Pear disease photos signs. Pear diseases and the fight against them, photo and video

Many people love pear fruits and use them not only in their raw form. Jam is made from pears, baked in the oven, jam is made, compote is cooked and healthy juice is obtained. A special delicacy is pickled pears in a barrel. It will be possible to make preparations for the winter only if there is a generous harvest of fruits. If the tree begins to hurt, then all the fruits can crumble. Diseases of pear leaves, a description with photographs and methods of treatment - this is what interests many gardeners.

In the photo, pear fruit rot or moniliosis

Pear diseases and their treatment, photo

Moniliosisor fruit rot is a fungal disease that causes significant damage to farmers' gardens every year. At the first sign of the disease, small gray spots appear on the fruit, which spread to the entire fetus. Feature fruit rot is that the pears do not crumble, but remain on the tree. This promotes the spread of fungal spores. Gardeners, noticing the first signs of moniliosis, try to carefully examine and pick the infected fruits. They need to be destroyed, and the tree should be sprayed with copper-containing preparations.

In the photo, pear scab

Scab affects the fruit tree during the period of prolonged rains and coolness. The disease appears on leaves, flowers and fruits. The main symptom is dark spots that have a small diameter at the beginning, but gradually increase in size. Scab causes the fruits to become hard and inedible. Gardeners for the prevention of scab in the fall collect and destroy all the foliage, and the pear itself is sprayed with Bordeaux liquid. According to gardeners, good ventilation - The best way protection of trees from scab, and with thickened plantings, on the contrary, the plantations get sick quite often.

Black cancer - a disease of the bark of a fruit tree. At the first sign of it, small wounds appear on the bark, surrounded by brown spots. They increase in size, in process leaves and fruits are involved, on which reddish spots protrude. Gardeners tend to pay due attention to prevention in the first place. To this end, it is recommended to collect and destroy fallen leaves in the fall, and remove infected fruits from the tree as soon as red spots appear on them. After pruning trees, wounds should be treated with copper sulfate so that the infection does not penetrate through them.

In the photo, black pear bark cancer

stem rotor cytosporosis most often affects old trees. The infection penetrates through the "entrance gate" - damage to the cortex, cracks, wounds. A dry area appears on the affected area, which has a red-brown tint. Gardeners strive to notice the first symptoms as early as possible to make it easier to deal with the disease. With a sharp knife, the affected area is cut out, and the wound is treated with copper sulphate. As a result, the trunk was made with lime.

Diseases of pear leaves and the fight against them, photo

sooty fungus differs in specific symptoms that are difficult to confuse with other diseases of pears. With a lesion, a characteristic plaque appears on the leaves and fruits, outwardly resembling soot. According to the observations of gardeners, the infection is often secondary and affects trees that are already sick or suffering from pests. In damp, cool weather, the infection spreads well, thickened plantings contribute to infection. The first step is to try to identify the pest and examine the tree for the occurrence of a primary disease. Next, the pear is treated with a fungicide.

Pictured is a sooty fungus

powdery mildew - a common fungal disease that most often affects trees growing in the south of the country. On the affected area of ​​​​the pear, an area is formed, covered with a gray-white velvety coating. The plant stops growing, the leaves curl and fall off. All affected shoots are cut and destroyed. The tree is treated with the preparations "Fundazol", "Sulfite" or a solution of colloidal sulfur.

In the photo, stem rot or cytosporosis

leaf rust- a common pear disease caused by a fungus. With rust, yellow spots form on the leaves and fruits, gradually darkening to a dark brown color. The infection often migrates from the juniper, which is worth getting rid of to save the garden. The pear is sprayed against leaf rust with Bordeaux mixture or Bayleton.

In the photo, the rust of pear leaves

Bacterial burn caused by bacteria that enter the vessels and spread down the tree from top to bottom. The disease is characterized by a lightning-fast course and the death of tree tissues. When bacteria enter the flowers, the latter darken and wither. Leaves and fruits from a bacterial burn turn black, as if covered with a thick layer of soot. Often it is not possible to save the pear and it must be destroyed. The disease migrates from one tree to another.

All branches with signs of a bacterial burn are subject to pruning and burning. Wounds should be treated with copper or iron sulfate. The pear is sprayed with 5% Azofos. It is considered to be environmentally friendly. Every 5 days, the pear is sprayed with antibiotics at a dosage of 2 tablets per 5 liters of water. It is recommended to use the following pharmaceutical preparations:

On the picture bacterial burn

  • streptomycin;
  • tetracycline;
  • gentamicin.

Copper-containing agents are suitable for processing. If the measures taken are ineffective, then the tree is uprooted and destroyed. The same measure is taken in relation to nearby trees. The affected area of ​​a bacterial burn is about 5 meters in diameter. Trees are not recommended to be moved around the site, they should be burned at the place of growth. All garden tools that come into contact with the fruit tree are disinfected.


Pear leaf diseases, descriptions with photographs and methods of treatment have long been on the lips of many who care about their future harvest. To prevent their appearance on the site or in your own garden, it is important to follow some simple recommendations to avoid losses and losses.

Pear is one of the most common and is highly valued by gardeners because of its tasty and healthy fruits. However, this cultivated plant, like all others, is subject to a wide variety of diseases. One of the most formidable is the bacterial pear burn. Treatment can be quite lengthy and not give the desired result, especially if you use universal remedies against Gardeners often lose a lot of time on these useless manipulations, and when they understand what they are dealing with, it is already too late to save the tree.

What is a bacterial burn

Many gardeners do not know how to recognize this formidable disease, which is why they lose a lot of time, and meanwhile there is less and less chance to save the tree. Among these ailments, the most dangerous is precisely the bacterial burn of the pear. Treatment depends on how quickly a correct diagnosis is made and whether there are other trees in the immediate area that could be infested. To date, experts are working hard to find effective remedy to combat it, however, despite this, the disease continues to actively destroy the gardens.

The first time a bacterial burn was recorded in the eighteenth century. Approximately 150 years later, the disease spread throughout the continent. Now she is found all over the world, regularly devastating gardens. All terrestrial parts of the plant are affected by pear bacterial burn. Treatment should begin as early as early stages otherwise it may be ineffective.


What does a bacterial burn look like? fruit crops? The process begins in the inflorescences and quickly covers the entire tree. There is a defeat of branches and shoots. In the spring, you will observe how the disease slows down the opening of the buds, which turn black, dry up, but do not fall off, but continue to stick to the branches. If the disease hit the tree at the time of flowering, then the flowers will also darken and wither. Slowly, young twigs and leaves will begin to turn black, they crowd together, but remain in their place. That is why the disease is called "Anton's fire." The pear stands as if burnt, black, lifeless, but with all the flowers, fruits and leaves.

Further, the infection moves along the trunk. It may be too late at this stage to wonder how to treat pear blight, but it is worth trying to save the rest of the garden so that other trees do not suffer the same fate. At this stage, you can observe how the bark softens. Drops of milk appear on it white color, they are called exudate. The bark around the place of excretion acquires a characteristic pattern, red-brown stains appear on it. Those tissues that are already affected by the infection begin to exfoliate, become covered with blisters. Ulcers form on the tree.


So what causes pear blight? Treatment can only be successful when we know exactly what we are dealing with. The causative agent of the infection is the bacterium Erwinia amylovora. They spread from a diseased tree to a healthy one, with high humidity and moderate air temperature being the most favorable factors for the development of infection. There is no age range for the spread of the disease.

Diseases of young pears occur as often as ailments of old ones. fruit trees. The exudate mentioned above forms thin threads that are easily carried by the wind. It is he who transmits the causative agents of the disease, which means that the disease quickly affects everything around. The most convenient for the development of infection are flowers, in which it develops and continues its journey throughout the tree. That is, spring is the time when the risk of infection is greatest.

Less often, the infection enters the plant with the help of rain. Bacteria survive the winter inside the pear, and with the advent of spring, they resume their development. By the middle of summer, you will see milky white drops coming out. That is, the cycle repeats again. Very rarely, infection occurs during grafting or through pruning tools. The infection can also be transmitted by insects, aphids, bees, flies and wasps.


To protect the pear from a bacterial burn, you must follow some rules. First of all, you need to maintain cleanliness on the site, pull out all wild plants. This is especially true of hawthorn, which is often the focus of infection. It is very important to process fruit crops in time, as pests are very fond of a tree like a pear. Leaf diseases are not the only problem they suffer. On their bristles, they will easily bring pathogens of a bacterial burn into your garden.


Experts offer several methods that can be used to combat this disease. Each of them has been tested countless times and is quite effective. At the same time, they all have their pros and cons, so you need to weigh the perceived risks and benefits well. We bring to your attention three ways that help cure a bacterial burn.

Radical method of dealing with the disease

If you have a lot of fruit trees growing on your site, and you notice rapidly developing symptoms of the disease in one of them, then it would be best to get rid of it quickly. So you secure the rest of the garden. Moreover, if the area of ​​the lesion is less than 30%, then you can try to remove all the affected areas, cut even healthy tissue 20-40 cm below the lesion. After that, it is imperative to process the tools with 70% alcohol or 10% copper sulphate.

Be sure, if you notice signs of a bacterial burn in your garden, remove all wild plants and shrubs, and treat the garden for pests to avoid further spread of the infection.

Treatment with antibiotics

This is the most effective method, which is most often recommended by experts. In order to get rid of this scourge, the most common "Streptomycin" is used. Moreover, the most effective is the use of antibiotics during the growing season. This drug can be bought at a regular veterinary pharmacy, while large bottles of 500 thousand units. very accessible.

With a slight lesion, you can use "Streptomycin". Dosage - one ampoule per 5 liters, it is enough to process a dozen young trees. Best time for this procedure - May, June. At this time, shoots grow rapidly, and such treatment will be an excellent prevention. It is worth repeating the procedure after 2-3 weeks, as well as after each heavy rain, especially with hail.

It is not recommended to use "Streptomycin" more than 3 times in a row. Therefore, after several treatments, they switch to immunity stimulants - these are Fitosporin, Immunocytofit, Silk, Zircon and many other drugs. In addition, you can take 2 tablets of any tetracycline from a veterinary pharmacy for the next treatment. It should also be dissolved in 5 liters of water.

With a strong lesion, you can try injections of "Streptomycin" under the cortex. To do this, choose the most affected place, cut it out, and then perform ordinary injections around.

Chemical treatments

Today in stores you can be offered a large selection of universal, antibacterial drugs that can most often help if a pear is infected. Diseases of leaves, fruits, various pests - all these are problems that are solved quite easily. However, bacterial burn is a slightly different case.

Modern fungicides, except for copper-containing ones, have practically no effect on its pathogens, which means that such treatment will do little. Many gardeners use The treatment is carried out after leaf fall, then in early spring and several more times until the fruits are poured. However, this tool can only be used for prevention. If the infection has already spread, then it remains only to cut out the affected areas and try to save the rest of the tree. Dead plants or individual branches must be burned.

Other common diseases

However, bacterial burn is not the only problem for gardeners. Now let's look at what other diseases of pear leaves exist and the fight against them. A common ailment is scab. This is what affects the leaves, flowers and fruits. The leaves fall off, the fruits crack. The disease can also lead to damage to the shoots, but then it is better to remove them. Scab, fruit rot are diseases of pear fruits that respond well to treatment. Rot appears on fruits as brownish spots on the surface.

To combat scab, multiple spraying with Bordeaux mixture and copper chloride is used. You need to start processing before flowering. The second time to carry out this procedure is recommended during the ovary of the buds, then after flowering and two weeks after it. Against fruit rot, you will need a stronger remedy - the universal fungicide "Inta-Vir".

For prevention and use "Fundazol" or "Sulfite". It should be borne in mind that the fungus spreads well in wet weather, so it is better to carry out several treatments. A mixture of antibiotics helps well against powdery mildew: "Penicillin", "Streptomycin" and "Terramycin" in a ratio of 1: 1. Often on pears you can see rust, bright brown spots on leaves and fruits. Against this disease, it is necessary to use a solution of Bordeaux mixture.

Major pests

When choosing how to process a pear, it is good to include an insect repellent in the mixture at the same time. They also cause considerable damage, in addition, they are carriers of various bacterial diseases. This is a hawthorn butterfly and a brown fruit mite, and a gall mite, a pear itch, a pear sawfly and a pear trumpeter, as well as many others. In order to protect yourself from all these misfortunes, it is enough to treat the garden with a systemic insecticide, such as Decis, Calypso or Biscay.

Summing up

Diseases such as fire blight, powdery mildew, fruit rot, rust can quickly negate all your work in the garden. It is necessary to regularly carry out preventive treatment, and if necessary, apply measures for quick and effective treatment. All the above tools and methods have been tested many times, their effectiveness has been proven, so you can use them on your own without a doubt. suburban area. The universal scheme is a preventive treatment in the fall, after leaf fall, then in the spring, immediately after waking up, then after flowering. This is usually enough to keep you happy all year round.

Many diseases and pests prevent gardeners from getting a full-fledged crop of appetizing pears. Luckily, they don't meet very often. The main diseases of the pear are scab and fruit rot. But knowing the signs of other diseases does not hurt. Pear diseases and their treatment take a lot of time and effort from the gardener, so it will be much easier to prevent diseases or pest attacks.

    Fungal infections



    black cancer

    European cancer

    Shrinking branches

    fruit rot


    Brown leaf spot (phyllosticosis)

    leaf rust

    powdery mildew

    Septoria pear or white spot

    Sooty fungus (black)

    Bacterial infections

    Bacterial burn

    Bacterial bark cancer

    Bacterial root cancer

    Viral infections

    Stony pear fruit


    Witch's broom

    Furrowing of wood

    Subcutaneous viral spotting



    Scale apple comma-shaped

    Flower beetle apple

    Aphid green apple

    Aphid gray

    pear codling moth

    apple moth

    Pear sucker (leaflet)

    leaf roller


    Wrong care



Fungal infections

Fungal microorganisms are among the most persistent organisms in our world. They need only moisture to grow and develop. Most infections develop slowly and are difficult to treat. Fungal diseases of fruit-bearing pears are the most common and diverse.

Fungi penetrate through the natural openings of plants (stomata, cells), are carried by wind and insects, germinate on bark wounds.

For fungal diseases, the following changes and formations on the leaves are characteristic:

  • mold;
  • rust;
  • powdery mildew;
  • rot;
  • necrosis;
  • spots;
  • raids;
  • mummification;
  • withering.

These infections affect all fruit and berry plants. The expansion of fungal diseases is especially pronounced in warm and rainy seasons. There are quite a lot of fungal diseases of pears and all fruit trees:

  • cytosporosis or infectious drying of the cortex;
  • comber;
  • black cancer;
  • common or European cancer;
  • tuberculosis or drying of branches;
  • moniliosis or fruit rot;
  • scab;
  • phyllosticosis or brown leaf spot;
  • leaf rust;
  • powdery mildew;
  • septoria;
  • sooty fungus.


This disease is easy to identify by characteristic signs. Numerous small convex tubercles (mycelium) grow on the bark. Cracks form at the border between healthy and infected cortex. In spring, young trees dry up in large numbers.

The disease is treated only at the beginning of the course, when the fungus has not penetrated into the wood. Be sure to remove and burn dried branches. To prevent infection, we use prophylactic treatment with Bordeaux liquid in the spring.


The fungus grows on dried, weak branches and parts of the trunk. If the pears are covered with white fungus caps that look like chaga, the tree is probably infected.

Control measures are standard: cleaning the bark from fungal bodies, whitewashing the bark, disinfection with 3% copper sulphate. Affected branches are removed and burned.

black cancer

First, red-brown spots appear on the bark, then it becomes covered with numerous cracks, crumbles. Cracks form between healthy and infected bark. Stem infection does not spare the trees, they dry out in a year or two.

At the same time, dark spots similar to rot also appear on the leaves and fruits. The cause of infection is often hidden in the presence of frost holes on the trunk. The affected parts are cut out, the bark is treated with 15% copper sulphate.

European cancer

This disease can be identified by the formation of deep wounds on the cortex with sagging along the edge. Dark red swellings with fungal spores appear on the affected areas.

Wounds lead to rapid drying of the wood. In winter, the tree is severely affected by frost. The treatment is the same as for black cancer.

Shrinking branches

The disease manifests itself in mid-summer. On infected eyelids, the leaves begin to curl and lose color. By the end of summer, some of the leaves on the pear had already dried up, and pimples of spores turned red on the dried branches.

They fight the drying of branches by pruning infected parts and treating with copper-containing preparations.

fruit rot

Moniliosis destroys most of the crop. The disease is widespread everywhere, so prevention is indispensable. Infected fruits begin to become covered with gray spore pads.

Pears rot on the branch, the fruits turn black, become mummified and may not crumble until the next season. It is clear what to do when an infection is detected - collect dried fruits, cut down diseased branches.

Three times spraying the tree with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture or fungicides Scor, Horus will help: by buds, after flowering, 2 weeks after flowering.


Symptoms of the disease appear in early spring. Leaves on the underside are covered with brown spots. A diseased tree can no longer bloom in full, it sheds flowers, ovaries and leaves.

The fungus releases spores, spots grow on pears. The leaves on the pear wither, the pears become twitchy, lose their taste. Good treatment of wood with a 5% solution of urea, fungicides such as Skor, Strobi, Vector helps.

Brown leaf spot (phyllosticosis)

Phyllosticosis refers to leaf diseases that do not lead to the death of the tree, but retard growth and development. The description of this infection helps answer the question of why pear leaves turn red. This happens at the beginning of the illness.

Reddish rounded spots first appear on the leaves, then they turn brown. Spotting leads to the fact that the foliage falls prematurely, depriving the tree of good nutrition.

An experienced gardener knows well how to process a pear. It helps to spray the tree with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture before bud break.

leaf rust

This is leaf damage. The pear disease does not threaten death, but the trees grow slowly, the annual growth grows little. After all, the tree does not have enough nutrition when the leaves are affected. Green leaves are covered with rounded orange-red or crimson spots.

A preventative spray with a 1% solution of Bordeaux liquid before the pear begins to bloom will help prevent rust. Infected branches are disinfected early in the spring with a 5% solution of copper sulfate.

powdery mildew

This infection destroys buds, inflorescences, leaves, young shoots. At first they look pale, as if covered with a whitish mealy layer. Later, the plaque becomes brown, black dots appear, the leaves are wrapped in different directions.

Flowers do not bloom, pears do not form, young shoots are bent. A tree can easily become ill with this infection in a dry, warm summer. In the spring, until the pear has spread its leaves, the branches are sprayed with Topaz.

Septoria pear or white spot

leaf spot diseases in different forms the pear endures quite persistently. Of course, the harvest is reduced, but the fruits do not get sick.

Only on the leaves appear light spots with a dark border, which subsequently fall out. Prevention is important to prevent spotting.

Sooty fungus (black)

The disease appears in the middle of summer. It usually grows on the sweet secretions of aphids, whiteflies and other insects. The fungus covers the leaves, interferes with photosynthesis and plant nutrition.

The appearance of this fungus is prevented by thinning thickened branches, good watering and regular feeding. Fungicides of the copper group do an excellent job with the disease: Strobi, Horus, Flint, Skor.

Pear fungal infections are much easier to prevent than to treat. Therefore, carrying out preventive measures in gardens with pear trees has become a mandatory procedure. Fungi are most active in the last month of summer.

The fight against fungi is carried out with the help of natural, chemical or biological fungicides - protective equipment.

The first protector against fungi is manure. In the spring, it is desirable to lay out manure in tree trunks, covering it with a thick layer of mulch from drying out.

A decoction of bitter wormwood is an excellent tool for the prevention and treatment of any fungal diseases. And also it helps to get rid of a large number of harmful insects.

We put 1 kg of crushed wormwood on half a bucket, fill it with warm water for a day. Then the infusion should be boiled over low heat for half an hour, cool, strain and dilute in 10 liters of water. Spray all damaged areas.

Celandine, tansy, dandelion, horsetail will help to cope with fungal diseases and pests no worse than chemicals. Their only drawback is the long cooking time.

But the lack of harm and poisonous effects compensates for this shortcoming. Medicinal properties and contraindications of each plant can be found in gardening magazines and Internet articles.

Solutions of Bordeaux liquid, copper or iron sulphate, chemical fungicides protect against many infections.

These substances are toxic, they are used after winter before bud break or in late autumn, after the foliage has fallen.

Bacterial infections

Bacteria are single-celled organisms. They have their own metabolism and live a full life. Bacteria use living organisms as a feeding medium and a breeding ground. Against them, only one remedy is effective - antibiotics.

The following leaf changes are characteristic of bacterial diseases:

  • spots of various colors;
  • dry tips;
  • withering.

Tumors, growths, tubercles on the bark, rot are characteristic.

There are few bacterial diseases of the pear, but all of them are difficult to treat and quickly lead to the death of the plant:

  • bacteriosis or bacterial burn;
  • bacterial necrosis of the cortex;
  • bacterial root cancer.

Bacterial burn

The disease manifests itself in the form of blackening and drying of the leaves and young shoots. At the same time, the leaves curl, but do not fall off. In addition to shoots and leaves, flowers, fruits, trunk, roots are affected. Mostly young trees are affected.

With the manifestation of the disease, dried branches must be cut out. Spring pear treatment with copper-containing preparations is necessary. The best remedy than to treat a bacterial burn - a solution of antibiotics.

You can use streptomycin, one ampoule per 10 liters is enough. This is enough to process 10 trees under five years old. Varieties resistant to bacterial diseases are restored after a year.

Bacterial bark cancer

This disease manifests itself in the spring, from it the kidneys turn brown and dry out. The bark near them also dies off. The young shoot turns black, black spots appear on the leaves from the end of the leaf.

The branches and trunk swell in places and then crack. The bark lifts up and twists. The wood rots and exudes a rotten smell. The affected areas are cut out and disinfected with 17% copper sulphate.

Bacterial root cancer

The fungus provokes increased division of root cells and the formation of tumors and growths. And the appearance of pimples on the roots ends with the growth of tubercles up to 12 cm in diameter.

Tumors that affect the central root or root collar lead to the rapid death of the pear. The dead parts of the root lead to infection of the soil with cancer viruses. The diseased tree must be dug up with the roots and burned, and the soil should be etched with a 2% bleach solution.

Bacterial pear diseases in the country can be slowed down by treatments, but the likelihood of their return is high. In order not to spread the infection, diseased trees are uprooted and burned.

Viral infections

They invade a living cell and force it to produce copies of viruses. In this case, the cell usually dies. Viruses can infect bacterial cells, they suppress the immunity of the infected cell.

For viral diseases, the following leaf changes are characteristic:

  • shape deformation;
  • stunting, dwarfism;
  • leaf mosaic.

Pears rarely suffer from viral diseases, however, they are also found on fruit tree. Viral diseases include:

  • stonyness of the fetus;
  • mosaic;
  • witch's broom;
  • striated wood;
  • subcutaneous viral spotting of a pear.

Stony pear fruit

This is pitting disease. It is reflected in the leaves, fruits, trunk. The leaves are covered with vague yellow-green spots, yellow veins stand out on them. Dark areas of green color appear on the fruits. In this place, the tissue of the pear does not grow, which is why pits are formed, the pear is bent.

The fruits are twisted and tasteless, their tissue becomes stiff. The bark of the pear is covered with watery pimples. Over time, the blisters burst and the tissue underneath dies. Young trees get sick less. How to deal with pit disease is unknown, prevention is important.


Pronounced changes the color of the leaves. Lighter spots appear on them. Further, yellowing of the veins, and then we get the formation of yellow spots, which indicates the defeat of the yellow mosaic virus.

Infectious chlorosis of pear green leaves is most often carried by aphids, but the infection can be spread by pollen or through bark breaks. Infected leaves die off, the yield is reduced by half. Sick trees are uprooted.

Witch's broom

This is a viral or fungal disease that affects pears. At the site of infection, thin shoots begin to grow in large numbers, forming a dense rounded cluster on the branches, similar to mistletoe. These shoots are covered with underdeveloped leaves, which soon curl and fall off.

Lumps of light white color are characteristic of a fungal infection. If it is a viral disease, then the pear will not survive, the disease is fatal.

Why the pear develops this disease has not yet been clarified. There is no means of getting rid of the disease, the tree writhes and burns.

Furrowing of wood

The disease most often appears on young 2-3 year old pears. Cracks appear on the bark, similar to frost cracks. The infection penetrates through them, the communication between the roots and leaves is broken. They begin to curl, branches dry, lag behind in growth. The leaves also curl up, the tree cannot set fruit.

The disease does not respond well to any treatment, reliable ways there is no cure. The tree is removed from the garden along with the roots.

Subcutaneous viral spotting

The disease leads not only to a reduction in yield, but also to the stonyness of grown fruits, to the loss of their taste. A dent forms in the affected area of ​​the fetus, the pear becomes a curve.

Pear leaves change color, becoming covered with light spots, dry quickly. Cracks appear on the trunk and branches.

The disease cannot be cured, it is transmitted by insects that feed on juice. For example, aphids or psyllids.

Infection can be carried out through grafting with infected cuttings. Pears with a detected infection are uprooted and burned. To prevent the disease, preventive spraying is carried out:

  • in the spring on bare branches, spray with Nutrofen;
  • before flowering sprayed with 0.4% Tsineb or 0.4% solution of copper oxychloride;
  • after flowering, treat the plant with 1% Bordeaux liquid;
  • repeat the treatment after 2-3 weeks.

Antiviral drugs are effective only in the early stages of the disease and for prevention purposes. There are practically no cures for diseases caused by viruses. The affected plant is dug up and burned.


Insects can cause no less harm to a pear than disease, and leave the gardener without a crop. Insects primarily eat leaves on a tree, but can destroy buds, flowers, damage the bark and roots. The list of harmful insects that damage pears is large:

  • sapwood;
  • glass case;
  • apple shield;
  • green apple aphid;
  • aphid gray;
  • apple codling moth;
  • apple moth;
  • apple sucker;
  • leaflet.


Bark beetle that can attack absolutely healthy trees. The beetle gnaws through winding passages under the bark, laying eggs. The hatched larva eats wood, making its moves in it.

In May, the beetles come out from under the bark. The affected parts of the tree dry out. The beetle attacks mainly weakened and frozen pears. It helps to spray trees after flowering, during the summer of insects, with Decis.

Scale apple comma-shaped

These pests are covered with a protective brown chitin shield. Shchitovka places eggs under the shield, which facilitates the process of overwintering of larvae.

After blossoming flowers on a pear, the larvae begin to roam the branches. Only at this time they are vulnerable to insecticides - protective agents against pests; then the larvae stick to the bark, acquire a shield and begin a new cycle of reproduction.

Mechanical cleaning of the tree from dry bark and colonies of scale insects, whitewashing of branches, pruning of dry branches, thinning of the crown will prevent the appearance of scale insects. Processing a pear after flowering with Karbofos or Fufanol will destroy the larvae.

Flower beetle apple

Brownish weevils climb on pears when the air temperature is positive. They begin to feed on the kidneys, then lay their eggs there. The larva eats away the kidney, the flower does not bloom, it dries up. Young insects crawl out of dried buds and eat foliage.

In July, they climb under the bark, and overwinter in cracks in the trunk and in dry leaves. Cleaning plant residues, imposing trapping belts, dropping insects and autumn digging reduces the number of weevils. It is reasonable to use insecticides such as Aktara, Intavir, Iskra, Mospilan only when the buds open.

Aphid green apple

These are very small insects living in numerous colonies on young leaves and shoots. Aphids eat plant sap, so young leaves affected by aphids always curl into a shapeless lump.

New growing shoots, on which the aphid is located, also grow twisting and gradually dry out. Aphids can produce up to 15 generations per season.

This is such a common pest that gardeners have long learned to deal with it effectively. Infusions of strongly smelling plants are widely used: tansy, wormwood, tomato and potato tops, yarrow.

Before bud break and during the growing season, Decis, Karbofos, Fufanol are used. I spray the tops of the affected shoots with a 0.5% solution of soda with liquid soap.

Aphid gray

When it appears, the leaves begin to curl up and swell, acquiring a pink or cherry color. These insects graze on young leaves and shoots. Aphids also eat plant sap, so the young pear shoots are depressed and stunted.

Damaged foliage dries and falls off after a while. Aphids also damage the fruits, on which red spots also appear. Places of accumulation of aphids are sprayed with natural or chemical insecticides.

pear codling moth

This is a small grayish butterfly, whose flight begins three weeks after flowering. The codling moth caterpillar bites into a pear and eats the seeds inside it.

One caterpillar can only eat the seeds of one pear. The destruction of the larvae occurs when collecting fallen fruits, cleaning from dry bark. Insecticides are used during the flowering of white acacia, when young caterpillars appear. The treatment is repeated two more times with an interval of 2 weeks between sprayings.

apple moth

The caterpillars of this butterfly feed on leaves, forming many oblong rounded mines, similar to a brown film. Mines dry up, the leaf is deformed, the normal nutrition of the tree is disturbed.

Pear sucker (leaflet)

This insect can both fly and jump. Its larva feeds on plant sap, secreting a sticky and sugary liquid. Sooty fungus quickly grows on it. The insect damages leaves, buds, flowers. Often there is nothing to open and bloom on a tree infected with psyllid.

By mid-summer, the entire part of the plant damaged by the pest withered, the leaves fell off, the fruits were deformed. Fruit buds are not laid, the pear is poorly prepared for winter and often freezes.

The fight against sucker is carried out with the help of insecticides and fumigation of the garden. After flowering, pears kindle small fires of straw in half with tobacco dust and burn them for at least 2 hours, fumigating the affected trees with acrid tobacco smoke.

leaf roller

Leaf rolling on a pear - the easiest way to determine this pest. The rolled leaves on the tree are clearly visible. Such cocoons begin to sag, the leaves darken and betray its presence. The leaf roller on a pear appears in the form of a butterfly that lays a large number of eggs.

The pear leaflet gives several generations per season. The caterpillars begin to eat away the buds, then move on to the leaves. They can destroy the entire crop and half the leaves on the tree.

A mobile caterpillar emerges from the eggs. She folds the leaf with the help of a web, pupates in it. The whole tree is often covered with drooping, curled leaves. Such cocoons must be plucked and destroyed.

Wintering pests are exterminated by spraying with Preparation 30. In addition to it, the most effective insecticides from leafworms: Atom, Binom, Desant, Zolon. Caterpillars are destroyed with the help of Fitoverm. Butterflies are baited by hanging traps with fermenting liquid.


This is a white butterfly from the family of whites. The pest also belongs to the type of leafworms. Lays a large number of eggs. The caterpillars that have appeared are quite large, up to 5 cm long. The caterpillar eats leaves, buds and buds. As soon as the buds open and the first leaves appear, the caterpillars emerge from the cocoon and begin to eat greens.

Caterpillars can eat up to a third of all foliage on a pear. They hibernate in leaves wrapped in a web, which is released by an adult insect. The leaves roll up into a tube, covering each individual caterpillar.

Until the tree blossomed, before the buds open, the pear is treated with Nitrofen, Lepidocide, Bicol. Before flowering, they are sprayed with Metaphos, Karbafos, Chlorophos or the biological insecticide Bitoxibacillin.

Wrong care

A tree is a living being and needs constant care. How Small child can catch a cold in the cold, so the tree can get cracked from frost or sun. Improper care and lack of attention to green spaces can lead to sad consequences that will be difficult to correct.

A pear can be seriously damaged if:

  • there is a lack of nutrition;
  • insufficient watering of the soil;
  • the earth is excessively moist;
  • damage caused by winter frosts;
  • were subjected to spring frosts from which damage occurred;
  • damage happened from solar activity;
  • lichens and mosses have grown;
  • rootstock and scion did not grow together well.

Lack of nutrition causes stunted growth and development, weakening of the plant, premature fall of foliage. Eliminating this is extremely simple - water the tree with a solution of organic or complex mineral fertilizers.

Lack of nutrition is directly reflected in the leaves of the pear. With a lack of iron, chlorosis occurs - yellowing of foliage with green veins. The color of the veins distinguishes chlorosis due to iron deficiency from infectious chlorosis.

Lack of zinc, mania, sulfur also provokes non-infectious leaf chlorosis. Phosphorus deficiency is manifested by the appearance of red spots. Ferovit and Cytovit microfertilizers will not only help the pear recover from malnutrition, but also cope with stress.

Insufficient watering leads to the fact that leaves and branches dry on the tree much earlier than the natural drying time. Wilting is easily stopped by watering the tree well with several buckets of water.

Over-watering is rarely done by the gardener. More often this is facilitated by rainy summer and autumn. With an excess of water in the root zone, they can rot due to lack of oxygen. Therefore, the earth after prolonged rains must be well loosened.

If a pear seedling grew in the wrong place with a high location ground water, then it must be transplanted to a more suitable place. A transplant is done either on a bulk hill or on another place with a deep occurrence of groundwater. Only a young tree is transplanted.

Damage to the bark by frost, sun or frost occurs according to different scenarios, but the result is the same - the appearance of cracks in the bark. To prevent them, it is recommended to whitewash boles and skeletal branches with whitewash in autumn and spring.

Spring frosts damage pear blossoms. Frozen leaves curl at the pear, flowers and ovaries fall off. You can delay the flowering of a pear by spreading snow under it and covering it with mulch.

Excessive solar activity, temperature fluctuations, dry air can cause a milky sheen on pear leaves. The leaves become light, with a pearly tint, brittle. Nothing can be done in this case. Watering and feeding over time will correct the color of the leaves and the condition of the tree.

Lichens and mosses by themselves do not harm the tree. They appear in ecologically clean areas. But they greatly weaken the tree, covering the bark with a continuous carpet. Numerous pests hibernate in such coatings, and the tree easily picks up a fungal infection. Trees are cleaned of lichens and mosses mechanically, removing plaque with iron scrapers. Sprayed with 3% iron sulphate.

With an incorrectly selected stock, swims are formed at the place of vaccination, the leaves turn red. Nothing can be fixed, the seedling will die over time. It is possible to fix everything if you choose a suitable stock and make a new graft.


Preventive protection measures should be carried out throughout the growing season:

  • plant disease and pest resistant varieties;
  • comply with agricultural practices;
  • provide a balanced plant nutrition;
  • thin out thick branches;
  • treat gum wounds;
  • carry out autumn and spring digging of the soil;
  • disinfect the soil with Bordeaux liquid, blue vitriol;
  • destroy weeds;
  • spray pears with protective equipment;
  • burn fallen leaves and sawn branches in autumn;
  • clean the trunk and branches of the tree with an iron bristle brush;
  • whitewash the trunk and branches with whitewash in spring and before winter sleep;
  • to activate immune system spray pears with immunostimulants Zircon, Albit, Buton, Epin-Extra;
  • before opening the buds, spray the tree with a 3% solution of Bordeaux liquid against fungal diseases, lichens;
  • when unfolding the leaves, carry out summer spraying with 10% karbofos against sucking and leaf-eating insects;
  • after flowering, treat with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture against scab;
  • three weeks after the end of flowering, install trapping belts from pests.


Diseases and pests of pears are very diverse. But don't be afraid. The article, like an encyclopedia, lists possible diseases pears and their control, as well as pests. Probably many of them will never appear in the garden.

The main thing is to strive to create optimal living conditions for the plant, care for it and carry out prevention. A healthy and strong tree will never succumb to pest attack and quickly cope with the infection.

Diseases and pests of pears are capable of destroying the plant in a short time and leaving the gardener without a crop. To avoid this, you need to give preference to resistant varieties. It is also useful to know how to treat a pear for diseases.
Both the stem and leaves, as well as ripening fruits, can suffer from fungi and viruses. For the most part, pear and apple diseases are identical. And the fight against them comes down to proper care, regular preventive spraying and timely treatment when the first signs of the disease are detected.

To know what and how to save a tree from, you need to correctly identify the disease by symptoms. In our material, we will describe the most dangerous pear diseases and their treatment.

pear scab
The causative agent - the fungus Fusicladium pirinum - affects many garden and horticultural crops. This is the most common disease of pear fruits, but the leaves of the tree often suffer.

At the initial stage of the disease, olive and yellowish spots with a velvety coating appear on the underside of the leaf plate (this is an accumulation of fungal spores). After that, the disease passes to the fruits: they become covered with dark putrefactive spots, and in these places the peel cracks. The fruits are deformed and become tasteless.

Control measures and prevention
For the prevention of scab, trees are sprayed with 1% Bordeaux liquid 3 times per season: in the spring when the leaves open, in buds and after flowering. In addition, the crown of trees is thinned out in a timely manner so that the plants are well ventilated. Carrion is regularly removed, and fallen leaves are burned. If the trees are heavily infested, they are sprayed with Skor fungicide (according to instructions).
Scab - signs of the disease and methods of treatment
Why is scab, although it does not destroy plants and fruits entirely, considered one of the most unpleasant diseases of horticultural crops?
Such pear varieties as Muratovskaya, Rusanovskaya, Yanvarskaya are relatively resistant to scab.

Fruit rot, or moniliosis, pears
The causative agent of the disease is the fungus Monilia fructigena, which infects the fruits. Brown spots appear on them, and over time, grayish growths form in these places. These are fungus spores that are carried by the wind and infect the fruits of other horticultural crops.

The flesh of infected fruits rots. As a result, the pears crumble or dry out on the branches. Moniliosis spreads very quickly in the second half of summer during fruit ripening and in hot and humid weather.

Control measures and prevention
All diseased fruits are immediately collected and destroyed. In spring and autumn, for the purpose of prevention, trees are sprayed with 1% Bordeaux liquid, it is also useful to walk on the leaves with milk of lime (1 kg of lime per 10 liters of water).
Fruit rot - photo, description and control measures
If the fruits of your favorite crops began to become covered with brown spots, and strange whitish circles appeared on them, it means that the fruits were struck by fruit rot.
Sufficiently high resistance to fruit rot is possessed by pear varieties Medovaya, Autumn Dream, Cheremshina.

Sooty pear fungus
Many novice gardeners wonder why a pear turns black. The most common pear disease, in which leaves and fruits turn black, is called soot fungus. Trees with a weakened immune system and young specimens damaged by insects (in particular, aphids) suffer first of all.

Control measures and prevention
To protect the pear from pests, use the Calypso insecticide (according to the instructions). And to suppress the reproduction of fungal spores, Fitoverm is used.

Pear Cathedral has a good immunity to this disease.

Powdery mildew pear
Powdery mildew is also caused by a fungus, Podosphaera leucotricha. A powdery white coating appears on the leaves and inflorescences. The affected parts of the plant soon dry out and die, the leaves curl into a tube. This pear disease is especially dangerous in spring. Young shoots suffer the most.

Control measures and prevention
All affected parts of the plant are removed and burned; for prevention, the trees are sprayed with Fundazol or a solution of soda ash (50 g per 10 l of water) with the addition of liquid soap (10 g).
Powdery mildew: signs, prevention and treatment of a dangerous disease
Effective measures to combat powdery mildew in the garden, vegetable garden and flower garden.
High resistance to powdery mildew the varieties Moskvichka, Dukhmyanay, Yanvarskaya differ.

pear rust
The causative agent of rust is the pathogenic fungus Gymnosporangium sabinae. This pear leaf disease is characterized by yellow, orange and rusty-brown raised spots that most often appear in the second half of April - early May. Damaged leaves lose their ability to photosynthesize. With a strong infection, the rust also passes to the fruits of the plant.

Control measures and prevention
In early spring, the tree is treated with 1% Bordeaux liquid or copper oxychloride. At the beginning of flowering, the second spraying is carried out with the same preparation, after the end of flowering - the third, and after 10 days - the fourth. You can also use Kuproksat (50 ml per 10 liters of water).
If rust has attacked the pear ...
Rust on a pear is one of the unpleasant diseases, in the development of which juniper is also involved. Can it be avoided?
The varieties Gordzala, Gulabi, Nanaziri, Sakharnaya, Suniani are relatively resistant to rust.

Cytosporosis, or stem rot, pears
The causative agent of the disease is the fungus Cytospora leucostoma, which damages the bark of a tree. Cytosporosis most often appears in places of sunburn or frost cracks. As a result, the bark dries up, flakes off, turns red-brown.

Control measures and prevention
All damaged areas of the bark are cut off and cover the wounds with clay or garden pitch. Dry and damaged branches are regularly removed, tree trunks are whitewashed in autumn.

Varieties such as Moskvichka and Yanvarskaya are resistant to cytosporosis.

Black pear cancer, or Antonov fire
Cancer affects the bark of the trunk and skeletal branches. Small cracks appear on them, which gradually increase in size, the bark bursts. The edges of the cracks are covered with brown wet spots. Fungal spores and bacteria easily penetrate these wounds, so the pear often “catches” other diseases.

Control measures and prevention
The affected bark is cut off with a sharp knife, capturing part of the healthy tissue. The wound is treated with copper sulphate and covered with garden pitch. In autumn, the leaves that have fallen from the tree are collected and burned.

Pear varieties Avgustovskaya dew, Samaryanka have good immunity to cancer.
Do not forget that many insect pests contribute to the spread of garden diseases. Therefore, carry out preventive spraying not only with fungicides, but also with insecticides. Try folk remedies.

I do not like to spray the garden from pests, apply chemistry, breathe it and eat. However. sometimes it can't be avoided. I once again encountered pear diseases recently when I took up vaccination. The stalk took root well, the leaves blossomed in the spring, then closer to the middle of summer they began to become covered with dark brown dots. Moreover, only the leaves on the grafted stalk fell ill - I realized that the disease came along with the grafting stalk and it was necessary to carry out treatment. Apparently, pathogens appeared on the sent cuttings - spores of some
or a type of fungus.


Here's what she looks like in the photo:

Scab is a fungal disease. In the middle of summer, black-brown spots with a fungal coating appear on the leaves. Gradually, the leaves dry out.

On fruits, scab manifests itself in the formation of cracks, black-brown spots. Pouring pears and apples stops.

To prevent the disease, it is necessary to spray in the spring when the leaves bloom. It is necessary to use copper-containing preparations, for example, copper sulfate, 0.1% solution. That is, dilute 1 gram of vitriol in 1 liter of water.

You can apply "Skor" (one ampoule per 10 liters) or "Oxyx" (20 grams - a bucket).

Spraying is repeated on young ovaries.

I managed to defeat the disease by washing the leaves with a tetracycline solution - stir two tablets in a glass of water.


It looks like grayish-white spots with a brown or yellow border.

Infection with the fungus occurs mainly after flowering, and visually manifests itself in the second half of summer, when black dots of spores appear in the center of the spots.

The septoria fungus spends autumn and winter on fallen leaves, therefore, in the spring, the trunk circle and the whole tree are treated with the same means as in the case of scab disease, but 3-4 treatments are done.

powdery mildew

This fungal disease spreads to buds, leaves, young shoots, and then flowers.

The photo shows a white velvety coating, it destroys the inflorescences, and the fungus remains on the branches. In early spring, when the buds begin to bloom, Topaz or Skor will help - one ampoule is dissolved in a bucket of water.

After the pear blossoms, use "Hom", 40 grams are bred in 10 liters. After harvesting, it is recommended to spray with a solution of copper sulfate: 50 grams per 5 liters of water.


This is a fungal disease. The fungus causes drying and death of buds, leaves, ovaries, fruits. They look like they're on fire. therefore, another name for the disease is monilial burn.

Affected fruits rot right on the branches and remain there until spring. The spores of the fungus spend the winter on the affected parts of the plant.

Moniliosis of pear fruits is called fruit rot.

Measures to combat moniliosis as with rust.


Photo of the affected foliage:

Fungal disease. Many brown spots appear on the outer side of the leaves.

Before and after the buds bloom, the trees are sprayed with solutions of the preparations Hom (40 grams per 5 liters of water) or Oksihom (20 grams in a bucket of water).


A fungal disease that causes drying of areas of the bark. Red-brown ulcers form on it, which grow rapidly. This usually occurs in places from frost holes on the trunks and branches of a tree. Often this is accompanied by the death of individual branches, sections of the trunk. The bark with cytosporosis does not exfoliate, but urinate.

To treat the disease, it is necessary to clean frostbite and burns to healthy wood, wipe with a solution of vitriol (copper, one percent), brilliant green, or treat with Hom, Oxyx preparations. Next, the wound is covered with oil paint or liquid garden pitch.

If the damage is very strong, treat the wound with the following composition: clay + mullein + ash; wrap for a while with a rag. In this composition for better overgrowth, you can add one tablet of heteroauxin.

Bacterial burn

Dangerous viral disease. In the second half of summer, for no apparent reason, annual growths wither, the leaves turn black. The whole tree may die.

Vectors can be rodents, insect pests, as well as infected planting material or grafting and pruning tools.

Unfortunately, in general, only prevention of the disease is effective, not treatment. Usually the tree is destroyed, and the place where it grew is treated with a solution of copper sulfate (3 tablespoons per bucket of water); there is no landing there for a year or two. Let's hope that our pets will avoid such a fate.

Black cancer or anthracnose

The causative agent of this pear disease is a fungus that can settle only in places where the tree is damaged.

This means that it is necessary to monitor cracks in the bark, frost cracks, burns and treat them in a timely manner: first disinfect, and then cover with a composition of clay, mullein and ash. On half a bucket of watery clay, I put a liter bucket of mullein and a glass of sifted ash.

This composition is very helpful for the treatment of large wounds on the trunk and branches. The following year, the bark grows again. I tested it on my pear.

From all the above material it is clear that the pear has many diseases, but there is nothing to be afraid of them. It is only necessary that our wards have good immunity in the gardens. This requires timely feeding and preventive measures .. Microelements and “non-chemical” preparations, such as Fitosporin, Zircon, Epin-extra, Ecoberin, Fitoverm, will help us with this.

A small addition. How to treat trees damaged by hares

Recently I was in my garden after a long winter break. It turned out that in some places the bark of young trees was damaged. It was the rabbits who came. They were not in our gardens for a very long time, about 25 years. What made them appear again? Somebody knows?

Many years ago, my dad saved the trunks and lower branches by wrapping them in old elastic stockings for the winter.

I immediately cleaned the wounds with a sharp knife, smeared with the composition indicated above. Soon the wounds will heal.

You can not rush to remove the nourishing therapeutic compress, it is advisable to do this for the next season.

What methods of treatment for pear diseases do you use - write in the comments.