How and when to cut mock orange. Proper pruning of jasmine in spring

Mock orange, or garden jasmine, is a beautiful spreading shrub with a dense crown, especially decorative during the period of lush flowering.

The most interesting for owners of a plot with double flowers and, and for a very small garden - dwarf mock oranges.

After the flowering of the mock orange is over, the best time comes until the end of June-beginning of July.

This article is devoted to the correct pruning of the bush, as well as the propagation of garden jasmine by cuttings and seeds.

Chubushnik in a hedge

Garden jasmine grows well on fertile and sufficiently moist (but not waterlogged) soils, where the bush develops very quickly and blooms remarkably. But the most hardy types of mock orange can live on any, even poor soils and in adverse environmental conditions.

The average height of a bush of garden jasmine is 2 meters, but in favorable conditions it can grow up to 3 meters, and tall powerful varieties - up to 4 meters.

Due to the density of the tall bush, mock orange is successfully used for. In this case, mass reproduction of the type or variety of mock orange you like is relevant in order to obtain a large amount of planting material.

In hedges, the most hardy types of garden jasmine are most often used, as well as their flowering and ornamental hybrids, forms and varieties. More often these are mock oranges (Philadelphus): coronary(coronarius) and large-flowered(grandiflorus), others.

For good growth and flowering, the mock orange is planted in the sun (this plant tolerates partial shade, but its shoots stretch and bloom worse) and the bush is regularly pruned. Without periodic pruning, the mock orange is heavily overgrown with shoots, and the thickened garden jasmine blooms poorly!

Thinning and pruning the mock orange bush

Regular thinning and rejuvenation of the mock orange crown by removing bare branches contributes to the active growth of young shoots that are well leafy and bloom better.

When thickening, the bush of garden jasmine should definitely be thinned out - this should be done in early spring, even before the buds awaken.
In the summer, immediately after the flowering of the mock orange, unproductive old (4-5 years) faded branches are completely cut out from the bush.
Broken and dried branches from a garden jasmine bush can be cut at any time.

When pruning a bush of garden jasmine, the tops of the longest shoots directed upwards are removed to limit its height.
And also, if necessary, shorten the thick branches that thicken the bush to the place where productive shoots emerge, which it is desirable to leave.

Some tall mock oranges look untidy when growing naturally, and regular pruning of the bush helps to give it a harmonious and lush appearance. A lot of young shoots formed after pruning not only straighten the ugly shape of the bush, but also contribute to the further abundant flowering of garden jasmine.

WITH early spring care must be taken to trim the mock orange, which has an ugly outline. Strong branches, significantly outstripping other branches in growth, should be slightly pruned. This will cause the formation of side shoots on them, but not so long and powerful. Weak mock orange branches should be cut more drastically, which will promote the growth of young strong shoots.
As a result of such pruning, the shape of the mock orange bush will improve significantly, it will become more lush and it will be better to bloom due to the formation of a large number of new promising shoots - then many buds are laid on them.

Those gardeners who "sorry to spoil the bush" or do not have time to regularly trim their garden jasmine, as a result, are left without flowers ...

Suitable annual shoots of garden jasmine with short internodes, after pruning, can be used for cutting cuttings and rooting them.

Technology of cuttings and rooting cuttings of mock orange

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Garden jasmine (mock orange) is very popular with gardeners due to its high decorative qualities, especially during the flowering period. And the aroma of its flowers - quite strong, sweetish and pleasant - is familiar to many from childhood.

This article will talk about how to care for garden jasmine in the fall and prepare for winter. Its active flowering in the next season depends on the correct implementation of these procedures. But if novice flower growers carry out these procedures incorrectly or not in full, then the mock orange may weaken, it is worse to endure the winter period, and it is worse to grow and bloom next season.

Features of caring for garden jasmine in the fall and preparing for winter

This perennial is very demanding on the composition of the soil - it requires a large amount of macro and microelements during the summer season. Also, the mock orange requires a large amount of water - you should not save on irrigation. And separately it is worth talking about pruning mock orange in the fall.

Jasmine pruning in autumn

One of the main activities associated with the care of this perennial is the pruning of mock orange bushes.

Spend different kinds pruning of these shrubs:

  • formative;
  • rejuvenating;
  • sanitary.

Partially, such events are carried out in the spring, some in the summer, but the jasmine should also be cut in the fall. How to do this correctly will be discussed below.

Why prune jasmine

Usually formative pruning is carried out in the spring before the buds start to swell. Large shoots are cut into several buds, weak ones are shortened by ½ length. After that, during the spring-summer period, young twigs will actively grow in jasmine. At the same time, the frozen parts of the shoots are removed.

With age, the perennial "gets old", the old branches begin to become bare, thereby drowning out the young shoots. The decorativeness of the mock orange is also lost. Therefore, rejuvenating pruning should be carried out every 7–9 years.

In spring, usually the strongest and most powerful shoots are shortened to 50 cm in height (usually no more than 5), and all the rest are cut to ground level. Places of cuts are treated with garden pitch to prevent the ingress of pathogens. The surface of the soil is usually mulched with well-rotted compost, and the soil itself is watered with a solution of cow manure.

Video: all about mock orange (jasmine)

When is the best time to prune jasmine - in autumn or spring

Pruning of mock orange is carried out in spring and autumn. In the spring, formative and sanitary pruning is usually carried out. At the same time, the bush is given the necessary shape, excess branches, frozen, dried or broken shoots are removed. autumn but basically all the young shoots of the mock orange that have grown too much during the season are pruned, or it is carried out shrub rejuvenation.

And during the summer season shoots growing inside the bushes and thickening them, damaged or broken branches should be cut off, and faded buds should be removed.

How to prune jasmine in autumn

Jasmine grows well over the season, so be sure to cut it in the fall to maintain the decorative shape of the bush. Otherwise, old shoots will not allow new shoots to grow, and also take on too much nutrients.

This procedure is best done in the fall, when the shrub has faded, the growth and lignification of young shoots have practically stopped, and the perennials themselves are preparing for winter "hibernation". But such a procedure should be carried out at an air temperature not lower than -2 ..-4 C. In this case, the wood of the shoots does not freeze yet and will not be injured.

To carry out such work need special tools, which must be sharp so as not to injure the wood of the branches. These tools include: pruner, lopper, feast, hacksaw, as well as special putties that are necessary to process the cut points so that pathogens do not get there.

Autumn pruning of jasmine is necessary to achieve the following goals:

  • reducing the thickening of perennial shrubs;
  • to rejuvenate them.

All other types of pruning are carried out in the spring.

As a result, in the fall, all young shoots that grow inside the bush, old, dried or damaged branches are removed. Deformed or twisted parts of the shoots should also be removed.

Rejuvenating pruning in autumn relieves mock orange of old branches, which only interfere with the normal development of bushes, and also promotes the growth of a new crown. Next season, such bushes after pruning will begin to bloom more actively.

If this procedure is neglected, then after two or three seasons, the jasmine may stop blooming altogether.

Video: pruning garden jasmine (mock orange) in autumn

Care before and after pruning

The autumn work on the care of the mock orange should include last top dressing and autumn watering.

Although garden jasmine (mock orange) loves moisture very much, by autumn (after flowering has ended), the amount of watering is usually reduced so that the plant does not begin to increase the vegetative mass again. The last watering should be carried out a couple of weeks before the onset of frost. If the end of summer and autumn are rainy, you can stop watering the jasmine yourself completely.

The last dressing of jasmine carried out in late summer - early autumn. It allows the plant to regain strength after the active growth of shoots and abundant flowering. Useful substances are necessary for these flowering bushes in order to prepare for winter. Moreover, they should be applied a few weeks before frost, while sap flow has not yet stopped in the shoots, because it is with juice useful material get to the top of the plants. The composition of the last top dressing includes potassium and phosphorus - those mineral elements, which are necessary for the mock orange in the autumn. But the bulk of the nutrients accumulate in the root system, which does not “fall asleep” even in winter.

Usually the last time fertilizer applied under jasmine one and a half - two weeks before autumn pruning or two weeks after. But with the onset of cold weather, it is not worth fertilizing - the mock orange will not have time to process them, and during the winter and early spring all the useful substances in the soil will decompose, and there will be no sense in their introduction.

Definitely needed remove all fallen leaves around the mock orange, so that pests or pathogenic microorganisms do not remain in it for the winter. All foliage, as well as cut branches, should be burned immediately.

After autumn pruning jasmine can be sprinkled with 2% copper sulphate solution or 1% Bordeaux mixture. This treatment is preventive.

Jasmine shelter for the winter

Shelter of jasmine for the winter is not carried out in the warm regions of our country, since the winters are warm there, and mock orange is a fairly frost-resistant shrub. But the need for this procedure in colder areas should be reminded to beginner gardeners. Although it is believed that this flowering perennial has a high resistance to frost, its root system is quite thermophilic. Therefore, it must be protected from possible severe freezing of the soil during severe winters in some regions of Russia.

There are varieties of jasmine that are resistant to extreme cold. And the only thing that can happen to them is the freezing of annual twigs. But instead of frozen shoots, new strong shoots will grow during the season, and the crown of these flowering bushes will not suffer.

How to cover jasmine for the winter

Adult jasmine bushes do not need shelter for the winter. It is necessary to snatch seedlings planted during the season or those bushes of mock orange, whose age does not exceed 3-4 years. Usually they are covered with any special material and tied with twine.

The earth in the near-trunk circles of this plant should be dug up, at the same time removing all weeds. And on top, a layer of mulch about 15-20 cm high should be poured. Such a shelter will protect the roots of shrubs from impending cold weather. As a mulching material, you can take dry needles, rotted compost or manure (but not fresh!).

What are the features of preparing jasmine for the winter in different regions

In principle, autumn care for mock orange is practically the same in different regions of our country. But there are still some nuances.

In the middle lane

IN middle lane(in the Moscow region) this shrub is usually planted in sunny places, but in such a way that they are protected by a fence or garden buildings from cold winter winds - then the jasmine will not freeze in winter from gusts of strong cold wind.

In the Volga region

In the Volga region, autumn jasmine care does not require much effort - usually all the same agrotechnical activities described above are carried out.

In the Urals and Siberia

In the Urals and Siberia, where winters are usually quite severe, and the ground can freeze to a depth of 1 meter (or more), the jasmine near-stem circle should be well covered so that during severe frosts its root system, especially young roots that have grown for the season. Therefore, in these regions, the mulch layer should be thicker - up to 25-30 cm. And an additional “cover” for the roots in these regions is usually snow, which most often falls in a fairly thick layer and does not melt all winter.

Typical mistakes in caring for jasmine in the fall and preparing for winter

Jasmine is unpretentious garden plant that do not require special care. But there are a number of procedures that must be carried out in the fall. But sometimes beginners may forget about the following activities:

  • about the introduction of autumn top dressing;
  • they cut the mock orange bushes incorrectly, without removing all the old branches or leaving shoots that grow inside the bushes;
  • they begin to insulate the aerial part of the plants too much, as a result, if warming occurs, the shoots may sag.

Northern nature does not indulge too much with lush flowering plants. But as soon as the fragrant lilac brushes fade, it blooms with snow-white flowers, exuding a pleasant aroma, another ornamental plant- Chubushnik. Consider how jasmine pruning is done in autumn and spring. Take care of this plant personal plot a pleasure, because the shrub is not picky about the soil and requires almost no attention. It is easy to care for, but occasionally you need to trim the mock orange, watering, rare top dressing.


In nature, mock orange can be found in Asia, Europe and America in regions with mild, temperate climate. We used to call mock orange jasmine, and in Latin the name of this shrub is Philadelphus. Philadelphus is called mock orange due to the fact that earlier shank pipes for smoking were made from the hollow stems of the plant.

In total, a little more than 50 species of mock orange are grown in culture. All species are spreading shrubs. All species are very similar to each other, and differ only in the shape of flowers or leaves. In cold regions, this shrub does not grow, as in tropical ones. Most of the varieties that we grow in our gardens are bred precisely from the types of mock orange growing in wild nature in warm climates. Once upon a time, a lot of mock orange grew in southern Europe, in Central Europe, in North America. This plant is not winter-hardy, and needs warmth.

In regions with a harsher climate, mock orange freezes every winter. Many gardeners notice in the spring that there are too many frozen, dry branches on the shrub. Frozen shoots become brittle. If the air temperature in winter drops to -25 degrees, then it is already considered dangerous for many types of mock orange, and even more so for ornamental varieties. Most gardeners cut the mock orange after winter.

It happens that during a harsh winter, the mock orange freezes almost to the root, and gardeners have to grow shrubs again from scratch, cutting off the entire bush. It takes two to three years to restore the shoots of garden jasmine after a too harsh winter. How to cut the mock orange correctly so that it looks decorative and blooms luxuriantly?

For cutting, use only a sharp tool. Great if you have a quality secateurs. Make a cut of the branches at an angle of 45 degrees. The cut must be oblique. All cut places must be treated with garden pitch.
The first pruning is done immediately after planting. Initially, all shoots that are located incorrectly are cut off on the shrub. Leave two or three branches on the bush with a pair of strong buds. Everything else is cut out.

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pruning in spring

Even before the awakening of the kidneys, in early spring, adult jasmine bushes must be thinned out. Regular pruning and thinning of the shrub will promote the active growth of young shoots and more lush flowering. Do not spare a sharp pruner for the mock orange - cut the shrub more boldly in early spring, otherwise it may simply not bloom in summer.
In order for the crown of the shrub to be beautiful, during spring pruning, all branches older than 10 years should be removed from the base, as well as shoots that strongly thicken the bush. As a general rule, when pruning in the spring, very mature branches are removed to give living space to young shoots. Such pruning causes the shrub to release many young shoots in the spring, which will bloom magnificently the next year. Best time for spring pruning of bushes - the end of March, the beginning of April.

If the plant is still young, and it is about two or three years old, then in the spring all branches that darken the crown should be removed. Usually such pruning is done a year after planting.
In the spring, sanitary pruning is also carried out. The purpose of sanitary pruning is to remove all dead, dry shoots that have not survived the winter cold. During sanitary pruning, all diseased and damaged branches that the wind has broken are also cut out. Sick shoots are cut to a healthy part.

Pruning after flowering

Be sure to prune garden jasmine after flowering. Firstly, pruning the entire mock orange after flowering helps maintain the decorativeness of the shrubs, because its purpose is to remove wilted inflorescences. Secondly, pruning after flowering helps to form a beautiful, lush bush, since all mock oranges, especially vigorous ones, grow somewhat one-sidedly. During pruning after flowering, withered flowers are cut with a sharp tool. In this case, it is not necessary to process the cut points. Also, simultaneously with the removal of flowers, too long shoots are cut off, which spoil the decorative effect of the crown of the shrub. In the same period, one more sanitary pruning can be carried out - inspect the shrub, remove all diseased and weak shoots, all broken branches.

The formation of the mock orange bush is carried out using pruning. Formative pruning should be done regularly, starting in spring and ending in autumn.

Throughout the growing season, shrubs must be cut. Begin forming pruning and as a sanitary spring. Too long branches are cut a little to give the bush a neat shape. Weak and too thin shoots are shortened by a third or half. The purpose of formative pruning is to give the desired shape to the bushes, but it also causes the growth of new shoots, which will have many flowers next year. The mock orange, due to its high growth, very often suffers from unevenly developing bushes, and therefore it needs shaping pruning regularly.

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Over time, the shrubs grow, the branches become bare, they begin to drown out the plant. This usually happens with old bushes. If the bushes have become old, it is necessary to carry out a rejuvenating pruning, which can be done throughout the season, but better in the spring.

To rejuvenate jasmine bushes, 4-5 trunks should be cut to half a meter, and all other shoots should be removed to the soil level, that is, to the base. So that the plant does not become infected with a fungal disease, the bare places of the cuts must be processed. The best tool for processing slices is a garden pitch. After rejuvenating pruning, the shrub is mulched and spilled with a solution of mullein. Throughout the summer, the trimmed bush should be watered abundantly so that the plant gains weight faster.
New shoots will appear from sleeping buds, which must be completely removed. Experienced gardeners on jasmine after rejuvenating pruning leave only two or three strong branches on the stump. This will be the basis for the new bush. A year later, the jasmine will gain mass, and after two or three years it will be possible to enjoy the lush flowering of a new, dense bush.

pruning in autumn

In autumn, sanitary pruning is carried out again, and too long shoots are also shortened. In autumn, the mock orange begins to prepare for the winter.

Types of mock orange

Mock orange or garden jasmine has many species and varieties bred by breeders. If you want to grow this highly decorative plant on your site, then you should pay attention to the most unpretentious varieties.

Mock orange crown

This type of mock orange is also called ordinary. The species is most often grown in our gardens. The coronal mock orange is distinguished by unpretentiousness, lush flowering, and a delicate aroma of flowers. This species is very popular with landscape designers, as they can perfectly decorate the background of any flower garden, lawn. The mock orange of this variety reaches a height of 3-3.5 m, and in diameter it can be more than 2 m.

The coronal mock orange begins its flowering in May. Cream-colored flowers completely cover the shrub, and fill the air with a heady, slightly sugary aroma. The species blooms for a little over a month.
Crown mock orange is especially common in the southern regions of Europe. This view, thanks to its varietal qualities tolerates winter very well, which is why he exacted the love of domestic flower growers. Also, the coronal mock orange can endure the period almost without damage. strong winds in winter. The view is not demanding on the composition of the soil and lighting - it can even put up with a shadow. Distinctive features coronal mock orange - these are pointed light green leaves and shoots with a reddish bark.

Jasmine virginiana

As a result of crossing the coronal and small-leaved species, the Virginian species was obtained. This species reaches a height of 3 meters, has a very dense crown of brown shoots. The foliage of Virginia jasmine has an oval shape, the leaves reach 8 cm in length.
This species begins to bloom in the middle of summer, dissolving large inflorescences of double, snow-white flowers, exuding a very pleasant armature. In diameter, the Virginian jasmine flower can reach 5 cm. Sometimes this species also blooms in September under favorable conditions.

Caring for jasmine in the garden is easy. It is enough to water and feed the plant on time. Do not forget also about pruning jasmine. The splendor of flowering and, accordingly, the overall aesthetics of the bush depends on how correctly this procedure is carried out.

Does it need to be cut

Jasmine garden (the second name of mock orange) is valued for its decorative effect and aroma. In order for it to grow and develop normally, it is necessary to prune at different periods for different purposes. The following types of pruning are distinguished:

  1. Formative. It is necessary to give the plant the desired shape, increase the number and size of flowers. If you do not correct a rapidly and unevenly growing bush, it will be asymmetrical and one-sided. The procedure is subjected to plants older than five years.
  2. Sanitary. Designed to improve the bush. For this purpose, damaged and dried shoots are cut out. After all, fungus or pests can settle on them.
  3. After flowering. It is carried out to give the bush a neatly designed look. It contributes to the creation of an aesthetic, evenly growing crown.
  4. Anti-aging. Needed to stimulate the growth of young branches in case of severe damage to the bush or its old age. After the procedure, the old shoots become more lush, more flowers bloom on them.

How to prune jasmine

The basic rule for pruning jasmine is the selection of a tool: it should only be sharp. The ideal option is a quality secateurs. The cut must be made oblique - at an angle of 45 °. All sections must be treated with garden pitch to protect wounds from hordes of harmful microorganisms.

The very first procedure for pruning a mock orange is carried out immediately after planting a bush. Almost all shoots are cut off on it, leaving 2-3 branches with several strong buds. Branches are removed next time only if necessary.

Each type of jasmine pruning is carried out with a specific purpose, to achieve which it is necessary to perform all actions correctly. All types of crown thinning have their own characteristics.

Formative pruning

Held throughout the year if:

  • the bush has an irregular and ugly shape;
  • growing up very fast;
  • jasmine has a thickened crown.

The rapid, uneven growth of shoots upwards breaks the symmetry of the bush, spoils its beauty. The thickened crown does not allow the sun's rays and fresh air to pass inside, suppressing the awakening of flower buds on internal shoots. Formative pruning allows you to give the shrub the desired shape and encourage the development of new shoots, which will have many flowers by next year.

For various reasons, the mock orange is cut in different ways:

  1. To give the bush a more aesthetic appearance and correct shape, large and elongated shoots are found, and then cut off, leaving half of them. Other branches are not touched so that the plant blooms well this year.
  2. In order to thin out the foliage from the center of the shrub, up to four old shoots are completely cut out, cutting them off to the very ground. They are still of no use: there are few lateral branches, which, in addition, interfere with the normal development of the entire plant. Also cut out large branches growing inside the shrub.
  3. You can control the appearance of fast-growing shoots by halving their number, paying special attention to those that grow upwards. After cutting, side branches will appear on them, on which additional inflorescences will form.

If the plant grows up slowly and retains its decorative appearance for a long time, then you should not cut the mock orange very often: it is enough to do this once every 4 years.

Sanitary pruning

The main pruning of the mock orange is carried out in the spring to improve the appearance of the shrub. Most often, this is done before bud break in the middle of the first spring month, but dead shoots can be cut out before the flowering period.

What does sanitary pruning include:

  • removal of frozen shoots (if the crown is very thick) or parts of them (cut to living wood);
  • shortening broken branches: here it is important not to forget that pruning most of the shoots negatively affects the splendor of the summer flowering of mock orange.

When carrying out sanitary pruning of garden jasmine, it is necessary to view the crown for excessive density and decorativeness. For dense bushes of an ugly shape, it is desirable to combine the sanitary procedure with the forming one.

Cut dry and broken branches and throughout the summer. For sanitary purposes, jasmine is also cut in the fall when preparing the plant for winter.

Pruning jasmine after flowering

Mock orange blooms until mid-summer, then the inflorescences dry out and look ugly. To maintain decorativeness during this period, light pruning is carried out.

What is cut in the summer:

  1. With a sharp tool, fading and dried flowers are removed, which are many on a properly grown jasmine. Slices are not processed.
  2. Very long branches are cut a little, worsening the appearance of the bush, in order to correct its shape. This is done to stimulate the growth of lateral branches, on which new flowers will form.
  3. If present, remove dried and broken branches that prevent the jasmine from developing normally.

Garden jasmine is pruned after flowering for various purposes: improving decorativeness, easy contour adjustment and for sanitary purposes. The diagram below shows the approximate location of future cuts.

Anti-aging pruning

The presence in the shrub of a large number of perennial bare shoots suggests that drastic measures need to be taken. After all, these shoots practically do not give growth, few flower buds appear on them, and this worsens appearance plants.

Proper anti-aging pruning of mock orange is done in early spring. Begin this procedure when the plant reaches at least 12 years old and repeat every 6-7 years.

The basic rules are as follows:

  • saw off to the ground all shoots that are more than 10 years old;
  • cut out dry, thin and poorly developing branches;
  • choose the strongest young branches (4-5 pieces), cut them, leaving 30-40 cm, and cut the rest completely;
  • places of cuts are smeared with garden pitch.

After the procedure, the soil near the jasmine is mulched and watered with a liquid manure solution. Then they continue to moisturize well so that the “operated” shrub recovers faster and gains weight.

During the current year, young shoots will grow on the left parts of the branches, which it is desirable to remove immediately. You can thin them out next spring, leaving on the main branches several branches shortened to 30-40 cm (3-4 pieces). During the summer, new branches will appear on the main part of the bush, which will begin to bloom the next summer.

Jasmine care after pruning

Pruning is a surgical intervention in the life of a plant. Therefore, after it, conscientious care is necessary, the main points of which are regular moisturizing and feeding the plant.

It is necessary to ensure that in the "postoperative" period the soil near the bush does not dry out, moistening it as necessary. Usually in late spring and summer it is enough to pour a couple of buckets of water under the bush once a week. But if the weather is dry, then water twice.

To regular fertilization, add feeding with mullein infusion twice a summer. This will accelerate the growth and increase the intensity of flowering of the bush in the future.

Trimming garden jasmine is not so difficult. You must first determine the purpose of this procedure, and then act according to the rules. And then the flower will delight the gardener with its flowering for more than one year.

Mock orange (garden jasmine) is a beautiful ornamental shrub that grows well and quickly, blooms actively, and its crown is very lush and sprawling. Therefore, it should be cut off - so that the crown does not thicken. On the features of autumn pruning, planting and complex agrotechnical measures on preparing garden jasmine for winter will be described below.

Mock orange (garden jasmine) is a beautiful ornamental shrub that grows well and quickly, blooms actively

This perennial shrub can be planted outdoors in both spring and autumn. Seedlings can be purchased in specialized stores - they are usually sold there with a closed root system. A mock orange with an open root system is usually taken either from neighbors in the garden plot, or propagated independently (most often by cuttings). The root system holds the earth ball well during transplantation, they tolerate acclimatization in a new place well, quickly take root in new conditions.

  • The area where this perennial ornamental shrub will grow should be well lit, without stagnant moisture in the soil.
  • In the planting holes, a layer of drainage material should be placed on the bottom, consisting of crushed stone with river sand (its height is 12-15 cm), and then a layer of soil mixture. It is composed as follows: 3 parts of leafy soil, 2 parts of humus and one part of sand are mixed.
  • In group plantings, the distance between jasmine bushes should be at least 0.6 to 1.4 m, and when planting these perennials in a single-row hedge, the distance between seedlings should be 0.7-0.8 m.
  • The planting depth of young bushes should be no more than 0.5-0.6 m, and the root neck should be at ground level; when buried in the soil, it rots.

How to propagate mock orange (video)

How mock orange is propagated by cuttings in autumn

Usually this shrub is propagated by cuttings, and cuttings can be rooted both in spring and autumn. The technology of these processes is not much different from each other.

Rooting cuttings of garden jasmine in autumn is usually carried out in greenhouses or specially prepared cuttings. Previously, in the middle or end of summer, cuttings are cut from green shoots. You can also cut cuttings from lignified shoots, in which case they are immediately rooted in open field. The length of the cut cuttings of this perennial should be no more than 5-6 cm, with a pair of internodes and 5-6 leaves.

Usually mock orange is propagated by cuttings.

The main nuances of cutting cuttings and their rooting:

  • the shoots from which the cuttings will be cut should not bloom this season, and also be too thick or overgrown;
  • the best shoots for cuttings are small in size, which do not bloom in this season and have at least a couple of internodes;
  • grafting is carried out with a special sharp knife, all other similar tools crush the bark and wood, so they are not suitable for this type of work;
  • 5 mm below the internode, the cutting is cut at an acute angle, and the upper cut must be straight (the distance from the node is at least 1.5 cm);
  • the two lower leaves are removed completely, and the rest of the foliage is cut off at least half;
  • in the stalk, in which future seedlings will be planted, the soil should consist of: a mixture of turf and river sand, and another layer of sand 3-4 cm thick is poured on top. Before planting, this substrate must be well watered;
  • the cuttings of this shrub cannot be simply stuck into the ground. First, with a thick stick, a hole is made in the soil with a depth of no more than 1.5 cm, and a cutting is inserted there in a vertical position and gently squeezed around the soil;
  • plantings should be carefully watered, can be sprayed, and covered with foil or plastic bottles with a cut bottom;
  • spraying and airing seedlings should be carried out at least once a day. In this case, they will take root faster.

After 2-3 weeks, the seedlings will take root, then the shelter can be removed.

The best shoots for cuttings are small in size, which do not bloom in this season and have at least a couple of internodes.

Preparing the mock orange for winter

The preparation of this perennial shrub consists in pruning old, broken and damaged shoots, removing faded inflorescences, and autumn feeding.

But most varieties of this ornamental shrub does not need special preparation for the winter cold, as this perennial is unpretentious and does not require special care.

How to cut mock orange (video)

Scheme and timing of pruning mock orange in the fall

Usually, the main pruning of the mock orange is carried out in early spring, when the buds have not yet begun to swell on the shoots. At the same time, all frozen branches are removed to healthy wood, and a formative pruning of the crown is carried out to give the shrub correct form. And here thinning out the shrub, as well as carrying out sanitary pruning of the shrub should be done only in the fall.

It is during the autumn period that thinning of the shrub is carried out, which contributes to the active growth of new shoots, which in the next season will actively increase the vegetative mass, and will also be covered beautiful flowers with a pleasant aroma.

After the end of flowering (still in the middle of summer), all old shoots that are more than 5 years old should be cut out, and already a few weeks before the onset of cold weather, all damaged, dried or broken shoots are removed. But the lateral shoots that have grown during the season should not be actively cut out - after all, buds will appear on them next season.

Experienced flower growers say that if you do not prune this perennial every year, then in a couple of years the bush will lose its decorative shape, and will practically not bloom.

In the autumn, thinning is carried out, which contributes to the active growth of new shoots.

Autumn top dressing of mock orange

Usually, the last top dressing of garden jasmine is carried out after the end of flowering - this happens even in the summer. But you can feed the shrub in the fall- either before pruning, or two weeks after it, so that the bushes have time to recover after removing the shoots.

For this last top dressing, use 15 tablespoons of superphosphate and 1 tablespoon of potassium sulfate (or any other potassium salt) per 1 m2, or add 1 cup of wood ash.

These mineral fertilizers accelerate the maturation of young shoots, restore the strength of a perennial shrub after abundant flowering, and also allow the root system to gain strength to become more resistant to the oncoming cold weather.

Shelter for the winter

Mock orange is highly frost-resistant, so it does not need shelter for the winter. The only thing that can be done is in late autumn (two weeks before frost) to add a layer of mulch up to 15-20 cm thick to the trunk circle of garden jasmine to prevent the perennial root system from freezing. As a mulching material, you can use peat, humus or rotted foliage (or straw).

Mock orange is highly frost-resistant, so it does not need shelter for the winter

Transplanting mock orange in the fall to a new place

One of the important positive qualities of this perennial shrub is its quick adaptation after planting or transplanting. You can transplant this shrub at any time, except for the moment when the jasmine blooms. If the mock orange is transplanted in early spring, then flowers will appear on it only in the next season.

The nuances of transplanting this shrub:

  • a large amount of water should be poured into the trunk circle (at least two to three buckets) so that you can easily dig it out along with a clod of earth;
  • while moisture is absorbed, it is necessary to carry out sanitary pruning - remove all damaged branches, as well as old ones, shorten young shoots by one third;
  • and only then the shrub is dug up and transferred to a new hole.

Before planting, at least 20 liters of water are poured into the prepared pit, then a bush is placed and covered with a nutrient mixture. From above, sprinkle the near-trunk circle with mulch (humus can be used).

How to care for a mock orange (video)