Methodological development. Topic: “Game as a means of teaching literacy to older preschoolers. Preparing preschoolers for literacy

Tatyana Ivanova
Literacy education for preschoolers


At present, the problem of preparing children for mastering diploma is particularly relevant. It would seem that the child's speech is understandable and does not cause him difficulties in communicating in preschool age unless special requirements are placed on it. Small deviations in speech development do not bother parents, but things change dramatically with the start of school learning. Already at the beginning learning to read and write, children experience significant difficulties, write with errors, and as a result, poor grades, a negative attitude towards school, behavioral deviations, increased fatigue and neurosis.

Another reason for the urgency of this problem is the increased demand of schools, especially gymnasiums and lyceums, for future first-graders. One of the requirements is a willingness to master diploma, which includes the child's mastery of sound-letter, sound-syllabic and lexical-syntactic analyzes and synthesis before entering school.

In addition, the alphabetical period in the first grade coincides with the period of adaptation of children to living conditions and learning. Pedagogical practice shows that children who read feel more confident and have more prospects for success. schooling.

Also classes to prepare children for mastering diploma are of a general developmental nature, contribute to the development of mental processes, active mental activity, increase efficiency, moral and aesthetic qualities of the child's personality.

This problem prompted me to create a mug in my group « Gramoteika»

Nowadays "market" pedagogical services are very diverse and elemental: many copyrights appeared programs and methodological developments on literacy and not always of the highest quality. Of course, there are also useful preschooler techniques, but there are those that will lead to the desired goal (they will teach the child to read and write, but will not develop the child himself.

Development in this area is understood as the organic and timely mastering of the native language by the child, awareness of the basics literacy in writing, mental development.

Conducting work on literacy education for preschoolers, as a basis I use program« Literacy education for preschoolers» N. S. Varentsova, program is based on the material of the methodology created by D. B. Elkonin and L. E. Zhurova. Familiarization of the child with the phoneme (sound) the language system is important not only for learning to read but also for all subsequent learning of the native language.

Content programs built taking into account the age characteristics of children preschool age . Children comprehend a certain system of patterns of their native language, learn to hear sounds, distinguish between vowels (stressed and unstressed, consonants (hard and soft, compare words by sound, divide words into syllables. Later, children learn to divide the speech stream into sentences, sentences into words, get acquainted with letters of the Russian alphabet, make up words and sentences from them, using grammar rules for writing, master the syllable-by-syllable and continuous ways of reading. It is important to note that learning to read while, is not an end in itself. This task is solved in a broad speech context. Children acquire a certain orientation in the sound reality of their native language, they lay the foundation for the future literacy.

In addition I use program"From sound to letter" E. V. Kolesnikova, "From word to sound" N. V. Durova.

Program for junior group includes 2 section: development of the phonetic and phonemic side of speech in order to prepare children for learning sound analysis of words and the development of movements of ksitei and fingers to prepare the hand for writing. During the lessons, children are introduced to the sounds of the world around them, then, during onomatopoeic exercises, they learn to correctly pronounce vowels and some consonants, except for whistling and hissing, terms that characterize the sound (vowels and consonants are not used in class). I will bring example: the teacher explains that there are a lot of sounds in the world and they all sound differently, the children, together with the teacher, remember how sound: wind, water, bird, etc.

In the middle group, work continues on the development of the phonemic side of speech, in the process of working on the sound side of speech, the range of tasks is significantly expanded, because children of the 5th year of life are especially sensitive to the sound side of speech, preschoolers"plunge" into the sound reality of the language, they learn to distinguish individual sounds in words, determine the first sound in a word, select words with a certain sound and distinguish between hard and soft consonants by ear (without using the terms themselves).

AT senior group work continues with the sounding word, determining its length (measurement of the syllabic structure of words with claps, steps) the term is introduced "syllable" and graphic notation of syllabic division.

In the preparatory work continues to master the basics diplomas, children of 6 years old are able to master a wider orientation, in the phonemic side of speech; they have a certain sensitivity to the sign reality of the language, they experience an increased interest in letters and a craving for reading. Concerning program for the preparatory group includes 3 directions: development of the phonetic side of speech, familiarization with the sign system of the language, preparing the child's hand for writing.

It is important to note that attention and memory will "weak" if the teaching does not capture. Therefore, I always introduce games and play games into my lesson. situations: it is always easier to remember what is interesting. The game is also necessary to reduce physical and mental overload. For this, in my work I use the book of the author V. V. Volina "Festival of the Primer" is a collection of funny fairy tales, poems, proverbs, sayings, tasks and exercises. Playful and entertaining material selected for each letter of the alphabet will help make the first lessons of literature creative and joyful.

WHAT IS LITERATURE? LITERATURE IS READING AND WRITING writing. How a child is introduced to literacy largely depends on his success not only in reading and writing, but also in mastering the Russian language as a whole. The complex process of acquiring literacy is divided into several stages, most of which are at school. But in order to make literacy training at school more successful, it is necessary to form some of the skills in kindergarten.

FREQUENT ERRORS IN TEACHING LITERATURE The concepts of “sound” and “letter” are mixed up Arbitrary and chaotic acquaintance with letters is observed; it is not taken into account whether the child has a violation of sound pronunciation. The names of consonant letters are given to preschoolers in alphabetical transcription [BE, EM, KA, EL]. . . , which can be allowed only after the child clearly distinguishes between the concepts of “sound” and “letter”, which leads to the corresponding reproduction of the phonetic number of the readable word [EMAEMA] or [MEAMEA] instead of the word MAMA, [SETEULE] instead of the word CHAIR;

TAKING INTO ACCOUNT THE FEATURES OF THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE The modern method of teaching literacy uses the sound method of teaching literacy. Students identify sounds, analyze them, synthesize them, and on this basis learn letters and the whole process of reading. At the heart of Russian graphics is the syllabic principle. It consists in the fact that a single letter (grapheme), as a rule, cannot be read, since it is read taking into account subsequent letters. For example, we cannot read the letter l, because, without seeing the next letter, we do not know whether it is hard or soft; but we read the two letters li or lu unmistakably: in the first case l is soft, in the second - l is hard.

A LITTLE ABOUT SOUNDS Sounds are the sounds we hear and pronounce. Vowel sounds are sounds, during the pronunciation of which the air stream comes out freely, neither lips, nor teeth, nor tongue interfere with it, therefore vowel sounds can sing. They sing (voice, say), they can sing any melody. For vowel sounds, we came up with "houses"in which they will live. We decided that vowel sounds will only live in red houses (red circles or squares). There are six vowels in Russian: A, U, O, I, E, Y. There are ten vowels: six - A, U, O, I, E, S - correspond to sounds and four - iotized, which denote two sounds: I, Yu, E, E, (I - YA, Yu - YU, E - YE, YO - YO)

Consonant sounds are sounds, during the pronunciation of which the air stream meets an obstacle. Either her lips, or her teeth, or her tongue prevent her from going out freely. Some of them can pull (SSS, MMM,) but none of them can sing, but they want to sing. Therefore, they AGREE to be friends with vowels, with which they can also sing any melody (ma-ma-ma-. . .). Therefore, these sounds are called CONSONANTS. For consonant sounds, we also came up with “houses”, we just decided that they would be for solid consonants of blue color(blue circles or squares), for soft consonants - green (green circles or squares). Consonants can be voiceless and voiced. The deafness and sonority of consonant sounds are determined by the work of the vocal cords and are checked with a hand placed on the throat: deaf consonant sounds - the vocal cords do not work (the neck does not tremble): K, P, S, T, F, X, C, H, W, SCH; voiced consonant sounds - the vocal cords work (the neck trembles): B, C, D, D, F, 3, Y, L, M, N, R Consonant sounds can be hard and soft. The hardness and softness of consonants are determined by ear: consonants that can be hard and soft: B, C, D, D, 3, K, L, M, N, P, R, C, T, F, X, B , Vb, Gb, Db, Zb, Kb, L, Mb, Nb, Pb, Pb, Cb, Th, Fb, Xb; The sounds [W, F, C] are always hard, they do not have a “soft” pair (there are no “affectionate” brothers). The sounds [H, Shch, Y] are always soft, they do not have a “solid” pair (there are no “angry brothers”).

PREPARATORY (PRE-LETTERS) PERIOD It is necessary to form phonemic perception, develop phonemic hearing, sound analysis and synthesis ACQUAINTANCE WITH THE BASIC CONCEPTS: SPEECH SENTENCE WORD SYLLABLE STRESS

CLASSES WITH CHILDREN 3-4 YEARS To develop in children the correct pronunciation and the ability to distinguish sounds. To acquaint with the sounds of the surrounding world, sound as a unit of speech. Learn to isolate sound from the general flow, to recognize who or what makes them. The terms characterizing the sound (vowels, consonants) are not used. To learn to highlight a vowel sound in a voice following an adult, which prepares children for the intonational isolation of any sound in a word. It is also necessary to develop fine motor skills(movements of the hands and fingers) in order to stimulate speech development and preparation of the hand for writing.

CLASSES WITH CHILDREN 4-5 YEARS OLD To develop the phonemic side (distinguishing sounds) of speech in order to prepare children to master the sound analysis of words. Learn to distinguish individual sounds in words, determine the first sound in a word, select words with a certain sound and distinguish between hard and soft consonants by ear (without using the terms themselves). Give an idea of ​​the length of words (short and long), introduce the division of words into syllables based on the allocation of vowels (the term "syllable" is not used). To teach with your voice to highlight some consonant sounds - sounds that can be pronounced lingeringly (M - Mb, B - B, F - Fb, N - Hb, X - Xb); then whistling, hissing, and then L-L, R-Rb. Provided that children pronounce those of them that are proposed for selection. Then, for intonational emphasis by voice, sounds are offered that cannot be pulled with a voice: explosive, labial and others (Ch, D - D, T - Th, G - Gb, P - Pb, B - B, Y). To form the movements of the hands and fingers in order to prepare children for writing.

CLASSES WITH CHILDREN 5-6 YEARS OLD To develop the phonemic side of speech. Determine the length of words (measure the syllabic structure of words with claps, steps). You can enter the term "syllable" and make a graphic record of the syllabic division. It is necessary to continue the intonation selection of given sounds in words, to select words for certain sounds, to isolate the first sound in a word. The ability to isolate sounds in words helps children analyze the sound composition of words. And this is the first step in learning to read and write and a warning in the future to skip letters when writing. Introduce the term "vowel sound" and its designation with red chips, then the term "consonant sound" with its division into "hard consonant sound" and "soft consonant sound" and designate them with blue and green chips (signals), respectively. To form graphic skills (to prepare a preschooler's hand for writing). By this age, preschoolers can already voluntarily control their hands and fingers. During the exercises, children use colored pencils to outline the contours of objects, hatch, etc.

CLASSES WITH CHILDREN 6-7 YEARS OLD From the age of 6, children with great interest can already engage in the sign side of speech, that is, learn to read. When showing a child letters, you should know and follow certain rules and principles. Recognition of a letter in its connection with sound Merging several letters into a syllable. Merging several syllables into a word. Combining several words into a complete phrase. Work on teaching literacy to preschool children must be carried out in three areas: Continue the development of the sound side of speech Introduce children to the sign system of the language (letters). To prepare the hand of a preschooler for writing. All material for reading and "writing" in the initial periods of literacy must be selected in such a way that its spelling completely coincides with pronunciation. To learn to read first direct and reverse syllables, then three-letter monosyllabic (SOK, SUK) words. Then you can learn to read disyllabic (MUSTASIS, OSES, EAR; SLED, BRAIDS, etc.) words, then three-syllable (RASPBERRY) words, and then words with two adjacent consonants (KNOCK, SLED, WOLF, etc.) . Need to work with individual cutting alphabets

Methodology for studying a new sound and letter on the example of the sound and letter U Sound U 1. Articulation of the sound U - blowing into the tube 2. Sound U - vowel. 3. Phonetic exercises: - How does a wolf howl in the forest? (Uuuu) 4. Task for phonemic hearing: raise your hand if you hear the sound U in words - spider, flower, puddle, sofa, snail, room, chair, table, pigeons, nose, duck, teeth, stork, chicken. 5. Say a word: All the guys from the yard shout to the painters: (cheers). The long-awaited call is given - it's over (lesson). 6. Come up with words with the sound U in different parts of the word. The letter U The new sound U can be written with the vowel U (two letters are set - uppercase and lowercase). Associative image: what does the letter U look like? 1. Learn: U - knot. In any forest you will see the letter U. 2. The letter U consists of two elements: two sticks lie obliquely, one is long, the other is short. 3. Lay out a syllable of letters, read: AU, UA. 4. Printing a letter, circle the finished letter.

HOW TO REMEMBER THE IMAGE OF A LETTER write a letter in the air, on a table, on the back of another child; lay out a printed letter from pencils, counting sticks, shoelaces, ropes; write a letter with your finger on semolina or other small cereals; lay out a letter from large and small buttons, beads, beans, etc.; tear out, cut out the image of a letter from paper; mold from plasticine, dough; write a letter on the poster different sizes, different color; select (underline) the desired letter in the text; cut a letter along the contour, a method of designing from the fingers; comparison of the letter and its elements with familiar objects and other letters (“What does the letter look like?”); letter stroke, hatching, painting; writing along the contour, along the anchor points.

If the child forgets, confuses, writes letters incorrectly It is necessary to find out: does the child distinguish between the concepts "left", "right". Does the child know how to put together pictures from 6 cubes? If he finds it difficult, then this is a consequence of the underdevelopment of visual-spatial analysis and synthesis (start with 4 cubes, games with designers and builders). it is also necessary to develop fine and large motor skills sensory development, drawing, designing from large and small building material; development of coordinated actions of the hand and eye; performing a hand action according to a verbal task: drawing with fingers in the air, on snow, on sand; use of hatching, stencils, coloring). orientation in space: - left, right; left - right side, up - down.

FORMING A SYLLABLE To pronounce / read the syllable fusion, you need to prepare for the pronunciation of two sounds at once and only then exhale the syllable (first to yourself, then aloud). You can pull a consonant for a long time, and then immediately pronounce two sounds: MMMMM……………. MA WORKING WITH SYMBOL TABLES A 0 Y Y AND M MOM MOMU WE MIRRAR RO RU RY L LA LO LU LI N NA NO NEED LI K KA K KO KU - t TA TO TU TY TA s SA SO SU SYSH SHA SHO SHU - RI KI SI SHI To help - Chaplygin's cubes, Voskobovich's towers LEARNING TO READ SYLLABLES WITH A CONFLICT OF CONSONANTS (reception of lamentation) The word TABLE C - read the consonant outside the merger, TO - merger, L - consonant without merger.

PREPARING PRESCHOOL CHILDREN FOR WRITING Before a child begins to write, he must be able to: Observe the correct posture when drawing and writing; Hold the pencil correctly Correctly coordinate the movements of the fingers, hand, forearm, shoulder when drawing and writing. The sequence of teaching writing: Learning to draw straight lines: vertical, horizontal, oblique. Learning to draw parallel lines: straight and oblique. Learning to draw semi-ovals: upper and lower, right and left. Learn to draw circles and ovals. Learning to draw zigzags. Learning to write the elements of printed letters. Learning to write capital letters. Learning to write the elements of written lowercase letters and written capital letters.

SEQUENCE OF STUDYING SOUND AND LETTERS We examine the picture, select the desired word. What sound is at the beginning of a word? What is the sound, vowel or consonant? Ask the children to prove their guesses. Demonstrate articulation. Mirror work. Take a mirror and say a new sound. Phonemic awareness exercises. Listen to my words, and if there's a new sound, raise your hand. Select pictures that have a new sound in their name. Have your say. Tell me where's the new sound? Next, we repeat what new sound we met, what we learned about the new sound. Introduction to letters. The new sound can be written as a letter. What does it look like?

Explanatory note……………………………………………3

1. Creating conditions for speech development………………5

2. The system of work on teaching children to read and write…………7

3. Classification of literacy games……………10

4. Working with parents to teach children to read and write…16

5. Performance indicators……………………………….19



Explanatory note.

The study of special literature, analysis of periodicals, professional experience helps to come to an understanding that at present, an increase in the number of children with speech pathology is becoming a particularly acute problem for preschool education. Work in a preschool only confirms the growing year by year percentage of poorly speaking and non-speaking children who have difficulty understanding the speech addressed to them, cannot associate the name of objects and actions with specific sound combinations and words. Therefore, the formation of grammatically correct, lexically rich and phonetically clear speech in children of senior preschool age is one of the most important tasks in the system of teaching a child to develop speech in a preschool institution.

Literacy is a rather difficult subject for preschoolers. It is very difficult for a five-six-year-old child to master abstract concepts that are not found in his practical world. The game comes to the rescue. In the game, often very complex things become understandable and accessible. The game does not arise by itself, the teacher must open the world of the game for the child, interest him. And only then, the child will obey certain rules, he will have a desire to learn a lot and achieve results.

The game situation requires from each person included in it a certain ability to communicate; promotes sensory and mental development, assimilation of the lexical and grammatical categories of the native language, and also helps to consolidate and enrich the acquired knowledge, on the basis of which speech capabilities develop. How a child is introduced to literacy at preschool age largely depends on his further success at school, not only in reading and writing, but also in mastering the Russian language as a whole.

Researches of scientists allowed to establish optimal timing to start learning to read.

Preparation for teaching literacy should begin in the senior group kindergarten, since a five-year-old child has a special "flair" for the language. He has sensitivity and susceptibility to the sound side of speech. At an older age, this linguistic instinct weakens somewhat, the child, as it were, “loses” his linguistic abilities.

The purpose of the work: the effectiveness of the use of game material for teaching literacy to children of senior preschool age.


1. Activate children's knowledge about the sound structure of the word;

2. To consolidate the ability to divide words into syllables (parts), name the sequence of syllables, name what sounds a syllable, word consists of;

3. To consolidate children's knowledge about the structure of a sentence: to be able to name words with an indication of the sequence, to build sentence schemes;

4. Develop coherent speech, expand vocabulary;

5. Promote the development of curiosity, cognitive activity.

6. Learn to plan your actions in a game situation, follow the rules of the game.

1. Creating conditions for speech development

The process of learning to read and write will be easy if it becomes bright, exciting for children, filled with vivid images, sounds, melodies. To do this, I make games, game modules, which are necessarily colorfully designed and have an aesthetic appearance. In direct educational activities I use illustrated material: objects, toys, pictures, handouts. In joint activities with children, I use various forms of organizing the pedagogical process: entertainment, travel, competitions, open questions, problem situations. For successful development children I created a speech zone in the group. It is represented by theater and book corners (photo No. 1, 2). In this area, children can look at their favorite books and illustrations for works of art, tell and show your favorite fairy tale with the help of various kinds theater, masks, caps, hand puppets. I use a flannelgraph, on which children can independently compose a story based on a series of plot pictures, determine the place of a sound in a word, draw up sentence schemes and make a sentence according to this scheme. In the speech corner, the children are offered the following games: "Little words", "What first, what then", "Funny stories", "Become a friend of nature" and others. Children especially like the game "Zoo".

Purpose: Development of the ability to select words with a given number of syllables. Equipment: three pockets, each with a cage for animals, at the top - the syllabic composition of words; animal cards.

Game progress: The teacher says that new cages have been made for the zoo. Children are invited to determine which animals can be placed in which cage. Children one by one go to the flannelograph, take a card with the image of an animal, name it, with the help of claps determine the number of syllables in a word.

By the number of syllables, they find a cage for the named animal and put the card in the corresponding pocket.

Also, the speech zone is represented by file cabinets:

Card file of finger gymnastics;

Card file of physical minutes;

Card file of nursery rhymes; This work is aimed at the development of children's speech.

When organizing the work to prepare children for literacy, I always take into account the characteristics of the child, his interests and needs. The games that I have developed are varied, educational and developmental in nature. These games help children discover wonderful world associated with the word and sound phenomena. I use games and game tasks not only in directly educational activities in each direction, but also in other types of children's activities and regime moments. Also use as a reception for walks. For example, children love the game "Catch the ball". Its purpose is to develop the ability to determine the presence of a sound in a word.

The children sit in a row, and the leader throws the ball to each in turn, while naming the word. The child catches the ball only if the word contains this sound. Or, “We walk, we walk around the bazaar,” the children stand in a circle and follow each other in a circle, saying the words: “We walk, we walk around the bazaar. We are looking for any goods. The teacher asks: “What are we going to buy?” The child should name one general concept, for example: vegetables. As soon as the words are spoken, the most dexterous of the children stands in a circle and names any vegetable, pronouncing it in syllables and clapping. For example: pestilence - cow. Then we pronounce the name of this vegetable and slap it all together, naming the number of syllables.

2. The system of work on teaching children to read and write.

I started teaching children with children of the older group and built according to the following system: 1. Work on a sentence, coherent speech.

1) Making common proposals.

2) Drafting short stories according to the picture, a series of plot pictures.

4) Inventing the beginning, middle and end of a fairy tale.

5) Changing the plot of the fairy tale, introducing new characters (Appendix No. 3, abstract No. 2).

2. Sound extraction.

1) Isolation of the first sound in a syllable, word.

2) Selection of words for a given sound.The main work was carried out with children in preparatory group.

1. Sound extraction.

1) Isolation of sound at the beginning, in the middle, at the end of a word. For this, a schematic image was used: a strip of paper + a circle, on which the children showed the place of the sound in the word.

2) Inventing words with a given sound at the beginning, in the middle, at the end of a word.

3) Composing words from the initial letters of the names of objects, for example: L EV, And GLA, FROM LON, BUT IST (FOX)

2. Work on the offer .

1) Writing descriptive stories.

2) Work on the retelling.

3) Dramatization.

4) Formation of skills to build a sentence scheme:

a) counting the number of words in a sentence, determining the first, second, etc. words; introducing children to the fact that the first word in a sentence is capitalized, the words are written separately, a period is put at the end of the sentence.

b) build sentence patterns on the table and flannelgraph from ready-made strips.

c) build sentences from a given number of words (without a scheme and according to a scheme).

d) familiarity with the rule - names, nicknames of animals are written with a capital letter; drawing up schemes of proposals, applying this rule.e) drawing up proposals according to a given scheme.f) the introduction of the concept of "preposition" or "small word". (I did not set myself the task of using the word "preposition" in the children's active speech).

In working with the proposal scheme, I used a flannelgraph. One child made a sentence diagram on a flannelograph, and the rest on tables from ready-made strips. Then they checked. If mistakes were made, they corrected them by naming each word in turn in the sentence, indicating what kind of word it was and how it was written in the sentence.

For this work, envelopes with sentence schemes and one large envelope for working on a flannelograph were prepared for a subgroup of children.In working on the proposal, I used the printed game "Little Words".

This game helped children:

Learn to understand the spatial meaning of prepositions: under, over, on, in, at, around, etc.

Form an idea of ​​the preposition as a separate word.

Learn to write short stories.

Learn how to make sentences with a preposition without a picture on any topic.

3. Dividing words into parts (syllables).

1) The division of two-syllable words, for example: ka-sha, shi-na;three-syllable words into syllables, for example: ma-shi-on.

2) The division of words into syllables with b - a sign, for example: honey-because.

3) The division of words into syllables, where the vowel is one of the parts of the word, for example: o-gu-rets, u-lit-ka.

4. Placement of stress in words.

1) Learn to pronounce the word, highlighting the “stressed syllable” with your voice to call the word.

2) To form the ability to find the stressed syllable in words.

3) Exercise in composing words from syllables.

Since the main work on teaching children to read and write was carried out in the preparatory group, I worked closely with a speech therapist preschool and primary school teachers. According to the succession plan between kindergarten and lyceum No. 8, primary school teachers attended the lesson "News from the Forest" (Appendix No. 3, abstract 1), where my pupils in game form demonstrated their knowledge and skills.

3. Classification of literacy games

I have developed a system of games for teaching literacy to children of senior preschool age, which I divided, depending on the purpose of the game, into groups:

1. Highlighting sound against the background of a word

Name of the game Target Equipment Game progress
"Where is the sound?" Developing the ability to determine where the sound is. Cards on which words are written, where the studied sound is in different positions (beginning, middle, end of the word) The teacher calls the words, and the children must determine where the given sound is.
"Where is the sound hiding?" The development of the ability to establish the place of sound in a word. The educator has a set of subject pictures; and for children - a card divided into three squares, each square shows the place of the sound in the word. The teacher shows the picture. Children name the object that is depicted and use the card to indicate the place of sound in words.
"Recognize the Sound" Development of skills to find words with the studied sound. The teacher calls the words, and the children clap their hands if a word with the sound being studied is heard.
"Select Sound" Developing the ability to identify the first sound in a word. A card with a riddle, and on the back - a guess. The teacher makes a riddle. The child pronounces the word and highlights the first sound. If the child finds it difficult to guess the riddle, then the teacher shows the answer.

2. Differentiation of vowels and consonants.

Name of the game Target Equipment Game progress
"Find a Place" subject pictures; two circles: blue and red for each child. Children lay out the pictures under the blue or red circle, depending on what. The name of the picture begins with a vowel or consonant sound.
"Who is bigger" Consolidation of knowledge about vowels and consonants. Children are divided into several groups. The teacher asks each group to choose one vowel or consonant sound. When a sound is selected, children recall the names of objects that begin with that sound. The group with the most words wins.
"Find an item" Consolidation of knowledge about vowel sounds. The teacher has subject pictures. The teacher has subject pictures on the table, the children go out one at a time and choose a picture in the name of which the first sound is a vowel. The child shows the card to the others, highlights the first sound, and the rest of the children check.
"Lotto" Consolidation of knowledge about vowels and consonants. Lotto cards divided into three squares, each square has a picture; blue and red stripes that will need to cover subject pictures. Children receive a card and four stripes (2 blue and 2 red). Children name the picture, highlight the first sound, if it is a vowel, they cover it with a red strip, if it is a consonant, it is blue. Whoever closes all the items faster and more correctly wins.
"Find a place for the picture" Consolidation of knowledge about vowels and consonants. House with pockets (blue and red); subject pictures. The teacher has a stack of subject pictures upside down on the table. Children one at a time go to the table, take one picture, name the object depicted on it, highlight the first sound, determine whether it is a vowel or a consonant, and then put the picture in the desired pocket (blue, red). The work continues until then. Until all the pictures are in place.
"Train" Development of the ability to distinguish vowel sounds. Train with letters, subject pictures. The teacher says that one day the animals decided to go to the city, but they do not know who should go in which car. You must help them, isolate the vowel sound and put the animal in the car with this letter.
"Who lives in the house" Development of the ability to determine the presence of sound in a word. House, a set of subject pictures. Only those animals in the names of which have the sound "o" live in the house. For the answer - a chip.

3. Setting the stress.

Name of the game Target Equipment Game progress
"Fix the mistake" Cards with words (for the educator). The teacher pronounces words with incorrect and correct stress. The child listens carefully and corrects the mistake, if any. For the correct answer - a chip.
"Let's Harvest" Development of the ability to put stress in words. Cards with the image of vegetables and fruits; two baskets. Divide the children into two teams. Each team takes a basket in which they will harvest. The first team chooses cards with the image of vegetables, the other - fruits. Children name a vegetable (fruit) and put an emphasis. If the stress is correct, then the vegetable (fruit) is put in the basket. The team that harvests their crop the fastest wins.

4. Isolation of the stressed syllable.

Name of the game Target Equipment Game progress
"Flowers" Development of the ability to determine the number of syllables in a word. Subject pictures (flowers). On the table of the educator are pictures that depict flowers. Children first need to choose those of them that show flowers with monosyllabic names, then consisting of two or three syllables.
"Zoo" Development of the ability to select with a given number of syllables. Three pockets, each with a cage for animals, at the top - the syllabic composition of words; animal cards. The teacher says that new cages have been made for the zoo. Children are invited to determine which animals can be placed in which cage. Children one by one go to the flannelograph, take a card with the image of an animal, name it, with the help of claps determine the number of syllables in a word. By the number of syllables, they find a cage for the named animal and put the card in the corresponding pocket.
"Wonderful bag" Development of skills to divide words into syllables. A bag made of fabric with various items, in the names of which there are 1,2,3 syllables. Children go out in order, take out an object from the bag and name it. The word is repeated syllable by syllable and the children name the number of syllables in the word. The game is played like a competition.
"Buy a toy" Toys: ball, doll, bear, car, pipe, dog, cubes. The teacher lays out toys on the table and invites the children to “buy” those of them whose names have 2 syllables, 3 syllables. Children come to the table, choose a toy, clearly pronounce the word in syllables. If the answer is correct, the children take the toy.
"Silence" Development of the ability to determine the number of syllables in a word. Cards with numbers 1, 2, 3 (for each child). The teacher calls the word, and the children raise a card with a number corresponding to the number of syllables in this word.
"Syllable - step" Development of the ability to select words with a given number of syllables. The teacher gives each child a task: “Take two steps forward!”, “Take three steps forward!” The child must remember a word of as many syllables as he is asked to take steps, and clearly pronounce it syllable by syllable so that each step corresponds to the pronunciation of one syllable.
"One two Three" Development of the ability to hear a syllable in a word. Subject pictures, in the names of which the first, second, third syllable is stressed. The pictures are displayed on a type-setting canvas. Each team receives one of the numbers 1,2 or 3 and, accordingly, selects pictures with the first one. Second, third stressed syllable. Representatives of the teams come out, take one picture at a time. The next child from the team leaves when the previous one sits down. The team that finishes the game faster and with fewer mistakes wins.
"Stressed syllable" Cards with words for the teacher. The teacher calls the children words consisting of 1, 2, 3 syllables. Children's task: Identify and name the stressed syllable.
"Mystery" Strengthening the ability to highlight the stressed syllable. The teacher has cards with riddles and riddles. The teacher guesses a riddle, and the children guess and find an answer on the typesetting canvas. Then the children are given the task: to name only those guesses where the second, first, third syllable is stressed.

5. Syllable as part of a word (for reading children).

Name of the game Target Equipment Game progress
"Shifters" Cards with syllables for each child. The teacher names two syllables separately. Children take cards with syllables and make one word out of them, and then, rearranging the cards, another. The winner is the one who names what two words turned out.
"Gather the Words" Development of the ability to compose words from syllables, accumulation of syllabic images in memory. Cards with syllables. The teacher shows the children, for example, the syllable "wa" and distributes one card to each child. Children, in order, go to the flannelograph and attach their card to this syllable, so that words are obtained. At the end of the game, the children are given a task: to name the remembered words.
"Domino" Development of the ability to compose words from syllables, accumulation of syllabic images in memory. Each child has a domino plate and one for the teacher. The teacher lays out his domino plate with the syllable "tra" and invites the children to pick up the plate so that the word turns out. Whoever finds the record first, exposes it. The game ends with an empty plate. The one with the fewest plates left wins.
"Watch" Development of the ability to compose words from syllables, accumulation of syllabic images in memory. Circle with moving arrows, a set of syllabic structures. The first child puts the hour hand on any syllable, the second child puts the minute hand on another syllable to make a word. The game continues until all syllables have been used.
"Chain" The development of the ability to select words for one given syllable. One child names a word, for example: window, and pronounces it in syllables; another child chooses a word that begins with the last syllable of the previous word and also forms a word, etc. The winner is the one who last completed the chain.

4. Working with parents to teach children to read and write Many games become favorites for children and they play with their parents at home. In order for the games to continue, I do a lot of work with parents:

1. I involve parents in the production of games, manuals.

2. I organize workshops, master classes, where I talk about games: what goals are pursued, how to make, how to play with a child.

3. An unusual form of work with parents has become a tradition of making wall newspapers:

- “Our group”, in which I inform about the events of the group and kindergarten, the statements of children, the results of their interviews, and also offer material for educating parents: how and what children of older preschool age play; What is the importance of play in their lives?

4. Equipping the parent corner. In the corner for parents, I constantly update information on the topic

- "How to develop a child by playing"

Invite the child to remember the names of fruits that begin with the sound "a"; names of vegetables that begin with the sound "k". For each word you choose, give your child a token. At the end of the game, praise the child, give a prize.

Invite the child to consider a picture, for example: "Winter fun." The child needs to find all the objects that begin with the sound "s". (snowman, sled, snow, etc.)

The game "Be attentive" Invite the child to remember the names of migratory birds that begin with vowels; names of birds that begin with the sound "v" and others.

5. Involving parents in the selection of pictures, toys for games. In order for children to want to play the games that I make with their parents, they must be colorfully designed and have an aesthetic appearance.

Table "Diagnostics for the preparation of older preschoolers for literacy"

Child's name

Isolation of a given sound in a word

Possession of the ability of sound analysis of words

Stressing and highlighting the stressed word

Formation of words and syllables

Proposal analysis and charting

Drawing up a story based on a picture or a series of plot pictures

State of the art

Beginning of the year

The end of the year

Beginning of the year

The end of the year

Beginning of the year

The end of the year

Beginning of the year

The end of the year

Beginning of the year

The end of the year

Beginning of the year

The end of the year

Beginning of the year

The end of the year

Kostya Sh.


Dana Z.

Danya D.






Alena K.

Yaroslav G.

Ksyusha K.

Alina Ch.

Ksyusha E.

Series K.




Polina L.


Roma B.



Vadim D.

Misha R.

Cyril D.

Dasha B.

Olya M.






Egor C.

Egor M.






Vanya P.







Dasha S.


Conclusion: at the beginning of the year: high - 1%, medium - 65%, medium-low - 25%, low - 5%; at the end of the year: high - 65%, average -35%.

5. Performance indicators

In order to determine the effectiveness of the work done on teaching literacy to older preschoolers, a diagnostic work was carried out. At the beginning school year revealed the starting conditions for the further development of the language by children and determined the tasks for the development of the speech of preschoolers. At the end of the academic year, the final diagnostics was carried out in order to control the solution of the tasks set.

To carry out diagnostics on teaching older preschoolers to read and write, I used the diagnostic notebook “Journey through the Country of Correct Speech” edited by the authors: O. N. Somkova, Z. V. Badakova, I. V. Yablonovskaya.

Diagnostics was carried out with the children of the preparatory group in the form of a game. In addition, she monitored the free communication of children in different types activity and revealed how the child owns speech and communication skills, the child's initiative in communication.

The diagnostic results were entered into a summary table (see table).

As a result of the primary diagnosis, it turned out that out of 20 pupils: low level - 1 child, medium - low - 5 children, medium - 13 children, high - 1 child.

Particular difficulty for children was caused by tasks for setting stress and highlighting a stressed syllable; writing a story from a picture. A group of children with whom individual work was carried out was identified.

According to the results of the final diagnostics, the following results were revealed: the average level - 7 children, the high level - 13 children.

Children showed good results in all criteria.


The developed system of games for teaching literacy helps me to effectively solve the problems of this section of the program, build an interesting pedagogical process, based on the leading activity of a preschooler - the game.

This system of work allows children of older preschool age to successfully master sound analysis, highlight the features of words, determine their sound characteristics, combine sounds into words, model new ones, which is of great importance for the subsequent systematic teaching of their native language at school. In addition, children learned to compare, quickly find the right solution, became more independent, proactive, they had an interest and desire to learn new things.

The ongoing work is part of solving the problems of continuity between kindergarten and school. This is confirmed by the results of diagnostics of children, adaptation cards of first-graders, as well as feedback from teachers of our graduates' schools.

The involvement of parents in this activity allowed me to successfully solve the problems of pedagogical literacy of parents, form a common pedagogical space: educator-child-parent and achieve good results through joint efforts.

Success in solving problems on this issue brought me great satisfaction and replenished my pedagogical piggy bank.

Currently, I am working with children of the second younger group and developing material on the development of speech of children of younger and middle age, the basis of learning is the game, since the results of the work carried out with older preschoolers have shown that the development and learning of preschoolers is best done in this natural and the most attractive activity for them.


  1. The program of education and training in kindergarten / Vasilyeva M.A., Gerbova V.V., Komarova T.S., M. Mosaic - Synthesis, 2005
  2. Agranovich Z.E. Collection of homework. To help speech therapists and parents, Childhood - Press, S-P, 2004.
  3. Vanyukhina G. Rechetsvetik. Socrates, Yekaterinburg, 2001
  4. Volina V. Learning by playing. New school, M, 1994
  5. Vygodskaya I. Zvukovograd, Bukvograd, Chrysostom. Linka-Press, M, 1999
  6. Goretsky V.G., Kiryushkin V.A. Alphabet, Enlightenment, M, 1993
  7. Gromova O.E. At the I International Conference of the RAD, Speech therapist, No. 4 2004, p109.
  8. Knyazeva O.L., Makhaneva M.D. Introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture. Childhood - Press, joint venture, 1998
  9. Lopukhina I. Speech therapy. 550 entertaining exercises for the development of speech. Aquarium, M, 1995
  10. Lopukhina I. Speech therapy. Speech, rhythm, movement. Delta, S - P, 1997
  11. Misarenko G.G. Writing correction technology: word coding difficulties and ways to overcome them. Speech therapist, No. 4, 2004, p13.
  12. Novotortseva N.V. The development of children's speech, Gringo, Liner, 1995.
  13. Novotortseva N.V. Learning to read: teaching literacy in kindergarten and at home. Development Academy, Yaroslavl, 1998
  14. Smolyanskaya V.S. Card file of games for teaching literacy and reading to preschoolers. - Mozyr: Assistance, 2010

Ludmila Rychkova
Methodology for organizing literacy classes

Many years of practice and the search for new ways to improve performance have shown that to achieve a positive result in teaching literacy with children if you change the form and content training sessions and use complex-game method of organizing classes. Plot-thematic organization cognitive processes more appropriate for activating speech and for developing the function language analysis and synthesis, i.e., preparations are being made for literacy. At the base of all literacy classes conducted by me, a complex thematic method combined with visual and playful techniques. On their classes I pay a lot of attention to corrective development. Corrective development is carried out by me on the main directions:

1. development of sensory and motor functions;

2. formation of the kinesthetic basis of articulatory movements;

3. development of mimic muscles;

4. development of intellectual functions (thinking, memory, imagination,

perception, attention, orientation in space and time);

5. development of the emotional-volitional sphere and gaming activities;

6. formation of traits of a harmonious and uncomplexed personality

friendship, love, respect, and self-respect, criticality and

self-criticism, assessment and self-assessment, etc.)

Getting ready for literacy classes I try to diversify each occupation: in one case it is a game, in another it is activity - performance, where children are both participants in the performance and spectators, in the third they are teachers, not students, etc. It should be noted that such a construction classes allows you to achieve sustained attention and maintain interest throughout lessons.

Children, playing, comprehend concepts "sound", "syllable", "word", "sentence", "letter", fix the correct use of sounds in the pronunciation of proverbs, sayings, participate in the composition of fairy tales, poems, tongue twisters. Organizational and plot basis of literacy classes should be varied. Here are some options:

fairy tales;

Elements of folklore;

Imaginary journeys, excursions, trips, adventures;

Literary characters;

Famous and invented games;

Elements of the plot-didactic game,

Story and landscape paintings;

Specially made allowances;

Plots and cartoon characters.

Tasks and Options organizations plot-thematic elements literacy classes.

1. First stage organizational. His goal: creating a positive attitude to learning, awakening interest in learning new sounds, as well as correction of psychophysical functions. I spend organizational moments in different options, but in any case I include relaxation, mimic and imitating exercises. For example, lesson on the topic: "The Abduction of the Letter C" starts with reading telegrams: "Children, I received telegram. Hear what's in it written: Girls and boys, I was kidnapped by evil _edma. Greetings, _your but_th book_a. Did you guess which letter the witch stole? Let's rescue her. Say the sounds that this letter stands for. The path will be difficult. I suggest to work out on exercise bikes. (Children imitate driving.) I see you have enough strength to save the letter "in".

Getting to know sound "l" starting with puzzles: “The sun bakes, the linden blossoms, the rye ripens. When does it happen? Then I spend a relaxation an exercise: Imagine it's summer. Stretch your hands to the sun, turn your face. You are warm, pleasant (relaxation). The sun hid. Squeeze into a ball, show how cold you are (voltage). The sun shone again (relaxation)". Relaxation exercises help relieve muscle tension.

Sometimes I use psycho-gymnastics. For example: when familiarizing with sounds "G" and "G\". “The dwarfs Gena and Gog are visiting us. Children, do you remember the fairy tale about Snow White? Who was she friends with? (With gnomes). Now we will depict different gnomes. Show what the dwarf Grumpy was like. How do you imagine the dwarf Veselchak? (Children portray grouchy, cheerful, sad, kind and evil gnomes.) Mimic exercises improve the functioning of the facial muscles, contribute to the development of the mobility of the articulatory apparatus.

I use elements of psychophysical gymnastics, for example, in an organizational moment lessons"The Treasure of the Cat Leopold" (sounds l and l \). Children portray cunning, hungry and greedy mice, show how they sneak up on the sleeping Leopold, how dejectedly they wander after their failed grandfathers. Then they depict a sleeping cat, its good-natured appearance, soft gait, etc.

Psychophysical gymnastics contributes to the emancipation of children, the manifestation of their "I", the development of imagination, overcoming motor awkwardness.

2. Post topic lessons.

Lessons, in this part allow you to smoothly and imperceptibly move to the topic lessons. I expose toys, planar figures or images of participating characters in front of the children lessons. Children get to know them, highlight the studied sounds and the names of the characters.

For example, in lesson"Anna's doll's birthday". What is the name of the birthday girl? What is the first sound of her name? Dr. Aibolit came to visit Anya and gave her a scarlet flower. What identical sound is found in the words Anya, Aibolit, scarlet? So, what sound and what letter will we meet today? AT lesson on the topic"Three pigs" (sounds n, n\) topic message sounds So: "Today we will compose a fairy tale about Nif-Nif, Naf-Naf, and Nuf-Nuf and study the sounds n, n \".

Thus, the game form of the message of the topic lessons not only arouses children's interest in occupation, but the main thing for this stage is also achieved - the attention of children is directed to the sound being studied, to the perception of new or repetition of the sounds passed.

3. Characteristics of sounds according to articulatory and acoustic features. On the this stage implement the following tasks:

Articulation is clarified - the position of the lips, tongue, and teeth during

pronunciation of the studied sound;

showing "profile" language in the figure;

Sounds are indicated by color symbols

Refine acoustic features sounds: "asleep" or "not sleeping" little voice

(voiced or voiced); sound is being sung or not being sung (vowels or consonants);

We find a figurative comparison of sound (the sound r is the growl of a tiger, the sound is w-

rustling foliage. Sound l\-spring drops);

Their place in the Sound-letter city is determined (in Blue, Red or

They will live in a green city).

For example, when studying the sounds n and n\, we first determine whether the first sounds in the words Naf-Naf and Nif-Nif sound the same, that is, the softness and hardness of these sounds are specified. When comparing sounds, I ask questions that contribute to the development imagination: How do you imagine this sound? What does he look like? What color can you draw it?

4. Pronunciation of the studied sounds in words.

At this stage classes decide the following tasks:

Development of phonemic perception and phonemic representations;

Clarification and expansion of vocabulary;

word formation, comprehension of the meaning and polysemy of words;

Development of auditory attention and visual memory;

Mastering simple and complex types of sound-syllabic analysis and synthesis.

To solve these problems, the principle of selecting speech and visual material is important. The first selection criterion is determined by the theme and plot classes, the second - the task. In the work to enrich the vocabulary of children and the development of phonemic perception, I select objects, toys or pictures. In the process of developing phonemic representations, I do not demonstrate visual material, and if I expose it, then only after the names of words by children. Here, the phonemic representations of children are based on previously known images. items, and allow you to activate thought processes and develop memory.

I use on one occupation of the word, including one or more generic groups (birds, animals, dishes, food, etc.), contributes to the development of logical memory. And the use of speech material - words saturated with the sound being studied (at the beginning, middle or end of a word - develops auditory instinct .

In parallel with the solution of the above tasks, at this stage I am working on the assimilation grammatical categories of language. I put the questions in such a way that children can repeat the same word in different cases, in the singular and plural, in the present or past tense and with different prefixes.

The development of auditory attention is facilitated by verbal games: "Sound Lost", "Sound Lost", as well as tasks for restoring words with rearranged sounds, guessing words by the first and last sound and syllable, and restoring mixed up syllables. And speech tasks are well combined with the development of fine motor skills.

Visual memory and attention develop well in games "What changed?", "Who's hiding?", "Who stood or sat between them?", "Who flew away?"

Language analysis and synthesis is a complex mental work that I carry out on every lesson. Tasks are entered in different parts lessons are there where it will arouse the greatest interest among children. Sometimes I give these tasks in the middle lessons or exercises on sound-letter analysis and synthesis I give in the final part.

Of particular interest to children are tasks in which "gathering scattered" sounds or, conversely, their "scatter" accompanied by action. Compilation of word schemes from color symbols alternates with the selection or search for suitable words for a given scheme. At later stages of work, children guess puzzles and crosswords. It is important to teach children to independently ask questions about sounds, syllables and words. I deliberately make mistakes in the answers to the questions posed by the children, and this is of particular interest to the children, they respond emotionally, wanting to help correct the mistake, find the right answer.

5. Physical minutes.

I closely associate the physical minute with the topic lessons and this is the bridge to the next part lessons. The main tasks of the physical minute - this is:

Relieve fatigue and stress;

Bring in an emotional charge;

Improve general motor skills;

Develop clear coordinated actions in conjunction with speech.

When planning a physical minute, it must be remembered that outdoor games and physical exercises in combination with speech contribute to the improvement of general motor skills.

This is also the case for exercises to simulate labor actions. Music and rhythmic movements well relieve fatigue and have a beneficial effect on the mood of children.

6. Work on the proposal.

The successful mastering by children of the laws of the necessary connections of words in sentences is facilitated by preliminary work on tasks for phrases. For example, children practice the correct agreement of adjectives with nouns (pine forest, birch grove, blue dress, blue blanket, etc., or education tasks relative adjectives and their agreement with nouns (leather bag, crystal vase, silk scarf, etc.). Funny and interesting are tasks with a request to identify objects by touch, which develop the sense of touch.

The assimilation of patterns in the assimilation of the necessary connections of words in phrases is the basis for the formation of lexical grammatical sentence structures. At this stage classes decide the following tasks:

Establishment of lexical grammatical relations between the members of the proposal;

Updating the accumulated dictionary;

Formation of coherence and clarity of statements;

Work on a proposal as a means of developing thought processes, in

particular inferences;

Analysis and synthesis of the verbal composition of the sentence as a means of warning


The methods of working on a proposal are varied, but you need to know that tasks must comply with the basic rule - from simple to complex. Initially, these are the answers to questions asked based on pictures. Then tasks become more complicated: I suggest that children make sentences on a set of words or on key words. For more high level development of speech, I propose tasks for the restoration of the deformed text of the sentence. The development of thinking is facilitated by tasks in which I ask children to make a sentence from a set of words connected by a situational chain. For example, "fox, bush, hare, hole, lie, in, under, sit" (The hare was sitting under a bush, and the fox was lying in a hole).

The creation of a lively and creative atmosphere is facilitated by tasks in which it is necessary to correct the semantic errors that I deliberately made. For example, “Give me a quick answer - does it happen or not? Winter has come, snowdrops have blossomed. Gardens bloom in autumn. Strawberries grow on a birch, etc.

Questions such as these can help you make your own inferences. how: “What will you do if you find a freezing kitten on the street in winter?”, “What will you do if your brother (sister, mother) will someone offend?", “What would happen if all the animals and birds disappeared?” and others. Mandatory when choosing principles and techniques organizations tasks at this stage of work on the proposal should be a logical and playful connection with the plot lessons.

In parallel with the assimilation of lexical-syntactic relations between the members of sentences, I am working on the analysis and synthesis of the verbal composition of the sentence. At the same time, I usually use stripes to indicate words, make sketches of diagrams on the board or in notebooks, and give tasks in which children correct my mistakes.

7. Pronunciation of sound in connected speech.

The main part of the stage is the improvement of the skill of correct pronunciation of sounds in connected texts. Along the way, I solve the following tasks:

Development of imagination and creative fantasy;

Development of word creation;

The development of melodic-intonational and prosodic components (prosody -

system of pronunciation of stressed and unstressed, long and short syllables in speech.)

A necessary and obligatory condition at this stage is the semantic and playful connection with the theme or plot. lessons and with the tasks of the previous stage. At this stage, I use tasks with well-known tongue twisters and poetic works - dialogues and poems. Moreover, it is necessary that they be saturated with the studied sounds, be entertaining and accessible, and, moreover, be diverse in terms of intonation characteristics. (interrogative and exclamatory). For example, when studying sound and letter "P" Sound "P" we pronounce in pure speech and the word creation of children.

Let's compose a pure phrase with the word croup.

Pu-pu-pu, the parrot is pecking at the groats.

Pa-pa-pa, grits fall on the floor.

Py-py-py, we no longer have cereals.

And also work is being done on facial expressions and prosody

Reading jokes is fun.

The parrot says to the parrot:

Parrot, parrot, I'll scare you!

parrot in response parrot:

Don't scare, don't scare, don't scare!

Children repeat the joke - the nursery rhyme. Then one group depicts an angry parrot, the other a frightened one. Such tasks contribute to the development of rhythm, a sense of consonance, rhyme. Such tasks also contribute to the development of coherent speech, where children predict the actions of characters, come up with dialogues and replicas for them, answer questions and find a way out of problem situations. For example: when learning sound "n", a problematic situation is created, where the main characters are three little pigs. “While they were playing, it became dark, which means that (night) (a picture depicting a night landscape is exhibited).

How do you know it's night? (dark sky, the moon is shining.) Seeing the moon, the guests remembered that their mothers were waiting for them. How do you tell moms they're okay? (You can make a phone call.) What did they say to their mothers? Your answers should begin with the words must, can.

8. Teaching the elements of literacy.

This is the final stage classes, which provides for the solution of the following tasks:

Introduce the letter that denotes the sound being studied;

Learn to write a letter in block type, as well as syllables and words with it.

When solving the first two problems, it is necessary to associate the sound (phonetic) image of sound with visual (graphic) way. This is possible only when children clearly understand that the main difference between a sound and a letter is that we hear the sound, but we see and read the letter.

I usually begin my acquaintance with the letter denoting the sound being studied by showing the children capital and lowercase printed letters. Children are looking for a new letter in the Sound-Letter City and in the letter box office. Lowercase and uppercase letters are compared - their similarities and differences are noted. Then we determine what this or that letter looks like, that is, we create a visual image of the letter. For example, when learning the letter "C" I read poem:

This is the letter c Claw - scratch,

With a claw at the end Like a cat's paw.

For a more solid and figurative memorization of a letter, I use a technique in which the elements of the letter are in geometric shapes superimposed on each other. In addition, the children and I depict a letter with our fingers or show the configuration of the letter with poses. For example, the letter f - hands, bent at the elbows and turned to the sides, are placed on the belt; letter n - two children hold hands; letters s - between two standing children, the third child leans against the first in a bent state, and so on.

Assignments for reading the letter of syllables and words with the letter being studied, we use only letters already known to children. This is determined by the principle - from simple in the initial stages classes at the beginning of the year to more difficult at later stages - by the end of the year. On the classes I use a variety of methods. I definitely use work with a split alphabet so that children form a conscious perception of the syllables and words being composed and read. I suggest that children make up words from letters in a certain sequences: words with one given missing letter, words of rearranged or mixed up letters, as well as words in which one letter is replaced by another in order to change the phonetic sound and meaning (cat - porridge, jackdaw - stick, kidney - barrel, etc.). In addition, we compose and read words from known "scattered" letters or syllables. More difficult tasks for children are crosswords and puzzles. Naturally, the most acceptable form organization of classes is a game. The solution to the problem is to teach children to write in print the studied letter: first, the children lay out the image of the letter from the counting sticks, "draw" finger on the table, in the air, then they learn to write a printed letter in notebooks.

9. Bottom line lessons.

At the final stage summarizing lessons, i.e., I determine its effectiveness. There should be a positive emotional evaluation here. type: “Thank you, children, you made me very happy with your answers! It was a pleasure to study or play with you. And it's a pity that occupation ended so quickly." At this stage, I always have a transmission of positive emotions.

In an individual assessment, I always note the activity, luck, even a small one, or just a good mood of a child. And the reaction to failures should be with the hope of success in the future. classes, with the conviction that you should not despair, if you work actively, then everything will work out. I also ask questions: "What did you like? What tasks did you find interesting? What task was the most difficult? What would you like to hear next?" By this I will know the children's assessment of the past lessons and I try to find a closer contact with the children, and I select a successful principle for constructing tasks for each stage of the subsequent classes.

And most importantly, what you need to remember - occupation from start to finish must be kind!

In our time, the "market" of correctional and pedagogical services is very diverse and spontaneous: many author's programs and methodological developments on teaching literacy have appeared, and not always of high quality. Naturally, there are methods that are reasonable and useful for the child, and there are those that will lead to the desired goal (teach the child to read and write), but will not develop the child himself.



Literacy teaching methods:

pros and cons.

An excursion into history.

When a child goes to school, every parent thinks about the question: is it necessary to teach him to read and write.

In our time, the "market" of correctional and pedagogical services is very diverse and spontaneous: many author's programs and methodological developments on teaching literacy have appeared, and not always of high quality. Naturally, there are methods that are reasonable and useful for the child, and there are those that will lead to the desired goal (teach the child to read and write), but will not develop the child himself.

The development and improvement of the methodology for teaching literacy to preschool children has its own history. More than a century ago K.D. Ushinskiy a sound method of teaching literacy was proposed. This method replaced the pre-existing literal subjunctive method. The sound method of teaching literacy had both its advantages and disadvantages: much attention was paid to introducing children to the sound side of speech and sound analysis, but no method was given for teaching the reading process. I.N. Shaposhnikov proposed a more advanced method of teaching literacy. According to his methodology, literacy training comes from dividing a word into syllables, and words into sounds, and the distinguished sounds are indicated by a printed letter, followed by reading the written word. But even this technique did not reveal the very mechanism of the reading process, the moment of merging sounds into a syllable. In 1962. D.B. Elkonin developed a new method of teaching reading. The process of learning to read is based on the sound matter of the language and consists of three interrelated stages:

Stage I - the allocation of phonemes in the word, the general orientation in the phonemic system of the language;

Stage II - mastering the system of vowel phonemes, designating them with letters, forming an orientation towards vowel phonemes and letters;

Stage III - mastering the system of consonant phonemes, designating them with letters, recreating the sound form of a syllable and a word, forming the main reading mechanism. D.B. Elkonin presented a special form of materialization of the sound structure of the word, it was modeled as follows: the cells - according to the number of phonemes in the word - were filled with white chips. This technique provides for acquaintance with vowels in pairs: a - i, u - u, etc. Learning to read is carried out by replacing chips with letters. Distinctive features of this system of learning to read are that:

  • children in the process of mastering the skill of reading are introduced into sound reality;
  • children master syllabic reading, moving from one stage of learning to another;
  • the transition from syllabic reading to reading whole words is carried out due to the ability to isolate word stress.

The main disadvantage of this technique is that the scheme of the sound composition of a word does not reflect its qualitative content, it is determined only by the number of sounds in the word, without highlighting vowels, hard or soft consonants. Renowned educator preschool education and educationA.I. Resurrectiondeveloped two options for teaching literacy to preschoolers:

The first option provides for teaching preschoolers to read and write in the process of mastering the entire alphabet;

The second variant of preparation for teaching literacy includes the assimilation of 11 sounds and letters: 4 vowels and 7 consonants. Both options for teaching literacy to preschoolers solve the problem of developing phonemic hearing and teaching the process of reading, but do not contain the task of consistently isolating sounds in a word. Preschoolers read for a long time in the wake of analysis, and, learning to read and write in the second variant, children do not acquire the skill of reading syllables with soft consonants. Learning to read and write according to the method of A.I. Voskresenskaya preschoolers master reading skills, but cannot fully conduct a sound analysis of words. The system of work on teaching children to read and writeV.G. Goretsky, V.A. Kiryushkina, A.F. Shankois also based on the analysis of sounding speech. Compared with the traditional approach to teaching literacy, what is new in this system is a different sequence of learning sounds and letters. This sequence is based on the principle of the frequency of the use of sounds in the Russian language: a, o, y, s, n, t, k, s, l, r, c, e, p, m, h, b, e, i, g, h, b, w, w, e, d, x, y, c, e, f, b. An important positive aspect of this system is learning to read in words that have a different syllabic structure. Particular attention should be paid to the methodology of teaching literacy to preschoolers. L.E. Zhurova , which is based on the principles put forward by D.B. Elkonin. Just as in the Elkonin method, children are taught ways to master mental actions - sound analysis, positional reading on the material of the entire alphabet; a strict phasing of the formation of the way of reading is observed.

1. vowels in pairs: a - i, o - e, s - i, u - u, e - e;

2. consonants: m, n, l, p, g, k, s, s, w, f, d, t, b, p, b, c, f, d, h, u, c, x, b.

Important and significant in this technique is that in the process of learning, children master the action of quantitative, and then qualitative sound analysis of the word. The effectiveness of training according to the method of L.E. Zhurova increases due to the gradual rejection of the schemes of the sound composition of the word in the learning process, as well as through the use of a large number of games to consolidate the skill of sound analysis and reading syllables and words. Methodology L.E. Zhurova in its volume and complexity of speech material exceeds the previously considered methods of teaching preschoolers to read and write. Thanks to this system of education, preschoolers not only learn to read, but also discover the so-called linguistic reality. In the process of teaching literacy, an intensive mental development of the child takes place, his educational activity is formed, which allows preschoolers to be included in the school educational process without any special difficulties in the future. The considered methods of teaching literacy are focused on teaching children without speech pathology. Teaching literacy to preschool children with general underdevelopment of speech requires a special technique. This contingent of children is experiencing great difficulties in mastering literacy. A number of authors in their works point to the relationship between the state of children's speech, their level of mental development and literacy.Literacy system for children with OHPdeveloped by leading experts such as L.F. Spirova, R.I. Schuifer, T.B. Filicheva, G.V. Chirkin.

Let us consider the features, structure and content of the system of teaching literacy to children with OHP.L.F. Spirov and R.I. Schuyferindicate the primacy of studying the sound-letter composition of the word. The literacy process is based on the following conditions:

  • training is conducted only on correctly pronounced sounds and words;
  • a different procedure for studying sounds and letters is proposed in comparison with the methods of teaching literacy to children without speech pathology - a, y, o, m, x, p, k, s, n, c, s, t, l, w, p, g, soft consonants, й, soft voiced consonants, affricates;
  • the pace of passage of all sounds is slower;
  • the skill of quick orientation in the sound-letter composition of the word develops;
  • all verbal material is familiar to children;
  • systematic repetition and consolidation of speech material is carried out;
  • in parallel with the study of sounds and letters, elementary rules of grammar and spelling are given;
  • one and the same sound and letter are studied;
  • acquaintance with a new letter is carried out by analyzing its elements;
  • Analytic-synthetic work with a split alphabet is widely used.

Literacy education according to the system of L.F. Spirova and R.I. Schuifer is divided into two periods: preparatory and alphabetic.

In the preparatory period, work is underway on the general development of speech and the formation of pronunciation.

The letter period is divided into four stages.

Stage I:

  • the study of the sounds a, y, m, x, o, p, k, s, n, s, v, t, l and the corresponding letters;
  • conscious assimilation of articulation;
  • mastering syllabic structuring;
  • word analysis followed by reading;
  • composing a word from a split alphabet;
  • distinction between letter and sound, vowel and consonant;
  • familiarization with the sentence, isolating sentences from the flow of speech;
  • division of sentences into words;
  • separate spelling of words;
  • capital letter, dot.

Stage II:

  • the study of the letters w, r, s, zh, i, e, soft consonants m, n, p, k, x, b, t, l, x, p;
  • spelling of hard and soft consonants;
  • an association soft sounds and vowels;
  • work on sound analysis and synthesis of words;
  • inserting missing letters, composing words from syllables offered at random;
  • dictation letter;
  • spelling zhi, shi, hyphenation;
  • cheating, writing names, surnames, city names.

Stage III:

  • the study of the letters d, e, u, e, i;
  • the final position of the sound th;
  • spelling of words such as snake - snakes, shed - sheds;
  • spelling of the soft sign;
  • letters e, u, i, yo, matching with diphthongs ye, yu, ya, yo;
  • assimilation of the syllabic structure of 4 - 5-complex words;
  • smooth syllabic reading; reading comprehension;
  • auditory and visual dictations.

IV stage:

  • study of the letters c, h, u, voiced consonants;
  • distinguishing and highlighting voiced consonants;
  • spelling of doubtful consonants;
  • reading whole words;
  • distinguishing between words that are similar in sound and spelling;
  • learning to read "silently" and in a whisper.

This system of literacy education is mainly focused on younger schoolchildren with general underdevelopment of speech, but, however, is successfully used in the process of corrective education of preschoolers with OHP.

T.A. Tkachenko offers a system for teaching literacy to preschoolers with OHP, which is based on the generally accepted sequence of learning sounds and letters according to the system of G.A. Kashe. Literacy education is designed for two years - in the senior and preparatory groups for school.

In the first year of correctional work, preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech acquire clear ideas about each sound, improve the skill of sound analysis and synthesis.

The second year of study includes the following:

  • the very first classes are given a letter image of the studied sounds, which contributes to faster memorization of letters;
  • the assimilation of the syllabic structures of words occurs through sound-letter analysis and synthesis;
  • development of the skill of syllable reading.

Particularly noteworthy is the system of teaching literacy to six-year-old preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech.T.B. Filicheva, G.V. Chirkina. Literacy training according to this method is carried out on the material of sounds previously worked out in pronunciation. The system of teaching literacy is based on a special order for learning letters, which is determined by the articulatory complexity of pronouncing a sound.

Table 3. Content of literacy training for preschoolers with OHP


Completion of work on the formation of readiness for teaching literacy, begun in the senior group in the classroom for the formation of a sound culture of speech.

Start teaching literacy.

Acquaintance with vowels, with consonants;

folding letters of the split alphabet of syllables, words in the wake of sound analysis and synthesis;

Converting words by adding, rearranging, replacing sounds;

meaningful reading.

Literacy education.

Expansion of the volume of studied sounds and letters;

analysis and synthesis of monosyllabic words with a confluence of consonants, two-syllable words, three-syllable words;

exercises to determine the missing letter in a word; reading syllables, making words from syllables;

teaching continuous reading with an explanation of the meaning of what was read;

dividing sentences into words, determining the order and number of words in a sentence.

The entire content of literacy training is realized through exercises offered to children in an entertaining, playful way, with the inclusion of competition elements. Throughout the training, the development of articulation skills and phonemic perception is carried out simultaneously with the development of sound-letter analysis and synthesis. This work is aimed at preventing dysgraphia and dyslexia. GuidelinesE.V. Kuznetsova and I.A. Tikhonovaare based on the connection that exists between the development of other mental processes of the child and the formation of his speech. The sequence of studying sounds is given in accordance with the training program G.A. Kashe. The educational system is aimed at ensuring that the preschooler learns meaningful reading, at the gradual and consistent formation of arbitrary attention to the phonetic and morphological composition of the word, to syntax and spelling, which has great importance in the prevention of writing and reading. Literacy training according to these systems begins from the middle of the second year of study. Distinctive feature literacy systems for preschoolers with OHP N.V. Beggarly is that the educational process itself begins with middle group. N.V. Nishcheva proposes to teach children of the preparatory group alphabetical name letters and learn the Russian alphabet with preschoolers. According to the Beggar system, a child with OHP already in the middle group reads words consisting of two open syllables, and in the preparatory group, writing is added to reading in block letters. The content of literacy education is distributed by quarters. The sound is given simultaneously with the corresponding letter. It is recommended to read the letters in the following order:

  • middle group, second quarter: a, y, o, i; third quarter: p, t, k, m, n;
  • senior group, first quarter: s, b, e, d, x; second quarter: c, f, w, w, e; the third - s, s, h, u, l, r;
  • preparatory group, first quarter: c, d, e, e; second quarter: u, i, b, b.

Throughout the entire period of study, the development of phonemic analysis skills is carried out. great attention the author pays to the prevention of dysgraphia and dyslexia. Starting with the middle group, it is recommended to include the following exercises:

  • drawing up letters from sticks; laying out of shoelaces, sculpting and cutting out letters, “drawing” in the air;
  • finding the correct letter;
  • recognition of letters superimposed on each other;
  • solving puzzles, crossword puzzles.

Currently, there is a wide selection of literature on the preparation of preschool children for literacy. All authors note that in connection with the increased requirements of the school, this problem is very relevant, especially the problem of preparing children with OHP for schooling. Having studied the literature on this topic, we came to the conclusion that the most popular is the analytical-synthetic method of teaching, which is based on the study of the sounds of live speech. The method involves the division of coherent speech into sentences, sentences into words, words into syllables, syllables into sounds (analysis); along with the decomposition of sentences into words, words - into syllables, syllables - into sounds, sounds are combined into syllables, syllables into words, etc. (synthesis).

What is the best way to teach literacy? It is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to this question. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, many methodologists spoke about the need to take all the best from the methods and “leave the unusable”. It is appropriate in this case to recall the words of I. Uspensky: “The same technique in the hands of one teacher gives brilliant results, and in the hands of another - bad. Teaching is successful only when the teacher is fluent in the material, as an obedient tool, and does not slavishly follow one method or another. Therefore, each teacher should, having chosen this or that method, carefully study it and make, so to speak, his own ”(5, p. 3), and only then begin teaching.


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Spirova L.F., Yastrebova A.V. Teacher about children with speech disorders. - M., 1984.

Tkachenko T.A. If the child does not speak well. - M., 1999.

Filicheva T.B., Cheveleva N.A., Chirkina G.L. Speech disorder in children. - M., 1993.

Filicheva T.E., Cheveleva N.A., Chirkina G.V. Fundamentals of speech therapy. - M., 1989.

Filicheva T.E., Chirkina G.V. Preparation for school of children with general underdevelopment of speech in a special kindergarten. - M., 1991.

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