Spots on the pear cause. Bacterial pear burn: treatment

scab - main pear disease. Not only fruits and leaves are affected, but also branches. Often there is premature fall of the leaves, which affects both the filling of fruits and the overwintering of trees. Disease appears mainly on the underside of the leaves, since the upper side is more protected by a wax coating.

With an early lesion of the ovary, the fruits acquire an ugly (one-sided) shape, and with a lesion during the filling period, dark, almost black spots with clear boundaries appear on the fruits. A layer of corked tissue forms under the spot, which cracks as the fruit grows, and if before that it prevented the penetration of the fungus into the fruit, then after the cracks appear, the fruit begins to colonize the fungi that cause rot.

bacterial blight pear

The bark of the shoots in the affected areas is hypertrophied, covered with cracks and flakes, swellings appear in which the sporulation of the fungus is formed. This is the most dangerous form of manifestation of the disease for a pear. Firstly, such shoots do not grow well and eventually die off.

Secondly, scab infection surviving on dead leaves takes longer for the bag spores to mature and reach young leaves and fruits. On the affected branches, the fungus remains in the form of mycelium, and in the spring it forms conidial sporulation, which affects the flowers and stalks of the ovaries, while the former do not set fruits, and the latter immediately crumble, so there is a feeling that the tree does not bear fruit.

Control measures.

Pear trees are mainly grown only in the private sector, where fruit, berry, and vegetable crops are located close or mixed. Therefore, it is not possible to fully comply with the system of protective measures developed for industrial gardens. With chemical treatments, it is difficult to avoid getting drugs on nearby plants. Even growing groups of crops similar in biological characteristics does not solve the problem. On the suburban area you have to abandon chemical treatments during the growing season and limit yourself to carrying out only spring ones.

Spring spraying is carried out from bud break ("green cone") until the end of flowering. In the "green cone" phase, at an average daily temperature of 3-5 ° C, a 3% Bordeaux mixture is used against diseases. Pest control is expedient only if the economic thresholds of harmfulness are exceeded. Such values ​​in the budding phase can be considered: for an apple flower beetle - 10 beetles per 100 rosettes or the presence of more than 15% of buds with pest eggs; for caterpillars of leafworms, winter moths, aphid larvae - colonization of more than 8% of outlets. From insecticides, you can use Fufanon, Kemifos (10 ml, hereinafter, the consumption rate of the drug is given per 10 liters of water); tanrek (3 ml), etc. If “blue” spraying has not been carried out, plants can be treated with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture or its substitutes, for example, chorus, 2 g.

With an increase in the average daily temperature, new pests (codling moth, ticks) appear, but they should be dealt with taking into account the number of entomophages. To reduce the spread of fruit rot, it is necessary to remove mummified fruits from the branches, and during the growing season to collect and bury already affected ones. Pest control also contributes to reducing fruit damage, for example, collecting and burning "cigars" with eggs and larvae of the pear pipeworm.

When the average daily temperature passes through the mark of 8 ° C, it is advisable to shake off the beetles of weevils and tubeworms from the trees. Beetles that have fallen on a film or tarpaulin are collected and destroyed. To attract entomophages near fruit trees, rhubarb, lovage, cumin, coriander, parsley, celery, etc., must be sown and left for flowering. The beneficial insects they attract (coccinellids, lacewings, ichneumons, etc.) destroy aphids, mites and codling moths.

From scab and other diseases leaves effectively autumn spraying of fallen leaves in tree trunks with a 10-15% solution of mineral fertilizers (urea, ammonium nitrate and etc.). This measure prevents spring emergence of bagospores from fruiting bodies on overwintered leaves.

A.V. Truskevich, V.A. Kleimenova

Many people love pear fruits and use them not only in their raw form. Jam is made from pears, baked in the oven, jam is made, compote is cooked and healthy juice. A special delicacy is pickled pears in a barrel. It will be possible to make preparations for the winter only if there is a generous harvest of fruits. If the tree begins to hurt, then all the fruits can crumble. Diseases of pear leaves, a description with photographs and methods of treatment - this is what interests many gardeners.

In the photo, pear fruit rot or moniliosis

Pear diseases and their treatment, photo

Moniliosisor fruit rot is a fungal disease that causes significant damage to farmers' gardens every year. At the first sign of the disease, small gray spots appear on the fruit, which spread to the entire fetus. Feature fruit rot is that the pears do not crumble, but remain on the tree. This promotes the spread of fungal spores. Gardeners, noticing the first signs of moniliosis, try to carefully examine and pick the infected fruits. They need to be destroyed, and the tree should be sprayed with copper-containing preparations.

In the photo, pear scab

Scab affects the fruit tree during the period of prolonged rains and coolness. The disease appears on leaves, flowers and fruits. The main symptom is dark spots that have a small diameter at the beginning, but gradually increase in size. Scab causes the fruits to become hard and inedible. Gardeners for the prevention of scab in the fall collect and destroy all the foliage, and the pear itself is sprayed with Bordeaux liquid. According to gardeners, good ventilation - The best way protection of trees from scab, and with thickened plantings, on the contrary, the plantations get sick quite often.

Black cancer - a disease of the bark of a fruit tree. At the first sign of it, small wounds appear on the bark, surrounded by brown spots. They increase in size, in process leaves and fruits are involved, on which reddish spots protrude. Gardeners tend to pay due attention to prevention in the first place. To this end, it is recommended to collect and destroy fallen leaves in the fall, and remove infected fruits from the tree as soon as red spots appear on them. After pruning trees, wounds should be treated with copper sulfate so that the infection does not penetrate through them.

In the photo, black pear bark cancer

stem rotor cytosporosis most often affects old trees. The infection penetrates through the "entrance gate" - damage to the cortex, cracks, wounds. A dry area appears on the affected area, which has a red-brown tint. Gardeners strive to notice the first symptoms as early as possible to make it easier to deal with the disease. With a sharp knife, the affected area is cut out, and the wound is treated with copper sulphate. As a result, the trunk was made with lime.

Diseases of pear leaves and the fight against them, photo

sooty fungus differs in specific symptoms that are difficult to confuse with other diseases of pears. With a lesion, a characteristic plaque appears on the leaves and fruits, outwardly resembling soot. According to the observations of gardeners, the infection is often secondary and affects trees that are already sick or suffering from pests. In damp, cool weather, the infection spreads well, thickened plantings contribute to infection. The first step is to try to identify the pest and examine the tree for the occurrence of a primary disease. Next, the pear is treated with a fungicide.

Pictured is a sooty fungus

powdery mildew - a common fungal disease that most often affects trees growing in the south of the country. On the affected area of ​​​​the pear, an area is formed, covered with a gray-white velvety coating. The plant stops growing, the leaves curl and fall off. All affected shoots are cut and destroyed. The tree is treated with the preparations "Fundazol", "Sulfite" or a solution of colloidal sulfur.

In the photo, stem rot or cytosporosis

leaf rust- a common pear disease caused by a fungus. With rust, yellow spots form on the leaves and fruits, gradually darkening to a dark brown color. The infection often migrates from the juniper, which is worth getting rid of to save the garden. The pear is sprayed against leaf rust with Bordeaux mixture or Bayleton.

In the photo, the rust of pear leaves

Bacterial burn caused by bacteria that enter the vessels and spread down the tree from top to bottom. The disease is characterized by a lightning-fast course and the death of tree tissues. When bacteria enter the flowers, the latter darken and wither. Leaves and fruits from a bacterial burn turn black, as if covered with a thick layer of soot. Often it is not possible to save the pear and it must be destroyed. The disease migrates from one tree to another.

All branches with signs of a bacterial burn are subject to pruning and burning. Wounds should be treated with copper or iron sulfate. The pear is sprayed with 5% Azofos. It is considered to be environmentally friendly. Every 5 days, the pear is sprayed with antibiotics at a dosage of 2 tablets per 5 liters of water. It is recommended to use the following pharmaceutical preparations:

In the photo, a bacterial burn

  • streptomycin;
  • tetracycline;
  • gentamicin.

Copper-containing agents are suitable for processing. If the measures taken are ineffective, then the tree is uprooted and destroyed. The same measure is taken in relation to nearby trees. The affected area of ​​a bacterial burn is about 5 meters in diameter. Trees are not recommended to be moved around the site, they should be burned at the place of growth. All garden tools that come into contact with the fruit tree are disinfected.


Pear leaf diseases, descriptions with photographs and methods of treatment have long been on the lips of many who care about their future harvest. To prevent their appearance on the site or in your own garden, it is important to follow some simple recommendations to avoid losses and losses.

When growing pears in the garden, you need to be prepared for the fact that sooner or later diseases may appear on them. But what exactly is a pear sick with? This tree carries many diseases in its lifetime, each of which has its own symptoms and treatment. The diseases of pears and methods of their treatment will be described below.

scab on pear

Pear diseases threaten the entire crop and even the life of the tree, so they must be dealt with immediately. Scab - common problem gardeners. Its causative agent is the fungus Fusicladium pirinum, which attacks the leaves and fruits of the tree.

scab on pear leaves

The first sign is olive spots on the back of the leaves. These are fungal spores. After their appearance, the fruits begin to rot, crack, the flesh hardens. If the pears were affected in the developmental stage, then their curvature may also be observed.

For treatment, a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture is used. They are sprayed with trees when leaves appear, then during the appearance of buds and after flowering. If the disease does not go away, you can use the solution "Dnok", "Skor" or "Nitrofen".

For prevention, it is necessary to cut off excess branches in time so that there is good illumination and ventilation, and burn old, fallen leaves. And in order not to encounter the development of scab on trees, it is worth planting varieties that are resistant to it, for example, Janvarskaya, Muratovskaya or Rusanovskaya.

powdery mildew

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The fungus Erysiphales is the cause of such a pear disease as powdery mildew. It is very easy to identify it already on early stage, spring. On young leaves that have just blossomed, there will be a whitish coating, atypical for a pear. Over time, while the leaf grows, the fungus develops and the color changes from milky to red. Sometimes the leaves do not have time to fully develop before normal sizes, they simply dry out and crumble if the disease is severe. But, as a rule, powdery mildew develops gradually, and leaves fall only in summer.

Powdery mildew of pear fruit

Preventive measures against the disease include the timely removal of dry pagons, tree pruning. All trimmed branches with and without foliage must be burned immediately. A tree can be saved from disease by both traditional and folk methods. The first include spraying "Sulfite" or "Fundazol". To the second - spraying with a 1% solution of potassium permanganate or a mixture of 10 g of liquid soap, a bucket of water and 50 g of soda ash.

So that the pear never hurts powdery mildew, it is worth buying varieties resistant to it: "Moskvichka", "January", "Spirit".

Black cancer

Among the people, diseases of pears have their own, special names. Black cancer, called "Antonov's fire." This is a very dangerous disease that manifests itself for several years, and then the tree dies. Antonov fire initially strikes the bark, small cracks appear in it, the size of which is increasing all the time. It is easy to detect them - brown spots will be visible along the edges of the crack - these are open wounds of the tree, where all kinds of pests, diseases, fungal spores and so on fall.

Black pear cancer kills tree

Black cancer is dangerous because it not only kills the tree on its own, but also provokes the development of other diseases. Together, they can destroy a pear 2 times faster!

What to do when the disease appears? The first thing that is recommended is to cut off the affected bark with a sharp knife, capturing the healthy part of the tree. The wound is treated with a solution of copper sulfate, covered with clay mixed with mullein, and then wrapped with a bandage, a rag - any available clean material. As a preventive measure, it is worth pruning in a timely manner, all old shoots and leaves are disposed of outside the garden.

Resistance to black cancer is shown by such varieties of pears as "Samaryanka" and "August dew".

Fruit rot or Moniliosis

Moniliosis occurs when the fungus Monilia fructigena is present. First of all, brown spots appear on the fruits. After this, growths appear, spores of the fungus are placed in them. They are carried around the garden, trees by wind, birds, insects. The pulp of such a pear no longer has the same excellent taste, it becomes loose, insipid, unpleasant both in appearance and in taste. Some of the fruits may crumble, the rest dry on the branches, then fall, and the spores of the fungus scatter around the site and infect other plants.

Fruit rot or pear moniliosis can be cured

Fruit rot develops fastest during hot and humid weather.

As a preventive measure, timely pruning, collection and burning of diseased fruits is recommended. In spring and autumn, spraying with a 1% solution of Bordeaux liquid is carried out. If the disease has already developed, and the previous spraying did not give results, the drug "HOM" is used. You can use other substances like Baikal, Aktofit, Ecoberin. In March and November, wood is treated with lime (1 kg of lime per bucket of water).

There are no pear varieties that are 100% resistant to fruit rot, but some varieties are more or less resistant to it. Among them are: "Cheremshina", "Honey", "Autumn Dream".

Bacterial burn

There are dangerous and non-dangerous pear diseases. The former can destroy a tree in a matter of years, if not months, while others can be successfully fought for 5 years or more. Bacterial burns are among the most dangerous diseases of the pear. Erwinia amylovora is the causative agent of bacterial burn. The first signs are the withering of the inflorescences in the spring, when the pear blossoms. Sluggish inflorescences turn dark brown, the leaves quickly curl, turn black and fall off. First, young shoots die, then the bark of the tree.

Bacterial pear blight

If the variety is not resistant to bacterial burn, then most likely the tree will die without emergency and radical help. If the variety is resistant, the tree will still get sick in a severe or mild form. But after 1-2 years he will be able to fully recover.

The first thing to do when a disease is detected is to give the affected leaves, shoots, if necessary, then part of the bark, and then burn outside the site. The cut sites are treated with copper sulphate or antibiotics (sold in gardening stores). With a solution of antibiotics (usually 2-3 tablets per liter of water are taken), the entire tree is sprayed, including the place that was cut. If a disease is found on the site, it is worth spraying the tree about 9 times per season with a 1% solution of Bordeaux liquid for prevention.

Varieties "Muratovskaya", "Moskovskaya" and "Janvarskaya" are considered resistant to bacterial burn.

leaf rust

This pear disease, caused by the fungus Pucciniaceae, is often the cause of the slow wilting of the tree. If no action is taken, it will simply die. So rust must be dealt with at the first sign of its manifestation. Initially, light yellow spots appear on the leaves, and sometimes on the fruits, over time they become rust-colored (hence the name). There are usually a lot of spots, they are medium or small in size, distributed throughout the tree or in a separate part of it (if this is an early form of the disease).

Rust of pear leaves is dangerous

The first thing to do in the struggle for the health of the crop is to remove and burn all the affected fruits. Then the tree is sprayed with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture. Ideally, a pear is sprayed with it in early spring and after flowering - this is usually enough for prevention. In autumn, all fallen leaves are removed and burned outside the site. Instead of Bordeaux liquid, you can use Bayleton, a systemic fungicide. It is effective, but they are sprayed at least 5 times per season.

If the disease actively manifests itself on the site, it is difficult to remove it, it will not hurt to treat the area of ​​​​the near-stem circle of the tree with a solution of "Carbamide" after the first frosts. And so that this does not damage the roots, it is worth using warm water, and then mulching the ground.

sooty fungus

Pear diseases are not always widespread, some of them are rare. Unlike many other diseases, soot fungus does not often occur, for this reason it is only sometimes possible to recognize it in time and take appropriate measures. The first symptoms of the disease are blackening of the leaves. The subsequent symptoms are a black coating on the leaves and fruits, outwardly it is very similar to soot, hence the name. Young trees in the garden are always affected first, and then the disease passes to adult pears.

Aphid causes sooty pear fungus

Soot fungus is a common consequence of aphids on trees, because they feed on the sugary secretions of pests. But, in addition, a tree damaged by pests has a weak immune system. Therefore, soot fungus can cause not only damage to the crop, but also the death of the tree.

As a prophylaxis, the drug "Calypso" (from pests) and "Fitoverm" (from the spread of fungal spores) is used. The latter is used immediately after the former. Only a few pear varieties are resistant to this disease. by the most famous view is the "Cathedral" pear.


Cytosporosis of pears is popularly referred to as "stem rot". It appears when the fungus Cytospora leucostoma is present on the tree. Pear diseases always have their own obvious symptoms. In this case, there are red-brown foci of inflammation right on the trunk. Over time, the bark begins to dry.

Pear cytosporosis is difficult to cure

Fighting a disease is not easy. First you need to cut off the affected part of the bark (as in the case of black cancer), then smear the cut with copper sulphate, and on top with clay. If the clay spreads, you can wrap the treatment area with a clean cloth or bandage over it. Prevention consists in regular pruning, destruction of pests, other diseases, old fallen leaves under the tree.

To prevent cytosporosis from appearing on a tree, it is worth whitewashing a tree every autumn, before winter, as our grandmothers and great-grandmothers did. It's really very effective folk method prevention.

The "January" pear and "Moskvichka" are resistant to cytosporosis.

Pests and their negative impact

The pear diseases that often affect this crop have been described above. But where do they come from? Most often, fungal spores are carried by wind or pests. And if the wind cannot be controlled, then pests can.

Pests negatively affect the tree

If you do not fight pests, sooner or later various diseases will appear on the tree!

For pears, slugs, sawfly, ticks, hawthorn and ants are considered the most dangerous. At the first sign of the appearance of these insects, it is worth using systemic insecticides. Among those that have proven themselves better than others, it is worth mentioning: Karbofos, Iskra, Neoron, Kinmiks, Tsitkor and others. Can also be used folk remedies, but they work well only as a preventive measure.

Any gardener, planting on the site fruit trees, dreams of getting a rich harvest every year. But there is always the possibility of disease, even with quality care. The pear is no exception. If you notice their first manifestations in a timely manner, then the treatment will take place with great effect. To do this, it is useful to assimilate the necessary information - forewarned, then armed. Photos and descriptions for them will help with this.

Pear tree died due to disease

Types of adversity

Pear diseases can be divided into several groups depending on the cause that caused them: bacterial, viral, infectious and non-infectious. It is important to correctly diagnose manifestations, and choose treatment.

It's all about the bacteria

Microorganisms have many types and get on the tree with water or insects. Manifestation time - early spring, so they are easily confused with the action of low temperatures.

Pear bacteriosis can lead to death

Bacteriosis can be identified by dark edges on young leaves. Gradually, the disease spreads further to the stalk and stem, penetrating into the vascular system of the tree. The age of the pear does not matter.

A bacterial burn is primarily reflected in flowers that dry out. The disease poses a great danger to young plantings. Penetration occurs through any damage, sucking pests are considered carriers. In the middle of summer, a second outbreak can be observed, causing yellowing of the leaves and practically stopping the development of the plant.

If you do not take up treatment in time, then the tree is doomed.

Bacterial burn is the most dangerous pear disease

It is recommended to remove the lesion, capturing up to 20 cm of the healthy part and burn it. The instruments used are treated with an antiseptic. The section is treated with antibiotics. For these purposes, dissolve 3 tablets in a liter of water. It does not hurt to spray them all over the plant. A good effect is obtained by treatment with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture. It can be used up to 9 times. In case of an unfavorable development of events, the tree is destroyed, and the place is poured with a solution of copper sulfate (3 tablespoons per bucket of water). Planting new seedlings is allowed only after 2 years.

Dangerous viruses

Once inside the cell, viruses spread rapidly, destroying all living things. Or they can hide for a while, waiting for the right moment. Infection occurs under the influence of unicellular organisms, fungi, insect pests. They act as carriers. Viral pear diseases can be as follows.

Pear mosaic - a dangerous viral disease

Mosaic disease is most likely to appear after vaccination. Lighter spots are observed on the leaves.

Furrowing of wood, or otherwise thickening on the branches, affects trees that have reached two, three years of age. After cracks appear in the cortex, through which the infection penetrates, the development of the vascular system is disrupted. Branches twist. The exchange between the root and the upper part stops, which causes the death of the plant.

Trunk damage is an open path for infection

Viral proliferation is manifested in a sharp activity in the development of the kidneys. Such a load on the root system deprives the tree of the opportunity to bear fruit.

The fight against viruses is carried out by radical methods. Plants are cut down, their roots are removed. All material is to be burned and the landing site to be quarantined.

infectious diseases

Diseases are caused by spores of fungi that enter the organs of the plant and germinate inside.

Scab appears as dark spots on the leaves in the first 3 weeks, and then spreads to the fruit. Characteristic features are clearly visible in the photo. At risk are trees that are planted too tightly, which makes normal air exchange difficult.

Scab pears spoil and fruits too

Leaves and carrion are regularly collected and burned to prevent the spread of infection.

Black cancer begins with the appearance of brown spots, followed by the formation of growths and blackening of the bark. If no steps are taken, the surface layer will crack and crumble. Flowers and fruits are also attacked. As a result, the former dry up, and the latter resemble a mummy.

Cytoporosis manifests itself in places that have suffered from exposure external factors. The bark becomes black, the spores germinate inside causing the branches to dry out. Positive results in the fight can be achieved if the disease has not affected the cambium.

Cytosporosis is caused by frost damage

Rust affects pear leaves. This leads to a decrease in resistance, slowing down growth and processes. The color of the spots, as seen in the photo, resembles streaks of iron oxide (III). If you do not take action, then the disease affects the fetus.

Moniliosis develops well in cool and humid weather. The fruits are covered with brown spots with gray circles and fall off the tree. Those that remain on the branches dry out, but retain the pathogens. If the disease has affected the bark, then the infection spreads rapidly.

Powdery mildew appears in the form of a plaque of the same name on young leaves and branches. Greenery twists and dries, growth stops. The same fate befell the flowers.

The sooty fungus justifies its name with the appearance of a black coating. This happens as a result of settling on the tree of the pest - pear sucker. You can destroy it with ready-made fungicides. The size of the insect reaches 3 mm. They feed on the juice of young shoots. Pest waste looks like small gray balls. Once in the buds and buds, they spread, impregnating them with a sticky composition. This causes the internal parts to stick together.

Sooty fungus on pear leaves

Milky shine is characterized by the presence of fragile light gray leaves, they can be easily recognized from the description and photo. The disease can be localized on several branches or capture the entire crown of a tree. This negatively affects the process of photosynthesis and can lead to the death of the plant.

Milky sheen greatly reduces yield

There are methods of control that effectively cope with infectious pathogens:

  • careful removal of parts of the tree that may contain the disease;
  • mandatory spraying in spring and autumn with a 1% solution of Bordeaux liquid, 7%
  • a solution of urea or chloride of copper (II), a colloidal solution of sulfur;
  • carrying out sanitary pruning, processing cuts and other damage with garden pitch;
  • whitewashing of trunks;
  • digging the soil near the tree.

Noncommunicable diseases

Such diseases occur as a result of violations in the choice of planting site and the rules for caring for the plant. Increased risk with sudden changes temperature regime and unbalanced soil composition.

Chlorosis is a consequence of an insufficient amount of iron, manganese, magnesium, sulfur, nitrogen and an excess of carbonates in the soil. It can be determined by changing the color of the leaves at the top, slowing down growth, shedding of fruits.

Pear chlorosis - lack of nutrition

A hydrothermal burn is manifested due to weather conditions: increased levels of humidity, an excess of scorching sun and strong wind leads to blackening and loss of leaves already at the end of July.

Freeze burn is the death of branches due to rupture of the bark under the influence of sub-zero temperatures.

Proliferation can be caused not only by infection. Active development of buds and growth of shoots reduces the yield and quality of fruits.

insect pests

Pear disease is not the only problem. There are several types of insects that can cause trouble to gardeners.

The green aphid likes to feast on the juice of the leaves, and its secretions are the basis for the development of soot fungus. A solution of laundry soap (1 piece per 10 liters of water) will help get rid of pests.

Aphids on a pear destroy young shoots

Pear codling moth can spoil the pulp of the fruit. To prevent voracious caterpillars from appearing, spraying with special preparations is carried out.

An important point is the cleaning and burning of fallen leaves.

The pear mite hides in the bark of a tree during the cold season, and in the spring it attacks the leaves, which leads to their fall. For pest control, spraying with a solution of colloidal sulfur is carried out.

Pear gall mite

The leafworm feeds on leaves. As a result, they roll up into a tube. This prevents photosynthesis in the required volume.

Preventive actions

The best way to get rid of them is preventive measures. The fact is that some pear diseases are incurable in principle, so in order not to regret the missing trees, you should do the following:

  • buy seedlings in the nursery and carefully check their external condition;
  • plant trees according to density standards;
  • do not neglect care activities;
  • get rid of pests;
  • track changes in the state of the plant to take timely action.

Pear processing in spring - prevention of many diseases

High-quality photos on the Internet will help to recognize diseases, and they can also be found in special literature. When choosing seedlings, give preference to varieties that are resistant in your area. Listen to the advice of experienced neighbors. The whole set of measures taken will ensure a high yield of pear trees.

The main symptom of this disease is brown spots on the fruits of the tree. This disease is caused by a fungus that, a week after its appearance, affects almost the entire pear crop. After brown spots are clearly visible on the fruits, white growths form on top of them. The pulp of affected pears becomes tasteless and friable. The rotten fruits fall to the ground, but some of them dry up and remain hanging on the tree for several more months. If treatment is not started in time, the fungus will begin to infect the branches and trunk of the tree. As a result, growths will appear on the bark.

Pear moniliosis

Basically, the fungus begins to act in July-August, however, the distribution period may vary, depending on the climate of the region.

To cure a diseased tree, first of all, you need to quickly cut off the affected fruits and branches. Don't forget to do it regularly. In this way, you will remove unhealthy branches on which the fungus develops. To protect the tree, spray it with fungicides. It will be possible to increase the immunity of the plant with the help of root dressings and biococktails. Among the latter, the most effective are Ecoberin, Baikal and Aktofit.

Rust on pear leaves

To combat rust from a tree, cut the affected fruits, leaves and branches. For treatment, experienced gardeners spray trees with concentrated solutions of urea, infusion of ash, copper sulfate. You can also get rid of this pear disease with the help of infusions of horsetail and marigolds. Another method of therapy is the spring treatment of a diseased tree with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture.

Many gardeners are faced with such a problem as the formation of cracks in the bark of pears. At first, small cracks appear on the trunks, but after a couple of weeks they grow into wide grooves that run along the entire trunk. There can be several reasons for this problem:

  • sharp jumps in temperature;
  • sunburn;
  • too deep planting of seedlings in the ground;
  • lack of timely pruning;
  • excessive use of fertilizers.

Cracks in the bark

The symptoms of the disease do not end with the appearance of large cracks alone. In addition, a diseased tree slows down growth, leaves and fruits fall prematurely from its crown. Moreover, with the appearance of cracks, the wounds formed on the trunk become vulnerable to various viruses and pests.

Like other pear diseases, cracks should never be left unattended. For treatment, you will need to clean the dried bark to healthy tissues using a metal brush. Then the crack area must be treated with a 1% Bordeaux liquid or a solution of ferrous sulfate. Immediately after treatment, cover the cracks with clay or mullein. To prevent the disease, do not forget to add a small amount of top dressing and plant seedlings in a partially shaded area.

This disease most often affects young pear trees. It is caused by the bacterium Agrobacterium tumefaciens. The main symptoms of the disease include hard woody formations of various sizes on the roots, trunks and branches of trees. If you buy an infected tree and plant it in the soil, the bacterium begins to spread to other trees in the garden and beyond.

Pear root cancer

When treating pear root cancer, treat the purchased seedling with a 1% solution of copper sulphate. Cut off the growths found along with the roots, the same applies to the branches of the plant. If the bacterium has already infected an adult tree, it must be dug up and watered with a 1% solution of copper sulphate. After a couple of days, watering is repeated. Treat branches with fungicides, cutting off cancerous growths before that.

Why is black pear cancer dangerous?

This dangerous disease quickly affects the bark, fruits and skeletal branches of pears and apple trees. Initially, small wounds or cracks appear on the bark, which, as they grow, tear the bark of the tree. Bright brown spots appear on the affected areas. To treat this disease of apple trees and many varieties of pears, it is necessary to remove the affected fruits and branches.

Use a pruner to cut off the torn parts of the bark. Treat the remaining wounds with a solution of copper sulfate, a special lubricant or mullein. Burning prematurely fallen leaves will help prevent the onset of the disease.

For the prevention of black cancer, you need to cut the dried branches of pears and apple trees in time. As you know, the pear is very vulnerable to harmful bacteria, its diseases and pests spread very quickly throughout the tree. After that, they move on to other plants. Therefore, when processing trees, it is necessary to spray other nearby fruit trees. Not all varieties of pears are afraid of black cancer. Thus, varieties Cathedral, January and Spiritual.