Bell drawing in pencil for children. How to draw a school bell? Stages of drawing a school bell

This tool, only of a larger size, is used daily in various categories to attract believers to the service and the celebration of holidays. Small bells can be used as a beacon for when she gets lost, or attached to the front door and feel like a hermit without electricity. The design is a domed shape with a small tongue, the collision of which produces an elegant sound. There are two technical way to get the desired result: either the reed hits the walls of the ringing, or vice versa. In Russia, the second type is more often used, and the famous Tsar Bell is the largest bell.

Like any item that supposedly does not need in-depth study, the bell has its own science - campanology. Let's see what this science can tell us:

  • Russians have always had a problem with pronunciation English words. Through such inattention, the word rynda appeared, which means a ship's bell. In life, Russian sailors got used to this word, who heard the phrase ring the bell. In their company they used it as Ryndu bey.
  • The synchronous melodic singing of the bell is called crimson ringing. But this concept has no fundamental relation to the berry at all. The Belgian city of Mechelen has its place here, which during French transcription sounds like Malin. It is this city that is the guru of all bell music.
  • Do you think Big Ben is the name of an entire tower in London? I will disappoint you - this is not a tower, and not even a large dial, the bell itself received such a name, since it was unnaturally large at the time when it was created. And only a decade later, the nickname spread to the tower itself.
  • It is a tradition on ships to ring a small bell every time the captain changes. Such a fate did not pass by spaceships - there is also one such.

Let's learn to draw.

How to draw a bell with a pencil step by step

Step one. Let's create a square shape in which the musical instrument will be created. It will resemble a certain monument.
Step two. With light movements, we outline a bell in shape, with a handle and a small tongue inside.
Step three. Let's select the object with precise lines, circle each part and refine the edges.
Step four. We delete the auxiliary lines with the help of an eraser, leave the bell itself. Now vertically shade the entire shape of the object. The inner part will be a little darker, there we will add more shading.
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Drawing flowers "Bells" for children from 6 years old. Master class with step by step photos

Sidorova Zoya Grigorievna, educator MBDOU " Kindergarten combined type No. 8 "Aistenok", Michurinsk
Description: this master class is intended for children from 6 years old, educators, teachers additional education, loving parents and creative people.
Purpose: for decoration of the premises, a gift, can serve as work for an exhibition, competition.
Target: drawing in mixed media drawing technique.
1. To acquaint with the techniques of drawing wildflowers of bluebells.
2. Learn to draw flowers in gouache on a sheet of colored paper from different angles, using different techniques drawing.
3. Develop the ability to mix paints on a sheet of paper, on a palette.
4. Cultivate the ability to notice and reflect the beauty of nature in the drawing.

my bells,
Steppe flowers!
What are you looking at me
Dark blue?
And what are you talking about
On the day of cheerful May,
Among the uncut grass
Shaking your head?
(A.K. Tolstoy)

Bluebells "ring" not only in May - they bloom all summer. And not only among the "uncut grass" in the meadows, but also in the copses, on the slopes, along the roadsides.
By night it gets colder in the forest, dew falls. The wings of insects get wet, they stiffen from the coolness of the night. Large insects have a hard time even then, and there’s nothing to say about small ones. The bell helps them out.
It does not close its flowers at night. The doors of the blue hut - the forest hotel - are open to everyone. Please, fly in, crawl in, spend the night in cramped quarters, but don’t be offended, everyone who wants to is let out a bell, a kind flower. And insects enjoy this hospitality. They climb into the flowers of the bell and spend the night in them, and in inclement weather they sit out during the day. They are warm in the flower - in the bell the temperature is 3-4 degrees higher than on the street - and dry.

From June to September, bluebells bloom in the meadows, delighting the eye with a blue infusion. Some types of bluebells are already listed in the Red Book of Plants. People are already very actively destroying them: they tear them, collect large armfuls, and often uproot them. And more and more often today meadows and lawns, glades and forest edges are found completely without bells.
Do not tear wild bluebells into bouquets. Picked flowers wither instantly, and it is impossible to revive them in water. Let it better seem to us that a silvery thin chime is floating above the motley carpet of flowers ... Meeting with these marvelous and magical flowers gives joy, causes delight and awakens inspiration.
Dear colleagues, today I want to offer you to draw wonderful bluebell flowers on colored cardboard.

Materials needed for work:
cardboard purple;
gouache, two brushes: pony or squirrel No. 1 and No. 2;
double glass-non-spill for water,
palette, simple or white pencil.

Place the cardboard vertically.

Draw the stem of the bell with a white pencil

Alternately draw curved branches on which flowers grow

We “hang” trapeziums on the branches

Smooth the upper part of the trapezoid with rounded lines

Near the vertical lines of the trapezoids, draw curved smooth lines

To make the bells voluminous, draw an oval at the bottom of each flower

Draw the flower petals with a zigzag line

Next we will paint with gouache. mixing blue and white colors to get soft blue. We first draw the bells with a brush along the contour, then paint

You can draw a bud

Draw the lower petals with a thin brush

Shading the flowers with dark blue paint

We circle the stem with light green gouache

We shade the bud with white gouache

and blooming bluebell flowers

With light strokes draw the sepals of flowers

We draw a small leaf at the bud

For leaves with a thin brush we draw branches

Outline the leaves with a brush

We paint over them with light green gouache (mix green and yellow paints)

With black gouache, lightly shade the sepals, stem

We draw veins on the leaves

With light strokes of a thin brush we make cloves on the leaves

Stems, leaves, flowers are shaded from above with white gouache

Drawing ready

Finished work can be placed in a rectangular frame

Not a single “school ruler” is complete without such a simple item as a bell. His ringing sound heard from afar, and a lush bow adorns appearance and puts you in a festive mood.

On the eve of Knowledge Day or at the very beginning school year I need to learn how to draw like this school bell. We will depict it in stages, make it golden in color with a lush red bow.

Necessary materials:

  • colour pencils;
  • eraser;
  • sketch pencil;
  • sheet.

Stages of drawing a school bell:

We depict the school subject, which is associated with September 1, in the form of a triangle with rounded corners. In size, it should fill the center of your clean slate.

Now we begin to gradually “sculpt” the smooth shape of the bell. Now he has become more like a pear.

We remove the auxiliary side lines with an eraser.

Add an oval at the bottom of the bell.

Remove the lower arc with an eraser. We finish the middle of the school bell in the form of simple and understandable geometric shapes: two lines and a circle.

Now let's add a beautiful fluffy bow at the top of the bell. We finish drawing the lines of folds and textures of the surface of objects.

We begin to paint our school subject with light colors. To give a golden hue, use a yellow pencil.

Then add a darkening in the penumbra and shadow of the bell. To do this, we perform strokes with an orange and red pencil.

We pass to the upper part of the picture, where a chic bow is placed. We will give it a red tint with a colored pencil. Where, according to our idea, the light will fall, we leave it unpainted.

We enhance the brightness and contrast on the bow with dark red pencils.

On the last call, as on September 1, I want to draw a beautiful school bell on my own. And not just draw, but also create animation.

The end of the school year is coming soon. And on the last call, as on September 1, I want to draw a beautiful school bell on my own. And not just draw, but also create animation. The simplest, of course, but like in this picture on the left.

Here is such a bell that we will now draw and "revive".

Exactly the same animation can be created in Photoshop. But this lesson is for The Flash. Many people think that only games are created in Flash. By the way, all new games can be viewed on the site

Here is the diagram for the drawing:

As you can see, everything is simple.

Let's start creating animation. Open (if closed) the TimeLine panel. The bell is already placed in the first frame on the first layer. The layer can be renamed. I have it and it is called "Bell".

To create an animation, you need to turn a simple drawing into one common symbol. Select the image with the Selection Tool and press F8.

The bell should move first to the left, then to the right and return to its place. We set keyframes 15, 30, 45 and 60. To create a keyframe, select it by clicking with the mouse and press the F6 key.

Then, select frame 15 and rotate the bell around the center point to the left. On frame 30, the bell should have the same position as on frame 1. On frame 45 we turn the bell to the right, at frame 60 it is again in its original position.

You can see everything in this picture.

Yes, we create movement between keyframes. Right-click on the layer between the keyframes and select "Create Motion Tween" from the drop-down menu. An arrow appears between the dots.

Here's what should happen:

You need to add a tongue.

We draw it on a separate layer. Add a layer, name it Language, draw a small circle. Then we change the layers in places so that part of the tongue circle is hidden behind the bell.

We also make keyframes on the tongue layer, while moving the tongue ball to the right place following the movements of the bell. Of course we add movement "Create Motion Tween" (Create motion between).

Again, save as an animated gif.

Everything is fine, only the bell moves very slowly. In order to speed it up, you can remove some of the frames. But it's easier to speed up playback. Flash's default playback speed is 12 frames per second. You can put 24 or 36 or any other number.

For the Christmas holidays, we decided to do some Christmas drawing lessons, one of which you see now. There is nothing complicated here, we think that everyone who tries to draw them will get these Christmas bells. Let's get started!

Step 1

Let's start with the outer contours. It will certainly be easier for you if you first outline a vertical line, and then outline the contours of the bells at an angle.

Then the line should be erased to get something like this:

Step 2

Now we need to draw a beautiful bow. Let's start with a round figure in the center and a pair of ribbons extending from it.

Step 3

Draw lapels behind the upper lines of the central ribbons. Under the lower lines of the central ribbons, we denote the ends with sharp edges.

Step 4

In this step, you need to draw the border of the wide part of the bell. The resulting bezel, by the way, is called the "sound ring".

Step 5

Now let's draw additional ribbons, as well as an arc on which the bells are attached. This arc is commonly referred to as the crown of the bell.