How to improve the air quality in the apartment. Types of apartment ventilation systems

Ventilation in apartment buildings often works poorly. Because of this, children and adults get sick, furniture deteriorates, building structures become covered with fungus. Neither air purifiers nor household air conditioners solve the problem. For air hygiene of rooms, the organization of air exchange is necessary. Not every family can afford the installation of an expensive ventilation system. However, in the battle for freshness, you can often get by with little bloodshed by adopting the simplest and most affordable technologies.

Air mass roads

In most residential multi-apartment buildings of modern construction, natural (gravitational) exhaust ventilation is provided. Fresh air enters the rooms mainly through leaks in the windows (between the sash and the frame) and from there through the undercuts interior doors moves into the corridor, and then - to the ventilation grilles in the bathroom and in the kitchen. Along the way, the air absorbs various kinds of pollution.

From apartments, polluted air enters the exhaust ducts of natural ventilation, which, in multi-storey buildings (6 or more floors), as a rule, transport it to a warm attic, from which the air is removed into the atmosphere through common house waste shafts. In houses with a height of up to 5 floors, the "exhaust" usually goes directly into the atmosphere (ventilation ducts in this case are brought to the roof, their heads are covered with deflectors).

Natural ventilation channels are mounted in houses at the construction stage: they are made from floor-by-floor unified concrete blocks. Each vertical of apartments can be served by two ventilation ducts, and if the bathroom and kitchen are nearby, then one is enough.

To ensure fire protection and optimal aerodynamics in most modern homes, polluted air does not enter the ventilation ducts immediately, but through satellite ducts. The source of the satellite is behind the wall ventilation grilles in the kitchen (in the toilet, bathroom), and the outlet, docked with the common house channel, is on the floor above.

Unfortunately, gravity ventilation does not always work effectively enough. In addition, residents, wanting to squeeze more equipment they really need into their small kitchens and bathrooms, often encroach on the integrity of the ventilation ducts, although this is strictly prohibited. As a result, the performance of the natural ventilation system is disrupted, the restoration of which becomes very difficult and costly.

Methods for organizing effective ventilation on a scale of the whole house are considered in detail in modern technical literature, for example, in the recommendations of TR ABOK-4-2004. We will confine ourselves to a review of typical apartment ventilation problems and simple technical solutions, which are easy to implement to improve air exchange.

Fans only...

The performance of natural ventilation depends on random climatic factors - wind speed and direction, indoor and outdoor air temperature, and others. For example, in winter, with a large temperature difference in the apartment and on the street, the natural ventilation system can work well, but in summer its efficiency drops sharply.

If the apartment has ordinary wooden windows(those that were installed in all residential buildings during the Soviet era), in winter, autumn and spring, the ventilation efficiency of the residents is quite satisfied, then the problem is solved with the help of one or two fans installed in the exhaust vents in the bathrooms and in the kitchen.

The most widely used today are fans operating on a voltage of 220 V (in rooms with high humidity, fans designed for 12 V are used). Such devices are fixed in exhaust openings in waste shafts or at the end of the duct. Such a device can be turned on and off using a rope switch or, more often, from the light switch when entering the kitchen or bathroom.

However, other control methods are possible, depending on the type of ventilated room.

For example, the bathroom is the main source of high humidity in the apartment. Moisture-proof models with a humidity sensor are often used here. Such a device automatically turns on when the level of relative humidity in the bathroom exceeds a predetermined limit (can be set to turn on at 60-90%), and turns off when the steam escapes, wet surfaces dry out, evaporation slows down and the air in the room becomes dry.

Among the models with a humidity sensor, we can mention Decor 300CH from Soler&Palau, CB-100 PLUS H from Cata, E-Style 100 PRO MHY (smart) from Elicent and others.

In toilets, fans with a motion sensor and a shutdown delay timer are very often used. When a person appears, such a fan automatically turns on, and after the room is empty, a timer controls the operation of the fan for a set time (2–20 minutes). At the end of the delay period, it deactivates the fan. An example is the 100/125 MA TP from Vents.

In the kitchen, fans are used, which are switched on by a signal from a remote air quality sensor.

The sensor is usually a device about the size of a cigarette box, its sensors constantly monitor the quality of the air in the room. As soon as it worsens (the smell of cigarette smoke appears, as well as unpleasant odors), the fan is activated. After the air quality has returned to normal, the sensor switches off the device automatically after a short time delay (3–20 minutes).

An example is the Vario (Vortice) axial wall fan with C Smoke sensor.

Cheap fan models - consumable, be prepared to replace them after 3-6 months of continuous use. Only the highest quality devices can operate up to 30,000–40,000 hours in a row (approximately 4.5 years). If you want the apartment to be ventilated more intensively, buy a fan with a powerful engine that has a "turbo" function. However, here you need to know the measure. In order not to harm others, the air capacity of the fan should not exceed 90–120 m3/h.

In addition to the fans of the listed companies, it is worth noting the devices of the trademarks Sylavent, O. ERRE, Xpelair, Ductex, Systemair, Maico Ventilatoren, Ballu Machine, as well as Arktos and Smart.


If the efficiency of ventilation in the apartment before the installation of sealed plastic windows with double-glazed windows suited you, and after their installation you felt a lack of fresh air, the solution to the problem of air supply to your home may turn out to be unexpectedly simple. Set the window latches to winter ventilation mode (bolt handle up and slightly to the right) or summer ventilation mode (handle up). Through the gaps formed in the porches of the windows, the fresh air necessary for breathing will seep into the rooms. You will not need any additional devices and devices.

Alas, through windows that are even ajar in this way, street noise will penetrate into the house, drafts will arise, especially dangerous for the elderly and children. If these phenomena are unacceptable, it is better to use supply ventilation valves to depressurize the apartment, which provide silent access to fresh air and normalization of natural ventilation.

Supply ventilation valves can be mounted in various places of the apartment. This can be an external wall - on the side of the window, at a height of human growth (for example, KIV-125 valves), a foamed window-wall joint (Climabox valves from KBE), a sash or impost profile of a plastic or wooden window (EMM valves from " Aeroko"). Siegenia - Aubi offers very interesting models of supply ventilation valves mounted in the gap between the end of the double-glazed window and the window profile ("Aeromat-80") or under the window sill ("Aeroflet").

Supply ventilation valves do not consume electricity, their throughput, depending on the model, can be from 2 to 50 m 3 / h (for some models, the flow can be adjusted manually or automatically).

The number and location of the valves is determined according to the calculation. Usually they are installed in each residential area, at least two valves per apartment. For example, to normalize the operation of a natural ventilation system that removes 90 m 3 / h of exhaust air from a house, it is enough to install 3-4 valves in living rooms with a capacity of 30 m 3 / h each with a pressure difference between the apartment and the street 10 Pa.

It must be said that the better the draft in the ventilation ducts and the higher the wind pressure on the facades, the more air will flow through the supply ventilation valves into the dwelling. Sometimes the supply air may even be too much, so the valves have to be covered. It is not recommended to place the head of the bed, especially for a child, next to the valves, as in winter they are noticeably cold.

But in summer, in calm weather, fresh air may not go into the house at all, even if the valves are fully open. Therefore, in order to provide the apartment with fresh air (especially if it is located on the last or penultimate floor of the house), in addition to valves, it is still better to equip the exhaust vents in the kitchen and in the bathroom with good exhaust fans.

Overhaul or replacement?

A redevelopment carried out by a neighbor from above, or a banal clogging of a satellite duct (after long-term operation, kilograms of soot, pieces of concrete are removed from it ...) often leads to the fact that the exhaust air from the apartment is not removed at all. The flame of a candle in front of the ventilation grilles does not even waver. To reanimate the ventilation system, it is enough to contact the management company, whose specialists will help to find out and eliminate the cause of the lack of traction. However, you can't wait for help...

If you cannot tolerate stale air in your house, there is an option to organize an individual exhaust ventilation system for the apartment, which discharges exhaust air from the kitchen and bathroom directly to the street, and simply put plugs on the existing exhaust vents in these rooms.

Such a system can operate continuously or “on demand” (for example, it can be activated by a signal from humidity sensors or air quality sensors in the apartment). The bottleneck of such installations is the freezing of exhaust openings on the street in severe cold. However, most of the year they function without problems - there would be electricity in the house.

First of all for normal operation The system requires access of fresh air from the street to living quarters - a bedroom, a living room. If the rooms have old wooden windows, no special equipment is required. If installed plastic windows with a hermetic porch, then the flow of air into the living rooms, most likely, will have to be organized. For example, using the supply valves already mentioned above, mounted in through holes in the outer walls.

The exhaust of air from the kitchen is often arranged using a wall-mounted centrifugal exhaust fan superimposed on a through hole cut into outer wall at home. From the side of the facade of the house, the hole is closed with an exhaust ventilation grille.

Centrifugal wall fan for the kitchen must have a built-in check valve, in order to prevent the flow of cold air into the room from the street when it is turned off. Example: fans of the TsF series (Vents). In the southern regions, axial exhaust fans with automatic shutters are also used, mounted in a through hole with a diameter of 100–150 mm in window glazing. Such devices are supplied to the Russian market under the trademarks Vortice, Sylavent, O. ERRE, Xpelair, Ductex and others.

To extract air from the bathroom and toilet - rooms that usually do not come into contact with the outer walls of the house, you will need a moisture-proof duct fan with a capacity of approximately 80–150 m 3 / h: they usually put it in the bathroom, behind a false ceiling. Humid air from the bathroom and toilet is pumped out with its help to the street through the air duct - moisture resistant and soundproof. It is necessary to lay such an air duct through the living rooms, along the shortest path to the nearest outer wall, in the space behind the hemming flow, or in the voids of the decorative lowering of the ceiling along the perimeter of the room. The air intake in the bathroom and the outlet of the air duct on the street are closed with ventilation grilles.

For bathrooms in an apartment, it is logical to buy a centrifugal fan with a low noise level (32-36 dB (A)), adapted for long-term operation (resource - at least 30,000-40,000 hours).

We can recommend VKP-mini (Vents) with capacity from 80 to 176 m 3 /h. Up to 4 short air ducts can be connected to the inlet pipes of this device, only one outlet pipe. Durable models of duct fans made of polymeric materials, which do not care about long-term contact with humid polluted air, are produced by Vortice (Lineo lineup), Cata (SMT), Panasonic (FV-12NS1), Shuft and others.

Among the manufacturers of air ducts, we note the companies DEC, Diaflex, Sodiamex. Trox, Systemair, Halton, Swegon, IMP Klima, Arktos have a wide range of high-quality supply and exhaust ventilation grilles.

Smog and odor free

In modern megacities, plastic windows are often installed only in order to tightly fence off the apartment from the street. The air outside the windows due to the proximity to the highway is polluted with a host of dangerous chemical compounds. And its inhalation over time necessarily affects the health of households ...

Alas, sealing the home, as the only measure to combat smog, does not bode well for the residents of the apartment. In a closed home, the air quickly becomes even more toxic than outside. Therefore, in addition to installing sealed windows, it is necessary to equip the dwelling with a mechanical ventilation system.

The simplest solution is a supply unit, which thoroughly cleans the street air from pollution and, if necessary, heats it up to a comfortable +17 ºС before being fed into the apartment. The discharge of exhaust air from the dwelling is organized through the channels of natural exhaust ventilation (if they are in working condition), otherwise - with the help of an individual exhaust ventilation system of the apartment.

Such systems, if, of course, they are properly designed and installed, maintain the highest level of climatic comfort in the room, do not create drafts. There are no problems with heating the supply air even in severe cold.

To organize the supply of fresh purified air into a room with an area of ​​10–30 m 2, air handling units for one room, such as Marta, or other similar devices, are very convenient. Such an installation is mounted under a window or in any other place in the room, but always on a wall bordering the street. It sucks air from the atmosphere (usually in a volume of 40 to 120 m 3 / h) through a channel drilled in the wall with a diameter of 100–150 mm, processes the flow to the required conditions, and then launches it into the room.

It is noteworthy that air handling units for one room can be mounted in already finished rooms without disturbing the interior, without spoiling the finishes, and in just a few hours. In recirculation mode, the unit works as a highly effective room air purifier.

If several rooms need clean outdoor air at once, it is logical to consider the possibility of installing a ventilation system based on a monoblock supply unit. It will take air from the street, prepare it accordingly, and then supply it through a network of supply air ducts to all rooms that need it. If the house you live in has a patio and the air quality there is better than that of the facade facing the roadway, then it is logical to “feed” the apartment with fresh air from this more environmentally friendly air pool.

Structurally, a monoblock supply unit for an apartment is a box assembled from heat-insulated panels, inside the unit there are a duct or centrifugal fan, an electric air heater (most often single-phase, 220 V, but in some cases three-phase models for 380 V are also used), filters, as well as the automation system and other elements.

Central supply units are mounted on the loggia, but sometimes directly in the apartment - for example, on the mezzanine, in the pantry, in the dressing room or corridor. Depending on the design features, they are placed behind a false ceiling, installed on the floor or on the wall, in a horizontal or vertical position.

Models with a weather-resistant coating of the body and its sufficiently effective thermal insulation can also be located outside the heated zone - on the loggia or the wall of the building - as well as external blocks of split systems. It is only necessary to provide for the possibility of their regular Maintenance(replacement of filters, engine repair and other works).

To supply air to rooms, an air duct-collector (main section) is often provided, from which supply air ducts of a smaller diameter are connected to different rooms. The network of ventilation ducts is located behind the false ceiling. At the mouths of the supply air ducts, air distribution devices are placed in harmony with the interior.

After connecting to the network and starting up, the air handling unit operates in automatic mode all year round. It is only important to pay electricity bills on time and carry out maintenance.

Among the monoblock air handling units for large rooms, one can note TLP and TA-MINI from Systemair, SAU125 A from Ostberg, CAU from SHUFT, Compact from Arktos, Elf from Engineering Equipment, Fresh Air from Electrolux, GLP 125 from General Climate, KKP from VEZA, Alfa Vent from 2VV and others. Well, we have already mentioned the manufacturers of high-quality air ducts, exhaust fans and ventilation grilles above.

How to deal with the fire hazard of air ducts

Recently, the number of fires and even explosions inside the air ducts of ventilation and air conditioning systems has sharply increased. Although such fires have always occurred, recent changes have led to much larger fires involving more people.

Analysis of advanced heat supply systems

This report discusses issues related to the transition of district heating systems to decentralized. The positive and negative aspects of both systems are considered. The results of the comparison of these systems are presented.

For ourselves and our family, we try to choose the best. Healthy food, clean water, orthopedic mattresses. At the same time, we rarely think about what exactly we have to breathe. Meanwhile, our health is directly dependent on air quality. Of course, we cannot change the ecological situation as a whole, but it is quite possible to create the most comfortable climate in our own home. This is where modern technology comes to the rescue. We will talk about the main devices that can improve the air quality in our home.


The optimum humidity in the house should be at the level of 60%. You can measure this coefficient with a hygrometer, which is sold in a pharmacy. The lack of moisture in the air contributes to the accumulation of static electricity and prevents the settling of room dust. When humidity is less than 30%, the mucous membrane of the human respiratory system begins to dry out, which increases susceptibility to respiratory infections. Modern humidifiers help solve this problem. There are several types of humidifiers. Let's talk about four main ones.

1. Traditional humidifiers provide natural humidification. In addition, they do not require additional costs for replacement parts, they are the most economical and easy to operate. And some models can even be used for aromatherapy. Their only drawback is the need to periodically replace the cartridge.

2. The ultrasonic humidifier has an auto-off/on function and a high-efficiency cartridge. They work silently, and the efficiency of humidification is quite high. In addition to all other advantages, they are also economical. Of the minuses: frequent cartridge changes, demineralized (softened) water is required.

3. Air washers - humidifiers with air purification function. These devices humidify and purify the air at the same time. By purchasing this model, you will avoid additional costs for filters. And they are absolutely silent in operation. Minus: limiting air humidification to 60%.

4. Steam humidifiers. These models have more disadvantages: there is a risk of steam burns (outlet air temperature is 60 0С), high energy consumption, not all models have a humidification sensor. But there is only one plus: some models have inhaler nozzles.

Air dryers

Dehumidifiers are needed in rooms with high humidity. For example, in the bathroom, in the kitchen, in the basement. High air humidity can lead to quite devastating consequences: premature destruction of the building's load-bearing elements, corrosion processes in metals, the formation of fungus, mold, etc.

Household dehumidifiers are of two types.

1. Adsorption dryers. The main part is occupied by an adsorption material that absorbs excess moisture. The disadvantage of this model is the need for frequent replacement of cassettes. In addition, the humidity in cabinets and other closed places remains the same.

2. Compressor dryers. The basic principle of operation of such a dehumidifier is to cool moist air until condensation forms. The condensate then drains and drains. The compressor dryer has a high capacity and is able to handle large volumes of air, but at the same time it works with more high level noise, consumes electricity and is larger than adsorption dryers.

Air Ozonator

The ozonator in the house performs two main functions: health and welfare.

By inhaling ozone (within the allowable range), you improve your overall well-being. In addition, ozone kills viruses and bacteria, which means that it is necessary for the prevention of various kinds of seasonal diseases transmitted by airborne droplets.

As for the household use of ozone, it cleans the air of smoke, molds, bacteria, dust mites, pollen, cooking odors, pet "aromas" and chemicals, and removes mustiness. Can give a smell of freshness to shoes, clothes, bed linen.

Most often, ozonizers have two modes of operation. Normal - when ozone has a stimulating effect on the human body, increases immunity, resistance to action toxic substances, increases the content of hemoglobin in the blood, normalizes blood pressure. And reinforced - for quick and effective air purification, which must be used in an empty room, since it is not safe to breathe such ozonized air.


In the natural environment, plants, mainly coniferous trees (pines, spruces), are the source of ionized oxygen. And in apartments it is necessary to use ionizers. Below are some selection guidelines.

For especially sensitive people, asthmatics, allergy sufferers and children's room, it is better to choose a salt lamp as an ionizer - these are natural natural ionizers with very soft ionization, which do not emit ozone at all.

If there is a lot of dust in the room, the family has allergies or small children, you should choose an air purifier with a HEPA filter with a built-in air ionizer. When choosing this device, keep in mind that there are ionizers that work on the principle of ionic wind - causing air circulation due to a high electric charge, as well as ionizers with a fan. A big plus of the first is almost silent operation and low cost. But for some, their disadvantage may be a rather large output of ozone.

According to doctors, 90% of colds and infectious diseases are transmitted indoors! In the open air, dust and microbes are destroyed, and indoors, all conditions contribute to their reproduction. And if modern technology can solve this problem, then why not take advantage of it? After all, health is the most valuable thing we have. Be healthy and breathe only clean air!

As a rule, when it comes to pollution, we refer to harmful emissions, which are car exhaust gases, dust, and smoke from industrial facilities. All these factors do their "dirty" work without ceasing. However, experts say that polluted indoor air is more dangerous for the lungs than outdoors.

If this seems unbelievable to you, then you should take a closer look at the environment in which you spend most of your life. Items that fill the majority modern apartments, homes (carpets, furniture, paintings and detergents) are sources of harmful organic compounds. Pet dander, skin flakes and mold spores should be added here. Since modern homes are surprisingly airtight, particles accumulate in concentrations that are inferior to those outside. We must also take into account the fact that on average each person spends almost 90% of the time indoors. Thus, it becomes clear why the lungs should be more wary of relaxing at home than walking down the street.

Important information

Few people know that there is one very common pollutant that remains from cigarette smoke. In the scientific world, it is called second-hand smoke, which contains very stable elements. They settle on furniture, carpets, curtains and clothes. It is believed that long-term exposure to second-hand smoke can be hazardous to health. Especially for young children who play on toxic-laden carpets.

Measures to improve indoor air quality

So what can be done to improve indoor air quality and limit exposure to fine particles as small as 2.5 microns? Below are the proven methods.


This is the easiest way to clean the room from harmful particles and substances. Even in the absence strong wind particles in the room will naturally fly out the open window. Of course, this method will not work in hot calm weather, in dusty areas of the city, and also if you live near a source of pollution. In such situations, an air conditioner will be of great benefit, which captures air from the street, filters it and, if necessary, heats or cools.

Regular ventilation maintains a healthy indoor climate. It is particularly important when performing work that releases a large amount of contaminants (for example, painting) or cleaning agents are used. This is especially true when there are elderly people in the room who are looked after by a live-in caregiver.

Using a range hood

Cooking on the stove is accompanied by the release of substances that irritate your lungs, and hot, with a lot of steam, the shower increases humidity, creating favorable conditions for the reproduction of mold fungi. To improve air quality, fans in the kitchen and bathroom will help. Turn them on while cooking and after showering.

Weathering of harmful substances

Experts say that problems with indoor air pollution sometimes arise when brushing clothes or buying new carpet, when huge amounts of volatile organic compounds are released. For example, a new carpet is a source of organic compounds that will be released from it within two to three years. You can reduce the harmful effects by hanging it outside for a few days. But it is better to lay the floor with hard materials, such as parquet.

Good repair, reliable furniture, advanced Appliances- all this is necessary for a comfortable life in the house. However, there is an invisible, but vital thing, on the quality of which not only our comfort, but also our health depends - air. So, the site "RIA Real Estate" decided to find out what devices will help households "breathe deeply."

home weather station

Humidifiers and dehumidifiers, ionizers and purifiers - what devices have not been invented to maintain good quality air. In order for a person to correctly choose a device for himself, you need to understand your needs. Also, a home weather station will help you monitor the climate in the house - a small device that will show temperature, pressure and humidity levels. The cost of such stations starts from 1 thousand rubles.


“So, with the start of the heating season, the air in the house dries up, the residents of the house begin to dry out the skin, a runny nose appears, as the nasal mucosa is irritated. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the humidity indicators. Comfortable humidity indicators are 40-60%,” says an Internet specialist store "Mir Vozduha" Elizaveta Osipova.

She draws attention to the fact that there are several types of humidifiers - steam, ultrasonic and traditional. All of them are filled with water.

Steam generate hot steam, a kind of effect of an electric kettle. They are good to put in rooms where there are a lot of plants, for example, in winter gardens, the interlocutor of the agency explains. However, in this case, you need to be careful with the device, since hot steam can burn you. Prices for steam humidifiers start at 9 thousand rubles.

The principle of operation of ultrasonic humidifiers is as follows - a membrane is installed inside the device, on which water enters and breaks into small particles, turning into steam. Accordingly, a jet of steam enters the room, and it is already cold. However, in the case of ultrasonic humidifiers, there is one rule, Osipova warns, only soft, distilled water should be used there, otherwise all liquid impurities will settle on the furniture in the form of a white coating. For this reason, ultrasonic humidifier you can’t use it in a room where there are small children under three years old. But this type of humidifier is the most budgetary, they start from 3 thousand rubles.

When using a traditional humidifier, there is no steam jet, as this is natural evaporation. Either a humidifying filter or a drum placed in water is installed inside it. If a newborn child appears in the family, then doctors recommend installing humidifiers of the traditional type in the children's room, the World of Air specialist points out. The price tag for traditional humidifiers starts from 7 thousand rubles.

But dehumidifiers in residential buildings are needed only when the windows begin to "cry", there are smudges on the windows and there is a smell of dampness and even a fungus on the slopes.

Fight with mushrooms: how to remove mold in an apartment or in the countryMold in an apartment or house not only violates the aesthetic appearance of the room, but is also an infection that can seriously harm the health of households. How to deal with this scourge figured out the site "RIA Real Estate".

By the way, it is important to remember that when choosing absolutely any air-cleaning devices, especially humidifiers, you need to correctly determine the area for which they are designed. "The area that was originally declared in the data sheet is not entirely correct, you need to take it with a margin. Roughly speaking, you can not install a device designed for 20 square meters in the same size room. In this case, he will have to work for a very long time to achieve the desired effect, which annoys many. Therefore, it is better to put such a device in a room 10-15 meters away," Osipova instructs.

Air purifiers

If there are allergy sufferers among the household, who have a particularly hard time in the spring-summer season, then an air purifier will come in handy in the house, the World of Air expert draws attention. In principle, it will not be superfluous in any apartment, especially in megacities, where the level of air pollution is often elevated.

Air purifiers differ only in the number of built-in filters. The more filters, the higher the degree of purification. Plus, air purifiers are already quite large devices compared to humidifiers, so you need to allocate space for them in the room. It is important that nothing interfere with the air intake, so it is impossible to force the device with cabinets and other pieces of furniture, Osipova points out.

We evict dust: how to make your apartment hypoallergenicSpring is a time of open windows and good mood, but, unfortunately, not for those who suffer from seasonal allergies. Experts interviewed by RIA Real Estate told how to equip your apartment for allergy sufferers.

The cost of such air purifiers starts from 7-8 thousand. But there are also more expensive climatic complexes, with the function of humidifying and ozonizing the air. Their cost starts from 20 thousand rubles. All devices are designed for continuous operation, even with the humidifier turned on. “The fact is that a traditional type humidifier is used there, which, in principle, is not capable of over-humidifying the air. Above 60%, the figures never rise due to the fact that this is natural evaporation,” explains the World of Air expert.

Air ionizers

Ionizers are bought in rooms with a lack of fresh air, for example, if there are few windows in the building or they face the highway, and there is no way to ventilate often. "Ionizers produce positive and negative ions in equal amounts to make it easier to breathe indoors. Roughly speaking, this is the production of oxygen. Plus, they have bactericidal properties, as they have built-in ultraviolet lamps", says Osipova.

Some people are afraid of such devices, fearing oxygen poisoning. However, Osipova emphasizes that ionizers are not harmful to humans, unlike ozonation - the complete elimination of all bacteria. “It is no coincidence that climate complexes with an air ozonation function indicate that this mode must be turned on in an empty room, without people and animals. For example, you can turn on the ozonation function before you go to the store or for a walk,” the agency’s interlocutor explains. Air ozonation is necessary if there are sick people or allergies in the house.

The cost of ionizers starts from 1 thousand rubles.

In winter, the humidity level in the apartment drops to 15-20%. And that's bad. Why?

Firstly, because dehydrated air dries out the skin and mucous membranes, contributes to a decrease in immunity and the development of diseases such as sinusitis and sinusitis. By the way, young children are especially sensitive to its effects.

The second reason - insufficient humidity harms plants, books, wooden furniture and musical instruments.

The optimal level of humidity in the apartment is about 40-60%.

You can measure the humidity of the air using a special device - a hygrometer. If you don't have it, use the following method. Fill up a glass cold water and leave it in until the temperature of the liquid drops to 3-5 ° C. Then take out the glass and place it in the room away from the batteries. Observe the surface of the glass for five minutes. Evaluate the result like this:

  • If the walls of the glass are foggy at first, and dry after five minutes, the air in the room is dry.
  • If the glass remains foggy after five minutes, the humidity is moderate.
  • If streams of water appear on the glass, the humidity is increased.

Is the air dry? Then use one of the following tricks to restore normal moisture levels.

1. Use the bathroom

Probably one of the most simple ways. Leave the door to your room open every time you take a shower or bath. Evaporation will penetrate into the apartment and humidify the air.

You can also not immediately drain the water from the bath, but let it cool first: this will increase the amount of steam.

2. Dry things in the room

Another way that does not require any effort from you. Just put the dryer with the washed things next to the radiator: the clothes will dry faster and the air will be saturated with moisture.

The main thing is that there are no cleaning products left on things. Otherwise you will breathe chemistry.

A similar way to humidify the air is to hang wet towels on a radiator. You can extend the life of this humidifier with a bottle of water.

How to build such a structure is described in detail.

3. Boil

All you need is a stove and a pot or kettle.

  • Option 1. Bring water in a saucepan to a boil and put it on a table or window sill so that the steam humidifies the apartment.
  • Option 2. Boil the kettle and leave it on low heat for longer evaporation. This technique can be used when you are cooking (often the air is dry at this time).

You can also add a few drops of tea tree oil or eucalyptus oil to the water. Their aroma is soothing, and the vapors kill germs and reduce the risk of colds and flu. In addition, cinnamon sticks, herbs or other spices can be thrown into the water to make the air fragrant.

4. Arrange water containers around the apartment

You can do without boiling. Simply fill vases, bottles and other containers with water and place them near heat sources. If you add stones and flowers, you get a beautiful composition - guests, most likely, will not even guess that these are not decorative elements, but homemade humidifiers. Just do not forget to periodically wash the containers and change the water.

5. Get houseplants

Home flowers not only humidify the air, but also ionize it. Some are also excellent and disinfect.

The following plants give especially a lot of moisture:

  • nephrolepis (house fern);
  • fatsia;
  • cyperus;
  • sparmania (room linden);
  • ficus;
  • dracaena;
  • hibiscus.

6. Set up an aquarium or fountain

Both of these decorative element also humidify the air. Of course, buying them specifically for this purpose is irrational. But if you want to get fish or decorate your house with a small fountain, you should not forget about this additional property.

7. Ventilate and do wet cleaning

Even in winter, it is not superfluous to ventilate the apartment 2-3 times a day in order to maintain a comfortable level of humidity. Well, you probably know yourself that from time to time you need to wipe the dust and wash the floors.

8. Build an Electric Humidifier

Option for owners of crazy hands. This air humidifier cost Lifehacker about 300 rubles. An ultrasonic steam generator can be ordered on AliExpress for 180 rubles, a fan for 50.

Important to remember

High humidity in the apartment (more than 70%) is not better than dry air. It contributes to the appearance and occurrence of allergies. Yes, and it just creates an unpleasant feeling of dampness. So do not overdo it with moisturizing - and the force will be with you!