Wild plants are the ancestors of cultivated plants presentation. Presentation, report cultivated plants

cultivated plants - essential part of the plant kingdom. They originated from wild species. The varietal richness of cultivated plants is due to the needs of people and the biological diversity in nature, from which a person selected useful plant species for himself in order to cultivate them. Man contributed to the spread of cultivated plants in different regions of the planet (often very far from their centers of origin).


The gifts of the Old World are not only bread and vegetables, but also fruit plants, as well as those from which people received numerous spices and seasonings (black pepper, nutmeg, bay leaf, cloves, mustard, parsley, dill, mint, anise, etc.). .d.)


WHEAT - native to the Mediterranean.

Wheat is grown in two varieties - durum and soft. They differ in the protein and carbohydrate composition of the grain. From durum wheat flour - bread, pasta. The dough made from soft wheat flour is friable, easily torn, but unusually tasty pies and wheat porridge are obtained from it.


RYE first came into cultivation as a wheat weed. It was very difficult to separate weed rye seeds from sowing wheat. In the northern regions, wheat often died in the fields, while its companion, rye, survived. People fed on its grain and eventually recognized it as a valuable crop.



GRAPES - the second crop after wheat in antiquity and distribution. His homeland is Transcaucasia and Asia Minor. Wild grapes grow around tall trees. Cultivated grapes are cultivated in the form of bushes, cutting off its branches - vines.


BANANA is a tall, sometimes gigantic (up to 15 m) herbaceous plant with a powerful rhizome, a hardened thick stem and a false trunk formed by huge sheaths of large leaves.


Such valuable plants were brought to Eurasia and Africa: potatoes, corn, pumpkin, sweet potato, beans, cocoa and tomatoes (or tomatoes).


It is hard to imagine, but only 250 years ago in Russia no one was eating potatoes. The ancestors of the American Indians many centuries ago on the plateau

cultivated plants

In nature, all plants are divided into wild and cultivated. Cultivated plants are those plants that humans grow. If a gardener transplants wild raspberries to his site, takes care of her and collects fruits, then such raspberries will be called cultivated. If clover grows in natural meadows, it is a wild grass. But it can also become cultural if it is sown and nurtured by a person. So it is with every plant.

Man cultivates plants for food, animal feed, medicine, industrial raw materials, or ornamental purposes.

Scientists say that man began to cultivate plants many thousands of years ago. Accumulating knowledge, he passed on his observations to the next generation, gradually improving the properties of plants, classifying them and creating new species. So, about 15 thousand years ago, the science of growing cultivated plants by man appeared - plant growing.

Later, breeding arose - a science with the help of which new varieties of cultivated plants are created by selecting for signs of resistance to diseases and pests, frost and drought resistance, productivity, and taste of fruits. As a result of selection, many varieties of cultivated plants have been created. For example, there are about 2 thousand varieties of apples.

There are several types of classification of cultivated plants. Popular is the classification by industry: field: cereals (wheat, barley, oats); cereals (rice, millet, buckwheat); legumes (beans, soybeans, peas); oilseeds (sunflower, mustard); spinning (kenaf, fiber flax, cotton); fodder (Sudanese, clover); gourds (pumpkin, melon, watermelon)

Vegetables: root vegetables (carrots, beets) and tubers (potatoes); leafy (cabbage, arugula, spinach); stem (rhubarb, sorrel); fruit (cucumber, tomatoes); bulbous (garlic, onion); spicy aromatic (parsley, cilantro, dill);

Fruit and berry: pome (apple, quince, pear); stone fruit (cherry, cherry, apricot, peach, plum); nuts (hazelnuts, almonds, Walnut); citrus fruits (tangerine, lemon, orange); berry (raspberries, currants, strawberries, grapes); decorative (floriculture).

More than 400 species of cultivated plants originated from South Asia, from North and South America, Europe - about 200 species, from Africa - about 50.

Homeland of cultivated plants Central Europe - wheat, peas, beans and lentils, flax; Mediterranean - carrots, cabbage, beets, radishes, turnips, onions; India and Indochina - rice, citrus fruits, tea; South and Central America - corn, potatoes, tomato, pumpkin, beans and capsicum, tobacco, sweet potato, pineapple, peanut, cocoa; North America - sunflower; Africa - coffee, barley.

The migration of cultivated plants from continent to continent began especially actively during the period of the Great Geographical Discoveries (since the 15th century).

Cultivated plants are those plants that humans grow. If a gardener transplants wild raspberries to his site, takes care of her and collects fruits, then such raspberries will be called cultivated. If clover grows in natural meadows, it is a wild grass. But it can also become cultural if it is sown and nurtured by a person. So it is with every plant.

Man cultivates plants for food, animal feed, medicine, industrial raw materials, or ornamental purposes.

Scientists say that man began to cultivate plants many thousands of years ago. Accumulating knowledge, he passed on his observations to the next generation, gradually improving the properties of plants, classifying them and creating new species. So, about 15 thousand years ago, the science of growing cultivated plants by man appeared - plant growing.

Later, selection arose - a science with the help of which new varieties of cultivated plants are created by selection on the basis of resistance to diseases and pests, frost and drought resistance, productivity, and taste of fruits. As a result of selection, many varieties of cultivated plants have been created. For example, there are about 2 thousand varieties of apples.

There are several types of classification of cultivated plants. A popular classification is by industry:

cereals (wheat, barley, oats);

cereals (rice, millet, buckwheat);

legumes (beans, soybeans, peas);

oilseeds (sunflower, mustard);

spinning (kenaf, fiber flax, cotton);

fodder (Sudanese, clover);

gourds (pumpkin, melon, watermelon)

root crops (carrots, beets) and tubers (potatoes);

leafy (cabbage, arugula, spinach);

stem (rhubarb, sorrel);

fruit (cucumber, tomatoes);

bulbous (garlic, onion);

spicy aromatic (parsley, cilantro, dill);

fruit and berry:

pome (apple, quince, pear);

stone fruit (cherry, cherry, apricot, peach, plum);

nut fruits (hazelnuts, almonds, walnuts);

citrus fruits (tangerine, lemon, orange);

berry (raspberries, currants, strawberries, grapes);

decorative (floriculture).

More than 400 species of cultivated plants originated from South Asia, about 200 species from North and South America, Europe, and about 50 from Africa.

Homeland of cultivated plants:

Central Europe - wheat, peas, beans and lentils, flax;

Mediterranean - carrots, cabbage, beets, radishes, turnips, onions;

India and Indochina - rice, citrus fruits, tea;

South and Central America - corn, potatoes, tomato, pumpkin, beans and capsicum, tobacco, sweet potato, pineapple, peanuts, cocoa;

North America - sunflower;

Africa - coffee, barley.

The migration of cultivated plants from continent to continent began especially actively during the period of the Great Geographical Discoveries (since the 15th century).

Sign pictures


Plants that man himself

planting, caring for seedlings,

harvests, uses for food

called cultural







These are plants grown in gardens.

round, ruddy,

I grow on a branch

adults love me

And little kids

In the summer in a green dress.

And in autumn - in purple.

Fragrant and beautiful.

Do you recognize? It…

Three sisters, born in spring,

Very similar, as long as green,

But they differ, since each is ripe,

Look: red, black, white.

The red berry attracts everyone, Conquers with its taste and benefits, Alina collects in the garden in summer, Delicate delicacy, miracle - ...

Longleg boasts -

Am I not a beauty

And she herself is a bone

Yes, a red shirt.


These are the plants that man

grows in the garden or in the fields

I grow in the garden. And when I mature They cook a tomato out of me, They put in cabbage soup And so they eat.

In the garden - a yellow ball, Only he does not run galloping, He's like a full moon Delicious seeds.


In summer, in the garden fresh, green, And in winter - in a barrel, Strong, salty.

For a curly tuft Dragged a fox from a mink. Feels very smooth to the touch Tastes like sweet sugar.

Broken cramped house For two halves. And poured out from there Pellet beads.


These are the plants that man grows

in the fields, and eats seeds


They are also called cereal plants or cereals. Grains include wheat and rye, barley and millet, oats, rice and corn.

The field is shaking

Give us some bread...


Black bread is good

He will give us...


For various cereals

Looks and tastes are different.

I'm not wheat, I'm not millet

Not buckwheat and not rye,

You will just be young

When you call me.

But isn't it clear as day

What is my name...


little baby,

Golden goblet.


I grow up wonderfully for everyone -

Tall, slender, beautiful,

Hiding in bright gloves

golden ears,

May I not be sweeter than a watermelon,

But better, I...



These are the plants from which fiber is obtained.

Cups turn white on the bushes,

They have threads and shirts.


From what the boy

Pants made?

Of what girl

Sewn undershirts?

Who is attentive, smart,

Say it right away...


These are the plants that grow

flowerbeds and flower beds for beauty

They call me the queen of flowers

For the color and the smell of their petals,

Though my green bush is ready to hurt you,

But who will not forgive me prickly thorns.

This flower is fragrant, fragrant,

Stem green and narrow leaf,

The bud opens six petals,

What is the name of the flower, please?

I am a herbaceous plant

With purple flowers.

But change the accent

And I turn into candy.

Everyone is familiar with us:

Bright as a flame.

We are cousins

With small nails.

He looks like a guard

As if the flowerbed began to guard,

Very bright and cheerful

It means "sword" in Latin.

  • Feeding a man
  • Dress up a person
  • Treat a person
  • To decorate houses and cities

cultivated plants-

plants grown by humans for food products, feed in agriculture, drugs, industrial and other raw materials and other purposes.

Classification of cultivated plants according to Kuptsov

  • 1. Cereal crops.

These are the three main cereal plants: rice, wheat, corn and secondary breads - barley, oats, rye, millet, sorghum.

  • 2. Starch plants : potatoes in countries temperate climate, sweet potato, yams, taro - in more southern areas.

  • 3. Pulses:

beans, peas, lentils.

  • 4. Sugar crops: sugar beet and sugar cane.

  • 5. Fibrous Plants: cotton, flax, hemp, jute, kenaf, which provide a person with clothing and technical fabrics.

  • 7. Spicy aromatic and tonic plants, without which the modern human diet is impossible.

  • 8. Industrial or industrial crops- sources of rubber, medicines, tannins, corks.

  • 9. Forage plants ,

on which modern animal husbandry is based.

  • 10. Oilseeds: mustard, peanuts, sunflower, etc.

Division according to branches of agriculture

Experts distinguish groups of cultivated plants according to the type of agricultural activity:

  • fruit growing,
  • vegetable growing,
  • field cultivation.

field varieties

  • This group of plants includes grain crops (cereals- rye, wheat, legumes- lentils, soybeans, peas, cereal varieties- millet, buckwheat, root vegetables (turnips, beets), tubers(potato), spinning(hemp, flax, cotton), oilseeds(mustard, peanuts, sunflower), fodder grasses(alfalfa, clover).

fruit varieties

  • This group includes crops that produce juicy fruits. They, in turn, are divided into stone fruits(apricot, plum, cherry) pome e (quince, pear, apple tree), berry(currant, strawberry, raspberry, strawberry). In the same group, in some cases, include citrus(orange, lemon) nut-bearing(hazelnut, almond, walnut). In fruit and berry, a subgroup is sometimes distinguished subtropical varieties. These include, in particular, medlar, pomegranate, figs. Crops such as wild rose, sea buckthorn and others are considered close to fruit and berry crops. vitamin-bearing.

vegetable varieties

  • Vegetable crops are herbaceous plants grown for heads, root crops, bulbs, leaves, fruits. Cultivated 120 species vegetable plants. The most common of them belong to 10 families: cruciferous - cabbage, swede, turnip, radish, radish, horseradish, watercress; umbrella - carrots, parsley, parsnips, celery, dill; pumpkin - cucumber, pumpkin, melon, watermelon; nightshade - tomato, pepper, eggplant, physalis; legumes - peas, beans, beans; lily - onion, garlic, asparagus; Compositae - lettuce, chicory, artichoke, tarragon; haze - beets, spinach; buckwheat - rhubarb, sorrel; cereals - corn.