Step-by-step drawing of spring with paints for children. Summary of nodes for drawing a spring landscape in stages for children in the senior preparatory group

When it got warmer outside the window, the snow began to melt, and inspiration appeared, it's time to take paints with the child and draw spring.

Spring, which everyone looks forward to after a frosty and snowy winter, brings not only changes in nature, but also changes in the mood of a person. It becomes upbeat, joyful, you want to be renewed, like nature, you want to create and create. And then the kids were given the task to draw an early spring, so you can combine your creative impulses with its implementation.

How to draw early spring with children in stages with paints for beginners?

Simple, feasible for children several options are offered.

Early spring is swelling buds on trees and bushes, which are getting larger every day and are ready to turn into young leaves or flowers. Therefore, you can first draw a branch using a wider brush for this, and then draw small shoots and leaves on the branches with a thinner brush.
To make the drawing bright and life-affirming, the sheet on which the branch is drawn can be pre-painted, for example, in blue.

Children's drawing spring paints: steps 5-7.

Children's drawing of spring with paints.

Early spring is the first flowers.
We draw a snowdrop, a tulip, any other flower with petals around the core. In children, such uncomplicated drawings will turn out well. Above the flowers, children will be happy to draw a cheerful bright sun. Those who are older can add an insect to the drawing, which will enliven the image.

Spring flowers in stages: tulip.

Spring flowers in stages: snowdrop. Spring flowers in stages: narcissus.

You can also suggest drawing a landscape, such as hills that are gradually but steadily falling snow. Therefore, somewhere you will need to leave White color in the picture, and somewhere already paint over the hill with a dark brown color. Again, let the bright yellow sun shine over the hills and ravines, bringing the long-awaited warmth closer.

Spring landscape.

An interesting option is to create a picture in a non-traditional form just with paints and brushes, but, for example, by dipping a small diameter of the bottom plastic bottle into paint. So, a branch is preliminarily drawn. Then, as it were, the bottom, which has bulges, is imprinted on it, it turns out a very elegant and beautiful pattern, and it is interesting for the child to use different methods his creation.


How to draw spring in the forest in stages with paints?

  1. Spring should be painted with bright colors - blue, yellow, brown.
  2. The composition of the drawing is determined, for example, a forest standing in the distance and a field in front of it.
  3. The horizon line is marked, and it is not necessary that it be in the middle of the sheet.
  4. The contours of the forest are outlined against the sky, the shades for the trees are selected. Trees can be painted in a circular motion with a brush. We remember the rule: the farther the object, the more vague its image should be, and vice versa.
  5. The sky is painted with diluted blue paint.
  6. I detail the trees with the help of thicker and brown paint. By mixing blue and bright yellow, you can get a gentle green tint young foliage.
  7. Now we draw melting snow, we make clearings in the forest with the help of brown paint.

How to draw spring with gouache quickly?

  1. Take a sheet of paper and gouache paint. Mix white and blue colors, paint over about a quarter of the sheet with the resulting one. It will be the spring sky.
  2. Mix white, blue and red paints to get a lilac-purple tint, and in a circular motion in the upper part of the picture we make the outlines of the forest in the distance.
  3. Apply some white or blue paint on top to get volume.
  4. In the foreground, blue and white paint can depict a melting shapeless snowdrift.
  5. Add yellow paint to the center of the picture, separating it from the image of the forest and from the snowdrift with white stripes.
  6. Detail the image of the forest by painting the trunks and twigs of the trees in the forest with a more saturated blue color. On top of the yellow background in the center, add green young sprouts.
  7. When you're done with the background, wait until the drawing is completely dry.
    Next, you can draw birch trees, they are just getting ready to wake up in early spring after winter. First draw their outlines.
  8. Cast shadows on the white contours of the birches with blue paint.
  9. Then add texture to the birch bark by mixing black and white paint.
  10. Draw twigs on the birches, put black paint on the trunks to finish the bark.
  11. Finish the drawing by adding brown and white paint to the ground to show that somewhere the snow has already melted, and somewhere else it has been preserved in a shapeless form.

Spring in gouache.

VIDEO: How to draw SPRING? Landscape in gouache

After a long winter, everyone looks forward to the arrival of spring. It seems that with the advent of this time, nature comes to life from hibernation. The snow melts, buds appear on the trees and the sun, although weak, begins to warm. Good mood does not keep you waiting. So let's also learn how to depict spring with a simple pencil.

Tools and materials:

1. White sheet of paper;
2. Simple pencil;
3. Eraser.

1. Let's draw a horizontal line. On it we will place the silhouettes of four houses.

2. Add thin tree- birches. It will be closer to houses, so its height is much greater.

3. Add another tree on the right. It is larger than a birch, and the branches will go behind each other.

4. Let's draw a little at home. They will be in the background, so we don’t detail them much. We outline the windows, roofs and chimneys.

5. Draw arbitrarily unmelted snow.

6. Add branches of bushes that are located near the trees.

7. We begin to hatch the drawing. Let's start from the background. Let's outline the trees that are behind the houses, as well as draw a birch;

8. We continue to add a shadow, now we will draw houses and add contrast to the drawing by pressing on the pencil (you can take a soft pencil).

9. Let's draw the ground where there is no snow, as well as a larger tree with branches.

How to draw a landscape, where to start drawing it for children, let's draw a landscape ourselves. Let's see examples of how to draw landscapes with a pencil and paints. Presented to you step by step drawing summer, autumn and winter landscapes.

1. The horizon line is indicated.
2. Above it we draw the sun and clouds.
3. In the foreground, on one side of the sheet, we will place curved lines, these will be the trunks of future trees.
4. Now we finish drawing the branches to the trunks.

5. The trunks are ready, now we draw the crowns of the trees, they are drawn almost the same as the clouds. Tree crowns need to be made lush, because it's summer.
Do not forget to erase the extra lines with an eraser.
6. Now we draw a house on the other side. The house is drawn from two rectangles, and a roof is placed on top.
7. On the house, you can draw a pipe on the roof, and also draw the roof of the corridor.
8. We continue to decorate the house, draw: a door, windows, including an attic window. At the same time, we slowly erase all the extra lines so that they do not distract from the main picture.

9. A fence is drawn from the house, and grass is made under it with strokes. You can also draw plain flowers. Finally, you can draw a path to the house and some other details that will be nice to depict.

10 So our summer landscape, drawn in pencil, is ready, now you can color it if you wish.

To complete the autumn landscape, we need: gouache, watercolor paper, brushes, a simple pencil, pieces of newsprint, a plastic board or a flat palette.

1. We outline the line of the horizon and the coast with a pencil.
2. We tint the sky from dark to light to the horizon line by adding white gouache to the blue color.

3. Light ocher with dark yellow, paint over the far coast.
4. With light ocher, with the addition of dark brown, we cover the near shore.

5. White, with the addition of blue, green and brown, we cover the water. We make it darker closer to the shores.
6. Using a piece of crumpled newspaper, print the clouds.

7. It should turn out like in the picture.
8. In the background, draw with a semi-dry brush strokes, different shades of green, Christmas trees.

9. With a piece of newspaper we print the bushes in the background in dark yellow with ocher and the crown of the tree on the right (large shrub) with ocher, with the addition of red and yellow. Here the colors can be used as desired. To match the colors of the fall foliage.
10. With a thin brush, draw the branches of a tree (large shrub) and a bush on the left in the foreground. On the bush with small strokes we outline the foliage.

11. In light gray we draw trunks of birches and in dark gray we draw branches with a thin brush and spots on the trunks. Add, if desired, small Christmas trees on one of the banks.
12. Again with a piece of newspaper with yellow paint, with the addition of white, we carefully print the crown of birches and yellow, with the addition of ocher, grass in the foreground and background.

13. Add a darker color (dark brown) and print the grass under the trees and bushes
14. With a thin brush, draw branches of bushes, blades of grass in the foreground

1. First, with a pencil in the middle of the sheet, outline the outlines of one Christmas tree and one house. The Christmas tree will be wide, spreading.
2. And now let's add two more houses on the sides and one more Christmas tree. The houses will have triangular roofs characteristic of many villages.

3. Let's add more Christmas trees and a little fence.
4. Now, according to the sketch, we will draw the drawing with paints. The trees will be a juicy green, the houses will give off a warm shade of unpainted wood, and the snow will be a little blue. To make the picture look alive, we will seat three birds on the fence.

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Lilia Rykovskaya

Targets and goals:

Continue to introduce children with the genre of fine arts - landscape.

Exercise in the correct use of the palette, mixing colors.

Consolidate the ability to convey your impressions by creating a composition of trees, bushes, flowers about spring, observing the horizon line, supplementing the composition with elements (sun, flowers, grass);

To consolidate the ability to convey their impressions of spring, draw trees, conveying their state in the spring and characteristic features.

Build vocabulary.

Continue to educate children sense of beauty, love for nature, for the native land.

vocabulary work: landscape, skyline.

materials: pictures about spring; album sheet, brushes No. 3, cloth napkin, watercolor paints, wet wipes, cups of water.

preliminary work: observation in nature, conversations about spring, looking at illustrations.


Laws of perspective for preschoolers senior - preparatory groups in an accessible form can be shown by example drawing autumn landscapes with a plowed field. (This material can also be used for younger students).

To begin with, we consider photographs and tutorials on the topic "Closer - further", on which we study the same object, taken from afar and close. Cow, car, train, man, house, flower, butterfly drawn by an artist or taken by a photographer from different angles on the sheets seem to us different size, but in fact their size does not change.

To consolidate this concept, we connect motor skills and, pronouncing the phrase “Closer is more, further is less”, showing hands zoom in, zoom out and resize.

The next step is to get familiar with the concept. "Skyline". Considering landscapes, we learn to find the line where the sky and the earth meet, determine the low, high and middle horizon line. (preliminary work)

GCD progress

AT: Let's stand side by side, in a circle,

Say "Hello!" each other.

We are too lazy to say hello:

Everyone "Hi!" and "Good afternoon!".

If everyone smiles -

Good morning will begin.

Let's say together we guests -

"Good morning!"

AT: Guys, when I went to Kindergarten I met Spring. Spring wished us all good morning and said that she has a lot of things to do now.

But it’s true, in spring the time comes for traditional work in gardens, cottages, vegetable gardens and fields. Citizens go to their dachas to dig up the ground, build beds, and paint trees. Greenhouses and greenhouses are being set up, seedlings and seeds are being planted. You can often see how in the spring summer residents rake the garbage that has accumulated in the garden over the winter. Sometimes something breaks during the winter, such as a fence, and it has to be repaired.

The villagers are also engaged in similar work, but only in the fields - the fields are plowed with tractors, sowing, harrowing.

Wheat is sown in plowed fields so that we all eat delicious bread.

(Illustration display)

Guys, in our time the fields are plowed with machines: tractors, combines. And earlier with the help of horses. Look at this picture here. (showing a painting by Mikhail Klodt Konstantinovich"On the field" 1872).

Spring really liked this picture. Let's turn into real artists and draw our own pictures for spring spring field.

Where do we start draw our field?

First, draw a horizon line with blue paint in the middle of the sheet. And paint the sky

The sky is blue in spring, if possible dark color must be diluted with water.

We paint over the bottom of the sheet. This is our field. We paint over the earth with a light brown color.

Let's get to work. Place a piece of paper horizontally in front of you.

Guys, we need to wait a bit for our background to dry a little. And we'll get some rest.

Set brushes aside, on brush stands

Stand near your chairs and repeat after me:

Hands raised and shook

These are the trees in the forest.

Hands shook, brushes shook -

The wind knocks down the dew.

To the sides of the hand, gently wave -

The birds are flying towards us.

How they sit down, we will also show -

Wings folded back.

Sit down at the tables.

While our background dries up, I'll tell you how draw a plowed field.

We imagine that we are standing on one side of the field, under a tall tree, and the same trees grow on the other side of the field, but they seem to us ... (what) small.

To do this, we pick up paint and stick the brush along the entire horizon line.

The furrows from plowing are dark, therefore we are gaining a dark brown color.

First, we draw a vertical line from the middle of the horizon line to the bottom edge of the sheet.

From the same point we draw straight lines to the lower corners of the sheet.

Complementing the field pattern "fan" lines. "Pashem" field.

We draw two vertical lines from the edge of the sheet, depicting the trunk of the tree under which we stand.

Draw tree bark and lower branches. From the trunk up.

Now let's draw a bush. The branches of the bush are thin.

Guys, now let's draw the leaves on the tree. Picking up green paint. And stick to the thin branches of the tree.

Same way draw the leaves on the bush.

Guys, we will draw the clouds with the help of folded napkins. You need to take a napkin and thickly apply white paint on it. And now press it to the sheet.

Now let's remember where we start our drawing? What do we do next?

Let's get to work.

(Performance of work by children to the music of Chopin « Spring Waltz» , individual work with children).

AT: Look what beautiful pictures you have made. Say we are with you painted?

D: spring landscape.

AT: What was the most difficult for you? And the easiest?

(Answers children)

AT: Look closely at landscapes and say, whose landscape did you like the most? Why?

(Answers children) AT: Well done. We will leave them in our workshop, and then, when they dry, we will present them to our Spring, so that she looks at them and admires them.

AT: And we will go to the carpet. Guys, spring has given me its magical spring flowers, flowers are not simple, they are with a surprise.

AT: Did you like the surprise?

AT: Let's say goodbye to our guests, say, Goodbye, see you again!

D: Goodbye, see you soon!

AT: Now everyone will go to their desk and clean their desk. place: put all the materials in their places, where they will wait for the artists until the next time.

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Spring is an extraordinarily beautiful and romantic time of the year, when the first flowers bloom, thawed patches appear in the snow and drops ring merrily. Everything about how to draw spring, of course, is known to professional landscape painters. Therefore, before drawing spring on your own, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the work of famous painters. And to understand how to draw spring, you can try to make sketches from nature.
Before you draw spring, you need to prepare the following items in stages:
one). paper;
2). Pencil;
3). Eraser;
four). colored pencils;
5). Black liner.

The easiest way to understand how to draw spring with a pencil is to divide this process into several stages:
1. Without pressing too hard on the pencil, make a preliminary sketch of the spring landscape. Outline the trees and stone in the foreground. Draw a horizon line;
2. Draw the birch branches a little more clearly. Draw snowdrifts;
3. In the background, draw a house and the outline of a forest in the distance;
4. Draw the windows of the house, draw its roof, draw a door and a path leading from it;
5. Draw a tree that grows behind the house;
6. Using the black liner, circle the image. Add small details, such as snowdrops growing in a thawed patch;
7. Use an eraser to remove the pencil sketch;
8. Gently shade the sky with a blue pencil;
9. Color the house with colored pencils, as well as the tree that grows behind it;
10. With a soft green shade, paint over the forest in the background. The birch trees that are in the foreground shade a little with a gray tint. Draw stripes on the birches with a black pencil and color the branches with it;
11. With a yellow pencil, draw glare in the snow, which are located under the windows of the house. Lightly stroke the snowdrifts with blue and light purple pencils;
12. Paint over the stone with gray, green and brown pencils. Color the thawed areas with brown and green pencils.
Spring drawing is now ready! Knowing how to draw spring with a pencil in stages, you can color a pencil sketch with any paint. For example, watercolor is ideal for such purposes, the colors of which are distinguished by purity and brightness! Such a spring landscape will look great on the wall if it is carefully arranged in a passe-partout and framed.