Why dream of strangers. I dreamed of strangers: what would that mean? What is the dream of an unfamiliar young man

In a dream, a wide variety of pictures can appear to us. It can be both joyful and sad events. Why dream of strangers? Worth sorting out.

Why do strangers dream - the main interpretation

Dream Interpretations indicate that when interpreting such a dream, it is very important to remember exactly what emotions overcame you during sleep. Was the stranger pleasant to you. It is also important to take into account other details of sleep:

Under what circumstances did you meet a stranger;

What did he say to you when you met?

· What emotions did you experience when you met him;

How many strangers were there in a dream.

If a stranger seems very unpleasant to you, his appearance seems repulsive to you - such a dream means that terrible changes await you in the future. Perhaps you yourself will push luck away from yourself and will not know how to return it back. The dream in which you see how someone unfamiliar gives you flowers is very auspicious.

You can in reality receive an unexpected gift, or unexpected news. The dream in which you see how a stranger gives you withered flowers speaks of the need to beware of knowingly false information.

Someone, under the guise of caring, benevolence, can deceive you, you can receive an offer for mutually beneficial cooperation and be disappointed in it. A dream in which you exchange compliments with someone you do not know promises you a rather unpleasant conversation. You will be upset and disappointed. At first it will seem to you that you are in control of situations, but later on you will realize that someone else is doing it for you.

A dream in which you see another man approaching your beloved speaks of your distrust of your soulmate and your intolerance. You do not tolerate even the smallest oversights and troubles from your beloved. You are too categorical towards her.

A dream in which you see a stranger standing at the doorstep means that soon you will have to worry about bad news. This dream will be a harbinger of unpleasant conversations, but they will greatly affect the further course of your destiny.

The dream in which you shake hands with a stranger speaks of his good intentions. But you should not relax and give up. All acquaintances that will happen to you in the near future will be symbolic.

You will meet people who will greatly influence you in the future. The dream in which you will say goodbye to a stranger speaks of the urgent need to leave memories in the past, leave everything in the past and boldly move forward. A dream in which you will say goodbye to a stranger and experience grief and pity indicates that you will soon experience a feeling of compassion for your loved ones.

They may need your help and you will gladly provide it. A dream in which you will try to ask a stranger for directions means that you yourself will go astray and will look for opportunities to turn your life in the right direction.

The dream in which you turned around several times and each of these times saw a stranger indicates that a stranger had a huge influence on your past. He invaded your privacy without your knowledge.

A dream in which a stranger hands you money means that you will face financial difficulties and will not be able to pay off your debts for a long time. You can’t even directly answer how they accumulated. You will become more and more upset and worried about this. The dream interpretation advises not to get excited in this matter, and to think over further actions many times before committing them.

Why do strangers dream if they invite you to visit? Such a dream can mean trouble. But whether they will be pleasant or not pleasant - you can find out by interpreting the dream in its entirety.

Perhaps when strangers invited you to visit, you experienced joy and enthusiasm. If so, you will soon become one of the happiest people. Luck will smile on you and the long-awaited success will come.

If you experience discomfort and hostility when a stranger invites you to visit. Such a dream may mean that you will be very disappointed in all the events of life. Also, such a dream may mean that soon you will waste your strength on useless experiences. The dream book advises not to make such mistakes and continue to try to resolve all your issues more loyally.

If you dream about how a stranger offers to take you somewhere - such a dream may mean that your desire to change something in life will not be realized. Someone will actively try to prevent you from resolving problem situations. Take a closer look, maybe you saw your ill-wisher in a dream.

Why do strangers dream of Freud's dream book

Freud's dream book says what strangers dream of. Such a dream promises you a lot of new acquaintances, but they are unlikely to be pleasant and enjoyable. You can get into a new company and feel very uncomfortable. A dream in which you see someone unfamiliar watching you means that you will have a secret boyfriend who will give you a lot of trouble.

If you see in a dream how a stranger smiles at you - such a dream speaks of future favorable changes in your life. You will be happy to communicate with friends, loved ones. You will have practically no worries and worries in your life. If you see a stranger crying, such a dream speaks of possible hidden problems in your life. You suddenly learn about the troubles that should have overtaken them long ago.

If in a dream you wake up with a stranger in bed - such a dream suggests that you have long wanted to change your partner. You do not dream of betrayal, you dream of renewal in your personal life, of the situation when everything in your life will be your way. Most likely, the previous relationship weighed on you.

What do strangers dream of in the Esoteric dream book

The Esoteric Dream Book says that strangers dream of as a symbol of future troubles and troubles. It is important to remember if meeting strangers caused you some discomfort, feelings. If you did, it's time to prepare for major troubles. You most likely missed important point life, when something else could be changed.

A dream in which a child you do not know is crying indicates that you have long dreamed of children and are now waiting for your dreams to come true. You may not suffer from the absence of children in your life, but you do not let go of the thought of the need for procreation. The dream book advises not to torment yourself with vain experiences, but to try to restore justice, try to take advantage of even the smallest chance to have offspring.

A dream in which you happily take an unfamiliar child in your arms indicates that you will soon meet an old friend and will actively try to build a dialogue with him. You will need his help, his guidance. You have waited too long for this moment.

Why do strangers dream of other dream books

Miller's dream book says that a stranger in a dream can promise you a lot of trouble. Especially if he seems very unpleasant to you, not friendly. If you have a dream in which you and a stranger talk heart to heart - such a dream means that soon a lot of pleasant little things will happen in your life. You will be happy to meet all the changes.

The dream in which you run away from a stranger indicates that you will run away from problems and troubles. You will not want to solve problems, it will be easier for you to disappear from the field of visibility and forget about the promises made, forget about the hidden opportunities.

Grishina's dream book says that a stranger appears in a dream as a symbol of unforeseen circumstances and incidents. Try not to worry or panic. If in a dream you are talking to a stranger, remember what exactly your conversation was about. If he is quite friendly and even positive - you have nothing to fear and nothing to worry about. All problems will be resolved. If in a dream you swear with strangers, in reality you will encounter unforeseen troubles and worries. Try to avoid them. Do not provoke aggression in others by your actions. Now this is not in your favor, it will only spoil your plans.

Sometimes we dream completely strangers. Where do they come from? And what can such dreams portend? Like many other things, they are a manifestation of our "unconscious", psychologists say.

If we dream of someone we know, this usually does not surprise us much, since it is believed that a dream is nothing more than a combination of previously received life experience(if not to go into). And if you dream of a person whom we have never met before?

It all depends on the context of the dream. If a woman dreams that she is having sex with a stranger, this may indicate that she is not satisfied with her own partner, or she does not have enough sex in real life.

If you dream that a very handsome man is taking care of you, then most likely you are striving for an ideal that embodies the features that you like.

Is it a dream that you are dating a man who has a repulsive appearance? Perhaps you are afraid of relationships. Or you are afraid to admit to yourself that you are not satisfied with your current chosen one. Another option - you close your eyes to the shortcomings of your partner, and in a dream they appear "in all their glory."

If you dream that there are a lot of strangers around you, then you are not confident in yourself - for example, you are afraid of a future job, going to college, moving to another city ...

Do you have sex with several strangers at once, or do you even participate in a "gangbang"? This may indicate both, as well as the fact that in real life you can be “fucked”. Let's say you become an object of exploitation in the service, or you have to meet people who will try to use you for their own purposes.

It happens that in a dream you communicate with a familiar person, but suddenly his face changes, and you see that this is not your acquaintance at all ... There can be two interpretations. The first is connected with that very acquaintance of yours: the appearance of other people's features means that you really do not know him well, and he is quite capable of giving you a surprise. The second indicates your fears about some upcoming event - say, blind dating or.

And if vice versa: a stranger before your eyes turns into someone very familiar? Therefore, either you should not be wary of some situation in vain (suppose that the acquaintance with the parents of the future husband goes well, or the work that you were afraid of not coping with turns out to be not so difficult). In addition, it may warn you of a repeat of a situation that has already taken place in your life before. This will save you from making the same mistakes in your personal life or making mistakes in some area of ​​​​activity.

Dreams are also quite common when a person’s face seems familiar to you (sometimes it’s even several people), but you just can’t recognize these people, remember who they are ... People, however, can have absolutely nothing to do with it, it’s just an indication that you are ignoring some important details In my life. Although this may indicate a person whom you know in reality (but not the one you dreamed about). This is a sign that a person can play an important role in your life.

Cases when we see someone in a dream who then appears in our real life are quite rare and indicate.

So, the poet Mikhail Lermontov liked to solve mathematical problems at his leisure. Somehow, he struggled for a long time and unsuccessfully over the solution of one of them, then went to bed - and in a dream a stranger appeared to him, suggesting how to solve the problem ... Waking up, Lermontov wrote down his dream in detail and painted a portrait of a stranger ... Many years later researchers recognized the creator of logarithms, John Napier, in the portrait. However, the poet's contemporaries claimed that he did not know anything about this mathematician and about his work ... The only coincidence: both the poet and the mathematician were both of Scottish blood ...

An English housekeeper named Hannah Greene, who lived in the 19th century, had the following dream. She is alone at home on a Sunday evening. There is a knock on the door. Opening it, she sees a tramp with a club in his hands. He tries to push her away and break into the house. She fights him, but to no avail...

Seven years later, Hannah Green, along with two other servants, was entrusted with the supervision of the house, the owners of which at that time lived elsewhere. One Sunday evening she was left alone in this house. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. She was about to open it, but then she clearly remembered an old dream. Instead of rushing to the door, Hannah looked out the window on the landing. Oh God! At the entrance to the house was the same man from the dream! He had a club in his hand, and he loudly demanded to be let in.

The housekeeper hastily locked all the doors and windows, turned on the lights throughout the house, and began to ring the bells to summon the servants; with this she scared the tramp away, and he retreated ...

The English ambassador, Lord Duffering, once had a dream that a man was carrying a coffin down the street and looking in at his window. Several years passed, and Duffering, while in France, entered the elevator in one of the Parisian restaurants. And - oh horror! - I saw a familiar face from a dream! It was the elevator operator. Without thinking twice, the ambassador stepped out of the elevator - and at that moment he collapsed down: the cable broke ...

If you dreamed of a stranger, try

In general, the dream is favorable and means new acquaintances. However, you need to pay attention to the details. If you see a crowd of strangers passing by you, you will have many new friends, acquaintance with whom will never develop into friendship, but may be useful in the future.

If a stranger turned to you on the street, the dream portends a new friendship.

If you are not married / not married and saw in a dream a stranger of the opposite sex, you may soon have a bride or groom. If at the same time the stranger or stranger was of some exotic appearance, then your future spouse will be a very interesting person.

If you dreamed that some strangers came to your house, this means either a change of residence or an addition to the family. If at the same time you greeted each of them by the hand, expect guests who will bring you stunning news. Perhaps it will change your destiny.

Riding with strangers in the same compartment - you have a long journey ahead of you, in which you will meet pleasant and helpful people.

Fly with a stranger in an airplane - thanks to the support of a secret patron, you will be able to take a high position.

Seeing the death of a stranger - unexpected surprises from old friends are possible.

Kissing with a stranger - entertainment full of thrills awaits you. If you dreamed that you were kissing several strangers, you will have fun in the company of good friends.

Giving something to strangers - you will win the favor of people, and even those who have still treated you negatively.

Fight with a stranger of the opposite sex - your love quest will be crowned with success.

If you dream that a stranger has secretly climbed into your house and is going to steal something, such a dream portends a new love.

If you are not interested in fulfilling a dream, imagine that you catch a stranger in the act of a crime and turn him in to the police. All your things are in place, the stranger did not steal anything. You can work out a dream in a universal way by imagining that strangers are interesting to you, you have the most benevolent feelings for them.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

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Seeing an unfamiliar man in a dream portends an unwanted pregnancy. If a stranger gives you a place in public transport - in reality you will meet a pleasant and courteous person.

An aggressive stranger pestering you on the street in a tipsy state - you will start a risky venture that will not bring profit. Hugging in a dream with a stranger - to unexpected guests.

A handsome stranger who attracted your attention in a dream portends a change for the better in your affairs. An unfamiliar person of a ferocious appearance or with an ugly physiognomy is a sign of an unfavorable turn of events.

A stranger who turns out to be your travel companion long road, - you will not be satisfied with the course of your affairs, which will fall into decay for a while.

If you dreamed that a horse descending on a parachute from the sky suddenly turned into a stranger trying to bite you with his own, such a dream promises a serious failure, unrealizable hopes and your inability to master the situation in a family quarrel.

If in a dream you suddenly find a naked stranger next to you in bed and have sexual intercourse with him - your dissatisfaction with literally everything will bring anxiety into the life of your relatives; if you flee from him, in reality mercantile interests will clearly prevail over spiritual ones, which will turn your lover away from you.

If in a dream a stranger kisses you and you have nothing against it, in real life this portends a loss of respect from your chosen one. A bald or old stranger trying to flirt with you - some annoying person will cause your grief in reality.

A dream in which you wake up in an unfamiliar room means that you will be unexpectedly visited by friends whom you have not seen for many years.

Seeing yourself in a dream in an unfamiliar city means that soon you will probably have to change your dress, job, lover, registration or car model, but certainly for a newer and better one.

Watching in a dream the action of an unfamiliar device or device or studying its action - such an awkward dream means, however, a completely comprehensible thing: you will have to hear all the most unsightly truth about yourself.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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A person sees many dreams, but he remembers only a small part. Such dreams are symbolic, since they contain a certain clue or advice on. To recognize it, you need to correctly interpret what you see.

Why dream of strangers?

If strangers were friendly, it means that soon in real life it will be possible to have an interesting conversation. Repulsive strangers in a dream portend the occurrence of numerous troubles.

What is the dream of an unfamiliar woman?

A stranger in a dream personifies the state and mood of the dreamer, so if the woman was beautiful, then you should expect happy events. A repulsive stranger portends failure.

What is the dream of an unfamiliar young man?

Most often, such a dream warns of the appearance of enemies in life. In one of the dream books unknown man is a good sign that promises positive changes in many areas of life. A large number of strangers in a dream portends the emergence of a new hobby that will be relevant to large audiences.

Why dream of kissing a stranger?

A kiss on the lips portends an entry into a love affair, which will be short-lived. The dream book recommends reconsidering your own attitude to your personal life and not being sprayed on all men. A kiss on the neck means that in real life there are not enough emotions.

Why dream of a feast with strangers?

If the holiday was spoiled for some reason, then you should expect various and troubles. Night vision, in which the feast left only a good impression, promises good luck in business and respect for others.

Why dream of dead strangers?

Such a dream means that all experiences are in vain and everything will be fine. Another such plot may portend health problems, but they will be minor. The corpses of strangers promise good news.