Thyroid gland and excess weight: whether fullness depends on the thyroid gland.

Everyone knows that a change in the hormonal background necessarily affects the mass of a person, so it is important to know how the thyroid gland affects weight. Given that the thyroid gland synthesizes and secretes into the blood hormones (triiodothyronine and thyroxine), which are involved in almost all metabolic processes, the importance of this issue becomes more understandable. With a normal level of triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4), also called thyroid, the body works like a clock, but if it is disturbed, problems may arise in various systems human body- cardiovascular, gastrointestinal tract, central nervous system. Due to the violation of metabolic processes with an increased or decreased content of thyroid hormones, overweight or its deficiency may appear.

Pathological conditions of the thyroid gland and the hormonal imbalance to which they lead occupy an honorable second place among diseases of the endocrine system and, sadly, are becoming more and more common. In addition, it is often not so easy to diagnose them in time, since the symptoms of early manifestations of thyroid pathologies can be considered as symptoms of other diseases that have nothing to do with the endocrine system. And the disease, which is the root cause, develops at this time.

With dysfunction of the thyroid gland, it is not able to synthesize the required amount of thyroid hormones and, naturally, the body begins to experience the consequences of their deficiency. This condition is called hypothyroidism and its manifestations affect almost all human organs and systems.

Firstly, the work of metabolic processes, including fat metabolism, is disrupted. Its mechanism is to break down fats. Violation of the process of energy metabolism is expressed in the difficulty of processing calories that enter the body with food, as well as their distribution and expenditure. What is reflected in the growth of body fat and, accordingly, in an increase in body weight. A similar picture is observed in relation to cholesterol, which can cause early atherosclerosis. Secondly, problems with metabolism can also be expressed by chills, constant weakness, numbness of the upper and lower extremities, involuntary painful muscle contractions, and so on.

Also, a deficiency of thyroid hormones can be expressed by the following symptoms:

  • memory impairment, lack of concentration;
  • insomnia at night and constant daytime sleepiness;
  • violation of the condition of the skin and their color;
  • puffiness;
  • violation of the texture of hair and nails, as well as their fragility;
  • irregular menstruation in women, which can eventually lead to the inability to have children;
  • decreased libido in men.

With confirmed hypothyroidism, we can safely say that there is a link between overweight and thyroid dysfunction. In this case, "military actions" against extra pounds should begin with bringing the hormonal picture in the body back to normal. Most often, this involves the use of hormone replacement therapy, which consists in taking drugs based on
artificial thyroxine, in most cases it is L-thyroxine. Regrettably, but in most cases such treatment is prescribed permanently throughout the subsequent life, which, however, does not mean its inferiority. It should be remembered that the positive results of substitution therapy do not give the right to its independent cancellation, all decisions of this nature should be made by the attending physician.

Considering that in most cases the cause of thyroid dysfunction and hypothyroidism, in particular, is iodine deficiency, I will have to radically change my diet. One of the points of such a change will be an increase in the proportion of foods rich in iodine. These include seafood, certain types of fish, walnuts and others. But products that tend to inhibit the hormone-synthesizing function of the thyroid gland should be completely excluded. For example, soy and peanuts.

But iodine is not the only trace element needed by the body, so a diet for a hypothyroid state of the thyroid gland should take into account all other needs of the thyroid gland and the body as a whole. Such a diet is the key to positive results in the fight against excess weight in thyroid pathologies and their treatment. To take everything into account, it is advisable to contact an experienced nutritionist.

Also, do not forget about exercise. Gymnastics or fitness should become mandatory procedures and, preferably, daily. If as exercise classes on simulators are selected, it is better to do them under the supervision of a trainer.

From all of the above, we can conclude: violations in the thyroid gland and overweight are interrelated concepts. And this says one thing: for any suspicion of thyroid dysfunction, you should immediately contact an experienced endocrinologist. He will be able to determine exactly what processes are taking place in the patient's thyroid gland and, if necessary, prescribe treatment. In addition, it should be remembered: self-medication is not an option. Any treatment, whether traditional or not, must be supervised by a specialist.

Overweight and thyroid connected by an unbreakable thread. In this article, you will learn how the work of the thyroid gland affects weight fluctuations. Many of us are willing to justify our excess weight thyroid disease. Is it always like this? In what case is the thyroid gland to blame for excess weight, and in which is its mistress? Let's deal with such important questions as "who is to blame?" and "what to do?" right in this article.

I get asked a lot of questions about being overweight and fighting it. Many mistakenly believe that this is an endocrine pathology, and most often it is associated with impaired thyroid function. Yes, indeed, in some diseases of this organ, changes in body weight can be observed both upward and downward. But true endocrine obesity is very rare, mostly overeating and low physical mobility.

All diseases of the thyroid gland conditionally according to the level of work can be divided into 3 groups:

  1. with enhanced function
  2. with reduced function
  3. with unchanged function

Let's remember what function it performs. It regulates the basic exchange. Her hormones accelerate all metabolic processes: the breakdown of fats, proteins and the absorption of carbohydrates. Thyroid hormones are needed to obtain energy from any resource. And energy is needed for the work of all cells of the body. It's like fuel for a steam locomotive.

The most important resource for humans in terms of energy is carbohydrates. If there are not enough carbohydrates in the food consumed, fats begin to be consumed. Most diets are based on this principle, where the main restriction is the ban on easily digestible carbohydrates. When fats are already used up from fat depots, muscles go to consumption.

A similar picture was observed in concentration camps, when a person looked like a skeleton covered with skin. Although even now there are young ladies “obsessed” with thinness who are no better than the sufferer from the concentration camp. The only difference is that the young lady goes for it consciously.

From everything we can conclude that for a certain group of thyroid diseases there will be a certain situation with weight.

When are overweight and thyroid related?

When the work of the thyroid gland is excessively increased, which is typical for such a disease as diffuse toxic, the main metabolism is accelerated and under the influence of an excess of thyroid hormones, all resources go to waste. At the same time, a person can eat a lot, but not gain weight.

If the work of the thyroid gland is reduced, which happens with hypothyroidism, then a small amount of hormones cannot provide a good basal metabolic rate. And everything that enters the human body is deposited in fat depots. Plus, there is fluid retention in the body, which also contributes to weight gain. Read the article and everything will become clear to you.

In a situation with a normal, preserved, functioning of the thyroid gland, everything is clear. The speed of the main exchange is optimal, resources are spent exactly as much as necessary. Therefore, in this case, if there is still weight gain, then the reason is not at all in the thyroid gland. This may be a violation of the work of other endocrine glands, or a banal overeating and insufficient physical activity.

Now let's figure out what to do when there are problems with weight. And by problems, I also mean a rapid weight loss with thyrotoxicosis (increased work of the thyroid gland). What kind of disease it is and what other signs it has, you will learn from the article.

In principle, in both cases, the problem is solved with the normalization of the thyroid gland. When the level of thyroid hormones becomes normal, weight problems will gradually disappear.

The difficulty of normalizing the level of thyroid hormones in thyrotoxicosis is that this very thyrotoxicosis can be observed in various diseases with different approaches to treatment. Therefore, here it is necessary first to accurately determine the diagnosis that causes thyrotoxicosis. Further treatment is carried out according to the disease.

Hypothyroidism, unlike thyrotoxicosis, is treated in the same way, regardless of the cause that caused it. Normalization of the level of hormones is achieved by the substitution intake of synthetic analogs of thyroid hormones. These include drugs such as L-thyroxine, eutiroks, etc.

After the start of taking these drugs, the main metabolism is leveled, excess fluid leaves. The excess weight starts to decrease. - the answer is in the article.

There are cases when hypothyroidism is not pronounced, then it is called subclinical (there are no symptoms, and laboratory parameters are changed). With subclinical hypothyroidism, there may not be excess weight gain, but sometimes the prescription of the above-mentioned drugs is required. In this case, they ask me: “Won’t I gain weight from these hormones?”.

My answer is always "No". And then at the consultation, I explain why for a long, long time. From thyroid hormones it is impossible to gain weight in principle, if the dose is chosen correctly. Weight can increase with a lack of hormones or decrease with their excess.

In endocrinology, if hormones are prescribed (not only of the thyroid gland), then with a substitution purpose, that is, in physiological doses - those that would be produced by the gland itself.

But, for example, in rheumatology, hormones are used in large doses specifically to suppress the pathological process, and this is associated with the appearance side effects, including weight gain.

And finally, in the article I talk about the effect of this particular drug on body weight. Highly recommend.

Excess formation of thyroid hormones, such as triiodothyronine and thyroxine, contributes to a change in the metabolic rate and, accordingly, fluctuations in body weight. These hormones are carried through the bloodstream throughout the body, actively influencing all its systems, metabolism and energy, regulate heat production and oxygen consumption. With hyperthyroidism (thyrotoxicosis), the metabolic rate increases, organs and systems work with an increased load, and weight decreases.

Causes of the disease

  • (Basedow's disease), in which the thyroid gland increases in size (over 80% of all cases).
  • Toxic thyroid adenoma (Plummer's disease).
  • Multiple nodes.
  • Heredity.
  • Neuropsychiatric disorders.
  • stressful conditions.
  • Overdose of thyroid hormones in the treatment of goiter and hypothyroidism.
  • Excessive intake of iodine.
  • Diseases of the pituitary gland.
  • Postpartum.

Symptoms of the disease

With hyperthyroidism (thyrotoxicosis), patients complain of weight loss, weakness, fatigue, headaches. Appears excessive irritability, tearfulness, rapid mood swings, sleep disturbances.

There is increased sweating, subfebrile temperature, a feeling of heat, hand trembling.
A typical manifestation of the disease is bilateral bulging eyes (exophthalmos). There is swelling of the eyelids, puffiness and bags under the eyes, double vision, the inability to concentrate on objects.

There are lesions on the part of the cardiovascular system - interruptions in the heart rhythm, increased heart rate, shortness of breath, and in severe cases of the disease - atrial fibrillation, leading to heart failure.

Common symptom of thyrotoxicosis - muscle weakness, sexual dysfunction - in men and failure menstrual cycle among women.

A dangerous, life-threatening complication of hyperthyroidism is a thyrotoxic crisis, which can be triggered by severe mental trauma, untreated hyperthyroidism, infections, and surgical interventions.

With a thyrotoxic crisis, there is a strong excitation, trembling of the legs and arms, diarrhea, vomiting, body temperature rises to 400C, blood pressure increases significantly, heart rhythm and urine formation are disturbed, up to anuria. Further there is a loss of consciousness and a coma. In a thyrotoxic crisis, resuscitation measures are used.

Treatment of thyrotoxicosis

Treatment, depending on the cause of the disease, can be conservative or surgical.
Conservative treatment consists in the use of special agents aimed at reducing the excessive production of thyroid hormones. These are antithyroid medications Thiamazole, Propylthiouracil. With severe disorders of the cardiovascular system, beta-blockers Atenolol, Propranolol, Bisoprolol are used.

Treatment with such drugs is contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding. After treatment within a year it is necessary to be protected from pregnancy.

Surgical treatment is indicated in the presence of nodes in the thyroid gland. During the operation, nodes or part of the thyroid gland is removed.

Thyroid diseases are numerous, and each of them has its own clinical picture, its own symptoms. Moreover, the same sign can manifest itself in a radically opposite way. We are talking about fluctuations in body weight in diseases of the thyroid gland.

The hormones triiodothyronine and thyroxine, produced by the thyroid gland, can change the metabolic rate in the body, and, accordingly, affect body weight. These hormones are carried with the bloodstream through the arteries, actively influencing energy, oxygen consumption, heat production, and all systems of the body as a whole. At the same time, an insufficient amount of thyroid hormones leads to an increase in a person’s weight, and an excess amount to a decrease. This is due to the fact that with hypothyroidism the metabolic rate falls, and with thyrotoxicosis (hyperthyroidism) it increases. Thus, weight loss in thyroid disease becomes a problem for both hypothyroid patients who want to lose weight and hyperthyroid patients who want to gain weight.

If you notice that you have begun to lose weight rapidly or are also recovering quickly, do not jump to conclusions. In diseases of the thyroid gland, in addition to fluctuations in body weight, there are usually other signs.

  • With thyrotoxicosis (hyperthyroidism), a person develops weakness, a constant feeling of heat, severe hand tremors, sweating, heart palpitations (up to 120 beats per minute, and in severe cases even higher), severe irritability, nervousness, tearfulness, rapid, severe weight loss, sleep disturbance , change of mood. Exophthalmos (bulging eyes) appears, accompanied by swelling of the eyelids, bags under and above the eyes, and the inability to concentrate on the subject. Sometimes the patient has subfebrile temperature. In women, there is a failure of the menstrual cycle, in men - a decrease in sexual desire.
  • With hypothyroidism, the patient has the following symptoms: drowsiness, lethargy, pale skin, hair loss, constant feeling of fatigue, lethargy, lack of energy.

In both cases, the lack of treatment entails serious consequences for a person, so the treatment of thyroid disease should in no case be postponed. And against the background of treatment, it is necessary to constantly monitor your weight: with hypothyroidism, try not to get better, with thyrotoxicosis - do not lose weight. Weight loss in patients with hypothyroidism is a difficult task, as they require more effort lose weight than healthy people. However, you can and should lose weight. And The best way To control your weight for people with hypothyroidism is not to start the disease itself, but also to stick to a diet and follow a regimen of physical activity. Patients with thyrotoxicosis, on the contrary, need increased nutrition, rest, lack of physical exertion and stress.

Weight control is often difficult for healthy people too, but if you have a thyroid condition, it can be much more difficult for you to get rid of those extra pounds. Hypothyroidism, or dysfunction of the thyroid gland, leads to an imbalance chemical reactions organism. The two main symptoms of hypothyroidism are slow metabolism and weight gain. With a proper diagnosis of hypothyroidism and a personalized diet, exercise, and possibly medication, you can lose weight despite being sick.


Part 1

Hypothyroidism and weight gain

    Symptoms. Hypothyroidism has many symptoms from weight gain to dry skin. They can appear suddenly or, as in the case of weight gain, worsen gradually.

    Contact your doctor. The only way to confirm that you have hypothyroidism, which could have led to weight gain, is to see a doctor. Your GP will confirm the diagnosis and develop a treatment plan for you.

    Learn about hypothyroidism and weight gain. The cause of weight gain is complex and not necessarily due to hypothyroidism. Knowing basic information about illness and weight gain will help you be more successful with your diet and exercise plan, and possibly with medication for the condition.

    Stick to regularity. Regular bowel movements will help remove excess sodium and water from the body. Removing these elements and other unnecessary residues will promote weight loss and overall health.

    Exercise. Cardio exercises can help you lose weight and maintain good overall health. Discuss your cardio plan with your doctor before you begin any exercise program.

    Power training. In addition to cardio, strength training can also help you lose weight. They strengthen the muscles that burn calories and support overall health.

    • Before the beginning strength training it is worth consulting with a doctor and perhaps even with a certified trainer who will develop the best plan, taking into account your abilities and needs.

Part 3

Losing weight with medication, diet and exercise
  1. Consult your doctor. This is the only person who can diagnose thyroid disease. Discuss all your concerns about thyroid disease, and he will examine you. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe the lowest dose of medication to treat hypothyroidism.

    Take your prescription. Your doctor will prescribe medication, often Levothyroxine, to help keep your medication under control.

    • Ask your doctor or pharmacist any questions you have about medicines or treatments.
  2. Take your medication regularly. Take your medications at the same time every day so you don't forget them. If you are taking other supplements or medications, take your thyroid medications first to avoid drug interactions.

    Do not stop taking your medication without talking to your doctor. Even if you feel better, take your medications regularly until you have discussed everything with your doctor. Most people with hypothyroidism are dependent on medications for their entire lives.

    Control your expectations. While taking medications such as Levothyroxine, expect some weight loss. This weight loss is usually associated with excess salt and water.