Home plants for air purification. The most unpretentious house plants that purify the air

Houseplants play an important role in our homes, they not only decorate the interior, but many of them have unique properties clean the air from harmful substances and disinfect it from germs. Houseplants that purify the air have a positive effect on human well-being and health.

In the apartments of big cities, the concentration of harmful substances in the air often goes off scale, they enter the house from the street, especially if there is a roadway nearby, many Construction Materials, household items and furniture that surround us emit hazardous substances - these are formaldehyde, xylene, toluene. Many detergents and household chemicals contain ammonia and benzene, while paints and solvents release trichoethylene. As a result, the increased content of dust, harmful substances, pathogenic microbes leads to a deterioration in human health, the occurrence of allergies and respiratory diseases.

Having placed several useful houseplants around the rooms in the house, they will work as a kind of biofilter, collecting dust on the leaves, absorbing harmful substances and releasing oxygen. Any developed plant with large or numerous leaves will cope with air purification from dust. Of course, from time to time, the dust that settles on the leaves of plants must be washed with a damp sponge or washed off in the shower, thereby improving the appearance and condition of the plants, and in return they will work even better as humidifiers and air ionizers in the room.

Indoor plant- the leader among air purifiers. This modest-looking plant, very unpretentious and easy to care for, will fit into any environment and will actively absorb harmful substances - formaldehyde and carbon monoxide. Chlorophytum is well adapted to rooms with bad air, a few plants will refresh the room, fill it with oxygen and reduce the risk of allergies.

- popular houseplants thanks to the beautiful numerous leaves. These plants well clean the air of dust, and also absorb toxic substances - formaldehyde, xylene and toluene. Ficuses are best placed in the hallway or living room, but not in the bedroom, as these plants absorb oxygen at night, and on the contrary produce it during the day.

Almost completely absorbent environment dangerous substance - benzene. Ivy can be called a universal plant, as it will fit perfectly into any interior of a kitchen, living room or corridor.

Other plants also show high rates of indoor air purification efficiency: anthurium, dracaena, dieffenbachia, spatiffilum, scindapsus, tradescantia, date palm, chamedorea indoor palm, chrysanthemum, cissus, shefflera.

There is antiseptic plants, they release special volatile substances - phytoncides, which kill pathogens in the air, thereby disinfecting it and filling it with a barely perceptible invigorating aroma. Several phytoncidal plants in the apartment help the owners resist infectious diseases, improve well-being, mood and energize those around you.

Of the most common indoor plants that have the ability to suppress microbes in the air is. Geranium not only disinfects the air in the room, but also deodorizes it, filling it with a fresh aroma that eliminates headaches, has a tonic and soothing property. Blooming geranium is a wonderful decoration for any corner of the house, it is only important to provide this plant with maximum lighting, otherwise it is absolutely unpretentious and very tenacious.

everyone knows their healing properties. Aloe juice is used in traditional medicine for the treatment of purulent wounds and colds, and is also often used in cosmetology. But few people know that an indoor aloe plant absorbs formaldehyde from the air as much as possible (up to 90%), reduces the content of microbes and produces oxygen. Aloe is best placed in the bedroom, this plant will improve the air in the room and, if necessary, you can always use its healing properties.

It has strong bactericidal properties, in addition, this plant prevents the development of mold. Volatile substances that prevent the reproduction of infections of colds are produced by myrtle and rosemary plants. Lemon and other citrus fruits will fill the room with an invigorating aroma that stimulates mental activity.

The radius of influence of plants producing phytoncides is about 3 meters. To create a favorable healthy atmosphere at home, pick up several plants that purify and disinfect the air in each room. Indoor plants not only decorate the house, they fill it with calm natural energy, have a beneficial effect on the well-being and health of the owners.

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Houseplants bring a little summer vibe to the home, which is especially true right now. Plants not only add comfort and beauty, but also purify the air in the apartment. As it turns out, some species do this better than others. As a result of a NASA study, it turned out that individual plants can absorb harmful chemical compounds and bacteria from the air.

Plants that purify the air in the apartment

We will tell you about 11 plants that purify the air in the apartment.

1. Aloe Vera

Aloe is a succulent medicinal properties which have been known since antiquity: aloe juice is used to increase immunity and fight viral diseases, with burns and ulcers, to improve appetite, as a general tonic. But it turns out that the fact that aloe is just in the room is beneficial. Aloe has the ability to capture formaldehyde from the air, a harmful compound that is released from furniture made from chipboard and MDF.

2 Areca Palm

Areca Catehu or Betel Palm is a large plant that loves sunny, spacious rooms; it will successfully decorate any living room. Areca produces a large amount of oxygen and is able to humidify the air. In addition, this plant takes carbon dioxide and toxins from the air.

3. Peperomia obtuse

Many types of peperomia are known, and even peperomia blunt has subspecies. it small plant which grows well at home. Peperomia does not like bright light and too much dimming, does not tolerate abundant watering. But it is worth paying attention to it, providing proper care: peperomia is able to purify the air of harmful chemicals, including formaldehyde.

4. Bamboo palm, or chamedorea

Slow-growing indoor palm loves moderate watering and dim lighting. Bamboo palm will not only be a decor item in your apartment, but also an excellent air filter. It cleans the air from benzene, formaldehyde and trichlorethylene.

5. Nephrolepis

Also known as "fern", nephrolepis grows well at home. He loves shade and good watering. Nefprolepis is very beautiful and looks good in hanging planters. It made our list of air-purifying plants because it can filter toluene and formaldehyde from the air, as well as kill pathogenic microbes.

6. Aglaonema

The name of this plant is literally translated from English as "Chinese evergreen". Aglaonema has a variegated leaf color, blooms and bears fruit at home. Likes good watering, humid air and good lighting, but with shading it will also grow. Aglaonema cleans the air from benzene and is able to kill streptococcal infection.

7. Fragrant dracaena (Massengeana)

One of the largest representatives of dracaena, an evergreen tree with a massive trunk and large leaves. The leaf has a bright yellow stripe. Dracaena Massengeana loves bright lighting without direct sunlight, abundant watering and humidified air. This plant captures xylene, toluene, benzene, trichlorethylene and formaldehyde from the air.

8. Date palm

Another palm tree on our list. It has become very popular due to the fact that it can be grown from a seed if desired. The date palm looks exotic and decorative. Likes light, good watering. It successfully filters xylene in the air.

9. Ficus Ali

Ficus Ali is a very beautiful plant with long narrow leaves. It does well in bright light without direct sunlight, regular moderate watering and high humidity. This ficus is able to purify the air from benzene, trichlorethylene and phenol.

10. Gerber Jameson

An ornamental flowering plant on our list. She likes well-lit rooms and abundant watering. Gerbera can capture trichlorethylene and benzene from the air.

11. Chlorophytum

Let's finish the list of "green filters" with a cleaning champion - this is chlorophytum, a familiar and hardy plant that everyone has seen in offices and school classrooms. Chlorophytum is absolutely unpretentious, it grows in the most beginner growers. At the same time, it purifies the air better than special devices.

We hope that our list will help you create a favorable atmosphere in the house, free from the fumes of harmful substances. We wish you to breathe only clean air!

Photo: tipdisease.com, fxgallery.com, contemporist.com, mnmlliving.com, www.bakker.com, ikea.com, autorepmagz.us, insideplants.wordpress.com, tractorreplacementparts.us, squarerooms.com.sg, buildsolarpanelathome. com

Houseplants are not the only reason to keep plants indoors. Properly chosen indoor plants will improve the air and help your health.

People spend most of their lives indoors, be it at home or in an office. In this case, it is important to know what kind of air is in these rooms, whether it meets the standards necessary to maintain our health. Some indoor plants are ways to purify the air and make it better.
NASA (space research center), concerned about the problem of air pollution caused by the growing industrialization of society, decided to conduct a study and find out how great the ability of indoor plants to purify the air.

What harmful substances are in the air

The impact of these substances on the human body depends on many factors, such as the duration of contact, the amount of the harmful substance, its form, etc.
Trichlorethylene is found in printer inks, paintings, varnishes, varnishes, glossy coatings, glues. Symptoms arising from short-term exposure: dizziness, nausea, vomiting, drowsiness.
Formaldehyde is found in paper bags, paper napkins and towels, wax paper, facial tissues, synthetic tablecloths, chipboard, plywood panels, and other synthetic room furnishings. Symptoms with short-term exposure: irritation of the nose, mouth and larynx, and in severe cases - swelling of the larynx and lungs.
Gasoline emit plastic, rubber, synthetic fiber, rubber lubricants, dyes, detergents, medicines, pesticides. May also be found in varnishes, glues, furniture paints and polishes, tobacco smoke, and car exhaust. Symptoms with short-term exposure: eye irritation, drowsiness, dizziness, increased heart rate, confusion in the head and even loss of consciousness.
Xylene is found in printed materials, rubber, leather and dye products, tobacco smoke, and car exhaust. Symptoms on short-term exposure: irritation of the mouth, nasopharynx, larynx, headache, dizziness.
Ammonia is found in window cleaning fluids, floor polish, aromatic salt, and fertilizers. Symptoms on short-term exposure: eye irritation, cough, sore throat.

List of houseplants that purify the air well

NASA researchers tested how well houseplants are able to absorb chemicals such as formaldehyde (found in chipboard and many other synthetic items in the home) and benzene (found in cigarette smoke and some paints and glues). The list of plants below will help you make your home air safer and feel better.
Incidentally, some of these useful plants, such as Chinese evergreens, are very unpretentious in their care.

Dwarf date palm (phoenix roebelinii)

Boston fern (nephrolepis exaltata)

Royal fern (nephrolepis obliterata)

Chlorophytum (chrolophytum comosum)

Aglaonema or Chinese evergreen tree (aglaonema modestum)

Bamboo palm (camaldoria seifrizii)

Ficus benjamina (ficus benjamina)

Devil's ivy (Epipremnum aureum)

Anthurium (anthurium andraeanum)

Liriope pointed (liriope spicata)

Broadleaf palm (rhapis excels)

Gerbera (gerbera jamesonii)

Fragrant dracaena (dracaena fragrans massangeana)

English ivy (hedera helix)

Sansevieria (sansevieria trifasciata Laurentii)

Red-leaved dracaena (dracaena marginata)

Spathiphyllum (spathiphyllum Mauna loa)

Decorative chrysanthemum (chrysanthemum morifolium)

Why and from what it is necessary to clean the air in the apartment. How plants fight household pollutants. Which flowers most effectively neutralize bacteria, fungi, chemical compounds.

The content of the article:

Air-purifying flowers are various houseplants that have the ability to filter the surrounding air and eliminate toxic compounds, which include benzene, formaldehyde, trichlorethylene, and others. There are several basic "purifiers" recommended by NASA for air filtration in spacecraft and stations. They are also suitable for home use.

The need for air purification

In the late 80s of the last century, the American space agency conducted large-scale research, the purpose of which was to identify the best house plants for purifying the air from toxic compounds. It was planned to use these flowers on space stations for its additional filtration and saturation with phytoncides. The results of the research have become useful for domestic needs.

The air in residential premises almost always contains particles of various chemical compounds that cause significant harm to human health. To eliminate them, some plants are used that can filter out about 80% of pollutants.

As a rule, indoor air contains the following pollutants:

  1. Formaldehyde. The main sources of this substance are furniture made from plywood, fibreboard, carpets, upholstery, cigarette smoke, household plastics, and gas. The compound can provoke the development of allergies, irritate mucous membranes, cause asthma and dermatological diseases.
  2. Trichlorethylene. It is found in household cleaners designed to care for carpets, fabrics, tap water, varnishes, and paints. This substance is a powerful carcinogen that irritates the skin and eyes, negatively affects the liver and kidneys, and provokes nervous and mental excitement.
  3. Benzene. Sources are cigarette smoke, cleaning products, soaps, varnishes, paints, rubber. It is also a strong carcinogen that can lead to leukemia. It accumulates in human fat cells and has a detrimental effect on the nervous system, can cause shortness of breath, convulsions, and also lower blood pressure.
  4. Ammonia. Most of all it is in computer technology, cigarette smoke, detergents. It can provoke a dry cough, sore throat, pain in the sternum. In large quantities causes swelling of the lungs and larynx.
  5. xylene. Included in various plastics, varnishes, paints, adhesives, leather products, cigarette smoke. It can provoke skin rashes, irritations, swelling of the mucous membrane of the respiratory system and organs of vision.
Flowers that purify the air in the room and are able to neutralize the above substances are called volatile. Phytoncides are special volatile compounds that are released by plants. They contain organic matter, amino acids, alkaloids, essential oils. Able to destroy some types of bacteria, fungi, protozoa.

What flowers purify the air in the apartment

Today, there are many varieties of plants that can effectively purify the air from harmful impurities. However, when choosing home flower it should be borne in mind that some of them may be allergens, as well as secrete poisonous juice. It is not recommended to grow such plants in homes where children, pets and allergy sufferers live.


This is a perennial houseplant that has hanging leaves and tendrils of white-green color. It can grow in any soil and under different lighting conditions. Chlorophytum is an unpretentious plant that can rarely be watered. In case of lack of moisture, it will feed on the available root reserves. At good watering grows well. This flower is popularly called the "spider" for its specific appearance.

Despite its modest appearance and size, chlorophytum is the champion among natural air purifiers. A few potted plants can completely filter the air in a 20 square foot room. square meters per day. The flower can neutralize such harmful compounds as formaldehyde, carbon monoxide, ammonia, acetone, carbon monoxide, xylene, benzene. In addition, chlorophytum fights some types of pathogenic microorganisms.

Another plus of this plant is its hypoallergenicity. This is an absolutely non-poisonous and harmless flower that can be grown in apartments where children and animals live.

To enhance the cleansing functions of chlorophytum, crushed activated carbon is placed in a pot with it.


This is a small bush with a height of no more than 50-80 centimeters. Native to the evergreen forests of Asia. It has long or heart-shaped dense leaves of different shades of green. Agalonema can grow in the shade, loves cool and humid air. From time to time it bears fruits in the form of red berries.

This is a poisonous plant that should be grown with care in apartments with small children or pets. The poison is contained in the juice and berries of the flower.

However, despite this fact, aglaonema perfectly neutralizes household airborne toxins such as trichlorethylene, benzene, and formaldehyde. The flower makes the air much cleaner and fresher. In addition, it effectively fights streptococci.

ivy curly

A spectacular flower with a high content of phytoncides can often be found in apartments. This is a small shrub that adapts perfectly to life in room conditions- low light and high dust. The plant looks good in a flower pot hanging. Likes dampness and abundant watering.

Ivy is recommended to be installed in rooms where they smoke, as it is able to neutralize cigarette smoke. It also cleans the air from mold spores, trichlorethylene, benzene, carbon monoxide. Thus, the plant helps to reduce the manifestations of allergies to household fungi.


There are several types that are equally good at cleaning the air in the apartment. If you want to filter the air with high quality, opt for the following: dracaena marginata, fragrant, deremskaya, Janet Craig, varneki.

All these indoor flowers that purify the air have different size and form. The most common dracaena marginata. It reaches 3 m and looks like a small palm tree. Fragrant dracaena is also popular. Its size is about 1.5 m, and the leaves have yellow stripes.

Different types of dracaena react differently to direct sunlight. However, high humidity is detrimental to all plants of this genus.

Dracaena perfectly removes xylene, trichlorethylene, formaldehyde from the air. Well refreshes the microclimate in the premises. However, it can be dangerous for domestic cats, as the leaves of some species contain poisonous substances.


These are not only fairly common house plants, but also useful flowers for an apartment that purify the air. The most popular types grown in apartments are rubber ficus, Benjamin's ficus, lyre ficus, Bengal ficus and dwarf ficus. All these species require different approaches to care, but are generally unpretentious.

The leaves of ficuses are dark green, dense and wide, sometimes have a variegated color. Grow well in diffused light and moderate watering. Some types of flower can grow up to a height of 1.3-1.5 meters and look like a small tree. Therefore, it is important to transplant the plant in a suitable size pot in time.

Rubber ficus holds the record for removing formaldehyde from the air. Ficus Benjamin attracts household dust, benzene. Other types of domestic ficuses also neutralize ammonia. With quality care, the plant can purify indoor air for decades.


Geranium is otherwise called pelargonium. The plant has a specific pronounced aroma, which is not to everyone's liking. Allergy sufferers are especially sensitive to the smell of geranium. However, the essential oils that make up the flower have a soothing and bactericidal property. The plant requires abundant watering and good bright light.

Pelargonium destroys pathogenic anaerobic microorganisms in the room, and also ionizes and disinfects the air, kills staphylococci that cause damage to the respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, bones, muscles and skin. Also, for many, it is a kind of cure for headaches and chronic fatigue.

It is good to put pots of geraniums in the bedroom, as the flower helps to fall asleep well and soundly, has a calming effect on the nervous system.


The flower has bright spotted wide leaves in which poison is found, which can be dangerous for pets. You should also be careful with the juice of the plant. Sometimes, when it comes into contact with exposed skin, it can cause allergies.

However, the plant perfectly eliminates harmful substances contained in exhaust gases, and therefore is considered an indispensable flower for apartments overlooking major traffic intersections, highways.

In addition, dieffenbachia neutralizes compounds such as benzene, xylene, formaldehyde. Phytoncides purify the air, refresh it and ionize it, improve chemical composition destroy staphylococcus aureus. The flower reduces the amount of household dust.

Spathiphyllum Wallis

The second name of the spathiphyllum is the lily of the world. It is a beautiful house plant with attractive white flowers tipped with yellow arrows in the form of miniature corn cobs. Does not like direct sunlight and dryness. Prefers moist soil and shade.

When flowering, spathiphyllum releases pollen into the air, which is an allergen, so people suffering from allergies should not breed this plant. However, everyone else can safely grow it, as it cleans the air from mold spores, formaldehyde, trichlorethylene, xylene, ammonia, benzene.

In order for the plant to effectively maintain the microclimate in the room, its leaves should be regularly cleaned of dust with a damp cloth.

In order for indoor plants to bring maximum benefit, they should be placed according to special rules. Consider helpful tips regarding the cultivation of such flowers:
  1. At least one plant for every 10 m 2 should be placed in the room.
  2. The diameter of the flower pot should not be less than 15 cm.
  3. To effectively neutralize harmful particles and improve the microclimate, it is necessary to regularly free the leaves of the plant from dust. It is enough to wipe them once a week with a damp cloth or take a light shower.
  4. It is recommended to introduce soil filters so that the plant can clean the air with maximum efficiency. For example, crushed activated charcoal can be added to the pot.
  5. If an allergic person lives in the house, then be sure to consult a doctor before thinking about which flower cleans the air well and start this or that plant. Firstly, a flower can be an allergen, and secondly, mold can grow in the soil, which also aggravates the course of an allergy.
  6. It is advisable to place indoor flowers in one place, and not scattered around the room. So they will more effectively fight harmful microorganisms and compounds.
What home flowers purify the air - look at the video:

Indoor flowers can perform not only an aesthetic function, decorating the room, but also improve the microclimate in the apartment. Many plants are able to purify the air from harmful bacteria, fungi, dust, and various chemical toxic compounds. A number of indoor flowers can ionize and refresh the air in the room.

Ecology of life. House: What can be in common between your apartment and a spaceship? Unfortunately, the correct answer is stale, polluted air. We put our health at great risk by inhaling harmful substances with such air, the excess of which is in an unventilated room.

What can be common between your apartment and a spaceship? Unfortunately, the correct answer is stale, polluted air. We put our health at great risk by inhaling harmful substances with such air, the excess of which is in an unventilated room.

In such rooms, we feel bad, up to nausea, we may also experience dizziness, we may have a headache and inflame the mucous membranes of the eyes and nasopharynx. Luckily for us, scientists are aware of this problem and how to fix it. One of these ways is available to everyone - to breed indoor plants that purify the air.

What is the point?

Considering that people spend 90% of their time indoors, the air they breathe in them has great importance. The varnish on furniture, upholstery, synthetic building materials, and cleaning products that we use at home or in the office can contain many toxic compounds, such as formaldehyde, for example.

Indoor air can also be polluted by pollen, bacteria, mold, and exhaust fumes that get inside from outside. Inhaling all this, being, for example, in an apartment with tightly closed windows, is dangerous to health.

But, fortunately, there is an easy and affordable way to deal with the presence of harmful substances in the air we breathe, and this way nature gives us. As you know, plants purify the air by reducing the content of harmful particles in it. Putting a few pots of plants in the room will improve the situation (although here it must be borne in mind that some flowering plants can cause allergies and only aggravate the situation).

But how do plants purify the air? They absorb particles from the air along with carbon dioxide, which is then converted into oxygen during photosynthesis. And that's not all - microorganisms associated with plants and present in the soil also help purify the air.

But it's not just the cleansing effect. Plants have a beneficial effect on people, lowering blood pressure and relieving stress. Together with this, they allow people to feel energetic and able-bodied.

Action plan

For those with hook-hands who think it will be a burden to take on additional responsibilities, the idea of ​​houseplants may be intimidating, but these fears are completely unfounded because these plants are actually very hardy. Here we will tell you about the 9 best (according to research) plants that you can easily breed in your home or office.

These amazing plants are worth taking the time to find out how much sunlight they need and how many times to water them. Remember to also repot the plants in larger pots as they grow, and loosen the soil around the plants to keep it from hardening. That, perhaps, is all. Then just enjoy the clean air in your home.

garden chrysanthemum

This plant is an air purifying champion, it absorbs ammonia, benzene, formaldehyde and xylene. A flower can be bought at any store at an affordable price. After it blooms at home in a pot, it can be transplanted in spring or summer to a flower bed in the yard or garden.


One of the simplest and most unpretentious plants that does not require special care. Ideal for beginner growers and those who keep forgetting to water their flowers. Likes bright but not direct sunlight. It produces sprouts with flowers, which gradually turn into new sprouts again.

Absorbs formaldehyde and xylene.


There are more than 40 species of this plant in the world, so you will surely choose the most suitable one for your home or office. Dracaena has long broad leaves, often with multicolored lines. True, this plant is toxic to cats and dogs, so it is better for animal lovers to choose and breed another flower.

Dracaena removes benzene, formaldehyde, trichlorethylene and xylene from the air.


Although in their homeland South-East Asia ficus is a tree, at home, its height usually does not exceed 60 - 120 cm. Place this hardy mini-tree in a well-lit area and do not water it often. At the end of spring, the plant can be taken out into the yard, and with the onset of autumn, brought back into the room, where it will do a great service by cleaning the air in it.

Absorbs benzene, formaldehyde and trichlorethylene.


This herb is relatively small compared to the others on our list, but the benefits are just as great. Unpretentious, blooms most often in summer. It should be borne in mind that its flowers (as well as all flowers) smell, and pollen gets into the air, so you should not plant this flower in large quantities. The plant prefers shady places and moist but not damp soil.

Purifies the air from ammonia, benzene, formaldehyde and trichlorethylene.

fern nephrolepis

This plant prefers cool places with high humidity and indirect sunlight. It is relatively easy to grow but needs to be watered frequently. Do not let your "rescuer" dry out and at least once a month give him a good bath so that he is all wet. The fern will surely thank you and remove formaldehyde and xylene from the air.

Sansevieria \ Mother-in-law tongue

These plants require almost no maintenance. They prefer dry conditions and need to be watered very infrequently. And they need very little sunlight.

They absorb benzene, formaldehyde, trichlorethylene and xylene from the air.

bamboo palm

This is the world's best formaldehyde air cleaner. Place the palm tree on a windowsill where it will bathe in the sunlight. The plant can develop into a fairly tall tree, but this will only increase the cleansing effect. It will miraculously fit into your interior, besides it is absolutely safe for your pets.

Absorbs benzene, formaldehyde, trichlorethylene.

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Spathiphyllum: care and reproduction at home

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Aloe vera

In addition to the fact that this plant is easy to care for, because. it does not require frequent watering, aloe also heals. The leaves of the plant contain a clear liquid that contains many vitamins, enzymes, amino acids and other substances that have wound healing, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties. Aloe can also help (and certainly won't hurt) skin conditions such as psoriasis.

Remove formaldehyde from the room. published

Translation: Svetlana Bodrik