Tatyana's day January 25 which means. Tatyana's Day: History and Traditions of the Day of Russian Students

25-01-2013 08:15

It was on January 25, the day of the Great Martyr Tatyana Epiphany in 1755, that the Russian Empress Elizaveta Petrovna created a university in Moscow.

Therefore, the holiday is associated with student day. Students are generally lucky - they have two holidays of their own: November 17 - International Student's Day and January 25 - Tatyana's Day.

It was on this day in 1755 that the decree on the founding of Moscow University was signed. The project of the first university in Russia was developed by Mikhail Lomonosov. Everyone who is close to this date says that it is imbued with a spring-like joyful mood, despite the January frosts or thaw ...

Martyr Tatiana was born in Rome into a noble family. Her father held a high position and at the same time was a secret Christian. He raised his daughter in love for Jesus Christ and introduced her to the Holy Scriptures. When the girl came of age, she decided to devote her life to God. Deaconesses were appointed for their charity. However, she suffered for her faith.

And in 222, a sixteen-year-old young man Alexander began to reign in Rome, whose mother, mother, was a Christian. From her he learned about Christ, but continued to worship the pagan Roman gods.

Alexander was still young and other people who hated Christians ruled instead of him. They forced them to worship pagan gods. The disobedient were severely punished. Saint Tatiana was also brought to a pagan temple to bow to Apollo, but the Christian woman prayed to her Lord. According to legend, the same hour there was an earthquake. The temple was destroyed. Its fragments crushed pagans and priests. Tatyana began to be mercilessly tortured, but her body remained invulnerable. The executioners themselves were more tired than she, because angels stood next to the saint and beat the tormentors. Tatyana prayed and asked the Lord to open the light of truth before them. And this happened: they saw four angels near the Holy One, heard the voice of heaven addressed to her. Then they began to beg Tatyana to forgive them.

The next day, Tatyana was again brought before the judge. He began to persuade her to sacrifice to the pagan gods. But Tatyana was adamant. Then all the executioners began to cut her body. She again had angels and beat those who tormented her.

In the evening, Tatyana was thrown into prison, and in the morning they found her healthy and even better. They began to beg the Christian to make a sacrifice to the goddess Diana, and she pretended to agree. Then she was brought to the temple of Diana. When she began to pray, immediately the heavenly fire burned the palace with idols and killed many pagans. They began torturing Tatyana again, and in the morning they released a terrible lion on her, then they threw Tatyana into the fire, but the fire did not touch her either. The pagans imprisoned Tatyana in the temple of Zeus. For two days she was there, and on the third the priests came with the people to offer sacrifice to their god. They found their idol broken, and they saw Tatyana healthy and cheerful.

And then the judge pronounced the final verdict: to kill her with a sword. Together with her, her father was also killed, because they learned that he was a Christian. Part of the incorruptible relics of the martyr Tatyana is kept in the Mikhailovsky Cathedral of the Pskov-Caves Monastery.

Initially, this is the day of veneration of the holy martyr Tatiana of Rome, but after in 1755 on January 12 (according to the Julian calendar) Empress Elizabeth Petrovna signed a decree on the opening of Moscow University, "Tatiana's Day" began to be celebrated first as the birthday of the University, and later - as a holiday of students. Since then, Saint Tatiana has been considered the patroness of students. Samo ancient name"Tatiana" in Greek means "organizer".

At 60-70 XIX years century Tatyana's day turns into an unofficial student holiday. Student holidays began with it, and it was this event that the student fraternity always celebrated cheerfully and noisily. The celebration of the "professional" day of students had traditions and ritual - solemn acts were arranged with the distribution of awards and speeches.

Then followed the Decree of Nicholas I, in which he ordered to celebrate not the opening day of the university, but the signing of the act of its establishment. Thus, by the will of the monarch, a student holiday appeared - Students' Day. The Church of the Great Martyr Tatiana was opened at the University. Students still run to her to ask for help before exams.

How was the holiday celebrated?

The history of the holiday has its roots in the distant past, traditions have been preserved to this day. Students arranged wide festivities more than a hundred years ago, then all night long students walked and sang songs, it was a matter of honor to rhyme the words "Tatiana" and "drunk" wittily.

On that day, in the prestigious Hermitage restaurant on Trubnaya, carpets were hastily rolled up and sawdust was sprinkled on the floor, and instead elegant chairs they set up benches and moved tables together - the main feast of students traditionally took place there - after drinking, they bellowed:

"Long live Tatiana, Tatiana, Tatiana,
All our brothers are drunk, all drunk
On Tatyana's glorious day!

The writer Anton Chekhov described the festivities that were held in honor of the holiday: “Everyone drank, except for the Moscow River, and that was due to the fact that it was frozen.” On this day, even extremely drunken students were not touched by the quarters. And if they approached, they saluted and asked if Mr. Student needed help ...

People say that on this day the sun turns to summer, and winter turns to frost. If the day is sunny, then the birds will return early, if it snows, then the summer will be rainy, and if frost hits, then the summer will be warm.

In 1791, the church of Moscow University was also consecrated in the name of the holy martyr Tatiana. Since then, Saint Tatiana has been considered the patroness of students and teachers.

In 1918 . At first, a club was located in its premises, and from 1958 to 1994 - the student theater of Moscow State University. In January 1995 the building was returned to the church.

Before the revolution, on Tatyana's Day in the morning, teachers and students went to church, then to the assembly hall to listen to the rector's speech. In the evening, a noisy celebration began, in which not only students, but the whole of Moscow took part (initially, this holiday was celebrated only in Moscow). The celebration of the "professional" day of students had traditions and ritual - solemn acts were arranged with the distribution of awards and speeches. There was another tradition: on this day, anyone who wished was allowed to enter the university, inspect the classrooms and laboratories, visit libraries and museums.
Tatyana's Day was also celebrated in the days of the USSR, because this day coincided with the end of the session.

AT modern Russia traditionally on this day, students organize mass celebrations.

In 2016, the All-Russian campaign "Tatiana's Ice" was held for all students of the country. Celebration programs were organized on ice rinks in the capital and regions of Russia.

Russian Orthodox Church remembers on this day the holy martyr Tatiana, who is considered the patroness of all Russian students. On this day, all women bearing the name Tatyana celebrate their name days (the ancient name "Tatiana" in Greek means "organizer").

According to church tradition, Saint Tatiana lived in Rome at the turn of the 2nd-3rd centuries during the cruel persecution of Christians. Her father, a noble Roman, secretly professed Christianity and raised his daughter in a Christian spirit. Tatiana did not marry and gave all her strength to the service of God. At that time, all power in Rome was concentrated in the hands of the persecutor of Christians, Ulpian. They seized Tatiana and tried to force her to sacrifice to the idol. But in the temple of Apollo, where she was brought, according to legend, the maiden offered up a prayer to Christ - and an earthquake occurred: the pagan idol broke into pieces, and the fragments of the temple buried the priests under them.

The pagans tortured Tatiana. Many miracles happened during the torture: either the executioners, for whose enlightenment the saint prayed, believed in Christ, then the angels deflected blows from the martyr, then milk flowed from her wounds instead of blood, and a fragrance spread in the air. After terrible torment, Tatiana appeared before her executioners and judges even more beautiful than before. The pagans despaired of breaking the faith of the sufferer and executed her. Together with Tatiana, her father was also executed.

In recent years, Russia has celebrated St. Tatiana's Day, based on the common prayer of the Russian Church and higher education.

Traditionally, the center of church celebrations on the Day of Russian Students, which is also the day of memory of the patroness of higher education in Russia - the martyr Tatyana, became the temple in honor of this saint at Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov on Mokhovaya street.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources

International Students' Day is celebrated annually on November 17th. It was established in 1941 at an international meeting of students from countries that fought against fascism, which was held in London (Great Britain), but began to be celebrated in 1946. The date was established in memory of Czech patriotic students.

In Russia, Student's Day is celebrated on January 25th. In 2005, the President of Russia even issued the corresponding decree No. 76 "On the Day of Russian Students", which officially approved the "professional" holiday of Russian students.

On October 28, 1939, in Nazi-occupied Czechoslovakia, Prague students and their teachers demonstrated to mark the anniversary of the formation of the Czechoslovak state (October 28, 1918). The occupiers dispersed the demonstration, and Jan Opletal, a medical student, was shot dead.

The funeral of Jan Opletal on November 15, 1939 again turned into a protest action. Dozens of demonstrators were arrested. On November 17, the Gestapo and SS surrounded the student dormitories early in the morning. Over 1,200 students were arrested and imprisoned in the Sachsenhausen concentration camp.

Nine students and student activists were executed without trial in a prison in the Ruzyne district of Prague. By order of Hitler, all Czech higher educational institutions were closed until the end of the war. In honor of these events, the International Students' Day was established, and in post-war years his celebration is confirmed on

World Congress of Students, held in Prague in 1946, and since then it has been celebrated annually. Today, Students' Day is celebrated in many countries of the world, and although the programs for celebrating this day vary, it is very popular with student youth. And almost no university stays away from the noisy and long-awaited holiday.

Student's Day in Russia is traditionally celebrated on January 25

Students' Day in our country is traditionally celebrated on January 25, although the International Students' Day is celebrated on November 17. Russian students received such double name days thanks to the opening of Moscow University in 1755.

It was on this day that Empress Elizabeth signed the decree "On the Establishment of Moscow University." And this holiday became all-Russian under Emperor Nicholas I, who ordered to celebrate January 25 as the day of all higher educational institutions in the country.

The holiday received the nickname "Tatiana's Day" in honor of the holy martyr Tatyana Kreshchenskaya. Since January 25 often falls at the end of the session, students still light candles and pray to St. Tatiana for help in their studies and enlightenment. Well, on the territory of Moscow State University there is even a house church - the church of St. Tatyana.

Traditions of celebrating Student's Day in Russia

In Russia, students have always celebrated their professional holiday on a grand scale. Even Anton Chekhov recalled how on January 25, 1884, the students "drank everything except the Moskva River, and then only because it froze." Students were allowed a lot on their holiday - even the quarters and the police did not touch the tipsy revelers once again.

Today, each university has its own traditions for Student's Day. For example, in Moscow state university On January 25, the birthday of the university is also celebrated, so every year students are treated to mead. It is boiled according to an old monastic recipe and insisted for 40 days, and on the holiday itself, the rector personally pours it into mugs and treats students.

In addition to mead and festivities, there are other traditions - at the Belgorod Technical University Tatyana's ball is held in pre-revolutionary style, in Volgograd they hold a city exhibition of art works written by the Tatyanas, and in Vladivostok they fill big book student records.

Student's Day in Russia has its own signs

Not a single Tatyana's day is complete without signs. Most of them are about academic success. For example, according to one of these signs, you need to lean out the open window or go out onto the balcony with a record book, wave it in the air and shout “Freebie, come!”. Passers-by are supposed to shout “Already on their way” in response - getting such an answer is considered the most accurate guarantee of an excellent session.

Another sign is to draw on Tatyana's day on the last page of the record book a village house with a chimney and smoke from it. It is better to draw smoke more authentically - the longer it turns out, the easier it will be to study.

Those who do not want to risk their grade book can climb on January 25 to the highest place in the district and make a wish while looking at the sun. It will come true for sure - it has been tested by generations of students.

On January 25, there are 2 holidays in our country at once - women named Tatyana celebrate their name days, and all of Russia celebrates Student's Day.

The history of Tatyana's Day

The Holy Martyr Tatiana was born into a noble Roman family - her father was elected consul three times. But he was a secret Christian and raised a daughter devoted to God and the Church. Having reached adulthood, Tatyana did not marry and served God in one of the temples, caring for the sick in fasting and prayer and helping those in need.

In 226, the girl was captured during the next persecution of Christians. When they brought her to the temple of Apollo to force her to sacrifice to the idol, the saint prayed - and suddenly an earthquake occurred, the idol was blown to pieces, and part of the temple collapsed and crushed the priests and many pagans. The demon who lived in the idol fled with a cry from that place, while everyone saw a shadow sweeping through the air. Then they began to beat the holy virgin, gouged out her eyes, but she endured everything courageously, praying for her tormentors that the Lord would open their spiritual eyes to them. And the Lord heeded the prayer of His servant. It was revealed to the executioners that four angels surrounded the saint and deflected blows from her, and they heard a Voice from heaven addressed to the holy martyr. All of them, eight people, believed in Christ and fell at the feet of Saint Tatiana, asking them to forgive their sin against her. For confessing themselves as Christians, they were tortured and executed, having received Baptism in blood. The next day, Saint Tatiana was again given over to torment: she was stripped naked, beaten, her body was cut with razors, and then instead of blood, milk flowed from the wounds and a fragrance spread in the air. The tormentors were exhausted and declared that someone invisible was beating them with iron sticks, nine of them died immediately.

They threw the saint into prison, where she prayed all night and sang praises to the Lord with the angels. A new morning came, and Saint Tatiana was again brought to trial. The amazed tormentors saw that after so many terrible torments she appeared completely healthy and even more radiant and beautiful than before. She was persuaded to make a sacrifice to the goddess Diana. The saint pretended to agree, and she was led to the temple.

Saint Tatiana crossed herself and began to pray, and suddenly there was a deafening clap of thunder, and lightning incinerated the idol, the victims and the priests. The martyr was again severely tortured, and again thrown into prison for the night, and again the Angels of God appeared to her and healed her wounds.

Then the girl was taken to the circus arena, a terrible lion was released on her, but the beast only caressed the saint and licked her feet. And when they tried to take him back to the cage, he suddenly rushed at one of the tormentors and tore him to pieces. Tatiana was thrown into the fire, but the fire did not harm the martyr. The pagans, thinking that she was a sorceress, cut off her hair to deprive her of magical powers, and locked her in the temple of Zeus. But the power of God cannot be taken away. On the third day the priests came, surrounded by a crowd, preparing to offer sacrifices. Having opened the temple, they saw an idol thrown into the dust and the holy martyr Tatiana, joyfully calling on the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. All torture was exhausted. In the end, the judge ordered that Tatyana and her father be beheaded, and she was listed by Christians in the calendar as having died for her faith. As history testifies, Tatyana's day was special among the Moscow patronal holidays.

Tatyana's Day and Student's Day

In 1755, the day of the Holy Great Martyr Tatyana (Tatiana's Day) received a new meaning in the history of Russian science - Empress Elizaveta Petrovna signed the "Decree on the establishment in Moscow of a university of two gymnasiums." Then followed the Decree of Nicholas I, where he ordered to celebrate not the opening day of the university, but the signing of the act of its establishment. So there was a student holiday - Tatiana's Day and Student's Day.

Moscow students honored the memory of the martyr Tatiana with solemn prayer services and performances by their choirs in churches. And the university church was consecrated in honor of Tatyana. Many generations of students and university professors have prayed in this temple for many years. The Soviet authorities closed the temple. In 1994, on January 25, according to the new style, His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Rus' served for the first time in the Tatian Church a prayer service. On the same day, the First All-Church Congress of Orthodox Youth began its work at the university. Tatyana's Day has become a favorite holiday for students also because in the Russian system of higher education it traditionally coincides with the end of the autumn semester and the beginning of the winter holidays ... Do not forget this historical fact: On January 12, according to the old style, the Name Day of Her Imperial Highness Grand Duchess Tatyana Nikolaevna Romanova, daughter of Tsar Nicholas II, who was shot by the Bolsheviks in Yekaterinburg in 1918, was celebrated. Tatyana's day with its fraternal feasts, pranks of respectable professors, sleigh rides has become an indispensable object of student folklore, an attribute of student traditions.

Traditions on Tatyana's Day. Celebration of Tatyana's Day

In Russia, back in the middle of the last century, Tatiana's Day (Student's Day) became a cheerful and noisy holiday for the student brethren. On this day, crowds of students walked around Moscow until late at night with songs, rode, embracing, three or four of them, in one cab and bawled songs. The owner of the Hermitage, the Frenchman Olivier, gave the students his restaurant for a party that day ... They sang, talked, shouted ... The professors were raised to the tables ... Speakers changed one after another.

This is how Tatyana's Day was celebrated by students of pre-revolutionary Russia. After the October Revolution, this holiday was rarely remembered. But in 1995, the church of St. Tatiana at Moscow University was reopened. And in the assembly hall of the old building on that day, prizes were awarded, established in part of the founders of the first Russian university - Count I.I. Shuvalov and scientist M.V. Lomonosov. And again in Russia there was a cheerful student holiday - Tatiana's Day.

History of Students' Day

Historically, it so happened that just on that same Tatyana’s day, back in 1755 on January 12, Empress Elizaveta Petrovna signed a decree “On the Establishment of Moscow University” and January 12 (25) became the official university day (in those days it was called “foundation day Moscow University). Since then, Saint Tatiana has been considered the patroness of all students. It should be noted that in translation from Greek the very ancient name "Tatiana" means "organizer".

In the 60-70s. XIX century Tatyana's day turns into an unofficial student holiday. From that day, besides, the student holidays began, and it was this event that the student brethren always celebrated cheerfully. The celebration of the "professional" day of students had traditions and ritual - solemn acts were arranged with the distribution of awards and speeches.

Students' Day celebration

At first, students' day was celebrated only in Moscow, and it was celebrated very magnificently. According to eyewitnesses, the annual celebration of Tatyana's Day was a real event for Moscow. It consisted of two parts: a short official ceremony in the university building and a noisy festivities, in which almost the entire capital took part.

In the 18th - the first half of the 19th century, solemn acts to commemorate the end of school year, they were attended by the public, awards were handed out, speeches were made. At the same time, January 12 was the official university day, celebrated with a prayer service in the university church. But it was not called Tatyana's Day, but "the day of the founding of Moscow University."

Then followed the Decree of Nicholas I, where he ordered to celebrate not the opening day of the university, but the signing of the act of its establishment. So, by the will of the monarch, a student holiday appeared - Tatiana's Day and Student's Day.

Despite the fact that the history of the holiday has its roots in the distant past, the traditions of celebrating it have survived to this day. The student brethren, as they organized wide festivities more than a hundred years ago, and at present, on January 25, Student Day is vigorously and cheerfully celebrated by all students throughout Russia. It should be noted that on this day, even extremely sober students were not touched by the quarterly students. And if they approached, they trumped and inquired: “Does Mr. Student need help?”

However, students will never miss their chance to take a break from a long and tedious educational process - and, according to popular wisdom, only the session period distracts him from the endless celebration.

Back to holiday calendar

Tatyana's day - the history of the holiday

January 25 is celebrated Tatyana's Day, which combined two memorable dates. On this day, the Orthodox venerate the Holy Great Martyr Tatyana who gave her life for her faith. In addition, this day is traditionally celebrated Student's day.

history of the holiday

According to legend, the pagans subjected the young Roman Christian Tatyana to terrible tortures, but in the morning her wounds healed. The pagans beat the girl with iron sticks, threw her into the arena to a hungry lion, who did not tear her to pieces, but dutifully licked her legs, tried to burn her, but there were no signs of torture on Tatiana's body.

After that, it was decided to kill her by beheading with a sword. The day of the death of the martyr on January 25 (January 12, according to the old style) became Tatyana's day. January 25, 1775 Empress Elizabeth signed a decree establishing the first Russian Empire university.

By decree, the empress supported the initiative Michael Lomonosov and Count Ivana Shuvalova, for whom the document was a gift for the day of the angel of his mother - Tatyana Petrovna. This combination of circumstances led to the fact that January 25 is celebrated Student's day. Holy Tatiana considered the patroness of students.

Holiday traditions

On this day, it is customary to put candles in the church for academic success. It is also customary to bake on this day a round loaf of bread in the form of the sun, designed to return the luminary to people. Traditionally, each member of the family was given a piece so that everyone would receive a particle of the sun. Girls on this day made small panicles from rags and feathers.

It was believed that if you put such a whisk in the "woman's corner" of the house of a young man who liked it, then the guy would definitely marry her, and the marriage would be long and happy. Students traditionally arranged noisy festivities on this day.

At the same time, back in the days of the Russian Empire, the quarters did not touch extremely drunk students, but trumped and asked: “Does Mr. Student need help?”

On January 25, Russia celebrates Tatyana's Day and the Day of Russian Students. They pray to the Martyr Tatiana in difficult teaching and enlightenment, on this day they also light candles for academic success.

The history of Tatyana's Day

At the beginning of the third century in Rome, a daughter was born into the family of a publicly known and fairly wealthy man. Her father hid his faith in God, but he raised his daughter in Christian traditions, writes beautyhalf.ru.

The little girl prayed a lot. Having reached adulthood, Tatiana became a servant in one of the Roman churches. She helped the sick, prisoners and others in need.

At this time, a new wave of persecution against Christians arose in Rome. Angry pagans seized Tatyana, who refused to worship idols, and subjected them to terrible tortures.

Tatyana prayed that the Lord would come to reason with the people who were torturing her. At the same moment, the executioners saw the angels and heard the voice of God. Frightened, they threw themselves on their knees in front of Tatyana, began to ask for forgiveness.

The next day, the evil pagans found Tatyana not only without signs of torture, but even more beautiful. Then the executioners tormented the tormented girl with spears all day long, and she only prayed even harder.

The angels protected Tatyana, most of the attackers lost their strength, some even fell dead. It was decided to leave her in the dungeon. And the next morning, the executioners who came again found her healthy. They tortured and tormented her for a whole day, but in the morning Tatyana was beautiful again. This went on again and again until her head was cut off.

For her deep faith, Tatyana was canonized as a saint.

January 25 - student holiday

On January 12 (23), 1755, the Russian Empress Elizaveta Petrovna approved Ivan Shuvalov's petition and signed a decree on the opening of Moscow University, which became one of the centers of advanced Russian culture and social thought in Russia.

The favorite of the Empress Ivan Shuvalov wanted to give something unusual to his mother Tatyana for her name day. He prepared a petition for the establishment in Moscow of a higher educational institution. So students appeared in Russia, and the name day of all Tatyanas became a student holiday.

The celebration of the student's day consisted of two parts. The official part began with a prayer service to St. Tatiana, then especially successful students were awarded in the university building. And then there were already fun festivities almost until the morning.

Students arranged noisy feasts, walked in large groups along the streets with songs, jokes and even fireworks, sledding.

The symbolism of the holiday as a student holiday is emphasized by the coincidence with the academic calendar. January 25 is also the last day of the 21st academic week, the traditional end of the examination session of the first semester, after which the winter student holidays come.

Traditions, sayings and signs

According to Wikipedia, on the day of Tatyana Kreshchenskaya, candles are lit for academic success. They pray to the Martyr Tatiana in difficult teaching and enlightenment; they pray to St. Savva for various ailments; the icon of the Mother of God "Mammary" they pray for help during childbirth, for breastfeeding, with a lack of mother's milk, as well as for the health of babies. It was believed that the lists from the Akathist icon protect the house from fire.

The frost was used to judge the weather in spring and summer. On this day, women twisted balls of yarn as tight and as large as possible so that the cabbages were born tight and large.

The villagers believed that a woman born on this day would be a good housewife: “Tatyana bakes a loaf, and beats rugs along the river, and leads a round dance.”

There are also the following signs:

Early sun - early birds.

The sun will peep at Tatyana early - by the early arrival of birds.

If Tatyana is frosty and clear, it will be good harvest; heat and blizzard - to crop failure.

Submit a bug report

Tatyana's Day is a widely known and beloved holiday by many. This is not surprising, because it is both ecclesiastical and secular. Over the long period of its existence, many interesting traditions, some of which are still observed today.

The day of veneration of the Holy Great Martyr Tatyana is also a student holiday. This happened because it was on this date that the decree on the opening of Moscow University was signed. Since then, Saint Tatiana has been considered the patroness of knowledge and all students.

history of the holiday

First of all, Tatyana's day - Christian holiday dedicated to the veneration of Tatiana of Rome. The thorny life path of the saint is an example of perseverance and sincere faith.

Saint Tatiana was born into a wealthy family, but from childhood she was indifferent to material wealth and aspired to the spiritual side of life. Even in her youth, she decided to devote herself to the service of God. The virgin took a vow of chastity and led a secluded and righteous life, for which she was awarded the title of deaconess.

However, Rome at that time was torn apart by religious contradictions: belief in idols coexisted with Christianity. During the persecution of Christians, Tatyana was captured by the pagans. The Gentiles tried to force her to pay homage to their gods, but the saint was strong in her faith. The power of her prayer destroyed the pagan temple to the ground.

Tatyana endured many severe tortures, but they did not break her will: thanks to help from above, mortal wounds healed. After much torment, Tatyana was beheaded. For her great feat, she was canonized as a saint, and the day of her memory is celebrated annually on January 25th.

And on January 25, 1755, Empress Elizabeth signed a decree on the opening of a university in Moscow. From that day on, the veneration of the Holy Great Martyr Tatiana by the church coincided with the celebration of the opening of the university. After some time, Tatyana's day was also called Student's Day, and the saint was revered as an assistant and protector of students.

Tatyana's day has always been widely celebrated by students. On January 25, festive events, concerts and friendly gatherings were organized. Many traditions and signs associated with the holiday are still observed. In 2005, the holiday was made official, and now it is called the Day of Russian Students.

On January 25, it is worth praying for enlightenment and help in teaching. This is important not only for students, but for every person - after all, folk wisdom has long noticed that it is necessary to study all your life. We wish you good luck and prosperity, and do not forget to press the buttons and

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On January 25, Russia celebrates Tatyana's Day and the Day of Russian Students. They pray to the Martyr Tatiana in difficult teaching and enlightenment, on this day they also light candles for academic success.

The history of Tatyana's Day

At the beginning of the third century in Rome, a daughter was born into the family of a publicly known and fairly wealthy man. Her father hid his faith in God, but he raised his daughter in Christian traditions, writes beautyhalf.ru.

The little girl prayed a lot. Having reached adulthood, Tatiana became a servant in one of the Roman churches. She helped the sick, prisoners and others in need.

At this time, a new wave of persecution against Christians arose in Rome. Angry pagans seized Tatyana, who refused to worship idols, and subjected them to terrible tortures.

Tatyana prayed that the Lord would come to reason with the people who were torturing her. At the same moment, the executioners saw the angels and heard the voice of God. Frightened, they threw themselves on their knees in front of Tatyana, began to ask for forgiveness.

The next day, the evil pagans found Tatyana not only without signs of torture, but even more beautiful. Then the executioners tormented the tormented girl with spears all day long, and she only prayed even harder.

The angels protected Tatyana, most of the attackers lost their strength, some even fell dead. It was decided to leave her in the dungeon. And the next morning, the executioners who came again found her healthy. They tortured and tormented her for a whole day, but in the morning Tatyana was beautiful again. This went on again and again until her head was cut off.

For her deep faith, Tatyana was canonized as a saint.

January 25 - student holiday

On January 12 (23), 1755, the Russian Empress Elizaveta Petrovna approved Ivan Shuvalov's petition and signed a decree on the opening of Moscow University, which became one of the centers of advanced Russian culture and social thought in Russia.

The favorite of the Empress Ivan Shuvalov wanted to give something unusual to his mother Tatyana for her name day. He prepared a petition for the establishment of a higher educational institution in Moscow. So students appeared in Russia, and the name day of all Tatyanas became a student holiday.

The celebration of the student's day consisted of two parts. The official part began with a prayer service to St. Tatiana, then especially successful students were awarded in the university building. And then there were already fun festivities almost until the morning.

Students arranged noisy feasts, walked in large groups along the streets with songs, jokes and even fireworks, sledding.

The symbolism of the holiday as a student holiday is emphasized by the coincidence with the academic calendar. January 25 is also the last day of the 21st academic week, the traditional end of the examination session of the first semester, after which the winter student holidays come.

Traditions, sayings and signs

According to Wikipedia, on the day of Tatyana Kreshchenskaya, candles are lit for academic success. They pray to the Martyr Tatiana in difficult teaching and enlightenment; they pray to St. Savva for various ailments; the icon of the Mother of God "Mammary" they pray for help during childbirth, for breastfeeding, with a lack of mother's milk, as well as for the health of babies. It was believed that the lists from the Akathist icon protect the house from fire.

The frost was used to judge the weather in spring and summer. On this day, women twisted balls of yarn as tight and as large as possible so that the cabbages were born tight and large.

The villagers believed that a woman born on this day would be a good housewife: “Tatyana bakes a loaf, and beats rugs along the river, and leads a round dance.”

There are also the following signs:

Early sun, early birds.

The sun will peep at Tatyana early - by the early arrival of birds.

If Tatyana is frosty and clear, there will be a good harvest; heat and blizzard - to crop failure.