Lemon does not bear fruit at home. Home lemon: home care and photos

Most recently, on the pages of our site, we talked about how. The article ended with information that such a lemon, called wild (as opposed to cultivated, varietal lemons), begins to bloom and bear fruit very late. Often this moment has to wait more than ten years.

But there is one way by which it is possible to force the wild to form fruits much faster, sometimes as early as five years after sowing the seed. This method has been known for a long time, and it is called grafting.

Vaccination: what is its essence?

Actually, if you were attentive in biology lessons in high school, it will be easy for you to understand the principle of any grafting on plants. First you need to understand that two "actors" are involved in vaccinations: a stock and a scion.

Rootstock- this is always the plant on which the graft is made. In our particular case, the rootstock is a wild lemon, a seedling.

scion- this is part of a varietal, already fruiting plant. By the word "part" we mean either a stalk or a separate eye (kidney).

The essence of any vaccination is to grow a stock with a scion. As a result, we will get a plant that has rootstock roots, but a scion crown. Accordingly, the new tree will bloom and bear fruit in the same way as it did cultivated plant from which cuttings were taken for grafting. By grafting, we kind of deceive nature, forcing the seedling to bloom.

Let's arm ourselves with tools

For some reason, it is still widely believed among flower growers that vaccination is a very difficult task, if not difficult. In fact, with some training and skill, making a simple vaccination (and there are many ways to inoculate) is not so difficult. There would be a desire, but some inclination to experiments, to risk!

To begin with, let's think about what to instill, and prepare necessary tools. They are simple and accessible to anyone.

garden pruner. This tool is sold in many flower shops, especially in large garden centers. It is needed in order to cut cuttings for yourself, as well as cut branches of trees and bushes. If you rarely vaccinate, you can not buy a pruner, replacing it with an ordinary knife.

Grafting knife. Perhaps this is the main tool in the vaccination business. It is as important for a grower as a good scalpel is for a surgeon. Actually, the comparison is not accidental. The grafting knife must be as sharp as a scalpel! And, by the way, some flower growers use medical scalpels as a grafting knife. Grafting knives are always available at major garden centers.

Remember! You can't graft with a blunt knife! The fact is that only a razor-sharp knife can make a smooth cut of wood tissue without microscopic burrs.

Strapping material . In order to tightly tie the scion and stock, besides isolating the grafting site from the air, a strapping is needed. Now it is sold ready-made, in the form of a special tape, but most flower growers use the usual "improvised means". As a strapping, they usually use electrical tape, plumbing "fum-tape", polyethylene cut into thin strips. There are times when a thick synthetic thread acts as a strapping.

garden var. It is also purchased in garden stores, used as a kind of putty, which is applied to the vaccination site.

Disinfectant solution and clean tissue . They wipe the place of vaccination, cuttings, as well as a grafting knife. It is convenient to use vodka or pure alcohol as a solution. It will need quite a bit.

Vaccination at home

There is evidence that people carried out the first vaccinations several millennia ago, in ancient China. Whether this is so is not for us to judge, but the obvious fact is that gardeners have been using plant grafting for more than one century. During this time, vast experience has been accumulated, dozens of various ways vaccination. The lion's share of these methods is used in gardening, and not in home floriculture, and, of course, it is not necessary to know all of them.

As a rule, three types of vaccinations are used in indoor citrus growing:

- eye budding;
- cleft grafting;
- vaccination by copulation.

The first grafting method is used if only one scion bud is grafted onto a stock. The last two ways are when cuttings are grafted. The most common method is split grafting. Any florist can easily master it.

Now we will not describe these methods of inoculation in detail. Firstly, this would require a separate article, preferably supplemented by drawings. And secondly, such step by step instructions There is a lot of information on vaccinations on the Internet. To really learn how to graft, you need to read at least one such article, watch a video. And after that, you may not be vaccinated right away. You need to train your hand a little, “shoot” your eye, gain confidence.

We advise, after getting acquainted with the "theoretical literature", to try to graft on the cuttings of any trees. It doesn't matter if it's a garden dweller or forest tree. The main thing is that you train your hand: get even cuts, quickly apply a strapping, use a garden pitch.

Attention! In any grafting, the most important thing is to tightly connect the cambial layers of the scion and rootstock. Remember biology lessons! Cambium is a thin layer between the bark and the wood itself. It is in the cambium layer that the fusion of two different plants occurs.

Where can I get vaccination material?

Whether you will vaccinate yourself, or invite a skilled person for this, you will need cuttings or scion buds. It has already been said that they need to be taken from a fruiting lemon. Where to get it?

There may be several answers. Most often, varietal lemons growing with friends, relatives, and acquaintances are used as donors. Often the owner of such a lemon can be found on the Internet, talking on flower growing forums.

Interesting! Not everyone knows that cuttings of varietal citrus fruits, including lemons, can be sent by mail. How to do this is usually known to the owners of such plants. The stalk will survive a short trip without any problems, and will be suitable as a scion.

By the way, this fact opens up great opportunities for you! Using the Internet, you can find not just cuttings of a varietal lemon, but a plant of a certain variety. After all, there are a great many varieties of lemons!

When can I vaccinate a lemon seedling?

Distracted by the conversation about vaccinations, we somehow forgot about our seedling, about the rootstock. And missed one simple but important point: when can it be vaccinated?

And here the answer is ambiguous. Most sources recommend re-vaccinating a wildling in the third or fourth year of its life. As a rule, by this time the diameter of the stem is already comparable to the thickness of a pencil - the most convenient "grafting" size.

But there are cases when the vaccination is carried out earlier, in the second year of the seedling's life, or even in the first! True, at this age, the trunk of a lemon grown at home is no thicker than a match, and only an experienced person is able to make such an inoculation. But it can be done!

Lemon care after vaccination

Be that as it may, but your lemon underwent an “operation”, turning from a rootless wild game into an elite varietal plant. At first, he, like a person in a hospital, requires special care, certain resuscitation. They are not difficult, but it is important to follow them.

1. Build a kind of greenhouse for the tree by covering it with a plastic bag or a cut PET bottle. This is necessary so that the scion, while it has not yet grown to the stock, does not lose moisture in dry air.

2. Water the soil in a pot moderately, but less than usual. Indeed, at first, the roots almost do not need moisture - the former crown is cut off, and the new one has not yet developed.

3. See that the room is not cold, but not very hot either. Shade the lemon from bright sunlight.

4. From time to time open your greenhouse for a while, allowing fresh air to enter.

The period of resuscitation can be considered completed only when the buds begin to wake up on the grafted cutting, and it starts to grow. From now on, care for the lemon in the same way as you did before. But now - remember - a crown of a completely different, varietal plant develops on the roots of your seedling!

Is it just vaccination?

Surely many who read this text have a question: “Is grafting the only way to make a wild lemon bear fruit?” If we are talking about a plant aged 4 - 5 years, then the only one. But it also happens that a wild animal has been living in your house for many years, inherited, for example, from parents or grandmother.

If the seedling has reached the age of 10, it has a chance to bloom and set fruit. He just needs your help to do this. There are a number of special activities that can speed up the fruiting of a homemade lemon. The main ones are the following:

Cool wintering . A very important moment for laying flower buds! A lemon should spend the winter at temperatures close to +10 ° C, and if it is large, aged, then even at 5 ° C. The more you "scare" the lemon low temperatures, the more chances for spring flowering. Just don't overdo it!

Proper pruning . Often old lemons look like long rods: one trunk and almost no side branches. But the nature of the lemon is such that flowers appear only on branches of the fourth order. shape a lemon correct pruning, get a branched crown; it is quite possible that you will be successful!

proper care. A large lemon should grow in an appropriately sized tub filled with nutrient mixture. A dense, leafy crown will tell about well-being in nutrition. Citrus leaves should be fresh, look healthy, juicy. Flowering is possible only in the presence of a large number of leaves.

Organization good lighting . A lemon will not bloom if it does not receive enough light, preferably natural, sunny. Place it somewhere where there is no deep shade for most of the year.

Grafting on one of the branches of a seedling of a varietal cutting . The appearance of a fruit-bearing varietal branch in the crown, as it were, whips up the rest of the crown to bloom.

And, since we are back to the question of vaccinations, think about such an experiment as creating a tree-garden! After all, if you have a large, perennial wild game with a spreading crown, you can graft not one, but several varieties of lemons on its branches! And you can do even more interesting and plant an orange, tangerine, kinkan and citron in the crown! After all, fortunately, all representatives of the genus of citrus fruits are perfectly grafted onto each other!

Agree, this is an incredibly tempting creative idea! We may tell you about it a little later. Check out our website to find out something new and interesting!

Yes, by the way, if you decide to create a tree garden, leave one “original” sprig of wild in the crown. When it blooms, it will probably be tied with delicious lemons, unlike any other variety in the world! After all, citrus fruits are easily pollinated, and your stone, perhaps, carried a completely unique set of qualities. However, if the lemons on the wild turn out to be small and tasteless (and it will most likely be so) - it doesn’t matter either! Did we start this whole story for food?

In this article, you will learn how to grow a lemon at home, including from a seed, so that it blooms and fruits appear on it. There will only be helpful information from the experts, so read to the end. Similarly, you can grow other citrus fruits. For example,

How to grow a fruiting lemon at home?

The plant can be propagated by cuttings, grafting, layering and seeds.

All of the above methods, except for planting a seed, imply that only cultivated varieties are used. From the stone, you will get a wild lemon. Even if you plant a seed of an Uzbek lemon, the fruit will still turn out without varietal characteristics, because it runs wild.

If the plant is propagated by cuttings, grafting and layering, using varietal material, then the fruits may appear in six months - a year. If you plant a bone, then the tree will be able to bloom only after 8-10, and maybe 15 years.

But still, there are ways to grow a lemon from a stone and make it bloom, already during the first year. In some cases, a little later. somewhere in two, three years. These techniques are quite effective, although they have a certain risk.

The essence of these methods is that the plant is subjected to severe stress. This allows you to activate the breeding program in the tree. Experts say that when too ideal conditions a citrus tree may not bloom at all because in its natural environment, conditions often change.
What can be done here?

Ways to help make a lemon grown from a seed at home bear fruit.

Method 1

Create a sharp temperature drop with a difference of five to six degrees. Repeat the procedure several times with a frequency of one or two days. First, lower the temperature from 18 to 13 degrees. A day later, raise it again to 18 degrees. As a result of all these actions, the lemon, quite possibly, will go into the flowering stage.

Method 2

Use a thin wire to pinch the stem near the ground. (Twist the wire quite tightly around the stem. In addition, it is worth tightening it tighter.)

This is done in order to make it difficult for the juices to move up. The most important thing here is not to overdo it otherwise your "citrus" may die. You can leave the plant in this form for no more than a month, because it is dangerous further. Next, the wire must be removed. While the stem is pulled, special substances accumulate in the roots that are responsible for reproduction. Often after this procedure, the lemon begins to bear fruit.

Method 3

This method is the most exotic of all. The bottom line is that you need to spray the leaves of a citrus tree with vodka. The procedure should be repeated three times with a frequency of two days. On the forums on this topic, many claim that this works well. Apparently, the plant thinks that poisonous rains have begun and therefore is in a hurry to start producing seeds. Although it is possible that there is some biochemical reason for this phenomenon.

Method 4

Escape graft cultivar, on our tree grown from the stone. The bottom line here is that not only grafted shoots can bloom, but the rest of the tree. It seems to receive an additional signal to bloom. In this case, you will have fruits of two varieties at once.

Now consider a set of necessary rules for caring for
your tree. Without this, you will not be able to grow a lemon at home.

Rules that are necessary to grow a lemon at home.

Rule 1

The symbiotic fungus mycorrhiza lives in the roots of a lemon. This fungus must not be allowed to die, because without it the plant will be completely unviable. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the earth is not overdried. But at the same time, it is necessary that water does not stagnate in the pot, otherwise the roots may rot. Also, do not add any chemicals, as mycorrhizae may not like them.

Rule 2

Temperature environment must be seasonal. In winter it is 18, and in summer 14 degrees. If the temperature is always the same, then the plant will not be viable because there are seasonal changes in nature. In winter, you can put the pot on the windowsill closer to the cool glass. The temperature is slightly lower than in the room. In summer, you can take the lemon tree to the balcony or veranda, and put it in a shady place. Direct sunlight should not be. The pot should not overheat.

Rule 3

Do not use for irrigation in water with chlorine or hard water. In this case, the water must be at room temperature.

Rule 4

You need to transplant a tree once a year, into a slightly large pot. Do not drastically increase the volume of the pot. As practice shows, this has a very negative effect on the health of the plant. Therefore, each next pot should be 3-4 cm larger in diameter.

Rule 5

Spraying citrus leaves with water is necessary and mandatory. Sometimes pests can appear on plants different kind These are fungi and insects. If you do not have special preparations on hand, a soapy solution often helps.

Rule 6

In no case should you overfeed the plant. But at the same time, a small top dressing once every few months is still needed. That's all.

You can grow a lemon at home, so that there are fruits

I am sure that if you apply everything that is described here, the result will be sure. You can see and experiment with other plants, such as, or

When it comes to indoor lemon flowering, gardeners often face the consequences associated with the illiterate care and maintenance of this capricious tree. If you skillfully get rid of the cause of the tree's malaise, you will become the owner of a rich harvest of fruits.

At improper care lemon may not bear fruit for a long time

Citrus does not bear fruit: what to do

Lemon from the stone may not bloom for a long time.

Gardeners are wondering how to make citrus blossom. Remember, the tree may lack vitamins, so vaccinations should be done. The best period for grafting is from April to August, since at this time the juice actively circulates in the trunk of the tree. After grafting, a lemon from a stone begins to bear fruit after 3 years.

When wondering why a lemon does not bear fruit at home, make sure you take care of the plant correctly. It is important to pollinate flowers in a timely manner, provide the plant with light, moisture, which will allow you to get a rich harvest of fruits.

How to prevent falling and folding leaves

Most gardeners do not know how to deal with the problem when lemon leaves turn yellow. There are several reasons for this phenomenon:

  • lack of natural sunlight;
  • lack of nutrients.

In order for a tree to develop fully, it necessarily requires substances such as nitrogen, iron, potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, and sulfur. They render beneficial effect per plant:

  1. Nitrogen has a positive effect on the shade of the leaves, calcium allows the root system to fully develop.
  2. Phosphorus controls the structure of the cells of the tree, makes the harvest rich.
  3. Potassium is responsible for the absorption of nitrogen, thanks to which the resistance of the tree to diseases grows.

If you feed the plant in time useful substances, then you can prevent the yellowness of the leaves, as well as their fall. In addition, saturating the plant with nutrients will ensure the plant tastes great.

Saturation of lemon with nutrients is necessary both for its health and for the excellent taste of future fruits.

An equally important point to consider when growing citrus is lighting. It is necessary to provide the tree with a full daylight hours, but not being in direct sunlight. It should be installed on the south or southwest side. Lemon blossoms in such conditions perfectly.

By the way, it is permissible to apply alternative lighting. If the sun's rays fall on the leaves, then burns in the form of yellow spots may occur. The gardener must put the tree in the shade in time, otherwise the tree will shed its leaves, and you can forget about the harvest.

Watering and humidity

Citrus loves moisture, so provide it with frequent watering and high humidity. So that the leaves of the tree do not begin to turn yellow in the heat, you need to spray. A spray bottle is perfect for this.

When watering and irrigating a plant, it is important to maintain a balance. The root system must not be allowed to rot. The cause of root rot is moisture stagnation.

If this happens, then change decorative tree into a new container with new soil:

  1. Be sure to put pebbles in the bottom of the pot to ensure excellent drainage.
  2. Be careful to remove any rotten roots before placing the plant in a new container.
  3. Next, treat the root system with potassium permanganate, which will eliminate the accumulated bacteria.

You can eliminate the accumulated bacteria on the root system using ordinary potassium permanganate

Experienced gardeners convince that the presence of heating devices near the plant, as well as drafts, negatively affects the fruiting of citrus.

Now you know how to make a lemon bear fruit. The main thing is to provide him with comfortable conditions and stop putrefactive processes in the roots of the plant in a timely manner.

Lemon is quite picky in its care, but brings environmentally friendly fruits.

Today, homemade lemon has become very popular. This is a room resident, which can be easily purchased at the store. Many choose it because of its exoticism, however, before acquiring such plants, you need to know how to care for a lemon at home. Indeed, with improper care, lemon flowering does not occur, and the plant does not set fruit. In this article we will tell you what to do to make the lemon bloom.

In general, during the period that the tree will be in a new pot, it will have time to take root there and get comfortable in a new place. Therefore, when transplanting, just pick up a bigger pot for him, the earthen room itself, in which he grew up before, can be left. Naturally, if this is not done on time, your pet is unlikely to bloom in cramped quarters.

Inappropriate Conditions

In addition to observing agricultural technology, caring for a lemon involves providing it with good conditions. Otherwise, he will not please you with a single flower.

Unsuitable soil. If the land where the tree was planted is strongly acidic or alkaline, your pet begins to wither and lose flowers. In order to determine the acidity of the soil, it is enough to use litmus paper. If this was indeed the problem, it is necessary to give it a slightly acidic reaction.

Lack of sunlight. This plant is very thermophilic, so for optimal development it needs a sufficient amount of sunlight. Without it, beautiful flowers should not be expected. It is best to place it on a window that is oriented to the south or southwest.

And remember that it is better not to expose your pet to direct sunlight - this is fraught with sunburn, and then you will have to think about how to reanimate the poor plant. Then you don't have to ask why the lemon doesn't bloom.

Watering cold water. Flowers and trees are usually watered with warm water. The lemon tree is also no exception to the rule - watering it with cold water will negate all attempts by the tree to bloom.

A sharp change in conditions of detention. A sudden change of scenery has a detrimental effect on this citrus tree. For example, you decide to rearrange your pet in the sun, although before that he always stood in the shade. Or they took a houseplant outside without hardening it before. Naturally, if the change of scenery occurs so abruptly, the tree simply does not have time to adapt to new conditions. It is because of this "stress" that it can stop blooming. Therefore, if you decide to change the conditions of detention, do it gradually so as not to provoke stressful situations.

Lack of vitamins and minerals

It is imperative to feed your pet - after all, for full growth and development, he needs the nutrients that he receives thanks to regular. Fertilize the tree twice a month (during the active growth phase), and take a short break for the winter.

Lemon is a subtropical plant and the climate of the apartment is perfect for it. Despite this, caring for a lemon in a pot is different from growing it naturally.

Consider how to care for a lemon at home so that your plant grows healthy and that the lemon bears fruit.

Seedling selection

With the acquisition of a seedling of lemon, do not rush. You should choose a healthy-looking plant with brightly colored, shiny leaves.

Examine carefully the stem, the reverse side of the leaf.

They must be clean, free of visible pests and disease.

Boarding and seat selection

Having planted the plant in open ground, be sure to water it abundantly, make sure that direct sunlight does not fall on it.

If the weather conditions are not very good (rain, strong wind etc.) it is better to build a small shelter and leave for a few days until the lemon tree takes root in a new place.

IN open ground Plants meet their needs through their natural environment. It is much more difficult to create favorable conditions for growing lemons at home.

ADVICE: Do not rush to transplant the purchased decorative seedling of a lemon tree (for indoor cultivation). Let it adapt to your home.

Approach responsibly to the choice of a place for a plant. Do not place indoor lemon in dangerous places:

  • in a draft;
  • near heating appliances;
  • in an unlit corner or dark corridor;
  • between closed curtains and a window in cold weather.

ADVICE: Inspect the seedling daily, spray it with water. In hot weather, 2 times a day. After a few days, the plant must be transplanted.

Features of care in different periods of the year

Consider how to care for a lemon at home, depending on the time of year.

In spring, the plant wakes up and begins to grow actively. He needs more light.

On warm days, lemon can be taken out to fresh air.

The room must be ventilated, as the influx of fresh air is necessary for the good growth of citrus fruits.

After watching the video, you can learn how to help your lemon in spring:

In summer, it is best to dig a lemon tree in the garden or in the country. If this is not possible, it is necessary to rearrange it to a balcony or terrace.

With over 25 years of experience growing lemons at home, this "summer vacation" gives a powerful boost to plants for the whole year.

In the fall, before returning the lemon home, we inspect the entire plant well, if necessary, treat it with chemicals. Be sure to arrange a warm shower, wash the leaves well, and the stems from dust and dirt.

We return to the usual place and continue caring for indoor lemon in a pot. Gradually reduce watering and fertilizing plants.

In winter, most often the plants are in a dormant period. But one of my lemons leaves with fruits in the winter and therefore the dormant period for it comes after the harvest.

I feed this plant for the entire period of fruiting and, if necessary, organize illumination for 2-3 hours daily. The rest of the plants rest during the winter.

Comfortable temperature for lemons during this period is within 14 - 16 degrees.

Winters in Siberia are long and cold. It is not always possible to save plants in the winter. Some branches dry up. Do not rush to prune such plants. Very often, a dried branch comes to life.

In the photo below you can see examples of home-grown dwarf lemons:

Maybe due to the fact that growing a lemon tree is not easy in our latitudes, citrus pruning is not practiced. But if desired, for better branching and crown formation, pruning can be done in early spring.

How to prune a plant at home can be found on our website.

Why does the lemon not bloom and bear fruit?

Often novice flower growers are faced with the fact that the lemon does not bloom.

Why isn't the lemon blooming? There are several reasons: the first and most basic - the plant was planted with a stone and not grafted.

How to make lemon bloom at home? In order for a plant grown from a stone to bloom, many years must pass or it must be grafted.

Also, your plant may be planted in poor soil and it lacks mineral fertilizers. Very dry air, pests, diseases…

Watch your pet and the plant itself will tell you the reason.

I bought my first lemon on vacation in Adjara. It was a grafted 3-4 year old seedling of Pavlovsky lemon, all in bloom and with small fruits. It so happened that the plant had to be handed over to the storage room for a day. When the plant was returned to me, I almost burst into tears - the leaves, flowers, the ovary all fell off. I kept the lemon, but it only bloomed after 5 years.

ATTENTION: If you are transporting a plant from one place to another, be prepared for the fact that it may not bloom in due time.


If your plant does not have enough light, it will have small and pale leaves, small flowers or none at all, the lower leaves are yellow, the plant practically does not grow, or the shoots are weak and very elongated.

For lemons, southeast windows with bright diffused light and a small amount of direct sunlight are best suited. If there is no possibility natural light, then for the normal cultivation of lemons it is necessary to organize artificial lighting. It is best to use fluorescent lamps.

Lemon is not very whimsical to air temperature - in winter it is enough for 14 - 16 degrees, in summer it can also tolerate 30 degree heat.

IMPORTANT: It is necessary that the difference between day and night temperatures should not be more than 4-6 degrees. This is especially dangerous for flowering plants.

In winter, it is necessary to insulate the window on which the plant stands, on very cold days, remove the lemon from the windowsill, and do not close the window curtains tightly. Warm air from the room must penetrate to the plant.

Air humidity

Humidity is another important factor in growing lemons.

This problem is especially relevant in the winter months.

In apartments with central heating, the air becomes so dry that many plants are very difficult to tolerate such conditions.

The air in the room must be constantly humidified. It is better to use industrial humidifiers.

If it is not possible to buy such a device, use the knowledge of experienced flower growers:

  1. Spray your plants with warm water (necessarily settled) 2-3 times a day;
  2. Pour expanded clay into the pan, moisten it with water and place the flower pot in this pan. Expanded clay keep constantly wet;
  3. Group several colors - the humidity will increase;
  4. You can move the lemon to the kitchen, where the humidity is much higher.

ADVICE: During the flowering of a lemon tree, many sources recommend pollinating flowers with cotton swabs.

For pollination, you need to take a cotton swab. Trying not to damage the flowers, carefully collect pollen from one flower and transfer it to another, then to the third and all subsequent ones. However, in all the years of growing these plants, I have never used this method. Pollination happens by itself.


At different people your own drinking regime. The same can be said about plants. All houseplants need watering to one degree or another. Some like to water infrequently, while others like to water often and abundantly.

If you ask beginner gardeners about the most common cause of plant death, most of them will say: - "Dry!" But much more often plants die from improper watering.

If we notice something wrong with our plant, we begin to water it abundantly. In response to this, the leaves wilt and turn yellow, and we continue to believe that the plant lacks moisture, and water it again.

Over time, in such plants, the earthen ball turns into a swamp, the roots rot and the plant dies.

How to water a lemon so that it grows healthy, develops and bears fruit?

The most important rule is to water the lemon abundantly with settled water, the water temperature should not be lower than room temperature.

Water only when the top layer of the earth dries out no less than 1-2 cm. After watering, let the water drain, loosen the top layer of the earth and only spray the leaves for the next days.

In order for the plant to develop well and grow, it is necessary to replant it in a timely manner, renew the soil for it.

IMPORTANT: Never use unsterilized soil for planting indoor plants.

It is best to buy a special mixture for planting citrus plants. How to prepare a soil mixture at home can be found on our website.

Lemons need good drainage and correct composition soil.

If you did everything as described above, but did not get the result, then your pet is not enough nutrients. The plant must be constantly fed. In spring and summer, once a week, in autumn, once a month, in winter (if the plant is “resting”) we do not feed, if the plant has fruits or it blooms, regular top dressing is necessary.

You can find out how to care for a lemon tree with fruits at home and how to feed a plant at home on our website.

All for the sake of which we start this difficult path - the fruits of our tree (lemons). It is as if we have achieved its flowering, but there is no ovary, the fruits are not formed.

How to pollinate a lemon at home and what else you can do:

  1. Manual pollination with a cotton swab;
  2. The use of the drug "Buton"
  3. to stimulate fruit formation, preserve the ovary in adverse conditions;

  4. The use of the drug "Kornerost, Heteroauxin"
  5. to stimulate the growth of the root system, strengthen the whole plant.

And now our lemon has faded, the ovary has appeared and - Oh, horror !!! The tie falls off. Why?

Several reasons are possible:

  • if the plant blooms for the first time and only a few flowers, as a rule, these will be empty flowers. Do not rush, wait for real flowering;
  • if the lemon blooms profusely and a lot of ovaries - the plant itself regulates the number of fruits it needs;
  • if already formed, grown fruits fall, your plant lacks light, nutrition, or it gets sick (plants also get sick). Perhaps there are pests on the lemon.

If your lemon has faded, fruit has begun on it, wait for the harvest.

Lemon ripening is not a quick matter. Lemons grow slowly, be patient for a few months.

To find out when to pick lemons from a home tree, it’s enough to take a good look at the fruits. Well-ripened lemon fruits are bright yellow, the color is uniform.

If the lemon is ripe, it easily separates from the stalk.

ADVICE: Often gardeners ask the question: "The lemon does not grow, what should I do?" If your tree is not growing well or not moving at all, pay attention to how the plant is planted.

Perhaps during the transplant, you buried the vaccination site in the ground. Immediately remove the top layer of the earth and release the growth point.

In order to speed up the fruiting process, a seedling grown from a seed must be grafted. If you do not own this procedure, it is better to contact specialists.

You can learn how to properly plant a decorative lemon by watching the video below:

A lemon seedling is transplanted in the spring as needed. Consider when a Lemon transplant is needed and what care is needed at home.

I know three conditions necessary for transplantation:

  • the root system has grown, and the roots appeared in the holes of the pot;
  • after watering, the plant dries very quickly;
  • the plant wilts.

IMPORTANT: If you take a previously used pot for transplantation, it must be washed well and disinfected. The pot for transplanting should be slightly larger than the one in which the lemon grew. Plant transplantation can be easily done at home.

Care indoor plants involves more than just watering and fertilizing.

Lemon must be periodically washed from dust and dirt.

Dust not only spoils the appearance, but also makes it difficult for the normal development of the plant. It is also necessary to tie branches with fruits to a support, in order to avoid breakage of branches.

Inspect plants regularly, clean the crown of your tree from dead leaves and dried flowers.

Where do plant diseases come from? Most of the time, we are to blame.

There are several reasons. These are unfavorable conditions for growing plants. They bought a sick plant, and, unable to withstand the quarantine, they placed others with other indoor plants.

Lemon fruits are a storehouse of vitamins. Eating brings health and vitality.

REFERENCE: They drink tea with lemon and use it in cooking. Lemon is often used in various health recipes.

Growing a lemon tree at home, we get the opportunity not only to have wonderful fruits. Smell blooming lemon fills the entire apartment with a fabulous aroma.

Is there any harm in growing lemon at home?

I would not advise keeping a profusely flowering plant in the bedroom. There may be headaches. That's all.

You can watch a video with a detailed story about the benefits and harms that a lemon can bring:

In conclusion, I would like to say if you are for your lemon tree:

  • create the required temperature regime;
  • provide an appropriate light regime;
  • ensure timely watering;
  • you will maintain the necessary humidity;
  • give your seedlings the necessary mineral fertilizers;
  • give them rest;
  • provide access to fresh air;
  • will take care of appearance their plants;

And as a result, it will thank you with abundant flowering and useful fruits.