General differentiated massage 10 for babies. Contraindications for spinal massage

Baby massage is a very important procedure that has a huge impact on correct formation and development. However, it is important to know that such procedures for babies can be carried out strictly after 1.5 months. The fact is that in the first month of life, children experience no less stress than postpartum stress in the mother. Before the child is an important task - to adapt to this world. Regardless of what kind of massage the doctor has prescribed (preventive or therapeutic), it is impossible to do it in the first 1.5 months of a baby's life.

In the first year of life, the child conducts an active cognitive activity. He learns to hold toys in his hands, raise his head, and takes his first steps. In order for him to succeed in all this, it is very important to help the baby by strengthening his muscles. This can be done using massage number 10. Specific exercises are selected individually by the doctor, depending on the specific purpose for which this massage is prescribed. It can be a general massage for the normal development of all body systems, tonic or massage to correct certain systems. In any case, the massage technique and the number of sessions are determined by the doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the baby.

Many young parents are wondering: massage number 10 for children - what is it? Massage 10 for babies is not a specific technique. In this case, the number 10 means the number of sessions. As a rule, a standard set of exercises is prescribed for such a massage. It will be described below.

Massage for a baby: what is the effect on the body

Massage for a baby is useful not only because it has a relaxing effect. Also, 10 sessions can increase endurance, save the child from colic. These procedures help:

  • development of the muscles of the hands and joints;
  • development and strengthening of the muscles of the body;
  • leg muscle development.

Good physical development helps to increase the intellectual abilities of the child. Such a massage is usually prescribed at the age of 2 months, but can also be prescribed at 3 months and until the child reaches 6 months. Usually spend one session a day for 10 days. But the doctor can give other recommendations about the frequency of the massage. It is important to carefully study how to perform the exercises. It is better for the doctor to show the technique on the child.

Otherwise, if you make a mistake in the process of doing the exercises, this can lead to an aggravation of the child's condition and health problems for the baby.

The tenth massage grows with the baby. That is, as the baby grows, exercises can change. All this is determined by the doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the baby.

If during the massage you see that the child is not in the mood, resists, it is better to postpone this event for later. During the exercises, use the toys that the child likes the most. It is important that he has the opportunity to reach them on his own. This will help cheer up the baby and do all the exercises without tantrums, giving him only positive emotions.


Baby massage at the age of 2 months basically involves stroking. Stroke the whole body without pressing hard with your hands. If the baby opens his palms, stroking is also performed in these areas. Otherwise, you should not open your palms by force.

Here is the main set of exercises that are usually present in the 10th massage (each exercise is repeated 10 times):

  1. The child lies on his stomach on the ball (you will need an inflatable ball). His legs should be bent at the knees and pressed against the ball. The father or your other assistant holds the legs and body of the baby. You take the palms of the baby in your hands and pull towards you, and then release, returning it to its original position.
  2. The position of the baby is the same (on the ball). The assistant should spread the baby's palms and press them against the ball, holding the hands. You need to take the baby by the shins and pull it towards you. After that, return it to its original position.
  3. The position on the ball remains the same. The palms are pressed to the ball. You take the baby's feet in your hands and put them on the surface (table or where you are doing massage), turning the baby down on the ball. He should lean on the whole foot, but it is important that the contact is short-lived. Do not linger and immediately transfer the baby to its original position.
  4. Take the baby's hands in yours and tilt the ball so that it touches the surface of the table with your palms. It is very important to support him and make sure that he does not hit his forehead.
  5. Lay the baby back on the ball. Holding by the sides, slowly rock back and forth and left and right. This exercise will have a relaxing effect on the muscles.

Massage is assigned to every newborn, as it a great way to positively affect the entire body of the child , and there are also special massage movements that will help the baby start rolling over, crawling, walking at the right time.

Thanks to this procedure, the movements of the baby become clearer and more complex, the speech apparatus is prepared for speech activity, physical abilities develop, and the emotional connection between the mother and the newborn improves.

It is always worth consulting with a knowledgeable specialist before carrying it out. , since some techniques can only be repeated by a medical professional. Otherwise, you can cause severe harm to the child by your actions.

Massage number 10 for babies is quite possible to do at home on your own.

Massage number 10 for babies is quite possible to do at home on your own , but still it is desirable to have a medical education for this. After all you need to be able not only to massage the baby’s body, but to hold it correctly, confidently. And it is quite difficult for young parents to do this.

In what cases is it recommended to carry out this procedure at home on your own:

when it is very far to go to the hospital or there is no possibility to receive a medical worker at home;

when the baby constantly cries and acts up during the massage;

if he does not feel well or is not in the mood all day. In this case neither yourself nor the baby need to be raped - this will not add a good result, but will cause disgust for all the action in both participants.

If the massage is done by a specialist, then the mother should still be constantly nearby and help if necessary. In addition, in this case, the child will not feel abandoned, will be in a good mood and know that in which case the mother is nearby.

The room in which the procedure is carried out should be fairly bright and ventilated. The child should be placed on a comfortable table or crib that will not cause discomfort or lead to accidental injury.

Why is massage number 10 for babies done

Parents should understand that this type of massage is needed not only to relax the child, increase his stamina or get rid of colic. In this case, all massage movements help :

development muscle mass hands and joints;

development of all muscles of the body;

leg muscle development which over time will help the child to take a sitting position;

back and abdominal muscle development.

Due to good physical development, the intellectual abilities of the child also increase.

Due to good physical development, the intellectual abilities of the child also increase. , this, not to mention the fact that the baby's life will become more diverse. Therefore, if parents skip the doctor's recommendations regarding massage number 10 for their child, then over time they will greatly regret it and spend too much time in clinics.

Diseases may include prickly heat in infants, treatment which you can find out by following the link. Although other causes cause this disease, Improper massage can exacerbate health problems child.

Specified the procedure is prescribed from about two weeks of age and up to six months - around this time, the grown-up baby begins to sit independently, and some children even make their first attempt at the first step.

Ideally, the procedure is repeated every day, in some cases several times a day.(only as prescribed by a doctor), but, as mentioned earlier, if the baby is in a bad mood and all actions are accompanied by hysteria, then it is better to wait for a more favorable moment.

So to speak, the tenth massage for babies grows with the child, as in the process of growing up, new exercises are added which the little man could not fulfill in more early age.

To perform new exercises, you must use your baby's favorite toys and various improvised means.

For their implementation, it is necessary to use the baby's favorite toys and various improvised means., which he will have to lower to the floor and independently reach them. In addition, all kinds of tsatski will distract the baby from not the most pleasant actions and help to cheer up during and after the massage.

In the case when the child becomes heavy and it becomes difficult to independently follow the recommendations of the doctor, then you should think about "insurance", that is, about the person who will be nearby when the procedure is performed and will be able to help if necessary. The same applies to very active children who are constantly spinning, grabbing everything in a row and quite exhausting.

Everyday gentle touches of the mother are simply necessary for the baby. But, unfortunately, this alone is not enough for the proper development of the newborn. Daily and that's what you really need. This will not only give him pleasure, but will also help him develop correctly, strengthen the muscles that are still weak, and help develop movements that are not yet skillful. We will tell you about the right help to develop the skills and promote the health of the higher kid.

Regular massage improves blood circulation, eliminates nervous and orthopedic deficiencies. The great benefit of massage is also that with its help, inept residual reflexes are eliminated much faster, which, thanks to massage, should turn into the acquisition of skills and abilities.

It has been proven that regular massage sessions increase the protective functions of a still small and weak body, the immune system steadily begins to “activate” and resist diseases, the digestive system begins to react more favorably to food.

Is it worth doing the massage yourself?

Walking outdoors is a definite plus. But still, if you want to contact a specialist, you will have to face long queues in medical institutions with a preliminary appointment for a massage.

However, such visits are not always possible due to lack of free time for young mothers. In this case, you can spend on your own without wasting precious time on trips to the hospital.

Massage is prescribed for almost all babies. And this is not at all because of whether the child has any deviations. During the year, it is recommended to have three massage sessions with short breaks. All this helps the baby to adapt to the environment.

Appointment by the pediatrician of "Massage No. 10"

You visited the pediatrician, and she prescribed you? Don't be afraid. This does not mean at all that you need some special specialist and some special treatment session. This appointment implies a (regular) general strengthening massage lasting 10 days.

Carrying out this massage does not require any special medical skills or knowledge. But still, if you are prescribed a therapeutic massage, then it would be more correct to contact a specialist.

Mandatory preparation before performing a massage

In order not to leave the child alone without supervision, it is worth preparing in advance. Ventilate the room, then warm it up - then a temperature acceptable for the child is 20-22 ° C. Do not forget that small children cool down very quickly and need constant warmth.

Prepare the place where you plan to spend. You need to lay a soft blanket or flannelette blanket, massage can only be performed on a flat surface.

You also need to prepare everything you need that will be required during the massage and after it. During exercise, use a special oil or baby cream. Gently massage onto baby's skin. The skin should warm up a little. The mother's hands during the massage should be warm, soft and clean.

Do not forget that the baby has rather delicate skin, and it is very easy to damage it. Before providing a massage, it is worth cutting your nails - so that no matter how they scratch, remove rings and bracelets.

The best time for a massage will be the period - when the baby is in a good mood and is not prone to sleep.

To avoid regurgitation, please note that the procedure should be carried out 30 minutes before feeding or after 30-45 minutes after eating.

When not to massage?

Of course, you wouldn't want to harm your baby. Therefore, there are a number of temporary reasons, in the presence of which the procedure should be postponed for a while:

  • Not recommended to do baby massage under 20 days;
  • If the baby has vomiting, indigestion;
  • With the manifestation of a rash, diaper rash or sweating;
  • Also, do not disturb the baby if he has a fever, due to a vaccination, cutting teeth, or illness.

Massage for babies

Be sure to remember that in no case should you press hard on any parts of the baby’s body that are not yet fully formed. After all, the muscles are still weakened and not all the bones are still strong and have gained calcium. Also, in the initial stages of the development of the baby, massage in the neck and head area should be avoided. Movements can be made only smooth and soft. At the same time, without crushing the skin of the child.

It is also worth paying attention to the condition of the child, the reaction of his body and facial expression. If the baby expresses dissatisfaction with the massage, it is best to postpone it to another time or postpone it to the next day. If your actions are correct, respectively, and the reaction of the child will be positive.

A few useful rules:

  • When performing a massage, doctors recommend observing the sequence of actions of the massaged zones. Start with the lower extremities, moving to the arms, after the tummy, chest and back;
  • You can not massage the inner surface of the thigh, because there are quite a lot of nerve endings and it is more sensitive;
  • The knees are not yet formed. Limit yourself to any impact on them because of the danger of injury;
  • Areas of especially important organs. That is, the heart and liver should not be affected. After all, the organs are located close enough to the surface of the body, direct exposure can cause great harm to the health of the child;
  • It is also recommended not to touch the spinal area, such an effect can be painful for the baby;
  • Massage should not affect the zone of the genital organs and mammary glands.

Relaxing massage for babies:

  • With light and smooth movements, we begin to massage the feet, as well as the back and sides, smoothly moving to the fingertips on the baby's legs;
  • Stroking the hand, starting with the fingers and gradually moving to the shoulders;
  • Stroking by hand is done easily and smoothly in a clockwise direction in the tummy area;
  • Massage of the chest from the tummy to the shoulders and back;
  • We stroke the back with the back of the hand from the spine to the sides and from the buttocks to the shoulders.
  • Such a massage can be done daily starting with a session for 3-5 minutes, after which increasing the time to 10 minutes. Massage to do for 4 months.

Relaxing massage to soothe babies:

Stroke the baby's face with soft finger movements in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyebrows and on the wings of the nose.

Now it is important to start more active exercises with the addition of gymnastics. Same on this stage the development of a baby from 4 months of life is added exercises:

  • Bicycle- prepare the baby for crawling and strengthen the muscles of the legs;
  • Vanka get up- is a preparatory exercise for sitting.

After all, muscle tone has already returned to normal in a child. Passive gymnastics of the arms and legs - in time it is already worth increasing. Spend about half an hour on the exercises, all movements should be repeated no more than 3 times. Remember that you still should not make sharp, jerking movements of the arms and legs.

Although the muscles have become stronger, careless movements can still harm the baby.

It is worth starting the exercises with light strokes and gentle rubbing. After the baby's body is warmed up, start the exercises.

Leg and foot massage:

Slightly raising the baby's leg, with smoothing movements of the hand, rub only the outer and back sides of the lower leg and thigh;
The game "Bicycle" - clasping the baby's shin with your hands, bend and straighten the leg. Do this on the next leg as well;

In this way, you develop and strengthen the knee joints and muscles - contributing to the further movement of the legs.

Hand massage:

Raise your baby's hand. With gentle movements of the palm, begin to rub the handle from the brush to the shoulder, slightly shifting the skin. At this stage of development, it is already possible to intensify movements during massage, such manipulation will strengthen the muscles of the child;

Put your thumb in your child's hand. He will squeeze it out of inertia. Then clasp his hand with your palm, bend the child’s arm at the elbow, then crossing it at the chest, and then return to its original position. This action can be carried out simultaneously with both hands of the baby.

Abdominal massage:

As before, the massage is performed with light stroking movements in a clockwise direction;

Continue the same manipulation as before, slightly increasing the pressure of the palm, move the field with the palm up and down, towards the right and left sides.

"Vanka get up"

Put your thumb in the baby's palm, the baby should be in a prone position. Then grab his wrist with your palm and pull your arms up. By inertia, the head and shoulders of the baby should rise.

This exercise should be done 3-4 times. It is produced not only to prepare the child for sitting, but also replaces neck massage, strengthening the neck muscles.

Turn the baby on his stomach. Since earlier, with stroking movements of the palm, rub the buttocks and the back of the child from above into them and vice versa;

Slightly increasing the pressure of the movements, knead the back of the child with your fingertips.

Remember to avoid the kidneys and spine.


The baby needs the constant attention of the mother. Contribute to this and develop your baby. Spend with him developing complexes of gymnastics and then your baby will be strong and cheerful.

The article was prepared and edited by: surgeon

yeah. It's funny to me right now. you have to be so stupid. Although at the very beginning I thought that it was 10 sessions, and then I was wedged.

Do you get massages too? And how is the baby feeling? are there improvements?

We invited a masseur to the house, for denyuzhka. Have already completed 2 courses. At 2.5 and 4 months. Now we will do it in another 6 months. After the first course there were very noticeable changes. Firstly, the torticollis passed, and secondly, Grishka immediately began to roll over, became more cheerful, livelier somehow :). After the second course, Grishka began to try to crawl, the tone in his legs disappeared, on the contrary, his arms became stronger, he began to constantly lie on his stomach and arch, he began to pull himself up. In addition, our massage therapist tells me what exercises to do and every day we do everything without absenteeism :))) Grishka is a great pleasure.

most likely in the direction it says "massage N10" which means - 10 sessions :)

aaaaaaaaaaa, but I thought that they had massages under the numbers. There is something else written in clumsy handwriting, all I could make out was massage No. 10

Girls, how do your kids behave during a massage? We just started a massage course (we have shoulder girdle weak), the baby screams in a voice that is not her own, looks at me with such reproach in her eyes that my heart breaks.

Girls, I decided to do a massage 2 times, to consolidate the first and for general development .. 1 time we really liked it and the results made me very happy .. We do it at home, and it’s more convenient and the attitude towards the child is better than

Girls who massage their babies (not on their own). We did the first course at 5 months, so Lyoshik withstood all 10 sessions like a hero. And this time, she starts crying as soon as she sees the masseuse. Cry like that.

Girls who have already done or are doing massage for children for a fee (Moscow), tell me, is it expensive? And how long is the session?

Hello. They started doing massages, but our baby really doesn’t like it when someone else’s aunt touches his body, screaming and nothing helps, two sessions have already passed, today the third one I don’t know what to expect. Maybe Vlad is hurt.

Here I read-read here, many children spend a course, and even 2 massages. We are 5 with a ponytail, they never did a massage, well, not counting my daily (stroking and gymnastics). And now I'm wondering what.

I signed up today at the clinic for a massage of AJ on October 4th. And the massage only lasts 15 minutes! And in the clinic, the nurse today very actively promoted her experience of massaging babies and asked us to massage 800 rubles in half an hour.

Girls, do your kids cry during a massage? Today was the first session. Mine just rolled up. Firstly, they woke me up, slept for about 20 minutes before that, and secondly, an unfamiliar aunt. and at the end of the massage, it generally rolled up very much, mine.

Advice is needed. There is one good masseuse here, she did massage for many children in our house (our house is new, in almost every apartment there are small children, babies through one). .But the question is: does my child need a massage.

Here we go with my son for a massage, we have already departed 5 times. But it's something. I myself like the way the masseuse does everything for him, but my son screams terribly, first looks at her, even smiles, and then.

10 contraindications of massage for osteochondrosis, as well as its benefits.

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Osteochondrosis is called the "disease of civilization." After all, the majority modern people lead a sedentary, sedentary lifestyle. This leads to a curvature of posture, disruption of the entire spinal column.

Today, pulling pain, backaches, weakening of the muscular system of the back are encountered not only in the elderly, but also at a young age. With such symptoms, complex treatment is carried out, its integral component is manual therapy. Massage for intervertebral osteochondrosis eliminates pain, relaxes muscles, activates metabolic processes, and promotes the speedy regeneration of affected tissues.

Is it possible to do massage with osteochondrosis?

Osteochondrosis is a pathology characterized by degeneration of the intervertebral discs. The disease develops against the background of metabolic disorders, constant overload of the spine, and chronic diseases. This leads to overexertion of the back, displacement of the discs, which causes pain, loss of sensation, motor activity, weakness.

Osteochondrosis requires mandatory treatment, which involves the use of medications, physiotherapy, and special gymnastics.

But is it possible to do therapeutic massage for osteochondrosis?

Manual therapy is effective method approved by orthopedists and vertebrologists.

Massaging renders set therapeutic actions on the affected segments of the spinal column:

  1. elimination of pain syndrome;
  2. elimination of inflammation;
  3. relaxation, increased muscle tone;
  4. activation of microcirculation;
  5. improved mobility of the spine.

With osteochondrosis, with the help of massage, even without X-ray or CT, painful points can be identified that indicate the localization of the pathological process. But with a herniated disc, this method of treatment is dangerous, it will contribute to squeezing the spinal cord. Therefore, before a course of manual therapy, it is necessary to consult with a therapist to find out when massage will be useful or dangerous.


Massage is performed for osteochondrosis of the spine with damage to any segment, when the disease is at different stages of development.

The procedure is prescribed during the period of remission under the following conditions:

  • strong pain;
  • muscle spasms;
  • static, dynamic disturbances;
  • hypotrophy of muscle tissues.

Wellness therapeutic massage for osteochondrosis is indicated for vascular changes in the cervical spine. It is also necessary to prepare for physical therapy classes.

But before you learn how to do a back massage for osteochondrosis, you need to consult a doctor. The doctor will study the features of the course of the disease in order to eliminate the risk of deterioration, because for some diseases, manual therapy is prohibited.


Despite the high therapeutic efficacy, back massage for osteochondrosis in some cases can be harmful. If the rules are not followed, the course of the pathology will worsen and the exacerbation of all chronic processes occurring in the body will begin.

The procedure will have to be abandoned in such cases:

  1. increased body temperature;
  2. syphilis;
  3. oncological diseases;
  4. back injury or injury;
  5. tuberculosis;
  6. colds, flu, SARS;
  7. rashes on the skin of the back;
  8. disorders of the cardiovascular, respiratory system;
  9. intervertebral hernia;
  10. osteomyelitis.

Massaging for any kind of osteochondrosis is not prescribed in case of aneurysm, disruption of the circulatory system, central nervous system, and during an exacerbation of mental illness. During pregnancy, light exposure to the cervical segments of the spinal column is allowed, but only in the first trimester.

Is it possible to do massage during exacerbation of osteochondrosis? it main question, exciting people with diseases of the spine. Therapists always warn their patients that during the acute course of osteochondrosis or other chronic diseases, manual therapy is contraindicated.

Types of massage

There are many types of massage used for diseases of the spine. The procedure can be classical, performed with the hands, or Thai, where the back is massaged with knees and elbows. Often use auxiliary means - jars, honey, other devices.

The most common, simple type of therapeutic effect is massage of the collar zone with intervertebral osteochondrosis of the cervical segments. It does not require special knowledge, the use of special equipment. Treatment is based on the performance of stroking, rubbing, kneading, vibrating, squeezing movements.

Classic massage

This therapeutic massage for osteochondrosis is performed more often than others. It is recognized by official medicine and is used for most diseases of the spinal column.

Traditionally, with osteochondrosis of the collar zone, massaging the entire spine, including the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe muscles of the back and neck, is done. During the session, the specialist performs standard techniques.

Also, hardware electronic massage is considered a classic look. It is made at home using special massagers.


Massage for osteochondrosis.

Cupping massage

Vacuum massage for osteochondrosis is based on reflex therapy. For the session, medical glass jars or more are used. modern version made of pneumatic plastic.

The advantage of this technique is the rapid elimination of muscle spasm, which is not always possible to remove with your hands. Banks can be used for any type of osteochondrosis. There are practically no contraindications to the vacuum procedure, it is prescribed from the age of three.

During warming and vacuum suction, the skin is drawn into the jar by 1.5 cm.

It is noteworthy that only glass jars need to be set on fire, it is enough to squeeze plastic products, and then attach them to the skin. To reduce pain, improve gliding before the procedure, the integument is lubricated with a greasy cream, petroleum jelly.


Eastern technique is effective for any pathologies of the spine, including cervical osteochondrosis. The technique of its implementation is quite complicated, which requires the help of a specialist.

Acupressure for osteochondrosis enhances, consolidates the effect of the classic method of massaging. It activates blood circulation, relieves pain, eliminates muscle spasms.

Acupressure for intervertebral osteochondrosis consists in influencing acupuncture points by pressing on them with the pads of the fingers. You can determine their location using special schemes. You should also focus on protrusions, painful places, folds, tubercles on the body, muscle attachment zones. Another way to find acupuncture sites is to use devices that find areas of low electrical resistance.

Reflexogenic zones are affected by two methods:

  1. strong, long press (10 minutes). Allows to stop a pain syndrome.
  2. Weak, short impact (up to 1 minute). Increases muscle tone.

It is noteworthy that areas of the back cannot be subjected to acupuncture if physiotherapy was carried out the day before. It is also forbidden to drink alcohol during treatment.

Honey massage

Often, classic massage for chondrosis of the spine is performed using honey. natural component it is well absorbed, providing an immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory, disinfecting effect.

Honey relieves muscle spasms, stimulates blood circulation, eliminates pain in the cervical or sacral spine. But it is worth remembering that a natural product warms up the skin, which is accompanied by sensations of heat, a burning sensation. Therefore, redness, rashes may appear on the skin. In this case, it is better to refuse the use of honey.

Thai massage

Massage for osteochondrosis, developed by Thai healers, combines techniques from classical techniques and manual therapy. The technique is most effective in pathologies of the thoracic and lumbar spine.

When using this technique, the specialist performs pressure, stretching not only with his hands, but with his knees and elbows. The use of massage techniques is often combined with yoga-like exercises.

Thai massage for osteochondrosis at home should be carried out by a professional massage therapist. With the wrong technique for conducting a session, you can injure your back, increase unpleasant symptoms. Therefore, it is better to contact a medical center where there are specialists practicing oriental medicine.

Self-massage technique

When treating chondrosis at home, you can massage yourself. This will speed up the healing process, increase the effectiveness of other therapeutic methods.

Self-massage for osteochondrosis is carried out as follows:

  1. gently stroking the neck and shoulders with the hands.
  2. Rubbing the affected area is done with your fingers, and the skin should be slightly pulled to the side.
  3. Kneading should be more intense with muscle capture. Massaging is carried out with the edge of the palm or fingertips.
  4. In conclusion, slow, light strokes are made.

After performing such movements, discomfort disappears, a feeling of lightness in the back appears. If the pain increases during massaging, then it is necessary to complete the massage and consult a doctor.

What kind of massage to choose for osteochondrosis?

The optimal method of massage therapy for osteochondrosis should be selected by the doctor, based on the symptoms, type, stage of development of osteochondrosis. But doctors prefer the classical technique, because its effectiveness is recognized by official medicine.

According to patient reviews, vacuum or can massage is considered no less effective. Doctors are more wary of Eastern practices (Thai, acupuncture), as it is quite difficult to find qualified specialists who perform these techniques correctly.

Treatment of osteochondrosis with massage using honey is not approved by official medicine. From a natural product more harm than good. It has been proven that honey massage can cause pulmonary edema even in those patients who are not allergic to bee products.

Execution technique

It is very important to know how to massage with osteochondrosis. After all, improper massaging can aggravate the condition, which will increase pain, swelling, inflammation. In the worst case, the session can lead to spinal injuries.

The classic type of massage is performed while sitting or lying on your back. The massaging technique is described in detail in the table.

All movements are performed 4-5 times. The total duration of the procedure is from 7 to 30 minutes. Full course consists of sessions.

Technique for performing other types of massage for osteochondrosis:

  1. jar. A jar is lowered onto the heated skin of the back. The main techniques for the neck are from top to bottom, for the back - from bottom to top. Movements can be circular, zigzag or straight. After the procedure, it is recommended to lie down for 20 minutes. The duration of the session is 10 minutes, the massage is carried out every 3 days.
  2. Spot. Within 2-3 minutes, pressure is applied with the index or thumb, circular massaging of the acupuncture zones located in the auricle and in the region of the clavicular sternomastoideus muscle. The impact is carried out at once on several points. The duration of treatment is up to 3 months.
  3. Honey. First, light pats are made, when the honey hardens a little, they perform sharp, jerky movements. After the procedure, the patient is covered for 20 minutes, and then the remaining honey is washed off with warm water. A moisturizer is applied to the skin. The duration of the session is up to 30 minutes. The full course includes 5-8 procedures performed every other day.
  4. Thai. Massage is done on the mat. With hands, elbows, knees, the specialist performs various massage movements. The session lasts 1-3 hours. In the treatment of osteochondrosis, it is recommended to carry out the procedure up to 3 times a week.

Massage Efficiency

Answering the question whether it is possible to cure osteochondrosis with massage, doctors give an ambiguous answer. The fact is that the therapy of degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the spine should be comprehensive, include exercise therapy, the use of medications, and even proper nutrition.

However, experts confirm that massage is an effective method of dealing with osteochondrosis of any localization:

  • chest - relaxes the anterior, posterior muscles of the chest;
  • cervical - eliminates the hypertonicity of the muscles of the hands, shoulder girdle;
  • lumbar - relieves tension in the lower back, legs, buttocks.

Due to the elimination of spasms after massage, osteochondrosis pain disappears, the progression of degenerative and destructive processes slows down. Manual therapy helps to restore the mobility of the spine, restores the affected vessels, nerve fibers.

The reflex effect activates the blood supply, improves the innervation of the entire spinal column, which prevents the progression of the disease. Also, massage therapy has a positive effect on the lymphatic system of the back, due to which inflammation and swelling disappear.

Massage in chronic osteochondrosis increases muscle tone, which prevents displacement of the vertebrae. After a course of manual therapy, the patient's general condition improves, and the symptoms of the initial stages of the disease may disappear forever.


Massage from chondrosis of the cervical, lumbar or thoracic spine will be most effective if done at the initial stages of the disease or in order to prevent its occurrence. Considering the etiology of back pathologies, in addition to conducting a preventive course of manual therapy, it is important to avoid dynamic and static overload of the spinal column.

To prevent the development of osteochondrosis of the lower back and the entire back, the correct organization of the working bed. After all, if a person spends most of the time in the wrong position, then even a chiropractor will not help him avoid daily back pain.

So, any kind of massage is effective way prevention and treatment of osteochondrosis of the spine. But in order for the procedure to bring the desired result, it must be prescribed by a doctor, and performed by a qualified specialist.

Spinal massage: techniques for all parts of the back

The spine in the human body plays an important supporting function. Problems with this part of the skeleton can be transferred to other parts of the body, can cause common problems with health, can affect the emotional state.

Massage of the spine is directed to the adjacent muscles. This occupation requires professionalism and experience - a properly performed session can work wonders with the human body.

How does spinal massage help?

There is a huge load on the spine - it acts as a sponge for the body. As a result, one of the most common human diseases is associated with the back, and specifically with the spine.

With the help of massage, the course of diseases is facilitated in the most advanced cases, some symptoms are completely removed.

What effect does massage have?

  • improvement of blood flow in the muscles and lymph movement;
  • restoration of basic reflexes;
  • improvement (or practical restoration) of the cardiovascular system;
  • recovery normal state nervous excitability;
  • posture correction;
  • improvement of the work and functions of the respiratory system.

Massage helps to cope with pain in the joints and muscles located near the spine. Some diseases of the back are recommended to be treated precisely with the help of the impact on the muscles.

Massage is a life-saving procedure for many patients, especially for people who do not accept surgical methods of treatment.

It is performed in courses - 5-10 procedures, rarely after the first visits to a specialist, an increase or the appearance of new pains is possible. Relief comes for each patient individually.

Massage technique

Like other techniques, this massage consists of special techniques - stroking, kneading, tapping and others.

When performing techniques, especially the most severe, you should follow the rules so as not to damage the skin and muscles of the patient.

Rules for massage in the spine area:

  • it is impossible to have a strong effect on the area around the spine and on the kidneys;
  • the direction of all techniques - along the lymph flow, towards the lymph nodes;
  • you can not strain the muscles, during the procedure they must be relaxed constantly;
  • pauses between changes of movements should not be allowed;
  • movements should not be delayed, you need to withstand correct sequence tricks.

All techniques must correspond to the same rhythm - no more than 30 movements per minute, otherwise the muscles will overstrain.

Note! In the procedure, it is necessary to monitor the patient's condition - if he feels pain in the muscles - you need to reduce the intensity of the techniques. If the pain does not go away, stop the procedure.

Start the massage strictly from the lumbar zone, gradually moving to the higher zones, to the neck.

Lumbar spine massage

Massage begins with stroking movements - the necessary part of the body is prepared and warmed up for further, harder loads. The movements are soft, without strong pressure. Only the lumbar region and the upper line of the buttocks are affected.

Kneading is carried out both with the palms and with their back side. Movements can be longitudinal and transverse in relation to the spine, comb-like, circular. Combined movements are used with light rubbing of the skin with clenched fists.

When the desired section is warm enough, blood has flowed to it, you can start squeezing. The movements are rhythmic, rather heavy. Periodically, squeezing is replaced by rubbing and stroking.

Important! The intensity and force of pressure during the movement must be selected according to the patient's condition. During the first session, it is strictly forbidden to use strong pressure.

It is impossible to press hard on sore spots, and in case of an acute disease, it is necessary to refuse massage altogether.

The total procedure time is minutes, depending on the patient's condition. If a person feels constant pain that does not go away when performing a technique, stop the procedure.

Neck and chest massage

Massage of this department is prescribed by specialists depending on the disease, if it is carried out for medicinal purposes. Certain methods and techniques depend on the specific disease.

The general procedure is not much different from the classical procedure.

There are three main rules:

  • the use of classical techniques - stroking, kneading and rubbing;
  • you can not use blows;
  • vibration techniques are performed only longitudinally along the spine.

The main emphasis during the procedure is on the interscapular region. Its abundant rubbing provokes better microcirculation, which ultimately increases muscle tone.

Important! It is necessary to start the massage from the non-painful side of the back. If both sides hurt, you should start with the less painful one, gradually moving on to the painful one.

The cervicothoracic region is replete with particularly dangerous muscles, so this department must be thoroughly warmed up before the sessions.

Neck massage

The cervical spine is a delicate place. It contains many blood vessels and nerve channels leading to the head.

Massage is performed with classical movements - stroking, rubbing, kneading, vibration and squeezing. An additional technique can be used concussion - with two rivers, take the forearms closer to the neck and gently shake.

First of all, when stroking, determine the points of the muscles that are most heavily clogged. It is desirable to warm these places well and during the procedure to give them maximum attention.

All techniques are used in turn, the massage ends with stroking.


The spine plays one of the main roles in the body, so the attitude towards it should be special. There are a number of contraindications for any massage, in which the procedure is prohibited.

Classical contraindications are the presence of warts, rashes, skin lesions, irritations, fungi and the like on the massaged area.

There are several individual contraindications for spinal massage:

  • acute inflammation, thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins;
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes or adhesions of the nodes with the skin;
  • exacerbation of diseases of the autonomic nervous system;
  • aneurysms of the heart, blood vessels, aorta.

The session should not be accompanied by pain, especially repeated, when the muscles are already a little broken. If the patient has numbness of the limbs, immediately stop the procedure.


Basically, therapeutic massage of the spine is a specialized medical procedure that is performed to treat a specific disease, more often osteochondrosis.

At home, such a massage can be done to relieve back fatigue, to break muscles. For treatment - to specialists.

All information on the site is provided for informational purposes only.

Features of the spine massage

Spinal massage is a certain mechanical effect that relieves tension in muscle fibers, and also relaxes the whole body. As a result, the body gets rid of the stress that has accumulated.

Experts say that the back is a reflexogenic zone and certain areas correspond to the internal organs, so it can help with various diseases. Therapeutic massage of the spine has a positive effect on the state of the whole organism.

Manual massage may differ in the way it is performed:

  • point (acupuncture). The bottom line is that the specialist acts on certain points in the spine;
  • classical. It is a universal method that is suitable for almost all people of all ages;
  • vibration massage. It is carried out with the help of the device. The spine is affected with the power of vibrational vibrations;
  • hydromassage. This is another kind of hardware method, but the point is that a jet of water is directed to a certain part of the back;
  • segmental. It is performed by stroking, kneading, rubbing and vibrating.
  • jar. For its implementation, ordinary medical banks are taken. With the help of such a massage, blood flow to the desired areas of the body is enhanced;
  • self-massage.

In addition, massages are divided according to their purpose:

  • relaxing massage helps to relieve fatigue, improve mood and relieve depression;
  • lymphatic drainage method promotes cleansing and rejuvenation, and also removes excess fluid from the body;
  • anti-cellulite massage helps to soften the skin and makes the figure more slender;
  • massage in the presence of various pathologies. Helps relieve pain and normalize blood flow, as well as relax and relieve spasm.

Therapeutic massage will help to significantly improve the patient's condition with uncomplicated forms of various back pathologies.

Indications for use

Massage of the thoracic spine is indicated in such cases:

  • with back pain;
  • with spinal injuries (after an injury, before doing a massage, an examination should be carried out). The reason for contacting a massage therapist can be sprains, fractures, curvature of the spine;
  • decreased or vice versa increased muscle tone;
  • shallow scars or scars in the back;
  • radiculitis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • hernia (initial stages);
  • sciatica;
  • spondylarthrosis;
  • scoliosis;
  • myositis;
  • violation of the functional activity of the musculoskeletal system.


Therapeutic massage of the lumbar region and the entire back will help to achieve excellent results. Among which:

  • reduction or even disappearance of painful sensations;
  • relaxation of tense muscles;
  • increased tone;
  • strengthening the muscular corset;
  • improvement of local blood circulation;
  • resorption of inflammatory foci;
  • general relaxation;
  • positive emotions;
  • strengthening of local metabolic processes.

Massage is not only a treatment, but also a diagnostic study. Since during it you can find sore spots that correspond to certain organs.

Only a specialist can prescribe a massage, since this procedure, in the presence of certain diseases, aggravates the situation.


Consider contraindications for therapeutic massage:

  • hyperthermia;
  • pustules on the skin;
  • diseases of the hematopoietic system;
  • dermatitis;
  • oncological diseases;
  • hypertension or hypotension (crises);
  • the presence of inflammatory processes in the body;
  • acute ischemic process in the myocardium;
  • mental illness that manifests itself in the form of mental arousal;
  • sclerotic change in the vessels of the brain;
  • recurrence of the existing pathology of the spine, which is manifested by severe pain, impaired sensitivity and motor activity;
  • infections;
  • tuberculosis;
  • wounds;
  • period of pregnancy;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • alcohol intoxication.

In the area of ​​​​the kidneys, you need to carefully massage and try not to press hard

So, how to do a therapeutic massage of the spine? You must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • the patient's skin must be clean;
  • it is better to lubricate the hands of a chiropractor with cream or petroleum jelly, thanks to this, good sliding will be achieved;
  • a warm bath, shower or bath - any of the above can be done before the procedure;
  • physiotherapy exercises are carried out after the massage. Massage will help relieve tension, speed up metabolism, activate blood circulation and relieve pain. It is after the massage that exercise therapy will bring more benefits;
  • the patient should lie on a hard surface, due to this, blood flow will increase.

Execution Method

First, let's talk about some simple tips for massage therapists that will make the massage more effective:

  1. 1 advice. It is necessary to allocate time for relaxation and establishing contact with the patient;
  2. 2 advice. The pressure must be increased as the muscles warm up;
  3. 3 advice. Only soft areas of the skin can be squeezed strongly and deeply.

Now let's talk about general rules classic massage:

  • the first sessions are done with the help of light and gentle techniques;
  • first, superficial effects on the tissues of the back are carried out, and then deeper techniques are applied;
  • you can not use shock techniques at the site of the projection of the kidneys and heart;
  • at the end, calming superficial techniques should be carried out.

The movements of the massage therapist's hands start from the spinal column itself, and then to the sides

The technique of therapeutic massage includes various mechanical effects. First, let's talk about stroking.

Stroking movements

It all starts with a wide, superficial stroke. After that, with the help of the back of the brush, the masseur strokes more deeply. With massage movements, the specialist should clasp the entire back. Lateral surfaces are massaged with wrapping strokes.


Squeezing is a deeper technique that is performed along the lymph flow. This movement should be performed slowly, and its purpose is to influence the deeper layer of the skin.

In order to achieve the best effect, squeezing is carried out with the help of weights. Weighting is done by laying one hand on the other. The long muscles of the back begin to be processed, then they move on to the broad muscles.


Rubbing is performed before proceeding to deep exposure. Rubbing is carried out with a displacement of the skin. The back area is processed using semicircular movements.

Rubbing between the ribs is carried out from the spine, and then to the sides. At the end, you can do general wide rubbing over the entire surface of the back and do not forget about stroking.


To perform this technique, one hand is placed on the other. Long muscles begin to be processed. There are several types of stretches. Among which are the following:

  • with the thumb. The thumb should press the muscle fold against the bone and knead with rotational movements;
  • with both hands. On both sides of the back, it is necessary to knead alternately with the thumbs;
  • four fingers. Circular movements are made with the fingertips;
  • with the help of the phalanges of the fingers, circular movements are also performed.

End of the session

The massage should be finished with the help of vibration techniques - energetic shock movements with the palm or fists. Then vibration stroking should follow. And at the end, general wide strokes are made over the entire surface of the back.

So, as it turned out, therapeutic back massage brings great benefits to the whole body, but at the same time, if you do not first consult with a specialist and do research, then it can be harmful. That is why massage should be prescribed by a specialist, but not by the patient himself!

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ATTENTION! All information on this website is for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and prescription of medications require knowledge of the medical history and examination by a doctor. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you consult a doctor for treatment and diagnosis, and not self-medicate.

How to massage the spine

Excessive physical activity or, conversely, a sedentary lifestyle, poor diet and many other factors can lead to pain in the spinal region. In turn, this will determine the state of your spine, as well as the spiritual and physical health man, his mood. There is a medical therapeutic back massage, which is effective in treating the spine, as well as relieving tension from the entire muscular system of the body.

When massaging the spine, avoid direct impact on the vertebrae. Perform all techniques at once on two sides of the spinal column. Start the massage by rubbing the muscles with your fingertips. Put on the bottom section

right hand, put your left hand on top of it. Then with

make movements with your hands from top to bottom. After that, with the tips of the index and middle fingers, press from top to bottom, on both sides of the spine, moving your hands gradually, one after the other. So move on

up. Make circular and deep movements. Having reached the top point, continue the massage, moving slowly from top to bottom.

Then go to

stroking the forearm. To do this, place your forearms in the middle

the person you are massaging. Then slowly move them apart by moving one

towards the neck, and the other towards the lower vertebrae. Repeat the technique, while placing your hands diagonally behind your back. Now move one of the forearms to the shoulder, and the other to the opposite

The final stage of the spinal massage is a foot and leg massage. By massaging the muscular back surface of the legs, one can determine by its sensitivity whether there is

any lower back problems. After all, the sciatic nerve and all of its branches are located on the back of the legs. If sometimes there are discomfort in the lower back, then this massage will reduce the feeling of stiffness and pain in

legs, as well as in the back. Start it with smooth and sliding movements of the hands, directed up and down.

How to massage the spine in 2017

Massage makes it possible not only to restore functional abilities, removing fatigue, but also to improve the body as a whole. This is an extremely useful procedure that can reduce the manifestations of even the most serious disease for a course. Massage of the spine at home is aimed at creating an anatomically correct position of the vertebrae and muscles, which allows you to restore not only the bends and shapes of the departments, but also the blood supply, nerve conduction of the fibers, and prevent or eliminate the developing pathology.


Back massage can be performed by a specialist or by the person himself. In the second case, the procedure is called self-massage.

Like any other manipulation, such an impact has its own contraindications:

  • elevated temperature;
  • foci of inflammation on the skin;
  • infectious diseases of the skin;
  • oncological pathologies;
  • bleeding;
  • fresh wounds and injuries.

In such situations, any manipulation becomes impossible until the factors influencing human health are eliminated.

Preparation for the procedure and other nuances

Self-massage, like any other procedure, requires careful preparation, which will not take much time at home.

  • Clean the affected area from foreign medications and cosmetics. To do this, the surface of the skin is washed with ordinary soap, and then with running clean water.
  • You should also wash your hands thoroughly.
  • The room is ventilated before the procedure, but the temperature must be maintained at a comfortable level for the person.
  • If necessary, you can use a pillow under your head, but only a small one.
  • During the session, the person lies on his stomach or sits.
  • During the session, a special massage agent, balm or cream is used to warm the skin and blood flow.
  • Be sure to have napkins or towels nearby for wiping hands and skin.
  • The massage oil does not spill onto the skin. They just wet their hands.

If you plan to visit an experienced specialist, then you only need to follow the rules of hygiene, that is, take a shower without using cosmetics. It is better to wear clothes made of natural fabrics that will allow the skin to "breathe" after the procedure. You need to take a towel with you to the massage therapist. It is recommended to consult with a specialist for all the nuances before starting the course.

Basic Rules

There are some rules that make back massage especially useful and effective.

If you decide to do self-massage, then you should remember that:

  • On the skin in the region of the kidneys and spine, it is impossible to press hard, crumple, clap, beat;
  • Movements at the lymph nodes should follow the movement of the lymph flow;
  • There should be no pain in the muscles;
  • The muscles in the affected area should be relaxed;
  • It is necessary to observe the rhythm of movements (about 30 movements per minute), since a quick massage will only excite the muscles and such manipulations will not bring benefits;
  • With pain, the intensity of the procedure decreases or stops altogether;
  • The change of movements should be carried out correctly and smoothly, there should be no pauses between techniques.

Self-massage of the back in the lumbar section of the house begins with smooth movements, and then, as far as possible, you should move higher. You can also do a neck massage on your own. The transition from department to department should occur smoothly and gradually, evenly devoting time to each area.

Self-massage of the neck

Almost every person can reach the neck without much effort, and therefore everyone can do massage at home in this zone on their own.

To do this, the following movements are applied in a given sequence:

Particularly carefully, but without fanaticism, you should rub the muscles of the neck. With sufficient experience, a person will be able to quickly and effectively relieve muscle fatigue, as well as carry out high-quality prevention of osteochondrosis of the department. The advantage of this procedure is convenience - every day you can allocate very little time for easy recovery.

Classic massage

Classical massage has its own technique with many different movements and techniques that will help restore muscle tone, create a healthy silhouette, relieve muscle tension and conduct high-quality prevention of osteochondrosis.

The following movements are offered in the sequence shown:

  1. It starts with stroking, which will warm up the back, speed up blood circulation and prepare the spine for further manipulations. This is done with two hands, starting with the coccyx and gradually reaching the shoulder blades.
  2. Rubbing is done with the surface of the palm, which makes it possible to increase blood flow to the surface of the skin. As a result, the fabric warms up noticeably.
  3. Kneading is done with two fingers, which capture the muscles. Accurate execution allows you to relieve muscle tension.
  4. Sawing is done as follows: hands are placed with an edge 3 cm apart, after which the process of rubbing (“sawing”) begins with a gradual advance towards the shoulder blades along the spine. This will warm up the skin even more and warm the muscle tissue deeper.
  5. Squeezing is done by pressing the palm from the waist and up the back as if rolling the palm from the base to the fingertips. Attention is paid to the sacrum and sides.
  6. Planing is performed by spreading the pressed fingers in opposite directions. This stretches the tissues and stimulates the muscles.
  7. Chopping is done with the edge of the palm. This is a light tapping without pain.
  8. Further, the fingers close, forming an air cushion. A pat is made.
  9. Circular movements are made with fists;
  10. A concussion is produced, which already relaxes the muscles. To do this, a movement is made with the hands on the surface of the skin, as if a sieve is sifted, creating vibration.
  11. The final technique is stroking, which will soothe the muscles.

This is a complete massage of the spine at home. Minutes are enough for the procedure to feel the effectiveness of the manipulations. One has only to remember that there should be no pressure and pats in the kidney area.

With an oncological disease, even if the neoplasm is located in any other place, it is forbidden to massage or otherwise mechanically act on the skin, joints and organs. This can provoke an acceleration of the course of the disease.

Cupping massage

The jars themselves can be plastic, but then they need a special device to remove air. There is also an old glass version, when the jars were treated with alcohol, set on fire and applied to the skin. Oxygen burned out and the cans fit snugly against the skin. This option has been used for a long time for the treatment of lung diseases.

The easiest and most convenient option for today is rubber vacuum devices. It is enough to press on their surface and apply to the skin so that the skin is captured. It is enough just to control the degree of exposure, the intensity of vacuum exposure. The procedure is much easier.

To carry out the procedure correctly with a rubber or plastic device, the surface of the skin is treated with oil or a greasy cream. After that, the jar is applied to the cover and air is removed from it. Next, circular movements are made clockwise without pressing, and then straight lines vertically and horizontally. Avoid the kidney area. At home, it is not difficult to independently perform such manipulations.

Interesting: experts consider this type of massage an excellent substitute for anti-cellulite procedures, helping to break down fat deposits in problem areas by mechanical action.

Lumbar self-massage

Back massage at home can be done in several steps. You can use any of the following methods. You can combine them at your discretion or perform them sequentially.

Reception number 1

Start manipulations by warming up your hands. To do this, put your palms together, hold them with your knees and start rubbing against each other. After warm palms, place on the focus of pain and wait until the heat begins to penetrate deep into the tissues. For the best effect, it is recommended to repeat the exercise up to 7 times.

Reception number 2

Warm up your palms in the same way. Then attach them to the lower back so that the thumbs are located on the sides in a downward direction. The rest of the fingers lie on the lower back a little obliquely. Gently rub this area in an up and down direction. Do until a feeling of warmth appears in the deep tissues of the muscles.

Reception number 3

After a good massage of the lower back with fingertips lying perpendicular to the spinal column and 5 cm to the side, perform small rectilinear movements, then circular ones. You need to move along the spine from the bottom up.

Reception number 4

Clench your hands into fists. Massage your back with the back side, making circular and rectilinear movements. Do it without pressure and as carefully as possible. Pain in the process should not occur.

You can do it as a separate massage of the neck or lower back, or alternately work out both zones. In the process, use high-quality creams, balms or oils that have a hypoallergenic base. Refuse the procedure for the period of exacerbation of diseases, so that deterioration does not occur. If you use additional devices or massagers, then do not forget to remove the remnants of funds from their surface. Ideally, after each procedure, treat the surface of the product with alcohol. Wipe the treated skin surfaces with a cloth, and then take a contrast shower.

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Spinal massage begins with warming up the cervical region. In the position of the patient on the stomach, the arms are bent at the elbow joints or placed along the body. Pillows or rollers are placed under the forehead, chest and stomach.

Why do you need a spinal massage?

Spinal massage is necessary to get rid of diseases, such as osteochondrosis, spondylosis. Massage helps:

  • orient the head together with the sense organs (eyes) in front and to the side of oneself;
  • expand the volume and amplitude of movements of the upper half of the body and limbs through forward and side bends;
  • get up from a chair or sit down, lie down, move smoothly and synchronously move the spine when walking, gesticulate with hands;
  • get rid of pain in the joints and muscles around them.

Massage of the cervical spine

Cervical massage eliminates:

  • headaches and dizziness;
  • tinnitus and pre-syncope;
  • pain in the shoulders, neck and shoulder blades;
  • discomfort and pain in the throat;

Cervical massage improves memory, hearing and vision.

Warm up the neck from behind and from the sides with gentle superficial stroking movements. Then they move on to deep and grasping movements with both hands. In the presence of osteochondrosis, the movements are repeated up to 5 times.

If the patient is sitting on a chair, then his head is maximally relaxed and tilted forward until the spinous and lateral processes are felt.

They switch to rubbing the cervical spine, alternating with stroking. Therapeutic massage of the spine can be performed in massage rooms and at home. With the pads of the index and middle fingers on both sides of the vertebrae of the neck, massage with spiral movements from the point of the medulla oblongata on the skull to the 7th cervical vertebra.

They switch to encircling rubbing the back of the neck with the help of the lateral surface of the hand in the region of the thumb and forefinger, then to light squeezing and kneading the lateral surfaces of the neck.

Massage of the cervicothoracic spine

Massage of the cervicothoracic spine

First, from the upper bundles, the trapezius muscle is massaged with stroking, squeezing, kneading movements. Then they return to neck massage and rubbing the spine of the cervicothoracic region.

If chondrosis is diagnosed, after rubbing, they stroke, squeeze, knead and again stroke the muscles along the spine at a distance of 2 cm from it. Starting from the 1st cervical vertebra, down to the coccyx, the spine (each vertebra) is rubbed with spiral movements using the pads of the index and middle fingers.

The furrow next to the spine on both sides is rubbed with the edge of the palm several times from top to bottom until hyperemia appears. This will improve blood flow to the spinal cord and saturate the tissues of the vertebrae with oxygen and nutrients, direct lymph flow to the nearest lymph nodes to cleanse the lymph, relieve pain and quickly restore spinal function.

Massage of the lumbosacral spine

With protrusions of the discs of the spine, especially the lumbar - the first stage of the formation of a herniated disc, massage is necessary as a preventive measure. At the same time, the supporting organ and cartilage will cease to collapse and degenerate: the ligaments of the vertebrae will stretch, the edges of the vertebrae will touch and rub against each other, ossification will occur, reactive growth of bones, limited-movable joints will take the wrong position.

In case of injuries or diseases of the spine of the lumbosacral spine in a clinic or at home, perform 3-4 times:

  • massage stroking movements with both hands of the lumbosacral region from the latissimus dorsi muscles, directing the hands to the buttocks, along the buttocks spirally clockwise and back;
  • rub in a circle along the spine with fingertips at a right angle to the skin, then squeeze and stroke;
  • continue rubbing along the spine with the edge of the palm, then across (to the sides and down to the buttocks);
  • across the lumbosacral region, squeeze with the edge of the palm, then knead with the edge or base of the palm, forceps and double ring, then with ordinary movements and shaking;
  • go down to the buttocks and stroke them, rub, squeeze, knead with fingers or the base of the palm, the crest of the fist, shake, stroke, not forgetting about the coccyx.

Massage in diseases of the spine relieves muscle hardening and local rigidity, muscle and sharp shooting pains, gelosis (seals), swelling.

Therapeutic massage in the lumbar and sacral region of the first days should be done without effort, so that there is no pain. With each session, massage movements are strengthened and made more energetic.

Massage for compression fracture of the spine

With a hemangioma (benign tumor) of the cervical, thoracic and lumbar sections, massage can no longer be performed, since it leads to a compression fracture. It should be prevented by regular examinations of the spine to detect spread of the tumor into the soft tissues or neurological disorders.

With hemangioma, methods of physiotherapy and manual therapy are not used, since they contribute to its increase.

The hemangioma area cannot be heated, massaged, or physiotherapy and manual therapy methods can be used, because. this will increase it...

Massage for a fracture of the spine begins to be performed from the second day, when the patient was determined for traction. Passive movements are combined with spinal massage to reduce reflex excitability, stimulate the activity of the corresponding centers, maintain the elasticity of the articular-ligamentous apparatus and prevent joint deformities.

In case of injuries and fractures of the spine of the cervicothoracic or lumbosacral sections, the massage technique is selected in accordance with the severity of injuries and fractures, the number of damaged vertebrae and is divided into two periods. In this case, the techniques must be strictly dosed, avoiding the excitation of spastic muscles and the appearance of pain.

Massage for a fracture of the vertebrae of the neck (first period) is performed already on the 2nd day, laying the patient on his back and not removing the Gisson loop, later a plaster collar or a plaster semi-corset is left on the patient. Perform massage of the cervicothoracic region carefully. Sudden movements are prohibited as they may disrupt the traction system.

First, chest massage is performed:

  • longitudinal alternate stroking of large pectoral muscles(up to 6 times);
  • light squeezing and ordinary kneading (3-5 times), stroking (up to 6 times);
  • rectilinear, spiral rubbing of the intercostal spaces (3-5 times). After 6 days - additionally double ring kneading of the intercostal spaces;

Therapeutic massage of the abdomen is carried out in order to strengthen the muscles and improve intestinal motility. In order not to stagnate blood and lymph, stroking, squeezing movements are performed on the thighs, double ring kneading and stroking again. The complex can be repeated up to 5 times.

To massage the lower leg, the limb is bent at the knee and hip joints and the calf muscle is massaged: by stroking, squeezing, kneading (up to 6 times), the anterior tibial muscles: by stroking, squeezing, kneading with the edge of the palm, thumb and stroking. The hands and forearms are massaged with all known techniques. For all these zones, a mention is spent with daily massage twice a day.

After 10 days and up to 20 days, a semi-corset is put on the patient, he is allowed to get up, sit and walk. The massage technique is complicated, and the session time is extended by dominoes. The patient is placed on the stomach and the back is massaged:

  • stroking, squeezing;
  • on long muscles - kneading with the base of the palm, phalanges of bent fingers, thumb;
  • on the latissimus dorsi - double ring, "double bar";
  • on paravertebral zones, intercostal spaces, around the shoulder blades - by rubbing.

Again, the patient is laid on his back and the thoracic region is massaged by stroking, squeezing, ordinary kneading, double ring, shaking. Intercostal spaces, sternum and hypochondrium are rubbed. If possible, massage the shoulders and forearms, lower limbs with passive movements in the joints.

After the plaster is removed (second period), the massage technique is changed and the study of the cervical spine, shoulder girdle and collar zone is made the main and auxiliary classical techniques with passive movements (as agreed with the doctor).

Compression fracture of the spine

Therapeutic massage for a fracture of the vertebrae of the thoracic and lumbosacral spine begins with a chest cell with longitudinal alternating stroking, longitudinal squeezing, ordinary kneading, stroking, ordinary kneading with fingers and again ordinary. Next, the intercostal spaces, the sternum, the hypochondrium are massaged with all methods, ending with vibration on the anterior and lateral parts of the chest. Repeat the whole complex 2-3 times.

The abdomen is massaged by stroking, kneading oblique and rectus muscles, vibration (up to 4 times). Hands are massaged in five positions with all techniques. The neck is massaged from behind, located at the head. It is impossible to cause pain to the patient, therefore, when bringing the fingers of both hands under the neck, the head is held in weight, changing hands and stroking along the spine. All classic massage movements start from the spine, gradually moving towards the sternocleidomastoid muscles. Passive and smooth movements in the cervical region are allowed. For relaxation, when massaging the limbs, rollers are placed under the knee. The thigh is massaged with all methods.

In order not to form bedsores, in violation of tissue trophism, camphor alcohol is used in the first period (10-12 days) during massage of the back, sacrum and buttocks.

From the moment of the second period, when the patient rises and walks, raises straight legs up at an angle of 35-40˚, they begin to strengthen the muscles of the back and legs, form the correct posture with all massage techniques, passive and active gymnastics, without causing pain.

When massaging after a compression fracture, the presence of osteoporosis and its treatment should be taken into account.

Contraindications for spinal massage

It is contraindicated to perform spinal massage in the presence of:

  • diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs, bleeding, hemorrhages;
  • acute inflammatory process with high temperature, fever;
  • scurvy and purulent processes;
  • skin diseases, nails and hairy part of the body;
  • warts, skin lesions, rashes, irritations: infectious or fungal, abrasions and cracks, gangrene and trophic ulcers;
  • acute inflammation, thrombosis, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis;
  • thromboangiitis complicated by atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels and peripheral vessels;
  • angiitis, inflammation of the lymph nodes, enlarged or soldered to the skin;
  • aneurysms of the heart, vessels and aorta;
  • exacerbations of diseases of the autonomic nervous system (ganglionitis);
  • tuberculosis, osteomyelitis, tumors;
  • mental illness, causalgic syndrome;
  • too high or low pressure;
  • edema, including angioedema;
  • sclerosis of cerebral vessels, thrombosis and hemorrhages;
  • various injuries and diseases, including acute respiratory infections and gastrointestinal tract;
  • bronchiectasis, pulmonary-cardiac, cardiovascular and renal-hepatic insufficiency;
  • pulmonary embolism;
  • acute venereal diseases;
  • acute skin allergies;
  • nausea and vomiting, pain on palpation of the abdomen.

Spinal massage - video

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If the general massage is carried out for therapeutic purposes, then it is necessary to work according to the method of differentiated massage. The basis of the technique of this study is based on identifying particularly problematic areas in which some muscles can be in hypertonicity, while others are in a stretched state, therefore, relaxing and tonic techniques are used in a dedicated, differentiated section.
With the help of tonic techniques, which are carried out intensively, quickly, an energy surge of strength is provided, drowsiness disappears, mental activity and heart function are activated, and metabolism improves. With the intensity of exposure, it should be remembered that painful sensations are not acceptable.

To relax the muscles that are in hypertonicity, all techniques are performed gently, slowly, with the study of every centimeter of the skin, relieving tension and stress.

A differentiated approach is also important for healthy people who lead a sedentary lifestyle, are constantly in the same position.

One of the varieties of differentiated massage is selective.

Features of this technique are to conduct a general massage, taking into account the disease, whether it be:

stomach ulcer, etc.

The most important thing for a massage therapist is the rule - all techniques and procedures should be performed in such a way that they benefit the patient.

A relaxing massage or relaxation massage of the whole body will relieve fatigue and tension in the muscles, relieve stress, depression and headaches, increase the body's defenses, bring rest to every cell of the body and deliver pleasant tactile sensations.

Nerves stretched during the day and fatigue can cause an emotional breakdown, which leads to a decrease in overall health, insomnia, bad mood, persistent headache and muscle pain. In this state, a person is in dire need of positive emotions.

The purpose of a relaxing massage or relaxation

A general relaxing massage or whole body relaxation is designed to relax the muscles of the body, get rid of nervous excitability and create the necessary positive emotions that can increase the overall vitality and give a person a surge of new strength.

A relaxing massage or relaxation also has a healing function, as it relieves stress and prevents the development of the consequences of stress: stroke or heart attack, angina pectoris or stomach ulcers, migraines and insomnia. Everything is interconnected in the human body, therefore, a healing relaxing massage or relaxation massage not only brings pleasant tactile sensations, but also has a positive effect on the three main components of the body - the central and peripheral nervous system, the brain of the head and the muscle system. Due to the activation of blood circulation, the cells of the brain and all organs are delivered nutrients and fresh oxygen, so anxiety and pain in the body go away. There is an outflow of lymph through the lymphatic vessels, so metabolic processes are activated in the cells, they begin to "breathe" more freely and get rid of the products of their vital activity.

Preparing for a relaxing massage

When performing a relaxing massage at home for a beloved husband or wife, it is necessary to ensure the temperature of the room is 21-24 ° C, create subdued lighting for additional relaxation of the body, prepare a massage table, aromatic oils.

General massage for babies

Their scent helps calm the nerves, and medicinal properties provide a therapeutic effect. Using essential oils in a mixture with a base: olive, peach, almond or other vegetable oil the massage therapist's hands will gently glide over the patient's body.

Relaxation massage mechanism

As a result of mechanical action on the peripheral endings of the nerves and sensory organs, nerve centers are stimulated and endorphins are produced - hormones of joy and pleasure. They increase the body's resistance to stress. Thanks to the outflow of lymph and blood, fatigue and heaviness of the legs and arms are relieved.


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They did dhpa + nsdg, there is a moderate spasm of the vessels of the neck, the uzist said that this goes away by itself by half a year or a year, the neurologist said that the ultrasound is good, this spasm is absolutely nothing to worry about, but she recommended an osteopath instead of a massage. I don’t even know, I want to do it all the same, a massage every three months, after all, it is also useful for development in general and relieves spasm. Who had a spasm of neck vessels in children, how did you remove it?


One does not interfere with the other. And the massage is good, and you can go to the osteopath. Come down, it won't hurt. Unless of course there is a financial opportunity for everything at once.

They did massage and electrophoresis!)

- @judisilk, so I choose from a financial point of view. Osteopath is not cheap and massage is now too

We were also prescribed electrophoresis, now they have begun to receive it, and in October a massage.

- @melkaj92 here was the contact of an inexpensive and good osteopath, somewhere in the barn area. It would be better to go anyway)) Of course, you decide. We did a general massage, electrophoresis on the neck area, did paraffin-ozocerite ourselves, and we also went to the osteopath.

Well, not all at the same time, of course, during the first year)) you can’t master everything at once)))

- @judisilk, thanks) that is, can I do everything one by one?)

We went to an osteopath and did a general massage (not at the same time). According to personal impressions, the result from the osteopath was better.

Differentiated massage 10

Maybe it’s just that the masseuse was unlucky, or it was too early for the child (we started at 3 months old), we haven’t done the second massage course yet, but we plan to.

We have the same thing, from tomorrow electrophoresis, then massage

They combined paraffin with massage, electrophoresis with exercise therapy and separately there was an osteopath. Probably with all the desire to combine it will not work)))

Massage + swimming pool at 8-9 months on a second ultrasound everything went

- @melkaj92, massage, electrophoresis and osteopath

Our neurologist said that osteopathy is bullshit, I can’t help but believe it, after all, the best neurologist in Samara, they did massage and Electropheresis, everything went away! And then and then at home, I was very lucky with the masseuse, there was a good effect. If necessary, I will give contacts.

- @dakylina, please give me the contact of your neurologist?!

- @fruktella077, Abramova Irina Valerievna, island of health plus

Home / Kinds and types / Tonic

The body of young children is very sensitive to any external influences. That is why all massage manipulations must be carried out in a gentle mode. During their execution great attention given to the mood of the crumbs, his reactions, well-being. According to these criteria, the effectiveness of procedures is judged, one of which is a tonic massage.

In older children, it increases activity, relieves apathy, guarantees a surge of vigor and energy. Tonic massage for babies is effective as a method of correction, effectively used in the event of muscle hypotonia, motor dysfunctions.

Features and techniques of tonic massage for children

The duration of an invigorating procedure is much less than a relaxing or prophylactic one. It takes no more than 15 minutes, and the result comes almost immediately. The basis of such a tonic massage are vibrating movements. Kneading, tapping, patting and other elements are also used:

    Stroking and rubbing.

General toning massage for children

It is with them that children's tonic massage begins. They are used to warm up the child's body, to be ready for the next stage of exposure.

  • Kneading. Great for increasing blood flow to affected areas. Awakens vitality.
  • Patting, tapping. They help to activate the processes occurring in the deep layers of tissues.
  • Vibration. The main element of the procedure. Fixes and increases the effect of all previous manipulations.
  • Benefits of baby massage

    With the help of the above manipulations, excellent results are achieved:

    Tonic massage for children cannot be carried out for a long time, otherwise the baby will get tired, and the result will be completely opposite to what was expected. It is recommended to perform it for no more than 15 minutes, it is advisable to do this after general strengthening effects.

    Technique for performing children's tonic massage

    The technique of the invigorating procedure provides for the implementation of all of the above manipulations quickly and vigorously, but in a certain sequence:

    1. The back muscles are treated first. All techniques are applied, including vibration (except for the kidney and heart area).
    2. A tonic massage of the buttocks is done.
    3. Then manipulations are performed on the legs.
    4. The baby rolls onto its back.
    5. The chest area, hands are massaged.
    6. Next, the front surface of the legs is processed, it is very useful to use the felting technique.

    Features of performing tonic massage in infants

    For newborns, the main purpose of tonic procedures is to stimulate weakened muscles. A general tonic massage for babies is best done in the morning, after waking up. It should be carried out by an experienced specialist who will activate the condition of children with the help of stroking, rubbing, tingling. Manipulations are deep and impulsive. You need to do the following:

    When performing tonic manipulations for children of different ages, and especially infants, it must be remembered that the procedure must be carried out as carefully as possible, because infants are highly sensitive to any physical influences.

    Home / Different parts of the body / Neck

    Neck massage for a child

    As you know, massage will be useful for a child, starting from the very first days of his life. It is especially important for the most mobile parts of the body. One of these is the neck. A few months after birth, the baby begins to actively move it. Proportionately, the mass of the head is greater than that of the body, so this part of the spine has a large load.

    Of course, manipulation techniques facilitate the work of the neck muscles and have a number of beneficial effects. But before you start the procedure for massaging the cervical region of the baby, you need to know what benefits it brings.

    So, this procedure brings such positive effects:

    • Relaxes muscles.
    • Improves blood circulation in the brain.
    • Increases skin tone of the massaged surface.
    • Corrects defects of the musculoskeletal system.
    • Helps to get rid of abnormalities caused by muscle hypertonicity.

    Preparing for a cervical massage procedure for a child

    Preparation for a cervical massage is carried out in the same way as in other cases:

    Massage number 10 for babies

    An insufficiently heated room with drafts is excluded.

  • The child must be in a good mood, which is actually a prerequisite for any type of massage.
  • You do not need to perform the procedure immediately after feeding the baby. It is better to do this half an hour before meals, or an hour after.
  • In the massage of the cervical region of the newborn, no auxiliary agents are used that soften and moisturize the skin.
  • Manipulation should not bring discomfort to the baby. Receptions must be performed gently and gently, calculating your strength.
  • Before the procedure, hands must be warmed to the temperature of the baby's body so that there are no unnecessary problems.
  • Cervical massage for a healthy child

    To understand how to massage the baby's neck, you need to understand the task of the procedure being performed. Basically, it is done to children for preventive purposes. If the baby does not have any deviations in health and there are no disorders of the musculoskeletal system, a complex of health-improving manipulations is used.

    At home, a small set of manipulations is used to ensure that the child holds his head, and at the same time does not experience discomfort. This is one of the most popular directions for using manipulation effects for the cervical region of the baby.

    Cervical massage complex for a healthy child

    To start manipulation you need:

    Therapeutic neck massage for children

    For disorders of the musculoskeletal system and acquired diseases of the cervical region, massage is often used as an effective addition to the course of treatment. With some diagnoses, this procedure is the only effective means to achieve complete recovery.

    This type of manipulation is used for medical purposes to combat the curvature of the neck in babies, which is also called muscular torticollis.

    As a rule, there are two reasons for the appearance of deviations in the cervical region in infants:

    1. Birth trauma, which in most cases is the cause of this deviation;
    2. Pathology in the development of the fetus, which is somewhat less common than the previous one.

    Therapeutic procedures begin at the age of two weeks. It is very important to consult a doctor who will determine the severity of the disorder, the form of treatment and the type of procedures. Without the advice of a professional, it is categorically not recommended to engage in treatment on your own. A complex of manipulation techniques is selected exclusively by a specialist after a comprehensive examination.

    Depending on the nature of the disease, the doctor determines whether the mother will be able to perform the procedures herself, or whether they will be done by a massage parlor employee. He will also tell you how to massage the baby's neck at home, if, of course, this is possible.

    The essence of therapeutic massage of the cervical region is to direct manipulation effects on the affected area itself, while not harming, making contraindicated movements.

    Contraindications for children's cervical massage:

    • Increased body temperature.
    • Infectious diseases.
    • Skin damage (wounds, scratches, irritation, rash).
    • Rickets.
    • Self-massage for deviations in the functions of the musculoskeletal system.

    It is very important to remember that the significance of this miraculous procedure is very great. You do not need to ignore the advice of a doctor and the result will not be long in coming.

    Massage and gymnastics for children from 3 to 7 years old

    In recent years, more precisely the last decade, massage for infants has been gaining momentum. Children up to a year are surrounded by love and attention, parents sincerely try to give the maximum for the proper growth and development of their baby. Proper nutrition, gymnastics, baby massage courses, educational games become mandatory in the life of a child up to one year old.

    Parents are trying their best. When the baby turns one, three years old, then the attitude towards him changes. Most parents no longer care so much about the physical development of the child.

    Greater emphasis is placed on intellectual development. They take you to circles, foreign languages, music. The physical activity of the child is often suppressed by the parents.

    Who has not watched how parents constantly make comments so that the baby does not run, does not climb, does not interfere. A child often at the age of three turns into a little old man.

    Massage for preschool children completely fades into the background, it is no longer done by either the mother or the invited massage therapist. But after all, not only in the first year of life, the baby needs gymnastics, massage is useful and pleasant. The period of preparation for school is also important for the proper development of the baby.

    The period of preschool development of the child is the most important. After all, it is during this period that skills are formed that will be needed throughout life.

    General differentiated massage 10 for babies

    Active walking, jumping, active ball games, the ability to make decisions independently, the ability to keep your back, posture. The child learns all this through physical activity, independent movements in preschool age.

    Movements, active games become a source of knowledge of the world, the formation of a child's personality. Most children at preschool age form and develop many orthopedic diseases, creating fertile ground for their further progression at school age. A fragile spine is not ready for a long stay at the desk. As a result, by the end of the first grade, the student acquires various orthopedic diseases, such as flat feet, scoliosis.

    Physical exercise and massage at preschool age will help to avoid many problems during the period of study at school. Mobile active games that parents played, good physical activity and, of course, baby massage courses will become real helpers for the health and development of your strong kid. Massage with flat feet, scoliosis is absolutely necessary.

    Children's massage courses are performed according to the same rules as for an adult, using the same techniques. But when performing baby massage, remember that the massage procedure must certainly be pleasant, without pain, sufficient in time, but not excessive, which would cause fatigue or fatigue from the session. Children's massage courses must always be combined with gymnastics.

    Painless baby massage is not limited to stroking techniques, which is performed only with superficial techniques. It must certainly capture even the deepest layers of tissues. The art of an experienced children's masseur lies precisely in the fact that gradually, with pleasant soft movements, to be able to stretch the deepest tissues, without causing pain, delivering pleasant sensations. Often, neurologists prescribe a relaxing or tonic baby massage.

    What is the difference between these seemingly opposite types of massage procedures, what do they have in common. The common thing is that both of them are performed according to the same rules. But the speed of execution and the choice of techniques make the final result. Soft stroking techniques relax, short and sharp strokes give a tonic result. Such techniques as sawing, stroking, patting will cause a tonic effect, soft spiral rubbing with gentle vibration techniques will give a relaxing effect.

    It is important that the baby massage courses are liked by the baby, that he takes massage sessions with pleasure. How the child will relate to the courses of massage procedures depends on the skill and professionalism of the massage therapist. Learn to feel the child and then the massage session will definitely work.