Description of the pedagogical experience of an English teacher. Presentation of the pedagogical experience of the teacher presentation for an English lesson on the topic Generalization of the experience of a college English teacher presentation

From work experience

Pankeeva Ludmila Alexandrovna

teacher of English language

MBOU Bogoroditskaya secondary school

Higher education.

Pedagogical Institute, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Aktyubinsk.

Specialty - English.

It's me! Student youth...

Construction team…

Teaching experience - 37 years.

Work experience in MBOU Bogoroditskaya secondary school - 23 years

Here I studied and then worked as an English teacher.

Troitskaya secondary school, Kazakhstan.

MBOU Bogoroditskaya secondary school,

Smolensk region.

I have been working here as an English teacher for 23 years.

“If a student at school has not learned to create anything himself, then in life he will only imitate, copy " L.N. Tolstoy

To make it interesting in the classroom, so that children learn to learn, gain knowledge, I use various technologies and teaching methods.

  • ICT.

Informational - communication technology is a means of implementing a student-centered approach to learning, provides individualization and differentiation of learning, taking into account the abilities of children, their level of learning, inclinations. Application computer presentations in the educational process allows you to intensify the assimilation educational material students and conduct classes at a qualitatively new level. The presentation allows you to influence several types of memory at once: visual, auditory, emotional.

I implement ICT in the following areas: - creating presentations for lessons; - work with Internet resources; - use of ready-made training programs;

The children are willing to complete tasks related to

with the Internet, they are happy to prepare presentations.

English painters

Presentation on the subject "English" on the topic:

Visual Arts"

I've done the work

student of the 10th grade of the Bogoroditsk Moscow School of Education

Vladislav Yanygin

Teacher: Pankeeva L.A. .

2. Learning technology in collaboration

This is one of the varieties of a student-centered approach in teaching a foreign language, which involves the organization of groups of students working together to solve a problem, topic, issue.

The main idea of ​​this technology is to create conditions for active joint learning activities of students in different learning situations.

I use this technology at various stages of the lesson in all classes.

3. Communicative teaching methodology foreign languages.

The communicative method of teaching foreign languages ​​most fully meets the needs of a person in the modern world.

Language in the communicative technique is considered as a way and means of communication, therefore the best way Language learning is considered to be the process of communication itself.

The purpose of training is to learn how to use the language as a means of expressing one's thoughts, to make a foreign language a means of communication and use it in real life situations.

10. Teacher: Please, imagine you are Brown Wolf. What would you do? Would you stay with Irvines or would you go away with Cliff Miller?

(a fragment of a lesson in the 11th grade "Jack London's Creativity")

4. Design methodology

The purpose of the technology of projects is to stimulate students' interest in certain problems, involving the possession of a sum of knowledge and, through project activities, to practically apply this acquired knowledge.

The positive aspects of this type of work:

-projects - a personality-oriented type of work;

- the general motivation of students increases;

- in its preparation, students study topics of interest to themselves;

- increasing the importance of the subject as a means of communication;

- educational and educational value;

Project work: « Anglicisms in modern Russian: fashion or necessity?

Work done:

Lvova Alexandra, 8th grade student;

Solodkova Daria, 7th grade student

Work manager:

Pankeeva Ludmila Alexandrovna,

English teacher

Theme of self-education: "Person-centered approach through interdisciplinary connections and project activities"

“The ability of the teacher to take during the lesson of all students there is a criterion for the dignity of the teacher. K.D.Ushinsky.

Open English lesson in 11th grade. The theme of the lesson is "Jack London's Creativity" (intersubject communications - English language and literature).

It is gratifying to see that it is not in vain that so much is given to the school ...

My students at the municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in English.

2014-2015 y. G.

Golden Olympus With winner and runner up municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in English.

Many people like a foreign language. And it doesn't seem like such a difficult subject.

At school - Day of self-management.

Young "teachers" of English.

And the dreams of those who are in love with English come true. Having tested themselves as a teacher, they dream of entering the Faculty of Foreign Languages. And they do!!! Now two of our graduates are studying at Smolensk State University, at the Faculty of Foreign Languages.

At the All-Russian competition "My small Motherland". Moscow city

Theme of the work: "Village Bogoroditskoye - a small corner of Great Russia".

(The history of our small Motherland - the village of Bogoroditskoye).

Five days in Moscow - defending your work, meeting guys from all over Russia, going to museums ...

School is also extracurricular, extracurricular life.

At the district competition "The best for children"

This is also our school theater, which I have been in charge of for many years.

England... Kings, queens, castles, knights...

Extra-curricular activity: "Knight's Tournament".

District English language festivals. And we are the hosts and participants of these festivals!!!

I love writing scripts, developing extra-curricular activities. And I seem to be getting it.

The script "War has no woman's face" was written on the basis of documents from the school museum.

Holiday scenario for students elementary school"Merry Christmas"

My children do not forget school. My graduation is 2004. Ten years after graduation…

Teaching others, learning myself...

At an open English lesson.

Semi-finalist certificate of the Russian-American competition English teachers. Participation in a professional competition is an assessment of your own level of foreign language proficiency.

GeneralizationpedagogicalEnglish teacher experience


As you know, at present, a successful professional and social career is impossible without a willingness to master new technologies, adapt to other working conditions, and solve new professional tasks. Education should be aimed at the formation of key competencies in the graduate, which means the ability to effectively organize their internal and external resources to make decisions and achieve the goal.

In my work when teaching a foreign language, in accordance with the concept of competence-based education, I am engaged in the formation of the following key competencies:

    technological competence,

    willingness to solve problems

    use of information resources,

    readiness for self-education,

    readiness for social interaction

    communicative competence.

At the senior stage of training, readiness to solve problems and use information resources is achieved through the analysis of non-standard situations of communication. For example, when studying the topic “Youth subcultures” in the tenth grade, students discuss the problem of belonging to one or another youth subculture, the problem of communication between representatives of different subcultures, the problem of leaving a youth group, fill in the tables of existing and pre-existing youth groups, starting with “hippies ”, “punks” and ending with “goths”, “emo”; make up support schemes “For” and “Against” belonging to certain groups, and, as a result, write an essay on the topic studied.

When passing any topic, for example, “Student Exchange Program” in the 10th grade, students plan the result of their activities and develop an algorithm for their activities. Students take an active part in the discussion of the topic, perform a number of exercises that help, on the one hand, to form lexical and grammatical skills, on the other hand, listening, reading, speaking and writing skills. Students draw conclusions, make an informed decision at each stage of the discussion of the topic based on critically meaningful information. Below I give an algorithm for working on a single topic:

1st stage- conversation on the topic (frontal work),
2nd stage– acquaintance with new vocabulary, semantization of new lexical units,
3rd stage- activation of new vocabulary in oral speech,
4th stage– work on audio text (listening for general understanding),
5th stage– work on audio text (listening for detailed understanding),
6th stage– work on audio text (listening for deep understanding),
7th stage- reading the proposed text to find general information,
8th stage- reading the proposed text to find specific information,
9th stage- Familiarity with writing a letter - request,
10th stage- compiling your letter - a request as part of the "language portfolio" (Portfolio Career Passport).

Creative tasks (compositions, essays, projects), which students perform systematically at the end of the study of the topic, aim them at searching and selecting information from various sources (any media are used: English-language Internet sites, adapted or original literature in English), systematization and analysis of the selected information and the use of the analyzed information to solve certain communicative tasks, which ultimately reflects the readiness of students for self-education.

Starting from the fifth grade, when studying the topic “My Interests”, students learn to present their point of view and defend it in a civilized manner, taking part in debates, dialogues, public speaking and role-playing games that help students open up and show themselves. Such forms of work, as well as the use of a communicative approach, are effective in learning and serve as a platform for the formation of readiness for social interaction and the formation of communicative competence.

The study of grammar is one of the most important aspects of learning a foreign language, one of the foundations for the development of key competencies. The formation of a grammatical skill goes in parallel with the formation of a lexical skill, which together contribute to the formation of communication skills: speech skills - speaking and writing.

Based on my own work experience, I would like to note that when studying grammatical material, the formation of aspect-temporal forms of verbs, as well as interrogative sentences, students confuse verb forms, their formation and use, with regard to the formation of questions, the most common mistake is the omission of auxiliary verbs and the wrong word order.

Some methodologists suggest using diagrams to prevent and eliminate such errors, but often the diagrams are too cumbersome, contain a lot of information, and therefore they are too difficult to perceive and assimilate. This problem led me to develop my own technique - a diagram that helps students quickly cope with the task of constructing a question. Below I give this diagram and an explanation for it:

O _ _ … ?
O - interrogative word (only in special questions)
- auxiliary
__ - subject
_ _ - predicate
... - minor members of the proposal

While practicing questions orally, I draw students' attention to this scheme, which is very simple and easy to use. It is enough to show students literally “on the fingers” a triangle and students who skip the auxiliary verb understand that they made a mistake, determine the type of error and immediately correct it on their own.

When teaching junior students the grammatical time of Present Simple (present simple time), “chauffeurs” help very well. Since students very often forget to add the ending -s or -es to a verb that is used in the 3rd person, singular, I tell them that when we talk about a person, a person, about her or about him (3 lit., singular .h.) we add the ending (“chauffeur”) -S or -ES to the verb and at the same time point with our hands at the shoulders, where the military has shoulder straps. In the future, when practicing this grammatical tense, in case of a student’s mistake, I show my hands at the “shoulder straps”, and they are immediately corrected. This is the so-called visual technique, given the fact that junior students are mostly visual, it is necessary to accompany the educational process with visual supports, diagrams, pictures, tables, tips.

Very often, the teacher borrows some techniques, materials from his colleagues who share their experience, uses ready-made training tasks from various manuals, educational and methodological literature. However, such borrowing may not always be effective when used in a particular school situation and often requires adaptation and change. So, for example, in the course of studying, perhaps, one of the most “problematic” times (Present Simple), the game about “Jimmy”, which I borrowed from the authors of the “HOTSPOT” textbook and adapted to my learning situation, can help. The purpose of this game is to practice 3l verbs. units h in affirmative and negative sentences. This game is interesting because children play it not only in the classroom, but also during recess, and sometimes at home. The game starts with me showing a picture of a boy and saying his name is Jim, but he likes to be called Jimmy. And then the students are invited to find a pattern and answer what Jimmy likes and dislikes. Based on the following suggestions:

He likes coffee, but he doesn't like tea.
He likes sheep, but he doesn't like cows.
He likes his school, but he doesn't like the kindergarten.

Students conclude that Jimmy likes everything that contains doubled letters in words (ff, ee, oo, etc.) and dislikes everything else. Later, the children themselves come up with a continuation to the above list, for example:

He likes cheese, but he doesn't like milk, etc. Such game exercises allow you to unobtrusively learn complex material and at the same time instill interest in a foreign language.

For the older age group as a formation

readiness for self-education as one of the key competencies, critical reading of literature through individual reading turns out to be effective, when a single student receives literary work(adapted or original, depending on the level of the student) that he or she studies independently at home. The work is structured as follows:

    1st stage– Pre-reading. Students answer “pre-text questions” when they think about the title of the text, their possible content.

    2nd stage– Reading. Students read the text, answer (in writing) questions about the content of the text.

    3rd stage– After – reading. Students answer questions for a deep understanding of the text or write the main idea in 5-6 sentences and express their attitude to this work.

Checking what is written in the process of individual reading is one of the types of control of acquired knowledge, skills and abilities.
As you know, control is an important condition for the learning process.
ZUN control is carried out systematically.

At the first lesson, students perform a diagnostic test (Placement test), which allows you to identify weaknesses, see what difficulties students are experiencing. In the course of training, current testing is constantly carried out, which reveals the degree of assimilation of theoretical issues, the level of formation of practical skills and abilities. (boundary control). The course ends with a final test or classroom test. Starting from the ninth grade, tests are performed in the GIA format, and then the USE, that is, students complete tasks for listening, reading, writing, vocabulary and grammar, and speaking.

Typical training consists of three parts: 1) exercises aimed at developing the skills of identifying and analyzing linguistic phenomena; 2) exercises aimed at the formation of professional skills in teaching vocabulary; 3) material for the implementation of self-assessment of their own activities. In addition, it should be noted that the training texts are accompanied by a glossary, recommendations for working on linguistic material, additional information on this topic.

The formation of key competencies is achieved through the use of the following forms, methods, approaches, techniques, typical tasks: observation method, communicative approach, development and presentation of creative projects, simulation (role-playing game), dramatization, debates, analytical reading of fiction, watching movie fragments on in English, compiling a folder of achievements (portfolio) or a professional career passport (Portfolio Career Passport), self-reflection and self-assessment, productive, differentiated diagnostic technologies, interaction and correction. In the course of teaching a foreign language, I use such approaches as: activity, communicative, problematic, reflective, personality-oriented. The use of the project method, communicative games, reflection techniques, dramatization, various exercises, forms of work contributes to the qualitative assimilation of educational material, significantly increases the effectiveness of the lesson, motivates students

As a priority in the formation of the communicative competence of students and their readiness for social interaction, I chose the role-playing game, since it is the role-playing game that removes all psychological barriers, promotes emancipation, activation of students who have difficulty communicating. When using a role-playing game in teaching, the main emphasis in teaching is on the personality of the students, on their personal life experience.

As experience shows, many students experience fear and curiosity when faced with something new, unknown. On the one hand, it’s scary - what if it doesn’t work out, on the other hand, I want to try. It is this desire, this curiosity that the teacher always needs to support, warm up, using interesting forms of work in the educational process, effective system evaluation of learning outcomes.

When students begin to learn a foreign language, they face two main tasks in the course of solving any communicative task: 1) what say and 2) how to say, moreover, the problem of “accuracy” (accuracy, correctness of the answer) is more important for students than “fluency” (fluency, freedom of expression), and there is an explanation for this - the mark for completing an oral task is mainly reduced due to lexical and grammatical errors, at the same time, teachers rarely pay attention to the form and content, the design of speech: the structure of speech, tempo, intonation, the interaction of partners in a role-playing game, the use of communicative clichés, the child's desire to enrich his lexical baggage, use new words, new grammatical constructions, the desire to speak, communicate . Therefore, the purpose of my work is, first of all, to increase the level of students' speaking skills through role-playing.

The purpose of any role playing game is to to teach students to initiate, maintain and end a conversation in situations of communication close to reality, make a decision, respond to the interlocutor's proposal with consent or refusal, ask again, clarify information, express their opinion, request, restore communication in cases of failure.

The advantage of role-playing is that it provides an opportunity to use unprepared speech. The main goal of any role-playing game is to train unprepared speech. Role play can transcend any pair or group activity, training students to speak in any situation on any topic.

Despite the fact that the purpose of the role-playing game is to train unprepared spontaneous speech, nevertheless, students must be prepared for the role-playing game in advance, and the following principles for constructing a role-playing game should be taken into account:

    from simple to complex,

    from controlled exercises to a situation of communication close to reality,

    principle of thematic selection.

Novelty role-playing game is to develop systems exercises for small groups of students according to the PPP: Presentation Practice Production principle. So, in the 5th grade, when studying the topics “Acquaintance” and “Family”, when preparing a role-playing game, students get acquainted with new lexical units and speech constructions. Then in mini-groups three people each, these speech clichés are fixed in the form of small polylogues. The next stage is mini-situations, for example, “in the hospital” or “at the school”, etc. The final is a lesson-generalization (video filming) in the form of a role-playing game, where the “lost” mini-situations are combined into one and subject to one common goal.

The listed forms of work were tested by me in practice and proved their effectiveness in that the training indicators (percentage of quality) improved by an average of 13%. Based on the results of the work, Toolkit for English language teachers as part of the INSETT (International English Teacher Training Course) project, in which I participated.

It can be said that when teaching English to schoolchildren, the point is not in the amount of learned words and rules, but in familiarization with the culture of another nation. And the task of a foreign language teacher is to make words that were foreign, foreign, sound in a new context, create vivid images in a literary text. BUT oral speech and the dialogues should not reveal some abstract problems, but those that concern all teenagers.

With painstaking work at every lesson, I try to bring to the consciousness of children that learning a foreign language plays an important role in educating a personality. It contributes to the development of such qualities as purposefulness, the ability to achieve the goal. The outlook of a person who knows a foreign language is wider and fuller. And it is very important to start achieving this from childhood.

The most difficult, in my opinion, competitive event isself-presentation.It seems impossible to talk about your best qualities in 5 minutes.

How it was...

So guys, your creative homework- write an essay-reasoning on the topic "Which (or how) I dream of seeing myself in the future." Good luck!

The bell rings.

Hello! A moment - and indulge in dreams ... Probably, every person thought about what will happen tomorrow. And everyone wonders how his life will turn... Life without a dream would be boring, colorless, joyless and simply useless! A dream is the wings of the soul… All ages are obedient to dreams. To live means to dream, love, create, act, win, appreciate, cherish, believe, feel and expect that dreams will come true!

1.(Charlie Chaplin) I I dream ... to have some unusual talent ... For example, the talent of reincarnation, to be artistic, inimitable, serious and slightly ironic, like ... Charlie Chaplin ( takes a cane) is a versatile dreamer who retained his childishness, spontaneity, smile, sense of humor and wisdom of thought.

2.(Queen) Like any woman, I dream of becoming a queen, being a model and example in everything. And here is the symbol of royalty ( cane turns into a scepter)… But you need to be born a queen, or at least wait for the king’s son…( To fall in love is like a queen, To win is like a million ... To begin with, a million of your smiles).

3.(Harry Potter) And I also dream… to change the world, to make it happier and kinder. But for this I need a magic wand, like Harry Potter! I, like a famous hero, dream of resisting evil, making scientific discoveries, I dream of being just as inquisitive and intellectual... Yes, everything is fine with my logic: I admit, it was given to me at birth - female, iron, invincible.

4.(Santa Claus) Yes, while we are small, our dreams are also small. We are growing, and our desires, aspirations, goals are growing with us ...

I dream in the future to travel the world in one night ( strikes with the staff). Like Santa Claus… Santa takes me to the world of childhood, the world of fairy tales. His presence is always welcome. He brings a holiday to people, he lights on a fluffy Christmas tree and in our souls colorful lights of life, joy and happiness. ( New Year's music sounds, dances around the spruce).

5.(Sherlock Holmes) Santa Claus surrounds with a mystery that only Sherlock Holmes can solve. I want to be like him. To be as multifaceted, observant, fair. To be a subtle psychologist, a researcher in the soul, like Sherlock Holmes, an expert on human psychology, who sometimes liked to play on the strings of the human soul ( the staff turns into a bow, playing an imaginary violin). And just like Sherlock Holmes, eat oatmeal in the morning...

6.(Mary Poppins) ... to be slim, beautiful, perfect, like Lady Perfection ( music sounds and an umbrella opens) ... And as it happens only in a fairy tale, she appeared right out of thin air, like no one else, a wonderful nanny-sorceress. She is not just the best at cooking, dressing, sewing, dancing, raising children ... She is devoid of flaws and she is fabulously beautiful ...

Childhood dreams, you say. “But whoever has never been a child will never be an adult,” said Charlie Chaplin. So what am I going to write...

My dream is to be... a teacher. Only the Teacher can and is able to combine all these qualities in himself. A teacher who has the power to make the world perfect!

Presentation of teacher's pedagogical experience

of English language

Bikeyeva Olga Viktorovna

MOU "Secondary school No. 8"

Cities of Saransk

If a teacher has such love for his students,

like a father, like a mother, he will be a better teacher,

who has read all the books

but has no love either for the work or for the students.

If a teacher combines love for work and for students,

he is the perfect teacher.

L.N. Tolstoy

A pedagogical problem that I have been working on for several years now is "The role of independent work in English lessons".

Relevance and prospects of experience

With the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of the new generation, the importance of independent work increases significantly. Independent work in a foreign language is organized with the aim of teaching students to use a foreign language as a means of obtaining, expanding and deepening systemic knowledge, as well as a means of forming and formulating thoughts in the field of everyday foreign language communication. It is independent work that leading teachers have always considered one of the most effective ways to enhance the cognitive activity of students, develop independence, responsibility and creative abilities. The student should work in the classroom and at home as independently as possible, and the teacher should only organize, control and manage this process.

The organization of independent work of students in our school is a topical issue. Much depends on how independent work is organized, and most of all, the learning process, its effectiveness. Therefore, this problem was and is relevant.

In recent years, more attention has been paid to the independent work of students in the learning process, in particular in teaching foreign languages. This is due to many factors, including the fact that in today's dynamic, constantly changing world, it is not enough to have a certain amount of knowledge. In my opinion, a person should be able to independently replenish their knowledge, engage in self-education. The Concept for the Modernization of Russian Education states that “a developing society needs modernly educated, moral, enterprising people who can independently make responsible decisions in a situation of choice, predicting their possible consequences, capable of cooperation, distinguished by mobility, dynamism, constructiveness…”

The organization of independent work, its management is a responsible and difficult work of every teacher. The education of activity and independence must be considered as an integral part of the education of students. This task appears before every teacher among the tasks of paramount importance.

Formation of the leading idea of ​​experience

Speaking about the formation of independence among schoolchildren, it is necessary to keep in mind two closely related tasks. The first of them is to develop students' independence in cognitive activity, to teach them to acquire knowledge on their own, to form their own worldview; the second is to teach them to independently apply the existing knowledge in teaching and practical activities.

Independent work is not an end in itself. It is a means of fighting for deep and solid knowledge of students, a means of forming their activity and independence as personality traits, and developing their mental abilities.
A child crossing the threshold of a school for the first time cannot yet independently set the goal of his activity, is not yet able to plan his actions, correct their implementation, correlate the result obtained with the goal set.

And the leading pedagogical idea of ​​my experience:

Increasing interest in the subject and positive dynamics of quality

students' knowledge;

Increasing the density of the lesson, moving forward at a rapid pace;

Systematic work on the overall development of students;

Conscious approach of students to the learning process.

In teaching English, like any other foreign language, the use of independent work allows you to bring students to fundamentally new level mastering a non-native language and better prepare them for the Unified State Exam. The more students work on their own, the more effectively the used material is absorbed.

Theoretical base of experience

The individual approach of the teacher to students with an interest in learning English has a very great importance and includes: the development of tasks of increased difficulty, the recommendation of more complex additional literature, assistance in mastering increasingly complex skills and skills of independent creative work. In the process of studying students, each teacher can easily see those students who are only interested in this subject, but are not yet passionate about it. Such students also need to be able to provide timely support and assistance in order to stimulate the formation of educational and cognitive motives.

Independent work can be carried out in various organizational forms: individually, in pairs, in small groups and as a whole class.

Each of these forms is designed to create and develop in the aggregate organizational, informational, cognitive and communicative skills of students, the mastery of which will ensure the advancement of students in learning the language in unity with the development of their methodology. Modern methodologists attach particular importance to this side of independent work, seeing in the development of the methodology of students the prerequisites for continuous education.

According to G.V. Rogova, the development of independent activity of students in the study of the English language is impossible without the following conditions.

First, it is necessary to realize the purpose of the activity performed, each specific exercise. The student must know what he will do, in what sequence, what the final result will be, how this task will enrich his experience. The student must accept the task, otherwise the desired effect is impossible. Awareness of the purpose of the task (exercise) is nothing more than the application of the principle of consciousness in organizing the student's independent work.

Secondly, knowledge of the task execution procedure itself is required. The teacher needs to equip students with rational methods of learning activities, based on the nature of the activity itself and the capabilities of students in this age group and their experience in a foreign language. In this case, there is also a reliance on the principle of consciousness, i.e. understanding not only the meaning of the task, but also the process of its implementation.

Thirdly, you need the ability to use appropriate teaching aids to complete the task, such as sound recording, educational didactic material for pair work, etc.

Fourthly, it is necessary to be able to see supports in the material of assignments that facilitate overcoming difficulties in the course of independent work; in this case, it is equally important to learn how to use ready-made (objective) samples and create your own (subjective) ones.

Fifth, it is important to provide adequate didactic conditions for the successful independent completion of tasks, i.e. First of all, determine a suitable place for them: in the classroom or at home. This should also include the choice of organizational forms for the implementation of a particular type independent tasks. Homework takes on an individualized form that must be provided and prepared under the guidance of the teacher in the classroom.

Independent work in the classroom can be carried out in all organizational forms: individually, in pairs and small groups, while the mutual assistance of students is clearly manifested.

Individually independent work in the classroom can manifest itself in two ways:

- all students perform one common task;

- Students perform different tasks, depending on their abilities.

In case of difficulties, the teacher provides assistance, in accordance with the principle of individualization of the learning process.

Choice organizational form and the place of its application is determined by the nature of the material, the type of activity being developed, the age and psychological characteristics of students, as well as the degree of equipment of the foreign language classroom with the necessary TSS.

The teacher should patiently and persistently show the advantage of systematic independent work in learning English.

Thus, in order to organize independent work of students in English, it is required:

- their awareness of the purpose of the tasks;

- knowledge of the procedure for their implementation;

- ability to use teaching aids;

- the ability to apply supports and create them when preparing tasks;

- taking into account the relevant didactic conditions.

Experience technology

Many understand the term “independent work” only as the individual work of students. However, in my opinion, pair and group forms of independent work have great potential. You can organize such work using a group method of training or training in cooperation. “The main idea of ​​collaborative learning is to learn together, not just do something together.” The main thing is not rivalry, but cooperation. Each member of the group is responsible for the success of the entire group. There are many techniques or options for cooperative learning. I use the following tricks.

I think when talking about preparing for independent work, it is necessary to introduce students to various learning strategies. We are talking, for example, about strategies for working with text: the ability to see supports in the text, ignore unfamiliar words if they do not affect general understanding, the ability to highlight the main idea, draw conclusions from what has been read, etc.

An important aspect is learning to use reference literature, in particular dictionaries. Often students cannot find necessary word in the text, since they do not know how to highlight the dictionary form of the word, they do not know how to choose the appropriate value from several data. To teach how to work with a dictionary and other reference literature is the task of the teacher.

For further self-education and independent use of the language, the formation of word-formation skills also plays an important role. It is no coincidence that the task for word formation is included in the Unified State Exam in English. In some modern teaching materials there are exercises aimed at developing word-formation skills. However, work on word formation should be carried out throughout the entire period of study. If there are not enough exercises in the teaching materials, I use additional materials, or even students try to compose their word-building assignments from the text they have already read.

Self-control and self-correction play an important role in the development of students' independence. To develop self-control and self-correction in the classroom, I try to provide students with the opportunity to check their work, check it with a sample. In this regard, the problem of the teacher's attitude to mistakes arises. In my opinion, when learning a foreign language, mistakes are natural and inevitable. Students should be given the opportunity to correct their own mistakes. In this case, the error will not be an inhibitory, but a developing factor in the learning process. Mutual control contributes to the development of self-control skills. By learning to see errors in the speech of others, students will be better able to control their speech activity. I use mutual control extensively in the classroom. This is mutual control in pairs, when students check each other's homework, independent work. In addition, it is mutual control in small groups. For example, when checking the ability to retell the text. First, one strong student speaks in front of the whole class. Then, together with the students, we discuss his story, thus setting a sample for completing the task. Then the class is divided into small groups, and the guys listen to each other's stories. At this point, I move from group to group, supervising their work, or you can listen to a weak student who has difficulty speaking in front of the whole class. Students are serious about such work, trying to objectively evaluate their comrades. On the one hand, such work allows you to increase the time of speech practice in the classroom, since several students speak at the same time. On the other hand, it promotes the development of self-control.

Performance analysis

In my opinion, the use of the form of independent work in teaching English in pedagogical practice makes it possible not only to increase the motivation and interest of students in the subject being studied, but also forms the desire to master the language and communicate in it, contributes to the formation of creative independence of schoolchildren, helps to improve the skills of working with various sources of knowledge.

In my lessons I great attention I pay attention to the formation of the ability of senior students to work independently on the tasks of the unified state exam. The orientation of the work of such a plan allows preparing students for the final certification.

In order to exchange experience with colleagues, I conduct open lessons, speak at seminars, meetings of the English Department. I am trying to improve my methodological level, such an opportunity is provided by advanced training courses. I study the experience of other teachers in my school, and also use Internet resources where the experience of teachers from other regions is posted.

Difficulties and problems in using this experience

But as in any job, we face certain difficulties.

Difficulties in organizing independent work:

In the conditions of a group training system, it is possible to use only elements of individualization;

Lack of time for the formation of individual skills and abilities of independent cognitive activity (different rates);

Can't be reduced independent activity learning only to the knowledge of the method of action or reception, it is necessary to design the student's own activity, and this requires additional time;

The student must take the initiative in completing the learning task, find new ways to solve it, i.e. carry out the transfer of skills, perform it in new conditions.

The lack of independence makes the learner passive, hinders the development of his thinking and ultimately makes him incapable of applying the acquired knowledge. Independence of thinking and independence of purposeful activity are the most important qualities of a person. And the higher the level of independence of students, the more effective their learning activities will be.

A creative approach to planning and conducting a lesson, a constant search allow the teacher to increase the density of communicative communication in the lesson. Students actively and with great interest work at such lessons, feel comfortable, willingly and easily communicate with each other, show imagination and ingenuity. All this ensures the effectiveness of training.

visual application


7 th Form

Variant 1

1. Write three forms of the verbs:

2. Put the verb in Present Perfect:

1. The boys (to ride) their bikes this summer.

2. We already (to go) to the cinema.

3. I (not to listen) to music.

4. You (to be) to Scotland?

5. We just (to watch) TV.

6. Mrs. Smith never (to work) in the kitchen.

7. They (to have) a wonderful time at their friends.

8. I (not to have) a history lesson yet.

3. Complete the sentences with the article "the", where necessary.

  1. ... Thames is a short river.
  2. ... Russia is washed by ... Arctic Ocean in ... north.
  3. … Kiev is to ... south of ... Moscow.
  4. ... Europe is a continent.
  5. ... Black Sea is in ... south of our country.
  6. ... Lake Baikal is the deepest lake in the world.
  7. ... Washington is ... capital of ... United States of America.
  8. I want to go to... New York.

4. Complete the sentence. Use say, tell, speak, or talk.

2. Why are you …ing me lies?

3. What does Philip…?

4. Can you … me the time, please?

5. We sat drinking tea and … ing.

6. What story will you … us today?

5. Read the text and do the task after the text choosing one from the given variants.

Christmas is a home and family celebration in Britain. Those who live away try to get back home. Christmas is the biggest holiday of the year. As Christmas nears, everyone buys Christmas presents for friends and relatives. Christmas people try to give children everything they want. Children count the weeks, then the days to Christmas. On Christmas Eve, families and friends gather for the festivities. Housewives are busy preparing food, and children are sent to bed. They are told that if they don't go to sleep, Father Christmas will not bring them any presents. Then, when they are asleep, the parents come into their bedrooms and leave the presents near their beds, or under the Christmas tree, or in a stocking hanging up somewhere in the room.

1. This text is about

a) Christmas presents b) Father Christmas

c) Christmas celebrations d) the Christmas tree

2. When Christmas comes, the children are given gifts...

a) at the Christmas table. b) in the streets

c) at schools. d) at home

3. Which sentence is wrong?

a) Christmas is a family holiday.

b) Presents are usually given at Christmas.

c) At Christmas, children usually don't go to sleep.

d) Children find their presents near their beds, under the Christmas tree or in a stocking.

4. Choose a title.

a) British Children b) British Christmas

c) Christmas parties d) British Homes

5. Find the word which is not in the text.

a) Christmas b) Presents

c) Easter d) Eve

control test

5th form

Variant 2

1. What are the capitals of the following countries?

Helsinki, Kiev, Moscow, Rome, Madrid, London, Paris, Washington, D.C., Ottawa

slide presentation

Slide text: Novosibirsk-2011 Pedagogical experience of Vorobyova Elena Yurievna, English teacher of the highest qualification category. Municipal budgetary educational institution of the city of Novosibirsk "Lyceum No. 136" LOGO

Slide text: My pedagogical philosophy

Slide text: responsibility cognition and self-development A B adequacy of self-assessment D knowledge-tool C Landmarks in education for students.

Slide text: The technology of using information and communication tools for teaching English as a way to improve the efficiency of the educational process. If you want to lead a happy life, you must be attached to a goal, not to people or things Albert Einstein “The whole world is an open task. Decide - and luck awaits you ... "A.A. Gin

Slide text: Options for using information technology The systematic use of information technology as a learning tool. Fragmentary use of information technology. Implementation of the entire training course using a computer

Slide text: Technologies, methods and techniques of work Even if there is good way, but you do not know the methods of its implementation, then the result will be the same, as if there is nothing Mo-tzu

Slide text: Modular Learning

Slide text: English-speaking countries project method. The crossword. Klementiev M. 10 A

Slide #10

Slide text: R E G L L I V E R P O O W E S T N G K A R O A O S C O T L A N D B N C H R F I E G A T W I N E A P L M K I C A N E D R O C L L E R A S A W R N O D O L G N H E N C O N S S T O N Hello, I am Englishman and I want to check your knowledge of my country and other English-speaking countries. The first question will be political: which government organization in USA presents the Supreme Legislative Power? The second one will be for music lovers: this city is famous for its world-known group composed of 4 people. Usually, it is a genre of films with many cowboys, Indians, bandits, horses and shootouts, located on the Wild West. This animal is the national symbol of Australia. One of the countries belonging to the UK. Good job, you have almost found all the words, but I think I missed something… That’s it! I forgot to introduce myself, but I am sure you know my name. So what is it? I was absolutely sure that you know me. The next question is: what is one of the two official languages ​​in Canada? The longest mountains in the world, “backbone” of North America, Central America and South America. This is the 2nd largest and busiest airport in Great Britain after Heathrow. The leaf of this tree is the national symbol of Canada. What is the capital of USA? And what is the capital of Great Britain? I was glad to spend time with you puzzling out this crossword. Good luck and good bye!

Slide #11

Slide text: ISUD I- individual S-style U- educational and cognitive D-activity

Slide #12

Slide text: The use of information technology tools in the process of teaching English for:

Slide #13

Slide text: Results The technical capabilities of the latest teaching aids and Internet resources have been studied. A selection of electronic teaching aids: flash cards, videos, tests, presentations. Methods and forms of work with IT have been tested. An electronic version of Test Yourself has been developed, with keys and reference windows, for the sections of the textbook “English7” author V.P. Kuzovlev An electronic bank of student projects has been created. A system of work has been introduced to create student projects in the form of presentations using triggers and hyperlinks. A system of work has been introduced to improve the skills of literate writing and pronunciation using IT in grades 5-6. A special course for students of specialized classes "Technical English" has been developed. distance course"The path to science and technology" for students of a specialized class with in-depth study mathematics and physics (2010-2011 academic year), which has guest access for teachers of English and everyone who wants to get acquainted with the content this course(www. e-leaning. oblcit. ru)

Slide #14

Slide text: Criteria for evaluating results

Slide #15

Slide text: Student achievement

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Slide text:

Slide #17

Slide text: Positive dynamics of educational achievements. Academic year Number of students Quality of education 2008-2009 148(5,6,8,11 grades) 70% 2009-2010 136 (5,6,7,9 grades) 73% 2010-2011 139(5,6,7,8,10 grades) 78% Academic year Grade Number of examinees % of the total number of graduates Of which "4" and "5" 2008-2009 11 5 49% 100% 2009-2010 9 7 53% 100%

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Slide #20

Slide text: Advanced training and professional retraining

Slide #21

Slide text: Generalization and dissemination of one's pedagogical experience Work experience is summarized at different levels: at a meeting of the school methodological association