Cacti and other succulents. Caring for cacti and succulents

Cacti and succulents are popular indoor plants for beginners. We especially recommend them for learning to care for plants to choose for children. They are easy to grow and care for those who are lazy but want a green living space in their home or office.
Very few cacti and succulents can get by with little human care, but all can die from too much. We used to think that their native places are deserts. But nature just at one fine moment modified the organisms of these plants so that they could survive in difficult dry conditions. This is evolution! And they have lived for many centuries and will probably outlive us.
In order for cacti and succulents to grow and flourish, you must adhere to everything 5 essential conditions.

  1. Cacti and succulents need well-drained compost. For 1 part of drainage, you need to take 2 parts of compost.
  2. Cacti and succulents need a lot of light. Keep them only on well-lit window sills.
  3. Pay attention to the active growing season from mid-March to the end of September. Water and fertilize as needed during this period. They can not "sit" in a plate of water. Such watering will lead the plants only to raw death - rotting from the root. Feeding succulents and cacti is rarely necessary. Ready-made mixtures are sold for them, or, for example, you can use the same fertilizers as for tomatoes. Use liquid solutions.
  4. The rest of the time, observe a “cool winter rest” - minimal watering and no top dressing at a temperature of + 5⁰С.
  5. Keep an eye out for pests such as flour beetles and red spider mites. If you find them, immediately destroy them with insecticides.

Rebutia cactus

The Rebutia cactus is native to South America from the Andes and is a perfect plant for beginners. The Rebutia cactus blooms beautifully. From mid-December, the plant begins to form flower buds. If you do not overdo it with watering during this period, then by mid-March your Rebutia cactus will begin to open the first flowers. He loves sunny window sills and timely transplants. This cactus is transplanted when it outgrows its pot.

Mammillaria cactus




Mammillaria Backebergiana

This genus of cacti Mammillaria is the most diverse and largest genus of cacti. These plants are mainly native to the United States and Mexico. Most species in this genus are suitable for growing on window sills full of indirect sunlight. Mammillaria cacti will delight you with a ring of flowers for a long time during the summer. For species with long spines and white hairs, lime must be added to the substrate. All Mammillaria love generous watering and spraying during growth, and in winter they are given maintenance watering and kept in cool rooms with temperatures up to + 10⁰С.

Echinopsis cactus

Echinopsis oxygona

Echinopsis rhodotricha

Echinopsis schickendantzii

Echinopsis candicans

Cacti from the genus Echinopsis attract growers with their large, bright flowers. Breeders are constantly trying to breed varieties of this plant, the flower of which would last longer than 1-3 days. The homeland of these cacti - South America. During the period of active growth, they prefer fresh air, a lot of sun, but not direct rays, and moderate watering. Cacti from the genus Echinopsis propagate by seeds and lateral sprouts.

Succulent Echeveria

Echeveria "Lace"

Echeveria 'Lady-Aquarius'

These plants are very fashionable now, and care for them is identical to care for cacti. The main thing that attracts in succulents, and more specifically in Echeveria, is the patterns and shapes of the rosette of leaves. They differ in color and pattern on the leaves. Some have a powder coating that must not be touched. The soil for the Echeveria succulent needs nutritious, clay-sandy. They love the sun and abundant watering in summer time but without water stagnation. In winter, they are watered sparingly. If Echeveria does not have enough light, it stretches. Echeveria succulent is propagated by seeds, leaf and stem cuttings and lateral daughter rosettes.

Euphorbia succulent

The Euphorbia succulent family has many members, and they can be very different from each other. In favor with growers Euphorbia obesa. The homeland of this plant is South Africa, but the color is European - like that of Scottish skirts. The plant is easily propagated by seeds, but for this you will need both dad and mom. You can pollinate manually with a brush. A new plant should be accustomed to new conditions gradually, and not immediately exposed to the sun, so that the Euphorbia obesa succulent does not get burned. For the first time it will bloom at 5-8 years of age.

Succulent Lithops

"Live Stones" is the second name of Lithops succulents. These are real miniature plants that will never outgrow your home. There are more than 30 species in the genus. Homeland - Africa, namely the deserts of Namibia, South Africa and Botswana. When it is dry and daylight is short, Lithops succulents are in a dormant period, when the rainy season they are actively growing. This is very important to them. During the year, a pair of leaves is replaced by a new one, flowering occurs, the fruit is tied and the fruit ripens. Leaves form such a strange shape by storing water. Sometimes, in place of one pair of leaves, two may appear with a common root system. In a few years, a whole colony can form in this way.

Fans often refer to the Cactaceae family as all plants that have thorns and can store moisture in their bodies. Only with time comes the understanding that not all such plants belong to cacti, although they have a number of similar features.

As a rule, the presence of thorns and the ability to store moisture are a sign inherent in a large group of plants called succulents. We can say that almost all cacti are succulents, but not all succulents are cacti.

What are succulents?

Succulents are not a taxonomic concept and have nothing to do with taxonomy. Succulents (succulentus - juicy, fleshy) are general concepts. This is the name of a group of perennial drought-resistant plants that are able to accumulate moisture in a highly developed specialized tissue - water-storing parenchyma and have a number of morphological and physiological adaptations for its economical use in a dry period.

On our planet, wherever there are deserts and semi-deserts, native plants, regardless of their origin, adapted to the conditions of life in a similar way.

Today, there are about 15,000 species of succulent plants, which belong to 80 families. There are many succulents among plants of the families Cactaceae, Aizoaceae, Crassulaceae, Orchidaceae, Bromeliaceae, Asclepidacae, Agavaceae, Asphodelaceae, etc.

These plants are extremely diverse in form and adaptability to survival in conditions of low humidity.

It should be noted that succulents also grow in tropical rainforests, or, for example. But most often these are epiphytic plants, they grow on tree trunks and store moisture during rains, so that later they can store it in fleshy stems.

For example, the branches of cylindroopuntias have turned into oblong segments, on which cylindrical fleshy leaves grow, but they are temporary - after a while they dry out and fall off.

Spherical and columnar cacti are completely devoid of foliage. The stem has only spines and hairs. The thorns of cacti are not decoration, they play a very important role in their life. Such reservoirs of moisture as cacti in the middle of the desert could not go unnoticed for a long time. Therefore, thorns are practically the only defense against eating for most of them. In addition, spines and hairs protect the plant from heat, wind, heavy rain, and also trap dew and protect the surface of the stem from rapid drying.

How to distinguish a cactus from other succulents?

By what signs can representatives of the cactus family be distinguished from other succulents? Among the signs available to an ordinary cactus grower, it is necessary to dwell on the five most important ones: all cacti belong to the class of dicots (the seeds of these plants and their seedlings have two cotyledons); they are perennial succulents; cacti have a special organ called the areola; the ovary of the fetus in cacti is lower; cactus fruit is a berry.

From the point of view of an amateur, the most important sign that a plant belongs to the cactus family is the presence of areoles in them. We can assume that the cactus areola corresponds to the shoot and axillary bud of deciduous plants. The upper and lower areolas have different functions. On the upper part, which corresponds to the axillary bud, buds and young shoots appear in species that branch. The lower part, which corresponds to the shoot, gives spines, which in cacti are easily separated from the stem: cactus spines are an independent organ.

The concept of "lower ovary" indicates that in cacti the part of the flower, from which, after fertilization, the fruit will develop, is located below the petals (as, for example, in cucumbers).

Cactus fruits, regardless of size and shape, are always typical berries: their small seeds are contained in a pulp covered with a leathery shell.

These five signs allow you to confidently establish whether your plant belongs to the cactus family. However, if as a result of the test, your initial diagnosis is not confirmed and your "cactus" turns out to be an "imposter" - this is not a reason for despair. It is rare to find a collection of cacti that does not include any other succulent. This ecological group of plants is so large and diverse that it is almost impossible to ignore them.

In room culture, both cacti and other succulents are very widespread. Many cactus lovers collect large collections of these amazing plants.

Most succulents grow slowly and do not require special care, so they are the best for creating plant compositions, all kinds of desert gardens, miniature landscapes.

succulents- one of the plants that are well suited for a novice gardener. These plants are easy to care for if you forget about them for a long time and give them improper care then nothing will happen to them. Succulents are also easy to propagate. For excellent growth and development of succulents it is necessary:

  • Sunlight or very good lighting;
  • Good drainage is also required;
  • Fresh air supply;
  • During the dormant period (in winter), coolness and dry soil are necessary.

Succulent Care:

  • Temperature should be kept moderate from spring to autumn. Succulents prefer day and night temperatures to be different. In winter, keep in cool conditions at 11-13 degrees;
  • Lighting- optimal placement of plants on window sills, as a certain amount of sunlight is required. Haworthia and gasteria require diffused light;
  • Watering produced when the soil dries up. During the growth period (from spring to autumn) once a week and once every 3-4 weeks during the dormant period (in winter), or when kept in a cool place, they are watered when they begin to wrinkle.
  • Spray leaves optional. succulents grow optimally and efficiently in flat pots.
  • Reproduction: Succulent cuttings root easily. Rooting must be done in spring or summer. Before planting, the cuttings must be dried for 1-3 days, if large cuttings, then 10-15 days.

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How to care for cacti and succulents

Cacti and succulents are a group of plants that have the unique ability to adapt to arid environments. Cacti are one of the varieties of succulents. But this group also includes aloe, agave and money tree. As a rule, the leaves and stems of such plants are quite fleshy, as moisture constantly accumulates in them. It is thanks to such a good supply that plants perfectly tolerate the lack of water.

Cacti are a variety of succulents that can adapt to an arid environment.

Like all plants, succulents need care. They also have their own preferences about the environment, although they are not so demanding. There are basic features of caring for all types of succulents, including cacti. Let's consider them in more detail.

Choice of soil and capacity

First of all, you need to be able to properly select the soil for succulents. The growth and flowering of plants will depend on this. The main rule is to use the substrate as simple as possible. This is especially important for cacti that can bloom. In simple land, the plant blooms much more often than in saturated with useful components.

So, if succulents are grown exclusively in a house or apartment and are not exposed to the open air even in the summer, then a substrate that consists of 1/3 fine gravel or sand and 2/3 of the usual universal potting soil is perfect. If it is planned to periodically take out the plants to an open veranda or balcony, then these proportions should be equalized.

The growth and flowering of plants to a greater extent depend on the correct selection of soil.

If you grow succulents in a substrate that is too nutritious, this will enhance their growth, make the shoots and leaves more juicy. But at the same time, flowering can not wait at all. The scarce land will “force” the plant to release buds in order to multiply.

It is very important to provide good drainage for these plants so that there is no stagnant water in the pot. And for optimal conditions, you can also add a small amount of perlite to the soil. Then, even with very rare watering, the earth will retain some moisture.

As for fertilizers, this is not so important for succulents. But some types of plants are very fond of nutrients. It is best to use dry fertilizers, but they need to be applied rarely and strictly according to the instructions. The best option would be to find out if a certain type of succulent is needed at all.

The next important condition is right choice containers for growing cacti. There is nothing complicated here. It is only important to follow one rule: the smaller the container, the better the succulent will grow in it. That is, you should not choose large pots. Let the vessel be better cramped, then the plant will feel good in it.

Money tree is a succulent that is best grown in small pots, which will eliminate excess moisture.

As for such a succulent as a money tree, it is especially important to use small pots. After all, the tree reacts very sharply to excess moisture. It is better not to water it than to pour it even once. After all, acidification of the soil, where there are no roots yet, can lead to the death of the plant.

If there is a need to transplant a plant, then it is best to choose a new pot half a size larger. Immediately after transplanting, do not water the plant and expose it to direct sunlight for a week. This will help the succulent adapt to new conditions. But at the same time, the soil where the flower is transplanted needs to be moistened a little in advance from the spray bottle.

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Watering rules

No less serious should be taken to watering succulents. These plants do not tolerate excess moisture. But in order to develop normally, from time to time they must absorb the necessary amount of moisture from the soil for their reserves. So, during the period of active growth (spring and summer), plants need to be watered abundantly. In this case, you should first water the plant well so that the entire earthen lump is saturated with water. Excess water will pour into the pan, which will need to be drained. The next watering is carried out only after the earth in the pot dries completely.

Watering succulents must be taken very seriously, as excess moisture can be detrimental to the plant.

To understand whether you need to water a cactus or not, you need to hold a pot with a plant in your hand. If it has become very light, then the earth is dry, the plant requires water. You can also deepen a finger or a match into the pot. If watering is necessary, the match will remain completely dry when pulled out.

Caution is required to water the money tree. If you pour water directly into the pot, you should try not to get on the stem. Otherwise, it may deteriorate over time. But it's best to water money trees into the tray. So the flower will be able to take the necessary amount of moisture. Such plants are best watered often and little by little.

When caring for a plant in winter, watering should be done rarely and in small portions, just so that the root system does not dry out. At this time, succulents do not develop and do not need such large reserves of moisture as in the warm season.

We often confuse cacti with succulents. All these plants are adapted to drought, their tissues are thick, fleshy, often even pungent! But how do cacti differ from succulents from a botanical point of view?

One is prickly, the other is not. This is the principle.


Succulents are very well adapted to drought. These fleshy plants can indeed retain water in their leaves, stem, and roots. In addition, they have a special structure: the leaves are usually small in size, covered with a thick epidermis, sometimes with a waxy or even hairy coat. Purpose: to keep as much water as possible in the leaves.

In terms of classification, succulents do not belong to either a group or a family. Rather, we are talking about plants with common morphological characteristics, but having nothing in common with each other.


Cacti are succulent plants that contain water in their tissues, thanks to which they can withstand long periods of drought. All cacti belong to the same family: cactus. Cacti are distinguished from other succulent plants by the presence of areoles, small hairy or woolly tufts located at the base of their spines.

Most cacti have needles. In some, they are small, jagged, thin, bundled. Usually they are very difficult to get out of the skin. The thorns of cacti are like the branches and leaves of other plants, which in the course of evolution turned into thorns in order to lose less moisture, protect the plant from herbivores, let in sunlight, and in some cases create an insulating layer between the plant and the hot air of arid climatic zones. .

In summary, cacti are succulent plants with thorns, while succulents are usually not thorny. And as always, exceptions prove the rule, there are thornless cacti and thorny succulents.

On a note:

In addition to typical areoles, the structure of flowers and fruits will also help determine whether we are dealing with a cactus or another plant. However, these characteristics are not often used (besides, the plant must bloom!).

Succulents: what a variety!

Succulents can be found in numerous botanical families, the existence of which few people know. Their characteristics are more or less obvious: there is no doubt that echeveria is a succulent begonia it's not so obvious.

Family Tolstyankov is one of the most typical families of succulents: it includes numerous succulent plants such as Crassula, Kalanchoe, Echeveria, Sedum, Sempervivum. Did you know that according to the classical classification, succulent plants of the genus Haworthia belong to the family Lileynykh(How lilies or muscari), as well as aloe (aloe vera)? Dracaena And sansevieria with their tough, thin and pointed leaves, they are not at all like juicy and fleshy lithops(“living stones”), but they also belong to succulents. The stems of some water-reserving succulents are more eye-catching than their leaves, such as those of beaucarneys. Finally, some types milkweed(family M olochaeal) look like cacti (we are talking about cactus-shaped plants), but they are not: for example, Euphorbia heptagonus often found in stores on the shelves among cacti.