Education quality management research hypothesis. Education quality management from school experience

PEI DPO "Knowledge Center"

Professional retraining program

"Management in education in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard"






Saki, 2017

Introduction 3-5

1. Theoretical aspects of the formation of a control system

quality of education

1.1 Education quality management as a pedagogical problem 6-7

1.2. The concept of quality education 7-14

1.3. Intraschool control as a mechanism for managing the quality of education 14-18

2. Experimental part

2.1 Ascertaining experiment 18-22

2.2 Formative experiment 22-39

2.3 Control experiment 39-40

Conclusion 40-41

List of sources used 42-44


In determining the objectives of the development of modern education and its reform, the issues of ensuring its quality occupy a priority place. In recent years, the problem of the quality of education has become extremely relevant. The increasing intellectualization of production, the emergence of a market for educational services, the development of information technologies.

In the modern sense, the quality of education is not only the compliance of students' knowledge with state standards, but also the successful functioning of the educational institution, as well as the activities of each teacher and administrator in the direction of ensuring the quality of educational services.

The extraordinary actualization of the problem of the quality of education is also associated with the development in recent decades of the so-called "philosophy of universal quality". Within the framework of this philosophy, there is a rethinking of the traditional concept of quality as the degree of compliance with any standard, in our case, educational, that is, the extent to which consumers are satisfied with the educational services provided.
In the context of this approach, the quality of education in the school of the XXI century. is defined as the ratio of the goal and the result, expressed in a set of characteristics that reflect the level of quantitative and qualitative results achieved, the level of organization and implementation of the educational process, the conditions in which it takes place.

On the present stage development of society, the quality of education is one of the most important problems. In the concept of modernization of the Russian school, the achievement of a new quality general education declared a top priority.

Speaking about the quality of education, we mean the assessment of what results teachers achieve in teaching students. However, in recent times, more and more often, they mean the quality of the educational process itself and the conditions in which it is implemented.

For a modern educational institution, the concept of "quality of education" is associated, first of all, with its competitiveness in the market of educational services. At the same time, it is considered as a complex of consumer properties of an educational service that ensures the satisfaction of internal needs for the development of the student's personality.

In this regard, the need to manage the quality of education at the school level is becoming more and more conscious and relevant. Management of the quality of education at school is a design process, that is, setting the goals of education and determining ways to achieve them; organization of the educational process and motivation of its participants for quality work; control as a process of identifying deviations from goals and monitoring - a system for tracking changes in development; regulation and analysis of results.

The efforts of the teaching staff of many educational institutions are aimed at improving the quality of the educational process. However, there is a contradiction: such efforts in many cases do not lead to the expected results, and the quality of education remains low.

Today, there are various ways to improve the efficiency of education quality management in an educational institution. These include: accreditation of an educational institution, the school system for assessing the quality of education, monitoring the educational process, intra-school control, etc. the fact that it is less studied in the scientific and pedagogical literature.

The purpose of this work: create a system of intra-school control as one of the ways to improve the efficiency of education quality management.

Object of study: the quality of education.

Subject of study: the system of intra-school control as one of the ways to improve the efficiency of education quality management.

Research hypothesis: quality management of the educational process in an educational institution will be effective in creating a system of intra-school control.

Research objectives:

    Determine and justify the types and forms of intra-school control, requirements for intra-school control.

    Monitor the quality of education of students;

    Develop a system of intra-school control in an educational institution;

    Determine the effectiveness of the application of the developed system of intra-school control as one of the ways to improve the efficiency of education quality management in an educational institution.

1. Theoretical aspects of the formation of the education quality management system.

      Education quality management as a pedagogical


One of the leading trends in the modernization of education in Russia is increased attention to the problem of improving its quality, which requires the development of conceptual approaches to finding ways to solve it. Modernization of the education system involves the solution of a number of tasks of a social and pedagogical nature.

The social aspect of solving this problem is revealed in accordance with the quality of education to the needs of society, the country and the vital needs of people. This makes special demands on the modern school, which should contribute to the successful socialization of young people in society, their active adaptation in the labor market, the development of social skills and abilities by young generations, which, in turn, leads to increased attention to the effective search for pedagogical solutions. In pedagogical terms, the quality of education is considered from two positions: firstly, as the degree of compliance of the educational system with the established requirements and the quality of the educational services provided by the educational institution; secondly, as the effectiveness of the educational process that meets the needs of social customers, not only in terms of students learning a certain amount of knowledge, but also in the development of their personality, cognitive and creativity. The solution to the problem of improving the quality of education of students is associated with the organization of the educational process in a modern school and the features of the management carried out in it. In essence, we are talking about the existence of a connection between the quality of education as a result and the quality of the educational process organized in an educational institution, thanks to which, under certain conditions, this result is achieved. In other words, to achieve the quality of education, management must also be of high quality, which involves the search, development and practical implementation of new forms and methods of management activities that ensure the achievement of the predicted result.

      The concept of education quality

The problem of the quality of education is one of the most urgent problems of modern society, the development of which requires new approaches to the development of education. The requirements for the quality of training of schoolchildren are also changing. In the national doctrine of Russian education, the quality of education is considered the leading priority. A truly high-quality education is the basis of stability, a personal guarantee for a school graduate. Further professional education of graduates of general educational institutions should be based on high-quality, “solid” school education, including such characteristics as the foundations of personality “stability”, the ability to work together (team) and readiness for learning and self-learning.

Modern economic relations, the transition to a democratic and rule of law state, the development of the educational services market impose qualitatively new requirements on graduates. Education is the main value that a person has in modern society. High-quality education is the most important factor in the formation of a new quality of the economy and society. “The responsibility in education to the consumer is especially high, since its product is a new generation, the future society.”

The concept of "quality of education" is multifaceted. In a general sense, "quality" is interpreted as conformity to a specific purpose; a set of characteristics of a product or service; conformity of the object as a result of labor to certain specified standards, etc. Thus, the quality of education is presented as "the ratio of goals and results, as a measure of achieving goals" in the educational process.

Research by the Russian Academy of Education makes it possible to formulate the characteristics of quality education: education is designed to equip students with knowledge and skills that will not become obsolete in the foreseeable future, to form and develop such personal qualities that make it as easy as possible young man the process of adaptation to social realities will allow him to realize himself in a complex, contradictory society in the most adequate ways in personal and social terms. However, it is difficult to understand from this formulation - what kind of personality traits will allow a graduate to adapt in a constantly changing life field?

In the dictionary of concepts and terms under the legislation Russian Federation on education, “the quality of education of graduates” is interpreted as “a certain level of knowledge and skills, mental, physical and moral development, which the graduates of an educational institution have achieved in accordance with the planned goals of training and education”.

Quality is an ambiguous term to be understood by different audiences in the education system. Parents of students correlate it with the development of individuality, with the further educational success of their children. Quality for teachers means the availability of a quality curriculum, the provision of teaching materials and manuals, normal working conditions; students often associate quality with the climate within the school, with “comfort” at school. Future employers (business, industry) correlate the quality of education with an active life position, knowledge, skills and abilities of graduates, allowing them to make optimal decisions, etc.

Therefore, it is not surprising that some authors understand the quality of education as “the degree of satisfaction of the expectations of various participants in the educational process from the services provided by an educational institution, while others understand the degree of achievement of the goals and objectives set in education” .

However, despite the extensive discussion of the quality of educational training of students, the practice of ensuring the quality of education of schoolchildren in many cases still does not give the desired results.

The change in the educational paradigm entailed a change in the goals of education. It is focused on a different result, on a different quality. The idea of ​​the quality of education among the majority of teachers remained the same.

The study of scientific literature, school practice, the experience of cooperation with school leaders, with deputy directors and teachers allows us to identify the contradiction between the declared goals and the traditional system of educational training, focused only on the formation of private instrumental components of schoolchildren's educational activities.

The most important meaning of education is the self-disclosure of the student, the recognition of his true self, the creation of his own image in the interaction of the teacher and the student. This is fundamentally different from the task of imitating a model. The assimilation of knowledge, skills, or information and rules cannot be an end in itself. These are necessary, but not sufficient conditions for the formation, self-realization of the individual, since in modern society the addressee of education is precisely the holistic personality, and not one or another of its social functions and ways of using them. Not knowledge in itself is the goal of the school, but a student who considers this knowledge a value, his intellect and spiritual development. That is, a quality education will be such an education, the result of which is a student with a developed intellect, the ability for independent and responsible thinking, utterance and deed. Quality education is the education of personality traits.

Evaluation of the quality of education at school is also one of the most difficult pedagogical problems. The forms and methods used today for assessing the quality of education of students do not allow for a comprehensive and completely objective assessment, since it is not easy to determine everything that needs to be assessed. The number of “excellent students” and “good students” in a school says little about the quality of education of each student individually; moreover, it does not say anything about the student’s problems.

As A. Talykh notes, “today, when it is no longer enough, as before, to reduce the quality of education to the usual percentages of academic performance and other formal indicators, conscious school management is possible only if there is complete, prompt and reliable information about the results of the activities of all subjects of the educational process , degree and nature of the impact of objective environmental factors ".

The quality of education is the degree of achievement of the goals and objectives set in education. Quality criteria largely depend on the education system in which they are considered and what pedagogical approaches prevail.

Thus, the quality of education in the system of humanistic pedagogy is considered from the perspective of the student.

The humanistic approach to determining the quality of education involves the implementation of the following "prescriptions":

    standardization, prescription, external certainty and controlled academic plan, the program is rejected. It is based on providing students with the opportunity to determine the meaning of learning and design (take part in creating) programs and become responsible for the implementation of educational needs and creating conditions for themselves;

    assessment is defined as a source of information for the learner and feedback on the quality of the learner's learning as an integral part of the learning process. Self-certification of each other is approved as a way of developing and deepening the awareness of the teaching;

    social emphasis is placed on constructivism, it is emphasized that learning is more a process of assimilation of social (social) practice than an individual conquest.

According to the definition of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), quality is a set of characteristics of an object related to its ability to satisfy conditional or implied needs. The object in this definition is understood as everything that can be individually described and considered, i.e. product, service, process; system, organization or individual, or any combination of the above. Each need is expressed by a number of requirements that are involved in the formation of relations of the suitability of the object for the purposes of the consumer, serve to assess the conformity of the object to its purpose, and, therefore, outline the quality boundary of the object. In practice, the term "object" is often replaced by the term "product". A product is the result of a process or activity.

Quality requirements can be defined as the expression of certain needs or their translation into a set quantitatively or qualitatively. established requirements to the characteristics of the object in order to implement them in the object and check.

According to Potashnik M.M., “the quality of education is presented as a ratio of goals and results, as a measure of achieving goals, despite the fact that goals (results) are set only operationally and predicted in the area of ​​potential development of a student” . A similar definition of the concept of "quality" is also given by Matros D.Sh., Polev D.M., Melnikova N.N.

A.M. Moiseev interprets the concept of "quality of education at school" as "a set of essential properties and characteristics of the results of education that can satisfy the needs of the students themselves, society, customers for education" .

V.M. Polonsky understands the quality of education of graduates as “a certain level of knowledge, skills, mental, physical and moral development that graduates have achieved” .

V.P. Panasyuk defines the quality of school education as “such a set of properties that determines its ability to satisfy social needs in the formation and development of the personality in terms of its education, upbringing, the severity of social, mental and physical properties» .

In the group of definitions considered above, we are talking about quality as a characteristic of the result of the educational process, but there is no mention of quality as a characteristic of the educational process itself. At the same time, there is a point of view according to which, speaking about the quality of education, it is necessary to keep in mind the quality of the educational process and educational services.

So, in the psychological and pedagogical dictionary, this concept is interpreted as follows: “the quality of education is a concept that includes the quality of educational services and the quality of educational training of a graduate, applicant. The quality of educational services is understood as a set of characteristics of the educational process, which is measured (estimated) by summarizing the results of the final certification of graduates.

The quality of the educational preparation of a graduate, an applicant is a set of characteristics obtained (mastered) by a citizen in the course of the educational process, knowledge, skills and abilities demanded by the state, society, and personality. The quality of education is measured (evaluated) in the process of final certification.”

Shishov S.E. and Kalney V.A. define the quality of education as "a social category that determines the state and effectiveness of the education process in society, its compliance with the needs and expectations in the formation and development of civic, everyday, professional competencies of the individual" .

According to T.I. Shamova, P.I. Tretyakov "the quality of education is the resultant of the following components: the needs of the individual and society, target priorities, the predicted process and the result (standard)" .

T.M. Davydenko, G.N. Shibanova believe that the quality of education involves not only the identification of final results, but also the quality of the conditions of education, the education process.

In this work, we will also adhere to this position, that is, speaking about the quality of education, we will consider two sides: procedural and productive.

The interrelation of these sides is obvious: without a qualitative process, a qualitative result is impossible.

In turn, the quality of the educational process, in our opinion, is also an integrative concept and several components can be distinguished in it:

    quality of educational technologies;

    the quality of the learning process (the activities of the teaching staff in general and each of its subjects in particular);

    the quality of the conditions (scientific and methodological, managerial, organizational, psychological, material and technical, etc.);

    quality of teachers (qualification).

So, the quality of education is an integral characteristic of the education system, reflecting the degree of compliance of resource provision, educational process, educational results with regulatory requirements, social and personal expectations.

Evaluation of the quality of education - determination, using diagnostic and evaluation procedures, of the degree of compliance of resource provision, the educational process, educational results, regulatory requirements, social and personal expectations.

1.3. Intra-school control as a mechanism for managing the quality of education.

Intraschool control is one of the general functions of intraschool management systems. Unlike inspection, intra-school control is carried out by the subjects of the educational institution itself. The purpose of intra-school control, as emphasized by L.I. Vagina, - to provide information about the real state of affairs in an educational institution, to identify the causes of shortcomings in the work to correct the situation, to provide methodological and practical assistance to teachers. Control and analysis of information underlie management decision-making and thus make management meaningful and purposeful. The information obtained in the course of intra-school control is used in the course of assessing the work of personnel, in summarizing the best pedagogical experience.

Intra-school control includes a systematic study of the life of the school, the educational process and the teacher's work. All aspects of the work of teachers are analyzed: planning, didactic and technical preparation for the lesson, individual work with students, variability of homework, testing and assessing students' knowledge.

Schools lay the foundation for intra-school control pedagogical analysis the results of the work of the teacher and the state of the educational process. The following are put forward as the goals of intra-school control:

    achievement of conformity of functioning and development, pedagogical process at school to requirements of the state standard of education;

    further improvement of the educational process, taking into account the individual characteristics of students, their interests, educational opportunities, health status.

Functions of intraschool control:

    Feedback function.

Without objective and complete information that continuously comes to the manager and shows how the tasks are being performed, the manager cannot manage, make informed decisions.

    diagnostic function.

This refers to an analytical cut and assessment of the state of the object under study based on a comparison of this state with pre-selected parameters for improving the quality and effectiveness of control. It is connected, first of all, with the transfer to a diagnostic basis. The teacher must have a clear understanding of the level of requirements, the criteria for assessing the development of the student and assessment methods.

    stimulating function.

It assumes the transformation of control into a tool for the development of creative principles in the activities of a teacher.

In the educational process, intra-school control is usually carried out over the implementation of general education, the state of teaching subjects, the level of knowledge of the skills and abilities of students, extracurricular educational work, and the organization of extracurricular activities. educational work.

Intra-school control in work with teaching staff is carried out over the implementation of regulatory documents, the implementation of decisions of teachers' councils and the recommendations of scientific and practical conferences, production meetings, the work of methodological associations, the improvement of teachers' qualifications and their self-education.

The educational and material base is subject to intra-school control in terms of such parameters as the storage and use of teaching aids and TSO, the development of the office system, the maintenance of school documentation and school office work, the activities of teaching and educational personnel, etc.

To characterize intraschool control, it is important to comprehend its types, forms and methods. The problem of their classification currently remains debatable, which confirms the relevance of this problem in theory and practice and the ongoing search for its optimal solution. Such scientists as M.L. Portnova, N.A. Shubin, T.I. Shamova and others. So in the classification of T.I. Shamova distinguishes two types of control: thematic and frontal.

Thematic control is aimed at in-depth study any specific issue in the system of activities of the teaching staff, a group of teachers or an individual teacher; at the junior or senior level of schooling; in the system of moral or aesthetic education of schoolchildren. Therefore, notes T.I. Shamov, the content of thematic control consists of various areas of the pedagogical process, particular issues studied deeply and purposefully. The content of thematic control is the innovations introduced at the school, the results of the introduction of advanced pedagogical experience.

Frontal control is aimed at a comprehensive study of the activities of the teaching staff, methodological association or individual teacher. With the frontal control of the activities of the school, all aspects of the work of this educational institution are studied: general education, organization of the educational process, work with parents, financial and economic activities, and more.

Taking into account the fact that control is exercised over the activities of an individual teacher, a group of teachers, the entire teaching staff, several forms of control are distinguished: personal, class-generalizing, subject-generalizing, thematically-generalizing, complex-generalizing.

Figure 1 - Forms of intraschool control.

In the process of intra-school control, methods such as observation, conversations, oral and written control, questionnaires, the study of advanced pedagogical experience, timing, diagnostic methods, i.e. methods that allow obtaining the necessary objective information. Methods of intraschool control complement each other, and if the administration wants to know the real state of affairs, it should, if possible, use various methods control.

When conducting control, it is effective to use the method of studying school documentation, which reflects the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the educational process.

In school practice, sociological methods of collecting information are also widely used; questioning, questioning, interviewing, conversation, method of experimental assessments. They allow the inspector to quickly obtain the information of interest to him, and the proposed methods can contain information that is of interest to the inspector, based on the interested, responsible attitude of the respondents.


2.1 Ascertaining experiment

The organization of intra-school control is one of the most difficult activities of the head of a general education institution, which requires a deep understanding of the mission and role of this function, an understanding of its target orientation and mastery of various technologies. Intra-school control is a system for assessing the state of the educational process in a school. The complex processes taking place in a modern school cannot proceed without analyzing the results of activities, evaluating and self-evaluating the work of a teacher, students, parents, leaders of educational institutions as a single school community.

Each head of the school should have a clear idea of ​​how the school is developing, how the educational process is being improved. In other words, we need awareness of all spheres of life and activities of the team, we need constant feedback. Complete reliable information can only be obtained with the help of well-established intra-school control.

There is no unambiguous interpretation of the essence and purpose of intra-school control either in theory or in practice today.

Yuri Anatolyevich Konarzhevsky believes that intra-school control is one of the most important management functions, which is directly related to the functions of analysis and goal setting.

Aleksey Vasilyevich Chobotar believes that intra-school control is one of the main management functions aimed at obtaining information about the activities of teachers and evaluating it in order to make constructive decisions to further optimize management and self-government at school

I adhere to the following interpretation of intra-school control: intra-school control is the provision of methodological assistance to teachers in order to improve and develop professional skills

interaction between the administration and the teaching staff, focused on improving the quality of education and the effectiveness of the pedagogical process.

It is intra-school control that is the necessary link, as a result of which the regulatory function begins to work, making the necessary adjustments both in the analytical process and in the process of planning and organizing action.

The purpose, content and methods of corrective actions in the management process are dictated by the control function, which, by identifying non-compliance with norms and requirements, provides information about where, what, how and when it is necessary to put in the proper order. The selectivity and accuracy of the regulation function will entirely depend on the level of quality of intra-school control.

It is intra-school control that becomes the necessary link, thanks to which it is possible to carry out the function of analysis, achieving its high-quality implementation. It is intraschool control that acts for the analytical function as the main supplier of the necessary and necessary information, which is then processed and analyzed in the management mechanism. The control function is an integral part of management activities. The information received in the course of control is the basis for making managerial decisions. In the practice of Russian education, the motivating possibilities of control are not used enough. Control is mainly focused on identifying shortcomings, which causes psychological discomfort for the employee. Although, one of the main tasks of control is to encourage teachers to improve the results of their activities, to search for new opportunities.

The negative attitude of teachers to control greatly complicates the implementation of the control and diagnostic function for the administration of the educational institution. Meanwhile, the implementation of control is necessary for the implementation of feedback so that the head knows the objective state of affairs in his institution. Therefore, the manager must create such conditions for control to be as effective as possible, and for the employees of the institution to be interested in the objectivity of control. These and a number of other school problems necessitate the improvement of intra-school control in the school.

The purpose of this work: creation of a system of intra-school control as one of the directions for improving the efficiency of education quality management in an educational institution.

In accordance with the purpose of the work, hypothesis: quality management of the educational process in an educational institution will be effective in creating a system of intra-school control.

To achieve the goals and objectives of the study, a set of methods was used:

    theoretical analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, normative, instructive and methodological documents and materials on the problem under study;

    study and generalization of pedagogical experience in education quality management;

    methods of pedagogical modeling

    methods of observation, questioning.

Pilot research was carried out on the basis of rural MBOU. These are schools with 1594 people. Every year, the school work plan includes the issue of intra-school control. The purpose of intra-school control is: to improve the level of school activities; improving the skills of teachers; improving the quality of education in schools.

Omain control tasks:

    Periodic verification of compliance with the requirements of state, adjusted programs in the subject;

    Formation in students of a responsible attitude to mastering knowledge, skills;

    Systematic control over the quality of teaching academic disciplines. Compliance by teachers with evidence-based requirements for the content, forms and methods of educational work;

    Step-by-step control over the process of mastering knowledge by students, their level of development, possession of methods for self-acquisition of knowledge;

    Assistance to teachers in educational work and improvement of their pedagogical skills;

    Studying the experience of teachers;

    Diagnosing the state of the educational process, identifying deviations from the programmed result in the work of the team and its individual members, creating an atmosphere of interest, trust and joint creativity;

    Development of the most effective technologies for teaching the subject;

    Increasing the responsibility of teachers, implementing the introduction of new methods and techniques of work in the practice of teaching subjects.

The purpose of the ascertaining experiment was to study the quality of education at the initial stage of the study. To achieve this goal, I monitored the progress of education in the 1st half of the 2016-2017 academic year. After carrying out and analyzing the control measures, the following results were obtained:

2.2 Formative experiment

The theoretical provisions on intra-school control outlined in the first chapter as one of the ways to improve the efficiency of education quality management, as well as the analysis of the results of the ascertaining stage of the study, allowed me to determine the purpose of the formative experiment, which is to develop an intra-school control system in order to improve education quality management. In the process of creating a system of intra-school control, it was based on the following principles:

    The principle of searching for the positive: if the controller is set to receive a positive result of the control, will note the success in the work of the teacher in the first place, then the dialogue between him and the supervised about eliminating shortcomings in the work will become more productive.

    The principle of control over the achievement of the goal: it is pointless to exercise control over the process of functioning, cyclically repeating the forms and topics of control. Control should be aimed at obtaining information about the achievement of the goals and objectives of the institution.

    The principle of the subject position of the teacher to the system of intra-school control: the more actively the teachers of the educational institution themselves participate in the process of intra-school control - mutual control and self-control, the more understandable and important it is felt by them.

    The principle of publicity and openness of control: the results of control - both positive and negative, should become known to the whole team. In this case, each member of the team can independently evaluate themselves or note their mistakes in relation to common criteria.

    The principle of consistency: if the control is episodic, then its productivity is sharply reduced.

I have identified the stages and main directions of intra-school control.



HSC planning is carried out on the basis of local acts and taking into account the results of the analysis of the work of the teaching staff.

    Collection of information.

Sources of information: lesson, student team, class journal, student diary, student notebooks, thematic planning teachers, curriculum, test, personal files of students.

Control methods: observation, verification of documentation, survey (oral, written, including questionnaires), testing, operational analysis (analysis of a lesson or event just held with its organizers or participants), retrospective analysis (evaluation of the school's activities by past graduates, analysis of entrance exams ).

Ways to collect information: use of control sheets, various tables, programs and observation schemes, notebooks and visit logs.

    Information processing and expert evaluation.

When processing information and expert evaluation of the results obtained, formulas for calculating quality indicators and rating scales are used.

    Spread of information.

HSC information is brought to the attention of teachers, if necessary - to students and their parents at meetings with the head teacher, production meetings, teachers' councils and parent meetings.

    Data storage.

Results controls are drawn up in the form of tables, graphs, diagrams, test analytical information. Storage is carried out on paper and electronic media.

The main directions, each of which has its own purpose:

1) Quality control of the educational process. This includes:


Purpose: to organize the work of the teaching staff of the school to improve the quality of student achievement; control and correction of the educational process in order to eliminate the causes and obstacles to creating a situation of successful learning.


Purpose: to increase the personal responsibility of school teachers for the effectiveness and quality of their professional activities in order to improve the quality of the educational process.


Purpose: to organize the work of the teaching staff of the school to comply with uniform standards, requirements for the preparation of school documentation, uniform requirements for oral and writing students to conduct written work and check notebooks, to form students' responsible attitude to keeping notebooks and diaries.


Purpose: to organize the work of the teaching staff of the school to ensure successful assimilation basic level education of students with low learning motivation; organize the work of the teaching staff of the school to create conditions for the development and self-development of students, the successful assimilation of curricula by students, the development of their individual abilities, the monitoring and correction of the educational process in order to eliminate the causes and obstacles to creating a situation of successful learning.

2) Intra-school control over the methodological and innovative work of the school.

Purpose: to organize the work of the teaching staff of the school to improve the methodological level of each teacher, to develop and improve the mechanisms for disseminating advanced pedagogical experience, to improve the level of qualifications: to involve teachers in active innovation, to develop competence and research skills of students.

3) Work with teaching staff.

Purpose: to improve the system of work with teaching staff on self-assessment of activities and increase professional competence.

4) Attending lessons.

The purposes of attending classes are different:

4.1. An introductory visit to lessons is an acquaintance with the system of work of a teacher (young specialist, new employee) through attending a series of lessons. The main goal: to evaluate the optimality of the chosen structure of the lesson and the combination of teaching methods and techniques to achieve a pedagogical result. The focus of the administration is the work of the teacher, its effectiveness and consistency.

4.2. Control-generalizing attendance of lessons is a class-generalizing control traditional for each educational institution. The main goal: to assess the state of educational work in a particular class in various subjects for a certain period of time. The focus of the administration is the work of students in a separate lesson and a number of lessons.

4.3. Thematic visiting of lessons is the study of certain aspects of the educational process in an educational institution. Systematic attendance at lessons is carried out regularly, during the academic year or a number of academic years. The main goal: to identify elements of pedagogical excellence (professional creativity, innovation) that deserve to be studied and introduced into pedagogical practice, as well as difficulties and problems that require administrative assistance. The focus of the administration is a selected aspect of the educational process.

In accordance with these directions, a general school work plan was developed, which reflects the system of intra-school control (see Appendix), and control programs were developed.

1.1. Quality control of students' knowledge

Within the framework of this direction, we carry out starting test papers from 2-8, 10 classes; diagnostic work in graduate classes; interviews with class teachers and subject teachers on the basis of preliminary progress for each quarter; control was carried out over the organization of control lessons, the state of teaching the Russian language and mathematics in primary grades and grades 9, 11, identifying the practical orientation of training sessions and organizing the repetition of educational material in graduation and pre-graduation classes. The result of this work is a slight but constant improvement in the quality of knowledge:

Table 2. The effectiveness of the learning process based on the results of the 1st half of the 2016-2017 academic year

1-11 grades

uch-Xia subject to certification

(grades 2-11)

% of progress in OU

% quality by OS

have time

Do not have time

Not rated

With one "3"

With one "2"

With two "2"

More than two "2"

In all subjects


Diagram 1. Comparative performance and quality of knowledge in school.

1.2 Control over the teaching of academic subjects and the professional activities of teachers

Within the framework of this direction, the state of the organization of the educational process is checked:

In the 5th grade, in order to study the continuity in education and upbringing, assimilation program material, diagnosing the level of education, health status, basic emotions at the beginning of education in the 5th grade;

In the 10th grade, in order to diagnose the quality of education and the results of the educational process in the context of specialized education;

- providing methodological assistance to newly arrived teachers, great attention is given to the personal control of teachers;

Analysis of the effectiveness of the use of forms and methods of teaching in the lesson;

Control over the teaching of physical education lessons and organization of the work of the SMG;

Analysis of the effectiveness of the use of forms and methods of teaching in the classroom during the transition to new standards and the organization of extracurricular activities in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard;

The organization of student-centered and differentiated learning in the classroom, first of all, is the personal control of teachers who, according to the results of a quarter, have underachieving students and students with one triple.

Mentoring a young teacher can also be attributed to the same direction. The purpose of this work: to organize work with young teachers, to provide practical assistance to teachers in improving theoretical knowledge and improving pedagogical skills. The work is carried out in the following areas: assisting young professionals in adapting to the teaching staff, raising the level of methodological preparedness of teachers, providing practical assistance to young professionals, ensuring the constant development of modern educational technologies, exchanging experience in successful teaching activities, assisting young professionals in self-educational work, providing psychological support.

The result of this work is a stable performance at the end of the academic year over the past 3 years, a decrease in the number of students conditionally transferred to the next grade.

Diagram 2. Comparative indicators of school performance and quality of knowledge

1.3 Control of school records.

To implement this direction, the following was checked: timeliness and correctness of registration of personal files of students in grades 1, 5, 10; the quality of the preparation of work programs for subjects, elective courses, elective courses; the quality of drawing up the work plans of the Ministry of Defense; observance of a single spelling regime when filling out journals by class teachers and the objectivity of grading by subject teachers; the number and purpose of student notebooks in subjects, compliance with a single spelling mode of registration; the work of class teachers and subject teachers on the issue of the timely setting of current grades and the observance by students of a single spelling regimen when keeping diaries; the availability of posting information for graduates in preparation for the GIA (availability of stands for preparing for the GIA in the classrooms, posting information on the school website); the ability of teachers to correctly draw up lesson plans was analyzed.

Checking school records leads to the conclusion that 90% of teachers fill out the journals correctly and on time, 10% make mistakes, which are reflected in the administration's certificates for checking the journals. An analysis of the system for monitoring students' knowledge in class journals reflected the following: that 20% of teachers violate the system of oral questioning of schoolchildren due to poor accumulation of grades, low density of questioning per lesson, and, as a result, the effectiveness of lessons. Insufficient implementation of current control over the knowledge of low-performing students is noted. In this regard, teachers are recommended to draw up an individual work plan for each poorly performing student. On my part, the lesson plans of teachers are being checked, which should reflect the work with these students and I can control the work of the teacher. The result of this work is the learning indicators based on the results of the 1st half of the 2016-2017 academic year.

1.4 Working with students with low learning motivation and students with a high level of learning and cognitive activity.

AT this direction The HSC includes the following questions: individual conversations with students who have violated discipline during and after school hours; individual conversations with parents of low-performing students; participation in the school stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren; identifying students who are weakly motivated to learn in preparation for the GIA, drawing up a work plan with students with low educational motivation and students with a high level of educational and cognitive activity; availability of monitoring of students and subject teachers in preparation for the GIA; the work of class teachers with students of the "risk group" and their families; the work of subject teachers to eliminate gaps in the knowledge of low-performing students; holding parent meetings in 9th, 11th grades.

Interviews are held every month with teachers of the Russian language and mathematics based on the results of diagnostic work and the preparation of graduates for the GIA, because. it was in the pre-graduation classes that last year there were low indicators according to the results of the transfer certification. Each teacher has drawn up a plan for preparing for the GIA, scheduled individual consultations for each student, and monitors individual records of the results of preparing for the GIA.

Preparation for the GIA for graduates of grades 9, 11 is carried out in accordance with the schedule for preparing for the GIA, which includes the following issues: to improve the quality of teaching subjects, activities for information support of the GIA for both graduates and their parents.

Based on the results of 1 diagnostic work, each subject teacher draws up a plan for preparing for the GIA for both children with low motivation for learning and highly motivated for learning; monitors the recording of the results of preparation for the GIA, both for the class as a whole, and monitors the individual recording of the results of preparation for the GIA; we determine the days and times of individual consultations for each graduate; every month we write diagnostic papers on subjects in order to track the dynamics of each child; we hold parent-teacher meetings, at which we inform about the procedure for conducting the GIA and about changes in this procedure. It has already become a tradition to conduct individual interviews with the parents of graduates to determine for each student an individual strategy for preparing for the exam. The results of such work are visible from the diagrams:

Diagram 3. The percentage of the quality of the OGE in the Russian language of graduates of grade 9

Diagram 4. The percentage of the quality of the OGE in mathematics for graduates of grade 9

Diagram 5. The average test score of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language of 11th grade graduates.

Diagram 6. Average USE test score in mathematics for 11th grade graduates.

Results of participation in olympiads and competitions of different levels.

Every year, the school sums up the results of students' participation in sports competitions, in creative competitions in the field of art and in intellectual competitions and olympiads. For the 2015-2016 academic year, the database "Gifted children" in the sections "Education", "Sport", "Art" was significantly replenished:

Diagram 7. Database "Gifted children".

The most significant Olympiad for all schoolchildren in Russia is the All-Russian Olympiad for Schoolchildren (VSOSh), which is held in several stages. In the 2015-2016 academic year, the school stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren was traditionally held in all subjects (Russian language, literature, mathematics, physics, chemistry, geography, biology, history, social science, law, life safety, Physical Culture), including for students of grade 4 (in Russian and mathematics). Compared to the 2014-2015 academic year, the number of participations in the first (school) stage of the Higher School of Education increased - 683 participations (344 students). In the 2014-2015 academic year - 605 works (317 students). Some of them participated in two, three or even more Olympiads. Completed more than 50% of the tasks - 175 participants of the Olympiads (25.6%), failed to cope with the tasks - 83 people (12%).

84 students passed to the second (municipal stage) (last year - 79 people). 9 students became winners of the municipal stage of the Higher School of Education, taking 12 prizes. There are no first places. Prize 2 - 3 places were taken by 7 students, winners of the IV degree - 5 students.

The number of participation of schoolchildren in intellectual competitions of the regional level and above in the 2016-2017 academic year was 1557, which is 497 more than in the 2015-2016 academic year. For the first time, teachers of the school organized participation in such distance Olympiads and competitions as the All-Russian School Subject Olympiad in the Russian Language "Pallada", the International Olympiad "Foxword", in the International Intellectual Competition "Classics 2015-2016", in the International Distance Competition "Olympis 2016 - Spring Session ".

The number of participation of schoolchildren in intellectual competitions of the regional level and above in the 2015-2016 academic year was 1557, which is 497 more than in the 2014-2015 academic year. For the first time, teachers of the school organized participation in such distance Olympiads and competitions as the All-Russian School Subject Olympiad in the Russian Language "Pallada", the International Olympiad "Foxword", in the International Intellectual Competition "Classics 2015-2016", in the International Distance Competition "Olympis 2016 - Spring Session ".

The increase in the number of participants in Olympiads and competitions at various levels was due to the purposeful work of the Moscow Region and subject teachers specifically with a group of gifted children. The winners of the Olympiads were awarded certificates of honor at the schoolwide lineup. According to the results of the school stage the following decisions are made:

1) Discuss the results of school Olympiads and the number of participants at MO meetings.

2.1. to work out the material of district and regional subject Olympiads of recent years in order to effectively prepare students for the municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren.

2.2. conduct purposeful work with a group of gifted children in preparation for the municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren

2.3. to activate interest in the subject through extra-curricular activities, circle activities, holidays, to provide support, individual work with gifted children, ensuring the implementation of individual educational routes for students.

2.4. increase the number of hours for preparing students for the Olympiads through hours of individual and group lessons and extracurricular activities.

2) Intra-school control over the methodological and innovative work of the school.

The most important means of improving the pedagogical skills of teachers, linking the entire system of school work into a single whole, is methodological work. The role of the methodological work of the school is growing significantly in modern conditions due to the need to rationally and efficiently use new methods, techniques and forms of education and upbringing.

In the 2015-2016 academic year, a pedagogical council was held on the topic "Formation of motivation for an independent search for knowledge." Given the relevance of this topic for successful learning, having systematized the theoretical foundations on the problem of learning motivation, the pedagogical council made the following decision:

    To take as a basis in the practical activities of each teacher the developed scheme for the formation of the student's motivational sphere.

    Use the experience of subject teachers in applying the most effective forms of work, as well as the achievements modern science on the formation of motivation.

    Take into account the age characteristics of the motivation of schoolchildren in the work.

    Consider at the meetings of the School of Education of subject teachers innovative technologies that contribute to increasing the motivation of learning, such as "technology of educational design", "technology of the activity method", "technology of the student's portfolio", etc.

    To motivate independent cognitive activity of students through the creation of a media library, providing the opportunity for free access to the Internet.

Given this decision and taking into account the level of organization of the educational process, the characteristics of the composition of school students in the 2016-2017 academic year methodical theme school sounds like this: « Formation of learning motivation as an indicator of the quality of knowledge.

Directions of methodological work: improving the quality of education at school through the continuous improvement of the pedagogical skills of the teacher, his professional competence in the field of theory and practice of pedagogical science and teaching the subject, the development of innovative teaching technologies.

Forms of methodical work:

    the work of the methodological council of the school;

    work of methodical associations;

    the work of teachers on the topics of self-education;

    open lessons;

    generalization of advanced pedagogical experience of teachers;

    extracurricular work;

    certification of teaching staff, participation in competitions and conferences;

    organization and control of course preparation of teachers.

The main condition for the formation and building up of the necessary and sufficient human resources potential of the MBOU is to provide the system of continuous pedagogical education in accordance with the new educational realities and tasks. For the qualitative implementation of the BEP, school teachers improve their professional skills through continuous professional development every 3 years, participation in professional competitions, organization and conduct of master classes, training seminars, participation in projects, creation and generalization of methodological materials, participation in the work of school methodological associations .

The main requirement for a teacher is the implementation of professional activities in accordance with the requirements of federal state educational standards for primary general, basic general, secondary general education.

The expected result of advanced training - the professional readiness of educators for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard has not been achieved in full. Most of the school's teachers have completed coursework on the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard. In the 2015-2016 academic year, the introduction of basic education standards in the regular mode began in all fifth grades. 90% of working teachers of the school are theoretically ready for this process, of which 100% of teachers teaching in these classes are trained in primary school in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of the IEO. The overall indicator of training in accordance with the GEF OO is 87%. It is not possible to achieve 100% of the indicator of training according to the Federal State Educational Standard, due to the annual replenishment of the teaching staff with new, untrained personnel.

Currently, for objective reasons, 13 teachers have not completed advanced training courses on the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.

The advanced training of pedagogical workers is carried out on the basis of a long-term plan for coursework, taking into account the requests of teachers, the results of their pedagogical activities, taking into account the goals and objectives of the educational organization.

Table 3. Dynamics of passing course preparation.


2012-2013 academic year year

2013-2014 academic year year

2014-2015 academic year year

2015-2016 academic year year

At the advanced training courses at SAEI DPO IROST, as well as on the basis of the CPC and KSU and in other organizations, I studied

including training on implementation in the educational process GEF new generation (planned and targeted)

courses planned professional development

visited targeted courses (courses within the framework of modernization, under agreements with MOUA)

visited targeted courses on the State Assignment of GlavUO, DOiN (free of charge)

attended extrabudgetary courses (procurement, organization of summer holidays, health and safety, PTM, civil defense and emergency, energy saving, etc.)

3). Work with teaching staff.

The quality of students' knowledge and learning also depend on the level of professionalism of teachers. After analyzing this direction, the school administration came to the conclusion that the problem of professional competence of teaching staff is acute.

In this regard, in the intercourse period, for the purpose of intra-organizational training of the school staff, as a self-learning organization, the methodological service of the PA conducts thematic teachers' councils and methodological seminars, the topics of which reflect current problems in the development of education. As part of in-house training, using the experience of school teachers, a pedagogical council was held on the topic “First steps in the implementation of GEF LLC”, the following issues were considered at school-wide methodological seminars and meetings of the School of Education:

    "Designing work programs for academic subjects in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard"

    "Studying the Professional Standard of a Teacher"

    "Actual pedagogical technologies in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standards of a new generation";

    "A modern lesson in the light of the requirements of the GEF LLC."

    "Methodological and psychological support of work with gifted children."

    "Organization of work with underachieving and underachieving students."

    "Self-education is one of the forms of improving the professional skills of a teacher."

The creative group of the MO class teachers held a workshop "The use of modern educational technologies in the activities of the class teacher."

The administration does not remain without attention to such an issue as attending lessons. The school administration attends lessons, training and elective courses and classes in the framework of additional education.

All the lessons attended are analyzed by the administration, recommendations are given to each teacher.

Analysis of class attendance shows:

    enough teachers high level own the technologies of student-centered learning;

    most of the teachers are quite experienced, confidently and professionally master the educational material, ensure the implementation of the standard of education in the subjects;

    in the classroom, a situation of success is created, the creativity of students is encouraged.

Based on the results of the lessons attended, the following conclusions can be drawn:

    Teachers of the school present and strive to comply with uniform requirements for students in the classroom.

    School teachers know how to conduct a traditional lesson, but there is a use of a variety of techniques and methods for organizing educational activities, as well as the use of computer technology, which makes the lesson interesting and informative.

    There is a tendency that some teachers pay enough attention to individual work with low-performing children in the classroom, involving them in the work of the class, concretizing attention on the course of studying educational material, taking into account the level of their preparation when performing tasks. At the same time, attention is paid to the development of monologue speech in students, the ability to illustrate the answer with their own, independently selected examples, to draw up brief plans for reading without leading questions from the teacher, to independently understand the material, to exercise self-control and introspection of educational activities.

    Subject teachers need to use methods and techniques in the classroom that would ensure the effective cognitive activity of all students to the best of their abilities; with the need for the integrated use of various teaching aids aimed at increasing the pace of the lesson and saving time for mastering new educational material, ways of studying it.

2.3 Control experiment

The task of the control stage of the study is to identify changes in the level of quality of education among schoolchildren of the second and third levels of education.

To achieve this goal, I will re-monitor progress based on the results of the 2016-2017 academic year. Namely, at the end of May 2017, the results of the end of the 2nd half of the 2016-2017 academic year will be analyzed in comparison with the results of the 1st half of the 2016-2017 academic year.

But even now, in the course of obtaining intermediate data, it should be noted that it is indeed possible to obtain positive dynamics in the management of the quality of education when using the system of intra-school control. After the activities carried out, the level of assimilation of the material increased among the students, i.e. the quality of education in the educational process has improved.


Today, schools strive to ensure the normal functioning of the educational process, the qualitative achievement of educational results that meet the state standard, and the level of motivation, health and development of students necessary for this. Educational institutions are trying to move from the mode of operation to the mode of development, purposefully engaging in innovative work.

Studying the state of teaching and the quality of students' knowledge is extremely important and significant for solving issues of improving teaching, for managing the educational process, because timely information about the results of the teacher's work and students' learning activities allows the leader to quickly respond to difficulties, provide targeted assistance and regulate educational process.

Among the various ways to improve the efficiency of education quality management, intra-school administrative control is an important factor in the management of the educational process in the school - the leading management function, designed to act as a feedback between the subsystems of the educational institution.

The results of the control make sense and affect the effectiveness of school activities if they themselves are subject to control: the correctness of the choice of criteria for evaluating a particular activity is analyzed, ways are sought for comparing and comparing the data obtained, directions and stages for correcting the identified shortcomings are developed.

The purpose of my work was to create a system of intra-school control as one of the ways to improve the efficiency of education quality management. It was also necessary to experimentally verify the effectiveness of the use of this control system.

After conducting a pilot study, I received results that allowed me to conclude that the low results of our students during monitoring at the ascertaining stage and the positive dynamics of monitoring results at the intermediate stage are not accidental and confirm the need to use an intra-school control system for effective education quality management in an educational institution. Therefore, our hypothesis was confirmed.


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The idea of ​​quality and quality management of education is one of the most relevant at the present stage of development for the Russian school. The positive component of this approach lies in the fact that during its implementation it is preserved as continuity Russian traditions education, and expanding the set of positions that best meet the modern needs of society and standards. Quality management in a general education institution affects all components of its structure: target, functional, technological, organizational, informational, normative, criterial. In the conditions of the school, education quality management can follow two “circuits”: quality management of the educational process and management of its development.

The process of quality management, on the one hand, is a complex activity of the team for the creation, development, use and dissemination of the new, and on the other hand, it is a self-developing whole, which, in the process of its development, goes through certain stages of complication.

In the works on school management (V.I. Zvereva, Yu.A. Konarzhevsky, V.S. Lazarev, A.M. Moiseev, M.M. Potashnik, P.I. Tretyakov, T.I. Shamova, etc.) distinguish:

Functioning management - ensuring the use of the educational potential available at the school at a previously accessible level (object - the educational process and the processes that support it: material and technical support, personnel, financial support);

Development management - ensuring the capacity building of the school and increasing the level of its use through the development of some innovations (the object is innovative processes and processes for their provision).

Henri Fayol (1924) identifies 5 management functions: foresight, organization, command, coordination and control.

Lazarev B.C. (1997) identifies four main sequential management activities (functions): planning, organization, leadership and control.

MM. Potashnik (1992) defines the following logical series of managerial functions: forecasting - programming - planning - organization - regulation - control - stimulation - correction and analysis before and after each link of management.

Yu.A. Konarzhevsky (1999) also highlights the functions of goal-setting and coordination.

Features of school management in general and teaching staff in particular are related to the fact that general theory management began to be actively projected onto the domestic system within school management quite late, while not always taking into account the characteristics of the school organization.

Management of the quality of education at the level of a general education school is a rather complex process in the overall structure of school management as a social system and is considered as a process of purposeful influence on the factors that determine the quality of education (a phenomenon of the educational process that has a project nature); as conceptual attitudes and managerial actions aimed at achieving certain pre-predicted achievements of pupils and teachers.

School management means the influence of the leader on the participants in the educational process in order to achieve the planned result. The object of management in this case is the educational process and the program-methodical, personnel, material and technical, legal conditions that provide it, and the goal is the effective use of the potential available in the educational system, increasing its efficiency. The effectiveness of the management of an educational institution is largely determined by the presence of a systematic approach to the management of all its links. It is very important to be able to see the prospects for the development of an educational institution, to build program activities based on the creative potential of the teaching staff.

Education quality management, being one of the functions of management structures, acts as a means of developing the existing educational system. The area of ​​quality management includes such areas of activity of the teaching staff of the school as self-certification, the adoption of the concept of innovative transformations, the development of an educational project for one year and a development program for five years. Self-assessment (the process of establishing the level of compliance of the quality of school education with the concept of quality adopted by an educational institution) provides all participants in the educational process with high-quality management information, allows timely identification of problems and unused resources, identification of obvious and hidden, internal and external contradictions of the educational system of the school; determine the degree of sustainability of the school, determine the degree of sustainability in relation to external factors; make a choice of priority educational tasks.

In the conditions of modernization of education, the ways to meet the professional needs of school teachers include, along with innovative approaches, the following:

* organize the work of the teaching staff in such a way that everyone can reveal their pedagogical potential;

* educate and develop the spirit of a single team in the team;

* do not destroy the informal groups that have arisen, but use them in the interests of the cause;

* contribute to the continuous professional and personal development of team members;

* create conditions for the professional activity of the teacher at school and beyond.

Taking into account the tasks of modernizing education, the management of the educational process at school, in our opinion, becomes optimally effective under certain conditions that we try to observe in practice. Management becomes successful if:

* the work of the school is dominated by pedagogical management, and all other types of management are aimed at improving the educational process;

* the student is the subject of pedagogical management;

* the entire pedagogical system in and out of school is aimed at upbringing, education and personal development;

* pedagogical management is carried out by a teacher, educator with the assistance of the headmaster and his deputies;

* it corresponds to the object of management and uses special methods of pedagogical management;

* purposeful training and education are considered as a controlled process;

* the administrative mechanism for the development of democratic principles in education has been rebuilt.

The quality of education is a generalized measure of the effectiveness of the functioning of the educational system of the school . The success of the entire educational process depends on the quality of the goal set. The goal and result of the quality of education at school should be the holistic development of a growing person, his readiness for self-determination, self-development and creativity, for self-organization of his life.

Improving the quality of education cannot take place at school through one-off events or be aimed at eliminating one or another educational gap. The quality of education is, first of all, the face of the school, its teaching staff and director, if only because “walls do not teach”. Therefore, we can say that the director, fighting for quality, fights for the school.

The principal of the school, as a rule, reflecting the goals and methods of action, able to foresee the results of his actions and the actions of the school team, must competently guide the school team to achieve the goal of improving the quality of education, based on the needs of students, the parent community and create conditions at school for educating a person in a modern way. educated.

The director distributes the work among his assistants, gives them the opportunity to show creativity and initiative. He is the organizer and leader of the entire school team. The director is obliged to ensure an increase in the ideological and political level of school employees, the correct organization of all educational work, polytechnic and vocational training for students. Intra-school management of the quality of education provides for a combination of program-targeted management with a focus on developing self-esteem, self-control and self-government in the teaching staff. Intra-school management of the quality of education is a new targeted approach designed to eliminate the discrepancy between the results of the educational activities of the school and the realities of the information society, the essence of which is to provide all participants in the educational process with objective management information about the quality of school education in order to resolve and overcome the identified contradictions and problems of educational practice. All this prompts us to consider the inclusion of the teaching staff in the management of the quality of education as the most important condition for the successful functioning and development of the school. At the same time, the innovative activity of the teaching staff, when teachers constantly feel their involvement in managing changes, as a result of which the school acquires the ability to achieve higher educational results than before, is considered as a means of developing their professional competence.

Within the framework of the system of intra-school education quality management, the issues of general management of the educational system and the problems of education quality management are solved in a complex, while the quality management functions are of a cross-cutting nature in relation to all the functions of general management.

The implementation of the system of intra-school management of the quality of education contributes to the planning and implementation of innovative activities in the context of the conditions for the functioning of the school, depending on the tasks and available resources; increases the effectiveness of educational technologies aimed at the personal development of the child
(collaborative learning, developmental learning, research methods in teaching, project method, computer technology, etc.); contributes to the increase of competence: for managers - managerial, for teachers - professional, for students - educational.

The organizational and pedagogical conditions for the inclusion of the teaching staff of the school in the management of the quality of education are the scientific and methodological support of innovative activities, which ensures the consistent and systematic formation of the professional consciousness of teachers according to the main characteristics of the quality of education; the development by teachers of methods of diagnostic evaluation of factors (student achievement, teacher competence, quality of management, quality of the educational program, quality of school life, quality of resources) that determine the quality of school education; distribution of powers and responsibilities in the teaching staff for the implementation of the functions of education quality management (assessment of the quality of education, reflection of the results of diagnostic assessment, design); improvement of information support for the management system of an educational institution. The criteria for the readiness of the teaching staff of the school to manage the quality of education are the interest in the implementation of innovative pedagogical activities; knowledge of the methodological foundations of diagnostic assessment and the ability to apply the selected methods; the ability to find possible ways to resolve the identified contradictions and problems of educational activities (both hearing schoolchildren and children with hearing impairment), to determine the hidden opportunities and needs of participants in the educational process in self-realization; the ability to identify priority changes in the field of education quality when planning and organizing innovative activities.

The main means of developing intra-school management of the quality of education is pedagogical design, which involves the development of the concept of innovative transformations (the regulatory framework for actions implementing the project); programming a set of activities in a logical and temporal sequence relative to the original plan; drawing up a general plan for the implementation of the project.

It should be noted that the management of the quality of education in an educational institution presupposes the existence effective system tracking both the administration and the teachers of the institution of the characteristics of the effectiveness of educational activities. The system for tracking the quality of educational activities should be carried out by a general educational institution, primarily on the basis of monitoring. The main criterion for selecting information in the system of pedagogical monitoring is the ability of a particular subject of management, based on its results, to make management decisions at its level. In an educational institution, pedagogical monitoring is a complex analytical system which includes the following areas:

1. Monitoring the quality of management activities of the administration:

activity style; the effectiveness of management activities; organizational and pedagogical culture.

2. Monitoring the quality of teaching: the quality of teachers' activities;

lesson quality; the quality of school documentation (class journals; calendar and thematic planning; mandatory reporting); the quality of the educational environment (the design of classrooms; the state of the material and technical and educational and methodological base of classrooms, the effectiveness of its use).

3. Monitoring the quality of educational work: the quality of plans for educational work and the completeness of their implementation; the quality of extracurricular activities; interaction of subjects of education; satisfaction of students and parents with the psychological microclimate in classrooms.

4. Monitoring the quality of the organization of the educational process: examination of the curriculum (lessons, circles, electives, elective courses); examination of planning and analysis of the implementation of intra-school control measures; monitoring the quality of execution of regulatory documents and decisions taken(pedagogical councils, collective meetings, meetings of MS, MO), etc.

5. Monitoring the quality of innovation activity (IA): the level of involvement of teachers in innovation activity: readiness for IA, dynamics of participation in IA, analysis of the implementation of IA programs, the level of satisfaction of teachers with innovation activity: IA of a general education institution; own ID quality examination of ID teachers for the purpose of their certification, preparation for conferences, participation in competitions.

6.Monitoring of the provision of the educational process: educational and methodological support, logistics, staffing, scientific and methodological support; psychological and valeological support.

7. Monitoring the quality of student learning: the results of all types of tests, the results of state certification of 11th grade graduates; the level of development of key competencies of a school graduate; academic performance, learning rating (by students, by grades, by subjects, by teachers), the formation of skills and abilities, the continuation of education by school graduates.

8. Monitoring of upbringing, personal and creative achievements of students: upbringing of students and graduates of the school; participation in competitions, olympiads, projects; participation in sports competitions; participation in research and project activities .

The listed areas of monitoring studies convincingly show us that in the work on quality there should be a clear understanding that not only the activities of students, their academic and creative successes, but also the professional competence of managers, teachers, class teachers, and the provision of the educational process are subject to study and evaluation. Therefore, one of the tasks is to create and use a single information space for monitoring the quality of education, based on the use of a wide range of assessment and criteria complexes, qualimetric procedures and methods.

The effectiveness of the management of an educational institution is the result of achieving the goals of management activities, and the effectiveness of the management of an educational institution is the result of achieving the goals of an educational institution. If the desired properties of the result are achieved quickly and with saving resources, it is legitimate to talk about the effective management of the school.

Management technology is a scientifically substantiated, purposeful interaction of the head of the school with other subjects of the educational process, focused on achieving the planned result. The effectiveness of managerial activity largely depends on the ability of the administration of an educational institution to manage the educational process based on a technological approach. Management activity can be represented as a technological chain (Fig. 1).

Figure 1 - Technological chain of management activities

To effectively manage a school, a leader needs to know what are the criteria for its success or, conversely, what causes problems, and monitor the dynamics according to these criteria, analyzing the results and correcting managerial style. The correct choice of performance criteria is the most important requirement, since incorrectly chosen indicators do not allow achieving the results that are defined by the goal.

The criteria complex includes four groups of criteria, specified in their most important indicators and indicators (features) (Fig. 2).

Figure 2 - Criteria complex

Any managerial decision is a formally fixed project of some kind of operational change in the educational system, in the implementation of which, in addition to the subject making the decision, other members also participate.

The objects of operational management can be the system of the educational process, the system of the educational process, the system of the physical culture and health improvement process, the system of organizing medical care, the system of the correctional process, the system of organizing rational nutrition, etc.

In the context of modernizing the education system and increasing independence when delegating many rights and powers to the educational institution itself, and hence increasing its responsibility, it seems that the operational control and diagnostic activities of managers should, more than ever, take a special place in managing the development of education quality. The combination of administrative and public control within the institution with introspection, self-control and self-assessment of each participant in the pedagogical process is included in the practice of the educational institution.

Intraschool control is one of the most important managerial functions, which is directly related to the functions of analysis and goal setting: according to Yu.A. Konarzewski, data without analysis is dead, and in the absence of a goal, there is nothing to control.

"The modern idea of ​​intra-school control is based on a diagnostic approach, that is, on an approach in which the state of a system or process is identified in its entirety by studying parts, elements, aspects and the entire system as a whole" .

The purpose of intra-school control, as emphasized by L.I. Vagina, - to provide information about the real state of affairs in an educational institution, to identify the causes of shortcomings in the work to correct the situation, to provide methodological and practical assistance to teachers. Control and analysis of information underlie management decision-making and thus make management meaningful and purposeful.

Since a modern general education school is a complex, highly organized institution, in order to solve the tasks set, control should be:

  • Multipurpose- that is, it is aimed at checking various issues (educational, methodological, experimental and innovative activities, improving the educational and material base of the school, fulfilling sanitary and hygienic requirements, observing safety precautions, etc.);
  • Multilateral- means the application of various forms and methods of control to the same object (frontal, thematic, personal control of the teacher's activities, etc.);
  • Multistage- control of the same object by different levels of government (the work of the teacher during the educational process is controlled by the director, deputy directors, chairmen of methodological associations, representatives of the district education department, etc.).

Control objectives:

Competent verification of the implementation of decisions of the governing bodies in the field of education and regulatory documents;

Collection and processing of information on the state of the educational process;

Providing feedback in the implementation of all management decisions;

Skillful, correct and prompt correction of shortcomings in the activities of performers;

Improving the management activities of the leaders of an educational institution based on the development of their analytical skills and abilities;

Identification and generalization of advanced pedagogical experience.

Control tasks:

Create favorable conditions for the development of an educational institution;

Ensure the interaction of the control and managed systems;

Create an information data bank on the work of each teacher, the state of the educational process, the level of education, the development of students;

Encourage the elimination of existing shortcomings and the use of new opportunities;

Motivate teachers to improve work results.

The type of control is a set of forms of control carried out for a specific purpose. Features of the types of control are determined by the specifics of their objects and tasks, as well as the means used for control.

In terms of goals: strategic, tactical, operational.

By process steps: primary or qualifying, educational or intermediate, final or final.

In terms of time direction: warning or leading, current, final.

Frequency of conduction: one-time, periodic (input, intermediate, current, preliminary, final), systematic.

Latitude of the controlled area: selective, local, continuous.

By organizational forms: individual, group, collective.

By object: personal, class-generalizing, subject-generalizing, thematically-generalizing, frontal, complex-generalizing.

Intraschool control, as rightly noted by I.V. Gurevich, should be reduced to a minimum of objects of control (to the choice of priority areas of control). He calls this minimum the basic component of intraschool control. It is that invariant intra-school control that enables the school management to prepare it for certification, maintain the integrity of the educational process of the school, and guarantee the state standard of education for school graduates.

At the same time, the educational institution has the opportunity to follow the program documents for the modernization of the education system. To do this, the institution can expand the intra-school control plan at the expense of the variant part. The basic component of intra-school control (invariant) will be provided by the State Education Standard, and the innovative (variable) component allows organizing modern management, which will depend on the concept chosen by the institution. The basic component of intraschool control serves the stable structures of the management system of the educational institution, while the innovative component is aimed at servicing mobile structures.

Given the current level of the educational process, school leaders should strive for continuity in the scientific and methodological growth of the entire teaching staff, the new academic year should be a continuation of the past in improving the pedagogical skills of each member of the team.

The objects of intraschool control are the following areas:

  • the educational process (the quality and progress of the implementation of educational programs and State educational standards; the quality of knowledge, skills and abilities of students; the state of teaching academic disciplines; the productivity of the teacher; work with gifted children, etc.);
  • the educational process (the level of upbringing of students; the state and quality of the organization of extracurricular educational work; the effectiveness of the joint activities of the school, family and the public in educating students; work with pedagogically neglected children, etc.);
  • work with teaching staff (implementation of normative documents and decisions made; methodological work; advanced training; certification of teachers; ensuring a favorable psychological climate, etc.);
  • conditions of the educational process (labor protection; NOT of teachers and students; sanitary and hygienic condition);
  • in a correctional school of type I-II - correctional work (implementation of methodological principles for the development of auditory perception and the formation of pronunciation in the classroom, assessment of the level of development of speech hearing, taking into account the state of pronunciation);
  • methodological work (implementation of plans for methodological associations, the quality of methodological activities at school).

Similar information.

After studying the materials, you need to:

1. Suggest criteria and indicators for each area of ​​the future program of systemic monitoring of the educational process of MBOU Secondary School No. 34.

2. Fill out the questionnaire.

3. Offer your own version of the draft decision of the teachers' council.


“Management means to foresee, organize,

dispose, coordinate and control” (A. Fayol).

Modern reality makes it necessary to replace the formula "education for life" with the formula "education through life". The objective need for continuous education and adequate management of it comes from the contradiction between the avalanche-like increase in the volume of necessary human knowledge and skills, on the one hand, and limited opportunities for mastering them, on the other. Thus, the problem arises of creating an adaptive educational environment and an appropriate management system, the global goal of which is to provide conditions and assistance to the student in obtaining education in accordance with his natural abilities and taking into account his needs and interests in learning.

In this regard, for educators, the problem of managing the quality of education is of particular importance.

What is understood in modern pedagogy by the concepts of "quality", "quality of education", "management", "management of the quality of education"?

“Quality is a general scientific category used by specialists in various fields. Turning to dictionaries, we see that quality is understood as the conformity of an object as a result of labor to certain specified standards. In relation to the field of education, quality is the normative level that the “products” of the education sector must comply with. In other words, the quality of education is a system of socially conditioned relations to the world that a student must have.

In the theory of social management, the concept of "quality" is usually considered in a narrow and broad sense. Quality in the narrow sense is the quality of results. Quality in a broad sense is not only the quality of products, but also the quality production process and the conditions in which it is carried out: the quality of personnel training, the quality of technology, the quality of financial and material conditions, the quality of labor, the quality of the conceptual course of management, etc.

For each educational institution, indicators of the quality of education in the narrow sense are always specific, they correspond to the model of the graduate, which is determined by the goals, objectives, content of education in this institution, its human resources, scientific and methodological support and conditions of education. So in MBOU secondary school No. 34, the purpose of the activity for 1st cells.: to form a person who is ready to continue education in a basic school, able to comprehend new knowledge and apply it in practice; for grades 2-11: the creation of a modern educational environment that provides conditions for mastering the content of education in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, the formation and education of creative, competent and successful citizens of Russia, the improvement of a comprehensively developed, competitive personality who can realize his abilities, inclinations and needs.

At the same time, there are indicators of the quality of education in the narrow sense, which determine the quality of results at the level of state standards and state orders (Law of the Russian Federation "On Education"), so they can be common to all educational institutions:

the education of schoolchildren;

The level of formation of general educational skills and abilities;

level of creative activity;

level of upbringing;

level of personality development in mental, social, biological aspects;

The level of life security, social adaptation.

Education quality indicators in a broad sense are universal for any educational institution:

the quality of education in the narrow sense;

quality of management: goals, objectives, content of education; staffing, scientific and methodological support; conditions of education (sanitary - hygienic, economic, material - technical, informational, psychological, legal, social, domestic, aesthetic, spatial, tempo-rhythmic, temporal);

The quality of the implementation of the educational process:

Quality of compliance with state educational standards;

The quality of meeting the needs of students and their parents;

Quality of compliance with the needs of public institutions;

· the image of the educational institution, which guarantees the high quality of education.

With a certain degree of simplification, we can say that quality is compliance with certain specified standards, and quality management is the process of bringing the system to a certain standard.

It means to carry out all management functions to achieve the specified indicators, both in the narrow and in the broad sense, to have a guaranteed result.

In the management of the quality of education, it is necessary to adhere to a certain algorithm of actions:

1. Collection of information about the state of the object and the external environment.


level of education;

levels of formation of general educational skills and abilities;

level of creative activity;

level of upbringing;

level of personality development in mental, social, biological aspects;

level of life security, social adaptation.

2. Analysis of the received information.

3. Studying the motivation of schoolchildren, teachers.

4. Setting goals, objectives, determining the content of education.

5. Building forecasts, planning, programming.

6. Organization of the educational process in accordance with the goals, objectives, plans, programs.

7. Control over the level of education of schoolchildren. Control over teaching activities.

8. Rediagnosis.

9. Analysis of diagnostic results.

10. Self-analysis of management activities.

11. Analysis of the quality of the implementation of the educational process, compliance with state education standards, the needs of students, parents, as well as analysis of the viability of the image of the institution.

12. Regulation of education quality management.

13. Organization of the educational process in accordance with the program of regulation and correction.

14. Control over the level of education.

15. Examination of the quality of education.

The sequence of execution of the control function in this algorithm has great importance: gradually replacing each other, the functional links form a single management cycle with a time limit of one year. Underestimation of any of the functional elements leads to a change in the entire management process and a decrease in its final results.

The problem of the quality of education is inextricably linked with the problem of the quality of a person, with his advanced development in the education system, which forms public intelligence as a factor in the progressive development of society. The school gives the graduate a certificate of maturity, which should reflect not only the results of his academic performance, but also the readiness for independent life, the integral result of the processes of training, development and education - social maturity. To solve the problem of the quality of education, new concepts of school education are needed, aimed at developing the student as a healthy personality and creative individuality.

In examining the quality of education, it is important explore perceptions of the teachers themselves about the quality of school education, as this makes it possible to adjust the goals and content of the process of improving their qualifications. To this end, a survey of teachers was conducted in a number of Russian schools. They were asked to answer the question “What do you understand by the quality of education in a modern school?” The answers were combined into 4 groups according to the indicators:

1) the quality of knowledge, academic performance, admission to universities of graduates;

2) intellectual development, motivation for education and self-education, creativity of students;

5. Guarantee of resource provision of schools on the basis of federal and regional standards.

6. Creation and development of mechanisms that ensure the democratic management of the school, the creation of a system of public support for the school.

7. Development of information-methodical and scientific-pedagogical potential of the school.

How is each of the tasks designed to ensure the achievement of the 4 goals outlined earlier implemented in the education system? Consider the example of our school, region or country as a whole. The Law on Education states basic guarantees and rights of children to education. Parents together with their children can choose a school, program, class of study, depending on the preparedness of the children. Any student, subject to availability, may enroll in any school. Students of the final 9th ​​grade are free to choose their further profile of study, students of the 10th grade can change their choice of profile, and even after studying the academic year in a profile class, they can switch to another profile.

Education of a free, self-determining personality, independently adapting in a team and society This is not only the task of the teacher, but of the entire teaching staff. From account. d. the staffing of the school introduced the rate of a teacher-psychologist, which made it possible to solve the problems of adaptation that arise in first-graders, fifth-graders and tenth-graders during the transition to the next stage of education. Troubleshooting in a timely manner adolescence and the willingness of teachers to help children is the basis for their successful adaptation in later life.

The transition to educational standards that guarantee the formation of personality in accordance with the needs of today. All over the country since 09/01/2011. the introduction of the GEF of primary general education has begun. Each school has done a great job in preparation for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard. In our school, the material and technical base has been updated (a computer class, furniture have been purchased for elementary students, textbooks have been 100% purchased, the Origins program is 100% provided with textbooks, etc.), human resources have been prepared, and the legal framework has been brought into line. institutions, explanatory work was carried out with parents. The school has begun work on the development of an educational program for basic general education (second stage).

Guaranteed to provide the school with qualified teaching staff. The national project "Education" provides for the phased provision of Russian schools with qualified teaching staff. This is facilitated to a greater extent by an increase in the wages of educators. Thus, young professionals in the first 2 years of work in the field of education are provided with an additional payment of 45% of their salary. In August 2011, by the Decree of the Government of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra dated 06/23/11, the draft Decree "On Amendments to the Decree of the City Administration "On the Introduction of a New Remuneration System in Municipal Educational Institutions of the City of Surgut"" amended the Regulations on the stimulation of the work of education workers, as a result of which the salary of teachers and educators of kindergartens is guaranteed to increase by 16%. The activity evaluation criterion is “Providing an individual approach in the implementation of the main general educational programs of general, preschool, additional education” allows you to increase the salary up to 25%. From account. the school conducts a personnel policy to strengthen the potential (in September 2010 - only 4 young teachers, 3 of them were accepted in the academic year; in September 2011 - 7 young specialists, 5 of them were accepted at the beginning of the academic year; G.). In this regard, one of the most important tasks of the school administration is to organize the professional adaptation of a young teacher to the educational environment. In account. The methodologist of the school developed a 3-year plan of work with young specialists.

Guarantee of resource provision of schools on the basis of federal and regional standards. In the framework of the comprehensive target program "Our new school of Ugra" in 2011. allocated 3 million rubles. for promotion wages education workers. This program also provides for the construction of 7 kindergartens until 2015. In the 3rd quarter of 2011 The school has also started a comprehensive renovation.

Creation and development of mechanisms that ensure the democratic management of the school, the creation of a system of public support for the school. The modern edition of the law "On Education" provides a wide range of tools for involving the most diverse, not only parental, community in the affairs of education, in the management of an educational institution. After the Federal Law "On autonomous institutions» the opportunities for public participation in the management of education and new organizational and legal forms of educational institutions have expanded. Democratic school governance cannot be achieved without public support. That is why in 2011 the school developed a local act - Regulations on the Board of Trustees. After the opening of the school after the repair, elections will be held for the board of trustees, which will include parents, responsible persons of organizations and institutions that constantly sponsor the school. The main task of the board of trustees is to allocate funds for the needs of the school. From 09/01/2011 the management structure of the school has been changed: the post of deputy director for VVVR has been abolished, the functions of which are divided between the deputy directors for educational work of the 1st and 2nd and 3rd levels.

Development of information-methodical and scientific-pedagogical potential of the school. The use of modern information and communication, pedagogical technologies in educational institutions provides potentially new opportunities for changing the educational process and the formation of a diversified personality capable of realizing creative potential in dynamic socio-economic conditions, both in their own vital interests and in the interests of society. ICT is a tool that allows all subjects of the educational process to qualitatively change the methods and organizational forms his work.

Manage the quality of education- means to carry out all management functions to achieve the specified indicators, both in the narrow and in the broad sense, to have a guaranteed result. Based on the results of the analysis of the work of MBOU secondary school No. 34 for account. directions of system monitoring were developed for the development of a comprehensive targeted program.

Exercise 1: propose criteria and indicators for each direction of the future program of systemic monitoring of the educational process of MBOU secondary school No. 34.




Monitoring the educational needs of students and society

Participants in the educational process

Monitoring the quality of education

The quality of teaching, the dynamics of progress by school, parallel, class

Quality of additional services

Quality of work with gifted children

Quality of work with children with disabilities

Implementation of state programs

Monitoring the level of socialization of the personality of students

Monitoring the level of professionalism of pedagogical and managerial personnel

Teaching staff

Monitoring the interests of students

Student survey

Monitoring the health status of students

Assessment of the functional state of the body of students, the state of health of students in grades 1-11

Sociometry, pedagogy

Analyzing the goals of education, it is necessary to be able to find answers to the following questions:

1. What age children should be enrolled in school? What level of education should they receive on a mandatory basis? What level of education should be public, but not compulsory?

2. What changes in the learning environment are needed to ensure compliance with the state standard?

3. What conditions need to be created in order to increase the influence of parents on the education of children at school?

4. What type of personality in modern conditions can ensure the development of society and their own development? etc.

Solution all specified and many others problems is realistic only on the basis of combining our efforts around the noble goal of the formation and realization of the personality of the child, the individualization of all participants in the educational process.

In this way, during the correspondence teacher's council we considered:

concepts of quality, quality of education, management, quality management of education;

Algorithm of actions in education quality management;

direction of a comprehensive target program for systemic monitoring of the educational process;

· the results of a survey of teachers on the quality of school education;

social expectations associated with the modern school;

· the main values, goals, main tasks of quality education.

Kipling also wrote: “Education is the greatest of earthly goods if it is of the highest quality. Otherwise, it is completely useless." The quality of education “sets” the quality of life of a person and society, because it is determined not only by the quality of ZUN, but also by the quality of the personal, worldview, civic development of the younger generation and its emotional and value orientation in the world around. Hence, the problem of the quality of education should be considered from the position, first of all, of the human and social value of education, since a full-fledged education received by a person allows him not only to acquire certain knowledge about nature, man, society, but also to know himself, to manifest himself later as a citizen, family man, worker.

Task 2: h complete the provided questionnaire.


Dear colleagues! For the first time we tried the correspondence form of holding a meeting of the pedagogical council. We hope that the material offered to you was useful and relevant. Please answer the questionnaire as honestly and as fully as possible:

1. How would you rate the proposed form of work with the team

a) was interesting and useful

b) I prefer face-to-face communication rather than face-to-face communication

c) no, I did not like this form

d) I can't answer this question

e) other __________________________________________________________________

2. Material offered to you:

a) accessible and useful

b) obscure, off topic

c) unnecessary

d) find it difficult to answer the question

e) other _________________________________________________________________________

3. In order to improve the organization of the work of the teachers' council, I suggest _________________


Task 3: make your proposals to the draft decision of the pedagogical council:

In preparing these materials, the following literature was used:

1., deputy. Head of the Department of Education of the Administration of Orenburg, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Head of the NMD of Education of the Administration, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Head. department, professor of the OGPU “Management of the quality of education as a pedagogical problem” - magazine “Dean of studies” No. 5, 2001

2. , Ph.D., professor, head of the department of the Leningrad Regional Institute for the Development of Education in St. Petersburg "Acmeology: a new quality of education" - magazine "Zavuch" No. 3, 2004 magazine "Zavuch" No. 6, 2004 G.

3., Head of the Department of Theory and Practice of Education Management of the Smolensk Regional Institute for the Improvement of Teachers “Priorities of modern education - the essence of its quality” - magazine “Zavuch” No. 5, 2001

4., Veliky Novgorod "Quality of education: diagnostics and assessment" - magazine "Chemistry at school" No. 8, 2004

5. Analysis of the work of MBOU secondary school No. 34 for account. G.

Additional material:

Scheme of lesson analysis in the context of education quality management


The state of pedagogical activity

1. Pedagogical "I-concept"

Pedagogical position

Goals, objectives of the lesson

Presentation of the result of activity

2. Pedagogical excellence

2. Ability to learn

3. Ensuring activities

Methodological support:

a) the equipment of the learning process;

c) pedagogical innovations; their place and role

one . Ready for the lesson

2. Skills:




Definitions of concepts;

Evidence and refutation

4. Educational outcomes

The conditions that the teacher creates to ensure the educational results of students:






1. Mastering the content of education:

Variety of skills and abilities; - literacy of practical actions

2. Activity in the educational process

3. Dynamics of student development

4. Student satisfaction

The material was prepared by Director of WRM,


Annotation. The relevance of the article is due to the need to improve the quality management system in education. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the normative, theoretical and methodological foundations for the development of a quality management system in educational organizations. The authors present a hierarchical structure of the quality of education, which makes it possible to build a unified management system for educational organizations at the all-Russian level. The article is intended for teachers, researchers, managers and employees of educational organizations involved in improving the quality of education.

Key words: education, quality, quality management system, improvement, quality indicators.


abstract. The relevance of the article is caused by the necessity of improving the quality management system in education. The goal of the article is justification normative, theoretical and methodological foundations of quality management system development in educational programs. The authors have shown the hierarchical structure of the educational quality that allows to build a unified management system of educational institutions on the all-Russian level. The article is intended for teachers, researchers, managers and employees of educational organizations that are involved in improving the quality of education.

Keywords: education, quality, quality management system, improvement, quality indicators.

In recent years, the problem of assessing the quality of education, as well as organizational, managerial, pedagogical and other methods of solving it, has radically transformed, which is reflected in the practical activities of educational organizations of the Russian Federation at various levels. One of the directions, the implementation of which would allow the education system to be competitive, is the application of the principles of total quality management and the introduction of quality management systems. The quality of education in educational institutions of various levels must meet modern requirements in the field of quality, including trends in the increasing use of high technology and information resources of society, advances in the field of computer information

communication systems, innovative approaches to the formation and development of the personality of the subject of education.

The modern system of education quality management in Russia can be considered structurally as follows: federal system, regional,

municipal and educational organization level, see fig. 1. Each level is characterized by its own characteristics:

At the federal level, the quality management system is regulated by regulatory

legislative framework: “The Law on

education”, and other regulations, for example: order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of December 5, 2014 N 1547 “On the approval of indicators characterizing the general criteria for assessing the quality of educational activities of organizations engaged in educational

activities” and others. The Law on Education of the Russian Federation contains a number of articles that establish regulations in the field of ensuring and controlling the quality of education. Article 93. State control (supervision) in the field of education includes federal state control of the quality of education and federal state supervision in the field of education. The same article contains an explanation: “Federal state control of the quality of education is understood as an activity to assess the conformity of educational activities and the training of students in an organization that carries out educational activities according to educational programs that have state accreditation, the requirements of federal state educational standards through the organization and conduct of quality checks of education and taking the measures provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation to suppress and eliminate the identified violations of the requirements of federal state educational standards.

Figure 1. Hierarchy of education quality

Article 95 of the above law describes the activities of organizations that carry out an independent assessment of the quality of education in educational institutions of various levels. "Independent assessment of the quality of education - examines the compliance of the education provided with the needs individual and a legal entity in whose interests educational activities are carried out, assisting them in choosing an organization that carries out educational

activities, and educational program, increasing competitiveness

organizations implementing

educational activities, and the educational programs they implement in the Russian and international markets. However, any assessment carried out within the framework of this article does not lead to responsible measures and decisions, for example, such as deprivation of a license or accreditation, in this case, functionally, such checks are aimed at identifying the level of organization of the work of educational institutions for the implementation of educational programs based on publicly available information. information. Article 90 of the Law on Education establishes the regulations for educational activities, which include:

1) licensing of educational activities;

2) state accreditation of educational activities;

3) state control (supervision) in the field of education.

Thus, the Law on Education as a regulatory document involves monitoring and assessing the quality of education in the following main positions:

The quality of the educational program;

The quality of the potential of the scientific and pedagogical staff involved in the educational process;

The quality of the potential of students (at the entrance of the educational institution - the quality of the potential of applicants, at the exit - the quality of the potential of graduates);

The quality of the means of the educational process (material and technical, laboratory and experimental base, educational and methodological support, classrooms, broadcast knowledge, etc.);

Quality of educational technologies;

Quality of management of educational systems and processes (managerial technologies in education).

These procedures are incorporated into the accreditation and licensing indicators for assessing the quality of education and are controlled by the Russian Federal Supervision Agency. The most important indicator for issuing a license and accrediting an educational organization is the compliance of the educational services provided to the population with federal state educational standards.

The next two levels - regional and municipal - perform similar functions in the field of education quality management. heads of supervisory authorities in the field of education are also guided by the main document "Law on Education", in addition to it, regional and local regulations, regulating

activities of educational organizations in the field of education quality. In our opinion, it is at these levels that the main activity for assessing the quality of education in educational institutions of the region and the municipality could be concentrated.

Firstly, education quality management is included in the general structure of education management. The introduction of a quality management system seriously increases the functionality of general management - the regulation of communications between educational authorities, heads of educational organizations, public organizations(and in particular those organizations that conduct an independent examination of the quality of education in educational institutions).

Secondly, the regulations for managing the quality of education, in detail

prescribing sequence

operations, the operations themselves, methods, individual techniques and actions are the basis for ensuring the quality of education, as they largely guarantee the effective implementation of the adopted management decisions. The logic of the development of the education quality management system, based on a systematic and objective assessment of activities

educational organizations, the participation of public experts in external independent procedures for assessing the quality of education and the development of electronic

management of an educational organization, objectively determines the development and implementation of quality management systems (QMS) in educational organizations. Moreover, the presence of a QMS in educational institutions will allow in the future to solve the problem of shifting the center of gravity from external quality control procedures and evaluating the results of the educational process to using the results of internal control and self-assessment, which, if these procedures are open to public observation, will greatly increase the level of trust in educational organizations.

Thirdly, the QMS will allow you to structure the workflow and highlight a certain list of documents:

1. Regulatory statements about the mission, goals and program objectives of an educational organization in the field of ensuring the quality of education.

2. Documents regulating the activities of structures created for quality management, requirements for the quality of the educational process: criteria and indicators linked to the Federal State Educational Standard and the educational program of the educational institution, documented procedures (regulations) of the quality management system.

3. Documented procedures for maintaining documentation for the fulfillment of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, including the maintenance of personal files of employees, related processes: personnel selection, economic activity and accounting.

4. Documented regulations for the implementation of educational programs, including educational, extracurricular and practice-oriented activities of students; regulations for the development of self-government in educational organizations.

5. Documents required for planning, implementing and managing processes.

6. Documents regulating communication with consumers of educational services: contracts, public report, records of archives on the passage of appeals, including complaints, requests, contracts, orders, assignments.

7. Documents regulating the workflow itself: forms of documents that ensure their identification and recovery, requirements for the procedure for maintaining workflow, periods of storage and withdrawal.

Thus, the introduction of QMS in educational organizations will allow

solve many problems in education quality management at the regional and municipal levels.

The last level - the level of educational organization is the key in the development of the system for assessing the quality of education, because. at the level of an educational organization, control is carried out in the field of external and internal processes, procedures for independent assessment of the quality of education, audit, self-assessment.

Article 28 of the “Law on Education” states - “The competence of an educational organization in the established field of activity includes: monitoring the progress and intermediate certification of students, establishing their forms, frequency and procedure for conducting them; individual accounting of the results of mastering educational programs by students...”; ensuring the functioning of the internal system for assessing the quality of education in an educational organization). The introduction of the QMS, as mentioned above, will solve the problem of objectivity in assessing the quality of education, as well as unify this system into a single generally accepted algorithm, and adopt a common methodology for assessing quality in educational organizations.

The QMS as a system is able to provide information on the quality of education in terms of all the main indicators: compliance of the educational services provided by the educational organization with the Federal State Educational Standards, compliance of the main and auxiliary processes in the educational organization with licensing and accreditation indicators, monitoring of external processes (for example, social partnership), monitoring of internal processes (attestation trainees, professional development of teachers, etc.). In our opinion, another important advantage of the QMS is the collection and analysis of information about the quality of education in educational institutions at different levels from federal to municipal: at the same time, the QMS has the opportunity to use effective and effective methods. For example, such methods include: tracking the satisfaction of subjects of education and other stakeholders; internal audits; measurement of financial indicators; self-esteem. In turn, these indicators are divided into information about the satisfaction of participants in the educational process,

surveys and surveys; reports of educational organizations; messages in various media, i.e. it is always possible to find the source of the inconsistency of the quality indicator with the specified criteria.

Unfortunately, we have to state that the main problem of the QMS in education is its declaration, but not implementation, and partly, therefore, the lack of compliance with quality standards, the lack of continuous

improvement, redundant

Creation of a unified conceptual and methodological base and unified approaches to measuring the quality of education;

Consolidation of the activities of various organizations (from federal to municipal) dealing with the problems of the quality of education;

Scientific and methodological support for the process of assessing the quality of education;

Solving the personnel issue in the field of assessing the quality of education;

Assessing the quality of education at all levels and levels of education, and not just assessing the quality of education;


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Turner Elena Yurievna (Kazan, Russia), Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Management and entrepreneurial activity Institute of Innovation Management FSBEI HPE "Kazan National Research Technological University", e-mail: [email protected]

Shaikhutdinova Dalia Maratovna (Kazan, Russia), 1st year undergraduate student of the Faculty of Industrial Policy and Business Administration, Kazan National Research Technological University, e-mail: [email protected]

Data about the authors:

E. Turner (Kazan, Russia), candidate of pedagogic science, Associate Professor at the Department of management and entrepreneurship Innovation Management Institute in Kazan National Research Technological University, e-mail: [email protected]

D. Shaikhutdinova (Kazan, Russia), 1st course Master's student of faculty of industrial policy and business administration in Kazan National Research Technological University, e-mail: [email protected]