Effective exercises for the pectoral muscles for girls. How to pump pectoral muscles in the gym

Broad shoulders and embossed abs are undeniably beautiful, but they are even more admired when all this is complemented by pumped up breasts. To achieve results in pumping up the upper body, making it powerful and attractive, you need to regularly engage in gym. This article will discuss effective pumping exercises. pectoral muscles.

Training for this muscle group is best done twice a week with a break between classes of at least two days. Program for beginners - one to two exercises and no more than 3 approaches to gain muscle mass- 10-12 repetitions, for reinforcement - 6-8 repetitions. Since chest training is closely related to the work of the triceps, the schedule should be designed so that exercises for these muscle groups are not included in one session.

Only if you follow the rules of the exercise, you can really achieve tangible results. The advice given for each of the elements of the training will also help in this matter.

Suitable for beginners. This is the base and, by its principle, the exercise is one of the options for push-ups from the floor. When the slope of the bench changes, the impact zones shift and this is one of the main advantages. In a positive slope, the upper chest works, in a head-down position, the bottom. For the pectoral muscles, this is an ideal training for strengthening and building mass. The number of sets depends on the training program, but usually they are 3-4 with repetitions of 6-12 times.

Starting position:

  • On the bench, take a prone position, while the buttocks, shoulders and head should be pressed to its surface. The back is slightly arched in the lower back, the legs are shoulder-width apart with the feet resting on the floor surface.
  • The bar is taken with a wide grip and removed from the thrust mechanisms, then it rises parallel to the middle of the chest to the peak level. If necessary, you can enlist the help of a partner.


  1. On a deep breath, the projectile drops to the lower limit (it should lightly touch the body). Breath is fixed.
  2. The bar is squeezed up to the starting position with a powerful exhalation towards the end. At the peak, a short pause is maintained, the pectoral muscles are strained to the limit.

You need to lower the barbell without jerking, the movement should be smooth, unhurried. But it should be lifted with a moderately fast movement, while it is important not to bend the back, and the projectile cannot be springy from the body.

In terms of working out the muscles of this group, this exercise is one of the most important. In fact, this is one of the options for the bench press in the prone position in an incline, with one difference - the naturalness of the movement. In the process of training, almost all muscle groups are involved, including the arms, shoulder girdle, back, abdominal and stabilization muscles.

It is important that the bars are spaced at a distance slightly greater than the width of the shoulders. If it is too wide, the risk of injury to the shoulder section increases, and if it is narrower, the main load falls on the triceps, therefore it is suitable for working out the latter.

Starting position:

  • Emphasis on bars with straight arms.
  • You should start from this position, as it promotes muscle contraction and allows you to prepare them for the next load.


  1. The body leans forward, then, as you exhale, gently lowers down with arms bent at the elbows.
  2. Pause and then slowly rise up without jerks with a gradual straightening of the arms. Exhalation.

It is very important to lower slowly and smoothly to avoid injury to the muscles of the chest or elbow joint. The position of the elbows is turned to the sides. When lifting, try to avoid their approach to the ribs. In order for all the muscles of the chest to be involved, you need to go down deeply until the brushes are parallel to the lower part of the chest. With insufficient downward movement, all the work mainly falls on the triceps.

As for weights, its use is not advisable until the maximum amplitude is reached when pushing up on the uneven bars. By the number of repetitions - as many as you can.

Isolation exercises

The inclusion of such exercises in the training complex is recommended for experienced athletes. For athletes with an experience of no more than 2 years, it will be enough to perform a base on the chest.

Isolating exercises allow you to refine the muscle shape, that is, make it more prominent and expressive. They are done at the end strength training after the base with the maximum weight. Consider the following few chest exercises with dumbbells.

This exercise with dumbbells is the leader among isolated ones. When it is performed, one shoulder joint works, that is, the main effort is concentrated on the pectoral muscles.

Starting position:

  • On the bench, take a sitting position with legs bent at the knees.
  • Place the dumbbells on your knees in an upright position.
  • Take a lying position.
  • Raise your arms with slightly bent elbows so that the position of the dumbbells is above the shoulders.


  1. On a deep breath, the arms are spread apart to the peak points. Then they are fixed in this position. In this case, a pleasant sensation of stretching should appear in the muscles of the chest, but not without pain.
  2. On a smooth exhalation, the hands without jerking are slowly brought together until the dumbbells touch. Pause.

It is recommended to ensure that during the exercise, do not allow full extension of the arms in order to avoid injury to the elbow joint. It is also necessary to keep the back in a straight state, since during the deflection, part of the load is transferred from the chest to the lower back. As for the weight of dumbbells, it should be moderate.

Since it is very difficult to use large weights and stimulate the muscle fiber in this exercise, it cannot be called the best exercise for the chest. But it promotes the expansion of the chest, so it should be included in the training program of young athletes.

Starting position:

  • Take dumbbells and put them on the floor near the bench.
  • Take a lying position - on the bench only the upper back.
  • Bend the lower back and take the dumbbell with both hands (for the upper part). You can ask someone to give dumbbells.
  • Raise the projectile above the chest with arms almost fully extended.


  1. The dumbbell falls behind the head when inhaling, while the elbows should remain slightly bent.
  2. On a similar trajectory, when exhaling, the dumbbell rises to its original position.

This exercise must be performed smoothly, without haste and sudden movements. At the upper limit, the arms should not be fully extended to avoid injury to the elbow joint. In the lower limit, the dumbbells should be lowered as low as possible, stretching the muscles of the chest.

Consider isolating exercises for the chest using simulators.

Despite the many varieties of this simulator, they are all based on the same principle of operation. To engage in it does not require special training, and the likelihood of injury is practically reduced to zero. Perhaps this explains the popularity of this simulator among beginners who are not yet ready to work with a barbell.

Starting position:

  • On the bench of the simulator, take a sitting position with a straight and tightly pressed back to it.
  • Feet should be comfortably spaced shoulder-width apart.
  • Grab the handles with your hands, rest your forearms against the pillows.


  1. Take a deep breath, then with a powerful movement on the exhale bring your hands to touch.

Thanks to this exercise, the inner and lower parts of the chest muscles are worked out.

Starting position:

  • Take a standing position between the exercise racks.
  • Grab the handles.
  • Make a slight forward lean.
  • Hands slightly bent at the elbows.


  1. With both hands, simultaneously pull the handles somewhere to the waist with an exhalation at the extreme point.
  2. As you inhale, slowly return your arms to the starting position.

Only the arms should work, the legs and back should be kept still.

The correct implementation of the above exercises for the chest muscles will allow you to achieve tangible results and become the owner of a beautiful inflated chest!

Perform exercises for the growth of pectoral muscles for girls - this is The best way slightly raise the chest at home. They help to get your “girls” back in shape and prevent sagging. In fact, with developed pectoral muscles, your posture will become better, and the overall silhouette will be more attractive. Therefore, dear girls, down with tight push-up bras! Do this set of 15 exercises and in a couple of weeks you will already see the result.

Before starting any workout in the gym or at home, it is essential to warm up the target muscles to prevent injury.

Standing chest stretch:

  1. Stand straight, straighten your back, draw in your stomach;
  2. Pull your shoulders back and raise your arms, bending them at the elbows so that the forearms are parallel to the face;
  3. Take your hands back and open your chest;
  4. Hold this position for 20-30 seconds.

Sets and Reps- 2 to 5;

Relaxation- 10 Seconds;

The camel pose opens the chest and stretches it well. It also stretches the back muscles well.

Performing the Camel exercise:

  1. Get down on your knees, push them a little to the sides;
  2. Bend back, grab your heels with your hands;
  3. Open your chest and feel the stretch in your chest and back;
  4. Hold this position for 30 seconds.

Sets and Reps- 2 to 5;

Relaxation- 10 Seconds;

This exercise works both the muscles of the chest and the upper back. Exercise for beginners. You will need a pair of dumbbells.

Performing Seated Dumbbell Raises:

  1. Sit on a bench, straighten your back, feet shoulder-width apart, shoulders laid back, stomach pulled in;
  2. Take a dumbbell in each hand and lower it down;
  3. As you exhale, raise your arms to shoulder level;
  4. Lower your arms as you inhale.

Sets and Reps- 2 to 12;

Relaxation- 10 Seconds;

  1. Lying dumbbell spread

This exercise is similar to the previous one and is one of the most effective for pumping up the pectoral muscles. All you need is a pair of dumbbells and a fitball.

Performing lying dumbbell wiring:

  1. Sit on a fitball, take a dumbbell in each hand. Put your feet slightly wider than your shoulders, straighten your back;
  2. Step forward until your body is parallel to the floor and only your shoulders are touching the ball. Make sure your abs are tight and your hips, pelvis, and chest are on the same level;
  3. Raise your arms up above your chest, turn your hands facing each other;
  4. As you exhale, spread your arms to the sides and lower until the dumbbells are at chest level;
  5. On the inhale

Sets and Reps- 3 to 10;

Relaxation- 10 Seconds;

  1. Incline Dumbbell Press

The incline dumbbell press is great for building pectoral muscles and requires an incline bench to do it. The same exercise can be performed in a neutral position and with a negative angle. All 3 options work on different areas of the same muscles.

Incline dumbbell press:

  1. Lie on a bench with an inclination, straighten your back, take your shoulders back;
  2. Take a dumbbell in each hand, lift it up, turn your hands forward;
  3. Lower the dumbbells down, bending your arms at an angle of 90 degrees;
  4. On an inhale, return to the starting position. At the top, the dumbbells should touch each other.

Sets and Reps- 3 to 15;

Relaxation- 10 Seconds;

The bench press is one of the main exercises for the pectoral muscles. It can be performed both in a neutral position, tilted, and tilted with a negative angle.

Performing a bench press:

  1. Lie on a bench with your back straight and your stomach in. Feet fully rest on the floor slightly wider than shoulders;
  2. Place your hands so that your forearms are perpendicular to the floor. Firmly grasp the barbell, hands turned forward;
  3. While inhaling, slowly squeeze the bar up, straightening your elbows;
  4. Hold this position for a second and lower as you exhale.

Sets and Reps- 3 to 10;

Relaxation- 10 Seconds;

Wide push-ups - regular push-ups, but with a wide stance. They work out the pectoral muscles more precisely due to the wide arrangement of the hands.

Performing wide push-ups:

  1. Take the starting position for push-ups, the back is straight, the press is tense;
  2. Position your arms wider than your shoulders;
  3. Get down as low as possible, bending your elbows;
  4. Return to starting position.

Sets and Reps- 3 to 10;

Relaxation- 15 seconds;

Incline push-ups put more strain on the pectoral muscles than classic push-ups. You can use a fitball or other high ground.

Bent over push-ups:

  1. Take the starting position for push-ups, place your feet on a hill;
  2. Do 5 regular push ups.

Sets and Reps- 3 to 5;

Relaxation- 10 Seconds;

  1. Medicine ball push-ups

This is a difficult version of push-ups, but with a little practice and you will succeed. You will need 2 medicine balls.

Performing medicine ball push-ups:

  1. Place 2 medicine balls on the floor shoulder width apart;
  2. Put the brushes on the balls, stretch your legs back. Rest on socks;
  3. Bend your elbows, lower yourself down and return to the starting position.

Sets and Reps- 3 to 7;

Relaxation- 10 Seconds;

  1. Plank with dumbbells

The plank is great for strengthening the core muscles, and a little modification can make it very effective for strengthening the pectoral muscles.

Performing a bar with a turn with dumbbells:

  1. Set 2 dumbbells on the floor at shoulder width;
  2. Get on your knees, lean forward and grab dumbbells with both hands. Dumbbells should be located clearly in line with the shoulders and elbows;
  3. Holding firmly on the dumbbells, straighten your legs. Feet should be shoulder width apart;
  4. Raise the right dumbbell and turn to the right. Keep your right hand straight, look at the dumbbell. Hold the other dumbbell firmly with your left hand. You can also rotate your left leg for balance;
  5. Slowly return to the starting position;
  6. Repeat the same on the other side.

Sets and Reps- 3 to 10;

Relaxation- 10 Seconds;

  1. Dumbbell bench press in the gluteal bridge

This exercise engages the muscles of the lower back, buttocks, thighs and pectoral muscles. You will need 2 dumbbells.

Performing a dumbbell bench press in the gluteal bridge:

  1. Take a dumbbell in each hand and lie on your back. Bend your knees, feet fully on the floor. Stretch your arms up, turn your hands forward;
  2. Lift your hips off the floor, squeeze your buttocks and slowly lower the dumbbells, bending your arms into a “V” shape. Lower your arms until the dumbbells almost touch your chest;
  3. Return your hands to their original position.

Sets and Reps- 3 to 12;

Relaxation- 10 Seconds;

  1. Overhead Dumbbell Press

Yes, this exercise is aimed at pumping up the shoulders, but it also involves the chest muscles. Grab a dumbbell in each hand and move forward.

Performing dumbbell overhead press:

  1. Stand straight, legs wider than shoulders;
  2. Raise your arms so that your shoulders are parallel to the floor and your forearms are perpendicular to your shoulders. Turn the brushes forward. This is the starting position;
  3. Squeeze the dumbbells with an arch up, bringing them together at the top point. Do not straighten your arms;
  4. Return your hands to their original position.

Sets and Reps- 3 to 12;

Relaxation- 10 Seconds;

  1. Reduction of hands while standing

This exercise may seem difficult, which in principle it is. You will need an expander and a stable support.

Performing hand reduction while standing:

  1. Attach the expander to the support. Turn around, grab the handles of the expander and move forward. Stop when you feel the stretch. Bring one leg forward, slightly bend your elbows (away behind your back), keep your hands at chest level, face to the floor. This is the starting position;
  2. Straighten your arms and bring them together in front of you;
  3. Slowly return your hands to their original position;
  4. Do 6 reps, then switch legs and repeat.

Sets and Reps- 3 to 6;

Relaxation- 10 Seconds;

  1. Isometric chest exercise

You don't need any equipment for this exercise. This exercise is isometric, which involves using only the strength of your body to work out the muscles.

Performing an isometric exercise for the pectoral muscles:

  1. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, back straight, shoulders relaxed;
  2. Squeeze your palms tightly at chest level;
  3. Hold this position for 10 seconds;
  4. Relax your arms and lower.

Sets and Reps- 2 to 10;

Relaxation- 10 Seconds;

Wall push-ups burn calories well and tone the muscles. They are aimed at working out the muscles of the chest, biceps, deltoid muscles, rhomboid and core muscles.

Performing push-ups from the wall:

  1. Stand at a distance of 60-90 cm from the wall. Rest your hands on the wall shoulder-width apart. Hands should be at the same level with the shoulders. This is the starting position;
  2. Bend your elbows and inhale as you approach your chest as close to the wall as possible;
  3. As you exhale, return to the starting position. The head should be in a straight line with the shoulders, the buttocks are retracted, the press is tense.

Sets and Reps- 3 to 10;

Relaxation- 10 Seconds.

These are the 15 most effective chest exercises for women. We will tell you a little more about the benefits of these exercises.

Benefits of chest exercises

In addition to lifting the chest and increasing strength and posture, these basic exercises have a bunch of benefits for the female half of all ages, namely:

  • Exercises for the muscles of the chest will not affect its size, but may raise it slightly. These exercises allow you to avoid sagging breasts;
  • These exercises will not make the chest hard. They pump up the pectoral muscles, which are located at the base of the chest. Thus, the chest becomes more elevated and looks more voluminous;
  • The correct study of the pectoral muscles also tones the muscles of the arms and upper back, since most of these exercises pump triceps, biceps and deltas .

Chest exercises help to tone and strengthen the upper body. The pumped top will give you harmony and strength. Do not hesitate, take dumbbells in your hands and go, dear ladies!

To form a balanced toned figure, be sure to add exercises for the pectoral muscles to the training plan. Effective study of this part of the body will tone it, form a beautiful chest line and correct posture.

And since the pectoral muscles are very large, their work will cause additional calorie burning.

Why train pectoral muscles for girls?

The pectoral muscles consist of large and small muscles. The fan-shaped muscles of the chest are responsible for moving the upper arm forward and across, and also control the movement of the arms to the sides.

This part of the body belongs to one of the largest groups in the human body and requires a special training program, so they usually set aside a separate day to work on them.

This workout can be combined with exercises for the shoulders and triceps, which will save time and speed up the achievement of results.

It is quite easy to do training at home, since most of the exercises do not require sophisticated equipment, dumbbells or rubber are enough.

The pectoral muscles lie under the breast tissues, so their development will lead to a more toned breast shape. On the appearance breasts are also affected by the anterior deltoid and scalene muscles.

Such workouts form a beautiful line of the chest, tighten the silhouette of the upper part. In addition, many women have a pear shape with wide hips and narrow top. And training exclusively on the back will lead to an imbalance of the muscles in front and behind, which will provoke poor posture and a sunken chest.

Exercises for the development of the chest and shoulders will help to form a beautiful balanced figure.

Exercises for the development of the pectoral muscles

The chest muscles are quite large, so it will be necessary to add various exercises with a significant number of repetitions to the training program in order to get the muscle fibers to work effectively.

Choose 2-3 compound exercises and 1-2 isolation exercises to ensure you get the benefits of your workout.

Most chest exercises have different variations in degree of difficulty. Vary them every 2-3 workouts to maximize muscle development.

Basic chest exercises for girls should certainly include:

  • Bench press on a horizontal bench or at an angle. Equipment: barbell, dumbbells, Smith machine. Grip: wide, normal, narrow.
  • Bench press in the Hammer simulator.
  • Push-ups: regular, with raised legs or arms, for beginners - from the knees, for an advanced level - with weights, with cotton. Hand position: wide, normal, narrow, on one hand. Equipment: own weight, you can use a platform, fitball, sports ball.

Isolation exercises for the pectoral muscles:

  • Breeding hands on a horizontal bench or at an angle. Equipment: dumbbells, rubber bands.
  • Reduction of hands sitting in the simulator.
  • Reduction of hands using a crossover.
  • Pullover with dumbbells, barbell or harnesses.

The degree of difficulty of the exercises depends on the current level of fitness and the purpose of the training.

For most girls and women, it will be enough to tone the pectoral muscles. In this case, for each exercise, you need to do 12-15 repetitions in 2-3 sets with light weights.

When gaining mass, you will need 3-4 sets of 8-12 repetitions. To increase strength, 3-4 sets of 6-10 progressively loaded reps are recommended. Between sets, rest is 30-45 seconds.

Chest workout should last 30-45 minutes. If you are additionally working out other muscles, the duration can be 45-60 minutes. Depending on your goal, work on the chest muscles 2-3 times a week. If you train in splits, add chest exercises to your upper body workout.

The stronger the muscles of the chest, the more proportional the figure will be. In addition, a strengthened chest musculature improves the quality of training, reduces the risk of injury, and helps in pumping other muscle groups, such as biceps and triceps. For men and women involved in fitness, great importance has a study of the pectoral muscles. This muscle group is one of the largest on the body, so it needs special attention.

The training program should be developed taking into account the individual characteristics of the athlete, as well as knowledge of anatomy. The chest consists of two parts - this is the large and small pectoral muscles. Also conditionally, this area is divided into bottom and top. There are no separate exercises for the inner and outer parts, the pumping of these zones is carried out together, but for the upper and lower parts of the lesson they will be different. You can work out to strengthen and tighten the pectoral muscles at home or in the gym.

To achieve an increase and development of the pectoral muscles at home or in the gym, it is important not to overload the muscles. Often you can hear from girls and guys that even systematic training does not bring results. This can happen for one of two reasons:

  1. you train the same areas;
  2. chase heavy weights at the expense of exercise technique.

Even the most effective exercises will be useless if you do not follow the important rules for training. You can avoid serious mistakes if you carefully study general recommendations pumping up the pectoral muscles:

  • When doing exercises on the pectoral muscles, remember that such training requires a large amount of calories consumed in the process of exercising. This must be taken into account when drawing up a diet.
  • The training of the upper sections and the exercises on the lower part are closely intertwined with the muscles of the hands. Therefore, do not combine isolating and chest tightening movements in one complex. By pumping your chest, you indirectly engage the triceps.
  • An important question is how much you need to do to give the pectoral muscles volume and relief. Remember not to overuse. Beginners are advised to pay attention to this area no more than 2 times a week. The minimum break between classes is 48 hours.
  • When conducting home workouts or classes in the gym, it must be borne in mind that the total number of all chest exercises should not exceed 6-8 sets. If you are looking for muscle growth, one set should be 10-12 reps. Working on strength and endurance - 6-8. For weight loss, do 10-15.

Basic exercises pump the chest best - bench press, push-ups on the uneven bars, exercises with a barbell, kettlebell, dumbbells, i.e. work with your own weight and free weights. It is better not to use isolated options for athletes whose experience is less than two years. All movements must be done slowly. Focus on correct technique. First hone your skills, and then increase the load and intensity of classes. When the body adapts to the load, try to diversify the training.

Upper training

Often, novice athletes think about what exercises can strengthen the top of the pectoral muscle. If you want to focus on the top, know that the best moves are:

  • Bench press, lying on an inclined bench (head edge raised). Set the back of the bench at a 35 degree angle. Lie on the bench, hips and lower back tightly pressed against it. The legs are wide apart and rest on the floor surface. Take the barbell with a medium grip (slightly wider than shoulder level). Inhale, hold your breath and lower the bar to your chest, then squeeze the bar up.

  • Breeding dumbbells (can be done with a chest expander). The starting position is similar to the previous exercise, only the legs are shoulder-width apart. We hold dumbbells in outstretched hands in front of us. We take a breath, spread our arms to the sides, elbows slightly bent. Then we return back. We do not relax our hands, we move smoothly and slowly, without jerks.

  • . A simple and well-known exercise, but you need to know how to do push-ups correctly in order to pump up your chest. We take an emphasis lying down, the setting of the hands should be medium, the socks rest on the floor. We bend our elbows and unbend them, the back is straight, the whole body is tense. There are many variations of push-ups, but which ones should be done for the upper chest? The best solution is the head down technique.
  • Lifting dumbbells in front of you (you can with a barbell or with kettlebells). Do not take a lot of weight to perform. Starting position - we stand straight, dumbbells in our hands are lowered down along the hips. We inhale and raise our arms to the parallel with the floor, as we exhale we lower the limbs. You can do raises with each hand in turn or at the same time.

Women and men need to remember that the shape of the breast is largely dependent on genetics, but with a properly designed training program, you can give the muscles not only shape, but also elasticity. Train systematically and do not forget about stretching before training.

We strengthen the bottom

To pump up the lower part, you can perform a bench press or spread your arms to the sides on an inclined bench, if you change the position of the bench by lowering the head edge down. Exercises in simulators are also effective:

  • Hammer. It is necessary to perform a bench press from the chest. The advantage of exercise in the simulator is that the athlete cannot change the amplitude of movement, which has a positive effect on the purposefulness of the load. Holding on to the handrails of the simulator, you need to straighten your arms, and then bend them again, moving as smoothly as possible.

  • Butterfly. Being engaged in this simulator, you can act on the middle of the pectoral muscle. Before training, you need to adjust the weight. Sitting on the bench, you need to take a breath, and as you exhale, bring the handrails of the simulator together. At the end point, fix the position for 2 seconds and slowly spread your arms to the sides. Do not drop the handles, keep the muscles in tension.

  • Crossover. The exercise is performed while standing, one leg slightly in front of the other. Stand in the middle of the blocks, pick up the handrails. It is necessary to reduce the hands until the palms touch, slightly bending at the elbow joints.

Also noteworthy is the "half-way" in the simulator and. They also effectively cope with the study of the pectoral muscles. It is necessary to perform the “half-over” exercise in the simulator with straight arms. To do this, stand facing the simulator, take the handrail with a direct grip and step back 30 cm. Inhale and pull the bar to your hips, hold the position for a couple of seconds and return to the starting position.

Training for ladies

Girls can perform the same exercises as men - dilution of arms with dumbbells, bench press, half-way, pull-ups, push-ups on the uneven bars. The secret of women's training is to use light weight when losing weight. Women have mammary glands in their breasts, so it is important to understand how to exercise in order to work out muscle bundles. Exercises are not able to affect the size and shape of the mammary glands, but constant training will make the girl's breasts more elastic and toned.

Video for girls:

Often women notice that their chest and arms hurt after a workout. This is due to overstretching of muscles and tendons. If you feel discomfort, it means that you are doing something wrong during the training. It is important to reconsider the approach to performing exercises, consult with a trainer and a doctor.

It will not be difficult for guys and girls to strengthen and pump up the chest muscles. You can do exercises in simulators, but movements with free weights are more effective. Do not miss workouts, do it in a great mood and the result will not be long in coming.

The breast of a woman consists of mammary glands and adipose tissue. Muscles support the chest, but do not affect its size or shape.

Therefore, with the help exercise you can not increase the breast or make it more elastic. Training can only increase muscle tone and make the muscle frame stronger.

Regular training and exercises for the pectoral muscles help correct posture and fight stoop, it is even posture that can make the chest visually larger.

Chest workout program at home

The most effective exercises are:

  • Push ups
  • Barbell presses
  • Bench presses with gatels

Such exercises help to align your posture, strengthen the muscles of the chest and arms.

Many girls ignore pectoral muscle training, mistakenly believing that they don’t need it or being afraid to look “pumped”. You should not be afraid that the muscles will become voluminous and convex; in order to pump up muscle mass in this area, you need to perform special workouts in combination with sports nutrition.

So, we present the most effective chest exercises for girls at home. To complete them, you only need dumbbells and a fitball (you can do without it).

Hand strength exercise

The simplest, but at the same time very effective exercise for the chest was known in yoga, as well as in breathing exercises bodyflex.

  1. In a standing position, join your palms in front of your chest.
  2. With all your strength, press your palms against each other and hold for 10 seconds.
  3. Then relax your hands.
  4. Repeat the exercise 5 times.

Push-ups on the pectoral muscles

They can be performed:

  • Classic push-ups from the floor. They can be performed as usual, with support on the arms and legs. If such an exercise is difficult to perform, the legs can be bent at the knees and focus on them. If it's hard, you can do push-ups on your knees.
  • Push-ups from the bench happens as follows: Feet should lie on a support, a sofa can be used at home. You need to push up 8 times and do 3 sets.

Press with dumbbells on the pectoral muscles

  1. The most basic bench press looks like this: in a prone or standing position, spread your arms in front of your chest to the sides.
  2. The second version of the bench press is to take your hands with dumbbells back. Hands must be closed.

Each exercise should be started with 15 repetitions of 3 sets.

Exercise "Skier" with dumbbells

  1. In a standing position, bend your arms with dumbbells at your elbows and perform movements as if you were pushing with ski poles - back and forth.
  2. Movements should be performed smoothly and slowly.

Run 10 times for 3 sets.

These are the main exercises that help strengthen the chest muscles. They need to be performed regularly, starting training with two times a week.

Proper nutrition

Proper nutrition combined with training gives much faster and more noticeable results. To burn fat faster, you need to follow simple rules:

  1. You can not eat an hour before a workout and an hour after it. Any workout speeds up the metabolism. And after exercise, the body actively consumes the accumulated energy. It is worth remembering that the process of active fat burning continues for 2-3 hours after the end of the workout.
  2. Eat protein. This also applies to protein shakes and staples. Protein helps maintain muscle mass and get rid of excess fat. To get a good result, you will have to give up fast carbohydrates and fats. Carbohydrates are very important for our body, but for strength training and weight loss, they must be correct. Fats will have to be eliminated, and sweets and cookies will be replaced with cereals and vegetables.
  3. Drink more water. 2 liters per day is the minimum that a person should consume per day. And we are talking about plain water without gas, coffee and tea are not included here.

These simple exercises that you can perform even at home, and proper nutrition will bring quick and desirable results.