Constructor of new pedagogical situations. Pedagogical situation

Situation 1. Nadia, 7 years old. From the age of three she has been attending a choreographic circle, from the age of 5 she has been attending vocal and theater studios. Very often performs on stage, participates in various competitions. Before the next performance, during the game, he tries to lead his peers: “I know you better, I have already performed on stage many times, but you haven’t. So I will play the part of the fox." The girls try to disobey her and go to the counselor for help.

My actions: I conduct a conversation with the child, aimed at analyzing the negative aspects of the behavior of the characters works of art(boasting, resentment of comrades, etc.), I explain that other girls, her friends, also want to play this role. I suggest playing in sequence.

Situation 2. Nikita, 7 years old. A shy boy, very reserved, slow. In the camp, he is not friends with anyone, often conflicts with children.

My actions: It turned out that the boy from early childhood showed interest in modeling, drawing, designing. He draws well, sculpts, creates unusual designs, fantasizes. In order to increase the self-esteem of the child, she began to offer to participate in competitions, hang out his work at exhibitions, so that his peers would appreciate his success. Gave this child a special task, and after its successful completion - a high mark, thereby increasing his authority in the group

Situation 3. Max is 8 years old. The boy was playing with toys in the camp, and then it turned out that one car was missing.

My actions: Previously, after talking with the boy's mother, so that she would talk with her son that it was not good to take other people's things and convinced him to return the toy.

Situation 4. Katya is 7 years old and Boris is 8 years old. Children constantly clashed about the place at the table.

My actions: She suggested that Boris, like a real gentleman, give way to a lady. Said real men always do that.

Situation 5. Oleg and Vika are 8 years old. Children played "Catch-up", during the run they constantly collide, run into each other. Vika, crying, approaches the teacher and says that Oleg hit her.

My actions: I stop the game, I calm the children. I explain that if a collision occurs, do not shift the blame on someone else. Both are to blame, because didn't look ahead. I explain the rules, discuss safety rules with the children.

Situation 6. Denis is 8 years old. The child has a very good memory, so he easily remembers information, texts, songs. When holding holidays, playing his role, he prompts the roles of other characters, which prevents other children from expressing themselves, disrupts the course of the holiday.

My actions: I give the child a special role - a prompter. “Your task is to make sure that the children do not forget their words during the performance. If the child has forgotten, only then do you prompt him, quietly, so that no one else hears.

Situation 7. After sports competitions, children from the losing team reacted sharply to the defeat and were indignant.

My actions: I explain to the children that losing is just one of the steps to victory, if you focus not on what you did wrong, but on what you had to do to win, or what allowed your opponents to win, I explain what should be done, to win.

Situation 8. Danila is 8 years old. The boy often shows demonstrative behavior, which interferes with the counselor.

My actions: In private, I tell my child how I feel when I encounter these behaviors. Then I try to find out what he wanted to achieve by such behavior. It turns out that the boy thinks that I do not pay attention to him. I suggest that next time, in such situations, just come up to me and talk about it. I also offer him the important position of assistant counselor.

Situation 9. Roma 8 years old. Refuses to wash hands before eating.

My actions: I'm having a conversation about the dangers of germs and the importance of personal hygiene. Then I suggest that the boy make sure that all children wash their hands before eating.

Situation 10. Ksyusha is 8 years old. The girl came up with a complaint that her friends Katya and Lisa did not play with her.

My actions: I ask the girls why they don't play with Ksyusha. It turns out that the girl wants to play by her own rules. I suggest that the girls first play by the rules of Katya and Lisa, and then by the rules of Ksyusha. I explain that in friendship it is important to listen to the opinions of others.


The passage of psychological and pedagogical practice is an important element of the educational process for the training of a specialist.

At this time, the future teacher applies the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in the learning process in practice.

The main tasks at this moment are:

familiarization with the specifics of the work of an educational institution;

receiving practical experience work;

· Improving the quality of professional training.

The practice helped me learn how to independently solve a certain range of problems that arise in the course of the work of a teacher. I realized that in practice the bulk of the knowledge I received at the university would be in demand.


Pedagogical practice at the summer camp certainly helped the formation of my professional competencies.

Psychological and pedagogical practice gives great satisfaction, primarily from the feeling of the real effectiveness of helping children.

The success of my work with children was positively influenced, first of all, by the ability to find simple human contact. And all that is needed for this is tact and the desire for mutual understanding.

Additional literature:

1. Methods of teaching foreign languages: Basic course lectures: Handbook for students ped. universities and teachers / E.N. Solovova. M. Education, 2002. 239 p.

2. Multimedia support of the educational process / ed. V.N. Punchik. Minsk: Krasiko-Print, 2009. 176 p.

3. Communicate with the child. How? / Gippenreiter Yu.B., M. Astrel VKT AST, 2008.

4. Theory and practice of team building. Modern technology for creating teams / Ed. T. D. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva. St. Petersburg: Rech, 2004. 304 p.

5. Learning at home: distance learning/ aut.-stat. V.N. Punchik, S.V. Vabishchevich, M.V. Korotkevich. Minsk: Krasiko-Print, 2010. 176 p.

Blame shifting- the child's unwillingness to be responsible for his actions, a trick with which children try to avoid punishment and achieve encouragement.

Parents' opinion: Blaming a non-existent or existing friend (adult), or a cat (dog) that broke a vase (ate jam) is a very popular trick for children.

Expert opinion: Shifting the blame on another may be caused by a defensive reaction of the child, since it was already in his experience that, if he confesses, to say how it was, then he will be immediately scolded, punished, deprived of communication, pushed away with condemnation. Gradually, the delinquent kid understands that it is dangerous to tell the truth, it is better to invent the plausible, maybe they will not be punished.

Problem situation:

In the hall, on a coffee table, there was a wonderful castle assembled from a designer. Toy soldiers lived in the house, with whom Jan (almost 4 years old) played while his mother and guests were setting the table in the kitchen. When everything was ready, and I called my son to dinner, he ran into the kitchen, grabbed Uncle Kostya by the hand and, promising to show him something, took him into the hall. A minute later, Jan appeared in the kitchen shouting: "Mom, go see what he did!!!".

I entered the hall and saw that soldiers and fragments of the castle were lying on the floor, and next to them was the confused Uncle Kostya, who says that Jan asked him to wait here, and he rushed off to the kitchen with a "bullet". And now it turns out that Kostya, who was caught at the “crime scene” with a destroyed castle and scattered toys, MUST collect them.

Often, parents themselves provoke such behavior of their children. The one who is guilty (scattered toys, broke the lock) is “bad” and the child has heard this from his mother more than once. So it’s better to blame someone else (Uncle Kostya) for your own misfortunes, and then they will scold him and force him to do unpleasant work (collecting toys). It should be remembered that the habit of blaming others can become a way of life for a child and escape from difficulties (friends are to blame, the teacher is bad, the boss is stupid). Because it's easier this way, you don't have to correct your mistakes and learn from them, let others do it.

First of all, you need to love and accept your child as a whole (well, who didn’t break vases in childhood, didn’t eat sweets without permission or didn’t scatter toys), but at the same time adequately treat his actions. The child should feel your emotional acceptance, even if something did not work out for him. You should not play along in case of shifting the blame on the child to another (“Oh, what Uncle Kostya is embarrassing - he broke everything!”), because. the child will never understand that shifting the blame onto another person is not only unethical, but can also deprive him of the respect of friends and loved ones. It is better to offer to eliminate the consequences together.

Keyword and definition:

pretending to be sick- behavior, actions of a child with deliberate concealment of the truth in order to mislead parents or relatives about their state of health.

Parents' opinion: A child's illness is always stressful for parents. You immediately try to do something pleasant for the child, protect it from difficulties, buy something delicious, spend more time with him, etc. But then you notice that this is just manipulation and as soon as the child wants to get something or avoid something, then he immediately SICK!

Expert opinion: It is not uncommon for children, realizing that they are allowed a lot during an illness, begin to pretend that they feel unwell, deliberately distorting reliable information about their health for their own benefit ( skip a visit kindergarten or school, get a chocolate bar or a new toy). The child begins to try to pretend to be sick as soon as he gets acquainted with a clear set of external symptoms of the disease and learns to imitate them.

Problem situation:

My son (7 years old) went to school this year. He was very happy about this, he was looking forward to the first of September. But after the first week, they changed him and the “concerts” began: every day something hurts him: either his stomach, then his head, then his leg, then suddenly a terrible cough. We were examined at the diagnostic center and were with him at the doctor, who said that the child was absolutely healthy, he was only pretending. Why? Why this sudden change? And how to "cure" it?

Situation Analysis or Life Skills that children and parents learn in this situation:

From the first years of life, children observe how one word “hurts” turns mom and dad into gentle, caring parents who go to the rescue and are almost always more responsive to the child’s problems. Of course, one cannot ignore the child's complaints of feeling unwell, but it is better to try to understand the reasons for such a sharp change in the state of health. This may be due to problems adapting to educational institution or maybe there was rudeness on the part of the teacher or conflicts with other children at school. In addition, you can think about whether the child receives enough parental attention, whether they are interested in his school success and affairs.

Options for solving a problem situation:

You should not encourage such behavior, feel sorry for the child too much, or immediately run to the doctors. If parents see that the symptoms are simulated, then you can use the “Contraindications” technique. For example, if your tummy hurts, then in the evening “due to illness” you will not eat dessert (although the rest of the family will). And the words that “nothing hurts anymore” should not be taken into account, because “tomorrow it can get sick again, so it’s better to be patient.” Depending on the disease, you can choose different desserts: cakes when your stomach hurts, ice cream when your head or throat hurts.

Keyword and definition:

Memory problems- a non-existent problem that is the fruit of fiction, self-deception, the subject of manipulation by other people in order not to overcome difficulties.

Parents' opinion: Children at the age of 6-7 notice that simply their laziness when entering school causes censure from adults, negative emotions, and a developmental defect (impossibility of remembering) - anxiety, and they begin to pay more attention to the child, worry about him.

Expert opinion: The reference to the inability to remember something is necessary for children to satisfy their existing need not to be a "bad student" without doing anything. The basis of such behavior is the child's affective experience of his new role - the "student" and all that he now has to do in it (try, make efforts, etc.).

Problem situation:

First grader Fedya was brought to a psychologist by his teacher. She spoke with concern that the child was not able to remember what was asked at home, and at home he told his parents that he did not remember what was asked. At the lesson, he answered that he did not remember what he had taught at home. Looking at the boy, the psychologist noticed that he was very embarrassed and tense. How to understand the reasons for this behavior? What to do next?

Situation Analysis or Life Skills that children and parents learn in this situation:

The boy probably noticed that when children say “I don’t know” or “I didn’t learn”, they are angry or punished, and the reaction of adults (parents, educators, teachers) to the answer “I don’t remember” is different. Adults are surprised, worried, and if they are angry, then in some other way and write it off as health problems. Fedya quickly realized that, referring to a bad memory, you can do nothing, live quite calmly, especially not bothering yourself with studies and not receiving reproaches for poor academic performance, and therefore not be considered a "bad student". As soon as his trick is unraveled, then, not wanting to become a "bad student", the boy will begin to study.

Options for solving a problem situation:

When it becomes obvious that children are trying to mislead adults about the capabilities of their memory, then the “Indirect Questions” technique can be used. If all direct questions concerning homework or what took place in the class, the child answers with the classic “I don’t remember”, then it’s worth asking questions not directly, but, for example, in the form of incorrect statements:

- What did you do in the reading lesson?

I do not remember.

You don't remember, okay. Perhaps you made up a story from a picture.

No, we read the story.

What a story?

I do not remember.

Perhaps about animals?

No, about a boy and a girl. They planted apple and pear trees.

What were the names of the boy and girl?

Nothing else is said in the story.

Okay, what did they give you at home?

I do not remember.

Probably, the story is based on the picture, which is on the same page?

No, on the page where the story is, there is no picture.

And where is the picture on which you were asked to tell the story?

On page 35

That is great!".

In such a dialogue, the child forgets his role and gives correct meaningful answers. And it is very important to show him that you are convinced that everything is in order with the memory of the child.

Exercise: Describe the pedagogical situations according to the algorithm:

1. Assessment of the situation.

2. Forecasting.

3. Solution.

4. Use the methods of education, forms of education, styles of communication and management when evaluating, predicting and solving.

Help for this assignment!

Pedagogical situation- an integral part of the pedagogical process, pedagogical reality, through which the engineer-teacher manages the pedagogical process and the pedagogical system. This is a concentrated expression of the pedagogical process and the pedagogical system in their temporary space. The significance of pedagogical situations is enormous. They concentrate all the advantages and disadvantages of the pedagogical process and the pedagogical system as a whole. They play a significant role in shaping the experience of pedagogical activity. Any teacher should have his own "archive" of situations recorded on cards in a diary. This archive is carefully kept all his life, it is the professional wealth of any teacher.

The essence of any pedagogical situation lies in the presence of a contradiction in it, its development and resolution. Therefore, any situation is inherently problematic. The pedagogical situation is always specific, it can be pre-designed or arise spontaneously in the process of conducting a lesson, exam, or excursion.

Classification of pedagogical situations:

1. At the place of occurrence and course (in the classroom, outside, on the street, at home, in a hostel, in workshops, etc.);

2. According to the degree of projectivity (deliberately created, natural, spontaneous, designed);

3. According to the degree of originality (standard, non-standard, original);

4. According to the degree of controllability (hard-coded, uncontrollable, controllable);

5. By participants (student-student, student-teacher, etc.);

6. According to inherent contradictions (conflict, non-conflict, critical);

Most situations are communicative in nature (communication situations).

8. By nature (disciplinary, interdisciplinary, general scientific).

problem situation - a situation that generates a cognitive need due to the inability to achieve the goal through existing knowledge and developed methods of action.

An example of the analysis of the pedagogical situation.

happy birthday teacher

11th grade. The students congratulate their literature teacher and at the same time the class teacher on her birthday, give her flowers and a gift prepared in advance by the parent committee. To such a congratulation, the teacher replies with a dry “thank you” and leaves. The children did not understand this reaction and decided to find out what happened. It turned out that the teacher expected a completely different congratulation - she wanted each of her students to come up to her, give some small change and congratulate her. She accused the children of inattention and dislike and decided to give up class management and teaching in this class. After some time, the children decided to apologize to her. She accepted their apology, but it took many hours of study to normalize the situation. Accordingly, the children did not receive the knowledge they needed on some topics.


The students showed due attention towards their teacher. They congratulated her, although they were not obliged to do so. The teacher mixed her personal relationships with professional activities.


Students will lose respect for their teacher. They will be left in the senior class without the proper support of the class teacher. Their performance in literature will decrease.


The teacher should not show his emotions so brightly. Do not mix professional activities and your own feelings. She needs to pay more attention to teaching children literature, and leave the showdown for extracurricular time.

(Masha L, 2nd year)

Yeah... I wonder who behaved like a child here: schoolchildren or a teacher?..

Actually, in my opinion, to be offended by the children for congratulating"not yes, that is not correct. Still, the children tried ... Well, and if the teacher is dissatisfied with his students, is this not his fault?

(Irina Khomenko)

Examples of pedagogical situations.

1. The teacher invites the student to the blackboard, asks him to turn to face the class, and himself, standing to the left of the student, asks him questions. Mythologically, the class is supposed to have every interest in listening to the student's answer. Further, the student at the blackboard begins to rush between the need, from the point of view of etiquette, to answer the one who asks questions, and look at him, and at the same time try to look into the eyes of the whole class.

2. “You know,” the teacher says, “I just don’t have the strength to make it to the end of the fifth and sixth lessons. I’m so exhausted that I have to ask students independent work or some worthless rewriting, and although I am ashamed of this, I just don’t know what to do.

3. I have been working at the school for the fifth year. My wife also works at the school. In the 10th "A" grade, for half a year now, student Liza K. refuses to answer the lesson and complete any assignments that I specially prepare for her. She is fine in other subjects. When I come to her house to talk to her and her parents, she defiantly gets up and leaves, despite the protests of her parents. My wife believes that the girl is in love with me, but this does not make it easier for me, especially since many high school students began to look at me "somehow strange.

4. Any attempt by a teacher who teaches history in grades 5-7 to get the students to listen to the explanation, complete the assignments, and react to the grades she gives, leads to nothing. The teacher re-read a mountain of literature, consulted with everyone she could, including the school psychologist, but nothing could be changed. The teacher attended many lessons with the luminaries, but she did not succeed in understanding why and how they manage to captivate the children, to find contact.

5. 9th grade student Slava K. told the teacher a terrible secret, taking her word of honor that she would never tell anyone about what she heard from him. It was about a very serious criminal offense, as well as the fact that a criminal group is forcing a teenager to follow this path further. The student assured that if she made any careless movements, she would simply be killed. The teacher is horrified.

6. The teacher took the eighth graders out of town, into the forest. First, the guys ran, shouted, threw cones and branches, then sat down, resting their heads on backpacks and bags, and fell silent. They no longer wanted to do anything, move, speak. When they returned, they complained of boredom and wasted time. What had to be done to stir them up, how to interest them?

7. Teachers for a long time prepared, together with the student asset, a subject evening on literature, but this evening none of the students appeared, despite the announcements issued to each invitation, an attractive theme of the evening.

8. A teacher appeared at the school who once a week conducts some kind of special course without grades. His lessons are fun, relaxed, the children have fun, there is no need to do homework. At school, only talk about this teacher. Children are crazy about him, all other teachers have faded and lost their authority. Pupils set the methods of this teacher as an example and neglect their homework in other subjects.

9. Eighth graders agreed to ignore cool watch and instead they gather almost the whole class at someone's house and, by special agreement, having prepared in advance, they talk about all sorts of interesting things, events, discoveries, and then they drink tea and coffee or fanta and cola and dance. They do not invite their class teacher to these feasts, but the parents told the teacher about this, and he thought ...

10. The child has average abilities, but the family set out to make him a child prodigy. His whole day is scheduled by the minute, his mother, father, grandparents assigned him to different circles and sections. He is forced to do his lessons for 5-6 hours a day, scolded for any mistake. In the summer at the dacha, the child should read extracurricular classics, listen to serious music for hours, learn the poems of great poets, when guests come, the boy should show them his talents.

11. The teacher dug up a questionnaire somewhere with the following questions:

Who would you like to be? - Most 9th grade students answered: I don't know.

What is the most important thing in life? - The students answered: Money.

Why do you need to study? - Answer: So that parents do not pester.

The answers of the students amazed the teacher, and he decided that something had to be done. But what?

12. The girl fell in love with a classmate, he seemed to answer her at first

reciprocity, but then he began to assert himself at her expense, mocking and making fun of her.

13. The teacher tried every way to extinguish the spark of curiosity in one inquisitive boy: he called his parents and took him to the director, - and you know, at every lesson he sits with his hand raised and strives to ask such questions, the answers to which are not in school textbooks.

14. The teacher found out that students in the 10th grade have an average of three tests weekly, two test papers, three oral surveys per person. Students are also required to read, note or memorize 150 pages of a wide variety of assignments per week. The teacher decided to correct the situation. How this story ended, try to guess.

15. In October, in the 9th "B" grade, the class journal was replaced by another, in which someone entered all the texts, changing only the students' grades in a strange way: all grades were underestimated by one or two points.

(from Rybakov M.M. Conflicts and interaction in the pedagogical process. - M., 1994)

The teacher interacts with students and pupils, correctly resolving pedagogical situations. In such situations, the main task of the teacher is to direct the student's activity in the right direction. Choosing a suitable solution, the teacher must be able to understand the point of view of the pupil and analyze his behavior. The teacher interacts with the student about his act. Below are examples of pedagogical situations.

Concept definition

Before giving an example of pedagogical situations, it is necessary to define what exactly is meant by this term. This is the environment that arises in the process of education and upbringing, which must be taken into account when deciding how to influence them.

They can be simple or complex. In the first, it is solved without the participation of a teacher. An example of a pedagogical situation: two students are arguing in raised tones. Then the students start fighting. The teacher sees this and hurries to intervene in the conflict. But an unexpected sound distracts the students and the conflict disappears. Thus, the sound served as a distraction, thereby resolving the conflict.

In difficult teaching situations great importance have the emotional states of the teacher and the student and other additional factors. In this case, the conflict can be resolved through the interaction of the student and the teacher.

An example of a pedagogical situation: the class has a new leader. The teacher quickly found a common language with all the students. But suddenly, one had a marked drop in academic performance. Conflicts began to arise between the class teacher and the student. This continued until the mother of the child told the teacher that the father often quarreled at home. After that, the teacher became more attentive to the student, and he, feeling her concern, began to pay more attention to learning.

In pedagogical activity it is difficult to draw a line between a situation and a conflict. But the teacher in any case is obliged to analyze the situation in order to make the right decision.

Types of pedagogical situations

You need to know this classification in order to choose the right solution. But all of them can be called a pedagogical problem situation, because they develop into an educational conflict.

  1. Situations of activity arising in the process of implementation by the student
  2. Behavioral situations - they are associated with a violation of the rules of behavior and routine at school.
  3. Situations of relations that arise in the process of communication between the teacher and the student.

The teacher must make an analysis of the pedagogical situation in order to resolve it without infringing or harming the educational process.

Distinctive features

Psychological and pedagogical situations have a number of features:

Ways to solve the pedagogical situation

  1. The teacher alternately asks the participants in the situation and asks to state the essence of the problem. The main thing is that the teacher must stop any attempt to give an emotional assessment of other participants. Having specified the facts, the teacher calls the students and asks them to express everything that they think about each other. After that, the teacher makes a decision.
  2. The teacher makes an offer to the warring parties to speak with their claims at the meeting. And he makes the decision after the participants of the meeting express their opinion on the issue.
  3. If it is not possible to peacefully resolve the situation, the teacher takes sanctions in relation to the participants in the conflict.
  4. Sometimes it is enough for a student to express negative emotions.
  5. The teacher should avoid public (this is especially true when working with teenagers) critical remarks.
  6. The teacher does not need to focus on the "negative" behavior of the student.
  7. It is necessary to encourage the child's desire for creativity, further self-development.

But, first of all, the solution of the pedagogical situation will depend on the cause of its occurrence. Therefore, the teacher needs to carefully analyze it.

Points of analysis of the pedagogical situation

  1. Characteristics of social conditions. This includes determining the age, social status, the influence of the adult environment on the child. This is important for choosing the right solution to the socio-pedagogical situation.
  2. Analysis of the reasons for the actions of the participants in the pedagogical situation. At this point, an analysis is made of the psychological characteristics of children, parents and teachers; socio-psychological prerequisites for the emergence of the situation; what is the relationship between the participants in the conflict and pedagogical assessment.
  3. Search for a solution to their pedagogical situation, i.e., the choice of a means to achieve the goal and the planning of pedagogical activity.

An example of a pedagogical situation and its analysis

First grade students played an outdoor game on the afterschool. A boy and a girl accidentally bumped into each other. The girl ran to the teacher to complain that he hit her. The teacher called the boy to her and told him to apologize to the girl, because you can’t offend others. The boy refused, then the teacher said to sit on the bench as a punishment. The child, offended, did not play with anyone until his mother came.

Analysis: in this case, the teacher was not able to effectively solve the problem. She did not delve into the essence of the situation without listening to the other participant in the conflict. What was the best thing for her to do?

  1. The boy needed to be heard.
  2. To explain to the children that no one is to blame - it was an accident. And once again talk about safety precautions during outdoor games.
  3. To make an objective decision to interview other children.

This was an example brief analysis pedagogical situation.