Male gaze: what do men pay attention to when they first meet a woman. What do girls pay attention to when they see a guy What do men pay attention to most

How to attract the attention of a man?Just one glance is enough for him to assess whether he likes you or not. What exactly is he looking at? In this article you will find answers to the question, what do men pay attention to in a woman?

Are you walking down the street and it seems to you that no one pays attention to you? Dancing in a crowded club and feeling invisible? It's not like that at all. The men who stood nearby looked at you carefully. They only need one glance furtively to appreciate your attractiveness. What exactly are they paying attention to? Here is a list of 12 such little things. You need to know about them in order to look as good as possible in men's eyes.

What do men look for in a woman?

1. Hair

Usually a man, looking at a woman, first looks at her face. But what to do when she stands with her back to him? A lot of guys judge a woman's attractiveness by her hair. They pay attention to how clean, healthy, well-groomed and neatly cut and/or styled. At the same time, many people like long hair the most.

2. Posture

Always try to stay straight. Guys really pay attention to this! In their opinion, a woman greatly loses her attractiveness when she begins to stoop and stoop. And when you straighten up, you look even taller and slimmer.

3. Girlfriends

Surprised? Meanwhile, the guy, looking at you, at the same time looks at your girlfriends. If they're too noisy, vulgar, or obnoxious, then he probably won't flirt with you. After all, a man will consider that you have the same character as your friends.

4. Mouth

A guy will probably look at your lips, but not at all in order to assess their size or imagine whether it would be good to kiss you. If he sees that you are in a capricious mood (and this will be seen precisely from your pursed lips, from grimaces), he will refuse to communicate. And if he notices that you are constantly smiling, he will take it as a green light for a closer acquaintance.

5. Dance

Nothing affects men's feelings like a sexy dancing woman. The better you move on the dance floor, the more the guy will want to get to know you. Men quickly notice if you fall into the rhythm of the music, how beautiful and graceful your movements are, and so on. And be sure, they will not like it if you are too vulgar on the dance floor.

6. Bag

The contents of your handbag can tell a lot about you. Therefore, men, on occasion, look at how this accessory looks: whether it is large, overloaded with various things (for example, cosmetics) or small and comfortable. If, for example, they see that you are carrying a book in your bag, then they may be interested in it in order to know approximately what topics they can talk to you about. And if your gold or crystal-studded phone case flashes before their eyes, you may be considered a fashionista who has only beautiful trinkets in her head. And there are many such examples.

7. Smile

Remember that girls who smile are the most successful with the opposite sex. Why? Because they seem kinder and more accessible. The guy is not afraid to approach and talk to such a woman, because he knows that he will not be ridiculed and insulted.

8. Studs

You don't have to wear high heels every day, but keep in mind that a girl in stilettos instantly attracts male gazes. Men love to watch a woman waggle her hips, walking around in such shoes or boots. Shoes with high heels seem very sexy to them.

9. Gait

Men also appreciate how you walk. If your step is quick and decisive, you are perceived as a very confident person. If the gait is slow, not very energetic, then most likely you will be considered modest. Well, then whoever likes it.

10. Mood

You may look like Miss World, but if a guy notices from your gestures that you are negative, take everything with hostility, he will not even try to get to know you better.

11. Style

Men, it would seem, do not understand fashion, but be sure - they pay a lot of attention to what the girl is wearing. And, most likely, they will refuse to flirt with you if you are dressed like a boy or if your outfit speaks of belonging to some specific community (punk, emo, etc.)

12. Ass

Men love this part of the female body. You will get extra points in men's eyes if you emphasize your slender buttocks with tight-fitting jeans or a skirt. In this case, you will not be able to fight off the fans!

The answer may surprise you, but it turns out that most men still see the state of your nails. It is worth considering this fact, and do not forget about some points that can spoil your reputation. We tried to find out what exactly they like, what they categorically deny, and what they do not notice at all.

If you do not want to embarrass a man with the condition of his hands, follow the manicure regularly. The manicure procedure itself requires consistency, especially when it comes to nail polishes, which tend to peel off. Not following, you can get a peeling and cracked manicure, a kind of nod to the grunge style, which looks, to put it mildly, untidy. Oddly enough, such moments, men notice.

Sharp long nails also do not create a favorable impression. Not only is it extremely inconvenient to live with them, but also men are very wary of such nails. Perhaps they fear for their health and think that you will simply cripple them with such long sharp claws. In any case, the time of such nails passed almost two decades ago, so you should not instill fear in your chosen one and flaunt archaic from the 90s on your nails.

However, not always the phenomena from the last century on the nails scare men. Another hello from the 90s is French manicure. An ageless classic, which is very welcome by the strong half of humanity on our nails, thanks to its naturalness. Men, in general, in matters of female manicure adhere to everything natural and natural. They like the moderate length of nails, delicate colors and low-key patterns.

Dark nail polishes in men are associated with dirt, and bright nail art seems too aggressive, and does not combine with the sophisticated and fragile female nature.

Most men, for sure, do not notice the various patterns on the nails, especially if they are of a soft color. Therefore, giving preference to nail art, you should immediately understand that beauty will not be noticed unless you specifically show it.

Photographer: Open internet sources

The answer to the question of what men pay attention to in a woman at the first meeting is of interest primarily to women. If, going on a date, the representative of the fair half sets herself the goal of conquering her chosen one, then she should remember some important things.

It is wrong to believe that all men are so primitive that they think according to some established scheme. They are very diverse in their preferences, and it is rather problematic to indicate what exactly your chosen one will pay attention to. But anyway common in the views of men on women at the first meeting exists.

The importance of first impressions for men

The psychology of men, which is in the hands of women, is still predictable. Girls who are preparing to meet a man for the first time should remember not to underestimate the importance of the first impression. It plays an important role in the development of further relations. Numerous polls show that all men at the first meeting pay attention to appearance and above all to:

  • figure proportions,
  • voice,
  • grooming.

For some representatives of the stronger sex, the individuality of a woman, her ability to differ from the mass of others, is important. But this difference should not be vulgarly flashy. Speaking of individuality, first of all, they mean stylishness in clothes, in manners. Not all men will appreciate the value of your things and jewelry, but almost everyone will pay attention to the ability to dress with taste.

The male look at a woman is always evaluating and trying on. Already at the first meeting, your chosen one will think about what kind of society you can appear with, whether you can show your friends and what they will say at the same time.

TOP 11 things men pay attention to

What do men pay attention to first of all?

Silhouette. For men, the proportional ratio of body parts to each other is important.

Face. It should not necessarily be beautiful, but pleasant, sweet and charming. Excessive cosmetics will only spoil the impression, even if it only emphasizes the merits and hides the flaws.

Eyes. The cut, depth, fit, eye color - this is all that nature has awarded us. A small amount of makeup will enhance the expressiveness of the look. To add friendliness and goodwill to it means to invite to acquaintance.

Smile. To win favor, smile sincerely. You should try to ensure that the smile was charming.

Breast. More often than not, comments are avoided here. Yes, it's attractive. And here, for most men, a harmonious proportional ratio of the chest with other parts of the body is also important.

Arms. The male look at women will not disregard the hands. He will definitely appreciate their elegance, length of nails, grooming.

Gait. Well, if you have it light and fluttering. If not, then you should work on it.

Every man will appreciate a straight back and grace. If you have not yet met that one, remember that the meeting can happen at any moment, and be prepared for it. Work on perfecting your image. If we talk about posture, then it can be corrected with the help of physical exercises.

They can be light or dark, long or short. It's not that important. First of all, they must be well-groomed.

Smell. A pleasant smell from hair, clothes, body is another necessary condition to please.

The manner of communication. Welcome: ease of communication, sense of humor, the ability to maintain a conversation on various topics, the ability to dignifiedly stay in society. Remember that rudeness, vulgarity, swearing repel.

In fact, this list can be continued, but you need to remember the following. The psychology of guys is such that they perceive a woman not in separate parts. Therefore, if you are in search of a partner, work on the attractiveness of your image as a whole.

What is absolutely unimportant for men at the first meeting

The psychology of a man is different from the psychology of a woman: what is not important for the former may be paramount for the latter. Men don't pay attention: super cool manicure, in which store and for how much clothes, handbag, accessories were bought.
So, to the question "What do men look at?" The answer is: almost everything. It is important for them that their woman is "the best" in every way.

Incredible Facts

They say you should never judge a book by its cover, and it's true.

However, it takes time to get to know someone better. Sometimes it takes months or years to find out the opinion of a person, his dreams and much more.

There are things that both women and men pay attention first of all .

Everyone has their own preferences. Some men like blondes, others brunettes, some like very feminine representatives of the weaker sex, others are a little daring.

Anyway , there are features that immediately attract the attention of a man.

Things that men pay attention to

1. Smile

A smile is one of the most beautiful features of a woman that men cannot help but notice. If your smile friendly and sincere, which easily appears in response to his jokes, it says a lot about you.

If most often he sees a sarcastic or mocking smile on your face, then this also signals something to him, namely that he is unlikely to approach you.

When a girl sincerely and openly smiles, this is not only a positive signal for him, but also helps him feel more comfortable if he wants to get to know you.

2. Eyes

No wonder they say that the eyes are the window to the soul, because it is one of the most expressive features that helps to tell if you are interested, happy or nervous.

Numerous surveys have shown that when it comes to first impressions, eyes are in 1st place in the list of what men pay attention to first of all.

If a man does not meet your eyes, but only looks at your figure, you should switch to someone else more worthy.

3. Laughter

Hand on heart, men love it when you laugh at their jokes. It makes them feel interesting and it gives them confidence.

A man will always be pleased to hear your laughter, but only if it is not simulated..

No need to laugh at every comment and statement just because he wants to hear it, as this can annoy him.

However, sincere laughter, as well as a sincere smile, he simply cannot fail to notice.

4. Figure

Ultimately, your personality matters much more. No man will stay forever with a woman whose character he cannot stand, despite the awesome figure.

However, it would be unrealistic to say that men do not notice the figure of a woman when they first meet her.

Don't forget that many of them have their own type.

So, for example, some people prefer thin ones, others fit and athletic, and others like curvaceous. In addition, you did not spend so much time in vain to choose an outfit that favorably emphasizes your curves.

What do men notice in women?

5. Cleanliness

This is one of those things that men really do not pay attention while she is present t.

If you take care of yourself, always shower, wear fresh clothes, he won't notice. However, if he notices unkempt hair, an unpleasant smell, soiled or wrinkled clothes, this may push him away.

Although many men are accused of sloppiness, they actually care about your hygiene.

6. Your style

If a man does not work in the fashion industry, then he is unlikely to pay attention to labels, brands, styles, and so on. However, the man is definitely will notice your style of dress, as it cantell a lot about your personality.

There are no strict rules here, as some people like spectacular girls, while others will prefer that you come on a date in sneakers and a simple t-shirt.

Men, first of all, pay attention to whether these clothes suit you and your figure.

7. Hair

Let's be honest, many women devote a lot of time to their hair, including cutting, coloring and styling.

Sometimes it takes a lot of effort to tame your curls. And although a man will not be able to appreciate that interesting ombre effect that you recently did, or discuss with you trendy bangs, he will definitely pay attention to general condition of your hair.

From a biological point of view, thick and shiny hair signal a woman's good health, so it's no surprise that men are attracted to beautiful and healthy hair.

8. Sense of humor

A man can feel awkward being with a very serious woman who never jokes. While you may not be very outgoing and throwing jokes left and right, even a dry and sarcastic sense of humor will get his attention.

Men love it when you laugh at their jokes, but they also love it when you make them laugh. Maybe it will help him choose a comedy that you can watch on a date.

9. Your friends

Even if you think that you are completely different from your girlfriends, the fact that you have a relationship with them shows that you have a lot in common, even if it's something abstract.

And men know it. A quiet homebody is unlikely to be friends with a party girl.

So, if a man has noticed you among his circle of friends, even if he is only interested in you, he will most likely pay attention to your company.

What attracts men

10. Smell

Men are not indifferent to the smell of women. Although they also use deodorants and perfumes, the men's world does not have the same variety of smells as the women's.

Many women have a distinctive scent that lingers in a man's mind for a long time, whether it's the powder you wash your clothes with, the shampoo you wash your hair with, or the perfume you wear when you leave the house.

11. Confidence

It is easy to assume that among the numerous representatives of the fair sex, a man will quickly notice a bright and sociable girl, but this is not so.

Although such a girl will certainly attract attention, what a man really notices is the confidence of womens. Confidence can be very different, and even a relatively shy woman can exude self-confidence.

Whether your values ​​are the same or you are his type, if he feels a woman's confidence, that's sexy.

12. Makeup

Of course, a man does not pay attention to what kind of cosmetics you use, but he definitely notices do you wear makeup.

Makeup is a great way to express yourself, and even if you prefer natural makeup one day and make your eyes or lips stand out the next, this is what he is most likely to pay attention to.

While the words you say are important to a man in the long run, your voice is the first thing he will pay attention to.

Whatever feature it is, he will notice it as soon as you say the first word.

14. Growth

With growth, like other characteristics, each man has his own preferences.

Some men liketall stately women, while others prefer graceful and petite women.

Regardless of a man's preferences, he will definitely notice your height. Women also pay attention to the growth of men, because this physical feature is hard to miss.

15. Your attitude

Although it is very difficult to immediately understand any personality characteristics, when compared with physical features, such as eyes or height, there is something that men notice almost immediately - your general attitude.

It takes time for us to get to know someone, and your attitude shows up in just about everything, and can be both a wake-up call for him and a sign that he's found the perfect girlfriend.

For example, the way you talk to a waitress or complain about your dish in a restaurant, your ability to laugh when something goes wrong, or your general friendly attitude towards people. All this is your attitude and it seen in yourdeeds and words almost immediately.

A guy can earn the attention of a girl mainly by his heroic deeds or natural beauty. Women can quickly and easily recognize a person by their look, facial expressions, movements, how they manage to show their intuition so quickly and efficiently. Thus, it is incredibly difficult for a man to deceive a girl. The girl, without much difficulty, will make her deceitful maneuver. When you see a handsome guy, what do girls pay attention to? Of course, the first thing on his smile. If the guy is standing with his back to the girl, then her assessment is directly aimed at the physique of the man. This is a simple law of mother nature, you can’t run away from it anywhere.

It is not for nothing that British scientists, having made an experiment on a circular view of an ordinary human eye, found out a unique feature of women. The viewing angle of an ordinary average woman exceeds the viewing of the male eye by 30-40 degrees! This is a fact and you can't argue with it. The result of this experience is confirmation that women do not turn their heads towards the passing unknown man, but they see its outlines as beautifully as a man turning his head. It turns out even more interesting fact What girls pay attention to when they see a guy is usually a smile and the overall silhouette takes no more than 1-3 seconds.

Compared to the male principle of assessing a woman, which includes a more thorough analysis of a woman from head to toe, it takes more than 5 seconds. All these painless and interesting experiments and experiments on people of different sexes suggest that any woman is much smarter and faster than a man in terms of primary natural signs, and the strong half of humanity has to put up with this. Clothes also play an important role in attracting the attention of a girl. A fashionable, stylish, correctly chosen color of a guy's clothes will draw the attention of even the most proud girl. And if it is also a novelty of the season, then the success of attracting a pleasant and tender half of humanity is guaranteed by 50%.

Such a guy just needs to snap his fingers and smile, and before he has time to think anything, the girl will answer him with a smile and great interest in his person. You should not lose sight of the fact that every girl at the stage of her sexual development grows in her mind the type of her future chosen one. In the future, when focusing on a stranger, she, as it were, tries on her fantasy on a real person. When a consciously grown idol coincides with a real man in many ways, there is an incredibly great interest. And the further development of events already directly depends on her ability to behave when meeting a guy. The colossally powerful and at the same time invisible to others feeling that it is necessary to pay maximum attention to a person is quenched only by acquaintance.

The girl pays attention more often to guys with an unnatural appearance, which lies in his pleasant energy and psychological stability from the very first moment of the meeting. For many people, this is called love at first sight! But do not rush, if this is love, then it will not make you hide yourself for a long time. Sooner or later you will understand that everything in this world has its place and fate is favorable for all people on our planet. After all, love is the greatest attention and mutual arrangement of a guy and a girl.