Tasks that the Mercury program solves. The federal state information system "Mercury" was developed by Rosselkhoznadzor, is part of the FGIS Vetis and is intended for

The deadline for issuing veterinary certificates in electronic form has been postponed to July 1, 2018. From July 1, 2018, all organizations that deal with products controlled by Gosvetnadzor are required to connect to the Mercury system. From this date, veterinary accompanying documents (certificates, certificates and references) will be issued exclusively in electronic form.

Recall that within the framework of the federal state information system of veterinary medicine "Vetis" 14 subsystems for various purposes have been created and are functioning. So, "Irena" is used for registration of veterinary drugs, feed, additives; Hermes is intended for licensing pharmaceuticals for animals. And "Mercury", which will be discussed below, was created for electronic certification of goods controlled by the State Veterinary Supervision Service, tracking their movement across the territory of the Russian Federation.

In the opinion of controllers, such a unified system of electronic veterinary accompanying documents (VVD) will improve biological and food safety. The number of electronic VSD is increasing every month. In February 2018, 33.8 million units were issued through Mercury. This is 4.1 million (14%) more than in January 2018 and 29.9 million more than in February 2017. The dynamics of the development of electronic certification in the regions varies. According to the results of February, 21 subjects of the Russian Federation issued more than 600 thousand electronic veterinary documents every month.

Who and when must join

From July 1, 2018, all organizations that deal with products controlled by the State Veterinary Supervision Service are required to connect to the Mercury system. These include those who now draw up paper veterinary accompanying documents: farms, meat processing plants, poultry farms, seafood producers, their suppliers, distributors.

From July 1, 2018, this list will be replenished by dairy producers, logistics companies and retail outlets that deal with any regulated products.

A complete list of controlled goods that are subject to mandatory electronic veterinary certification is contained in the order of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia dated December 18, 2015 No. 648. The list includes about 25 large groups of goods (in TN VED codes). In order not to guess, you need to check with him: if you work with any of the goods named there, then you need to register with Mercury.

Individual entrepreneurs can also submit an application either in writing to the TU of the Rosselkhoznadzor, or in electronic form to the address [email protected].

The procedure and data that must be indicated in the application are prescribed in the Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation dated December 27, 2016 No. 589. This document regulates the rules for issuing veterinary accompanying documents both in paper and in electronic form. In the application, in particular, indicate the surname, name, patronymic of the authorized employee; citizenship; information about the identity document; e-mail address, and in case of its absence - postal address; phone number (at the request of the registrant). Registration is made within two working days after the application is submitted.


Application templates can be downloaded on the website of the federal state information system of veterinary medicine (Administration of the list of users of an economic entity in Vetis.Passport).

What needs to be done in retail

Outlets are required to cancel veterinary accompanying documents (VSD). When they receive products for which the supplier has issued a veterinary certificate, the store representative must enter Mercury and note that the goods with this VSD have been accepted in full or in such and such a quantity. This ensures the traceability of products, its path from the manufacturer to the end point - the shelves of a particular store.

If the store does not have Internet access, you can issue a power of attorney for the supplier to extinguish the VSD in Mercury upon receipt of the delivery. In addition, paragraph 61 of the order of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia dated December 27, 2016 No. 589 provides for the remote cancellation of electronic veterinary certificates. Even if the outlet does not have Internet access, it has, for example, an accountant with Internet access. In this case, he can enter the "Mercury" and pay off the VSD.

How to make work easier

Electronic certificates for one delivery are formed many times more than paper ones. This is due to the fact that they are issued for each item of controlled goods, while a paper document could be made one for the entire delivery. To extinguish each received VSD in the web version of "Mercury" is laborious and time consuming. If the data needs to be corrected during acceptance, processing of one incoming veterinary certificate may take several minutes.

IT partners of the Rosselkhoznadzor (the list is on the department’s website), including SKB Kontur, have developed solutions that can be used to integrate Mercury with accounting system companies. This allows you to automate the work with electronic VSD. In particular, special modules allow in a familiar and familiar 1C interface to process the entire array of VSD for delivery in a few seconds.

Will there be delays and penalties?

You can work with paper VVD until July 1 of the current year. From July 1, 2018, paper documents become invalid. The originally scheduled date of January 1, 2018 (according to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of July 1, 2015 No. 243 “On Veterinary Medicine”) was postponed for six months, so it is hardly worth counting on a second postponement.
In mid-March (03/15/2018), a draft amendment to the Code of Administrative Offenses on fines for violating the rules for issuing VSD was published. For the production, transportation or transfer of ownership of controlled goods, accompanied by incorrectly executed veterinary documents or without them at all, the following sanctions are introduced for legal entities:
  • up to 100 thousand rubles for the transportation or transfer of ownership of animals accompanied by incorrectly executed veterinary documents or without them at all;
  • up to 20 thousand rubles for the transportation or transfer of ownership of fish and products from aquatic biological resources;
  • up to 10 thousand rubles for the transportation or transfer of ownership of raw milk and raw cream;
  • up to 5 thousand rubles for the production, transportation or transfer of ownership of heat treatment products;
  • up to 50 thousand rubles for the production, transportation or transfer of ownership of all other goods, if they are subject to mandatory certification.
Repeated violation of the rules threatens with a fine of up to 200 thousand rubles. Until 04/04/2018, the draft law is under public discussion. The terms for the entry into force of individual articles vary from 180 days from the date of adoption to 01/01/2019.

In addition, do not forget about the risk of spoiling business relationship with a partner due to non-compliance with the law.

According to Federal Law-243, from July 1, 2018, all veterinary certificates must be issued in electronic form. Manufacturers and sellers of meat and dairy products also fall under the law. Both are required to work with veterinary certificates.

Mercury 2018 system: what is it, for whom and the timing of the transition

What is FGIS "Mercury"?

FSIS Mercury is a federal state information system for retail on the registration of electronic veterinary certificates (eVSD - electronic veterinary accompanying documents) of which the State Information System in the field of veterinary medicine (VetIS) consists. "Mercury" is designed to carry out electronic certification of goods controlled by the State Veterinary Inspection, as well as to track their movements on the territory of our country. The main purpose of introducing new requirements is:

  • creation of a unified information environment for veterinary medicine,
  • increasing biological safety,
  • food safety control.

Specially for grocery stores - accounting and cash program Business.Ru Retail.
Automated cashier's place, support for 54-FZ and EGAIS, work with weighted goods, warehouse accounting and sales analytics.

How does FGIS “Mercury” work?

Which organizations are required to connect to Mercury?

All organizations whose economic activities are related to the circulation of goods of animal origin should be connected to the FSIS. Such companies include enterprises - farms, dairies, poultry farms, meat processing plants, seafood producers.

Logistic centers, wholesale depots, retail chains and retail stores, catering outlets must also keep records of electronic VSD through FSIS. In other words, all those who, by the nature of their activities, are associated with controlled goods of animal origin, are required to work under the new requirements.

What are the terms of transition to work with "Mercury"?

The terms for connecting to the system are prescribed in the Federal Law of July 13, 2015 No. 243 “On Amendments to the Law of the Russian Federation “On Veterinary Medicine”. According to federal law, all VSD must be issued electronically using the Mercury system starting July 1, 2018.

Can they postpone the transition to Mercury?

The transition to work with the Mercury system has already been postponed for six months, from January 1, 2018 to July 1, 2018. But we do not recommend counting on a further delay in the entry into force of the new requirements. Instead, we advise you to prepare in advance for new work standards and think about how to organize this process with the least effort on the part of your employees.

Training video on working in FSIS "Mercury"

How to connect to FSIS Mercury: VetIS.API

What do you need to connect to "Mercury"?

In general, the procedure for connecting to Mercury is quite simple.

To register in the system, you must:

  • fill in the application form. The template is published on the official website of Rosselkhoznadzor. Download application template for registration in FSIS "Mercury" for individual entrepreneurs >>
  • choose the option of submitting the application that suits you - a paper version, when visiting any territorial department of Rosselkhoznadzor, or an electronic version sent by email. Applications sent by e-mail must be certified by an electronic signature. Individual entrepreneurs can use a simple electronic signature, and an LLC can use an enhanced qualified electronic signature (QES);
  • send an application to the Rosselkhoznadzor;
  • choose the most convenient form of working with the system for your company - through a browser or API-interface (VetIS.API). The second option involves the use of specialized solutions that provide convenient operation of other accounting systems of your company along with Mercury.

After connecting to the "Mercury" system, we recommend paying attention to the volume and complexity of the work of your staff when interacting with the FSIS. At this stage, it is important to reduce the complexity of interaction with the system so that the emergence of new requirements does not affect previously debugged business processes.

Today there is a sufficient choice of offers on the market for integrating GIS with systems already used in your company. Thus, the Columbus solution for integrating the Mercury system with 1C allows you to set up work with eVSD within the framework of the standards adopted by the regulator, improve the quality of accounting for controlled products and automate the entire distribution chain with minimal labor costs on the part of the staff.

Complex automation of a grocery store from 500 rubles/month!
Control revenue, inventory balances, purchases, reporting and employees.

For which products do you need to issue electronic VSD?

The general list of products requiring registration of the VSD is given in the Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia No. 648 of December 18, 2015. From this document it follows that the Mercury system should take into account all goods subject to veterinary control.

List of products requiring registration of VSD:

  • meat, offal and fats;
  • sausages, prepared and canned meat products;
  • fish in any form, including canned;
  • crustaceans, molluscs, aquatic invertebrates;
  • bird eggs;
  • all types of dairy products;
  • cottage cheese and cheeses, including processed cheeses;
  • butter and other fats and oils made from milk, milk spreads;
  • pasta stuffed with meat, sausage, fish or seafood;
  • yeast is inactive;
  • soups and broths, as well as blanks for making soups and broths;
  • ice cream, except for ice cream on a fruit and berry basis, fruit and food ice;
  • feed grain: durum and soft wheat, rye, barley, oats, corn;
  • natural honey;
  • propolis, beeswax and waxes of other insects, spermaceti;
  • compound feed;
  • fertilizers of plant and animal origin;
  • stuffed animals, raw skins, hunting trophies.

Thus, we see that the list of controlled products covers almost all groups of food products. This, in turn, means that the number of companies working with Mercury will grow steadily.

Veterinary certificates in retail

Why "Mercury" retail stores?

With electronic VSD, you can perform the following operations: only form, only “quench”, or both form and “quench”. VSD in this case can be of a production or transport type.

As for retail companies, stores are required to work with incoming VSD. That is, your task will be to “redeem” the incoming certificates for each transport lot.

What should I pay attention to when receiving products from suppliers?

If you have accepted the goods partially, then these discrepancies must be indicated at the time of repayment - in this case, the returnable IRR will be issued automatically.

Another important point- operations with VSD must be carried out within 1 working day after receiving the batch. Let's imagine that you have been brought a cargo for which the VSD is not registered in the Mercury system.

The only correct action on your part in this case is to refuse to accept the goods. The only exception here are deliveries accepted by paper VSD. In this case, you are required to pay off the paper VSD and capitalize the balance with inventory.

What to do if there is no Internet access? What are the penalties for missing Mercury?

Is it possible to continue working with paper VSDs if we do not have Internet access?

If you do not have technical restrictions for connecting to the Internet, then you cannot use paper VSDs. The list of places where there is no access to the Internet is approved at the level of each subject of the Russian Federation. If there are no such restrictions, then by July 1, 2018 you need to connect to the network and start working in the Mercury retail system.

If you absolutely do not want to connect to the Internet, then the only possible option for compliance with the requirements of the regulator in this case is to provide access to the system to your supplier or a third party who will be “authorized” to work with the system “on behalf of your company”.

Organizations that do not have the technical ability to connect to the Internet, such as shops in rural areas in some regions of the country, can continue to work with paper VSDs.

What penalties await the entrepreneur for the lack of "Mercury"?

Article 10.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses provides for a fine for non-compliance with the requirements of the Federal Law of July 13, 2015 No. 243 - a fine follows for the absence of an IRR. The measure of responsibility can be from 3,000 rubles. up to 10,000-20,000 rubles, while the amount of the fine depends on who it is issued to: a legal entity or an official.

Legal entities that do not comply with the requirements of the regulator may also face a suspension of activities for 90 days. Currently, there are a number of legislative initiatives that propose changes in the penalties for non-compliance.

Read articles on food retail:

Rosselkhoznadzor / Mercury

federal service for veterinary and phytosanitary supervision

Territorial administrations ... TU on Altai Territory and the Republic of Altai TU for Amur region Technical specifications for the Belgorod region Technical specifications for the Bryansk and Smolensk regions Technical specifications for the Vladimir region Technical specifications for the Voronezh and Lipetsk regions Technical specifications for Moscow, Moscow and Tula regions Technical specifications for the Trans-Baikal Territory Ossetia - Alania TU for the Kaliningrad Region TU for the Kaluga Region TU for the Kamchatka Territory and Chukotka Autonomous Region TU for the Kirov Region and the Udmurt Republic TU for the Kostroma and Ivanovo Regions TU for Krasnodar Territory and the Republic of Adygea TU for the Krasnoyarsk Territory TU for the Kurgan Region TU for the Magadan Region TU for the Murmansk Region TU for the Nizhny Novgorod Region and the Republic of Mari El TU for the Novgorod and Vologda Regions TU for Novosibirsk region TU for the Omsk region TU for Orenburg region TU for the Oryol and Kursk regions TU for the Perm Territory TU for the Primorsky Territory and the Sakhalin Region Kemerovo region Technical specifications for the Republic of Bashkortostan Technical specifications for the Republic of Dagestan Technical specifications for the Republic of Ingushetia Technical specifications for the Republic of Karelia, Arkhangelsk region and Nenets a.o. Technical specifications for the Republic of Komi Technical specifications for the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol Technical specifications for the Republic of Mordovia and the Penza region Technical specifications for the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) Technical specifications for the Republic of Tatarstan Technical specifications for the Rostov, Volgograd and Astrakhan regions and the Republic of Kalmykia Technical specifications for the Ryazan and Tambov regions Technical specifications for the Samara region Technical specifications for St. Petersburg, Leningrad and Pskov regions Technical specifications for the Saratov region Technical specifications for the Sverdlovsk region Technical specifications for the Stavropol Territory and the Karachay-Cherkess Republic Technical specifications for the Tver region about. TU for the Khabarovsk Territory and the Jewish Autonomous Region TU for Chelyabinsk region Technical specifications for the Chechen Republic Technical specifications for the Chuvash Republic and the Ulyanovsk region Technical specifications for the Yaroslavl region


Purpose of the automated system "Mercury"

The Mercury automated system is designed for electronic certification of goods supervised by the state veterinary supervision, tracking the path of their movement through the territory Russian Federation in order to create a unified information environment for veterinary medicine, improve biological and food safety.

General structure

The automated system "Mercury" consists of the following subsystems:

  • Subsystem Temporary storage.
  • Subsystem State Veterinary Expertise.
  • Subsystem Business entity.
  • Subsystem Territorial Administration.
  • Subsystem Notifications.
  • subsystem.

Scheme of work with the automated system "Mercury"

At the moment, the "Mercury" system is implemented only as a web application, i.e. To work with it, you need access to the Internet. The work is carried out using a conventional web browser (browser), such as Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, etc. Thus, the user does not need to install anything at his workplace to work in the Mercury automated system.

To enter the desired subsystem, the user must type the address in the address bar of the browser and go through the authentication procedure. To do this, he must enter his username and password given to him during registration in the system.

Addresses of access to subsystems of the automated system "Mercury"

  • Subsystem Temporary Storage Warehouse (Mercury.SVH)
  • Subsystem State Veterinary Expertise (Mercury.GVE)
  • Subsystem Business entity (Mercury.XC)
  • Subsystem Territorial Administration (Mercury.TU)
  • Subsystem Notifications (Mercury.Notifications)
  • Subsystem verification of the authenticity of issued VVD
  • Universal Gateway (Vetis.API)

Providing access to the Mercury system

For employees of the veterinary service and employees of Rosselkhoznadzor

Access to FSIS is provided by submitting an electronic application using the Vetis.Passport system.

You can get acquainted with the new system of roles and the new procedure for registering users in the FSIS VetIS at the link -

For Business Entities

Registration in the FSIS is carried out in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation of December 27, 2016 No. 589 as follows:

For organization

Registration of authorized persons of organizations is carried out by sending an application:

  • in writing on the letterhead of the organization signed by its head (deputy head) to the FSIS operator or to its territorial office;
  • or in the form of an electronic document signed by the electronic signature of the head (deputy head) of the organization, sent by e-mail.

The application must contain the data specified in paragraph 6 and paragraph 10 of the Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation of December 27, 2016 No. 589.

For individual entrepreneurs

Registration of individual entrepreneurs is carried out by sending an application:

  • in writing by mail to the address of one of the territorial departments of the FSIS operator or by submitting an application in person to one of the territorial departments of the FSIS operator;
  • or in electronic form via the information and telecommunication network "Internet" to the e-mail address of the FSIS operator: [email protected] temporarily unavailable. Send letters to .

The application must contain the data specified in paragraph 6 and paragraph 12 of the Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation of December 27, 2016 No. 589.

Link to the Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation of December 27, 2016 No. 589 - http://help.vetrf.ru/images/d/dd/Prikaz589_20161227.pdf.

Application templates are located at the link - Administration of the list of users of an economic entity in Vetis.Passport.

Technical requirements for work in the "Mercury" system

Technical requirements for the workstation of users of the "Mercury" system can be viewed.

Maintenance and support

For all technical questions related to the operation of the "Mercury" system, you can contact the following address: .

If there is a technical problem, please describe its essence in the letter, indicate the actions that led to its occurrence, as well as the name and version of the Internet browser and operating system used.

Your suggestions and wishes for the development automated system"Mercury" You can also send to this address.

Training to work with the automated system "Mercury"

Video course

You can independently familiarize yourself with the work in the Mercury system using the video course posted at the link - http://www.vetrf.ru/vetrf/presentations/.

In this video course, the order of work in the system is considered - the processes of acceptance, production and shipment of products at the enterprise.

Webinar training

After a preliminary acquaintance with the system, independent study of the basics and procedure for working in the system, it is possible to organize a video conference remotely via an Internet connection via Skype no charge (free). The purpose of such a videoconference is to resolve issues that have arisen after self-study of the material.

A videoconference can be held both for employees of veterinary services and for business entities.

To conduct a videoconference, an application is submitted in a free form to technical support.

The application states:

  • login-skype;
  • the expected number of participants;
  • desired date of the webinar and convenient time (Moscow time);
  • contact person, phone numbers.

Then, after receiving the application, the technical support staff will agree on the date and time of the videoconference.

Mercury is a state information system for recording electronic veterinary certificates (eVSD). Since 2018, everyone involved in the circulation of goods of animal origin, including retail, is required to work in it. Application forms for registration in Mercury and answers to the main questions about the system are on this page.

How to connect to Mercury?

To register in Mercury, fill out the application form and submit it to the Rosselkhoznadzor:

The application can be submitted to the Rosselkhoznadzor (or its territorial office) on paper or sent by e-mail. Wherein:

  • Individual entrepreneurs must certify the application in electronic form with a simple electronic signature and send it to the address [email protected].
  • For LLC, other rules: the application is signed by the electronic signature of the head and sent to the address [email protected].

When the application is processed, you will receive an e-mail with the data for entering the Mercury system to the e-mail indicated in it.

Who is required to join and when?

According to the latest amendments to the Federal Law of July 13, 2015 No. 243 “On Amendments to the Law of the Russian Federation “On Veterinary Medicine”, from July 1, 2018, all VSD must be issued electronically through the FSIS Mercury. Thus, before July 1, 2018, everyone whose activities are related to any stage of the circulation of goods of animal origin are required to connect to the system. This applies to all manufacturers and distributors of goods supervised by the State Veterinary Control: retail stores, wholesale depots, dairies and meat processing plants, poultry farms and seafood producers, farms, breeding farms, as well as catering, retail chains and logistics centers. State veterinarians serving these enterprises must also register.

For which products do you need to issue electronic VSD?

In the Mercury system, it is necessary to take into account all goods subject to veterinary control, namely:

  • all types of meat, offal and fats;
  • sausages, prepared and canned meat products;
  • fish in any form, including canned fish (except for fish fillets and fish meat under heading 0304 of the FEACN);
  • pasta stuffed with meat, sausage, fish or seafood;
  • crustaceans, molluscs, aquatic invertebrates;
  • all types of dairy products;
  • butter and other fats and oils made from milk, milk spreads;
  • cottage cheese and cheeses, including processed ones;
  • bird eggs;
  • natural honey;
  • yeast is inactive;
  • ready-made soups and broths and preparations for their preparation;
  • ice cream, except for fruit and berry-based ice cream, fruit and edible ice.
  • feed grain: durum and soft wheat, rye, barley, oats, corn;
  • propolis, beeswax and waxes of other insects, spermaceti;
  • compound feed;
  • fertilizers of plant and animal origin;
  • raw skins, hunting trophies, stuffed animals.

What should a retail store do in the system?

Within 1 working day from the date of delivery and acceptance, the retail store must pay off the VSD for the transport lot in the system. If you accepted the goods partially, you must indicate the discrepancies when canceling. A refundable VSD will be issued automatically.

Important! If you have received a shipment, but there is no VSD for it in the Mercury system, you cannot accept the goods.

What if we don't have internet? Can I continue to work with paper VSD?

Two options are possible: either you simply have not yet connected to the Internet, or you work in an area where this is not possible.

  • In the first case, you cannot use paper VSDs. And since e-certification is mandatory for you from July 1, 2018, you must establish and verify your Internet connection before this date. If you do not want to connect, you can provide access to the system to your authorized representative, who will pay the IRR and make refunds for you. The law does not establish requirements for such a representative: it can be a supplier (if he agrees) or a third-party company.
  • In the second case - if you work in an area where there is no access to communications and therefore it is impossible to connect to the Internet - you can continue to work with paper VSDs.

Be careful! The list of places where there is no Internet access point is approved by the subjects of the federation.

Is it possible to delay the launch of the Mercury system?

The launch of the Mercury system has already been postponed: from January 1, 2018, it was postponed to July 1, 2018. Until that day, the registration of electronic VSD is not necessary, but counting on a further delay after July 1, 2018 is wrong and dangerous for retail: then in the first days of July, those who did not have time to register will no longer be able to send and receive goods.

There is still time until July 1, but we recommend not postponing the transition to electronic certification. It will take some time to process your application for registration in the Mercury system. And then you still need to master a complex system, get used to working in it and, possibly, train employees. Therefore, it is important to register as soon as possible. Do not put it off until the last day - fill it out and send it to Rosselkhoznadzor right now.

Will there be fines?

The penalty for non-compliance with the requirements of the Federal Law of July 13, 2015 No. 243 is provided for by Art. 10.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses. So, if a car with a cargo controlled by the State Veterinary Supervision Service is stopped for inspection, the forwarder will have to provide information about the eVSD: QR codes or unique UUID identifiers (the main requisite of the electronic VVD), which can be checked in the public service of the Mercury system. In the absence of VVD, a fine will be imposed: from 3000 rubles. per driver or from 10,000 to 20,000 rubles. on the entity, according to Art. 10.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses. For a legal entity, the suspension of activities for up to 90 days can also become a measure of responsibility.

Mercury Rosselkhoznadzor is an automated system designed for electronic certification of goods supervised by the state veterinary supervision, tracking their movement through the territory of the Russian Federation in order to create a unified information environment for veterinary medicine, improve biological and food safety.

The Mercury system includes a number of subsystems. Among them are a temporary storage warehouse, state veterinary examination, subsystems of an economic entity, territorial administration, notifications, authentication of issued VSD, as well as a universal gateway (Vetis.API).

Each of the subsystems is designed to perform certain tasks, and also performs a number of functions assigned to it. In order to proceed to work with Mercury Rosselkhoznadzor, you will need to log in to Personal Area.

However, before that, it is necessary to gain access to the system, which is provided both to employees of the veterinary service and employees of Rosselkhoznadzor, and to business entities (organizations and individual entrepreneurs).

So, in order to gain access to a service such as the Mercury personal account, employees of the veterinary service and Rosselkhoznadzor employees will need to send an electronic application for the provision of the corresponding service. Such an application is submitted using the Vetis.Passport system.

Registration of business entities is carried out in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation dated December 27, 2016 No. 589. In this case, authorized persons of organizations must send an application either in writing on the letterhead of the organization signed by its head (deputy head) to the FSIS operator or to its territorial department or in the form of an electronic a document signed by the electronic signature of the head (deputy head) of the organization, sent by e-mail, indicated on the official website of Mercury Rosselkhoznadzor.

To gain access to the personal account, individual entrepreneurs will also need to register by sending an application either in writing by mail to one of the territorial departments of the FSIS operator or by submitting an application in person to one of the territorial departments of the FSIS operator or in electronic form to the email address, listed on the web resource of the Mercury system.

After you have been granted access, you will be able to log in to your personal account with Mercury Rosselkhoznadzor. In this case, you will need to enter a username and password, and then click on the "Login" button. If necessary, you can also check the "Do not remember username" checkbox.

In the event that when you try to log in to your personal account, it turned out that you do not remember your password, you must use the link "Forgot your password?". After that, you will be asked to enter your login or personal e-mail, which was specified in your profile. Please note that recovery can only be carried out if the email address has been confirmed. After specifying the necessary data, click on the "Restore" button.

You can also log into your Mercury Rosselkhoznadzor personal account through the State Services portal. In this case, you will need to have an account in Vetis, in the account profile in the Vetis system. The field SNILS (Insurance number of an individual personal account) must be filled in the passport, an account on the EPGU portal (Unified portal of public services), which must be of the third level , that is, a verified account.

Mercury Rosselkhoznadzor - Login to your personal account through the State Services

When logging in through Public Services, you will need to provide a phone number or email address and a password. You can also log in through SNILS and a password or using an electronic signature. If necessary, the "Alien computer" item can be checked. It is also possible to recover the password in case it is lost.

In the event that you have any questions when logging into your personal account, you can contact the e-mail address indicated on the Mercury Rosselkhoznadzor website. You can also contact this address in case of technical questions, and for expressing suggestions and wishes on the development of the Mercury automated system.