The ovary of zucchini disappears than to process. Zucchini rot: we save the harvest

To keep the soil moist, you should water the zucchini along the furrows without falling on the ovary, and if the plant bears fruit, then on the fruits. Mulching with humus / peat will not interfere.

If the zucchini has grown so much that the plantation has become like a real jungle, then by cutting a few leaves, the issue of ventilation and pollination will be resolved, which means that the question of why zucchini rot in the open field will be resolved.

If you see that pollination has not occurred, and the ovary has not increased in volume, you will have to master this technology yourself.

It consists in the following: pick a male flower in the morning and pollinate the female flower with the ovary with it (stroke it over the flower, touching it). After removing the flower, wipe the place where it was with ash - this forms a protective film that prevents excess moisture from entering the fruit.

Another method of pollination ─ planting flowers of yellow and white shades. In this way, you will attract bees, which will pollinate the zucchini as well.

A few words about spraying. A sparing method will help - potassium permanganate - and a tougher one - treatment with chemicals Rodomil, Topaz, "Thiovit"; against diseases of zucchini ─ Barrier" and "Barrier"; and Arrow ─ against pests.

It should be remembered that the use of chemicals is possible only 30 days before the full ripening of the fruit.

There is a lot of information about why zucchini turn yellow and rot small, and most importantly, what to do in such cases. You decide what is right for you. And don't forget zucchini away from watermelons and melons. They don't like this neighborhood.

Zucchini in our beds settled firmly. The culture is unpretentious, reaches large sizes, tastes good for food and bears fruit until frost. But when there are no fruits, then you have to figure out what happened and why the zucchini rots on the bush. It turns out that there are reasons why a large bush cannot bear fruit, because it dies.

  1. Wrong fit
  2. What causes decay
  3. Influence of pathogenic processes
  4. How to fight?
  5. What to treat?

Wrong fit

Zucchini is photophilous and thermophilic, it should be planted in an open sunny area. So that the planting is not thickened, up to one and a half meters of free space should remain between adult bushes. Only then will the plant develop well and grow. In the root zone, you need to spread the mulch from hay, grass, but not weed.

Difficulties will follow if you grow a vegetable every season in the same place. It is necessary to apply crop rotation to it. Culture during the growing season chooses the maximum from the ground for its development useful substances. The soil here is able to recover only after four years.

You can not plant a zucchini in the land where squash, pumpkin, melons, cucumbers grew last season. After all, this is his family and you should not expect good fruiting here either.

What causes decay

At the beginning of the pathogenic process, the embryos rot, and they need to be cut off. For such a vegetable, it is considered the norm when the buds wither and fall off on their own. If they do not fall off, then they not only collapse themselves, the disease passes to the whole plant.

The main factors why ovaries and young fruits rot:

  • Weather

The origin of the zucchini is southern, it loves heat, but it does not tolerate cold snaps, high humidity. If there is a lot of precipitation and it is cold, the ovaries react to this by rotting. You need to water the vegetable, but in moderation. With frequent moistening, a lot of moisture evaporates from the soil and a greenhouse effect is created under large leaves, which also contributes to the rotting of the ovary.

  • nutritional deficiency

Pumpkin especially react to the deficiency of such elements as iodine and boron. You will not affect the weather conditions in any way, but such a problem can be dealt with. The bushes are sprayed with boric acid (2gr / 10l.v.), complex top dressings are given and it is with the obligatory content of boron

  • Lots of ovaries

If the weather conditions are unfavorable, the plant gets sick, its immunity decreases, it becomes weak and unable to feed many fruits. Then it gets rid of them in the bud

  • Poor pollination

In cloudy weather, insects do not fly, non-pollinated buds, due to the high moisture content, rot, and the plant gets rid of them. But you can pollinate yourself by picking a male flower and transferring its pollen to female buds. To attract bees, you need to plant zucchini in white, yellow color

  • Too much food in the garden

When the earth is oversaturated with nutrients, and especially nitrogen-containing ones, the squash bush grows huge with large leaves. They do not allow sunlight to break through to flowers and embryos, and in this shade an ideal humid climate is created in which diseases dangerous for the vegetable develop.

Influence of pathogenic processes

Zucchini rarely gets sick, but there is also a risk for it to be infected:

  • powdery mildew

Fungal infection is manifested by white bloom, in-depth spots on leaf plates and fruits. First, young leaves are affected, then the ovaries. This is facilitated by cold nights, hot days, that is, sudden changes in temperature, as well as cold water from the tap, which is watered. Water should be used warmed by the sun, fertilizing with nitrogen content is also excluded.

  • Copperhead (Anthracnose)

The disease affects the entire bush, it is covered with pink-brown spots, the fruits wrinkle, rot. This process is a consequence of watering under the scorching sun, excess moisture, plant residues were not removed after weeding.

  • gray or white rot

It is determined by gray and white bloom on different organs of the vegetable. If nothing is done, then the mushroom mycelium (mycelium) itself will soon become visible. This occurs when the planting is thickened, watering cold water and nitrogen overdose

How to fight?

What to do and how to save the plant? After all, this way you can lose the entire garden with zucchini and even infect neighboring crops and the garden with rot. The harvest can be saved only if you react immediately after detecting signs of disease.

Slow down their development and spread proper care behind the plant. Necessary:

  • Remove large lower leaves that create shade and accumulate moisture under them, preventing the soil from drying out. The cuts are made at an angle with a sharp instrument, the legs of the sheet leave at least four centimeters. To maintain the plant, disinfect the sections, spraying the entire bush with a solution of brilliant green (1 tsp / 10 l.v.)
  • In the rainy period, make shelter from film, plywood, boards. Thus, the bushes are ventilated, and excess moisture does not get to them.
  • Use mulch or any other bedding under the fruits, protecting them from contact with wet ground. It is better to lay out the straw, because slugs will settle under the dense material
  • You need to remove the flower buds remaining on the ovary, extra flowers. Due to their high moisture content, they also contribute to rotting.
  • Control the tightness of the landing. Leave only strong, healthy seedlings, keep a distance between them. On adult bushes, shading large leaf plates without a leg are cut off (it feeds the plant). The sun hits the center of the bush, dries the soil, which kills powdery mildew mushrooms
  • Immediately get rid of the affected leaves, yellow, dried. Treat the places of cuts with a solution of brilliant green or sprinkle with ash
  • Water with warm, settled water, only under the root, without washing it out of the soil, preventing the roots from being exposed and not getting on the stems and leaves. Irrigation mode - in warm, dry weather once a week, in rainy weather - moisture is completely stopped. Optimum water consumption up to twenty liters for each bush

After watering, loosening is necessarily carried out to avoid the appearance of a dry crust. The compacted soil will not allow the roots to breathe, they will rot and rot.

It is possible to carry out watering in the grooves, and also every month to make top dressing with infused compost, mullein with the addition of ash.

Rotten fruits, ovaries, flowers, cut leaves are carefully removed from the site and burned.

What to treat?

Zucchini is also treatable by various means, but only at the stage of the onset of the disease:

  • To neutralize powdery mildew, Topaz, Ridomil Gold, sulfuric suspension - one hundred grams per ten liters of water are used. From home remedies, solutions for foliar treatment are effective: whey (1/10) - in dry weather every three days; soapy (50g) with soda (50g) - three times a week; dry mustard (2 tablespoons / 10 lv) - repeat until cured
  • With gray and white rot, the treatment will be beneficial, but at the beginning of the disease, when the signs have just appeared. Apply phytosporin, Bordeaux mixture (100g), lime (100g) - dissolved in ten liters of water. The powder composition is prepared from copper sulfate, chalk (1/1), copper sulfate and chalk (1/2)

Experts say that the key to an excellent harvest is the purchase of seed material. hybrid varieties. By their nature, they are already inert to fungal diseases and are not subject to infection.

The ovary should always have open access to the sun and ventilation.

After analyzing this situation, determining the cause, the next time the gardener will not allow such an unpleasant situation, but will receive good harvest quality and beautiful zucchini. After all, it is better to prevent the disease than to deal with its consequences.

Zucchini is a favorite vegetable crop of the pumpkin family, loved by many gardeners. It does not require special care, frequent watering and bears fruit abundantly. However, it happens that vegetables in our gardens suffer from adverse weather conditions or errors in agricultural technology. Not only beginners, but also experienced summer residents have to think about why zucchini rot in the garden and what to do to save the crop.

You can prevent possible losses even when planting seedlings or seeds. Since zucchini are photophilous and heat-loving plants, it is better to plant them in an open, unshaded place. It is important not to thicken the plantings, a distance of 1-1.5 m will allow a strong, healthy bush to develop. It is useful to mulch the soil with hay or cut grass (but not weeds from the garden).

Disease problems cannot be avoided if vegetables are planted annually in the same garden. It is better to change places for growing zucchini, since there are not enough nutrients in such areas, and the soil is restored for at least 3-4 years.

You should not plant where melons, watermelons, pumpkins, cucumbers or squash grew. Close relatives impoverish the land, and planting zucchini in the same place will not bring a good harvest.

If a month after planting, the first 2-3 embryos rot in zucchini, the ovaries are simply cut off, but when the disease spreads, it is better to remove wilted flowers and sprinkle the tips of the fruits with ashes.

Causes of decay

Common causes of rotting zucchini in the garden are high humidity, lack of sunlight, or unsuitable soil when the land in the area is excessively rich in organic matter. The lack of essential trace elements (boron, iodine or calcium) reduces the resistance of the plant. The process of decay can be caused by fungal diseases - powdery mildew or top white rot.

Excess moisture and nutrients

When there are too many nutrients in the soil, a powerful bush grows with an abundance of large leaves that do not let in sunlight and create a microclimate inside that is favorable for the development of putrefactive processes.

Small zucchini can start to rot, then all the fruits begin to rot, and the harvest from this bush will be lost if emergency measures are not taken. Top dressing is necessary for plants, which means that it must be given to zucchini in a strict dosage.

With frequent watering or rainy weather, the entire bed is supersaturated and saturated with moisture, this creates a greenhouse effect, which also contributes to rotting.

The problem lies in the flower

A non-pollinated peduncle is more likely to rot. To attract bees, it is better to plant plants with white or yellow fruits. In cloudy and rainy weather, insects do not pollinate, so you can do it artificially (pick the male flower and transfer the pollen to the female one).

Zucchini can rot immediately after flowering. Normally, the flower fades, dries up and disappears on its own. If this does not happen, the rot first affects the flower, and then the fruit.

It is important that you water the bush correctly. If you pour water from a hose or watering can from above, the flower accumulates a lot of moisture, dries out for a long time and begins to rot, the embryos also rot; why grown zucchini turn yellow - most likely due to a lack of trace elements. Fertilizing with complex fertilizers can help the health of zucchini.

Powdery mildew infection

Zucchini is often affected by powdery mildew. Signs of a fungal infection are a whitish coating and depressed spots on the fruits and leaves. First of all, young leaves and fruit ovaries are affected. The development of the disease is facilitated by sharp fluctuations in temperature (cool nights and heat during the day) and watering with cold water.

Fungal diseases often cause decay; of course, it is better to prevent infection or start fighting at an early stage of the disease.

It is necessary to regularly inspect the plants, zucchini can get sick with powdery mildew and with an excess of nitrogen fertilizers, for example, ammonium nitrate or urea, which are used to increase yields. Potash and phosphorus fertilizers increase disease resistance.

To prevent fungal diseases, plants can be sprayed with garlic water (3-4 heads of finely chopped garlic per 10 liters).

Help zucchini: your actions

In order not to rot zucchini, you need to deal with excessive moisture. Proper watering is rare, no more than 1 time per week, but plentiful (about 20 liters of water for each bush). The roots of zucchini are powerful, and the water should penetrate to a depth of 30-40 cm. Do not pour water on the leaves and stems - only under the bush, without washing away the roots. Then the earth must be well loosened so that a dense crust does not form and the root part of the plant breathes.

An important factor is the ventilation of landings. It is necessary to remove the lower old leaves that lie on the ground and suffer more than others from diseases, pests and dampness. It is better to cut them with a sharp knife 3-4 cm from the whip. The next day, it is good to spray the trunk and leaves with a solution of brilliant green (1 teaspoon per bucket of lukewarm water). You can regularly rejuvenate the bush as the lash lengthens, thinning it out and prolonging fruiting.

Zucchini do not pollinate well and rot when the central leaves are tightly closed. In this case, you need to cut off several leaf plates, leaving the petioles - they are needed to feed the plant. In addition, the sun's rays, penetrating deep into the bush, dry out the powdery mildew mycelium.

Cut leaves and rotten fruit should be burned rather than composted to help preserve next year's crop.

If the planting of zucchini needs to be processed, it is necessary to process it with “chemistry” strictly according to the instructions. The lack of iodine can be replenished by spraying with a 0.02% solution of potassium iodide or alcohol tincture (30-35 drops per bucket of water).

So that zucchini does not rot due to a lack of boron, boric acid is used at a dilution of 1 g per 5 liters of water or complex fertilizers with trace elements.

Zucchini can also rot from damp earth, you can also try to save them by laying planks or straw. At the same time, do not forget that slugs will accumulate there - they need to be collected regularly.

The best way to ensure a bountiful zucchini crop and deal with any diseases is to purchase seeds of hybrid varieties that are not susceptible to fungal infections or easily cope with such problems.

Zucchini is one of the most unpretentious crops to grow, but despite this, there are still cases of their decay. Quite often, the ovaries begin to rot. This is not a problem, since the zucchini has more than enough of them. But some summer residents are faced with damage to the fruits themselves and even lose the entire crop from one plant or the entire garden. Why do zucchini rot in the garden, what to do to save vegetables for the table - the answers to these questions are in our article.

Causes of decay

There are a lot of factors predisposing to rotting zucchini. You should think about the reasons for the defeat of zucchini in the garden and what to do so that the vegetables do not rot as soon as possible, otherwise you can not wait for the harvest.

Non-observance of crop rotation

Proper crop rotation is one of the main conditions that is required to obtain a healthy crop of zucchini. An annual seat change is required. A vegetable can be sown on the old garden bed no earlier than after 4 years. Also important is what crop grew in that soil last season. Watermelons, cucumbers, melons, pumpkins are categorically not suitable.

Wrong watering

Some summer residents, especially those who recently began to grow plants, make a number of mistakes when watering:

  1. Use of cold water. Zucchini do not respond well to such watering with cold water and can rot.
  2. Watering during the day on sunny days. On a hot day, zucchini should be watered early in the morning or in the evening so as not to burn the plants.
  3. Erosion of roots. This vegetable has roots close to the surface of the earth, and watering with a jet from a hose leads to their erosion and destruction.
  4. The ingress of water on the leaves during watering. It is necessary to water only the ground under the plant, trying so that the spray does not fall on it.
During the period of prolonged rains, the soil gets wet about 1 meter deep, and this contributes to the development of rot. It is not always possible to save a plant. The main task of the gardener in this case is to ensure that the plantings are not too dense.

Excess or lack of nutrients

Despite its unpretentiousness, zucchini still needs a certain amount of nutrients. Basically it is iodine and boron. Their deficiency or excess leads to damage to the plant. With an excess of fertilizers, the zucchini grows with large leaves, which leads to shading of the fruit and deterioration of air exchange. To prevent rotting, excess leaves are removed, and the cut is treated with ash. With a lack of iodine, the plant is sprayed with a weak solution of pharmacy iodine (30 drops per 10 liters of water). If there is not enough boron, the bushes are treated with a solution of boric acid (2 g in 10 liters of water). With excessive use of urea or ammonium nitrate to increase yields, the plant is oversaturated with nitrogen, which can also provoke the development of diseases leading to decay.


Zucchini is a crop that rarely suffers from diseases, but still there is a risk of losing the entire crop due to the development of diseases leading to rotting of the fruit. Powdery mildew is a fungus that appears as a white coating on the leaves and subsequently on the fruits. The causes of the development of the disease are changes in air temperature, excess nitrogen, cold water. Anthracnose (copperwort) affects the entire plant and is characterized by the appearance of brown spots with a pinkish tinge.

If these signs are ignored, the fruits shrivel and rot. The disease often develops if a thorough cleaning of plant residues was not carried out in the fall, due to excess moisture or watering under the scorching sun. White and gray rot. These fungal diseases are determined by white and gray bloom, respectively, on different parts of plants. After some time, you can clearly see the mycelium of the fungus. They develop due to dense planting, high soil moisture, high nitrogen content and irrigation with cold water.

Is it possible to save

If you ignore the signs of disease or high soil moisture, you can lose not only a bed with zucchini, but also spread rot to the entire garden and garden. In almost all cases, you can save the plant if you start acting at the very beginning of its defeat.

How to prevent rotting

In order to prevent rot or stop its spread, the following recommendations should be followed: Watering should be done with warm water under the bush, preventing the roots from being exposed. Under favorable conditions (dry weather and a temperature of about 20 ° C), it is recommended to water the vegetables abundantly (a bucket of water per 1 m²) once every 5–7 days. When the air temperature rises, the soil should be moistened more often, and on rainy days, watering should be reduced.

AT temperate climate adult plants are allowed to be watered once a month in the amount of 20 liters per bush. Cut off large lower leaves (they form a shadow and retain moisture), especially those that lie on the ground. The cut is made with a sharp knife, leaving 3-4 cm of the petiole of the leaf on the stem. As an antiseptic, you need to prepare a solution of 1 teaspoon of greenery and 10 liters of water and spray the bush with it. On rainy days, to preserve the vegetable, you can make a shelter from planks, plywood or polyethylene film by placing them on pegs. Thus, air circulation is maintained, and excess moisture does not fall on the ridge.

You can also use bedding under the fruits so that they do not come into contact with wet ground. Slugs can settle under dense materials, so it is better to use straw. It often happens that after the ovary of the fetus, flowers remain on the bushes. They contain a lot of moisture, which contributes to the decay of the young fruit. Excess flowers need to be pinched off, and the “wound” should be treated with ashes. The thickening of plantings also negatively affects the condition of the plant. In the case of sowing zucchini seeds in open ground after the emergence of sprouts, only the strongest plant should be left. When planting seedlings, the distance between the bushes should be observed. Leaves with spots that appear, yellowed or withered, should be removed immediately. In addition to ash, the cut points can be treated with charcoal or a brilliant green solution.

On the early stages plant disease, he needs treatment, involving the treatment of various drugs.

Powdery mildew. If signs of the disease are found, it is allowed to use "Ridomil Gold", "Topaz" or a suspension of colloidal sulfur (100 g per 10 l of water). Can be used folk remedies widely used by experienced gardeners.

  1. The most common method is spraying a diseased bush with a solution of whey and water in a ratio of 1:10. Treatment is carried out in dry weather several times with an interval of 3 days.
  2. No less popular is a soap solution made from 50 g of grated laundry soap, 50 g of baking soda and 10 liters of water. Process 2-3 times with an interval of 7 days.
  3. It is possible to process zucchini with dry mustard (2 tablespoons), diluted in 10 liters of water. Repeat the procedure until the plant heals.

White and gray rot. Treatment is effective only at the very beginning of the disease. First of all, you need to eliminate provoking factors. Of the chemical methods, Bordeaux mixture is used (10 l of water, 100 g of copper sulfate and lime), phytosporin, dusting with a mixture of chalk and crushed copper sulfate (2: 1) or chalk and copper sulfate (1: 1).

Following these simple advice, every novice summer resident will know how to save zucchini from rot in the garden. But we should not forget that the prevention of rotting vegetables is an important component of obtaining a strong and healthy harvest.

Zucchini is the vegetable crop that is most often grown in most household plots. Ripe fruits are widely used in cooking and are valued for their high content of nutrients. But often summer residents are faced with such a problem as the rotting of this vegetable in the garden.

Therefore, it is necessary to understand in more detail why do zucchini rot in order to prevent the development of this unpleasant process in time.

Characteristic features of zucchini

Zucchini is considered a bushy variety of pumpkin and has oblong fruits without lashes. Such an annual crop can have fruits that are green, yellow, white or even black, depending on the variety, which vary in length. The mass of fruits also varies, ranging from 0.3 kg to 0.8 kg.

This vegetable does not differ in excessive capriciousness, but its main feature is that it cannot stand its relatives. That is why it is imperative to change the place of planting zucchini every year so that they grow well and bear excellent fruit.

The ideal soil for growing this vegetable crop is light loamy or fertile sandy loam. It is on such soil that the greatest yield is achieved. But even moderately saline soils are quite suitable for planting. In this case, more attention should be paid to feeding young plantations.

Zucchini is considered a crop with a short growing season. They are quite undemanding to heat, which makes it possible to get a good harvest even in non-chernozem zones. Seedlings develop well even at moderate temperatures, but nevertheless, with a sharp onset of cold weather, seedlings may die. Therefore, the most suitable mode is considered to be 18 - 24 ° C.

Such a vegetable crop is very photophilous and does not tolerate dimming at all. The perfect place for planting seedlings, it is considered the most sunlit piece of land where there are no other taller plantings.

Zucchini is characterized by resistance to drought due to a powerful root system, so plants are able to develop even with a long absence of rain. Although the complete absence of watering is undesirable for them, because in this case the yield and quality of the fruit will be noticeably lower.

However, with excellent drought tolerance, zucchini is highly prone to many diseases that affect both the leaves and the fruits directly.

Causes of rotting zucchini

Even if planted in optimal soil, in plantations, the leaves may sometimes dry out or turn yellow, and the ovary and already formed fruits begin to rot. This process may not always indicate disease involvement, so it is necessary to consider all possible reasons why zucchini rot in order to find out which one catalyzed the process.

There are several most common causes that lead to a sharp rotting of the ovary and already formed fruits.

The negative influence of previous crops - zucchini cannot stand the presence of their relatives in appearance, which were planted on the same beds last year, because they take all valuable substances and new squash plantations from the soil, even if they grow, they tend to rot over time fruit and leaf discoloration.

High air humidity - in cool and rainy weather, plants are under-pollinated and suffer greatly from adverse weather conditions, so excess moisture causes rapid spread of rot.

Sometimes the process of fruit decay occurs, on the contrary, due to the abundance of nutrients in the soil. Zucchini in such a plot are actively growing and reaching huge sizes. The bushes grow to such an extent that the sun's rays cannot penetrate deep in order to warm the earth. As a result, they create ideal conditions for the development of the process of decay, because thanks to the shade, the moisture under the plantations cannot dry out.

But besides this, zucchini, like all plants, can suffer from diseases. There are those that cause rotting, and in such cases, dangerous white rot appears on the leaves, as well as directly on the fruits themselves.

Rotting control methods

The appearance of rot is a very dangerous process, as a result of which zucchini can completely die. Therefore, depending on the cause that caused the occurrence of this harmful process, it is necessary to immediately take appropriate measures to combat rot.

If the prerequisite for the appearance of rot was planting on initially unsuitable soil, then at the first signs of it, the plants should be sprayed on the leaves with a solution of boric acid at the rate of 2 g per 10 liters of water.

In the case when the zucchini began to rot due to excess moisture, it is necessary to feed the bushes with infusion of mullein with the addition of ash. At the same time, the soil around the plantations must be loosened, and the rotted parts should be carefully removed immediately.

With an excess of nutrients in the soil, it is important to thin out the plants, remove excess leaves in a timely manner and place small wooden planks under the zucchini.

When the process of decay is caused by a disease, especially powdery mildew, you should use such chemicals like "Topaz" or "Thiovit", which you need to carefully spray the plants.