Why do zucchini rot in a greenhouse. Zucchini rot: we save the harvest

To keep the soil moist, you should water the zucchini along the furrows without falling on the ovary, and if the plant bears fruit, then on the fruits. Mulching with humus / peat will not interfere.

If the zucchini has grown so much that the plantation has become like a real jungle, then by cutting a few leaves, the issue of ventilation and pollination will be solved, which means the question of why the zucchini rots in open field, will be resolved.

If you see that pollination has not occurred, and the ovary has not increased in volume, you will have to master this technology yourself.

It consists in the following: pick a male flower in the morning and pollinate the female flower with the ovary with it (stroke it over the flower, touching it). After removing the flower, wipe the place where it was with ash - this forms a protective film that prevents excess moisture from entering the fruit.

Another method of pollination ─ planting flowers of yellow and white shades. In this way, you will attract bees, which will pollinate the zucchini as well.

A few words about spraying. A sparing method will help - potassium permanganate - and a tougher one - treatment with chemicals Rodomil, Topaz, "Thiovit"; against diseases of zucchini ─ Barrier" and "Barrier"; and Arrow ─ against pests.

It should be remembered that the use of chemicals is possible only 30 days before the full ripening of the fruit.

There is a lot of information about why zucchini turn yellow and rot small, and most importantly, what to do in such cases. You decide what is right for you. And don't forget zucchini away from watermelons and melons. They don't like this neighborhood.

Even such an unpretentious culture as zucchini requires attention. Often due to improper care the plant is affected by rot - the tips from today's article will help to cope with the problem.

Zucchini is one of the most unpretentious country crops. They usually only need watering once a week. But it happens that after planting this plant does not please the harvest. In young zucchini, the fruits, ovaries and leaves turn yellow, rot or dry. In addition, zucchini often begin to deteriorate right on the vine. Of course, you should know how to deal with this problem. It is important to know why the zucchini on the bush begin to rot.

Excess moisture and nutrients

Sometimes zucchini in the garden rot due to an excess of moisture. If the crop is grown outdoors, it may be affected by heavy rainfall. In order to protect the fruits from rotting, install a canopy over the zucchini or close them with old umbrellas. After a rainstorm, you will need to loosen the soil for it to dry out as soon as possible. And the lower leaves from the zucchini must certainly be removed. After all, they do not allow the sun to warm the soil.

Of course, zucchini will feel most comfortable in a greenhouse. There you can easily control the humidity at which the plants will grow well and bear fruit without problems. Some hard and dry material (non-woven fabric, wood, wood chips) is placed under the zucchini so that they do not touch the wet soil.

Important! Never water your zucchini cold water. This will negatively affect the growth of the plant. It needs to be watered rarely, once a week. But watering should be very plentiful. In order not to rot the roots of zucchini, do not flood them. Let the water fall only on the soil.


Sometimes the cause of rotting zucchini is that flowers remain on them. If an embryo has already formed on the plant, and at the same time a flower remains, this may be the cause of rotting of the fetus itself. The flowers contain moisture, due to which the fruit begins to rot.

Note! In order to prevent the problem, you just need to cut off the flowers from the embryos, and then sprinkle a little ash on the place of the ovary. This will act as a disinfectant and rot will not form.

powdery mildew

Another reason for rotting zucchini is powdery mildew. This is the appearance of a white coating on the leaves of the plant and its fruits. This dangerous disease can manifest itself in the fact that the leaves of zucchini begin to dry out, and the fruits become twisted and rot. Why does it appear? There may be several reasons:

  • increased air humidity;
  • too high a concentration of nitrogen in the soil;
  • frequent and abundant watering of the plant;
  • zucchini planted too often;
  • during a severe drought, spores of the fungus appear on the plants. So a white coating appears on the leaves.

In order to prevent infection of the plant, certain measures must be taken in advance: regularly remove dry leaves, do not water the soil excessively, add phosphorus and potassium, and do not abuse fertilizers containing nitrogen.

Micronutrient deficiency

Zucchini can also rot due to the fact that they lack such important trace elements as boron and iodine. Plants of the gourd family are particularly sensitive to boron deficiency. A lack of iodine is also harmful to plants. In order to make up for the lack of trace elements, you need to spray the plants with special compounds. With a lack of boron, 10 liters of water and 2 g of boric acid are taken to prepare the solution. And with a lack of iodine, zucchini is treated with potassium iodide.

Planting density

It happens that way - it would seem that everything is fine. The plants look great, the weather conditions are perfect, you regularly feed your zucchini with valuable micronutrients. And they still rot. Most likely, this is due to the fact that plants on suburban area are too close to each other. For this reason, the fruits are obtained too covered with leaves. As a result, they are not sufficiently ventilated and receive little air.

Often, the ovaries themselves on zucchini begin to slowly rot. But, such a problem is solved with almost no losses for zucchini. You simply cut off these ovaries that have already begun to rot, and that's it. There are usually few such already affected ovaries, 3, 4 or a little more. If you remove this little ovary, then this will not affect the yield of zucchini at all, if everything goes well. After all, the number of ovaries on zucchini is usually quite large. It is much worse when the zucchini begins to rot, which is called "on the bush." Here everything will be more difficult.

  • If this year you are faced with rotting zucchini, then perhaps you also placed beds with zucchini here last year. But, like many popular vegetables in our gardens, zucchini needs to be planted in different places. Of course, they can be returned to their original place, but they can only return there after 4 or 5 years. Basically, this is the main reason for their decay, because it is known that zucchini “does not strain” with special vagaries of gardeners. In addition to the zucchini themselves, it is better that cucumbers, as well as melons or watermelons, that is, all those cultures that are in a certain relationship with zucchini, are not their predecessors. So it is better to change the place for growing zucchini more often.
  • Of course, the re-planting of zucchini in the same place for the 2nd year is not at all the only reason for the appearance of such decay on the fruits. The same excess moisture can also lead to this. And excess moisture appears naturally, that is, from frequent rains or from our excessive zeal when watering. And it will be enough to water them only once a whole month. True, in this case, approximately 20 liters of water should be poured, only on one plant. Everything, then you can again forget about zucchini for a month. In this case, it is necessary to water not from above, but always under the root. And do not pour from a bucket or from a watering can with strong pressure, so as not to wash out the roots, which can also affect the plant.
  • If you water correctly, and the zucchini still rot, then there is much more moisture in the soil than the zucchini needs. Here comes the usual waterlogging. And where there is a lot of moisture, rot is a common phenomenon and not only for zucchini. It is unlikely that it will be possible to dry the soil here, it remains only to wait for good weather, which can solve this problem. Although, if you cannot stay idle and there is a desire to do at least something to save your crop, then you can loosen the soil around the zucchini. At the same time, it is better not to touch the weeds, because loosening and weeds will help to quickly draw moisture out of the soil. Rather, the weeds themselves also need moisture for growth, which means that the zucchini will get less of it. Also, do not forget to remove from the beds those fruits that have already deteriorated. You can remove some of the old leaves, then the entire zucchini bush will be better ventilated. And those fruits that are not yet affected by rot can also try to save. Just find small planks and place them under these healthy fruits. So they will not lie on the ground and perhaps rot will not hit them, and they will have time to ripen.
  • It also happens that the soil on the site is excessively rich in nutrients. It is in such areas that everything grows very actively, and zucchini will grow on such soils even more so. In this case, growth is excessive. The bush grows, and the sun no longer penetrates into its depths, which is exactly what rot is needed for. Shade and moisture are ideal for its occurrence. Here, again, the zucchini bushes need to be thinned out, that is, remove excess leaves and it is also better to put suitable boards under the zucchini.
  • Like all plants, zucchini can get sick, and these diseases often cause rotting. Of course, many cultures can envy the health of zucchini, because they do not get sick often. But still, the same powdery mildew or white rot sometimes appears on zucchini. If these diseases hit the bush, then a white coating will appear on the leaves and on the fruits themselves. The same plaque, then already leaves some “depression” (which appears in spots) on the fruits themselves. Here we already have to turn to chemistry, but this must be done carefully. It should be used only if there is at least a month before the full ripening of the fruits on the zucchini. You can use "Topaz" or "Ridomil" to spray zucchini. The drug "Thiovit" is also suitable. But, remember the processing time - at least a month before ripening!
  • In addition, one more piece of advice, all the flowers that have already wilted on the zucchini after the ovary, it is better to remove them altogether. Otherwise, they begin to collect unnecessary moisture in themselves, and this can already lead to decay of the fetus itself. And so that the fruit itself does not begin to rot, after removing the wilted flower, it is better to rub its tip (which was in contact with the flower)

I recently experienced an unfortunate feeling when I gathered for a harvest of zucchini for dinner. I go up to the bushes and see that some of the fruits have become soft and half-rotten, although they were already at the stage of technical maturity. I began to understand the reasons, and this is what I managed to find out.

It happens that rot on the fruits of zucchini appears in the first harvest, and it happens that the fruits rot by the end of the season. This phenomenon can occur for reasons such as:

  • Insufficient ventilation of the bush. It turns out this is due to dense plantings and shading of trees or tall vegetable crops;
  • If the leaves were not cut off on the plant, then insects for pollination are unlikely to get through them, and the unpollinated fruits will begin to rot;
  • From contact with the soil, especially if it is cold and wet, the fruits may rot at various stages of maturity;
  • The ingress of wet drops on the fruits and ovaries leads to their decay, especially if this happens often;
  • The development of root rot leads to rotting of the bush, and then the fruits;
  • The manifestation of powdery mildew in the form of a whitish coating on the foliage also affects the fruits, they do not develop and rot;
  • Fruit damage by slugs, which I have often observed in the first two weeks of fruit formation, leads to rotting of the fruit. Slugs eat the fruit from the side of the earth, sores remain on it, which rot, and then the whole fruit is covered with rot;
  • Frosts also lead to rotting of the fruit, as well as low positive temperatures. The fruits of zucchini supercool already at a temperature of about 5 degrees Celsius and rot.

How to avoid rot on zucchini

Despite adverse weather conditions and the subversive activities of pests, you can avoid rotting zucchini if ​​you know about some tricks. When flowering begins, I cut off 2-3 leaves per plant to open access for insects and improve ventilation. I pollinate the ovaries by hand, I put planks under the fruit that have set to protect them from the cold from the ground and dampness.

To prevent measles rot, I spill the soil with phytosporin and dust with ash.

When it gets cold, I cover the zucchini with a non-woven fabric, but during the day I always ventilate the ends of the shelters.

If I find diseased leaves and fruits, I immediately remove them, sprinkle the sections with ash.

To prevent powdery mildew, I spray the plants with sour milk, dilute a liter in a bucket of liquid.

From root rot, I treat plants with topaz and ridomil preparations, but no later than a couple of weeks before harvesting. If brown spots characteristic of white rot appear, I smear them with ronilan.

So that the slugs do not bother, I dig in wide containers of beer at the level of the ground around the zucchini, changing the contents every three days. Helps from slugs and sprinkling of soil with needles.

Why do zucchini rot during storage

I am often asked why zucchini is not stored, they begin to rot after harvest. This often happens if the fruits are supercooled. In my garden, I pick fruits before the temperature drops to 5 degrees Celsius. At first, zucchini does not show any signs of hypothermia, but soon they begin to rot. In addition, fruits deteriorate when stored raw, in a poorly ventilated area and at low temperatures.

I also want to recommend watching a video on what to do if zucchini rots:

Zucchini is a favorite vegetable crop of the pumpkin family, loved by many gardeners. It does not require special care, frequent watering and bears fruit abundantly. However, it happens that vegetables in our gardens suffer from adverse weather conditions or errors in agricultural technology. Not only beginners, but also experienced summer residents have to think about why zucchini rot in the garden and what to do to save the crop.

You can prevent possible losses even when planting seedlings or seeds. Since zucchini are photophilous and heat-loving plants, it is better to plant them in an open, unshaded place. It is important not to thicken the plantings, a distance of 1-1.5 m will allow a strong, healthy bush to develop. It is useful to mulch the soil with hay or cut grass (but not weeds from the garden).

Disease problems cannot be avoided if vegetables are planted annually in the same garden. It is better to change places for growing zucchini, because useful substances it is in such areas that it is not enough, and the soil is restored for at least 3-4 years.

You should not plant where melons, watermelons, pumpkins, cucumbers or squash grew. Close relatives impoverish the land, and planting zucchini in the same place good harvest won't bring.

If a month after planting, the first 2-3 embryos rot in zucchini, the ovaries are simply cut off, but when the disease spreads, it is better to remove wilted flowers and sprinkle the tips of the fruits with ashes.

Causes of decay

Common causes of rotting zucchini in the garden are high humidity, lack of sunlight, or unsuitable soil when the land in the area is excessively rich in organic matter. The lack of essential trace elements (boron, iodine or calcium) reduces the resistance of the plant. The process of decay can be caused by fungal diseases - powdery mildew or top white rot.

Excess moisture and nutrients

When there's too much in the soil nutrients, a powerful bush grows with an abundance of large leaves that do not let in sunlight and create a microclimate inside that is favorable for the development of putrefactive processes.

Small zucchini can start to rot, then all the fruits begin to rot, and the harvest from this bush will be lost if emergency measures are not taken. Top dressing is necessary for plants, which means that it must be given to zucchini in a strict dosage.

With frequent watering or rainy weather, the entire bed is supersaturated and saturated with moisture, this creates a greenhouse effect, which also contributes to rotting.

The problem lies in the flower

A non-pollinated peduncle is more likely to rot. To attract bees, it is better to plant plants with white or yellow fruits. In cloudy and rainy weather, insects do not pollinate, so you can do it artificially (pick the male flower and transfer the pollen to the female one).

Zucchini can rot immediately after flowering. Normally, the flower fades, dries up and disappears on its own. If this does not happen, the rot first affects the flower, and then the fruit.

It is important that you water the bush correctly. If you pour water from a hose or watering can from above, the flower accumulates a lot of moisture, dries out for a long time and begins to rot, the embryos also rot; why grown zucchini turn yellow - most likely due to a lack of trace elements. Fertilizing with complex fertilizers can help the health of zucchini.

Powdery mildew infection

Zucchini is often affected by powdery mildew. Signs of a fungal infection are a whitish coating and depressed spots on the fruits and leaves. First of all, young leaves and fruit ovaries are affected. The development of the disease is facilitated by sharp fluctuations in temperature (cool nights and heat during the day) and watering with cold water.

Fungal diseases often cause decay; of course, it is better to prevent infection or start fighting on early stage diseases.

It is necessary to regularly inspect the plants, zucchini can get sick with powdery mildew and with an excess of nitrogen fertilizers, for example, ammonium nitrate or urea, which are used to increase yields. Potash and phosphorus fertilizers increase disease resistance.

To prevent fungal diseases, plants can be sprayed with garlic water (3-4 heads of finely chopped garlic per 10 liters).

Help zucchini: your actions

In order not to rot zucchini, you need to deal with excessive moisture. Proper watering is rare, no more than 1 time per week, but plentiful (about 20 liters of water for each bush). The roots of zucchini are powerful, and the water should penetrate to a depth of 30-40 cm. Do not pour water on the leaves and stems - only under the bush, without washing away the roots. Then the earth must be well loosened so that a dense crust does not form and the root part of the plant breathes.

An important factor is the ventilation of landings. It is necessary to remove the lower old leaves that lie on the ground and suffer more than others from diseases, pests and dampness. It is better to cut them with a sharp knife 3-4 cm from the whip. The next day, it is good to spray the trunk and leaves with a solution of brilliant green (1 teaspoon per bucket of lukewarm water). You can regularly rejuvenate the bush as the lash lengthens, thinning it out and prolonging fruiting.

Zucchini do not pollinate well and rot when the central leaves are tightly closed. In this case, you need to cut off several leaf plates, leaving the petioles - they are needed to feed the plant. In addition, the sun's rays, penetrating deep into the bush, dry out the powdery mildew mycelium.

Cut leaves and rotten fruit should be burned rather than composted to help preserve next year's crop.

If the planting of zucchini needs to be processed, it is necessary to process it with “chemistry” strictly according to the instructions. The lack of iodine can be replenished by spraying with a 0.02% solution of potassium iodide or alcohol tincture (30-35 drops per bucket of water).

So that zucchini does not rot due to a lack of boron, boric acid is used at a dilution of 1 g per 5 liters of water or complex fertilizers with trace elements.

Zucchini can also rot from damp earth, you can also try to save them by laying planks or straw. At the same time, do not forget that slugs will accumulate there - they need to be collected regularly.

The best way to ensure a bountiful zucchini crop and deal with any disease is to purchase seeds. hybrid varieties that are not susceptible to fungal infections or easily cope with such problems.