Exercises for weight loss of the shoulder and shoulder girdle. Arm Slimming Exercises

Almost every girl thinks about how to give her body an attractive shape. It is worth noting that any diet will be ineffective without physical activity. In order for the body to take on the proper form, it is necessary to balance the diet and choose a combination of exercises. The arms and shoulders are no exception. This will help exercises for weight loss of the arms and shoulders.

How to do exercises for weight loss of arms at home

Many mistakenly focus on the abs and buttocks, completely ignoring the arms. By doing a few simple exercises, you can literally in a month give your arms and shoulders a neat look and a slight relief.

On the importance of exercises for slimming arms and shoulders

You can not lose weight only in a specific area, you need an integrated approach designed for the whole body. But I can tighten the skin and tone the muscles locally. Here, you can’t do without exercises for losing weight at home. That is why they are important. Let's analyze in more detail the exercises on the arms and shoulders.
If you want to see the effect, classes should be done regularly - 2-3 times a week.

With the help of exercises for losing weight on the arms and shoulders, they can be maintained in a constant tone and made them shaped and fit.

You can do exercises:

  • on simulators;
  • with dumbbells;
  • without dumbbells.

5 exercises for weight loss of arms without dumbbells

All classes can be easily done at home at the most convenient time for you.

Lesson number 1. Classic presses. First you need to take an emphasis lying down, for convenience it is better to rest your feet against the wall. The legs should be on toes, located shoulder-width apart, and the hands should be opposite the chest. Bending your elbows, perform presses, alternately lowering your torso down and lifting it up. You need to keep your back, do not hunch over and lift your buttocks up. Elbows should be kept parallel to the body, and not turned to the sides. It is necessary to do 2-3 repetitions of 10-15 times.

Lesson number 2. Reverse presses. First you need to find support using a sturdy chair, coffee table or sofa. Turn your back to the support, lean on your palms, and stretch your legs forward in front of you. Next, you should bend your arms at the elbows and lower the pelvis as low as possible. It is important that the pelvis is in limbo, do not sit on the floor. Elbows should bend back, but not turn to the sides. We do 3 repetitions of 15-20 times.

Arm and Shoulder Slimming Exercises - Reverse Pushups

An exercise weight loss arms without dumbbells № 3 . We stand on soft legs (they are not tense and only slightly bent at the knees), the body should be lowered slightly forward, and then begin to perform crossed swings with tense arms, imitating the work of scissors. Do 2 repetitions of 25-30 times.

Lesson number 4. We stand on soft legs, slightly bending them at the knees. Lower the upper body forward, keep your back straight, arms hanging in front of you. We squeeze the hands into fists, then bend our arms and take them behind our backs, after which we straighten them again. This lesson must be done with light tears. It is worth doing 3 repetitions of 10-15 times.

Lesson number 5. We stand on soft legs, the back must be kept constantly straight. First, hands should be spread in different sides and bend at the elbows. Then we strain them and begin to lower and raise the forearms. It is worth doing 3 repetitions of 10-15 times.

5 exercises with dumbbells for weight loss

Lesson #1 . We stand on soft legs, taking dumbbells in our hands, and lower them parallel to the body. We start counting. "One" - while stretching our arms forward. "Two" - you need to spread your arms in different directions. "Three" - now you should return your hands to their original position. It is necessary to perform 2 repetitions of 10 times.

Exercises with dumbbells for weight loss of hands - breeding to the sides

Lesson #2 . We stand on soft legs, hands hold dumbbells and lowered down forward with palms, elbows must be pressed to the body. It is very important that the elbow is in place. Next, we begin to raise the dumbbells, while bending our arms at the elbows. Perform 2 repetitions of 10 times.

Lesson #3 . Let's get on soft feet. Stretch your arms up above your head and squeeze one dumbbell, your back must always be kept straight. We bend the hands tightly to the head at a right angle so that the dumbbell moves behind the head, after which we return the hands to their original position. Perform 2 repetitions of 10-15 times.

Lesson number 4 . We stand on soft legs, we hold our hands in front, bent at a right angle at the elbows. After that, in this position, it is worth spreading your arms in different directions, and then return them to their original position. It is constantly necessary to monitor the posture, you can not lower your elbows. Do 2 repetitions of 20-25 times.

An exercise with dumbbells for weight loss №5 . We stand on soft legs, knees are soft (not tense, slightly bent), the body is tilted forward, we keep our back straight. We lower our hands with dumbbells down to the knees. We begin to perform exercises by raising our hands to the stomach and lowering down. Perform 3 sets of 10-15 times.

After exercises for weight loss of arms with dumbbells and without dumbbells, you will give them a toned and designed look, get rid of flabbiness. In addition, with the help of classes, you can get rid of pain in the neck and shoulders, from muscle atrophy.

Video of exercises for weight loss of hands

You can also use the video training with exercises to slim your arms and strengthen your shoulders.

Important: you should alternate classes so that the muscles can relax.

Be sure to do it after your workout.

Do not train more than 3 times a week, otherwise the muscles will have a hard time recovering. It is advisable to consult a doctor before starting training, especially if you have any health problems. For better weight loss it is better to combine exercise, massage and proper nutrition.

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Many women want to get in shape by doing all kinds of exercises for this, but quite often they forget about their arms and shoulders. But sagging skin in this area looks rather ugly. That is why we will devote this article to answering the question of how to lose weight in the shoulders and arms.


First of all, you should understand that in order to put yourself in order, you need to close your refrigerator or, at least, remove products containing all kinds of dyes and preservatives, smoked meats, sweets, carbonated drinks, convenience foods and other unnecessary food in your case. . After all, before you ask yourself how to lose weight in your shoulders and arms, you need to think about your diet.

The main menu should include vegetables rich in vitamins, fiber, trace elements and proteins. Very good for weight loss fasting days, which is preferable to carry out once a week. This step will rid the body of toxins and toxins.

Several ways that will allow you to remove extra centimeters from your arms and shoulders

Very well help to lose weight in the hands quickly mud and clay wraps. These procedures help to improve blood circulation, as well as metabolic processes in cells.

Regular hand and shoulder massage is also quite effective. It should be carried out gently with the help of stroking and kneading movements. This will help get rid of unnecessary centimeters.

In addition to the physical impact on problem areas, you should think about the psychological aspects, because it is also very important when losing weight. Most often, fat in the arms and shoulders appears due to the fact that women take full responsibility, including for other people. Therefore, learn to say the magic word “no”, it will be very useful in life and will speed up the process of getting rid of extra centimeters.

Exercises for weight loss of arms and shoulders with dumbbells

  1. Take a seated position in a chair. Place one hand on your leg just above the knee. Take dumbbells in your other hand (if there are none, it doesn’t matter, in this case you can use the usual plastic bottles volume of 1.5 liters and fill them with water). The elbow should be on the leg just above the hip. Start lifting the dumbbells so that the load is carried out on the muscles. Then move on to the other hand. Do three sets of 12 reps.
  2. Take a standing position. Raise your arms parallel to the floor and lower. Repeat the exercise 16 times. It will give a good load on the muscles of the hands.
  3. Take a sitting position on a chair, so that the stomach touches its back. Bend straightened arms with dumbbells at the elbows. Repeat 12 times for three sets. Important: movements should be carried out only in the elbow joints, no need to involve others.
  4. The position is the same. The arms should be bent at the elbows so that they lean against the shoulders. Repeat 12 times for three sets.
  5. The position is the same. Raise your arms without bending your elbows. Lower slowly to knee level. Repeat 12 times in three sets.

How to lose weight in the shoulders and arms without additional weights?

  1. Rest your hands on a sofa or any surface so that your buttocks hang down. Then start going up and down. Movements must be done slowly.
  2. Get on your knees with straight arms resting on the floor. Start pushing. Repeat about 25 times.
  3. Lean on a sofa or chair. Start pushing. This exercise must be done with a straight back. Repeat about 25 times.
  4. Take a standing position. Raise your arms parallel to the floor. Do circular exercises with them. Repeat 30 times for each side.
  5. The exercise should be performed in a standing position. Bend your arms at the elbows and place your fingers on your shoulders. Do circular motions 30 times in each direction.
  6. Take a standing position. Legs at shoulder level. Bend your knees a little. Lean forward a little. Take a towel and stretch it with your hands behind your back so that the muscles of your hands are tense. Then raise your hands up and down. Repeat 20 times for two sets.

How to lose weight in the arms? Barbell Exercises

  1. You should take a lying position on a bench or other hard surface. Raise your arms so that they are perpendicular to the floor. Take the bar and tilt it about 45 ͦ from vertical towards the face. This position will be the starting point. Lower the bar to the level of the forehead (the area from the shoulders to the elbow should not move, otherwise there will be no desired effectiveness from this exercise) and lift it, returning to the starting position. Keep your hands parallel to each other and do not spread them apart. Do 12 push-ups in three sets.
  2. This exercise can be performed in two versions, it all depends on the shape of your neck. Take a standing position. Legs are at shoulder level. Press your elbows and lean forward slightly. Take the vulture. Bend your arms. The area from the shoulders to the elbows should not move. Exercise is recommended to be performed at a slow pace. The body must be motionless. The back muscles are not involved, only the arms work. Repeat 12 times for three sets. This exercise is performed using a curved bar. If you do the same with a straight line, then the load will be on the entire biceps, but at the same time, the wrists will be greatly strained.

If you are wondering how to lose weight in your arms in a week, then barbell exercises are what you need. Perform them regularly, and you will get rid of extra centimeters in this area very quickly.

Finger exercises

  1. Straighten the palm of your right hand, fingers should be pointing vertically. This will be the support. The index finger of the left hand should be bent and the phalanx rest against the fingers of the right. Then straighten it with force. Do the same with all fingers, then switch to the other hand.
  2. Another useful way regarding how to lose weight in the fingers - massage them with spiral movements.
  3. Bend your elbow so that your palm is next to your shoulder. Pull your fingers up. They must be compressed. Then tilt them 90 ͦ and linger in this position for 7 seconds. Do the exercise 12 times.
  4. Rotate your fingers, holding them by the tips in turn.
  5. Stretch your arms up. Squeeze your palms into the castle behind your back. Hold this position for about 15 seconds. Then repeat the same steps, placing your hands first above your head, then in front.
  6. Twitch all fingers in turn as if you want to pull them out of your hand. Repeat three times.

Nothing reveals a woman's age like her hands. You can use expensive creams and lotions as much as you like, but with saggy skin, they will not be able to help. Therefore, the problem of how to lose weight in the shoulders and arms can be easily resolved if a woman finds a little time and energy to perform these simple exercises. Good luck to you!

Full shoulders, flabby arms and a back covered with rolls of fat can complicate the life of any woman. Mischievous summer tops and bold evening dresses with a cutout to the waist disappear from the wardrobe, stacks of dimensionless hoodies with spacious sleeves grow on the closet shelves, going to the beach turns into a complete frustration ... And the diet is not a helper here, losing weight in a strictly localized area is almost impossible, even sitting down yourself on bread and water. A plastic surgeon is an expensive and dangerous pleasure. How will we solve the problem?

sculptor herself

If diet and other more radical methods of losing weight are rejected, sports logically come to mind. This is what can become your salvation, because the back and arms are covered with a real muscular frame, malleable to the action of exercises. Latissimus dorsi, rhomboid, trapezius, biceps, triceps… Put it all to work regularly to burn fat, and the results won't be long in coming. Someone will notice them in a week, someone in a month, but there is no doubt that your efforts will not be wasted.

And so that changes do not have to wait too long, approach the matter comprehensively.

  1. Review your diet. And we are not talking about a diet as such! Limit your consumption of starchy, sweet and fatty foods; eat small meals 5-6 times a day; drink more water, and the fat layer will decline. True, this will not happen in the back area, but evenly throughout the body, but the main thing is to start the process.
  2. Sign up for a pool. No other sport allows you to work your back like swimming does.
  3. Get a massage. A good specialist will not only be able to relieve tension in the muscles of the back, but will also help strengthen them, thereby facilitating your task. Can't afford a massage? Rub the "strategic areas" daily with a hard washcloth.
  4. If you have a habit of slouching, urgently deal with its eradication. To losing weight as such, posture has a very distant relationship, but constant monitoring of it will help keep the muscles in good shape and still benefit the back.
  5. Wash windows. Yes Yes! This is a great hand workout. And they also give good results with wet cleaning using a mop and ironing. Keep this in mind the next time you do household chores! Maybe now they will not seem so dull to you?
  6. Do tonic body wraps with seaweed.

Let's hasten to reassure the girls who do not feel like conquering the heights of female bodybuilding. Although it is relatively easy to burn fat deposits on the back with the help of a properly selected set of exercises, you will not be able to accidentally “swing” muscles to the level of a professional bodybuilder, as some young ladies fear - this requires completely different weights and a different training program. But to put the back in order, literally sculpt it again, while maintaining the soft femininity of the lines, the exercises will definitely help.

General Rules: Burn Fat, Not Muscle

Since it is always easier to deal with excess fat than to correct dislocations and treat sprains, your main motto should be the principle "Do no harm", and only then "Faster, higher, stronger."

Try to control the correctness of the exercises. Great if you have the opportunity to train in front of a mirror!

Exercises for slimming the back, shoulders and arms

With the theory finished, we pass to practice. So, what exercises will help to strengthen the muscles of the arms and back as quickly as possible, simultaneously driving off excess fat from them? The list can get long, so we'll only mention a few of them.

Warm up

Make a few energetic swings and jerks with your arms, rotate your shoulders or the “Mill” familiar to many from childhood, depict swimming with a breaststroke. Your task is to warm up the muscles and set them up for active work.

Basic exercises

  1. Push-ups are the easiest and most effective way to tidy up your arms, back and chest at once. If you find it difficult to perform the exercise lying on the floor, use a bench or sofa with a hard seat. The number of repetitions is from 12 to 20.
  2. The bench will come in handy during the next exercise. Turn your back to her, rest your hands on the seat, bend your knees. Keeping your body in the air, bend and straighten your elbows 10-15 times, making sure that they are directed strictly back.
  3. To work out the lower back, and at the same time tighten the buttocks, sides and abs, take a lying position. Bend your legs at the knees, firmly planting your feet on the floor, put your hands along the body. Raise your hips and body, while leaning on your feet and shoulders, linger at the top for a few seconds, and then slowly lower yourself to the floor. Repeat 12 to 30 times.

Weight training

  1. Stand up straight. Legs are straight, arms hang freely along the body, hands with dumbbells are turned towards each other. Smoothly, without jerking, raise your arms to the ceiling, and then bend at the elbows and lower them behind your head. Hold for a few seconds and return to the starting stance. Repeat 10-15 times.
  2. From the same position: spread the arms freely hanging along the body with dumbbells to the sides and hold them at the extreme point for several seconds. Repeat 12-15 times.
  3. Sit on a chair or a hard bench, spread your legs so that your feet are slightly wider than your shoulders. Rest your hand with a dumbbell on your thigh just above the knee. Bend your elbow 10-15 times, pulling the dumbbell to your shoulder and lowering it back to waist level. Repeat with the other hand.
  4. Stand straight again, lower your arms with dumbbells down, palms facing each other, tilt your body forward. Within 1-2 minutes, as you feel, pull the dumbbells to your chest and return to the starting position.
  5. From the same position. Lean forward, put your hands with dumbbells behind your back with palms facing each other and perform short springy jerks with your hands back for 1-2 minutes.


  1. Cat. Get on all fours. Arch your back with a hump, imitating the movement of an angry animal, press your chin to your chest, and then bend, throwing your head up. Repeat the exercise quickly several times in a row.
  2. Snake. Lie on your stomach. Bend your arms at the elbows, place your palms on the floor on either side of your chest. Slowly raise your torso, bending at the spine and lightly helping yourself with your hands. Hold on for a few seconds.
  3. Onion. Lie down on your stomach again and try to lift your shoulders and legs off the floor at the same time. Happened? Wrap your hands around your calves and hold this position for a few seconds. Couldn't even reach the ankles? Not scary. Just pull the body and feet as high as possible up.

Home exercise equipment

  1. If you have , great! Lie on your stomach, rest your socks on the floor, put your hands behind your head. Raise the body up, trying to linger at the top point for 12-15 seconds. The unstable surface of a sports sword will complicate the exercise and therefore make it more effective than a similar push-up from a lying position on the floor or a gymnastic bench.
  2. There is no fitball, but there is an elastic sports expander tape? Even better! With it, you can come up with a lot of exercises. For example, stretch in front of the chest; throw over a reliable door handle and alternately pull with one or the other hand; step on with both feet and pull the edges of the tape to the chest.
  3. If you didn’t have time to get a fitball or an expander, take an ordinary towel so that there is a distance of 50–60 cm between the hands and, tensing your muscles, pull your arms in different directions. You can do this both in front of the chest and behind the back.

Gymnastics for graceful fingers

To make your fingers thinner, weave them into a castle and unwind them again, make circular movements with your fists and do not neglect the massage.

Video: oxysize for the perfect rear

All of the above exercises can be easily performed at home. But if you have the opportunity to purchase a subscription to a fitness club and take at least a few lessons from a professional trainer, use it. The specialist will determine the most effective exercises in your case, draw up a training program and indicate the necessary simulators.


Any load on the back, especially with the use of dumbbells, is strictly prohibited for people who have problems with the spine. Hernias, protrusions, old injuries - all this is a reason to visit a doctor and find out which workouts he considers safe for you.

If not a direct contraindication, then in any case, diseases associated with the cardiovascular system should be a reason to be extra careful.

Expectant mothers should not get carried away with amateur performances either - they have their own gymnastics, taking into account the delicate position of a pregnant woman.

Finally, any training is contraindicated during an exacerbation of chronic diseases, viral infections and the presence of inflammation in the body.

Video: how to remove fat folds on the back

Whatever corner of the body is occupied by fat reserves, you can always deal with them. It all depends on your desire and perseverance. Arm yourself with dumbbells - and for the cause. Let the interested glances of the representatives of the opposite sex, cast after you this summer, light up with even greater admiration at the sight of your chiseled back!

Many girls have excess weight tends to gather in the upper body: in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe biceps and shoulders. Help get rid of the problem effective exercises for weight loss of hands that can be performed at home, without visiting the gym.


First of all, you need to warm up. For this, the most ordinary mill is suitable. Stand straight, elbows straight and start swinging in different directions for 5 minutes. So you will save yourself from possible sprains.

The most effective for tightening the muscles of the arms and losing weight are exercises that involve the frequent repetition of certain exercises. In particular, this push ups. During this technique, not only biceps and triceps are tightened, but the back relief is noticeably improved, cubes appear on the press. There are two implementation options:

  1. For the trained - with full emphasis on the hands;
  2. For beginner athletes - kneeling, and the weight of the upper body is transferred to the hands.
Photo - hand exercises

Naturally, the first option is considered more effective, but without prior preparation it is quite difficult to do it right. You need to lie on the floor, emphasis on the hands and toes of the feet. Trying to keep the body parallel to the floor, bend your elbows at a right angle. Be careful not to bend your back, otherwise you can overload the spine too much. Repeat 10 times for 2 sets. One will suffice to get started. To alleviate the severity, you can tighten the abdominal muscles, then the load is distributed more evenly.

If you chose the option with knees, then the technique is slightly different. You need to kneel and rest on your hands, then lower yourself to the floor, keep your back straight. It requires 15 times in 2 sets.

Photo - Push-ups on your knees

To strengthen the effect, you can perform exercises on the triceps, it is on them that fat is most often collected, because in Everyday life they are underutilized. You will need two stable chairs. They need to be placed at a distance of 1 meter from each other (this length depends on height, so you can reduce or increase it when performing). Sit on chairs in this position: elbows on one, and legs on the other. Then lower your body down. The goal is to reach the floor. It is advisable to do 10 times, but the best effect will be from 15 or more exercises.

For quick weight loss of hands, you must use exercises with equipment. Not everyone has dumbbells at home, but they can be replaced with improvised means. For example, extension can be performed using a water bottle. Type in a bottle with a capacity of 1-2 liters of water, hold it over your head. The elbows should, as it were, lie on the ears so that they do not “walk” in different directions. It is necessary to lower the bottle behind the head almost to the wings. Repeat 10 times for 3 sets.

You can make up a whole range of exercises with dumbbells or bottles for weight loss. No less effective swing to the side and wiring. Sit on a chair with a back and rest your feet on the floor. Hold the bottle in your fingers, the angle of the elbows is 90 degrees. Raise the bottles up, as if drawing a semicircle, try to fully extend the elbow joints. Repeat 20 times.

Photo - Push-ups on the knees

For triceps and upper arms - forearms, actively used chin lift technique. Of course, it is more convenient to perform it in gym, because here, ideally, a barbell is needed, but in principle, you can do it at home. Take the weighting agent in your hands, elbows are even, lift it to the chin, while transferring the load not to the biceps, but to the shoulders. To accurately control this process, look in the mirror. Repeat as many times as possible.

Photo - Lifting dumbbells to the chin

Just great from fullness helps hammer exercise. Its feature is dynamism. Here, not only the execution technique is important, but the speed, which does not change from beginning to end. Take a pair of dumbbells or a bottle in your hands, one bent at the elbow and the other straightened. Alternately, you need to lower and raise your hands, changing their positions. Repeat as many times as possible. Do at least 3 sets.

Video: exercises for quick weight loss of arms

Exercises in the gym

Working from home is very convenient in terms of saving time, but best exercises slimming arms are always performed in the gym. This is due to the large number of various installations and devices for weighting.

For inside hands use the basic lesson - french press for women. It is quite dangerous, so it should be performed only under the strict guidance of the master. You need to lie on a bench, elbows bent, barbell behind your head. Take your elbows up, grab the bar with your hands and straighten your arms at a right angle. Such a lift contributes not only to pumping and losing weight of the triceps, but also to the creation of a general relief. Do at least 5 times.

Photo - French bench press

We must not forget about power techniques. considered one of the most famous among them. This is an exercise during which the barbell is held on weight with the help of the fingers, and the woman lowers and rises with her (the best option for complex weight loss). The main advantage is considered to be a large number of muscles involved - this is the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe shoulders, waist, back of the hips and back.

Photo - Deadlift

Instructions on how to do the deadlift:

  1. Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, bar on the lower rack (ideally, it should lie on the floor);
  2. Bend over, grab the barbell and straighten your back;
  3. Slowly place the bar on the ground without arching your back, then lift it up again;
  4. Repeat up to 10 times, preferably in several sets.

We must not forget about physical exercises for hands on laying and rowing. These are unique options that are easy for even beginners to train. The wiring is performed on a chair, you need to rest your feet on the floor and at the same time pull the handles of the simulator towards you. Watch for the uniformity of movements, because any person has one arm stronger and the other weaker. The load on each should go the same. Repeat as many times as possible.

Photo - Rowing machine

During intense exercise, a fairly large number of calories are burned, so the effect will be noticeable very soon. It is recommended to do it 3-4 times a week, after about a month you will either need to increase the load, or make the exercises more intense, loaded.

Photo - Orbitrek

Before the beginning strength training you definitely need to loosen up. Best Option- this is orbitrek, which will not only warm up the respiratory and circulatory system, but also help prepare the muscles for work.

Slender arms make girls more attractive in the face of young people. Full or flabby arms always give an untidy appearance to the body.

If with the help of training you have achieved ideal forms, full or flabby arm lines always look ugly.

According to statistics, the first thing men pay attention to is women's hands. A simple set of exercises will help to achieve ideal relief and harmony of the hands.

When your hands are in perfect condition, you can choose any dress for yourself, and not always choose a closed version for yourself. Give yourself 10-15 minutes a day and you will get excellent results.

Arm Slimming Exercises for Women

Properly selected physical exercises will help you not only beautiful hands but also improve posture.

« Airplane”- the back is straight, hands on the belt, legs together, we make alternate turns to the right and left. We consider, once - turn to the right, at the same time spread our arms to the sides. Two is the starting position. Three - turn to the right, arms to the sides, trying to bring the shoulder blades together. Four stopped. Do 10 times.

« small helicopter- arms to the sides, legs together, back straight, stomach tucked up. Circular hand movements. Duration of the exercise: 1 minute to the left, then a minute to the right.

« jerk”- we perform with a straight back, legs together, one arm above the head, the other arm along the body, close the hands together. On four counts we make jerks, we take our hands back. Then we change the position of the hands. We do 10 times.

« Opposition”- the stomach is tucked up, legs are folded together, hands are opposite the chest. Strongly press the palms to each other for 5 seconds, then lower the hands down. Do 10 times.

« Cabin”- the back is straight, we perform standing, legs together, arms along the body. On the count of times, they bent their arms at the elbows. Two - hands to the sides. Three - lowered their hands. Repeat 8-10 times.

« pinwheel"- feet shoulder width apart, arms along the body. We lower our hands one by one. It is important to swing with great speed.

« Scissors"- legs together, stomach tucked up, arms extended opposite the chest, the right hand rests on the left hand. With quick movements we change the position of the hands, as if in the “scissors mode”. We do about 1 minute.

« push up- lying on the floor, arms bent at the elbows. We push up from the floor. We try to raise the chest and stomach as high as possible. You can do push-ups resting on a sofa, chair. If doing the exercise is too hard, you can do push-ups from the wall. Do push-ups 10 times.

Dumbbell exercises

« Bending at the elbows"- arms lowered along the length of the body, legs apart. On the count of times - bend your elbows. Two dropped their hands. Do 10-15 times.

« Raise in front of us"- arms along the body, legs apart. On the count of times - raise your hands in front of you, but not higher than your shoulders. Two dropped their hands. We do 10-15 times.

« We press on the shoulders- hands in front of you, palms up, legs apart. On the count of times - bend your arms, pressing the dumbbells to your shoulders. Two - hands in front of you. Bend your arms 10-15 times.

« Throw back over the head- arms raised above the head, palms facing each other, feet shoulder-width apart. We try to throw our elbows behind our heads as much as possible. We do 10-15 times.

Exercises for slimming hands (video)

Daily practice will help you achieve the desired result. Classes at home will help you save money on a fitness club, do not have to spend time on the road. In a comfortable home environment, listening to your favorite music or TV show, it is more pleasant and easier to keep fit.

Set yourself a clear task, it is important to properly organize your body for training, then the plans will definitely come true. Try to do a set of exercises every day.

The video below will help you do the exercises correctly.