Why do bell peppers shed flowers and ovaries. Causes of falling flowers in pepper

Often in July, gardeners and gardeners complain about falling ovaries of pepper. Let's try to figure out what is the reason for such an unpleasant phenomenon, because without eliminating it, you can be left without a crop.

Everyone knows well that pepper is extremely picky about light- he needs abundant sunlight from the moment the shoots appear until the end of the growing season. Insufficient lighting during the seedling period adversely affects not only the quality of the seedlings, but later on the growth and development of the vegetative and reproductive organs, and ultimately on the crop. Here is the first reason for the fall of the ovaries.

Water in the greatest amount is necessary for pepper during the fruiting period.. During the growing season, it is demanding on the presence of water and at the same time does not tolerate its excess. With a lack of moisture in the soil, some of the buds and ovaries fall off, the yield decreases. With excess moisture, the root system experiences a lack of air. As a result, the growth and development of the plant is suspended.

Pepper is very picky about air humidity.. The optimum humidity for it is 60-70%. Higher or lower humidity, accompanied by increased temperature, causes the flowers and ovaries to fall off. It is necessary to monitor the level of humidity, not allowing it to rise above the optimum, for which greenhouses are ventilated. To increase the humidity of the air, you can spray water with a sprayer or spill the soil and adjacent paths from a watering can.

Pepper is especially demanding on the structure and fertility of the soil.. It grows well and bears fruit on light, humus-rich soils containing nutrients in an easily accessible form. Nitrogen plays an important role in nutrition, which improves growth. vegetative organs- Roots, stems, leaves. With its lack, growth slows down. An excess of nitrogen causes violent growth of stems and leaves to the detriment of the formation and ripening of fruits. Phosphorus has a beneficial effect on the growth of the root system, on accelerating the formation of ovaries and fruits. Potassium is necessary during the entire vegetation of the plant, it increases the resistance of the plant to cold, accelerates the ripening of fruits.

During the growing season, plants need to be fed twice a month., preferably alternating mineral and organic top dressing. Mineral supplements include ammonium nitrate or urea (15-20 g per 10 liters of water), double superphosphate(40-50 g), potassium sulfate(20-30 g). All of these mineral fertilizers can be replaced with complex ones, for example, azofoska - 30-50 g per 10 liters of water. After two weeks, the plants can be fed with an organic solution (mullein 1:8, bird droppings 1:15).

Further, these top dressings (organic and mineral) alternate in a week. In August, during the period of mass ripening of pepper, top dressing can be carried out with superphosphate - 40 g per 10 liters of water (superphosphate is infused for at least a day).

Two or three times during the growing season I practice foliar feeding- 0.1-0.2% solution calcium nitrate which promotes the growth of good fruits.

When signs appear on the fruit blossom end rot again, foliar top dressing with calcium nitrate (20 g per 10 liters of water) will help out. It is used twice with a break in a week. Apply the same solution under the root after watering (1-2 liters per plant).

If there is no calcium nitrate, you can shed the beds chalk suspension- a glass per plant. Stir one - two tablespoons per 1 liter of water. Chalk that has not gone into the soil will go away with subsequent watering.

In the absence of calcium nitrate (unfortunately, it is rarely on sale), a 0.3-0.4% solution can be used for foliar feeding. calcium chloride, which is sold in a pharmacy without a prescription.

The preservation of the ovaries on the plant will also be facilitated by such an agrotechnical technique as regular carrying out forced pollination by shaking plants in the first half of the day.

Viktor Felk, expert gardener, Petrozavodsk, Karelia

Pepper has a rather long growing season, and since this crop is also capricious of growing conditions, it happens that flowers and ovaries fall off even before planting in open ground or immediately after the first flowering. Why do pepper flowers and ovaries fall and what to do, let's figure it out.

chapter 1. Reasons for dropping the ovary

Peppers are extremely picky about light.- he needs abundant sunlight from the moment the shoots appear until the end of the growing season. Insufficient lighting during the seedling period adversely affects not only the quality of the seedlings, but later on the growth and development of the vegetative and reproductive organs, and ultimately on the crop. Here is the first reason for the fall of the ovaries.

Water in the greatest amount is necessary for pepper during the fruiting period.. During the growing season, it is demanding on the presence of water and at the same time does not tolerate its excess. With a lack of moisture in the soil, some of the buds and ovaries fall off, the yield decreases. With excess moisture, the root system experiences a lack of air. As a result, the growth and development of the plant is suspended.

Pepper is very picky about air humidity.. The optimum humidity for it is 60-70%. Higher or lower humidity, accompanied by increased temperature, causes the flowers and ovaries to fall off. It is necessary to monitor the level of humidity, not allowing it to rise above the optimum, for which greenhouses are ventilated. To increase the humidity of the air, you can spray water with a sprayer or spill the soil and adjacent paths from a watering can.

Pepper is especially demanding on the structure and fertility of the soil.. Grows well and bears fruit in light, humus-rich soils containing nutrients in an easily accessible form. Nitrogen plays an important role in nutrition, which improves the growth of vegetative organs - roots, stems, leaves. With its lack, growth slows down. An excess of nitrogen causes violent growth of stems and leaves to the detriment of the formation and ripening of fruits. Phosphorus has a beneficial effect on the growth of the root system, on accelerating the formation of ovaries and fruits. Potassium is necessary during the entire vegetation of the plant, it increases the resistance of the plant to cold, accelerates the ripening of fruits.

falling ovaries in pepper may occur due to insufficient activity of pollinating insects in adverse weather. To prevent this from happening, there is such a simple agricultural technique as forced pollination by shaking the plants in the morning.

chapter 2. What to do if pepper ovaries fall off

On poor, depleted soils, peppers often form defective ovaries that do not stay on the branches for a long time. This crop prefers a light, humus-rich soil that contains all the nutrients in a bioavailable form. Nitrogen is of particular importance in the nutrition of peppers: the normal development of all vegetative organs - leaves, stems and roots - depends on its presence and concentration in the soil.

With nitrogen starvation, the growth of peppers slows down, and with an excess of this element, violent growth of leaves and stems is observed to the detriment of the formation and ripening of fruits. A prerequisite for the formation of a powerful root system in pepper plants is the presence of a sufficient amount of phosphorus in the soil. In addition, this macronutrient accelerates the appearance of ovaries and fruits. Peppers also need a stable supply of potassium to the soil throughout the growing season, as it increases their resistance to cold and stimulates fruit ripening.

The whole season from the moment the seedlings are planted, it is recommended to feed the pepper once every two weeks, alternately using organic and mineral top dressings. For the preparation of mineral supplements, 15-20 grams are dissolved in a 10-liter bucket of water. ammonium nitrate or urea, 40-50 grams of double superphosphate and 20-30 grams of potassium sulfate. All of the above types of mineral fertilizers can be replaced with a complete complex at the rate of 30-50 grams for the same volume of liquid. After a couple of weeks, the bed with this crop must be watered with a solution of organic matter (slurry (1:8), bird droppings (1:15), etc.).

In the future, the above top dressing is alternated at intervals of 1.5-2 weeks. During the mass fruiting of pepper, it is best to fertilize with an infused solution of superphosphate (40 grams per 10 liters of water).

A good preventive measure against falling ovaries in pepper is also foliar feeding of this crop with a 0.1-0.2% solution of calcium nitrate. They are carried out twice with a break in a week. With the same solution, you can fertilize plants under the root at the rate of 1-2 liters per pepper.

In the absence of calcium nitrate, a similar effect can be obtained if a glass of chalk suspension is added under each plant. For its preparation, one or two tablespoons of chalk are taken per liter of water. In addition, saltpeter can also be replaced with a 0.3-0.4% potassium chloride solution, which can be purchased at any pharmacy without a prescription.

Chapter 3 Prevention

It is important to monitor the content of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers in the soil and, if necessary, carry out additional feeding when the plants bloom.

Chapter 4. Video

Pepper is a very picky plant. And growing it on your plots, you must strictly adhere to all the rules for planting and caring for it.

Why do pepper leaves fall?

If you follow all the rules, the pepper will tolerate such stress well, otherwise the leaves of the peppers will fall off.

How to help a plant keep foliage?

It is necessary to strictly observe the temperature regime of the soil, water for irrigation and air. Irrigation liquid must be heated to +25 degrees. If it is cool outside and the container with water does not have time to warm up in the sun, then it is heated.

The pepper bed should be well lit. If you grow a crop in the northern regions or with high humidity and frequent rains, then it is better to do this in greenhouses and greenhouses.

Before planting, seedlings are hardened for 7-10 days. It is necessary first for several hours, and then for the whole day, take it out into the fresh air, and take it to the house or greenhouse at night. Only planted seedlings cover from the scorching sun, closer to the night, in order to avoid temperature changes, cover with polyethylene or agrofiber.

Prepare the soil for peppers in advance, loosen it, if necessary, add lime or dolomite flour. This crop will not grow in acidic soils. In autumn, add well-rotted cow dung or bird droppings. Especially strenuously fertilize seedlings during flowering and the formation of ovaries.

To prevent the leaves from falling off the pepper, you need to periodically inspect it for the presence of harmful insects. And at the first detection of them, immediately take measures for destruction. It is very important not to let them spread to the entire garden.

Preventive measures

To prevent pest attacks, the crop is sprayed even before flowering begins. chemicals. Re-treatment is carried out only after 15 days. If insects attacked already during the formation of fruits, do not use chemicals. Can handle them folk remedies. Spray the plant with decoctions of dandelions and chamomile, dry mustard powder and black or red ground pepper.

Sweet pepper is one of the most common crops in household plots and vegetable gardens. This is a tasty and very healthy vegetable, it is rich in vitamins and various super-useful microelements. Another sweet bell pepper adds bright fresh colors to our diet, which is also important.

Despite the fact that this plant is thermophilic and rather capricious, it is grown in all regions of our country: in regions with a hot climate in open field, in the north - in greenhouses and greenhouses.

However, gardeners do not always manage to collect good harvest: the plant begins to drop buds and barely formed fruits. Why do flowers and ovaries fall off peppers? The answer can be found if you take a closer look at the biological characteristics of this culture.

Why pepper flowers fall: the effect of temperature and humidity

The ideal temperature for bell pepper is +26±1 °C. A decrease in this value leads to a decrease in all functions of the plant, however, mature bushes can bear fruit at temperatures up to +15 ° C. Further cooling leads to the inhibition of the plant - it ceases to bloom and already at +10 ... 13 ° C may die.

Gardeners often note that bell pepper drops buds at high temperatures. Why do pepper flowers fall in this case? Despite the fact that this culture came to us from the subtropics, it is just as negative about excess heat as it is about low temperatures. When the thermometer rises to +35 °C, the plant sheds flowers and ovaries, the same thing happens if the temperature stays at +30 °C or higher for several days.

Bulgarian pepper also reacts sharply to fluctuations in soil moisture: it should not be allowed to dry out or be waterlogged. All this leads to the fact that the plant gets rid of part of the ovaries, as a result - to a decrease in yield.

How to fertilize

Why do pepper flowers fall off if the soil is not properly fertilized? It's all about the characteristics of the culture: these plants are very demanding on the nitrogen content in the soil. At the very beginning of his life cycle they need fertilizing with nitrogen-containing fertilizers, but this procedure must be carried out before flowering begins. In the future, an excess of this substance leads to the active growth of green mass to the detriment of productivity. In addition, dense foliage obscures the plant, which also leads to abscission of flowers.

Harmful insects and diseases

Why do pepper flowers fall when all the requirements for temperature and degree of illumination are met? Here you need to take a closer look at the plant, because it may turn out that the bushes are infected with a disease or pests have settled on them.

The loss of buds and ovaries is most often caused by the defeat of the spider mite and the greenhouse whitefly, such pepper can be recognized by the white cobweb, which literally envelops the entire foliage. This trouble can be dealt with: all plants need to be sprayed with infusion of chamomile, yarrow or special chemicals. Do not forget about prevention - before planting, you need to thoroughly clean and cultivate the soil.

Other reasons

Sometimes the question arises as to why pepper flowers fall in a greenhouse with ideal temperature conditions and a carefully thought-out watering schedule. Here it is necessary to recall the features of this garden culture: on each plant, depending on the variety, from 30 to 100 buds are formed, of which about 20% are pollinated. It is they who will bear fruit in the future, and the rest will crumble.

In addition, it is necessary to harvest fruits that have reached technical ripeness. This will allow the plant to expend energy on the formation of new ovaries.

Even Bulgarian pepper reacts sharply to the lack of lighting. For normal development, plants need a twelve-hour daylight hours; with a lack of sun, the bush can get rid of part of the ovaries. It is noted that late-ripening varieties react most sharply to the lack of light.

Sweet Pepper Growing Method: Little Tricks

In this article, we talked in sufficient detail about why flowers and ovaries fall off sweet peppers, and also examined several useful tips cultivation technology. Remember that with proper care you will get a rich harvest. To do this, you only need to be attentive to your landings and respond in a timely manner to emerging problems.

Pepper is a capricious and demanding culture, so special care rules have been developed for the plant. Failure to comply will result in appearance bushes - shoots dry out, leaves, inflorescences, ovaries fall off. Diseases and insects also lead to similar consequences. Therefore, the gardener must be aware of possible problems and methods for their elimination.

Why do peppers drop plant parts?

Both beginners and experienced gardeners face the withering away of plant parts. In this case, pepper leaves fall throughout the entire vegetative period, at the end of spring it can drop inflorescences, and in July - ovaries.

Despite the exactingness of the plant, most gardeners are accustomed to the mass and abundant fruitfulness of pepper, so many instructions are often neglected. If this is acceptable when growing pepper for their own needs, then for large farmers, the first signs of disturbance will lead to the loss of tons of crops.

Negative symptoms appear at various stages of development and have heterogeneous causes, which are listed below.

Why do leaves die?

If the plant is not old, then the death of the leaves is caused by:

  • illiterate watering (use of water of low temperature, insufficient volume, abundant irrigation of leaves);
  • unenriched peat and clay soil with high density;
  • lack of the required amount of sunlight;
  • the presence of aphids, spider mites or slugs.

Photo Gallery: Pepper Pests

Aphids infect pepper leaves and cause them to die
Spider mite also causes leaf fall
The slug can provoke the death of pepper leaves

Why do inflorescences fall

The plant sheds flowers under the influence of the following factors:

  • elevated temperature (more than +23°C for seedlings and +26°C for adult shoots);
  • low humidity - less than 60%;
  • lack and excess of fertilizers (peppers are fed at least 2 times per season and as needed);
  • pests: spider mite, greenhouse whitefly;
  • diseases: late blight, bacterial spot, rot, stolbur.

Many diseases, especially fungal ones, are transmitted by wind. The gardener, noticing the defeat of one shoot by the disease, must take action, because the whole planting will soon suffer.

Photo gallery: pepper diseases

Late blight causes the death of pepper inflorescences
Gray rot is another disease that peppers suffer from.
Bacterial spotting provokes the fall of inflorescences
With stolbur, pepper buds can also die.

What causes ovaries to die

The previously listed phenomena become the causes of the fall of the ovaries. Added to them:

  • passivity of pollinating insects;
  • adverse weather conditions;
  • irregular irrigation.


The first thing they pay attention to is the quality of the soil. Peppers prefer soil rich in humus. An important indicator is the presence of nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus in the soil. The ratio of components is different for each variety, the composition is adjusted with fertilizers.

It affects the state of the plant and the scheme by which the vegetable is planted. The optimal distance between shoots is 30–40 cm if the variety is undersized, a distance of 60 cm is when choosing a tall crop.

Water temperature for irrigation should be +22...+25°C. The frequency of the procedure depends on the stage of development of the pepper. Water the plant every day: morning and evening. It is not recommended to moisten the culture during the day, even in hot weather - it is likely that the bush will burn. When flowering, they completely abandon spray irrigation products so as not to remove pollen. When the first ovaries appear, the procedure is repeated 2 times a week.

leaf fall

The soil is thoroughly cleaned, mulched so as not to create an environment for the growth of larvae. If it was not possible to prevent the attack of insects, then insecticidal preparations of a chemical nature are used:

  • Karbofos;
  • Fufanon;
  • Intavir;
  • Fury.

Plant decoctions are also suitable:

  • chamomile;
  • dandelion;
  • hot pepper.

During the period of flowering and fruiting, the use of purchased products is excluded, because this makes them dangerous to humans.

The death of inflorescences

If the pepper is grown in a greenhouse, then the problem is eliminated by equalizing the humidity of the air - watering the paths between the plants or installing a fogger.

For bacterial and fungal infections characteristic of pepper, Phytoplasmin is used, which can be used at any stage of plant development. From pests, the culture is relieved by Fitoverm. It does not accumulate in fruits, therefore it is not dangerous to humans.

Falling ovaries

Problems with ovaries are often caused by an imbalance of substances in the soil. Fertilizers and top dressings - mineral and organic - come to the rescue. The first type includes solutions of ammonium nitrate (20 g of raw materials per 10 l of water), superphosphate (40 g), potassium sulfate (30 g). Organic supplements include mullein or bird droppings (1:8 and 1:15 to water, respectively).

If the conditions for pollination of flowers are not suitable, in order to prevent the fall of the ovaries, the inflorescences are shaken in the morning.

Video: the secrets of growing peppers in the open field

Peppers are a difficult crop to grow, so the grower will need to know what to do when problems arise. The main reason for violations in the development and death of plant parts is non-compliance with agricultural technology and ignorance of the features of vegetable cultivation. If problems cannot be avoided, then you will need to refer to the steps described above.