Perennial hosta plant: species description, planting and care. Hosta: description, planting and care Hosta with white flowers where to plant

Hosta (lat. Hosta), or Funkia- This is a genus of herbaceous perennials of the Asparagus family, although it was previously assigned to the Liliaceae family. The host was named in honor of the Austrian botanist and physician N. Host, and its second name - funkia - it received in honor of G.Kh. Funk, a German botanist. In total there are about 40 plant species.

The historical range of the host is East Asia (Korea, China, Japan), the southwest of the Far East, Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands. Moisture-loving hostas grow along the banks of rivers and streams, on mountain slopes, on forest edges ... The Japanese consider the hosta flower to be a sacred plant, and the leaf petioles are used as food as a delicacy. Having appeared in England, the hosta could not immediately impress the locals, but, once in the New World, it soon became the most popular plant. So much so that its popularity has spread to other continents.

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Planting and caring for a hosta (at a glance)

  • Landing: spring or late August-early September.
  • Bloom: mostly ornamental and deciduous plants, the peduncles of which are recommended to break out before flowering, but some species and varieties attract with one-sided racemose inflorescences of various colors that appear in mid-late summer.
  • Lighting: bright light, partial shade, shade.
  • The soil: any, except for dry and sandy, as well as clay untreated soils. Optimal soil- nutritious, rich in humus, well-moistened and drained loam with a reaction from slightly acidic to slightly alkaline (pH 6.5-7.5).
  • Watering: under the root early in the morning. The soil around the bushes should be slightly damp all the time.
  • Top dressing: when grown in fertile soil after planting, do not feed for 3-4 years. During the season, if necessary, until mid-July - with solutions of mineral complex fertilizers once every two weeks, after that, top dressing is stopped. In autumn - mulch from humus or compost.
  • Reproduction: seeds, dividing the bush, cuttings.
  • Pests: slugs.
  • Diseases: phyllosticosis, gray mold, sclerotinia.

Read more about growing hostas below.

Hosta flowers - description

The host plant has many faces. That is why it will fit into any garden composition. This is an ornamental rhizomatous plant that can grow very quickly into entire plantations. The main decoration of the host is its large leaves, which exist in all sorts of variations depending on the type and variety of the host. Hosta is versatile and unpretentious, cold-resistant and drought-resistant, grows well in the shade and is a worthy background for other plants. The hosta reaches its peak of beauty in the fifth year of growth.

Despite the variety of species and varieties, all hostas are stemless, herbaceous plants, thickened compact and short-branched rhizomes of which have many cord-like roots, allowing the plants to firmly gain a foothold in the soil. bluish, white, pink and purple flowers hostas, simple and terry, collected in brushes, effectively rise on high, almost leafless peduncles above a leaf rosette. Unlike all other shade-loving plants, whose flowers are usually a pitiful sight, the flowers of the host are really beautiful: funnel-shaped or funnel-bell-shaped, collected in one-sided racemose inflorescences. The fruit of the hosta is a leathery trihedral box with numerous seeds that remain viable for about a year.

The leaves of the host, basal, lanceolate and heart-shaped, long-petiolate, pointed, having noticeable veins and striking in their color variety, are still their main advantage. The colors of the leaves vary depending on the type and variety of hostas, from green in all shades, blue in all shades, to white and yellow. Moreover, there are also a great many options for combining these colors on one sheet: strokes, spots, stripes, and so on. The texture of hosta leaves is also diverse: crumpled, wrinkled, waxy, with a metallic sheen, just glossy or matte ... Plant height is on average 50-80 cm, but in culture there are both dwarf varieties not exceeding 15 cm, and giants above 120 cm.

Growing hosta from seed

How to grow a hosta in a pot

Hostas are propagated by dividing the bush, seeds, and cuttings. For those who prefer breeding hosta with seeds, you should know that growing hosta in this way depends on the pre-sowing treatment of the material with growth stimulants (soaking for half an hour in Epin, Kornevin, Zircon or aloe juice), since the germination of hosta seeds is weak - 70-80% .

To improve germination, some flower growers advise resorting to the stratification method (keeping seeds for a month in the cold).

The second very important success factor is the sterility of the substrate, in which there should be no fungi and other microorganisms, otherwise the seedlings may grow sick, so it is best to buy the substrate in specialized stores. The composition of the substrate should include perlite, peat and vermiculite.

In April-May, a drainage layer is placed in a pot previously treated with medical alcohol or a solution of potassium permanganate, the substrate is poured and it is well moistened. Then the seeds of the hosta are scattered over the surface, sprinkled on top with a layer of substrate 5-7 mm thick, slightly compacted and, in order to retain moisture, cover the pot with glass or film. During germination, the soil temperature should be 18-25 ºC, and then shoots will appear in two or three weeks. Keep seedlings out of direct sunlight provide them with moderate watering, remove condensate in time. The seeds don't need bright light, so keep them in a light shade until germination, but then place them in a well-lit spot.

In the photo: Growing hosta seedlings from seeds

It is necessary to dive seedlings into separate pots after the appearance of a pair of leaves: seedlings are transferred to the soil, a quarter covered with sand. To moisten the dived seedlings, bottom watering is used: the host in a pot is placed in a deep pan with water and remains there until the top layer of soil “gets wet”. Now the seedlings need to be hardened: remove the film or glass for several hours. After a week, remove the cover completely, and expose the host for a short time to fresh air, provided that the temperature is not lower than +18 ºC.

Keep in mind that hosta seedlings develop very slowly, and in general, hosta grown from seed often loses varietal traits.

Planting hostas in the garden

When to plant a hosta

Before you plant a hosta, you need to choose a site where she will be comfortable. Remember that the hosta can grow without a transplant in one place for up to twenty years, and every year it will only be more beautiful. The optimal performance is partial shade with protection from drafts, but remember: the brighter the hosta leaf, the more white and yellow fragments on it, the more photophilous the variety. To motley hosts it is desirable to grow in a place shaded at noon, but illuminated by the sun in the morning and evening. Blue varieties need to be planted only in the shade, they will need two hours of sunshine a day. The thicker the shadow, the slower the hosta grows, but the larger the leaves and the taller the bush.

In the photo: Sprouted hosta seedling

Hostas need moist, humus-rich, neutral to slightly acidic soil with good drainage. Only hostas dislike sand and heavy loam. It is best to prepare the soil for spring planting in the fall: spread a 10 cm thick layer of organic fertilizer over the allotted area and dig the ground to the depth of a bayonet shovel. By spring, the soil on the site will be ready for planting. Planting hostas in the ground is carried out when the threat of frost has passed. In our latitudes, this is the end of April - the middle of May.

How to plant a hosta

Seedling holes are placed at a distance of 30-60 cm, depending on the variety of the planted plant. For giant hostas, the distance between the bushes should be 80-100 cm. If you plant seedlings from pots in the ground, water them a few hours before planting. If you combine landing with dividing the host bushes, then remove the dried, rotten or damaged roots from the delenki. Seedlings are placed in the prepared holes from a pot with a clod of earth (or delenki) 2-3 cm below ground level, the roots of the hosts are carefully straightened, covered with earth, crushed and watered abundantly. The area around the root is mulched with crushed bark.

In the photo: A mulched hosta seedling in open ground

Host care

How to care for a hosta in the garden

If the hosta grows in fertile soil, then it can be left without feeding for three to four years. The main top dressing for the host is humus and compost, which are applied in the fall in the form of mulch. It is undesirable to get involved in mineral fertilizers, but if you decide that they are needed, scatter granular fertilizers around the host after rain or heavy watering. Plants are fed with liquid fertilizers (root and foliar) once every two weeks until mid-July, and then they stop, otherwise the host will continue to grow new leaves and will not have time to prepare for winter.

How to Grow Hyacinths - When to Plant and How to Care

The soil around the plants should be kept moist at all times, especially around young hostas, so it is very important to water the plants on time, and watering must be carried out in the early morning and under the root, and not on the leaves, which deteriorate from getting water on them. In addition, the water jet should not be strong so that the soil does not compact, but, on the contrary, can be saturated with water as deeply as possible. A signal that the plants do not have enough water is the darkening of the tips of the leaves of the hosta.

In the photo: Growing a host in the open field

If you are interested in making the hosta bush look neat, you will have to break out young flower stalks, otherwise the hosta will “fall apart” after flowering. The host needs to be loosened and weeded only at first, when it grows, the weeds will no longer be afraid of it. After three or four years, the hosta needs to be divided, as it will grow strongly. Dig up the hosta and separate the young cuttings from the main root. It won't harm a healthy plant.

Hostas are unpretentious plants, but the Americans say that the more host varieties in your collection, the higher the risk of getting an infected specimen. Sometimes weak or frost-bitten hostas strike phyllosticosis- a fungal disease that manifests itself in the form of yellow-brown merging spots on the leaves. Sometimes flower stalks are affected by the fungus Phyllosticta aspidistrae Oud. Infected plants are removed and burned, and the soil in this place is disinfected.

In the photo: Hosta leaves turn yellow

The host suffers from gray mold (Botrys cinerea) and from sclerotinia (Sclerotinia). The rot affects the leaves of the host, they fight it with fungicides, which are based on folpet. Sclerotinia is a fungus, white cotton mold, detrimental to the root neck of the host. It is eliminated with dichloran.

The main plant pest slugs. A sign that the hosta has attracted these garden pests- large holes in the leaves. Dealing with them is easy: place bowls of beer around the host, and a day later go and collect the slugs that have crawled down to drink beer.

In the photo: Slugs on hosta leaves

In addition to slugs, they are not indifferent to the host stem nematodes. Signs of their vital activity look like necrotic yellow spots spreading between the veins of the leaves. A simple test will help to detect the appearance of nematodes: put finely chopped hosta leaves in a thin-walled glass, fill them with water for half an hour, and then look at the contents in the light. If there are nematodes, then you will see how the worms swim in the water. It is impossible to fight nematodes, because chemicals will not destroy the eggs they lay, and they will give new nematodes the next year. Plants will have to be exterminated within a radius of two meters from the affected specimen.

In the photo: Collecting hosta seeds after flowering

Hostas are dangerous caterpillars, which, having appeared unexpectedly, can destroy the entire plant in just one night, as well as beetles and grasshoppers, after the invasion of which the leaves look like Swiss cheese. Only insecticides can rid the host of insects.

Hostas after flowering

After the flowers fade, the flower stalks must be removed. In September, the preparation of the host for the dormant period begins. At the same time, flower growers seat the host. First, half an hour before seating, you need to water the area where you have to work well. Then the bushes are dug up and divided in such a way that each part has one or more leafy rosettes. They are seated at a distance of 25-35 cm from each other, digging in to the same depth at which the mother plant was located. The roots of the host grow horizontally, so the holes should be wide.

After planting, the plants need to be watered abundantly at first. You need to complete the process of dividing and seating the host before mid-September, so that the “newcomers” have time to take root in a new place before the onset of autumn cold weather. Young hosts will need four weeks to root. From spring, these delenki will begin to grow quite quickly: in two or three years they will become adult large plants.

In the photo: Hostas in the garden after flowering

In autumn, work is carried out to insulate the area with hosts in anticipation of winter. To do this, the site is mulched with leafy soil. This is especially needed for hosts growing under trees: thanks to the mulch, the host will not lack nutrients taken up by the roots of the tree. Mulch, among other things, raises the level of the flower bed, and this improves soil drainage.

Types and varieties of hosts

The hosta flower in all its variety of species and varieties finds wide application in landscape design. Hosta hybrida has more than 4000 varieties today. But the main types on the basis of which this diversity arose are not so many. Host species that served as the basis for selection:

  • Hosta curly(height 60 cm, leaves are wide, dark green with a white border, for example, Dream Weaver).
  • hosta high(up to 90 cm tall, leaves are large, glossy, dark green, for example, the Tom Schmid variety).
  • Hosta Fortune(height up to half a meter, leaves are green with a creamy border, for example, hosta albopicta).
  • Hosta Siebold(up to 60 cm tall, leaves with obvious veins, for example, variety Elegans).
  • Hosta wavy(up to 75 cm, leaves with a wavy edge, the middle is white with a green border in strokes, for example, hosta Undulata Mediovariegata).
  • Hosta swollen(up to half a meter, leaves with pointed tips, for example, the Thomas Hogg variety).
  • Hosta plantain(up to half a meter, the leaves are bright green, glossy, for example, the Royal Standard variety).

Any amateur gardener seeking to create an original design on his site has to carefully consider the choice of plants. Considering that only flowering plants cannot be in the garden, the owners of the plots have a need for a beautiful background, which is distinguished by juicy decorative foliage. To do this, they are looking for unpretentious flowers with lush greenery.

Hosta enjoys an undoubted advantage over other plants. A variety of varieties and species allows you to fully embody the most daring design fantasies in the garden, transforming it beyond recognition.

Hosta: description

A perennial plant with a not very developed rhizome, the main advantage of which are leaves of a wide variety of sizes, colors and shapes - this is a beautiful host crowned by gardeners.

An ornamental and deciduous plant, resistant to cold, grows well in the most shaded areas. Textured foliage is ideal for arranging all kinds of bouquets, which is adopted by experienced florists. This is a versatile plant for any gardener - both beginner and experienced, which does not require special care. These plants look great on the banks of ponds and artificial garden ponds, in flower beds and rocky gardens. The hosta has bell-shaped flowers in the form of decorative brushes, but it seduces the owners of the plots with its lush greenery, peculiar coloring and the original shape of the leaves, which sometimes have a wax coating. After flowering, the plant continues to delight with greenery until the onset of cold weather.

From where in the garden plot of the host?

Gardeners have recently paid attention to ornamental plant with beautiful leaves. Prior to this, hosts were mainly located in botanical gardens. Beautiful flowers were not the main advantage of the plant, the leaves looked more attractive, having the most diverse color and shape. The aristocratic plant has become a popular perennial in shady gardens and parks across the country. This plant is native to Japan and China. Far East and Korea. Hostas, actively grown in the gardens of Japan for three millennia, became actively spread in Europe during the time of Leonardo da Vinci.

The plant, which fell in love in the Middle Ages, is forgotten over time, and only in the last century, thanks to the development of microclonal reproduction, it is remembered again. With the advent of new varieties, flowers attractive to gardeners appear, the hosta becomes popular again and firmly secures the title of “queen of the shady garden”.

The flower owes its name to Thomas Host, a 19th-century Austrian physician and botanist. However, you can hear that the hosta (funkia) is named after H. G. Funk, a pharmacist from Germany.

What attracts hosta landscape designers?

When designing a site, you have to think about the combination of plants with each other, an acceptable neighborhood that will not irritate the eye with its inconsistency. Particular attention has to be paid to the choice of plants when garden and ornamental trees have grown and significantly shaded the site with their spreading crowns. Not every plant is able to live in the shade, because for the majority it is fatal. Best Option in such a case is the host.

Landscape designers love to use these flowers in the design of the plots, the hosta grows very quickly, which makes it possible to fill the space and create a beautiful green background.

It also looks good in mixed borders. Excellent compatibility with flowering perennials and annuals, a variety of grasses and ferns, small bulbous plants and ornamental foliage. Hostas look chic on alpine slides and next to decorative fountains. The plant is versatile and allows for variability, fitting perfectly into any style. And growth various kinds varies from 5 to 100 cm, allowing you to luxuriously decorate the space, filling it everywhere.

A weighty argument in favor of the hosta placed on the site is its durability, which allows up to 30 years to enjoy its contemplation on its site.

Types and varieties of hosts

It is necessary to know how these plants are grouped in order to provide for the correct neighborhood. Hostas are beautiful flowers with more than two thousand varieties to choose from, and they will delight gardeners with their appearance for decades. Functions vary greatly in size, so this parameter is decisive for selecting groups:

  • less than 10 cm - Miniature, miniature (Mini);
  • up to 25 cm - Dwarf, dwarf (D);
  • up to 40 cm - Small, small (S);
  • up to 60 cm - Medium, medium (M);
  • up to 90 cm - Large, large (L);
  • up to 150 cm - giant (XL).

Another parameter by which these plants can be classified is color:

  • blue - these plants are distinguished by a bluish-gray wax coating (Grand Master, Blue Cadet, Stenantha, Love Pat);
  • variegated - these are hostas with a border of light shades: yellow and golden, beige and white;
  • green - plants with a variety of shades of green (Green Fountain, Lancifolia, Royal Standard, Invincible);
  • media variegated - the leaf of such hosts is light (cream, white or yellow), and the border is dark green;
  • yellow - these include all hostas with yellow leaves.

The arrangement of the leaves of the plant also helps to distinguish their separate subgroups: with leaves up, falling and horizontal.

It should be noted that the most variegated color is inherent in medium-sized and small plants, while large and medium-sized plants are more often blue and green.

The flowering of the hosta is of little interest to the owners. Most often, they try to get rid of the buds due to a violation of the shape of the bush, which loses its attractiveness and falls apart. The exceptions are varieties of plantain with inflorescences that have the finest aroma, vaguely reminiscent of a lily, lilac and violet.
Variegated hosts: Volwerine, Middle Ridge, Great Expectations, Gypsy Rose, Patriot, Spilt Milk.

Light or shadow? What's better?

One of the main advantages of the plant is its shade tolerance, which makes the host attractive to gardeners. Therefore, the best place to plant is partial shade or shade, and after flowering, the decorative properties are completely preserved. But it must be remembered that for some plants a sunny place will be suitable for planting, but there is a risk of losing varietal properties: the size, color and shape of the leaves. A prerequisite for successful growth is the provision of shade on a hot afternoon, then the host will grow well. Leaves turn yellow and burns appear on the plant under the scorching sun. It would be wise to plant from the side of the sun-loving perennial flower or bush.

It is noticed that light-loving hostas have yellow and white stripes or spots. These are most often flowers with a white border on the leaves. For varieties that have a yellow color in the color of the leaves, good tolerance is characteristic of both light and shady areas. But for blue varieties, only a shadow is needed, it is in it that amazing properties and a waxy sheen of leaves will be preserved. In a heavily shaded area, the hostas will grow more slowly, but they will please with spectacular and large leaves, and the plant will be larger in height.

How and where to choose planting material?

Planting flowers is a serious matter, and the choice of planting material should be approached responsibly. For reliability, bare roots should be purchased at a store or garden center. It is better if they are sprinkled with sawdust or peat, because they can be seen immediately. To avoid rotting, it is necessary to remove them from the mixture for a thorough inspection. If there are rotten fragments, then they must be cut off. Roots acquired at the end of winter - beginning of spring, dry, should be put in the cellar or in the refrigerator, in the fruit compartment, where the temperature will range from 0 to 4 degrees.

In the case when the buds hatched and began to germinate, and it is too early to plant in the ground, the root is lowered into a solution of potassium permanganate or "Epin" and planted in a pot with loose soil. The flowerpot is placed in a cool place, and watering is carried out from the pallet. And they plant such a host in open ground only in late spring - early summer, so that all frosts are behind.

When purchasing plant roots in April-May, you can safely plant them directly into the ground, deepening the buds by 3-5 cm. But it is best to buy hostas from collectors in the fall and transplant from soil to soil immediately.

How to make a transplant?

Even a novice florist can cope with transplanting such an unpretentious plant as a host. This is just a godsend for busy people who reduce daily plant care to a minimum. The most favorable time for transplantation is spring. With the advent of new shoots, you can start transplanting. The plant calmly tolerates a summer transplant, taking root easily. In autumn, they are transplanted a month before the onset of cold weather, this will allow the plant to take root and take root. You need to know that some varieties allow only an autumn transplant, because in the spring their root system does not develop. This applies to the Siebold and Tokudama varieties, as well as their hybrids.

The plant is not capricious, therefore it is undemanding to soils, but preference is still given to humus loams, which are provided with a sufficient amount of moisture, but do not allow it to stagnate. If the soil is poor, then humus, sawdust, sand and mineral fertilizers are added. Soil acidity should be maintained at an average level.

Before planting, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe garden where the plant is planned to be transplanted should be watered several hours in advance.

A drainage layer is poured into a hole 40 cm deep, the roots are straightened and, avoiding voids, sprinkled with fertile soil. Then everything is watered abundantly. The root neck should remain at the level of the soil, the roots are covered with a layer of peat. When mass planting, the size of an adult plant is taken into account. The distance must be maintained for large specimens - 1 m, for medium plants - 50 cm, and for dwarf species - up to 20 cm.

What are the features of cultivation?

Amazing hosta flower! Care is required intermittent, which is important for busy owners. The plant responds with vigorous growth to fertilization. This procedure is best done in the fall.

To obtain luxurious flowers, one should take into account the characteristics of the type of hosta, maintain the distance between plants, and transplant in time. It is not recommended to allow waterlogging of the area, because this will rot the roots. There is nothing complicated in caring for this plant. It is unpretentious and responds with gratitude to the meager attention of the gardener.

How to care for a hosta in the garden?

Planted in semi-shady and shady corners of the garden, the host looks perfect both alone and in various combinations. Varieties creeping along the ground look luxurious, covering the ground around tree trunks with a green carpet and preventing weeds from sprouting in other parts of the garden. Artificial ponds and alpine slides without this plant would look poor.

To obtain a lush plant and abundant flowering, it is necessary to maintain moderate soil moisture and fertilize on time.

To preserve the appearance of the plant, some flower growers very often remove buds and arrows. But there are also lovers of flowering specimens. So, the hosta with white flowers Grandiflora has large inflorescences that exude an aroma reminiscent of violet or lilac. Planted in a row along the alley, these plants will delight you with lush flowering in the afternoon. In this species, during flowering, the shape of the plant will not suffer, the bush will not fall apart.

Propagation by seeds and cuttings

To grow a plant from seeds, you need to take only fresh hosta seeds. Seeds aged in moderate cold give friendly shoots for three months. But you can expect a full-fledged bush only in the fourth year.

Most flower growers prefer propagation by cuttings. This is best done in spring or late summer. Even the smallest cuttings grow very quickly. Young sockets with small leaves will ideally take root in a new place. Cuttings after planting require abundant watering, shading and spraying at first. Such a plant will live in one place for more than a dozen years, so this moment should be taken into account when planning the site. Cut-off cuttings at the fracture site are treated with ash.

Features of watering and top dressing

Moisture-loving plants will feel great near the pond, but moisture stagnation should not be allowed. Watering should be regular. When transplanting a plant, the first 2 weeks it is necessary to water it daily. Mature plants with a well-developed root system are watered once a week. Before the onset of cold weather for a month, watering stops.

Plants should be fertilized with a slowly dissolving granular complex fertilizer. Top dressing is done twice a season.

Organic fertilizers in the form of humus in the heat should not be abused, because the roots can rot. Top dressing is also required for foliage, nourishing and protecting them from burns.

If necessary, you can use growth stimulants - means "Zircon" and "Epin-Extra".

Carefully! Pests

Like every plant, hostas also have enemies.

  • Rainy summer threatens with the invasion of slugs, which can significantly damage the plant. Superphosphates, tobacco dust and ash, scattered with a strip near the plant, will not be to the liking of pests.
  • Nematodes can infect plants. Blisters on the leaves indicate their presence. Having found this, they get rid of the plants. For prevention, before planting, you can place the roots cleaned from the ground for half an hour in water (70 degrees) with the addition of potassium permanganate.
  • "Leopard spotting" of leaves cannot be cured. A viral disease will destroy the plant and spread to neighboring flowers, so the bush is uprooted.

Hosta or function (Hosta=Fúnkia) - perennial herbaceous plant with very beautiful foliage. There are about 50 of its species and many hybrid variations. This perennial boasts a wide variety of leaf sizes and colors, making it great for flower gardens. At the same time, the plant is unpretentious, frost-resistant. It is easy to plant, and care will require minimal time. This makes the hosta a popular garden dweller.

All hostas are rhizomatous plants with relatively large leaves (6-40 cm) on petioles, which form a basal rosette - a compact bush. The height of which can vary from 20 to 100 cm. The peduncle is long (sometimes up to 120 cm) without leaves, on which flowers of a pinkish-lilac sometimes white color, similar to small bells, are located in the form of a loose one-sided brush. They bloom at different times in the summer.

The main advantage of this plant are the leaves. They are very varied:

  • shape: elongated lanceolate, rounded, similar to a heart;
  • color: blue, gray, yellow, cream, variegated and various shades of green;
  • texture: smooth or wrinkled, glossy or matte, with a slight wax coating.

Gardeners love the hosta for its unpretentiousness, ability to decorate even the most shady places, durability - it can grow for more than 20 years, becoming more magnificent every year. She gets along well with others. cultivated plants, and its dense bushes do not allow weeds to grow.


Location selection

Many gardeners choose the hosta, it is known as a shade-tolerant plant. AT wild nature it often grows in open sunny areas, in floodplains. Breeders have bred many varieties that love direct sunlight. Therefore, it is impossible to say unequivocally which part of the host will feel best. The place should be chosen based on the individual characteristics of the variety.

But even shade-tolerant varieties of hosts will feel bad, get sick and, accordingly, look bad, in the deaf shade of trees and bushes. The best place to plant, which will appeal to most varieties of this plant, is a site that is mainly shaded in the afternoon. The soil should be constantly moderately moist. In the hot season, large leaf plates of hosts evaporate a lot of moisture, therefore, if it is lacking in the soil, they will become thinner and acquire an ugly brown color.

When choosing a landing site, the color of the leaves should also be taken into account:

  • Dark green and bluish hostas will be happy with areas under pears, apple trees and other trees with a light openwork crown. Such a neighborhood will not create a hopeless shadow, but at the same time it will protect the leaves of the plant from sunburn.

  • Golden, white, yellow shades present in the color of the leaves indicate that the plant will feel good in the sun. However, not scorching. It is better to choose for them a place where the sun will prevail in the morning, in the shade of low bushes or large flowers, so that in the middle of the day they shade the host from the scorching sun. The main thing is to find the golden mean. In the open sun, the variegated hosta will burn out, and in constant shade, most likely, it will become a solid green.
  • Hosta is an excellent neighbor for a variety, such as fragrant violet, astilbe, primrose and many others. Contrasting plants look spectacular: for example, yellowish-gold hosta and flowers with blue or purple petals.


Landing and further care for the host will not be difficult even for a beginner in the world of gardeners. The plant should be planted in the garden in early spring, at the time of active growth of the root system, but before the leaves have moved into growth. In some cases, you can plant the host in the fall. It is better to do this in September so that the plant has time to take root well before frost. It is in the fall that it is recommended to divide and replant Siebold and Tokudama hosts - their root system is arranged in such a way that autumn is the best time for this.

Hosta is undemanding to the composition of the soil. But with poor infertile soils, it is advisable to enrich them with complex mineral fertilizers even before planting. The plant responds well to ash. Peat is added to sandy soils. This will keep the soil moist for the host and prevent nutrients from being leached out.

Planting material can be divided into two types: with an open and closed root system. As the name implies, in the second case, the plant goes along with a clod of earth, in the first case, the root system is bare.

Plants with an open root are planted, carefully straightening the roots. With closed - placed in the hole along with a clod of earth. In both cases, the hole should be somewhat deeper and wider than the root system of the seedling. Fertilizer is applied to its bottom. The growth bud should remain strictly above the soil level. After planting, the soil is compacted and the plant is watered.

Hosta breeding

Hosta can be propagated by dividing the bush, cuttings or sowing seeds.

  1. The division of the bush is the simplest and reliable way propagate the plant. This procedure can be carried out at any time, but it is best to do it in the spring, before active growth begins, or at the very beginning of autumn, so that the delenki have time to take root well.

In this case, it should be taken into account that young hosts are difficult to tolerate such a procedure, so it is not recommended to divide specimens younger than 4 years old.

To do this, carefully dig a bush, cut it into pieces with a sharp knife so that each of them has at least one growth bud. Then the delenki are planted in a permanent place.

  1. Cuttings are best done in the summer. To do this, use shoots with small leaves or rosette shoots left after dividing the bush with a piece of rhizome.

In such a cutting with a “heel”, we cut off part of the leaf (about 1/3), this will help reduce the evaporation of moisture. Then we plant it in a slightly shaded place and cover with a glass jar.

  1. Sowing seeds will allow you to get a large number of plants at once. However, it should be noted: seedlings most often do not retain the varietal characteristics of the mother plant. It is advisable to treat the seeds with growth stimulants before sowing. Sometimes they even carry out stratification.

In early April, hosta seeds are sown for seedlings, using light, disinfected soil for this. Crops are only lightly sprinkled with soil mixture and set for germination in a slightly shaded place. You can cover the crops with a transparent film. Seedlings should appear in about 20 days. Then, after the appearance of the first true leaves, the sprouts dive. And with the onset of warm days, seedlings begin hardening.

Sometimes in May, the host is sown right near the open ground, mulching the planting.

When growing a hosta from seeds, please note that the plant can achieve the necessary decorativeness only after 4 years.

Exotic plants have always attracted attention. Certain styles of site design or memories of southern…

Pests and diseases

Hostas are relatively disease resistant. But with excessive dampness, gray rot may appear, any fungicide and reduced watering will help to cope with it.

The main harm to hosts is caused by slugs. In the fight against them, various traps or special chemicals based on metaldehyde, such as "Thunderstorm" ("Meta"), are used.

Sometimes hosts are affected by nematodes. In this case, the diseased plant must be urgently removed and burned. Also specimens affected by viruses, which manifest themselves in unnatural leaf spot, are also subject to destruction.

garden slugs

Care for a shade-loving beauty

General care requirements

The host is undemanding in care, but in order for it to show its beauty as fully as possible, comfortable conditions should be created for it.

  • Regular moderate watering. Hostas are considered moisture-loving, but they do not tolerate dampness. It is necessary to water under the root, without falling on the foliage, especially for leaves with a waxy coating, as their decorative effect may suffer.
  • The root system of the host is superficial, it can be damaged during loosening, therefore it is advisable to use mulching (with pine sawdust, crushed bark, grass, peat), which retains moisture and looseness of the root circle.
  • Since young hosts are planted in fertile soil, they do not need top dressing for the first years, especially with periodic mulching. In the future, they are fed 2-3 times during the summer, using liquid or granular complex fertilizers. From August, feeding is stopped, as the plants need to prepare for the winter.
  • Around young plants it will be necessary to break through the weeds, but, growing, they themselves will get rid of "uninvited neighbors".
  • First, young flower stalks need to be cut off so that your bush does not “fall apart”.
  • After 4 years, the host will need to be divided and seated. This will rejuvenate the mother plant and produce new planting material.
  • Hostas are quite winter-hardy plants and do not need shelter. It is not necessary to cut the leaves for the winter, as by the spring they will already overheat and serve as additional fertilizer.

Autumn work

In autumn, hostas are transplanted, cut and covered for the winter. The plant is actively growing, so its colonies must be seated. To do this better in autumn. If everything is done correctly, the bushes will grow in early spring.

The mother plant is dug out of the ground, the roots are cleared of soil. On a large root, you need to find roots with sprouts or dormant buds. It is they who need to be separated from the mother plant. Treat the cut points with crushed coal so that rotting does not occur. Many varieties of hostas reproduce more efficiently with rosettes.

The main thing in the autumn transplant is to guess the moment. It is necessary that the seedling has time to take root well in place before the first frost. Therefore, it is better to do it at the beginning of autumn, and not delay it.

Pruning is necessary to keep the plant healthy. Under the leaves that have withered and fallen to the ground, various pests will hide from the cold, the same slugs that can harm the plant. Therefore, the leaves must be cut off after they have turned brown, but before they have had time to lick. When this happens, the pests already have time to hide in the upper layers of the soil. The best time is after the first frost. Pruning is carried out carefully, close to the ground, trying not to damage the sleeping buds.

After removing the foliage, it is necessary to loosen the ground around the bushes - this will destroy the pests that have taken refuge in the upper layers of the soil. To prevent their reappearance, the surface is treated with Metaldehyde.

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Preparing for winter

You should think about wintering even during the flowering of the plant. To save the plants from frost until next spring, it is best to cover them with spruce branches on top. In the spring, remove and treat the soil around the bushes from pests.

In no case should you feed the plant in the fall - this is fraught with the fact that it will freeze out. The last top dressing of the season should be carried out before mid-August. In the second half of October, you can mulch the soil under the bushes organic compounds- this will no longer act as a fertilizer, and at the same time it will help keep the plants from freezing. Sawdust, peat, dried grass, etc. are suitable. To prevent pests from starting in the mulch layer, it is advisable to sterilize and treat the material with tobacco dust (garden slugs especially do not like it) or Fitosporin-M, effective against bacterial and fungal diseases.

It's modest in its beauty and unpretentious plant has long won the hearts of many gardeners. Growing a hosta is easy and a pleasure. At the same time, it goes well with many other plants, and therefore rightfully takes its place in a variety of flower beds and gardens.

The green beauty rightfully takes its place of honor. This perennial captivates the hearts of gardeners with its unpretentiousness and excellent compatibility with other plants.

Enliven your garden with colorful greenery, and take the host as an assistant for this. It is unpretentious when planting, in care and cultivation. This plant is popular in landscape design, because its leaves have different forms and color, depending on the variety.

Description, varieties and varieties

The beauty of this plant is in the leaves, not the flowers. From green to golden and white, from long to round and heart-shaped, this is what a hosta is. Planting and caring for it in the open field is very simple - another reason to pay attention to this perennial.

Hosta will be a wonderful decoration of the garden from early spring to late autumn.

Having decided to start growing hosta, see how it looks in the photo. Choose your favorite from over 3,000 varieties. By color scheme foliage they are combined into 5 groups:

  • green;
  • blue (with a bluish tinge);
  • yellow;
  • variegata (this includes hostas variegated and bordered in light color);
  • mediovariegata (leaves are light, with green edges).

There is a huge variety of types of hosta

Those who grow hostas in open ground are also familiar with the classification of varieties by size:

  • dwarf (up to 10 cm);
  • miniature (10-15 cm);
  • small (16-25 cm);
  • medium (30-50 cm), the most numerous group;
  • large (55-70 cm);
  • giant (from 70 cm).

The main species, which, among other things, are used for breeding:

Among the hosts there are chameleon varieties that change color during the summer season. Some species of this plant are difficult to classify, because their leaves have a blurry color. And foreign breeders brought tricolor hybrids. There are plenty to choose from!

Landing hosta

The optimal time for planting hosta in the open field - early spring or end of August-beginning of September. It is not worth postponing to a later time. Choose planting material carefully. The roots should be elastic, 10-12 cm long. It is best if the sprout has 2-3 buds.

Advice. If you bought a hosta, but it's too early to plant it, store the sprouts in a cool and dark place at t + 5-10 ° C. A basement, the bottom shelf of a refrigerator or an insulated balcony will do.

Traditionally, the hosta is considered a shade-loving perennial. But there is a pattern: the lighter the foliage, the more sun the plant needs. Dark green and blue varieties must be planted in the shade. Partial shade or even a sunny place is suitable for growing light hostas. Make sure that the plant is not under direct rays, otherwise burns on the leaves cannot be avoided.

Hosta can be planted in shade or partial shade.

Light, well-drained, moist soil is good for planting and propagation in open ground. Holes should be made wide, about 30 cm deep. The distance between them should be from 30 to 100 cm (depending on the size of the plant).

Fill each hole about 2/3 with compost, peat, form a mound. Place the roots of the seedlings on it, but so that there are no empty spaces. Spread them, cover with fertile soil, compact. Finish planting with abundant watering. Mulch the roots with crushed bark or peat. This will help retain moisture. Repeat the watering procedure several more times every 3-4 days.

Advice. The buds of the plant during planting should be at ground level. If necessary, pour additional soil under the root.

plant care

Although not demanding hosta, planting and caring for her require compliance with the rules.

Fertilizer and fertilizing hosta

How plants look in your garden depends on care, including the intensity of fertilization. The hosta, which is fed 3 times per season, looks more decorative:

  • during the period of growth;
  • during flowering;
  • after him.

The hosta needs to be fed several times a season.

For these purposes, fertilizers with nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus are most often used. Compost and humus are also useful for hosts. They are best applied in the fall. organic fertilizers preferably mineral. The golden rule of grooming is not to overdo it. Too frequent or heavy feeding can cause a burn.

Plant propagation

There are 3 ways to propagate hostas:

  • division;
  • cuttings;
  • growing from seed.

The bushes are usually divided in May or late summer. The smaller the split off part, the more time it will take for it to grow. Another method of propagation, cuttings, involves the separation of a sprout from an adult bush with a part of the rhizome. Cuttings are planted in open ground immediately, they are watered and shaded.

Division of the hosta bush

Growing hostas from seeds is a time-consuming and laborious process. The germination of the material is 70-80%, so before sowing it must be treated with growth stimulants. Another way is to keep the seeds in the cold for 30 days. It is also important to ensure the sterility of the soil and containers for planting. Before sowing hostas, pots must be disinfected with potassium permanganate or alcohol.

Propagation by seeds should begin in April or May. Pour drainage into containers, then soil mixture, water it. Spread the seeds, sprinkle them with soil on top (layer thickness - 5-7 mm). Slightly crush it, cover the container with glass or film and place in a shady place. The hosta germination temperature is + 18-25º C. Under such conditions, seedlings appear in 2-3 weeks.

hosta seeds

At this time, the care of young seedlings consists in moderate watering and removal of condensate. Keep the sprouts in a lit place, protecting from direct sunlight. When the first pair of leaves appears, dive the seedlings. The soil in new containers should be ¼ covered with sand. To water, put the pots in a deep bowl and wait until the top layer is wet. Harden the sprouts: remove the glass or film for a while, and remove them altogether after about a week.

If the air temperature is already above +18º C, leave the containers with seedlings in the fresh air for a short time. Experienced gardeners warn: despite proper care, the host develops very slowly. In addition, it often loses the signs of the variety.

Diseases and pests hostas

The host rarely gets sick, but one of its most characteristic ailments is phyllostictosis. Yellow-brown spots appear on the leaves. Affected plants must be burned, and the soil must be disinfected. If you notice gray mold or sclerotinia on the leaves, apply fungicides.

Phyllosticosis hosta

The pests that make big holes in the beautiful hosta foliage are slugs. To scare them away, mulch the soil with something caustic: rubble or broken shells. Help and beer bait. Place containers with this drink around the bushes, and in a day select slugs from them. Use insecticides to control insects (caterpillars, grasshoppers).

Hosta: combination with other plants

Hosta leaves create harmonious combinations with brunnera, geyhera and ferns. These plants look advantageous against the background of conifers. Also try compositions with geraniums, goryanka. Do beautiful landscape with lungwort, anemone, foxglove,.

Hosta in the flowerbed

There is an opinion that you should not combine cultivation and hosts. This is explained by the fact that they different requirements to illumination. However, in landscape design. In these cases, gardeners recommend planting the host on the north side of the bush.

Hosta in landscape design

There are many options for using this perennial in landscape design. First of all, the hosta is a ground cover plant for shady places. She creates coziness in gardens stylized as natural nature. If you still decide to combine the cultivation of roses and hostas, decorate with them, for example, the shore of a reservoir.

Hosta in landscape design

Use this plant for decoration garden paths, framing lawns. Growing hostas in pots. It is also good for vertical flower beds. Phloxes or will be a good addition in this case.

Whichever way you choose to decorate your garden, the hosta is unlikely to disappoint you. Rather, on the contrary: seriously and for a long time will conquer with its charm and unpretentiousness.

Growing hostas: video

Varieties of hosts: photo

This perennial herbaceous plant, its other name is Funkia, belongs to the Asparagus family. Moisture-loving plant, native to East Asia, in nature grows on the slopes of mountains and in moist forests.

The Japanese call this plant sacred and prepare culinary dishes from its petioles.

In our country, many do not know what a host plant looks like. It is famous not so much for its flowers as for its lush and varied leaves. This unpretentious plant can grow for a long time without transplants, both in sunny areas and in the shade, calmly tolerates both drought and frost.

A five-year-old plant is already considered an adult, it is actively growing and looks very beautiful.

Gone are the days when hostas were planted in boring gray arrays against the backdrop of blue spruces. Look at the photo how luxurious the hosta (Hosta) looks like - garden decoration, the most popular and fashionable plant, which literally all flower growers are hunting for:

Hosta plant: how to plant and grow

In a time of practicality, when all gardeners strive to create low maintenance gardens, selecting hosta and growing it has become a popular trend. And they are fantastically unpretentious. This is a wonderful plant for "lazy" gardeners who do not have the opportunity to spend a lot of energy on the garden. Hosta is able to adapt to any growing conditions, it can be planted under trees and in flower beds, in a lighted place and in the shade. Lush bright bushes will decorate even the most sophisticated garden.

When growing hosta bushes in open ground, there are no special requirements for the condition of the soil. However, it is worth giving preference to humus loams. Humidification should be sufficient, but care must be taken that the water does not stagnate and the process of root rotting does not begin.

If a hosta for cultivation and care is planted in open ground with a sandy component, then it will probably not be able to grow there. It is necessary to regularly apply mineral fertilizers and pour part of the fertile soil into the hole before planting.

If we talk about optimal conditions, then this is partial shade, coolness, rather heavy nutrient soil slightly acidic, always moist, but without stagnant water.

To understand how to grow a beautiful hosta, you need to know one more of its features. If the bush has dark leaves, without light blotches, then it should definitely be planted in a shady place. And vice versa, the more light blotches the leaf has, the more sunny the place should be allocated to the bush.

So, "blue" - it is better to plant in the shade, where they retain their color longer, and yellow, on the contrary, in the sun.

For the successful practice of planting and breeding a plant, it is worth highlighting a few tips from experienced gardeners:

  • in the first years after planting, the plant may not have pronounced signs of the species, such as multi-colored leaf color. This is due to the slow growth rate, and only after 3-4 years will it be possible to fully enjoy the beauty of the plant;
  • since it is not difficult to take care of a planted host, all procedures come down to: weeding, loosening the soil, watering and fertilizing. You can limit yourself to watering alone, although, of course, with care, the hosts grow faster and look better;
  • you can use ordinary cow dung for top dressing, but you do not need to use it for very young plants;
  • for wintering, you do not need to create special conditions, it is enough just not to remove the fallen leaves, it will protect the plant from freezing.

When the host has taken root and taken root, it can grow in one place for many years without requiring fertilizing, loosening, watering, etc. But, of course, there are some nuances.

Types and varieties of host: photo, name and description of plants

Despite the beautiful flowers, the leaves are still the main decoration of the plant. The leaves are distinguished by a variety of colors: with white, yellow, blue and purple stripes and splashes. The leaves are glossy and matte, smooth and textured, but still the plant is difficult to confuse with any other. The height of the bushes can also vary significantly - from 30 to 125 centimeters.

Popular types of plants that can be found in the design of flower beds:

Pay attention to the photo of the hosts of the species Curly, it has fairly wide leaves of rich green color framed by a white border. The height of the shrubs reaches more than half a meter.

hosta elata (high)- this type of hosta got its name because of the tall bushes and long leaves, all varieties with long-leaved leaves with depressed veins, light purple in color. Blooms in early summer, bears fruit regularly.

Hybrid hostas are varieties and types of plants that are often found in gardens. Look at the photos of these species with names, their unusual color will certainly decorate any front garden:

Due to the variety of species and varieties of hostas, the plant is widely used in landscape design, for decorating parks and gardens.

Thanks to the work of breeders, more than 4 thousand host varieties have now been bred. It is worth considering the description of the most popular varieties in more detail:

Variety - Hosta Fortune, look at her in the photo, the description of her features are leaves with a beige border and tall stems.

Blue Cadet- a fast-growing hosta variety, shown in the photo, and the name speaks for itself - it has round-shaped leaves of blue-green color.

blue lady- this hosta variety with medium-sized blue-green leaves received such a name because of the heart-shaped leaf of fragile size and elegant ribbed texture.

big mama- a plant from a giant host species, the characteristics of the variety are large round leaves of blue color. Likes to grow in shady places.

Red October (Red October)- look at the photo with this hosta variety, the petioles of its leaves look very impressive - they are reddish in color.

Hosta elegans Siebold's Host species is shown in the photo, it is characterized by pointed wide leaves of a gray-blue color, has many-flowered inflorescences, flowers are from white to purple.

June- the name of a rather interesting hosta variety, and just look at the photo with a plant whose leaf color can change several times during the season from yellow-green to blue-green.

Thanks to the variety of varieties and types of hostas with a variety of names, you can create a unique garden design.

Hostas are divided into groups according to various characteristics, for example, by size, shape of the bush, color and shape of the leaves, flowering time. But the information on a particular variety is still decisive, since belonging to one of the groups does not say anything about other characteristics.

So, there are yellow-leaved varieties for both shade and sunny places, and miniature hostas can be either sprawling or with leaves pointing upwards.

Breeders did not pay attention to flowering host for a long time, the leaves are so attractive and good. Although foliage is considered the main advantage, unusual inflorescences are also a wonderful decoration.

Now everything has changed: terry, bright, large and fragrant flowers have become the goal of hybridization. Flowers come in a variety of colors - from flawless white and cold blue, to rich lilac color. Unfortunately, fashionable novelties do not always show their best qualities.

For example, the terry variety ‘Aphrodite’ in our climate fails to bloom - there are not enough warm days.

Hosta propagation methods: how to plant a plant by dividing a bush

Due to its unpretentiousness, the host easily tolerates planting, propagation and transplantation. Caring for her is not difficult at all. There are three main ways of propagating a plant;

  • division of the bush;
  • cuttings;
  • seminal.

To understand how to propagate the host by division, it should be noted that dividing the bush in a plant that has not reached its peak of development is undesirable. Such an action can stop its growth and development.

Therefore, you need to choose mature plants of 4-5 years of age.

Another feature is that it grows quite quickly. Therefore, along with questions of reproduction, the question arises of how to plant it. The host is easy to share. When you want to get a lot of divisions, they dig up a bush, wash the roots and cut off the necessary “portions” with a knife. A suitable time for this procedure is the beginning of spring or September.

However, the uniqueness of this flower is that its rhizome can be successfully divided throughout the season.

Sometimes, by mistake, a part of a bush is cut off without a root, but with a “heel”. Such cuttings are also viable, you just need to leave them in the water to grow roots. Propagation of hosts by dividing the mother bush is the most effective method plant propagation, because the sprouts already have roots and can quickly take root.

How to propagate hostas from cuttings

It is not necessary to have your own division propagated hostas, as they may not yet reach the desired size. You can purchase ready-made, specially grown cuttings.

Open root hosts go on sale in the spring. When buying, inspect the roots and kidney well. The acquisition should be discarded if the roots are severely cut off, rotted, lost turgor, and the kidney is soft.

Before planting, the host roots should be stored in the refrigerator, at a temperature slightly above zero, previously overlaid with peat or sphagnum and placed in a bag.

In May, the plant can be planted in a permanent place. It is better to choose a landing site illuminated, but at the same time, protected from direct sunlight. If you plant it in a place that is too shaded, then it will grow very slowly. However, castings in this case will reach the maximum possible dimensions.

Flower planting algorithm:

  • for planting prepare a hole a little larger than the root system of the plant;
  • peat, humus, sand are added to the planting pit;
  • the pit is half filled with soil and spilled with water;
  • the roots of the seedling are distributed over the surface of the soil and sprinkled with earth;
  • hosts are planted so that the root collar is about 2 cm deep. Water well.

It is very easy to propagate the hosta flower by cuttings. For planting and care, the cutting is cut from a growing bush of an adult plant.

This is convenient from the point of view that you do not need to think about how to transplant the host after cuttings are separated. However, often, due to the fact that the stems grow quite densely, separation of the cuttings can be difficult.

Since the cutting has no roots, in order to properly plant the host, it needs to grow roots. To do this, the shoot is freed from almost all leaves and placed in a greenhouse or simply in a container of water.

The better the roots grow, the faster the plant will take root.

Watch a video on how hosta cuttings should be planted and the subsequent care of the plant:

How to transplant a hosta and how to care for a plant

You can find plant seeds on sale in envelopes with bright pictures. Before planting hosta seeds, keep in mind that with seed propagation, there can be no question of any sort. The plants will most likely be green. In addition, host seeds are difficult to germinate and seedlings develop slowly.

Sowing seeds should be carried out in the cold season, then in the spring the seedlings will sprout. The decorative effect of the plant can be obtained no earlier than 5 years of life.

Hosts almost do not get sick, they are rarely visited by pests.

The exception is slugs that spoil appearance plants by chewing through the leaves. In one night, they are able to gnaw a significant amount of green leaves. Fighting slugs is quite simple, especially if you scatter metaldehyde preparations between plants in advance.

A serious problem is the host virus. The insidiousness of the virus is that its manifestations are many-sided. It can be a pretty speck on a leaf, or an unnatural pallor spilled over the veins. The virus is transmitted with plant sap, there is no antidote for it. Sick plants have to be dug up and destroyed.

Another insidious pest is the stem nematode. It infects the leaves of plants, leaving unsightly black stripes on them. Such leaves should be destroyed, and the plant itself should be transplanted to another place. The roots are treated with potassium permanganate before planting.

If planted in unfavorable soil with clay, where its roots do not have the opportunity to breathe, then it can become a victim of gray rot. The only way to get rid of this scourge is to transplant into favorable soil and loosen the earth.

At proper fit and proper care of the host is rarely exposed to infection with viral diseases.

What does a hosta look like in the garden (with photo)

In cozy gardens, where planting hosta outdoors has become commonplace and garden maintenance is not a hassle, a charming Asian decorates shady places. By right, she is called the queen of the shadow, she is able to grow in places where other plants will not take root.

It is convenient to plant spring bulbs around large hostas. Hostas grow late, and primroses planted between the bushes enliven the view of the planting before the appearance of lush greenery. Leaves unfurling in May cover fading bulbous ones.

Look at the photo, what juicy greens the host has when proper care and landing in the right place:

Options for using a flower in garden decor:

  • it is good to decorate the foot of vertical supports, pillars and other not very aesthetic structures;
  • creating borders from several layers of various plants;
  • creating a background for other ornamental plants;
  • filling in empty spaces;
  • decoration of artificial reservoirs and fountains;

Planting single bushes at the bends of the paths, on the lawn looks good.

It is very common to use these flowers for carpet plantings in garden design. These shrubs perform not only a decorative function, they also prevent the growth of weeds.