Physiological and therapeutic effect of DDT. What is diadynamic therapy

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Physiotherapy (from the Greek "physis" - nature + "therapeia" - treatment) is a field of medicine that studies the physiological and therapeutic effect natural and artificially created physical factors on the human body. Physiotherapy is one of the oldest therapeutic and preventive areas of medicine, which includes many sections. Among the largest sections of physiotherapy can be noted: treatment with electricity, light, water, therapeutic mud, thermal radiation and various mechanical effects. Each of these sections includes a number of isolated or complex therapeutic methods based on the use of one or another physical factor.

The largest number of methods combines electrotherapy (methods using an electric field, constant, variable, continuous and intermittent electric currents, alternating magnetic field, electromagnetic fields). Phototherapy includes methods that use light energy, incl. ultraviolet and infrared radiation. Methods of hydrobalneotherapy are based on the application fresh water(in the form of showers, baths and other water procedures), as well as natural and artificially prepared mineral waters and various therapeutic muds. Thermal treatment includes methods based on the use of heat transmitted to the body by heated paraffin, ozocerite, therapeutic mud, sand, steam, dry air. Treatment with mechanical influences includes ultrasound therapy, vibration therapy, massage and manual therapy.

In our multidisciplinary clinic, we use almost the entire range of well-known and proven methods, covering almost all existing sections of physiotherapy. In "Alternative" you will be offered:

  • laser therapy (including with the use of an abdominal-vaginal sensor);
  • intravenous laser blood irradiation (ILBI);
  • magnetic laser therapy;
  • decimeter therapy (UHF-therapy);
  • diadynamic therapy (DDT) with and without drug administration;
  • transabdominal electropulse therapy (also with and without drug administration);
  • darsonval therapy;
  • pulse therapy;
  • mud therapy (application, vaginal instillation);
  • hydrotherapy.

Laser therapy

Among the most promising areas of development of modern medicine, laser treatment methods occupy an honorable leading position. They are used for diseases of almost all systems and organs: cardiovascular, genitourinary and nervous systems, respiratory, digestive and ENT organs, musculoskeletal system and skin. The therapeutic effect of laser therapy is achieved due to the impact of a laser radiation source on certain areas and points of the body. The laser beam penetrates to a great depth without obstacles, where it begins its "work" - it stimulates the metabolism in the affected tissues, activates the healing and regeneration of tissues.

With intravenous laser therapy (ILBI), the effect of the laser is directed exclusively at the blood. The thinnest light conductor is introduced into a vein and allows, by acting on the entire mass of blood in the body, to stimulate the process of hematopoiesis, strengthen immunity and metabolism in the body, and increase the most important function of blood - transport.

Laser therapy, like almost all physiotherapeutic methods, can not only be used as a separate treatment course, but also act as an "assistant" in the course of drug therapy. This combination of techniques allows the doctor to achieve the best therapeutic effect.

On average, the course of laser therapy in our multidisciplinary clinic is about 10 sessions. In some cases, to consolidate the achieved effect, the treatment course can be repeated after six months, about which the attending physician of "Alternatives" will definitely inform you.


Decimeter therapy (UHF-therapy)

Decimeter therapy, or, as it is also called, UHF therapy, is a method in which decimeter waves of a certain range are used for therapeutic purposes. DVM-therapy is used to treat various inflammatory, traumatic and other diseases.

In our clinic, this technique has taken its place in the treatment of diseases of many internal organs (arthritis, bronchitis and bronchial asthma, "children's" bronchopulmonary diseases, cholecystitis and dyskinesia of the gallbladder, pyelonephritis, peptic ulcer), peripheral nervous system (neuritis of the facial nerve, trigeminal neuralgia nerve and sciatica), ENT organs (sinusitis, otitis media, frontal sinusitis), teeth and tissues of the oral cavity. The UHF-therapy method shows good results in the treatment of gynecological and many other diseases.


Diadynamic Therapy (DDT)

Diadynamic therapy (DDT) is a technique in which the therapeutic effect on the patient's body is carried out by diadynamic impulse currents. Such an effect on the body makes it possible to achieve excellent therapeutic results in the treatment of acute pain syndromes with damage to the peripheral nervous system, diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system, digestive and respiratory organs, and ENT organs. DDT demonstrates its effect in the treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases of the female genital area, urinary retention and incontinence, enuresis, impotence and prostatitis, in the initial stage of hypertension and obliterating diseases of the vessels of the extremities, in dermatoses and colloid scars.

First of all, the impact of diadynamic pulsed currents on the body is manifested in the form of a significant reduction or complete elimination of pain. At the same time, DDT has a remarkable property - the effect occurs immediately after it is carried out, and sometimes during the procedure! One of the conditions for achieving a positive therapeutic effect is the continuity of the treatment process, which our specialists are quite capable of providing - the Alternativa multidisciplinary clinic works seven days a week and public holidays and you can get your appointments when you need them!


Transabdominal electropulse therapy

The field of application of electropulse therapy in modern medicine is extensive and has no clear nosological boundaries. This method is used to treat a large list of diseases and pathological conditions of the body.

One of the formats for applying the method in our clinic is the implementation of transabdominal electropulse therapy in the treatment of gynecological diseases. At the same time, therapeutic sessions can be accompanied by the introduction of drugs (point electrophoresis), or carried out as an independent treatment method.


Darsonval therapy

This is one of the oldest physiotherapeutic methods, named after the French physiologist Jacques Arseny d "Arsonval (1851-1940). It uses the healing capabilities of high-frequency radiation generated by electric field. It is darsonval therapy that includes the abbreviation "UHF" familiar to all of us from childhood - the impact of an ultrahigh-frequency electromagnetic field. In addition to UHF, the darsonval therapy technique uses exposure alternating currents high frequency(HF therapy) and microwave electromagnetic fields (SHF).

Darsonvalization, due to its characteristics, has a number of therapeutic effects: analgesic, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, trophostimulating, antispasmodic, antipruritic. That is why darsonvalization is very widely used in dermatology and cosmetology. Using this method, you can get rid of a large list of problems, including:

  • acne, impure skin, pustules, inflammatory infiltrates;
  • mature skin with signs of flabbiness and the presence of wrinkles caused by an age-related decrease in internal hydrostatic pressure in a living cell, which is responsible for the tension of the cell membrane;
  • pale with reduced nutrition and oily porous skin;
  • psoriasis (scaly), pruritus, eczema, erythema;
  • keloid and postoperative scars, edema and infiltrates;
  • herpetic eruptions;
  • trophic ulcers and skin lesions, non-healing wounds, neurodermatitis;
  • cellulite;
  • premature hair loss, seborrheic alopecia and other types of baldness.


Mud therapy

This method is based on the use of the natural properties of therapeutic mud, mined in ecologically clean areas of the globe. In the multidisciplinary clinic "Alternative", mud therapy is used both as an independent technique that stimulates metabolism and promotes the resorption of foci of inflammation, and as an element of the complex treatment of chronic diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system, diseases of the genital organs, disorders of the central and peripheral nervous system and other problems with the body.

Alternativa specialists use therapeutic mud mined in Israel on the shores of the Dead Sea, as well as salts from Lake Saki. Procedures with the use of these natural “medicines” helped many of our patients not only restore health, but also solve problematic issues with appearance and skin condition. If we digress a little from the true disapproving meaning of the folk saying “from rags to riches”, then this is how the effect of the mud treatment used in our clinic can be described. Having “plunged” into the healing mud, you can acquire a truly princely appearance!


Hydrotherapy. Hydrotherapy.

The healing properties of water have been known to people since ancient times. These properties are not only brilliantly described in folklore, but also have taken a strong position in traditional medicine. Modern technologies and advanced medical thought, having adopted folk wisdom, have turned water treatment into a serious section of physiotherapy - hydrotherapy, or hydrotherapy. Modern hydrotherapy is based on the mechanical and thermal effects of water on the human body, in which the impulses received by the skin during therapeutic contact with water are transmitted through the nervous system to the body. Penetrating deep into the body, impulses stimulate immune system, correct the production of hormones, increase blood circulation and normalize the process of digestion, reduce pain.

The most common method of hydrotherapy is the use of therapeutic baths, since with such contact with water, all dissolved in water useful material easily penetrate the skin and are perfectly absorbed by the body.

Well-known literary facts of "Cleopatra's baths", fabulous bathing in springs with living water and many other examples of the healing and rejuvenating effects of water on a person are reflected in the methods that we suggest you try for yourself and evaluate their effect!

Any patient can come to the appointment. Registration and registration do not matter. Anonymity and confidentiality are guaranteed. If you have a medical record and the results of previous tests and examinations on hand, it is best to take them with you.


Treatment with electric discharges has been known to mankind for a long time.

Physicians of the past centuries used electric current and knew about its healing properties.

To date, science has improved devices for diadynamic therapy sessions, and it is widely used for the prevention and treatment of many diseases.

Diadynamic therapy - what is it?

Diadynamic therapy is the effect of electric currents on various organs in order to heal them. Thanks to the electrical effect on the body, many diseases can be cured.

Only a professional will be able to competently conduct a course of treatment, since DDT therapy requires certain knowledge for treatment. An electric current of a certain frequency is able to restore the health of organs.

Pierre Bernard is a French scientist who managed to prove the effectiveness of his own treatment program with diadynamic currents.

Doctors still call the methods of diadynamic therapy "Bernard's currents". Their essence lies in the fact that they have a frequency of 100 and 50 pulses to influence the organs.

The principle of action of didinamotherapy

The effect of diadynamic therapy has been scientifically proven. Thanks to the electric current, the muscles begin to contract, the entire muscular corset of the skeleton and the muscles of the organs are stimulated.

A person during diadynamic therapy feels only heat and light tingling sensations.

The low frequency of the currents irritates the receptors of the nerves, without giving any pain in the area of ​​the DDT apparatus.

An electric current of 100 Hz relieves the patient of pain in the first minutes of the session.

By improving blood circulation, this frequency slows down the perception of the action of nerve cells.

The body begins to develop self-anesthesia, which allows DDT therapy to be carried out without any discomfort for a person.

Types of therapeutic currents

There are several types of healing currents. Each form is used for different purposes in the treatment.

  1. continuous form. A current of 50 Hz stimulates the muscular system, delivered at intervals of 1 minute. This type of current treatment is called "myostimulation";
  2. waveform. The power of the impact gradually gains strength, then decreases to a minimum. After 4 seconds, the process resumes. This method relieves pain from the affected area;
  3. Shortened wave technique. It stimulates the skeletal muscles. Within 4 seconds it acts, 2 seconds - a break;
  4. Continuous view at 100 Hz. The muscles contract under the influence, the vessels receive more nutrition, and the capillaries expand. Muscle pain goes away;
  5. Two-period. Smoothly increasing reaches the maximum limit and begins to fall for 8 seconds. Then it grows again. With this method, pain is relieved, blood circulation throughout the body improves.

There are other delivery options. electric current depending on which organ or body system is being treated.

Devices for DDT therapy

The most common devices:

  • SNIM-1;
  • Tonus-1;
  • Refton-01-F-S;
  • DT50-3.

Overview of the device Tonus-1

The device is intended for treatment with diadynamic therapy. Especially widely used for various injuries, sprains, neuralgic and gastric diseases.

This type of DDT apparatus is the most common. Its advantage is safety and ease of use.

Typically, these drugs are available in every clinic, are used for the general population. Thus, treatment with the device is available for many social groups population of Russia.

Indications for DDT therapy

A lot of diseases can be treated with this technique. That is why, in almost any disease, the therapist gives a direction for treatment with current impulses.

Since the time of the USSR, diadynamic therapy has been considered one of the most effective means for the treatment of many ailments.

Treatment with current is shown:

  1. with various muscle injuries: fractures without the installation of metal devices, bruises and sprains;
  2. with poor motor function in the joints and during the recovery process after injury;
  3. with neurological diseases and myalgia;
  4. with osteochondrosis, arthritis and other diseases of the human musculoskeletal system;
  5. with cardiovascular diseases;
  6. with chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  7. with asthma and bronchitis;
  8. with gynecological diseases in a chronic form.


Electricity therapy is not completely harmless.

There are a number of diseases in which current treatment can bring deterioration:

  • cachesia;
  • tumors;
  • predisposition to bleeding;
  • acute inflammation;
  • respiratory tuberculosis;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • mental illness;
  • predisposition to thrombosis.

To avoid unpleasant and dangerous consequences, it is better to inform your doctor about the presence of your diseases, which may serve as a contraindication to therapy.

It is better not to risk and choose another type of therapy. Pregnant women need to consult with an obstetrician-gynecologist who will weigh all the risks and benefits and only then decide whether to refer the patient for DDT treatment.


Diodinamotherapy is a proven and effective direction in hardware medicine.

Therapy with current modern world used in many areas of medicine and cosmetology. DDT therapy is an excellent addition to the main treatment prescribed by a doctor. Usually doctors prescribe current treatment to everyone who has no contraindications to this treatment.

Many absolutely in vain underestimate the effectiveness of treatment with currents. You can check the therapeutic effect of diadynamic therapy devices for yourself in any hospital or clinic.

A referral for treatment with currents is issued by the attending physician. The therapist or doctor of a narrow specialty should carefully examine the patient's chart.

Only after a detailed analysis of the existing diagnoses can the patient be referred for diadynamic therapy.

Video: Diadynamic currents

Full description

Both types of current are used when alternating between them or when interrupted by pauses. The most characteristic effects of diadynamic therapy are analgesic, vasoactive, trophic and myostimulating. Under the influence of current, capillaries expand, blood circulation and inflow improve nutrients and oxygen to tissues; metabolic products, decay products are removed from inflammatory foci, an anti-inflammatory effect is associated with this, accompanied by a decrease in edema and a general trophic effect. Resorption of post-traumatic hemorrhages occurs, metabolism is activated, as a result of which diadynamic currents have a trophic effect on tissues. With diadynamic therapy, the muscles undergo rhythmic contraction and relaxation, up to their visible contraction, which is accompanied by the restoration of muscle function. Diadynamic therapy also has a hypotensive effect on the body.

Physiological mechanism

Diadynamic currents have a pronounced analgesic effect. This is due to the stimulation of a large number of receptors, which leads to the formation of a rhythmically ordered stream of impulses, leading to the formation of a dominant focus of excitation in the cerebral cortex. This focus of excitation suppresses the pain dominant. Under the influence of DDT, the release of special substances of endorphins increases, the activity of enzymes that destroy the main pain mediators (histaminase and acetylcholine esterase) increases. kininase levels increase.

In the process of diadynamic therapy procedures, resorption (resorption) of edema occurs, normalization of trophic processes, improvement of blood circulation, and the oxygen content in the tissues of the body increases.

Diadynamic currents have a positive effect on the blood supply to tissues. With a transverse arrangement of electrodes, capillary blood flow improves and the tone of spasmodic vessels decreases. With a longitudinal arrangement, the speed of blood flow increases by 2-3 times. Under the influence of DDT in tissues, collateral circulation is stimulated, promotes the healing of purulent wounds, ulcers and bedsores.
Dosing procedures
The current strength is selected individually, taking into account the subjective sensation of the patient. This assumption depends on the location of the electrodes, their area and location, the type of DDT used, the sensitivity of the patient to it, and a number of other factors. In this case, the patient may experience a slight tingling, burning sensation, a feeling of slipping of the electrode, vibration, intermittent compression or contraction of the muscles in the affected area. With diadynamic therapy of pain syndrome, such a current strength is selected at which the patient feels a pronounced painless vibration. Depending on the area of ​​the electrodes and other conditions of exposure, the current strength ranges from 2–5 mA (with cup electrodes) to 15–30 mA (with plate electrodes). feelings of pronounced vibration.

The duration of the procedure in one area is 4-6 minutes. If it is necessary to influence several pain zones (3-4) in one procedure, the duration of the diadynamic therapy procedure is increased to 15-20 minutes. On the same site during the day, 2-3 procedures can be performed with an interval between them of several hours (repeated exposures are usually carried out at the time of the onset of pain).

As a rule, diadynamic therapy procedures are carried out daily or 2 times a day (for severe pain). The course of treatment is prescribed 5-6 procedures. With persistent pain in the same area, 2-3 courses of diadynamic therapy can be carried out with intervals of 7-10 days between them.
Therapeutic effect
The effect of exposure is determined by the type of current used.
The OH current has a pronounced irritating and myostimulating effect, causes vibration in the patient.
The DN current has a pronounced analgesic and vasoactive effect, causes fibrillar muscle twitching and fine vibration. This type of current is used for DDT phoresis.
The OR current has the most pronounced myostimulating effect.

The OB current is characterized by a neuromyostimulating effect.

DV current exhibits neurotrophic and vasoactive effects.

The CP current has a neuromyostimulating and analgesic effect.

The DP current causes analgesic, vasoactive and trophic effects.
Applicable electrodes
For diadynamic therapy procedures, skin and cavity electrodes are used. different forms and sizes. The choice of electrode primarily depends on the localization of exposure and the nature of the disease.
Area of ​​influence
The area of ​​influence depends on the nature and localization of the disease. The impact of DDT can be on the abdominal organs, on the upper and lower extremities, on the head and spinal region. During analgesic procedures, an active electrode (cathode) is applied to the pain focus.

Indications for diadynamic therapy

Pain syndromes caused by lesions of peripheral nerves, traumatic injuries, degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the joints and spine, dyskinesia of the stomach, gallbladder, intestines; hypertension, obliterating diseases of peripheral vessels; bronchial asthma; acute and subacute diseases of the peripheral nervous system - radiculitis, neuritis, sympathalgia, migraine, epilepsy, spinal cord injury, etc.

Contraindications for diadynamic therapy

Malignant neoplasms; active tuberculosis of the lungs, kidneys; circulatory failure II and III degree; pregnancy (impact on the abdomen and lower back); psychosis; multiple sclerosis; acute inflammatory processes in the cavities, thrombophlebitis; individual current intolerance; tendency to bleed; the presence of a purulent infection; bone fractures; cholelithiasis and urolithiasis; Parkinson's disease.

We take your health very seriously
that's why
before starting the procedures, a mandatory consultation with a physiotherapist

Have with you:

  • The passport
  • ECG results (not later than 1 year)
  • Complete blood count (no later than 2 months)
  • Urinalysis (no later than 2 months)
  • for women, gynecological consultation (not later than 1 year)
These examinations can be done at your local clinic. is free or the examination data can be done on the spot at the PhysioClinic by appointment (Consultation of a gynecologist 1129r, complete blood count - 436r, urinalysis - 354r, ECG - 436r.

Diadynamic therapy is an electrotherapeutic method based on the use of diadynamic currents (DDT), or Bernard currents, for therapeutic, prophylactic and rehabilitation purposes. It is rightly referred to as pulsed therapy, which uses currents of various shapes and frequencies, supplied in continuous and pulsed modes. DDT are half-sinusoidal currents with a frequency of 50 and 100 Hz and a trailing edge that falls exponentially (see. Diadynamic currents).

In devices for diadynamic therapy, DDT is obtained by one- and two-half-wave rectification of the mains current without subsequent smoothing of the ripple by a filter. We widely use devices: "SNIM-1", "M-717", "Tonus-1", "Tonus-2", "DT-50-3". In Belarus, devices "Radius-01", "Refton", "KEM-1" are produced. Foreign devices Ridan, Stimat, Di-di, DTV 30, Expert plus, Bipulsator, Diamplipulse, BTL-05, Neuroton are also used in medical practice. Recently, there has been a trend towards the release of "devices-combines", which provide the ability to treat with two factors simultaneously or separately, using them according to indications - "Sonodinator" (ultrasound and DDT), Endomed (DDT, interference currents, galvanization), Di -di (DDT, galvanic current), "Radius" (DDT, SMT, interference currents), "KEM-1" (DDT and galvanization). All devices are made according to the II class of protection, which makes it possible to carry out procedures in physiotherapy departments, in wards and at home. When purchasing a new device, it is necessary to check the polarity of its terminals (as on galvanizing devices), using chemical (a sample with a solution of sodium or potassium iodide) or physical (dip the bare ends of the wire into a container with water and apply current) methods. The correct polarity of the terminals is indicated by the appearance of yellow coloration at the positive pole in the first method of checking, and more intense gas bubbles at the pole, designated as negative, in the second method.

All devices generate two main half-sinusoidal currents with a frequency of 50 and 100 Hz, as well as their various combinations and modulations (see Diadynamic currents). The following types of DDT are most often used in practical physiotherapy: full-wave continuous current (DM, DF), single-half-wave continuous current (OH, MF), current modulated by a short period (KP, SR), current modulated by a long period (DP, LP), half-wave rhythmic current (OP, RS), half-wave wave current (SW), full-wave wave current (DV).

With diadynamic therapy, numerous physiological and therapeutic effects are realized that are inherent in DD’T in accordance with their physical nature, the features of penetration into the body and interaction with various cellular and tissue structures (see Biodynamic currents). Under the influence of diadynamic therapy, peripheral circulation is activated, venous outflow increases, perineural edema decreases, metabolism increases, spasm is relieved and swelling of tissues decreases, and the inflammatory process is weakened. With diadynamic therapy, an analgesic effect is clearly manifested, which is based on several mechanisms.

The central mechanism is due to the suppression of the pain dominant in the brain due to the creation of a new dominant (impact dominant) and the increased formation of endorphins in the brain tissue, which change the perception of pain. The peripheral mechanism of the analgesic effect of the factor is explained by a change in the sensitivity of peripheral receptors and the conductivity of nerve conductors, resorption of edema and normalization of blood circulation in the pathological focus, the manifestation of which depends on the polarity of exposure, the type and strength of the currents used. In addition to the analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects of diadynamic therapy, myoneurostimulating, trophic, vasoactive, decongestant and loosening effects are inherent. With diadynamic therapy, the functional state of the central and peripheral nervous system improves, the pathologically reduced electrical excitability of nerves and muscles, and the lability of the nervous system increase. Diadynamic therapy has a beneficial effect on the secretory and motor functions of the stomach, the functional state of the liver, the exocrine function of the pancreas, and the functions of a number of endocrine glands.

Diadynamic therapy is carried out in the supine position, less often - sitting (depending on the localization of exposure and the patient's condition). It is important to achieve maximum relaxation of the muscles of the whole body, and especially in the affected area. The current is supplied to the patient's body with the help of current-carrying electrodes and hydrophilic pads. You can use sheet lead or graphitized cloth to make a current-carrying electrode. The requirements for hydrophilic gaskets are the same as for galvanization (see).

The transverse and longitudinal arrangement of electrodes on the patient's body is used. The electrodes are placed on intact human skin, small damage must be isolated with oilcloth or a piece of rubber. Hydrophilic pads are well moistened with warm water and carefully squeezed out, making sure that good contact of the electrode with the patient's tissues is achieved. The electrodes are fixed with rubber bandages or sandbags. The distance between the electrodes should not be less than their transverse dimension. In diadynamic therapy, electrodes of the same area are usually used, but sometimes an electrode of a smaller diameter can be used to enhance the action of the current in the area of ​​the pathological focus. The current is dosed according to the strength, which depends on the area of ​​the electrode and ranges from 2-5 to 10-15 mA. The nurse is guided by the sensations of the patient, the current is applied until a distinct vibration is felt or a feeling of "slipping" of the electrodes.

In the treatment of pain syndromes, the following principles should be used:
1) the electrodes are placed transversely with respect to the painful area;
2) the cathode is placed on the site of pain, if necessary, it can be smaller;
3) if the area of ​​the painful zone is large enough, then both electrodes are placed on the painful area and polarity reversal is used in the middle of the procedure;
4) when exposed to the joints of the limb, it is possible to use bifurcated electrodes;
5) procedures can be carried out 1, 2 and 3 times a day with an interval of at least 3-4 hours, during the procedure, exposure to DDT on several (up to 3) fields is allowed;
6) the parameters and type of current depend on the severity of the pain syndrome: with a pronounced pain syndrome, the DN current is used - 3-5 minutes, with severe pain DN - 1-2 minutes, CP - 3-4 minutes, with a decrease in pain intensity - DN - 1-2 minutes, CP 3-4 minutes, DP - 1-2 minutes, with a moderate pain syndrome, the same types of currents are used, but their duration is increased by 1-2 minutes, it is allowed to replace the DN current with the DV current; the total duration of the procedure does not exceed 30 minutes;
7) the course of treatment is 3-5-8 procedures performed daily; it is expedient to repeat courses of treatment in 10-14 days and only in the presence of positive dynamics in the patient's condition.

In diseases of the internal organs, the electrodes are placed transversely: with reduced function, hypotension, decreased secretion and motility, a cathode is placed above the organ; with increased functional activity, increased secretion - the anode.

DDT on the sympathetic nodes is used, observing the following conditions:
1) use electrodes of a small area, according to the type of orbital (diameter up to 5 cm), the distance between the electrodes is up to 5-8 cm;
2) the impact of the current is carried out on the sympathetic nodes on both sides, alternately;
3) for treatment, a downward direction of current is used (the cathode is placed below the anode);
4) treatment with DN current is carried out for 2-3 minutes on the field; current strength - up to a noticeable pleasant vibration, muscle contractions are excluded;
5) the course of treatment consists of 6-8 procedures; the first three are carried out daily, the next - every other day. The course of treatment is repeated after 7-8 days, after 2-3 weeks, and then after 1-2 months.

Diadynamic therapy is used for electrical stimulation of the neuromuscular apparatus. DDT is most often used for electrical stimulation of internal organs with a decrease in their function.

The electrodes are usually placed transverse to the organ; in diseases of the bladder, intestines, impotence, both transverse and longitudinal arrangement of electrodes is acceptable, in which preference is given to the upward direction of the current. A cathode is placed above the organ, the area of ​​the electrodes corresponds to the size of the organ. Treatment can be carried out with the following combinations of currents: DN -1-2 min, OR - 5-8 min, or DV - 5-7 min, OB - 2-5 min, or DV - 5-7 min, OV - 3-5 min . Procedures are carried out daily, for a course of treatment up to 10-15 procedures.

With flaccid paresis and paralysis of mild and moderate severity, electrical stimulation is carried out on both flexion and extensor muscle groups, 2-4 fields can be affected per procedure, daily, the course of treatment is up to 15 procedures. Electrodes of a small area (like orbital ones) are placed longitudinally on the motor point of the affected nerve and the motor point of the muscle that it innervates, or in the upper and lower thirds of the affected muscle. With a mild lesion, the DV current is used - 3-5 minutes 3 times with a break of 1 minute; for motor disorders of moderate severity, the current of OB is used - 2-3 minutes 2-3 times with a break of 1-2 minutes.

DDT is used for drug electrophoresis (diadynamophoresis); at the same time, a medicinal pad (filter paper or gauze) soaked in the drug solution is placed between the hydrophilic pad and the patient's skin. For diadynamophoresis, anesthetics, vasodilator and absorbable drugs are most often used. The duration of the procedure should be at least 10-15 minutes. Allowed various options applied currents: DN - 10-15 min; DN 10 min, CP - 3-5 min; DN - 10 min, DP 3-5 min. In diadynamophoresis, the same methodological approaches are observed as in the case of drug electrophoresis with galvanic current.

Interstitial (intraorgan) diadynamophoresis is used for diseases of the joints, peripheral vessels, neurological manifestations of osteochondrosis of the spine. After the introduction medicines(painkillers, anti-inflammatory, absorbable) into the joint cavity or paravertebral into the pain zones after 15-20 minutes, DDT is applied transversely to these areas: DN - 10-15 minutes or DV 10-15 minutes. In diseases of peripheral vessels, diadynamic therapy is carried out against the background of intravenous drip administration of vasoconstrictive drugs. The current is connected after the introduction of 1/2-2/3 of the volume of the drug solution. The electrodes are placed transversely on the thigh (first field) and lower leg (second field), act on 2 fields per procedure, the impact on the lower limbs is alternated by day. Treatment is carried out by DV current - 10 minutes per field.

DDT can be used in combination with other therapeutic factors:
1) they are used 30-60 minutes before massage and exercise therapy to reduce pain;
2) in one day they can be prescribed in combination with ultrasound, electrophoresis of drugs, laser and magnetotherapy; the best option the interval between procedures is 2-3 hours, the sequence of exposure is not of fundamental importance;
3) they can be combined with high-frequency therapy methods in one day for one field, prescribing diadynamic therapy after them (after 30-60 minutes or more);
4) diadynamic therapy is carried out 30-90 minutes before thermal, hydrotherapy procedures or alternate them every other day;
5) in the treatment of pain syndromes before currents, darsonvalization or ultratonotherapy can be performed 15-30 minutes before the currents.

Do not appoint DCT and local UV irradiation, X-ray therapy for one zone.

The most common combined methods of diadynamic therapy are: diadynamic inductothermy, diadynamic phonophoresis, diadynamic mud therapy.
DCT in children is used from 2-3 years of age. The electrodes are fixed on the child's body only by bandaging, be sure to ensure their tight fit. The technique and method of treatment are the same as in adults, but the duration of the procedure is reduced by 1/3. Mandatory control of sensations during the procedure. After the procedure, the skin should be lubricated with glycerin diluted with boiled water, which prevents its coarsening and peeling.

DDT is indicated in the treatment of: diseases and injuries of the peripheral nervous system with pain syndrome and motor disorders (neuralgia, neuropathy, neuromyositis, sympathalgia, radiculitis), injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system and the musculoskeletal system (bruises, ligament injuries, deforming osteoarthritis, epicondylitis, heel spurs, periarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, muscle atrophy, wounds, bone fractures, osteochondrosis of the spine and spondylosis), diseases of internal organs that occur with pain and impaired motor and secretory functions (bronchial asthma, gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach , cholecystitis, ureteral stones, biliary dyskinesia, atonic and spastic colitis, pancreatitis, enuresis, chronic inflammatory diseases adnexa of the uterus, impotence), diseases of the cardiovascular system (Raynaud's disease, atherosclerosis of the vessels of the extremities, the initial stage of varicose veins, hypertension I, II stage, migraine), diseases with connective tissue pathology (keloid scars, joint stiffness after prolonged immobilization, cicatricial and muscle contractures, adhesive disease), diseases of the eyes, teeth, skin with pain and itching (periodontitis, keratitis, episcleritis, pruritic dermatoses, etc.), in otorhinolaryngology.

Diadynamic therapy is contraindicated in: high temperature and general serious condition of the patient, cachexia, neoplasms and suspicion of them, bleeding and bleeding, acute and purulent inflammation (before autopsy), malignant blood diseases, acute pain of visceral origin (myocardial infarction, angina attack, childbirth , renal colic, stones in the ureter with a diameter of more than 1 cm), urinary and cholelithiasis, bone fractures with non-immobilized fragments, ruptures of muscles, blood vessels and nerve trunks during the first month after suturing, thrombophlebitis, extensive violations of the integrity of the skin, widespread dermatitis and eczema, skin sensitivity disorders, active tuberculous process in the kidneys, X-ray therapy and within 2 weeks after it (on the same area), multiple sclerosis, pregnancy (on the trunk and abdomen), individual current intolerance.

For fractures of tubular bones and ribs, even with immobilization of the fracture, the use of diadynamic therapy is undesirable, because. it can cause displacement of fragments, fat embolism or bleeding.

Safety regulations. In the treatment of DDT, it is necessary:
1) observe and electrotherapy room General requirements security according to the industry standard "SSTB. Departments, physiotherapy rooms";
2) strictly observe the rules for operating the devices:
a) before starting work, check the position of the potentiometer knob [it must be in the leftmost (zero) position];
b) during the procedure, all switching on the device should be carried out with the patient's current turned off;
c) apply the current slowly, smoothly, controlling the patient's sensations; during the procedure, the current strength can be increased;
d) the red signal lamp lights up indicates a malfunction of the device or poor fixation of the electrodes (in this case, it is necessary to turn off the current and find out the cause of the malfunction);
e) at the end of the procedure, the potentiometer knob should smoothly return (counterclockwise) to the leftmost position (until it clicks); f) wipe the device, transfer it, connect the electrodes only when the device is turned off;
g) constantly monitor the integrity of the wire insulation;
h) pay attention to the observance of the most important methodological aspects of the procedure: securely fix the electrodes on the patient's body; carefully check the condition of the skin in the affected area and avoid applying electrodes to scratches, abrasions; check the correct application of the electrodes so that there is no accidental contact of the metal parts of the electrode or carbon filaments with the skin surface, because this can lead to long-term non-healing electrochemical burns.

Diadynamic currents are considered one of the most effective methods treatment. They are successfully used for pain relief, relaxation, restoration of elasticity and functionality of muscles. After reading today's article, you will find out who is shown and how this procedure is carried out.

General information

It should be noted that the device for treatment with diadynamic currents began to be used in the past century. Therefore, this technique cannot be considered a novelty. Modern physicians are well aware that physiotherapy procedures can significantly improve the general condition of the patient. Moreover, the strength, shape, voltage and frequency of currents are selected taking into account the individual characteristics of a particular person.

They were first modulated by the French scientist Pierre Bernard. It was he who became the developer of a unique treatment program with the help of electric currents. In the process of conducting numerous experiments, the researcher managed to combine several frequencies and achieve good results.

The benefits of this treatment

When used correctly, diadynamic currents in physiotherapy give a wonderful effect. During the procedure, the device affects the skeletal and smooth muscles. This provides stimulation of the muscular corset.

During the session, the patient practically does not feel anything. In some cases, he may feel warm and tingly. Due to the fact that diadynamic currents of low frequency act on the receptors, a person does not experience pain.

The main effect of such treatment is achieved by changing the phases of muscle excitation and inhibition. This is especially true in inflammatory processes and spasms. The effect of the procedure lasts for several hours. Physiotherapy not only has a muscle relaxant and analgesic effect, but also improves blood circulation.

Who is shown this treatment?

It should be noted that diadynamic therapy allows you to select various combinations of currents. Very often, to improve the condition of patients, such treatment is combined with the introduction of appropriate medications. Diadynamic currents are shown to people suffering from diseases of the musculoskeletal system. They are excellent for bursitis, arthritis, arthrosis and osteochondrosis.

They are often used to treat gastritis and physiotherapy is indicated for people with gynecological problems. It has proven effective in the treatment of poor joint mobility, dislocations, bruises and sprains. DDT is prescribed to patients diagnosed with sinusitis, rhinitis, bronchitis, neurosis, neuromyositis, neuralgia, neuritis and atherosclerosis.


It should not be discounted that diadynamic currents, the device for the treatment of which is available in any modern clinic, can bring not only benefits, but also harm. Therefore, before starting the procedures, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Physiotherapy is contraindicated in people prone to bleeding and blood clots. It is also not recommended for those who suffer from epilepsy, active pulmonary tuberculosis and cachexia. Do not use this treatment for patients with sensitive skin, allergies and tumors. Also, DDT is not used for exacerbation of inflammatory processes and mental illness.

Forms of current treatment

In modern medical practice, several varieties of such therapy are known. In the process of using a continuous half-wave form, a current is transmitted through the apparatus, the frequency of which is 50 Hz. The main goal of this treatment is to stimulate the muscles. Therefore, the current is applied at intervals of one minute.

When using a half-wave waveform, there is a gradual increase in amplitude, starting from zero and ending with a maximum value. The decrease in the frequency of the currents is carried out within eight seconds, and after a short break, the cycle repeats. This method is used to relieve pain and to stimulate muscles.

Among other things, there is another scheme that is successfully used in physiotherapy. We are talking about a shortened wave method of exposure to currents. This treatment allows you to stimulate the skeletal muscles.

Very often, to combat certain chronic diseases, doctors prescribe long-term exposure. In the process of carrying out this procedure, the alternation of various forms of current is performed. However, do not forget that such treatment cannot be carried out during an exacerbation of the disease.

How is the procedure performed?

Devices for treatment with diadynamic currents are installed in all physiotherapy rooms. Their work must be strictly supervised by qualified medical personnel. Electrodes are applied to the patient's body, the shape and size of which depend on the area of ​​influence. After turning on the device, current is supplied through them, the strength of which can be adjusted using the toggle switch located on the front panel of the device.

It is extremely important that the patient does not experience pain during the session. At the beginning of the procedure, a slight tingling sensation is possible. As the strength of the supplied currents increases, the patient may feel a slight burning sensation. After a couple of minutes, these symptoms completely disappear, and they are replaced by a slight pulsation. At the end of the session, the health worker turns off the device and removes the electrodes.

Duration and number of procedures

Despite the fact that the force with which diadynamic currents are supplied is selected individually, there are some general rules carrying out such treatment. First of all, it must be remembered that the duration of exposure to the focus of pain should not exceed ten minutes.

If the patient is prescribed therapy for long and short currents, then the polarity of the electrodes should be changed. In this case, “plus” is put on “minus” and vice versa. The minimum course of treatment is four procedures, the maximum is ten. To avoid addiction, sessions can only be resumed after a two-week break.

Applied devices

In most domestic polyclinics, “Tonus” is installed - a device for treating diadynamic currents, the principle of which is based on receiving sinusoidal pulses with an exponential cutoff. This device effectively copes with various neuromuscular diseases. Since it is adapted for transportation, it can be used not only in a hospital or clinic, but also at home.

The case of the device is made of impact-resistant polystyrene. It consists of a base attached to a lid. The body of the device has comfortable handle, on the side of which there is a compartment for removing the power cord and cable.

Another unique invention capable of generating various types of currents is the so-called physiotherapy combine. It is compact in size and easy to operate. This device combines several useful functions. With it, you can perform vacuum and laser therapy.