flower bed, one must take into account the type of plants that grew in front of the roses. Negative influence quince, cherry and hawthorn will provide the rose garden. To create favorable conditions for the growth and development of flowers, it is necessary to replace the topsoil.

To normalize the acid balance, ash should be added to acidic soil, and humus, compost and needles should be added to alkaline soil.

How to propagate?

To obtain new plants, breeders distinguish several methods of reproduction:

  • seminal- growing seedlings from the collected seed material;
  • rooting branches- digging the lower branch of the mother bush to form the root system of a new plant;
  • root offspring- separation of young plants with developed roots from the main bush;
  • cuttings- cutting off pieces of the stem and placing them in a growth stimulator, as well as planting shoots in greenhouses and greenhouses;
  • division- division of the whole bush into separate independent parts.

How to care?

Care ornamental plant will not cause difficulties even for novice gardeners. This process consists of the following procedures:

  • loosening the upper fertile layer;
  • timely removal of weeds;
  • regular watering and fertilizing;
  • correct pruning.

top dressing

An ornamental plant needs constant feeding throughout the growing season. The most important type of fertilizer in the summer is nitrogen, and in early autumn, experienced gardeners recommend potash and phosphorus fertilizers.


Regular watering is the main condition for abundant flowering. The amount of water depends on temperature conditions environment and should be increased during drought periods. A thick layer of mulch will significantly slow down the drying of the soil, and reduce water consumption for irrigation.

To prevent the appearance of burns on plants, experts recommend watering only after sunset.

Disease and pest control

Botanists consider aphids, cicadas, spider mites and leafworms to be the most dangerous pests of spray roses. To combat these insects, it is advisable to use a soap solution with mustard powder and red pepper, as well as special chemicals.

Among the most dangerous diseases of roses, the leading position is occupied by powdery mildew and black spotting. To prevent the appearance of these diseases, regularly treat flower beds with Bordeaux liquid and potassium preparations. At the first sign of the appearance of affected areas, treat the plants with a solution of soda.

Preventive pruning will help prevent the appearance of pests and diseases. Cut shoots must be taken out of the site and burned.

Spray roses are a relatively new group of roses. This group appeared only in the second half of the 20th century and has already managed to catch the fancy of flower growers from all over the world. They are also called . What is spray and patio roses?

The spray group separated from the floribunda group. They are represented by low compact bushes. The average height is about 50 cm. Although they can grow up to 90 cm. About 15 buds can open on one branch. The flowers themselves can be both large and not very large. The diameter of the flowers is from 4 to 7 centimeters. because of a large number of flowers on one bush rose spray is called pink spray.

Spray roses combine the best qualities: long and abundant flowering, unpretentiousness to the conditions of detention and endurance. They can also be grown in middle lane Russia at the expense good frost resistance.

There are not so many thorns on the stems, or they may be completely absent. If the flowers are cut correctly, then you can get a long and continuous flowering - with the onset of heat and until the first frost.

Culture is actively used in landscape design. They are grown in containers, as well as along paths.

The flowers have a light pleasant aroma.

In the title photo variety Evelyn.


As a result of breeding work, a huge variety of varietal varieties was bred. In this regard, spray roses appeared with flowers of different colors, shapes and sizes. Varietal types of spray roses differ in the size of the bushes, flower colors. There are red, pink, white, yellow, orange colors and their shades.

Pink and cream

Lovely Lidia This is a sample of a spray rose. The variety appeared at the end of the 20th century in Holland. The height of the bush does not exceed 70 cm. It grows up to 50 cm wide. The flowers have a bright pink color, shimmering from bright crimson to pale pink. A loose flower can have a dark core. The diameter of the flower is about 4 cm. Love Lydia is characterized by long and continuous flowering. The variety is frost and disease resistant. Lydia is spectacular for container plantings, in the foreground in flower beds, as well as for bouquets.

Lovely Lydia

Yana- decorative varietal variety. The bushes are compact. Height - up to 60 cm. Flowering is long and plentiful. The diameter of soft cream flowers is up to 6 cm. The aroma is pleasant, barely perceptible. Can be used to decorate borders and alleys.

Mimi Eden- an incredibly elegant spray rose with densely doubled two-tone flowers. Inside the petals are pale pink in color, and outside - almost snow-white. The flowers are not large, there are about 10 of them on one stem. Blooms from early summer until the first frost. The bush grows up to 85 cm, and grows in width up to 1 meter. Mimi edem will decorate absolutely any flower garden due to its unique sophistication.

Mini Eden is another spelling of the variety name.

Barbados- Dutch spray rose with pink flowers of fairly large sizes. The bush grows up to 70 cm. The aroma is not pronounced. Barbados is frost-resistant. It can be used to decorate borders, as well as create a unique accent in landscape compositions.


deep water- the original profusely flowering shrub with double flowers of medium and fairly large sizes. Inside the petals have a soft pink color, and the outer petals are distinguished by a lilac hue with hints of red. Deep water is used to decorate gardens, as well as to create bouquets.

deep water

Hiho spray- a rose with rich pink terry flowers. Their size is average. Up to 20 flowers are collected from the inflorescence. Flowering is abundant and long. The aroma is almost invisible. The bush can reach a height of up to 1 meter. Due to its bright color, this varietal variety will be a wonderful decoration for a flower garden.

Evelyn- a low (about 60 cm) plant with pale pink densely double flowers. You saw her in the title photo. When blooming, the flowers are apricot in color, and as they open, they acquire pink hues. In hot weather, the color becomes more saturated, but in the sun the petals can fade to white. Flowering is abundant and long.

Grace- another spectacular spray rose, blooming pink medium-sized flowers. The bush can grow up to 80 cm. There is a pleasant, light aroma. The variety is often used for making bouquets. Plants stay cut for a long time.

Lancome- spray rose with densely doubled bright pink flowers. Bushes grow up to 60 cm. The variety is characterized by long and abundant flowering, resistance to frost and pests.

Bonica- a romantic varietal variety up to 100 cm tall. The color of double flowers is pale pink. Diameter 6 cm. In the brushes can be located up to 15 buds. The aroma is barely noticeable. The culture blooms profusely and until frost. The variety is frost-resistant.

Satin- a plant of amazing beauty with two-color flowers (diameter up to 8 cm). Coloring - bright pink with cream spots. The growth of the bush is not more than 70 cm. The aroma is pleasant, barely perceptible. The variety is resistant to frost and rain. Sick rarely.

Lidelaike- a spectacular bush no more than 60 cm high. The flowers are terry bright pink, almost white closer to the center, they look very beautiful against the background of dark green foliage.


Pink Intuition- another original plant. The flowers are marbled with bright pink strokes on the petals. Flowering is abundant and long. The smell is fruity, weak.

Pink intuition

Jessica (Jessica)- an elegant, profusely flowering variety. The flowers are pale pink in color, the edges of the petals have a brighter pink tint. Often used to create bouquets.


Victoria- decorative grade with terry pink and salmon flowers. The bush grows up to 60 cm in width and height. Victoria is suitable for creating bouquets, for growing in the foreground in flower beds.


Glorius (Glorius)- decorative bush with double bright crimson flowers, the diameter of which does not exceed 5 cm. Flowering is plentiful and long. The aroma is pleasant, weak. Glorius was bred in Holland.

Little Dream (Little Dream)- floriferous variety. The bush grows up to 60 cm. It blooms with cream flowers with a pink tint. Little Dream is resistant to frost and diseases. Differs in decorative effect and elegance.

Little dream

Yellow and orange

Mandarin- another popular variety. The bush has a height of up to 60 cm. About 5 medium-sized (about 4 cm in diameter) flowers open on one stem. They have a tangerine or orange color. Closer to the center, the shades are lighter, and the edges of the petals are juicy. orange. The varietal variety is very effective, therefore it is actively used to decorate gardens.


Sphinx- spray rose about 60 cm high. The flowers are quite large in size and rich yellow in color. They have a pleasant, mild fragrance. Flowering is long. The variety is frost and disease resistant.

Fire Flash- another spectacular varietal variety. It is called a flash of flame due to the bright and abundant flowering. The height of the bush is not more than 60 cm. The flower is bright yellow with orange strokes on the petals. Diameter - no more than 4 cm. This is a very elegant variety that will decorate any flower garden or bouquet arrangement.

Fire flash

Kelly- incredibly beautiful spray rose. There are about 10 buds on stems about 70 cm high. The flower is orange with a salmon hue. The diameter can reach 7 cm. The variety is best grown in partial shade, as the color fades in the sun. Kelly is frost tolerant and can rarely be affected by pests. The effectiveness of the variety allows it to be grown in containers, flower beds, along paths.

Summer- a variety with lemon flowers up to 8 cm in diameter. Up to 5 buds can be on one stem. Flowering is long. Summer is resistant to frost and diseases.

Samba- a spectacular spray rose no more than 60 cm high. The flowers are medium-sized, terry. Coloring - yellow, on petals there is a wide border of red color. The variety is frost-resistant and resistant to pests and diseases. Flowering lasts throughout the season.

Hit- rose spray with dense double small flowers. The inner petals are yellow and the outer petals are pinkish. The bush itself is undersized, no more than 40 cm.

Clementine- one of the most popular varieties. The flowers have a pinkish hue when dissolved, then acquire a peach or tangerine color. In addition, citrus notes can be caught in the aroma. The diameter of the flowers is about 5 cm. About 5 pieces can be counted on one stem. The height of the bush is up to 60 cm. The variety is resistant to frost and diseases.


Macarena- a popular varietal variety, bred in Holland. When opened, the flowers, whose diameter does not exceed 5 cm, are distinguished by a pale yellow tint, and then acquire a juicy pink color. There are up to 10 flowers on the stem with a delicate light aroma. The bushes are compact and long flowering. Macarena is resistant to frost and disease.


sun city- bright yellow spray rose. Flowers densely double, size - 8 cm, lemon color. The bush grows up to 60 cm. It is used for cultivation in an open ground and in containers. The variety is resistant to frost. Flowering is long and abundant.

Orange spray- bright orange rose. The variety has been released recently. The bushes are dense and compact. Height - up to 60 cm, bush diameter - about 40. Flowers resemble hybrid tea rose. Their diameter is about 4 cm. They are distinguished by a light aroma. Orange spray is resistant to frost, pests, and is not afraid of rain. Flowering is abundant and long.

Orange spray

Alegria- a very delicate varietal variety with double orange flowers with a pink tint, the diameter of which does not exceed 5 cm. Alegria is resistant to frost and diseases. Grown for decoration of gardens, as well as for creating bouquets.

Alegria photo

Orange Baby (Orange Baby)- bright varietal variety. It blooms profusely and for a long time with orange-red flowers. It is used for decorating borders, as well as for growing in containers.

orange baby

Jazzabel (Jezzebell)- bright spray rose with orange inflorescences. Diameter - about 4 cm. There can be up to 10 buds on one stem. Blooms from June until frost. The bush grows up to 1 meter.

Risen Shine- a popular pale yellow variety of spray roses. They are often used as borders, since the bush grows no higher than 50 cm. Flowering is plentiful and long.

Rise Shine

Rumba- another bright spectacular varietal variety. The flowers, when opened, have a rich yellow color, gradually acquiring pink and crimson hues. On one stem they can grow up to 15 pieces. All of them are not similar in color, which makes the bush unique and very decorative. The growth of the bush does not exceed 70 cm. Flowering is long and abundant. The variety may bloom again.

Typhoon characterized by long and abundant flowering until the onset of frost. It blooms with double bright orange flowers. Their diameter can reach 5 cm. The growth of a bush rarely exceeds 70 cm. Up to 10 pieces can grow on one stem. Rumba is frost and disease resistant.

Typhoon photo

Zorenka- Brightly flowering, showy variety. Hustomahrovye flowers are yellow in color, there is a scarlet border around the edges of the petals. Bush height - no more than 70 cm. Flowering is plentiful and long, lasts until frost.


Pareo- varietal variety with orange flowers of a reddish hue. Closer to the edges, the petals become brighter. Height - no more than 60 cm. Used to create bouquets and decorate gardens.

Tibet- orange-red rose spray. The plant can grow up to 90 cm. The flowers are goblet-shaped, visually reminiscent of hybrid tea rose flowers.


Tamango (Tamango)- this is a bush up to 60 cm high and about 50 cm in diameter. It is distinguished by a compact bush and abundant and long flowering. Velvet flowers are quite large (about 7 cm in diameter) and consist of a large number of petals. On one branch there are up to 10 red flowers with a raspberry tint. The variety is frost and disease resistant. The plant can grow both in the sun and in the shade. Tamango is successfully used for decorating garden plots.

Natalie- ornamental variety, height no more than 70 cm. This is a compact and profusely flowering plant. The flowers are medium-sized - their diameter is about 5 cm. They differ in a subtle aroma. Coloring - red. The plant is frost-resistant and is effectively used in landscape design for landscaping gardens and for creating bouquet compositions.

Midjet- spectacular red spray rose. The height of the bush is only 25 cm. Therefore, the variety is often used for decorating borders and for planting along alleys. The flowers are small in size - their diameter does not exceed 3 cm. There is practically no aroma. Bushes are compact with abundant flowering. Midget is resistant to frost and pests.

Leili flirting- an elegant varietal variety. The flowers are double bright red with a yellowish center. The edges of the petals are burgundy. The bush is undersized (no more than 40 cm).

Layla Flirt

Mikado (Mikado)- dark red rose with double goblet-shaped flowers. A compact bush about 70 cm high is distinguished by sprawling shoots and abundant flowering. One brush can have up to 6 buds. The variety is unpretentious, resistant to frost and pests. It looks spectacular in the foreground in flower beds, and is also used to decorate paths and borders.

Baby Baccara- A very showy flowering plant. The color of densely double flowers is rich red. Diameter no more than 6 cm. The aroma is pleasant and light. This varietal variety is often used for growing in containers, decorating flowerbeds and for bordering alleys.

Baby Baccarat

Mirabel- bright low (up to 50 cm) compact bush with abundant and long flowering. The medium-sized flowers have a rich scarlet color that are luxurious against the green glossy foliage. Mirabelle has a light, pleasant aroma with fruity notes. The variety is resistant to frost and pests.


Sveta- rose spray, characterized by unique decorative properties due to the lush flowers of red color with yellow touches. The bush grows up to 70 cm in height and grows in width by the same amount. The bush differs in plentiful and long blossoming up to frosts.

Arrow Follies- original decorative culture with bright and abundant flowering. Bushes no more than 70 cm high are completely covered with elegant double flowers. Coloring - red with a purple tint. The petals have white and cream strokes. Errow Folis is used for single and group plantings, and is also often grown in containers.

Rose spray ario foles

Fire King Flash- profusely flowering bush up to 85 cm high. Terry flowers, bright red. In one brush there can be up to 15 buds. The variety is frost and disease resistant.

fire king

Black Jack- spray rose, has spectacular decorative properties due to rich red, abundant flowering. The variety was bred in the USA at the end of the 20th century. On one bush, which grows up to 60 cm, there can be up to 30 buds. Roses are medium in size (no more than 5 cm).

Black Jack

Cherry Folies- a beautiful compact bush with goblet rich red flowers with an almost white base. The aroma is pleasant, weak. The varietal variety is frost-resistant.

Cherry foliese

Rubicon- Exquisite varietal variety. Sufficiently large flowers have a dark red color. The variety is grown outdoors, but is more often used as a cut flower to create bouquets.

Ruby Star (Ruby Star)- two-tone spray roses with bright red flowers, the outside of the petals have an almost white tint. The variety is unpretentious, blooms throughout the season. Suitable for growing in containers and for framing borders.

Ruby Star

Sasha- red rose spray. The petals have orange streaks. Roses are about 6 cm in size. The height of the bush is up to 60 cm.

Terracotta- a compact bush not higher than 70 cm. The flowers are densely double, have a rich red color with an orange tint.

Sangrita- bright red, miniature spray rose with small cupped double roses. Blooms long and profusely. Used to frame borders, also grown in containers.

Red Sensation- American varietal variety of incredible beauty. Medium sized flowers are deep burgundy. The bush itself is not higher than 70 cm, it can grow up to 1 meter wide. The variety is unpretentious, winter-hardy.

Red sensation


Purple Tiger- one of the most spectacular spray roses. Gustomahrovye flowers have a unique color - purple-lilac with white strokes and spots. In this case, lilac and pink shades can also be added. One brush can have up to 5 colors. Diameter - about 6 cm. Flowering is long, often blooms again. The bush grows up to 70 cm. Notes of musk are caught in a light aroma. The variety is used to decorate borders, and will also become a unique decoration for flower beds and recreation areas.

Apple tiger

Princess- an elegant plant with densely double snow-white flowers that bloom throughout the season until frost.


Kent- a compact bush covered with numerous small snow-white flowers. The bush grows up to 60 cm in height and width. Flowering is long until frost.

droplet- spray rose no more than 40 cm tall. This crop is suitable for growing in garden plots, for bordering paths, as well as for growing in containers, including on balconies. the colors are varied: red, pink, purple.

Abracadabra- unusual rose spray. Medium-sized flowers have an almost burgundy color with yellow strokes. The height of the bush is about 60 cm. Abracadabra is used for growing in open ground, in containers, and is also suitable for creating bouquet compositions.


Orion- a very delicate spray rose with large flowers that have a lilac hue. Blooms profusely and for a long time. Frost resistant.

Bordeaux- a very elegant variety with maroon flowers of medium size. The bush is compact, has a height of no more than 60 cm. There can be up to 12 buds in one brush. Used for cutting, for growing in containers and in open ground.

Tiramisu- spectacular varietal variety. Small roses have an unusual color. It is terracotta on the inside and cream on the outside. Height - no more than 50 cm. The variety comes from Holland.


Where could I buy?

You can buy seedlings of these amazing crops in nurseries, gardening stores, buy spray rose seedlings by mail or through an online store.

Good catalogs of plants can be viewed on the website of the Omsk nursery "Wonderful Garden", on the website of "Rose Bushes" Krasnodar Territory, also in the catalogs of the Altai selection there are spray roses of various colors (pink, red, yellow, white and others).

Landing and care

Planting a spray rose is not at all a difficult process. For planting, it is recommended to choose a sunny place. However, some varieties burn out in the sun, so a little partial shade is quite suitable.

In order to plant a plant, you will need:

  1. Dig a hole with dimensions 45 * 45;
  2. Put drainage (pebbles, sand) on the base of the hole;
  3. Put organic fertilizers over the drainage (dry leaves, rot, humus, manure);
  4. Plant the plant in the planting hole, cover with soil and compact around the stems;
  5. Pour settled and warm water (8 liters of water per bush).

These cultures are unpretentious. From spring to July, fertilizing with a high nitrogen content is required. And in the summer and until autumn, the plant needs microelements such as potassium, phosphorus. It is very important to apply fertilizer during the budding period and after flowering.

The soil around the stem must be loosened regularly. Watering should be moderate.

For the winter, roses need shelter.


Pruning is very important for spray roses. It stimulates the formation of young branches and provides more abundant and longer flowering. Pruning is recommended several times during the season. At the same time, dry and damaged branches are removed. Also, at the end of flowering, wilted flowers must be cut off.

It is especially important to cut the bush in the summer, so that the plant does not waste energy on the formation of fruits, but blooms more intensely and more abundantly. In addition, pruning is the prevention of fungus.

For the florist, a great joy is persistent roses with almost no thorns. That's what spray roses are. Graceful and miniature, they are beautiful in bouquet compositions and in landscape decor. Let's talk about them in more detail, see which varieties are worthy of attention.

Spray roses are part of the group of so-called border flowers. Slender, low, they adorn front gardens and parks in even rows. The very successful name of the flowers “spray” speaks for itself - a lot of neat flowers seem to “splash out” with spray from an even stem. Spray are a variety of roses of the Floribunda group. They rightfully take their place, showing the best characteristics of the group - mass flowering throughout the season, persistence in bouquets and unpretentiousness.

Due to the large number of flowers on the branch, a flower with a large number of buds already looks like a bouquet. And in combination with other flowers and greenery creates a feeling of grace and style. In the open field, roses are low lush bushes, most spectacular in growth up to 60 cm. Although some varieties “hold out” up to 90 cm.

Attention! It is noticed that stems with small flowers stand the longest in the cut.

It is successful to use pink shrubs in the design of the yard. You can create round compositions from them by installing a decorative fence around. Shrub roses also feel great in vertical "living walls". Alternatively, you can plant the bushes in free-standing flowerpots with earth - use small wooden wheelbarrows, wooden barrels and even old car tires as a container.

Cultivation, care

Many flower growers are afraid to "get in touch" with the cultivation of spray roses - it seems that an elegant flower is very capricious. In vain, these roses are small, but resistant to cold and disease. Good care, of course, they need, but without complicated features. The main thing is to consistently fulfill the basic requirements:

Attention! Shrub roses do not like direct sunlight. For planting, it is better to choose a slightly shaded place.

Popular varieties of bright colors

Spray roses delight with a huge number of varieties that are constantly replenished thanks to flower breeders. Let's talk about the most popular.

  • Tamango. It is very noticeable with its bright - scarlet or deep red flowers-bowls. It has an unobtrusive, but well perceptible aroma. The bushes are undersized, about 50 cm. It pleases with flowering until the first cold weather, and the petals do not lose their color under the sun.

  • Heidi Klum. Flowers with bright, almost lilac petals. The opened buds are round in shape, up to 9 cm in diameter. The bushes are compact, low, up to half a meter. This variety does not like drafts and wind, it is undesirable to plant it in high, open areas.
  • Rose Arrow Folies hails from the USA. It belongs to medium-sized bushes - it grows up to 70 cm. The stem, unlike many other varieties, has thorns. The buds have a "bold" color - the red main color is "diluted" with pink, sometimes white patches-spots. This rose is very effective in bouquets. The buds endure cold precipitation without losing their rich color.
  • Impossible not to mention Rose Orange Babe. Very beautiful bright orange flowers of rather large sizes. The petals are gracefully twisted inward, forming an almost triangle. A great option for a bouquet that expresses love. Bushes have a large number of branches with 7-10 peduncles. It blooms for a long time, until October, “diluting” the gloomy shades of autumn with its brightness.

Orange Babe

Varieties of delicate shades

Many types of small-flowered roses of light colors - white, peach, pale pink are often used by florists in wedding bouquets. About some species in more detail.

  • Rose white mikado distinguished by delicate white petals. They are gracefully wavy along the edge. It blooms several times during the season, the stems reach 70 cm, growing in width up to half a meter. This variety is susceptible to diseases.

white mikado
  • View Wedding Piano was bred recently, in 2-13 years. The buds look interesting - this is an almost round ball with many petals, there are about 40 of them. This rose is one of the leaders in growth, it grows up to 120 cm. The bud flowers open slowly, demonstrating their beauty for a long time.
  • Florist's favorite spray rose Love Lydia. Resistant cut, with neat flowers of rich pink color. Shades vary - this variety can also have cream shades. Each peduncle has up to 10 petals. It blooms continuously all season, small bushes have a traditional "size" - up to 70 cm.

Love Lydia
  • Love Lydia is sometimes confused with another name - Lydia. The flower is distinguished by the shape of the bud, they are goblet. The height of the bushes is also different - no more than 60 cm. This variety is appropriate in the design of plots - group compositions are formed from them. Blooms continuously all summer.

Spray roses are an excellent choice for landscaping areas, as well as in cut form, in bouquets and compositions. The frost resistance of most varieties allows you to grow bushes in cool regions. Among the rich selection of color shades, every gardener will find a variety to his taste.

Fancy roses: video