Zamioculcas home care reproduction by shoots. Zamioculcas: reproduction by the most effective methods

Zamioculcas is a popular indoor plant, valued by flower growers for its decorative dark green leaves. It cannot be called capricious, but it breeds rather reluctantly. It is almost impossible to get seeds, so you have to resort to vegetative propagation methods (you can use all parts of the plant), while being patient.

What does zamiokulkas look like

Zamioculcas is a genus belonging to the Aroid family (Aroideae). From the point of view of most botanists, it is monotypic, having a single representative - Zamioculcas zamielifolia (zamiifolia) or Loddiges (loddigesii). Others distinguish between two and four varieties.

The homeland of the plant is the plateaus in the south and southeast of Africa. Conditions, by human standards, are extreme. But the plant has successfully adapted to them. Like most local representatives of the flora, Zamioculcas is a succulent, which is, in principle, atypical for Aroids.

During the short rainy season, it accumulates moisture in thick, fleshy leaf stalks, stems, and underground tubers. This "NZ" helps him survive a long drought. If the plant has a really bad time, it sheds the leaf plates, leaving only petioles and veins (axis-rachis). This helps to reduce the evaporation area.

The name of the flower is due to the fact that its leaves are very similar to the leaves of another African plant - zamia (in the literal translation "zamioculcas" - "zamie-like"). The final name was not approved immediately. The first version ("caladium zamielifolia") belonged to the famous British lover of exotic flora, Conrad Loddiges. He first described the plant in 1829, but, not being a botanist, mistakenly included it in the Caladium genus, although he was not mistaken with the Aroid family.

The inaccuracy was corrected only in 1856 by an even more famous botanist from Austria, Heinrich Wilhelm Schott. He isolated the plant into a separate genus, "christened" Zamioculcas and named it in honor of the discoverer. Since the beginning of the 20th century, an intermediate version has been established in the literature - zamiokulkas zamielista.

In addition to the official name, the plant quickly acquired many nicknames - " dollar tree”, “eternal” or “aroid palm”, “Zanzibar pearl”. Especially loved Zamioculcas in China. There it is considered a symbol of the New Year, and the Feng Shui teaching associates the well-being of the owner with it.

lovers indoor plants appreciate it for the beauty of the leaves. They are glossy, dark green, thin, but rather hard to the touch, complex pinnate in shape. The leaf plate is dissected into 8–12 separate "feathers" - this is also a unique phenomenon for Aroids. Small blurry spots of ink-violet color fit into the norm. From a distance, the flower generally seems artificial, because the leaves are very even, one-dimensional.

Zamioculcas does not differ in growth rate, but at home it is rather an advantage. Often, it sheds old leaves faster than it forms new ones. The maximum height in captivity is about 1 m.

Zamioculcas has a developed root system. It consists of powerful tubers and thick worm-like roots extending from them. If the plant is not transplanted for a long time, a cramped pot that prevents further growth may even crack under their pressure.

The flowering of zamiokulkas, not only at home, but also in nature, is an extremely rare phenomenon. It can only be expected from mature mature plants. Then the cob is covered with large berries, each containing one seed.

Zamioculcas has an alternative, almost unique method of reproduction. The base of the leaves that have fallen to the ground gradually thickens, turning into a tuber, which then forms roots and goes underground, releasing new shoots.

But you should not be upset about the lack of flowering. The spectacle is definitely not outstanding. Small yellowish-cream flowers are collected in a thick cob, tightly wrapped in a pale green or light beige veil. The inflorescence is located in the lower part of the plant, in the axil of one of the leaves, therefore it is almost imperceptible. FROM Changes at home are not tied up in principle, even if you “help” the flower by artificially pollinating it. According to the experience of most experienced indoor plant lovers, flowering often means the imminent death of this specimen.

Video: appearance and other characteristic features of zamiokulkas

What you need to know before starting the breeding procedure at home

When propagating zamiokulkas at home, you should first of all be patient. The process is guaranteed to take several months. The fact is that at first the plant forms a sufficiently powerful tuber, and only then begins to increase the green mass.

It should also be remembered that, like all Aroids, Zamioculcas is poisonous. The leaves contain juice, which, if it comes into contact with the skin and mucous membranes, causes irritation, redness, and a rash. With a tendency to allergic reactions, even serious burns are possible, and if it enters the stomach, severe digestive disorders. Therefore, any work with the plant is started only with gloves, and when finished, they wash their hands thoroughly.

Despite the theoretical presence of seeds, at home the plant reproduces exclusively vegetative ways. It is problematic to get them, and the germination procedure is very complicated, time-consuming and ineffective.

The tuber of the plant is gaining mass by sucking nutrients from a cutting, leaf, part of a stem. Therefore, what wrinkles is a normal phenomenon, and not a sign indicating the failure of the operation. It will take a long time to wait for the appearance of fresh shoots.

With any method chosen, the future zamiokulkas is provided with warmth and bright diffused light. The containers are placed in a home mini-greenhouse or covered with glass caps cut off plastic bottles placed in a tightly tied plastic bag. Plantings are aired daily, but they are watered very moderately, wetting only the substrate along the edges of the pot.

It is important to choose the right soil for young plants. In heavy clay soil, zamiokulkas degenerates, the leaves become smaller and deformed. A suitable substrate for cacti and succulents or for decorative leafy indoor plants. But this is not ideal, so it is better to mix it yourself from leafy soil, peat and sand (1: 1: 1). A useful additive (5–7% of the total volume) is vermiculite, perlite, crushed pumice, crumbs of old red bricks, small pieces of charcoal (preferably birch). The material absorbs excess moisture, preventing the development of rot. It also makes the soil lighter, creating the possibility of good aeration.

Don't forget drainage. A layer of expanded clay or small pebbles should be at least 4–5 cm thick.

Step by step instructions

At home, for propagation of zamiokulkas, leaves or parts thereof, stem cuttings, and tubers are used. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages, which must be evaluated before proceeding with the procedure.


A stalk of a zamiokulkas is a part of a leaf plate with two oppositely located or three "feathers" (if it is the top). You can plant individual leaves, but the larger the cutting, the faster rooting will go. Best time to obtain planting material - late spring or early summer.

The “donor” plant must be mature (at least 5–6 years old) and absolutely healthy, the base of the shoot from which the leaf is taken must be semi-lignified. Just purchased zamiokulkas will not work. In stores, flowers are often treated with growth stimulants and other chemicals. Such drugs reduce the likelihood of rooting cuttings to almost zero. We'll have to wait at least a year to count on success.

  1. Cut the leaves, divide them into cuttings with a sharply sharpened disinfected knife.
  2. Let the planting material dry for 2-3 hours. The cut should be covered with a thin layer of "cork" (wind).
  3. Fill small containers with drainage material (1/3 of the volume) and wet sand, perlite, vermiculite, finely chopped sphagnum moss. Also suitable is a special soil for growing saintpaulias (violets) and cacti. An alternative is rooting in room temperature water with the addition of a few activated charcoal tablets, potassium permanganate crystals, or any fungicide.
  4. Sprinkle the base of the petiole with powdered biostimulant. Plant it in the ground, deepening it by about 2-3 mm. Compact the substrate gently.
  5. Provide plantings with bottom heating, high humidity (70% or more), a temperature of about 22–25ºС. As the substrate dries, moisten it with a weak solution of a root stimulator, but very sparingly. The first time - not earlier than 3-4 days after disembarkation.
  6. After about two weeks, the first roots should appear. Then watering can be slightly increased.
  7. New tubers are formed in 7-8 weeks. After that, rearrange the zamiokulkas to a permanent place, take care of it like an adult plant.
  8. The appearance of the first leaves can be expected at best in 5-6 months. The norm is 7–8 months. If they are curled and covered with a reddish film, this is normal.

Video: propagation of zamiokulkas by cuttings

Rooting a "feather" leaf

A significant drawback of the method is the slow development of a new plant. Even if optimal conditions are created for planting material, no more than three leaves will appear in a year.

The leaves selected for rooting must be absolutely healthy, not deformed, of a uniform color. The larger they are, the faster the plant will develop.

  1. With a sharp, clean knife, cut the leaves at an angle of about 45º. Let them dry during the day.
  2. Sprinkle the bottom third with a mixture of powdered activated charcoal or crushed chalk with any biostimulant.
  3. Plant the leaves in a moist substrate - a mixture of peat chips and sand (1: 1). They need to be buried in the ground by about a third. It is not recommended to root them in water - the tubers and roots are weak.
  4. Cover landings. Ensure the temperature is 22-24°C. Ventilate the "greenhouse" daily, spray it as the soil dries.
  5. After about 2-3 months, the leaves will dry out. But small tubers are formed, about the size of a pea.
  6. After the appearance of the first new leaf (on average after six months), transplant the plants into pots with a diameter of 7-10 cm, filled with soil for ficuses or palms. Don't forget drainage. Further care ordinary.

Video: how to root individual "feathers" -leaves

Reproduction by parts of the stem, breeding by branches

The method is practiced relatively rarely. The leaves of Zamioculcas are quite dense on the stem, therefore, in order to get a piece 5–8 cm long, you will have to get rid of a significant number of them, thus providing yourself with more “traditional” planting material.

The procedure is no different from rooting individual "feathers" with one exception. Parts of the stem are placed on the substrate, and not stuck vertically. The dense skin is first carefully incised in several places with a razor blade or a thin scalpel. The depth of the annular incision is no more than 0.1–0.2 mm. These places are covered with soil.

How to breed by dividing tubers

A plant with a height of at least 50 cm is suitable for this. At least a year must pass after its purchase. The best time for the procedure is the period from mid-April to the end of September.

The division of tubers is carried out simultaneously with transplantation. The roots of a plant removed from a pot are carefully untwisted with hands, individual tubers are separated. Try to minimize the damage they cause. Treat any "wounds" immediately.

If there is only one tuber in the pot, you can try to cut it only if it has at least two growth points (kind of "buds"). But experienced flower growers recommend not to risk the loss of zamiokulkas, but also to wait until the plant forms several tubers.

  1. Dry the planting material during the day. Particularly large tubers may need 2-3 days.
  2. Fill pots with a diameter of 10–12 cm with a mixture of fertile turf, leafy soil, sand and peat chips (equally) with the addition of fine expanded clay and humus (5% of the total volume each). A drainage layer is required at the bottom.
  3. Plant the tubers in containers, deepening no more than 3–5 cm into the substrate. Take care of them like an adult plant, completely eliminating top dressing and replacing watering with spraying. The first time fertilizer can be applied after 4-6 weeks.
  4. Two or three leaves per year for an established tuber is normal. After about a year, transplant zamiokulkas into the soil for adult plants.

Care of young plants

To accelerate the growth of a new instance of Zamioculcas, you need to properly care for it.

  • Young plants do not like transplanting very much, so the procedure is carried out no more than once a year and only by transshipment. After that, the tree is not watered for 3-4 days.
  • The plant tolerates a lack of moisture better than its excess. Regular overflow will quickly lead to rotting tubers. Even in the heat, only two waterings a month are enough, and then if the topsoil in the pot dries out.
  • Direct sunlight and lack of light are equally detrimental to young plants. In the first case, the young zamiokulkas will get burned, in the second, the shoots will stretch out, the leaves will lose their color intensity, and will be crushed. The ideal option for him is bright, but diffused light.
  • Top dressing is preferred foliar. They are carried out no more than once every 15–20 days, spraying the leaves with a solution of any complex mineral fertilizer for decorative leafy indoor plants. As a result, the cuttings are compacted, the leaves acquire a very beautiful rich shade.
  • A regular warm shower will help maintain the decorativeness of Zamiokulkas. But only the aerial part is washed, covering the substrate with plastic wrap.

Possible problems and solutions

Based on the fact that the homeland of Zamioculcas is the hot African tropics, we can rightly conclude that the plant is very hardy. In fact, the only danger that threatens young specimens is rot. Often the florist himself is to blame for its appearance, turning the soil in a pot into a swamp. If at the same time the room is rather cool, the appearance of a pathogenic fungus is almost inevitable.

Young zamiokulkas need to be examined regularly. Alarming symptoms - black-brown "weeping" quickly spreading spots on tubers, stems and leaf petioles. The only way to save a plant is to early stage the development of the disease. If the damaged parts are easily separated from it, the soil becomes moldy, acquires an unpleasant putrefactive odor, there is no longer a chance. Such a zamiokulkas can only be thrown away. Therefore, you need to act quickly.

  1. Cut off all rotted leaves and shoots. The knife must be sharp and disinfected. Sprinkle "wounds" with crushed chalk, activated carbon, colloidal sulfur.
  2. Remove the plant from the pot. Soak the tubers for 25–30 minutes in a bright pink solution of potassium permanganate or in a 1% solution of any fungicide (Bordeaux liquid, HOM, Kuprozan, Skor). Let them dry for 2-3 hours.
  3. Transplant the plant into new soil and a sterilized pot. Add Glyocladin, Trichodermin granules to the soil.
  4. For 2–3 months, water Zamioculcas not with water, but with a 0.5% solution of Alirin-B, Fundazol, Previkur.

Zamioculcas or "dollar tree" is often grown at home, not only because of its beauty, but also because of the signs and superstitions associated with it. The plant is considered an excellent gift. At the same time, you won’t need to spend money on it - the flower breeds well in “captivity”. It is only necessary to study the nuances of the procedure in advance, give it enough time and carefully handle the young plant.

An unusual and bright flower - zamiokulkas is not familiar to all flower lovers, and until recently it was rarely grown for gardening at home, as it was considered a greenhouse plant. But appreciated, today this lush bush with green shiny leaves adorns both living rooms, bedrooms, and study rooms and offices.

In fact, Zamioculcas is an unpretentious plant in care and does not require special conditions for cultivation. According to the eastern teachings of “Feng Shui”, a “dollar tree” installed in a house in the money zone will help improve financial situation! And if you want to start this flower in your home, try to independently propagate Zamioculcas at home by asking for a leaf or twig from friends or work colleagues who already have a dollar tree. Or, if you bought a zamiokulkas, and you need to get several young plants from it, then you have the opportunity to propagate it in several different ways at once.

Reproduction of Zamioculcas. We share an adult flower

For those whose flower is already an adult, transplanting Zamioculcas into a larger pot can be combined with dividing the bush into separate parts for them. further landing and rooting. It is worth transplanting an adult dollar tree if the old leaves die off and the rhizome is exposed. How is this separation done? And how to transplant zamiokulkas so that it takes root better and gives a new sprout?

Each cut off part of the plant must necessarily have a growth bud, but during this procedure, in no case should the tuber itself be cut so as not to destroy mature plant. Cut off parts with kidneys with a knife or a scalpel disinfected with alcohol. After that, they are dried, and the sections are treated with activated or charcoal. When the cut parts dry out, they can be planted in flowerpots. Soil for planting is better to buy ready-made in the store, adding vermiculite as a baking powder to it to make it easier. Planted seedlings are watered only after three days, spraying the soil surface with settled water. This type of reproduction is considered the simplest. And rooted children grow and bloom faster.

How to properly root a plant cutting

The dollar tree is also propagated by cuttings or branches. This method is considered the most common and convenient. From one adult leaf or branch, you can get several cuttings for planting. For this, an adult leaf of a plant is cut off and cut into cuttings with two leaves. Reproduction is not carried out by a young branch, since its leaves are not sufficiently developed and have not accumulated nutrients in themselves, healthy and full-fledged plants cannot develop from such cuttings.

How to transplant zamiokulkas (prepared cuttings) so that they do not rot? The cut cuttings are dried in the air for several hours to dry the cut. When the cut edge dries out, it is treated with activated carbon or root growth stimulants, such as Zircon or Kornevin. This reduces the risk of them rotting in the ground after planting. Prepared cuttings must be planted in light soil, with the addition of baking powder. A pot with a planted cutting (to create a microclimate) is covered with a jar or plastic bag. But you can not cover the pot, because the cuttings take root and so very well. Water the soil in the flowerpot no earlier than two or three days later from the sprayer. Tubers with roots form in the soil in one and a half to two months, and new leaves in six months.

Propagation of a plant by a leaf (branch) and leaf plates

Each grower strives to use all methods of reproduction in order to reduce the risk of losses. Therefore, you can try to root a zamiokulkas flower with a whole leaf or branch. How to plant a branch of a plant?

When propagating by leaf, an adult, medium-sized leaf is cut off from the plant and it is processed in the same way as when propagating by cuttings. After that, it can be planted in a pot with pre-prepared universal soil with vermiculite. Suitable for planting and soil composition for succulents. The soil in a flowerpot with a planted leaf is watered (sprayed) two days after planting. The tuber in it develops in three months, and in order for it and its roots to be healthy, it is not recommended to loosen the ground and check whether the roots have grown there or not during this time! The first new leaves of a planted plant usually appear only after six months. Large cuttings of zamiokulkas give roots faster. Their root system is more powerful and full-fledged adult plants develop from them in a shorter time.

When you start replanting a dollar tree or dividing its rhizome, individual leaves or leaf blades can be knocked off or accidentally broken off from the branches. They can also be planted in soil for succulents or a composition of peat and sand, perlite. The lower part of the sheet goes deep into the ground, and the pot or greenhouse is covered with a plastic bag or a glass jar. From time to time, the greenhouse needs to be opened and ventilated.

Another way to propagate a plant with leaves is no less simple. Put the cut and processed leaves into the water, with the addition of stimulants to accelerate the formation of the root system, and then plant them in the prepared soil. But experienced florists recommend rooting the leaves in the soil.

What kind of land is needed for zamiokulkas?

For reproduction and proper development of Zamioculcas, light and well-drained soil for succulents or universal soil is always used. It consists of:

  • one part of leafy land;
  • one part of peat;
  • one part sand;
  • one piece of leaf land.

Such a soil mixture, with the addition of vermiculite or perlite, is suitable for transplanting an adult dollar tree into it or rooting its individual parts. This soil allows oxygen to flow to the roots of the plant and prevents them from rotting. In heavy soil, zamiokulkas degenerates, its leaf plates become small, and the roots suffer from a lack of oxygen. When choosing a pot for a plant, it would be right to stop at a clay flowerpot, which is not deformed by the growing rhizome of the flower.

The dollar tree is an amazing plant that will be the best decoration for your home! It is enough to have just one flower in your house, and you will no longer be able to imagine your home without its luxurious sprawling bush, which will become the central part of the entire phytocomposition of the room.

The dollar tree is undemanding in care, it is decorative. Reproduction of zamiokulkas at home is carried out in several ways, it takes 2-6 months. The succulent should be planted correctly, subject to the basic agrotechnical recommendations.

How Zamioculcas propagates at home

The culture is somewhat different in structure from other indoor plants. A leaf is a whole shoot emerging from an underground tuber. The latter is considered a stem. There are several ways to propagate an indoor flower, so in any circumstances it is easy to choose the most suitable one. The procedure is recommended to be combined with pruning or transplanting, so as not to injure the plant once again. The optimal time for the operation is spring, the beginning of active vegetation. It is recommended to protect hands with gloves, since succulent juice is poisonous, causing redness, burning and itching.

When growing a crop at home, Zamioculcas is propagated:

  • cuttings;
  • planting an adult plant;
  • rooting of the leaf plate;
  • tuber division;
  • sowing seeds.


This method the simplest, does not require special skills and abilities. Cuttings are recommended to be combined with pruning. To do this, cut the leaf at the base, divide into several cuttings so that each leaves a pair of leaf-shaped plates and small stumps above and below. Dry the cut places a little in the open air.

Rooting in water is desirable not to carry out, it is better to use cultivation in the substrate. Succulents with excess fluid rot.

By dividing the bush

The method is used in the spring, when the time is right to replant the indoor flower. The plant is carefully removed from the pot, but if the usual transplant procedure is carried out by transshipment, then in this case it is necessary to clean the roots from the soil. Seating should be immediately in individual containers.

To do this, take a shoot of a dollar tree, carefully separating the intertwined roots. The tubers must remain intact - the less damage is formed, the easier it is for young bushes to take root in a new place. Plant according to the usual rules in a loose nutrient substrate.

Growing from a leaf

This refers to the plates that are part of the main shoot-like leaf. The advantage of this method is that a lot of planting material can be obtained from one petiole. When Zamiokulkas is propagated by a leaf, a tuber is first formed, then roots.

Dry the cut parts a little in the open air, treat with a root formation stimulator, only then put them on root in a wet mixture of peat and river sand. The cultivation of a dollar tree with leaves can be carried out throughout the active growing season, but spring is a more acceptable time.


This method propagating indoor zamiokulkas is one of the most undesirable, since the division of the tuber can provoke its death. It is important that the plant is mature, well developed, with a height of 0.5 m or more. The optimal time for the operation is from mid-April to the end of September.

The dollar tree is freed from the pot and the earth, the roots are cleaned from the soil substrate. They take a sharp knife, cut it in a thin place so that the growth bud and root system remain on both parts. Places of cut should be immediately covered with crushed charcoal, left in the open air for a day. Then plant in individual containers.

seed way

Reproduction of zamiokulkas by seeds is rarely carried out, since planting material is difficult to find on sale, and when grown at home, an indoor flower does not always bloom. In addition, self-pollination is impossible, so the plant must be helped with a brush. When the seed box ripens, collect the seeds and use as directed.

For disinfection, rinse with a solution of potassium permanganate, then dry slightly, mix with river sand. Sow in a moist mixture of sand and peat. From above, build a mini-greenhouse, constantly maintain heat, prevent sudden changes in temperature, drafts. Required to provide good lighting.

Water as needed, spraying the substrate with settled warm water from a spray bottle. Ventilate the greenhouse occasionally, remove accumulated condensate.

Seedlings may appear only after a couple of months, after which it is necessary to thin out, leaving the sprouts at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other. After the formation of the first 2 leaves (after the cotyledons), it is allowed to transplant into individual cups.

Cutting features

A suitable shoot can be cut from a healthy plant aged 5-6 years. The branch should have a lignified base. Growth stimulants, chemicals reduce the likelihood of rooting to zero, so a dollar tree recently purchased from a garden store will not work.

Step-by-step instruction propagation of zamiokulkas branch:

  1. Cut the stem into cuttings with 2 leaf plates with a sharp disinfected knife. Lower cuts are recommended to be done at a slight angle.
  2. Leave outdoors for a few hours to dry. Treat the windward area with a root formation stimulator, which helps to root the cuttings faster.
  3. Fill the general or individual containers with a 2-3 cm drainage layer, then place a special soil for cacti and succulents mixed with river sand. To the brim flower pot it is desirable to leave free 3-4 cm.
  4. Deepen the prepared cuttings so that the place of attachment of the petiole to the stem and part of the leaf plate are underground.
  5. Gently pour settled water at room temperature, trying not to erode the soil.
  6. Leave for rooting at a temperature of + 22-25 ° C, if possible, equip the bottom heating.
  7. The first time it is allowed to water after 3-4 days, then moisten periodically, preventing the soil from completely drying out.
  8. After 7-8 weeks, a tuber should form. After that, the seedling should be transplanted to a permanent place of cultivation, provided with appropriate care.

How to grow zamiokulkas from a leaf

The only drawback of the method is the very slow development of the plant, only 2-3 leaves are formed per year. It is desirable to choose planting material healthy, without signs of infection, lack of nutrition or moisture. This is evidenced by the uniform color, healthy shine of the leaf.

A large leaf plate contributes to the speedy rooting and development of a new plant.

Step-by-step cultivation of zamiokulkas in this way:

  1. Planting material is obtained during pruning or simply cut with a sharp disinfected tool from the shoot at an angle of 45 °. It is desirable to leave a short petiole.
  2. Leave to dry for 2-3 hours outdoors.
  3. Sprinkle the cut with crushed activated carbon. It is allowed to replace it with a mixture of crushed chalk and a biostimulant.
  4. Deepening by ⅓, plant in moist soil consisting of peat and sand (proportion 1: 1). Be sure to put a drainage layer on the bottom of the container.
  5. You can create greenhouse conditions, maintain the temperature within + 22-24 ° C.
  6. Periodically moisten the soil, ventilate the greenhouse.
  7. Zamioculcas from a leaf takes root within 2-3 months. During this time, the leaf plate will dry out, but the formed tuber with roots forms new shoots.
  8. Transplant the grown seedling into an individual container, provide appropriate care.

The subtleties of dividing the bush

At the next planting of Zamiokulkas in a new soil substrate, you can divide the bush into several parts. To propagate a dollar tree in this way, a mature, overgrown plant is required. The culture tolerates the procedure well enough if the root system is not affected, especially the tuber.

Gently remove the bush from the previous container, free the roots from the earthen clod. Take a process of zamiokulkas (there may be several things, depending on age indoor flower). The presence of adult branches in a plant is not necessary, one point of growth on each detachable part is enough.

Leave briefly in the air. If it was not possible to carefully separate it, cover the damaged areas with crushed charcoal. Next, plant the shoots in the usual way. The container should contain the root system, soil substrate and drainage layer. At the same time, it is recommended to leave 2-3 cm to the edge so that the overgrown roots do not push the soil out.

The soil mix can be purchased at a specialized garden store or collected from turf, leafy soil, coarse sand and peat. Planted zamiokulkas water, at first protect from exposure to direct sunlight, drafts, sudden changes in temperature.

Growing from a tuber

This method of propagation of the dollar tree is the most undesirable, since severe damage can destroy the plant even before it has time to take root again. It is recommended to use only old, large bushes that have begun to lose their decorative effect. If the zamiokulkas has only one tuber, it can be cut so that each part has roots and at least 1 growth point.

Only a correctly performed operation will ensure the receipt of 2 new copies, and not the death of the old one. The cut point should be as small as possible. It must be covered with a thick layer of charcoal. It is also necessary to leave it in the open air for a day so that the tissue heals, the tubers do not rot.

Further, the bushes should be planted in the usual way. It is impossible to allow an excessively wet substrate, exposure to adverse factors - drafts, sudden changes in temperature, direct sunlight. The greatest danger is the threat of decay due to constant waterlogging of the soil.

Care of young plants

After the leaf plate or cutting has given roots, the seedling must be transplanted into a permanent container. A growing plant requires the creation of a favorable microclimate and proper care. Growing zamiokulkas at home is quite simple, but some features should be taken into account. For example, after transplantation, you can not feed for 1-2 months.

Watering is carried out with settled water at room temperature and only after the almost complete drying of the soil mixture, since the dollar tree is a succulent. Replanting is allowed no earlier than a year later, since after this procedure the culture requires acclimatization. A home-grown plant can produce only 2-3 leaves annually, their formation slows down during the flowering period.

Feeding zamiokulkas is allowed no more than 1 time per month with special fertilizers for cacti and succulents. In autumn and winter, top dressing is prohibited, since at this time the dollar tree needs to provide a wintering period.

Pruning is optional, you only need to remove the peduncle after flowering, as well as shoots affected by infections or pests. Sometimes the rejuvenation of the bush requires the complete removal of sheets.

Reproduction of zamiokulkas at home is most often carried out vegetatively. Regardless of which part of the plant is used, planting material should be rooted in soil, not water. Subsequent care of seedlings is similar to adult specimens.

Its seeds were purchased by merchants only for dollars, hence its second name "dollar palm". Zamioculcas' cost flower shops quite high, although it is calculated in rubles and not in dollars. much more profitable and it’s easier to learn how to breed Zamioculcas yourself.

How does the "Dollar Tree" propagate at home?

The methods of reproduction of the "Dollar Tree" are presented below:

Tuber separation

The following is the answer to the question of how Zamioculcas propagates by dividing the tuber:
The plant is carefully removed from the pot and the root tubers are inspected, they must have buds or growth points, which will subsequently give rise to shoots. The tuber is cut into pieces, sprinkled with slices activated carbon.

IMPORTANT! Tubers with only one growth point cannot be cut, this will harm the plant, there should be several buds.

Then parts of the plant with tubers are dried, usually 2-3 hours, no more, and planted in the ground. The soil is ordinary, universal. Expanded clay drainage must be placed at the bottom of the pot. The soil can be mixed with sand, in proportion: 1 part sand and 2 parts soil. Read more about what soil to choose for Zamioculcas and how to cultivate it.

After planting, the plant should not be watered for 4-5 days, then watering should be done by spraying the top layer of the earth with well-settled water.


Let's consider how to breed the "Dollar Tree" by cuttings:
Suitable for this method mature plant leaf, young leaves will not fit, they are not sufficiently developed for breeding.

The sheet is cut into pieces, each part must have 2 leaves, leaf top 3 leaves.

After this procedure, the finished cuttings should lie down a little in the air, the cut points should be sprinkled with activated charcoal (approximately 1 cm bottom of the stem) or Kornevin.

IMPORTANT! Cuttings can not be immediately planted in the ground, they can rot.

Plant cuttings in the usual universal soil. It is advisable to create after disembarkation "greenhouse effect", for this, the stalk is covered with a glass jar. Watering produce after 3-4 days after planting, spray the topsoil with settled water. Tuber formation usually occurs within 1-2 months, and after six months new leaves appear.

Sheet and sheet plates

Consider how to grow a "Dollar Tree" from a leaf:

For reproduction in this way, not only an adult leaf is suitable, but also leaf plates of a plant.

The adult leaf of Zamioculcas is cut off, dried (many flower growers prefer to take only the upper part of an adult leaf with 5-6 leaf plates). The lower part of it is sprinkled with activated carbon or Kornevin (root growth stimulator) and planted in the ground.

The soil is used universal or "For succulents".Irrigation after planting the leaf is done in 3-4 days by spraying the topsoil with settled water. The formation of tubers occurs 2-3 months after planting.

Leaf blades are cut from an adult leaf, the base is dried, sprinkled with activated carbon or Kornevin, and planted in sand and peat soil under a glass jar, which creates a greenhouse effect. From time to time, the jar needs to be lifted for ventilation. Watering should be done as usual after planting on the 5th day by spraying. After about a month, small white tubers appear at the base of the leaf.

Leaf or branch in water

How to propagate a flower in this way?
An adult leaf of a plant can be propagated in this way. Place the leaf in water until the root system is formed. But flower growers prefer methods Rooting Zamioculcas in the ground.

More tips on how to plant unpretentious plant Zamioculcas with a process, an adult leaf with and without roots, as well as a young leaf, find out in.

A photo

In the photo of Zamioculcas:


If you purchased Zamioculcas from a flower shop, don't rush it right away. He must adapt to the new premises. Feed him, he prefers fertilizer for succulents.

Place the flower in a comfortable environment. This plant doesn't like drafts, cold, like any tropical inhabitant. There should be enough light, but not direct sunlight.

And take your time fill up immediately get drunk your new tenant, especially after the purchase. Don't water it for at least a week. If you properly care for Zamioculcas, you will be able to grow a lush bush with glossy dark green leaves.

You can grow such beauty practically “from scratch” yourself from the leaf blades of the flower (this method was described above). To do this, be patient and your work will be rewarded.

Cut leaves (it is better to cut the leaf plates obliquely) sprinkle with activated charcoal, dry and plant in pots for seedlings in sandy-peat soil. Little soil is needed press down so that it fits snugly on the sheet.

For faster rooting of the leaves, cover them with a glass jar. After 1-2 months, check the base of the leaves, they should appear white nodules(Some leaves may dry out, but this is not terrible, just a leaf gave all its strength to the formation of a tuber).

If the nodules have formed, the leaves can be planted in a pot, and several at once, this will allow you to grow a lush plant.

Reproduction of Zamioculcas is a fairly simple process. It is only necessary to remember that the plant toxic therefore, all breeding and planting procedures must be carried out with gloves. Growing Zamioculcas takes a long time, new shoots and leaves appear every 5-6 months, but with good and correct conditions that are comfortable for the flower, this can happen much more often.

Useful video

You can learn more useful information about Zamioculcas in the video below:

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Zamioculcas is popular ornamental plant for a home prized by flower lovers for its elegance and dark green foliage. It cannot be called capricious, but the flower multiplies quite difficult. It is very difficult to get the seeds of such a plant, so many people use the vegetative propagation method (all parts of the flower are used for this).

Growing features

Every year more and more varieties of plants appear in Russian flower shops. It is no longer uncommon to consider zamiokulkas with attractive dark leaves on straight branches. The homeland of this plant is East Africa and the island of Madagascar.

Zamioculcas has the appearance of a rosette, from which long glossy dark green leaves originate, with pointed ends. If Zamioculcas is provided with care and reproduction, then it is likely that it will even bloom. The plant attracts more as an ornamental leaf, it blooms very rarely with interesting flowers of an unusual shape: a combination of a greenish stipule and a cream bud.

In addition to decorative qualities, the plant has an attractive sign associated with it: according to it, the flower brings prosperity to the house and increases the financial condition of the owner. Therefore, another name for Zamioculcas is the dollar tree. But another sign is less attractive - she calls him a tree of celibacy and a husband. It is believed that this sign is associated with the flower of the plant, which, according to the description of many, has a phallic shape.

The plant can be propagated in several ways:

  • division;
  • tuber division;
  • cuttings;
  • sheet.

Division of an adult flower

You can plant a plant by simply dividing it into separate parts with a growing point to get new specimens. It is recommended to propagate zamiokulkas in this way if you are planning a plant transplant.

To plant a bush, you need to use a container filled with light soil, for example, universal soil with the addition of a small amount of vermiculite, which gives the substrate more friability. For three days after planting the plant, you must observe a dry regime, then you can start spraying it with settled water from a spray bottle.

Reproduction by tubers

Reproduction of zamiokulkas at home is also carried out by tubers. This method is suitable if the plant is already an adult and has large tubers. The tuber should be carefully divided into parts so that each individual piece has at least one growing point. Before the planting process, the tubers are dried for several hours, and the sections themselves are sprinkled with charcoal. Parts need to be planted in a special soil mixture, not too deep.

Among the available methods of reproduction Zamioculcas - cuttings. As planting material, shoots are taken, which are collected from an adult plant. Propagation by cuttings using a leaf does not allow the preparation of a large number of cuttings, since in this case a cutting is used with only one adult leaf from the mother flower.

It is not necessary to propagate the culture by cuttings with young leaves, since they have not yet developed a full-fledged leaf plate, the chances of success in this case are very low.

Cutting occurs as follows:

leaf reproduction

You can get new zamiokulkas shrubs at home using individual leaves. The leaves collected for rooting should be placed in the open air for several hours so that the cut point can dry well. The lower area of ​​the leaf must be treated with special agents that will stimulate the active formation of the root system, for example, Zircon, Heteroauxin or Kornevin, adding a little crushed activated or charcoal to them, which disinfects the cut.

For rooting, the lower part of the leaf must be placed in moist soil from a mixture of peat and sand. Glass is laid on top of the container, which creates the effect of a greenhouse. The container with the plant must be periodically ventilated.

If the plant reproduces without a greenhouse, then you need to use universal soil or soil for succulents. 2-3 days after planting, the leaves and soil should be sprayed with a sprayer.

A month later, small tubers begin to appear on the cut of the leaf, they grow rapidly, white roots form from them.

The size of the propagating leaf affects how long the new plant's leaves will develop. Therefore, experts recommend using large specimens. A plant grown from small leaves forms its leaves only a year after planting.

Also, the propagation of Zamioculcas by a leaf can be carried out by rooting in water. The cut of the leaf is treated with root-forming preparations and growth stimulants, the leaf is placed in water.

Of all the ways to get new instances zamiokulkas reproduction by cuttings and division of an adult bush are the simplest, fastest and most successful ways. However, in any case, you will have to be patient, as this slow-growing plant will give the first leaves in at least six months.

Growing problems

Zamioculcas is a very hardy flower. Almost the only danger which can threaten young plants, is rot. Usually it appears with excessive watering. If at the same time the room is quite cold, then there is a high chance of developing a pathogenic fungus.

Young flowers need regular inspection. Black-brown weeping and rapidly diverging spots on tubers, petioles and stems are considered alarming symptoms. It is possible to save a culture only at an early stage of the disease. If the damaged parts of the plant are easily separated, and the soil is covered with mold, has acquired an unpleasant and rotten smell, there is no longer a chance to save the plant. Such a zamiokulkas can only be thrown away. However, if the disease has not yet affected the upper part of the plant, then you can try to restore it by cuttings or leaf propagation.

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