What is a partition in construction. What is a partition

The partition is a wall that divides the space of the room into separate rooms. Interior partitions play a huge role in the field of home and apartment improvement. Thanks to rapidly developing technologies, a lot of constructive solutions for experiments with the interior. Today there are different kinds partitions, for the construction of which various materials are used.

Partitions in the interior and a variety of screens perform not only a practical (room zoning) function, but also an aesthetic one.

Before deciding on the type, you need to clarify for yourself what function the partition will perform. If you need to divide the space for a long time, then it is better to use a solid supporting structure. In all other cases, collapsible or movable partitions can be used.

Important! The construction of partitions is an essential stage of redevelopment. Therefore, before starting work, it is necessary to obtain mandatory approval.

Types of interior partitions: advantages and disadvantages

Space zoning can be done with the help of various transforming partitions. They can be:

  • sliding;
  • folding soft;
  • rigid folding;
  • retractable.

Their advantage lies in the possibility of installation anywhere. They are very often used to distinguish between the dining room and kitchen, hallway and living room, bedroom and dressing room.

Types of screens: 1 -4.

While creating modern interior very often screens are used, which not only zone the room, but also give it an attractive look. This type of partitions is the cheapest.

The most durable partition is considered to be stationary, which is a wall that isolates the room from other rooms. For the manufacture of such a structure, a variety of materials are used.

The most popular are:

  • tree;
  • brick;
  • cellular concrete;
  • glass block;
  • drywall.

Types of screens: 4 -8.

To proceed to the construction of these types of partitions, you must prepare a set of tools in advance:

  • construction trowel;
  • solution container;
  • screwdriver;
  • nails;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • hammer;
  • hacksaw;
  • roulette;
  • building level or plumb;
  • pencil.

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Installation of partitions

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Installation of wooden partitions

The main material in the construction of such partitions is solid wood and veneer. Such variants of interior structures are built according to the frame principle.

Their advantages include environmental friendliness, ease of processing, the possibility of building various forms, and structural strength. The disadvantages are a lot of weight and low moisture resistance, which can lead to rotting of the material.

Before proceeding with their installation, strictly vertical lines are drawn on the walls. For this you can use a plumb line. Two more lines are drawn along these lines along the ceiling and floor. After that, two bars are nailed to the floor so that they form a groove equal to the thickness of the board. Another triangular beam is attached to the ceiling.

After fixing the boards, a gap is formed, which must be filled with tow. And only after that you can nail the second beam to the ceiling, thereby pressing the boards. The resulting partition is plastered or sheathed with plywood, drywall and fiberboard.

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Installation of brick partitions

Such options for interior structures are best suited for buildings made of cinder concrete, stone and brick. For their construction, solid and hollow red or white bricks are used.

The advantages of such a structure include environmental friendliness, durability, fire resistance and moisture resistance. In addition, such a partition is able to withstand heavy loads. The disadvantages include the duration of the technological process of the structure.

Brick partitions are placed in half or a quarter of a brick. If its length is more than 1.5 m, it is necessary to use reinforcing wire with a diameter of 6 mm. It is laid every four rows of bricks.

It is very important to properly prepare the mortar, which consists of five parts of sand and one part of cement. For every two kilograms of the mixture, 1 liter of water is added. To correctly calculate the amount of mortar, it must be taken into account that the installation of 20 blocks requires almost 40 kg of sand.

The finished wall must be plastered on both sides, after which it is overwritten. This is required to prepare the surface for wallpapering or ceramic tiling.

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Installation of cellular concrete walls

Such options for partitions provide for the mandatory construction of formwork with a frame consisting of reinforcement.

When laying such a wall, a sand-cement mixture or ordinary tile adhesive is used. A small layer of the prepared mortar is applied to the base, after which the laying of the first row begins.

Important! The masonry must be constantly checked for uniformity, both horizontally and vertically. To do this, you can use the building level.

The next row is mounted by smearing the mating surfaces with glue and bandaging the plates of the previous row. To fix the block partition, you can use metal reinforcement, which is inserted into a hole drilled in the load-bearing wall. Fastening to the floor is made with a metal profile.

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Construction of interior walls from glass blocks

Glass blocks are called translucent hollow bricks. The partition of them is distinguished by high insulating properties. However, they do not clutter up the room. But this design contains one drawback, which is that it is impossible to drill into a glass block.

The blocks are fastened with a cement mortar, which should not contain large grains of sand. To install the blocks, you can use liquid nails.

Before laying, it is necessary to prepare the base, which is cleaned of dirt and dust. The first row is placed on a level so that the wall is perfectly flat. Plastic crosses are mounted between each block, which will allow you to get even seams.

Due to the fact that the glass block is quite heavy, it is not recommended to lay out more than three rows per day. This is due to the fact that raw seams can move from the heaviness of the upper rows. Also, one should not forget about the mandatory reinforcement with a metal rod with a diameter of at least 6 mm. They fit every two rows.

It will add sophistication and coziness, make the room more comfortable and help place numerous souvenirs, books, figurines and flowers.

Rack-partition: evaluate the benefits

The rack-partition for the house is quite simple in its design - these are shelves that do not have rear wall and doors. Thanks to this, the rack turns out to be almost transparent, it does not clutter up the space (like a slide or a closet) and creates a feeling of lightness. In addition, we note its other advantages:

  • space zoning- the ability to get fairly isolated, clearly defined functional areas. At the same time, it is absolutely not necessary for these purposes to install a very high, almost to the ceiling, partition. It is necessary when it is necessary to obtain a reliable illusion of a separate room or to reliably close a detachable part of the room, for example, when we allocate a place to sleep in the living room. The lower the rack, the more space, light and air will be in the room. You can also use a compromise solution - a stepped rack, the high part of which closes the part of the room that you want to make the most intimate.
  • storage system- functional and convenient, this is still the main purpose of the rack. The rack allows you to use the available space as efficiently as possible, which is especially important for small rooms (apartments). It allows you to place a lot of objects (things) on a small area, providing free access to them from any side. The lower part of the rack can be made closed, in the form of boxes - there you can hide things that are not customary to flaunt. This approach will allow you to abandon the closet, further saving space.
  • translucency- often the room has a single source daylightwindow, and the installation of a blank partition in the middle of the room will create obstacles to the natural spread of light. Translucent shelving-partitions for room zoning minimally weaken daylight thus helping to save on electricity. In addition, in order to get comfortable lighting of a certain area, racks are often equipped with decorative lighting.
  • versatility- the rack can be chosen for almost any style (with the exception of empire and classic). IN high-tech style a rack made of glass and metal will harmoniously fit in, in which the frame is made of chrome-plated steel (aluminum), and the shelves are made of tempered (clear or colored glass). For a country interior, a rack made of natural wood, painted white
  • availability - the production of a rack does not require a lot of materials, as well as expensive devices (hinges, mechanisms), so it is very affordable. In addition, it is very easy to assemble: you need a screwdriver (screwdriver) and follow the instructions exactly - and the rack is easy to assemble
  • practicality and durability- the rack does not have any mechanical parts - therefore it is durable, does not require special (special) care

Rack-partition for the house: zoning the space

In the interior of the room, the rack is most often used as a partition - for zoning the room. Here are some typical cases:

  • studio apartment families with a child - the rack will help divide the room into "parent" and "nursery". Children receive, albeit quite tiny, but their own space, which is very important for raising responsibility and independence. A through shelving that divides the room into a “children's” and “adult” half has one more advantage - parents have the ability to visually control children, while not “invading” their territory. For such a case, a double-sided rack is well suited - on the one hand, you can place children's things, on the other - things of parents
  • in the living room, using the shelving, you can separate the seating area or highlight study(work area) where to place the library and computer. In this case, a computer with the inevitable amount of wires, a printer and speakers will not spoil the style chosen for the living room. In addition, everything you need for work can be placed on the rack in a compact and accessible way - CDs, books, reference books, paper, magazines and other accessories.

In the living room, with the help of a rack, you can separate a recreation area or highlight a study

Partitions are internal non-load-bearing walls.

Partitions are internal non-bearing walls that divide the interior of the building into separate rooms and perform only enclosing functions. Partitions perceive only their own weight and minor force impacts during operation and rely on the ceiling of the building or on the floor on the ground.

In civil buildings, the main requirement for partitions is to provide the required sound insulation between rooms. In accordance with this requirement, the material of the partitions and their thickness are selected. According to fire safety requirements, partitions in civil buildings must be made of non-combustible or slow-burning materials with a fire resistance limit of 0.25 ¸ 0.5 hours. In industrial buildings, the requirements for partitions are determined depending on the category of premises for fire and explosion hazard

Partitions are classified according to the following criteria:

1) by functional purpose:

A) stationary partitions are installed during the construction of the building and do not change their position during operation;

b) collapsible partitions are assembled from separate structural elements, which, if necessary, are easily dismantled and assembled elsewhere. This type of partitions is widely used in frame public and residential buildings. In frame buildings, there are no internal load-bearing walls, which provides greater planning freedom.

For example, in administrative buildings with the help of collapsible partitions, you can quickly change the location of offices (offices), conference rooms, etc. premises. In residential buildings, such partitions allow you to change the layout of apartments at the request of the customer, both at the stage of building construction and during operation.

Collapsible partitions are made of frame with subsequent sheathing with sheet materials (gypsum boards (GKL), gypsum-fiber sheets (GVL), cement-bonded particle boards (DSP), etc.) - see fig. 3.55;

Rice. 3.55. The design of a collapsible partition made of sheet materials on metal frame from bent profiles:

1 - leveling screed of cement-sand mortar on the floor of the building or floor on the ground;

2 - metal guide;

3 - metal rack;

4 - sheathing (plasterboard sheets);

5 - sound-absorbing material;

6 – plinth

V) transformable partitions are used in the case when during the operation of the building it is necessary to regularly (during the day) change the internal layout of the premises. In civil buildings, this type of partitions allows you to quickly change the shape and size of halls, offices, rooms or temporarily separate them from each other. In spectacular public buildings with halls with stages, transformable partitions are used as a fire curtain. The rise and fall of such a curtain is performed automatically (from smoke detectors), which prevents the spread of fire through the stage.

In industrial buildings, transformable partitions are used for temporary fencing of noisy or harmful technological areas or individual workplaces. On fig. 3.56 shows the main types of transformable partitions.

Rice. 3.56. Transformable partitions:

A- straight-sliding in the form of a single leaf;

b– straight-sliding from separate panels;

V- retractable;

G- hinged folding;

d- harmonious

In industrial buildings, partitions are used to enclose various sections and individual premises and, depending on functional purpose further divided into two types:

- partition walls are installed at an incomplete height of the room (workshop) and are used to protect the premises of service personnel (offices, laboratories, etc.), storerooms, transformer substations. Enclosing partitions are made of lightweight materials (solid section or in the form of a grid) along the frame - see fig. 3.57;

- dividing walls designed for complete isolation of adjacent premises with fire and explosion hazardous or hazardous industries in industrial buildings. They are erected to the entire height of the building (workshop) or to the height of a separate floor from concrete panels or in the form brickwork;

2) by material:

A) brick partitions are performed from silicate brick thickness 120 (in 1/2 brick) and 250 mm (in 1 brick). In residential buildings, inter-apartment partitions with a thickness of 250 mm and interior partitions with a thickness of 120 mm are used (according to sound insulation requirements);

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With the introduction of new layouts in new buildings, partitions for zoning space in a room have become popular. They replace the wall if there is no possibility or desire to erect it, and they look very picturesque and beautiful.
Often this is a salvation for small apartments - studios or rooms in which two zones are combined: a bedroom with a living room. Dividing a long room and making a seating area and a guest area is the dream of many owners. one-room apartments and partitions allow you to do this effectively and functionally.

Designers have come up with many options for partitions. Usually, they serve to isolate personal space from residential or common space.
I perfectly understand those people who in this way are trying to beat off a little space for a double bed or a kitchen from standard narrow seventeen-meter rooms.

Decorative partitions differ from walls in their light transmission, because often when dividing a room, one of the zones becomes without access to a natural light source. And here designs without a back wall or from a transparent material come to the rescue.

According to their structure, partitions can be stationary or mobile. Drywall constructions can be classified as stationary, and sliding partitions or shelving can be attributed to mobile ones.

Zoning materials are also striking in their diversity, in fact, you can use everything that is at hand or that is more accessible to you.

Below we will analyze interesting ideas that have already been brought to life by bold and active interior designers.
All partitions are matched to the overall style of the interior.

So in the Japanese style, to divide the room into two zones, Japanese curtains are used, in eco-style and country - wooden partitions, in the east - screens and filament curtains and other options.

Drywall partitions

The most popular material for dividing space is drywall. It is affordable, allows you to make different forms and easy to mount. Such designs are most often stationary and have through shelves or ledges for storing decorative elements.

Such partitions are popular for separating zones in a nursery.

The recesses serve as shelves and allow sunlight to pass through. Such a partition allows you to divide the room into two zones: for children and for adults.

This is a suitable method for highlighting the personal zones of heterosexual children.

Photo of a successful zoning solution in a one-room apartment.

The top of the partition serves as a window and ventilation at the same time and divides the 18 sq.m. room into two zones.

Separation of the kitchen from the living room. An aquarium is built into the niche.

The functional design of drywall allows you to conveniently arrange household appliances.

Drywall partition decorated with wood.

You can also zone with a low partition. The photo shows a cozy version of the room with two zones: a bedroom and a common one.

Separation of the bedroom from the living room.

Solid partition from GVL. The lack of light is compensated by lamps. beautiful ideas decorating from the inside with veneer panels.

A bright partition can become the main accent in the room.

Wooden partitions

Partitions made of wood always look cozy and expensive. Moreover, you can be sure that during hot summers, they will not emit all sorts of toxic substances, such as formaldehyde.

If you apply imagination, then you can divide the room with affordable bars, the remains of lining and boards. The appearance of a tree at different stages of processing is always impressive and beautiful.

The wood can be processed and therefore an exquisite pattern can be made.

Decorative elements in the form of birch branches give a feeling of unity with nature.

Ordinary slats can be a decoration of the apartment.

Design option using wood saw cuts.

Partitions are matched in the same style and color as the floor.

The photo turned out to be very light and functional zoning.

Ideas of naturalness permeate the entire interior of the apartment.

Wooden compositions may be unusual, but the structure of the tree does not lose its attractiveness.

Wrought iron partitions

Forged designs amaze with their elegance and graceful lines. But their cost is much higher than that of drywall or other materials. This option serves as an example of a partition between rooms.

But, if funds allow, or you really want to, then you still need to find a master who does this. Often you can find them where metal stairs are made, because. forging is in full swing there.

Screen for space zoning

Screens in ancient times were used in palaces and in the east.

Now it's a beautiful compact design element. It can always be moved to different places, fenced off from home, and if not needed, folded and removed.

This mobile version of the partition will appeal to many owners of narrow rooms.

Glass structures

Glass is also a great option when dividing a room. It transmits light and looks very light. Of course, you must be sure of the quality of the glass if you have children. Therefore, tempered glass or plexiglass is often chosen. Strained glass on impact, it crumbles into small and not sharp parts, so it will be difficult for them to cut themselves.

In rooms where they fence off sleeping area you can use frosted glass with a special coating, so you let the light into the second zone, but do not show what is in your bedroom.

The glass partition between the bed and the sofa is popular for use in minimalist and hi-tech styles, because. this material is self-sufficient and performs a maximum of functions with a minimum of space weighting.

The transparent partition completely transmits light.

Shelving as a partition

You could see the options in the previous article. Shelving structures that act as partitions are often made very roomy and without a back wall. They can separate the hallway or living area from the dining room.

They are often filled with books and decorative elements or understaffed with drawers and doors. This allows you to maximize the use of storage space.

A closet is built into the plasterboard construction.

The partition smoothly flows onto the wall.

A low rack visually separates the sofa from the bed and this helps to divide the room into two zones: a bedroom and a living room. See photo.

Cabinets are hidden in the structure.

Fantasy shelving suits a light interior.

The rack, which is used to separate areas in the apartment, is complemented by doors.

Bar counter for room zoning

- perfectly separates the kitchen from the dining room. This is a salvation for owners of combined living rooms with a kitchen and one-room apartments. Often the bar counter also serves as a dining table. Due to its height, it fully allows access to light, but nevertheless, clearly separates the boundaries of the room.

The bar counter matches the general tone of the room with a glossy surface and serves as a partition between the kitchen and the living room.

Partitions from living plants

This trend has appeared recently, thanks to the creation and possibility of using drip irrigation at home. In this way, you can create partitions with lawn grass or ivy. Using the most unpretentious and sparsely growing plants. Bindweeds allow you to quickly give the partition a beautiful look, but at the same time spend little effort on their care.
Often a simple vase with tall plants planted in it can serve as a partition.

Here, the whole effect will come from creating a composition of these flowers, which serve as a partition between the hallway and the living room.

Blinds as a space divider

Use blinds to divide the space. Also became quite recently. This option allows, if necessary, to isolate the room, for example, to close it from sunlight. Due to their lightweight design, they lighten the interior and do their best as a partition between the living room and the hallway.

Vertical blinds are more popular, but horizontal ones are also found and serve as a partition between the kitchen and the hallway.

In the materials you can find paper blinds, made of aluminum or plastic, which help to divide the room into 2 zones and not eat up the space. The wider the individual details, the more modern and integral the interior looks.

Sliding partitions like a coupe

To divide a room into two zones with a compartment door or wardrobe, use guides and door leafs. Sliding partitions perfectly cope with their role of zoning. This option is suitable for small spaces and allows you to give the room a twist, thanks to its coverage. Matte options or glossy whites that reflect light look so chic.

If you insert mirrors, you can also visually enlarge the space, and with the doors closed, guests will not even guess that you have another room.

Doors have contrast trim.

The canvas is covered with plastic.

Dividing space with threads and ropes

A decorative partition can also be made of various kinds of threads and even ropes. This option will look spectacular if you observe a strong tension of the ends.

Beads are often strung on threads.

Such options are popular in eastern countries. Now they are included in our everyday life and allow you to give color to the design.

The ombre principle can be embodied everywhere and can serve as an example of dividing a room with curtains.

Thin dark threads add airiness to the space.

We use plastic pipes as a partition

Designers do not sit still and come up with new interesting ideas for decorating an apartment. For example available to all plastic pipes can be a very stylish design element. As a result, such an unusual partition was created between the toilet and the bathroom.

Such a partition can even be made at home if you can cut off all the details evenly.
The advantages include the ease and accessibility of the design, as well as many variations of forms.

From parts of different diameters, you can create many interesting options.

Textile partition (Japanese curtain)

The easiest way to fence off the comfort zone is to use textiles. Curtains can play this role.
Thick curtains will replace the doors to the dressing room, fence off unwanted looks and emphasize the softness of the interior. The only downside is the low sound insulation.

Curtains with a beautiful shade emphasize the overall design idea.

Separation in a one-room apartment.

Bright color attracts attention. When necessary, the textile partition can be moved.

For the daytime version, tulle is suitable, and at night - curtains.

Japanese curtains came to us from organized Japan.

These are stretched canvases of fabric with a variety of patterns and ornaments. They perfectly zone the room and do not look like a heavy or foreign element.


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According to their classification, partitions can be divided into two main types - stationary and mobile. Stationary include wall structures, which are divided into load-bearing and interior. When planning a partition, you must first determine its purpose and the expected load.

Bearing wall. It serves to support floor panels, beams and other elements that make up the "skeleton" of the building. Due to the fact that such partitions carry a fairly serious load, they are made of bricks, various gas and foam concrete blocks, cinder blocks and reinforced concrete panels. Recently, the technology has been very developed, when the load-bearing partitions are poured with concrete in a special formwork directly during the construction of structures. Very often, in addition to resistance to static load, partitions must have thermal protection properties, as they can separate a heated room from an unheated one. Bearing partitions can be used to hang fairly heavy interior items on them without the risk of structural damage.

Interroom partition. It acts as a wall that not only separates the room, but also serves as sound and heat insulation. It can be made of lightweight foam concrete, gypsum blocks, gypsum boards. If the task is to ensure light transmission, then glass blocks are used in the construction of the partition, which not only transmit light, but also have decorative properties.

Partitions made of gypsum boards have become very widespread. The manufacturing technology makes it possible to build a partition in the shortest possible time with little or no plaster work and to easily lay various communications inside the wall. For example, it is impossible to lay communications in a glass block partition. The disadvantage of drywall is its fragility, poor moisture resistance and the inability to install heavy hinged elements on such walls. One of the advantages is that a plasterboard wall can be dismantled very quickly without using a heavy tool.

Partitions made of glazed aluminum profiles are often used in office premises. This makes it possible to ensure the lightness and transparency of the structure with a fairly good sound insulation.

Movable barriers.
A screen is often used as movable partitions. It allows you to change the geometry and location of the partition in a matter of seconds. Here, too, there is a wide variety of materials used. It can be a screen made of solid wood or combined with fabric, thick paper with a printed pattern. Often an anodized aluminum profile is used in combination with laminated chipboard.