Tips for saving money and saving. How to save money with a small salary? How to save money by changing your lifestyle

People tend to strive for a good life and do not deny themselves anything. But not everyone receives high salaries, and the funds received are enough for 1-2 weeks, and then you have to get into debt and count the days until the next payday. In order not to have problems with money, it is necessary not only to earn it, but also to distribute it correctly. It is possible to save money with a small salary: it is enough to follow simple rules in order to increase the level of well-being and save up for large purchases without harm.

“Money comes to those who know how to properly manage it” - this statement does not lose its relevance. Even with a small salary, you can provide yourself and your family with everything you need and at the same time save decent amounts. Before embarking on financial control, it is important to understand that saving money is a habit, not a temporary action. It will be difficult at first. But after a while, you will get the taste and begin to enjoy the increase in your own savings.

First of all, decide what percentage of your earnings you are ready to put into a piggy bank. You need to save money regularly, without missing payments. Some top up their home "savings account" whenever they please, which is fundamentally wrong. Such tactics do not discipline, so it is difficult to achieve the desired goal. Next, it is worth considering a number of basic rules, the observance of which will save finances even with modest earnings.

Knowledge of the value of money

Before you develop a savings strategy, it is recommended to calculate how much you earn per hour. But you can spend this money in a matter of moments! Before you buy the product you like, think about how much you had to work to get these funds. Perhaps you will refuse an unnecessary purchase.

Determining the savings goal

Without purpose and motivation, saving can hardly be successful. To quickly accumulate a specific amount, clearly indicate the goal and how long it will take to achieve it.

For example, you want to buy a car for 800 thousand rubles. You have old car, which can be sold for 300 thousand rubles. So you need to save up half a million. You can put in a piggy bank 20 thousand rubles a month. By simple calculations, it is determined that the required amount will be accumulated in 1 year and 7 months.

Personal bookkeeping

Get a beautiful notebook and mark all expenses in it to the nearest penny. To do this, you must not throw away store receipts, and also keep in mind when and how much money was spent. At the end of the month, calculate how much money was spent on each category of expenses: food, transport, public utilities, entertainment, etc. The presence of visual expenses will allow you to analyze what you spent too much on and what you saved money on.

It is necessary to record not only expenses, but also income. After receiving wages you need to arrange the banknotes in envelopes labeled "Food", "housing services", "Transport", etc. A simple technique will save you from excessive spending, and you will spend exactly as much as you expected.

It is recommended to involve the spouse in the process, entrusting them with the responsibility for control and verification. This will help discipline the chief "accountant" and will not allow him to relax or engage in self-deception by entering incorrect information.

For successful home bookkeeping, use the table of total income and expenses for each month, as well as the table of expenses by category.

Using this method of compiling tables, you can see how much money was saved in just a month. (Or vice versa, more than necessary was spent). And in order to visually see which category you spend more money on, make tables with the names of these categories, the amounts you plan to spend on them and the difference between planned and actual spending, where “+” is the amount saved, and “ -" - spent over the plan.

Table 1. Expenses and actual expenses

Expense categorySpending planActual spendingDifference
Total:40700 41050 -350
Housing and communal services3200 3150 50
Mobile communication and Internet1000 1100 -100
Food20000 18500 -1500
Clothes, shoes, accessories5000 4700 300
Appliances4500 6900 -1400
Gifts2000 1800 200
Transport1600 1600 0
Entertainment2000 1300 700
Medications1400 1700 300

As can be seen from the example, the actual costs exceed those planned, although only by 350 rubles. In this case, you should spend less on entertainment, clothes and gifts.

Closing debts

A citizen who has many loans and debts on them cannot be called financially literate. If you know firsthand such problems, but you want to learn how to save money, you should close all debts.

However, if you have loans, you can still save. Of the amount that is set aside in the piggy bank, half should be used to pay off debt, and the other half should be left as savings. Thus, being in debt, you can still save money.

There are situations when a certain amount is needed urgently and you have to take a loan. Then choose a bank where they can offer loans with minimal interest and a long repayment period - this will allow you to close the debt without harm. It is more rational to contribute 3,000 rubles monthly for 5 years than to pay 15,000 rubles each for 1 year.

Cost allocation

To successfully save money, allocate them correctly. There are mandatory, secondary and unnecessary expenses. In all categories, you can decently save money without lowering the quality of life - just change some habits and correctly prioritize.

FoodFurnitureBad habits - alcohol, tobacco
Housing and communal servicesHousehold and digital appliancesEntertainment establishments
Transport - travel, gasolineHobby itemsAdditional services on mobile
Internet, cellular communication servicesExpensive wardrobe itemsgambling
Shoes, clothesEducationFast food, soda, sweets

The last column deserves the most careful consideration. By eliminating the expenses for the things indicated in it, you can save a lot.

Keeping savings to save money

Not everyone has the willpower not to climb into the "emergency reserve" when he is at home. It is safer and more profitable to keep money in a bank on a deposit account. If you need to collect for several purchases, it is more convenient to open several accounts so as not to get confused in personal savings. Bank deposits also allow you to receive additional income due to the regular calculation of interest.

It is better to keep money at home in hard-to-reach places to avoid the temptation to use it. Or as an option - place in a glass jar, tightly closed with a metal lid.

Use of cash back cards and bonus programs

Many people nowadays prefer to pay with bank cards because of the convenience of this payment method. Yes, and the banks themselves encourage to pay with plastic, introducing special conditions for the return of part of the funds spent to the card account. This option is called cashback. Different financial institutions have different conditions and percentages for accruing money from purchase amounts. As an example, the proposals of large banks can be cited:

  1. Sberbank - bonus program "Thank you". Under this program, 0.5% is charged from the amount of any purchase. 1 bonus is equal to 1 ruble. If you pay with plastic from Sberbank in partner stores of the bank, the percentage will be higher - from 1.5 to 15% under normal conditions and from 5 to 50% as part of promotions. You can spend bonuses only in partner outlets, paying them from 50 to 99% of the purchase price (depending on specific stores);
  2. Multicard from VTB24. The amount of accrued bonuses directly depends on the amount spent per month. So, if up to 15 thousand rubles are spent, 1% of purchases will be returned to the card, if the plastic holder spent more than 75 thousand rubles - 2%.

Most banks offer an increase in cashback with an increase in the amount spent per month. And it encourages the customer to buy more. Therefore, if you want to learn how to save money, it is better to avoid cards with similar options. However, this banking product is beneficial to use when you have already learned how to save well and are sure that you will not spend too much.

In the Thank You from Sberbank bonus program, the size of the cashback does not depend on the amount spent. The option can be connected to any card of this bank and gradually accumulate bonuses without trying to spend as much as possible.

But for those who want to save money, the best solution would be to use cards where interest is charged not on the funds spent, but on the funds saved in the account. Moreover, the more money remains on the card at the end of the billing period (each bank sets its duration at its own discretion - 1 month or 1 quarter), the more funds will be added to the money saved on the account. And this is a great way not to spend too much and only increase your savings.

Using loyalty programs in stores

Stores strive to attract as many regular customers as possible and therefore stir up the interest of customers with various loyalty programs that allow you to save money. These programs are of three types:

  1. Bonus for every purchase. Upon the first purchase, the client is issued a card for accumulating bonuses, which can be used for subsequent purchases. The amount of the accrued discount depends on the amount for which the buyer purchases the products (for example, from 1000 rubles - 1%, from 5000 rubles - 2.5%). The discount, as a rule, is valid for a month, after which it is reset to zero, and in order to receive it, you need to make a purchase again, which motivates you to buy more and more often at one outlet. Such programs are beneficial when purchasing everyday goods - household chemicals, cosmetics;
  2. Percentage of all purchases. All funds spent by the client in the store are summed up and when they reach a certain value, the percentage of the discount increases (for example, from 20,000 rubles - 1.5%, from 450,000 rubles - 3%, etc.). This system is effective for rare purchases - car service, branded clothing, jewelry, etc.;
  3. Free stock items. Their essence lies in the fact that the buyer acquires a certain number (established by the conditions of the promotion) of units of production, and receives another one of the same product as a gift. It is beneficial to participate in the program if it applies to everyday consumer goods with an average or long shelf life (drinks, sugar, cleaning products, etc.). However, it is important not to fall for the tricks of marketers here. Often, the price of products with such promotions is unreasonably high, and as a result, the gift item turns out to be not at all free. Therefore, before purchasing goods under this loyalty program, make sure that their declared value is not higher than in neighboring stores.

Important! For the purchase of different categories of goods, various bonus programs are beneficial. Using the above tips, you can really save.

Purchasing food takes the lion's share of the budget. You can cut down on spending if you start buying groceries the right way. Give up the thought of malnutrition and hungry times: you don’t have to go to extremes. Inexpensive food is not necessarily of low quality, but expensive food is healthy and nutritious. It is important to choose it wisely and use some tricks:

  1. Don't shop on an empty stomach. A hungry person buys more than he needs.
  2. Take a strictly limited amount and pay in cash. Payment by card leads to uncontrolled expenses, in which there is no sense of diminishing funds.
  3. Create a menu for the week- so it is easier to navigate the choice of products.
  4. Arm yourself with a pre-made list and buy products according to it. Do not forget to take a discount card and bags when going to the supermarket.
  5. Do not take semi-finished products- they cost more. If you like dumplings, belyashi, sausage, buns, try to learn how to cook them at home.
  6. Do not buy products in overly bright packaging- part of the cost of packaging is included in the final price of the goods. The same applies to well-known advertised brands. The share of the price of such goods is a simple advertising cheat.
  7. Hot items of food with long term storage(sugar, salt, cereals) purchase at wholesale outlets. If necessary, merge with relatives, friends.
  8. Opt for locally made products. A minimum of funds was spent on its transportation and the cost is lower.
  9. Don't fall for marketing gimmicks. Sellers place expensive products on the middle shelves at the level of the eyes of buyers, and their counterparts - on the lower and upper ones.
  10. Buy seasonal berries, vegetables, fruits at the market. In the evening, the price is reduced.
  11. Follow the promotions and discounts in stores. Even if the price is reduced by 3-5 rubles, when buying several promotional products, the benefit will be significant.
  12. Freeze produce for the winter. Greens, mushrooms, vegetables are perfectly preserved in freezer and manages to save on food in the winter, when the price of these goods skyrockets.
  13. Take meat and fish wisely. Buying a whole chicken carcass is cheaper than individual cut parts. The back and wings are easy to put on the broth, and the legs and breast are fried or baked. Do not be lazy to cut the fish. The fillet is more expensive, and cut off heads and fins from the carcass will fit into fish soup.
  14. Take home-made food in containers and tea/coffee to work. It is unprofitable to dine in a cafe and buy drinks from vending machines.

A few months of living in economy mode will allow you to replenish your household account and develop good habits. You switch to a healthy diet, stop eating "junk" food, which has beneficial effect on health. In addition, eating homemade food means knowing how to cook it, and by saving money, you learn new skills in cooking.

Video - How to save on products

The cost of housing and communal services is increasing every year. In order not to pay money for unused water and gas, install meters - so you can control the flow. You will not have to pay a service fee if you have been absent from the apartment for a certain time, for example, you have gone on vacation. As practice shows, devices pay for themselves 5-6 months after purchase.

In winter, many people turn on heaters, which eat up a huge amount of electricity. To eliminate the need to use them, it is advisable to take care of keeping the heat in the apartment - put high-quality doors, install plastic windows etc.

Saving electricity is a simple task. If you follow a number of simple rules, electricity bills will pleasantly surprise you, not upset you.

  1. Use electrical devices right. Unplug non-working devices from outlets. It seems that such a trifle as a mobile phone charger left on the network can add a couple of tens of rubles a month to the amount of payment for electricity. Do not leave plugs from the TV, laptop, microwave and other appliances in the sockets.
  2. Choose cookware for the electric stove. A pot and pan that matches the size of the burner will heat up faster and the stove will not heat the air for nothing.
  3. Install the refrigerator in the right place. This appliance consumes a lot of power when installed in the wrong place. It should be placed as far as possible from the stove - then the meter will wind less kilowatts. In a small kitchen, you should try to ensure that the refrigerator at least does not come into contact with the stove.
  4. Load your washing machine wisely. When underloaded or overloaded, the machine consumes 15% more electricity. It is necessary to observe the norm of the weight of the laundry in order to prevent breakage at the same time.
  5. Turn off appliances at night. Many electrical devices should be turned off at night and during the day when you are not at home or simply not in use. It's not difficult: go outside - pull the plug out of the socket, come to the apartment - turn it on again.

At the time of buying household appliances look at the energy class. It is denoted by Latin letters from A to D in ascending order. The most economical devices are class A +++, the most "gluttonous" - D. Equipment with a low level of energy consumption is more expensive, but the costs will quickly pay off during operation.

Get in the habit of turning off the lights when you leave the room. He should not burn in vain. Purchase energy saving light bulbs: they are much more profitable to use than ordinary ones. Install lights in the bedroom. They "eat" less light than chandeliers. If possible, avoid using electric kettle. Boil water on a gas stove or leave it in a thermos.

Savings on mobile communications and the Internet

The services of a mobile operator and an Internet provider are mandatory monthly expenses. And you can save a lot on their fees. Many use outdated and far from profitable cellular tariffs, overpaying extra money.

Go to the official website of your operator, check out the current tariff line and choose the most suitable conditions for you. If you are at a loss, call the toll-free customer support number and consult, or visit the office. At the same time, disable additional unnecessary services for which fees are regularly charged. To optimize costs, you can use two SIM cards, most modern phones support this feature. For example, one operator has attractive tariffs for voice communication, another one - for mobile Internet. Use separate SIM cards for calls and mobile data.

If you think you're paying too much for internet on your computer, find out if ISPs offer better rates for your home. You can also change the tariff from an existing provider to a more economical one. For example, if the Internet is needed mainly for browsing and you rarely download media files, it makes sense to switch to a tariff with a lower speed and a lower subscription fee.

Having a landline phone is irrelevant these days. People actively use cell phones, but some, out of habit, continue to pay for a home phone, even if it has been gathering dust in the corner for a long time. If you belong to this category of people, refuse home telephony services by writing an appropriate application.

Savings on clothes and shoes

Plan your expenses for seasonal shoes and clothes in advance. To do this, you need to determine the approximate amounts that are needed for purchases. Saving on wardrobe doesn't mean looking bad and wearing shabby things. A few tips will allow you to rationally buy clothes and save money:

  1. Do not buy the cheapest wardrobe items. In most cases, they are of poor quality and do not last long. You will have to go to the store again in the near future and spend money on similar things. It is better to buy high-quality models at a higher cost, because in the end they will cost less.
  2. Do not chase popular popular brands. The cost of such things includes advertising wrapping, and the quality is similar to goods of the middle price category.
  3. Buy shoes and clothes in hypermarkets or small shops. Branded salons raise prices due to premium service and the elite of the institution itself.
  4. Track sales and shop online. On sales, you can often find worthy things, and goods on the Internet are always cheaper.
  5. Don't be afraid of second hand shops. In such stores, high-quality European things can be presented that cannot be found anywhere else in Russia. Isn't it tempting to become the owner of an exclusive?

Fight unnecessary spending

Sometimes you spend money on completely unnecessary, useless and even harmful things. By refusing them or minimizing expenses, you can replenish the family budget well, and at the same time change life in better side. What needs to be done?

  1. Refuse to visit cafes and restaurants. Homemade food tastes better and is several times cheaper. In addition, you do not know in what conditions and from what products dishes are prepared in public institutions. If you just want a change of scenery and eat in a new place, visit an anticafe. Only the time of stay is paid there (150-200 rubles per hour), and you bring food with you. By the way, most anticafes offer tea and sweets for free.
  2. At the cinema, try to go to the morning screenings: they are much cheaper than daytime and even more evening. For a while, give up watching movies in 3D, because tickets for them are always expensive.
  3. Resist the temptation to grab street food or vending machines. All this is not only sold at a rather high price, but also harmful to health. For safety reasons, avoid these places.
  4. Give up bad habits. Cigarettes and alcohol take a significant share of the budget. One pack of tobacco or a bottle of beer costs 50-80 rubles, and if you consider how many of them are purchased per month, a round sum accumulates. If you are unable to give up smoking, look at cheaper brands of cigarettes, their quality is no worse than that of expensive ones, and also control the amount smoked per day. It is more profitable to buy beer on tap in plastic containers, besides, it contains less “chemistry” than canned or bottled beer.

And the most main reason the occurrence of unnecessary spending - the desire to possess things that are not according to status. Buying a fancy car or a fancy phone on credit at a low salary is unwise and not justified. In addition, models become obsolete over time and fall in price. By the time you pay the last debt, the thing will cost less, and after all, more interest has been paid. It's at least double the payoff.

If you have loans, close them as soon as possible and do not borrow from banks in the future. Only in this way you will be able to save and accumulate the desired amount.

Successful savings is made up of small things, each of which matters. One strategy for savings Money does not exist. However, following expert advice will help you accumulate finances more efficiently and raise the amount for the desired purchases faster.

  1. Reduce entertainment spending. Instead, devote more time to family, hobbies, sports. You can learn how to cook gourmet dishes, like in a restaurant, which will cost many times less.
  2. Give gifts made with your own hands. It is not only economical, but also original. You give the recipient an exclusive gift made with love.
  3. Don't fall for advertising gimmicks. Intrusive advertising on the Internet, flyers in the mailbox with "screaming" offers - all this should be ignored.
  4. Discuss upcoming expenses with family members. If everyone is aware of the upcoming expenses, a cohesion is formed that leads to success.
  5. Exchange things and services. In-kind exchange in conditions of economy is more relevant than ever.
  6. Treat savings without too much fanaticism. If you really want to buy the thing you like, do not deny yourself. An increased desire for savings can turn into a bad mood and dissatisfaction with life. This cannot be allowed.
  7. Keep some of your money in e-wallets. Money is not withdrawn from electronic payment systems immediately, but before making a withdrawal, a number of manipulations must be done. In this way, you will prevent unplanned and unnecessary expenses.

Saving money with low earnings is not too difficult if there are goals and a sincere desire. To improve the financial situation, there is no need to perform unthinkable feats. It is enough to slightly change the attitude towards money and life in general.

Remember for good financial situation no need to have fabulous sums. The money just needs to be in sufficient quantity.

The main condition for financial success is the competent disposal of funds. Starting to save, on a personal example, you will notice how much you spend, what is superfluous in life, what you need to give up. When the financial situation improves, you will be happy about it, the spirit of optimism will wake up in you and you will get rid of a large share of financial problems.

There are many options for saving money on a small salary, and advice on what to do in order to survive and avoid unexpected financial difficulties. To improve your financial situation, you need to save money, learn to save wisely and make savings. You need to remember that the one who handles them correctly has it. This article is about how to save money the right way, and what are the most effective ways savings.

Saving is an important and necessary component modern life, which helps competent control and distribution of costs, and contributes to the rejection of bad habits and expensive food products. Saving does not mean that you will have to limit yourself in everything and eat poorly. This means the correct distribution of their funds and the ability not to spend them in vain.

In order to learn how to live economically, you need to be patient and work hard on yourself. For an economical life, you need to find a goal (motivation). For example, you are saving up for a big purchase: a new car, a house, a modern phone, etc. Or funds are needed for the education of children. When the goal is determined, you can start accounting for the monthly expenses of the family.

To do this, you need to consider several actions:

  • divide all expenses into necessary and unnecessary (or which can wait);
  • calculate the necessary monthly expenses for the services we use (housing, communications, etc.);
  • calculate the cost of food, in addition to adjust the diet;
  • postpone certain part accumulated money so that they also work.

It is necessary to conduct a home economy, strictly take into account how much family members earn and all expenses down to the smallest detail. This will be needed in order to know where the money from the family budget disappears and to sum up by the end of the month. You need to make a table and clarify how many mandatory and optional expenses in the family:

January 2020
Mandatory expensesSumOptional expensesSum
Saving Clothing and footwear
Public utilities Major Acquisitions
Education Recreation, hobbies, entertainment and leisure
Transport Bad habits
Industrial goods
Phone, internet
Total: Total:

At the end of the month, analyze your results and decide what you should save on next month. The “Savings” line is a very significant mandatory expense item that must be properly planned in the first place. Being frugal means learning to set aside a portion of your income to achieve a specific goal.

The final step is control. With a serious approach to saving, you can quickly (in a couple of months) achieve good results and not get into a situation where you have to need money.

First you need to decide how much you can save daily, without greatly limiting your needs. Each person has different opportunities, for one it is a ruble, and for another 100 rubles. The main thing is to want to save money regularly, you can not miss a single day.

Money can be saved on food and careful consumption of electricity. This does not mean that you have to live on the edge of survival, starve and sit in the dark. With reasonable savings, all the necessary expenses will remain, we strictly reduce only unnecessary and unnecessary ones.

Save on electricity

Five effective rules helping to rationally use electricity:

Proper use of electrical appliances.Many electrical appliances, such as a phone or tablet charger, left in the socket continue to waste electricity. This also applies to multicookers, microwaves, TVs and so on.
Using the correct cookware for the electric stove.A frying pan that is correctly selected according to the size of the burner heats up faster, and the stove does not heat the air in vain. Each housewife has dishes of different diameters, the main thing is to use it wisely
Correctly install the refrigerator.If the refrigerator is installed incorrectly, it will consume maximum energy. You need to remember: the refrigerator must be placed as far as possible from the electric stove. When the kitchen is small, you can put the refrigerator on the other side of the stove
Load the washing machine correctly.The washing machine uses 10% - 15% more electricity if it is overloaded or underloaded. It is necessary to monitor the norm of the weight of the laundry according to the instructions, then there will be no damage to the washing machine from overload either.
Turn off electrical appliances at night.All electrical appliances must be unplugged at night, during the day when no one uses them or when no one is in the apartment. Left home - turn off

Energy-saving lamps one of the main ways to save money

A few more energy saving tips:

  • When buying household appliances, pay attention to its energy consumption. Don't buy the cheapest appliances. The cost of equipment that uses less energy is more expensive, but over time this amount will pay off in savings;
  • Everyone knows that when leaving a room, turn off the lights. But a lot of people just forget to do it. In this case, infrared sensors can be installed to save energy without the participation of people and unnecessary movements;
  • It is better to use energy-saving light bulbs. In addition, it is practical to install bedside lamps, because they are much more economical than a three-arm chandelier;
  • buy a thermos that keeps warm for several hours. Using it is much more economical than boiling water in a kettle several times.

Save on food

Five tips from experts on how to downplay food for the sake of economy and health:

  1. You should choose products not for bright and beautiful packaging or guided by the principle that the more expensive, the better. The high cost of goods does not guarantee high quality. It is necessary to familiarize yourself with the composition of the product. You need to use discounts, promotions, bonuses that many supermarkets offer.
  2. Make a list of the most necessary products and buy them according to this list. Take with you a certain amount of money you need for the necessary purchases. Do not take extra money, then there will be no opportunity to make unplanned purchases. There are special applications for the phone with which you can save both your time and money. The application saves all information about expenses.
  3. Try not to go shopping on payday. On this day, a person can spend much more than he expected. Then there may be financial difficulties. When buying goods, it is better to pay in cash than with a plastic card. Of course, a plastic card is the most convenient way to pay for purchases, but not the most economical. When withdrawing funds from the card, the buyer does not feel real money, which is spent more heavily.
  4. If there are similar products, it is better to buy them. Most of the products have analogues with a cost much cheaper. Products with expensive and beautiful packaging always catch the eye. Look on the lower shelves, with a high probability there will be similar products with a lower price. This rule also applies to drugs. Many pharmacological preparations have analogues with the same properties, the difference is only in the name and manufacturer.
  5. Do not take children to the store. Of course, you want to pamper your child, but children begin to ask for everything beautiful in the store, and these are, as a rule, expensive products. It is better to leave the child at home and buy him, for example, a chocolate bar. The child loves any sweets, and this option will help to avoid tantrums in the store.

A hungry person's brain works very differently than a well-fed one. On an empty stomach, you can buy twice as much food as you need. You need to go to the store after having a hearty meal, so as not to be tempted by various products and make purchases more economically.

How to eat healthy and cheap

To save money, you can include in the diet healthy foods especially since healthy food is inexpensive. Lean meat, dairy products, cereals are cheaper than fast food. In addition, it is not known from what pies and hot dogs are prepared in stalls. And home cooked food.

A few tricky tips on how to become a thrifty housewife and profitably buy products for a healthy diet:

  • buy products by weight, not in packages, as the cost of packaged products is much more expensive;
  • when shopping in the market you need to bargain, there is nothing to be ashamed of. After all, sellers want to sell their goods, and buyers are more profitable to buy;
  • it is economical to go to the market in the evening, when sellers can drop the price a lot;
  • it is more profitable to buy meat in a large piece and cut it into pieces at home;
  • If you have lunch at work, it is better to take food from home. It's cheaper and more useful. By saving on purchased meals, you can avoid food poisoning;
  • effectively compose a weekly menu, this will help you buy only the necessary planned products;
  • compare the cost of products in different stores. Each store has its own promotions;
  • the first dishes are healthier than the second ones, besides this they are also cheaper;
  • stop buying expensive meats like pork. You can also cook delicious and healthy dishes from chicken;
  • kefir and ryazhenka can replace yogurt containing sugar and many thickeners and dyes;
  • pasteurized milk is cheaper and healthier than sterilized milk. In a box, milk can be stored longer than in a bag, and this is its only advantage. Is it necessary to overpay for it;
  • skip the sausage. It can be replaced by meat, which is cheaper and healthier;
  • buy fresh vegetables and fruits in season. They are frozen, while all nutrients are saved and you can save a lot, since in winter they will cost much more;
  • buy products in bulk. Some supermarkets consider wholesale purchases of 3 units of goods, their cost will be much lower than retail. For austerity in the family, this shopping option will be most profitable.

Learning how to save money with a small salary

What if the salary is very low? Even with a small salary, you can always live a month on 90% of this amount. There is no way to save more, save at least 10%. Make it a rule to set aside a certain amount every month.

A few proven life hacks on how to save and save money with a modest income:

WayAction plan
Set financial priorities.Each person must understand that his own budget and financial well-being depend only on him. Each person has his own view on how it is expedient to accumulate funds. Spending can be made both useful and useless, depending on the lifestyle of a particular person. All expenses are divided into three types:
1. Urgent (food, utilities, loans).
2. Not urgent (contributions to education or family vacations).
3. Not at all urgent (entertainment, cafes and restaurants, purchasing a new phone, if the old one is still working, buying expensive clothes). You can do without it for some time, and if possible, do not spend money on it at all.
Keep track of income and expenses.So it is possible to good example see what specifically makes holes in the family budget. If there are additional incomes in addition to the salary, they must also be taken into account. If there are several sources of additional income, accounting will help determine which one brings more profit and focus on it. Now there are many programs and applications that help to lead financial Accounting. You can test several of these programs, and choose the most convenient one for yourself.
Refuse loans.Having your own credit card is very tempting for people who do not have extra money, but at the same time they seem to have it. So you can fall into a credit trick, which is very difficult to get out of. therefore helpful advice- Don't use credit cards. If you already have loans, you can change the terms of the loan agreement, for example, reduce interest rates. If you decide to take a loan, then you need to take it for the longest possible period. Then the monthly payments will be less
Learn to control the urge to spend money.Immediately after work, you should not go to the store without a list of necessary products. This way you can avoid temptations, because marketers have 1000 ways and tricks to lure money from buyers. It is better to come home and make a list of necessary purchases, and then go to the supermarket
Get a piggy bank.You can throw change into the piggy bank, a trifle. Over time, you can quietly accumulate a significant amount of money
Attentively participate in promotions and sales.In some stores, they deceive customers by slipping expired goods on them. It is necessary to carefully examine the product, pay attention to its expiration date, composition and quality.
To refuse from bad habits.Fast food, alcohol, smoking are not cheap hobbies. Why spend money on this, and even ruin your health. You can force yourself to give it all up. Then there will be more money in the wallet, and health and physical fitness will improve.
Profitable to invest moneyChoose a reliable bank in which you want to keep your funds and deposit money into an account with the condition that you take it back at any time. This will help not only to save savings, but also to multiply them a little due to the percentage of the amount.
Install counters.A very economical tool - meters for electricity, water and gas, allowing you to measure their consumption
Use discount and discount cards.For example, you have a discount card for household appliances, and your friend has a discount card for furniture. You can temporarily exchange them. It will be beneficial for both. This applies to discounts in various other stores.
Optimize phone and internet costs.Sometimes a decent amount of money is wasted on mobile communications and the Internet. Many connect unnecessary services and do not even realize how much money is spent on this in a year. Often, mobile operators themselves connect different services. You need to carefully monitor the balance on the phone
Make repairs in the apartment yourselfYou can paste over the walls with wallpaper yourself, paint the floors, lay the coating, get rid of construction debris etc. If necessary, contact narrow specialists (electrician, plumber, etc.).

Formation of reserve accumulations

There are three useful money management skills:

  1. Know how to earn. You need to find sources of income yourself, and not whine and complain about life.
  2. Know how to save money. Expenses should always be less than income.
  3. To be able to save the saved money and, wisely investing, increase it.

By learning how to properly allocate money and having a useful habit of saving it, any financial goal can be achieved faster and at minimal cost. Piggy banks can help raise a substantial amount, for example, for a vacation, even if you save small amounts every day, once a week or once a month. Reserve accumulations from the saved funds can be created in the following cases:

  • Unexpected expenses. Such savings are convenient to have when you suddenly need to pay, for example, for the repair of household appliances. If there is no money in such a situation, you will have to borrow it or get a loan, and this aggravates the situation. Large sums of money are not required to form a reserve fund, even with a small income it is realistic to save money. You need to start saving at least 10% from your salary and other income. You should not use money from the reserve for everyday expenses until an unforeseen situation (a family member suddenly fell ill, and so on);
  • Rest on vacation. In order for the vacation not to be a burden on the family budget, you need to collect money for it from your salary in advance. With regular savings, you can accumulate the required amount in a few months. Having set a specific goal, you should switch to austerity mode and systematically replenish the reserve. You need to calculate in advance the amount needed for air tickets and accommodation, and find an opportunity to save money (rent housing in the private sector, look for fellow travelers, etc.). You can wait for hot offers from travel companies and choose an off-season option, and using special offers or bonus cards will help reduce ticket costs;
  • Open a deposit account. An excellent option would be, the size of which is at least three of your salaries. It is possible to create an airbag with a decent amount of money, which may be needed in unforeseen cases. Why are these funds collected?
    • serious illness or injury;
    • expensive treatment;
    • the enterprise was closed and dismissal followed, etc.

You can use the services of banking organizations. With the help of deposit programs of banks, it will be possible not only to accumulate funds, but also to receive passive income from them. To do this, you need to learn on a monthly basis, for example, on the 1st day of each month, to save up to 30% of income for a deposit. It is necessary to take into account the subtleties prescribed in the contract and withdraw funds from the account when the deposit expires in order to receive interest. For greater stability, you can store funds in several banks.

How to save a woman on cosmetics

There are two areas where women have no equal: saving and spending money. An important rule of every woman is that in any situation you can not look unattractive. A unkempt appearance is not covered by jewelry and a fur coat. In maintaining your appearance it is also necessary to prioritize and calculate the cost of cosmetics.

You need to carefully choose cosmetics and give preference to quality over quantity. What women spend money on first: perfume, lipstick, anti-aging creams. This also includes foundation creams, hand and foot creams, shower gels, lip gloss and contour pencils.

The best way to minimize spending is to change the scheme of the buying mechanism. To streamline and distribute costs, first of all, you should choose the right store. It makes no sense to buy discount cards from many outlets. If you buy everywhere and little by little, you can get only minimal discounts.

Usually the discount system is provided to regular customers. The discount card is cumulative. When there is a certain amount on it, the discount will increase to 25% -30%, which is very profitable and convenient. By paying for the next purchases in this way, girls will spend much less money.

The law of economical spending of money is that it is much more profitable to purchase a quality product and use it for a longer time. Buying cheap things and services will lead to unnecessary spending. You need to change your attitude to buying things and prefer quality.

Japanese economy system

By following the Japanese household economy system, you can save over 30% of your monthly expenses. For accounting, you will need to have a special book designed for a year. According to this technique, daily monitoring of family expenses is supposed to be carried out, which are divided into 4 categories:

  1. Daily expenses (mainly food).
  2. Entertainment and recreation (visiting a cafe, restaurant, fast food).
  3. Cultural events (cinema, theater, art, books).
  4. Additional spending.

In addition, the Japanese system has many secrets and ideas that help you save and easily save a lot of money in a short time. A few practical financial tips from the experience of the followers of this system:

  • when exchanging large bills, set aside a certain part;
  • postpone change from purchases. For example, if purchases cost 1,800 rubles, 200 rubles should be put in a piggy bank. The coins that remain in the wallet are also sent to the piggy bank;
  • postpone shopping for a month. If after this time the desire to purchase the thing has not disappeared, then this is not a useless purchase;
  • lend money to reliable people. The money will eventually return, when they are almost forgotten.

Six jar method

This method is a development of the envelope method. It is proposed to take 6 jugs (glass jars, envelopes are also suitable) and write on them the name of the purpose for which money from each jug will be spent:

  1. Operating expenses - 55%: food, utilities, rent, transport, clothing, etc.
  2. Funds - 10%. Money from this bank cannot be spent. Use for investments and receive interest on them.
  3. Funds for education - 10% (tuition fees, tutors, purchase of books, etc.).
  4. Reserve funds - 10%. This account is used to hold an emergency fund (airbag) and to save for large purchases. The funds in this account will allow you to be more confident, successfully survive possible financial difficulties and avoid debts.
  5. Funds for entertainment - 10%.
  6. Funds for charity and gifts - 5%.

Monthly, the total income is distributed among all jugs. Accounts in jugs do not have to be made physical. Part of the funds (especially the reserve fund and finance for investments) can be kept in a banking organization or invested in financial instruments.

The English economist John Maynard Keynes said: "Whenever you save 5 shillings, you deprive one man of his daily wage." Any expenses are someone's income. By saving part of his income, a person increases his wealth, but reduces consumer demand. This leads to a drop in the income of enterprises and to a decrease in the demand for labor.

Not everyone has the ability to properly manage financial resources. Most people spend more than they earn. In order to master the basic principles of saving, it is worth not only studying them, but also practicing regularly. Ideas are universal and accessible to everyone, but not everyone has the discipline and consistency to implement them. The result obtained exceeds expectations.

Lack of funds can be due to several reasons. These include:

  • expensive standard of living;
  • low incomes;
  • having many temptations.

The key aspects can be noted - a low level of knowledge in the field of financial planning and a lack of discipline. As practice shows, even with a small incoming flow, it is possible to accumulate capital and learn to spend less and earn more.

Let's take a look at a few common mistakes people make when it comes to money. On a different scale, they are relevant to all people.

Neglect or wrong economy

The lack of a home budget - a family financial plan - is one of the main reasons for financial failures. Regardless of what people's income is, it must be correctly distributed among the basic items of expenditure.

Loss of money is often associated with unplanned expenses. Any purchase made on emotions negatively affects the financial situation. If a thing were necessary, then thoughts about it would be cultivated for a long time.

Practice shows that more money is taken not by one-time purchases, but by regular ones. Moreover, the latter may not be expensive. But, if purchases are made constantly, then the losses will be huge.

The most common bad habits are eating habits. For example, a love for fast food or confectionery. Also, a lot of money is taken away by addictions in the form of alcohol or tobacco.

If a person smokes one pack a day, average cost which is one hundred rubles, then annually he loses thirty-six thousand rubles. This amount is higher than the average monthly salary in Russia.

Arrangement of festivities with or without reason

All people love to go on holidays. You can not only have fun on them, but often eat and drink. Such a pastime is beneficial for visitors, but costly for organizers.

You should not completely abandon the organization of parties, but it is advisable to reduce their number and think about how to make it more economical. For example, the exclusion of alcohol from the menu significantly reduces spending. There are other courses of action that will save money, such as using existing space rather than renting. As well as holding celebrations in nature.

Setting impossible tasks

Every man erased create life on high level. With the development of social networks, where pictures reflect style and luxury, many succumb to temptations.

The desire to acquire expensive items, such as a car or jewelry, puts a person in front of a choice: save or borrow. The second option always involves overspending and losing money.

Unseen circumstances

Force majeure happens to everyone. Not all people have an airbag for contingencies. For example, a car may break down or a pipe burst. Such items of expenditure cannot wait and require payment now.

It is impossible to avoid such expenses. The best protection against them is the presence in the budget of an article that can be directed to force majeure. In this case, not a single key position will suffer.


Credit in Russia is a common phenomenon. According to statistics, more than sixty percent of citizens have liabilities to banks or other financial institutions. And the average amount of debt is one hundred and sixty thousand.

Credit is the purchase of money for money. In any case, the loss of part of the funds is expected. The main trap is that a person receives a large amount at once, but gives it away gradually and it seems that in small amounts. At the end, the overpayment can reach one hundred percent or more.

In addition to lending, there is such a form as a loan of money. In some cases, this happens without interest, or they are less than the bank is willing to offer. On the one hand, it may seem that this is not related to the loss. But in fact, not quite so. The main implications include:

  1. Damage to relations with those who lent funds.
  2. Formation of wrong habits and thinking of the debtor.

Inability to manage money, distinguish desires from needs

It is necessary to strictly distinguish between such concepts as needs and desires. The first are based on the fact that a person cannot survive without spending. The second are desires that can be avoided. For example, buying meat, vegetables for a child is a need, and sweets are a desire. Purchasing winter shoes is a need, and a stylish bag is a desire.

Often people want to match pictures from magazines. But in fact, it is permissible to spend no more than ten percent of income on desires. And in particularly difficult financial situations - completely avoid.

How to learn how to save money with a small salary?

The best way to improve your financial situation is to increase your income. However, this path is not always achievable. Moreover, in the absence of financial literacy, costs will grow faster than profits.

There are several ways to learn how to live within your means on a small income. They are based on the proper distribution of money and discipline.

Maintaining a family budget is the first step to financial freedom. Key recommendations for recording data include:

  1. Record all incoming financial flows.
  2. Determine the basic areas of spending.
  3. Calculate overspending monthly.
  • excess of income over expenses;
  • reducing spending on certain items;
  • increase in incoming cash flow.

Today, there are many programs for home accounting, but you can also use a regular notebook.

Buy from the list

Supermarkets are designed to get people to shop more. Thousands of marketers think over every centimeter of the store and the arrangement of shelving. The idea is that when a person comes for bread, he is forced to walk around the entire market and see all the special offers.

In order to leave less money in stores, spending it on emotions, you should create a shopping list in advance. It will allow at the start to assess the relevance of certain items. And also when working with him, do not succumb to taking too much. Like so much else, a shopping list is a habit formed on the shoulder of time.

Get a cashback card

Most financial and credit organizations offer a system of additional encouragement to their loyal customers. The idea is that with regular purchases, the user is returned a percentage.

Each bank offers its own conditions, but the main idea is based on the fact that from one to five percent is returned. In fact, this is an additional discount on all the usual purchases, expressed in monetary compensation.

Plan big purchases in advance

Expensive things need to be planned in advance. Moreover, it is worth buying them exclusively from the money earned and saved. In most cases, we are talking about such material goods as a car, real estate, household appliances.

Find a part time job

Until the level of financial independence or at least financial security is reached, it is advisable to devote all your free time to this process. Of course, there is always a desire to have fun, but during free periods you can not only save money on a party, but also earn money on a part-time job.

Finding an additional income option is quite simple. Today there are many online jobs.

Don't take loans

Any financial obligation not only forms negative habits, but also drives a person into large debts. Despite the attractiveness of loans, all financial advisers recommend to refuse them.

If you have existing debts, you need to set a goal - get rid of them and start saving.

Close up credit cards

Most Russians have at least one credit card. First, most lack the discipline to get into grace periods. They pay interest on usage. Secondly, a credit card creates the illusion of having money, but in fact they do not belong to the user of the plastic.

Save on "communal" by installing counters

Many people overpay in obvious ways. In particular, we are talking about utility bills. It is much more profitable to install counters. In this case, it is possible to pay solely for the fact of using the services.

How to save on electricity?

Saving on electricity is another point worth using. Options include: buying and using special lamps, installing switches that respond to movement in the room.

Use electrical appliances as directed

Russians overpay because of obvious things, for example, for being overconfident and not reading the instructions for household appliances. The main part of production is concentrated in countries where the state strives to save energy due to lack of resources.

The main part of electrical appliances can be used at minimal cost, but for this it is necessary to set a special mode.

Turn off all possible sources of consumption at night

During the night, people use a minimum of equipment in their apartment, but the consumption is very high. It is recommended to consider a system for turning off unnecessary appliances during sleep, leaving only the necessary ones, for example, a refrigerator or an aquarium.

Since in many cities energy is cheaper at night, washing and washing dishes in a typewriter costs after midnight.

Cook at home and for the future

Cooking takes not only a lot of time, but a “ton” of energy is spent. It is worth cooking a large amount of food at the same time. This will optimize the cost of electricity.

Quality cookware for cooking low temperatures and at several levels - a great option for budget-conscious citizens.

Pay for purchases with cash

Buying on credit or in installments is a loss of money. Of course, one always wants to own the item now, but that only steals money. As many millionaires say, if there is no money for something, then it is not so necessary.

Give up bad habits

Bad habits cause danger not only to the body, but also to the budget. Their peculiarity is constancy, that is, they require money regularly, and not one-time. Refusal of them will significantly improve the financial situation, the main thing is not to replace them with something more expensive and no less harmful.

Optimize the cost of the Internet, communications, etc.

The comfort zone also takes away funds that could have been saved. For example, a person activated the tariff on the phone more than five years ago and consistently overpays. Other operators, or even his, have long offered new conditions with a large set of options at a low price.

Have fun wisely

Holidays can cost a lot. There is nothing wrong with looking for more budget-friendly vacation options. For example, buying plane tickets in advance, finding coupons for restaurants.

Pay the necessary bills first, analyze the rest for the future

Priority in payment should be given to mandatory bills, for example, for utilities, education, transport. Then it is important to analyze the remaining resources. You can not first spend money on entertainment, and only then on the necessary.

Many people have certain hobbies, and some of them are very expensive. It is recommended to choose an option that will not take up a significant part of the budget, but deliver no less pleasure.

If a person likes to take pictures, but professional equipment is expensive, then it is acceptable to simply use a phone with a high-quality camera.

Give handmade gifts

A lot of money is spent on gifts and souvenirs. In order to save money, which will not worsen, and probably even strengthen relations, you can create gifts yourself. Handmade is highly valued, so gradually it can be turned into an additional source of income.

Buy analogues of branded clothes

The selection and purchase of clothes is an important issue for everyone who strives to be in trend. Brands are expensive, but it is acceptable to find high-quality budget counterparts. The overpayment for the label is not worth the money, since most people still do not distinguish the original from the copy.

It is important that the clothes fit a particular person and look expensive and stylish.

Use exchange services

World trade at one time began with barter - a natural exchange of goods and services between people. Today there is a return to this trend. If there is something to offer, then it is worth doing it. For example, if a person is a manicurist, he will receive a lot in exchange for his time, not money.

Use e-wallets

Electronic wallets are a popular and convenient tool for paying for services and transferring funds. Therefore, more and more people use payment systems.

Do not fall for promotional offers, promotions, etc.

All items of expenditure that do not belong to the category of vital, it is advisable to reduce. Some of them have already been described above, for example, bad habits.

How to learn to save money with a modest income?

Save money right away

Speaking about how to learn how to save and save money, it is worth noting that it is important to do it right away. When receiving income, transfer part of the funds to the account. Any postponement for tomorrow does not lead to a result.

Have a stash that you can spend

Specifying how to learn how to save money and save money, it is important to open a separate bank account or just an envelope. The first option is preferable, as there will be no temptation to use them.

Analyze petty expenses

How to learn how to save money in the family - pay attention to small expenses. These include giving gifts to kids they don't appreciate, buying popcorn at the movies, and the like.

Get a piggy bank

Starting a piggy bank is the best answer to the question of how to learn to live within your means. Throwing change or small bills in one place will form the right habit.

How to save money in the family - family budget table

Consider how to learn how to properly manage money using special budget tables. It is permissible to conduct them both for yourself and for the family.

The book of expenses and income will show you how to learn how to save money and not spend. It reflects all financial plus and minus flows.

Plan your monthly budget ahead of time

The budget program, that is, the plan will show how to learn not to spend money. Timely preparation of a financial plan will save you from unnecessary expenses.

Use energy saving technologies

Saving on small but constant expenses is a Chinese way of cutting costs. by the most in a simple way from which to start will be the use of energy-saving technologies.

Create a contingency reserve

If we are talking about savings from scratch, then you should start by saving money for a rainy day. Any unforeseen circumstances have a strong impact on costs.

Save money for vacation

Planning ahead is also a form of savings. Other people's reviews will tell you which hotels to choose and which airlines to use.

Open a profitable deposit account

Having an additional bank account will help in financial planning. It is recommended to look for the best options among all banks.

Avoid unnecessary purchases

The key rule in saving is not to buy on emotions. To do this, it is worth going to the store with a list or taking a limited amount of money with you.

It is worth learning to save money for a student from the moment of independent living. This skill will come in handy in family life. Large expenses should be approved in the presence of all members.

Use mobile apps to save money

China can teach how to distribute money and count it. There are developed many applications for control. In Russia, there are also domestic analogies to Chinese programs.

What do you do if you can't afford to keep a car?

Often, people already own liabilities—things that take money out of pocket. It's not worth saving these things. For example, if the car is very expensive, then it is better to either sell it or rent it out. Postponing the process will complicate the financial situation.

Saving is harder than spending. Every second Chinese has a higher financial literacy than a Russian. This specific mentality allows them to spend less.

How to collect money according to Feng Shui?

Exist different techniques savings, in particular according to Feng Shui. The idea is in the right attitude towards money. If everything is done correctly, then there will be enough money for food, there will be no need to think about food, and it will also be possible to go on vacation.

Saving money today is the key to a good financial future. All successful and wealthy people started their journey with the principles described above. It is recommended that you begin to apply the methods gradually, since it is difficult to immediately rebuild ingrained habits.

In contact with

I don't always manage my money properly, and I'm also lazy and impatient. For example, I can break loose and go to the cinema or to a bar for all the savings.

Artur Kubov

read all the articles about saving in T-Zh

Laziness and impatience are also manifested in something else: I don’t cook at home - I hang out in cafes. I miss public transport when I get home from parties, so I spend money on a taxi or rent an electric scooter. I like to sleep with the lights on.

I also do advertising. For example, energy drink ads taught me that once I empty a can, I'll start to think fast, think of great things, or pass exams quickly. In fact, the energy bank gave me only nervousness, and after two, my hands began to shake.

Recently, I decided that it was time for me to change my attitude towards money, because I already have so little of it. To do this, I read books and articles on financial well-being and materials on saving from T-F.

Why people don't know how to manage money

Budget planning. I always planned my budget like this: I put money in a pile, and if I needed to buy something, I took it and bought it. This is the wrong strategy: at least this is confirmed by the fact that I have not been to the sea so far.

You can compile a budget planning table yourself. Its author saves well and believes that the most important budget is the daily one.

Regular control of income and expenses convenient to drive Readers who use them notice a lot of things that they could not buy and save money on.

financial priorities. Group financial goals into categories: important, not so important, and not at all important. Always buy the most important first. With this approach, there may be no money left for unnecessary goals, but important goals will be closed.

If you first buy unnecessary things, then you may not have time or money left to buy the right ones. Once, as a student, I squandered all the money with friends, and when it came time to pay the rent, I almost got evicted.

Piggy bank. Bodo Schaefer also talks about this technique. Choose your most important desires and have a separate piggy bank for each. It is not necessary to buy a pink pig with a hole in the back. You can open a savings bank account.

Discount and discount cards. Discount cards are available in chain stores, cafes and pharmacies. Sometimes they are given for free, sometimes for money. In any case, the card will be a profitable investment if you are a regular customer of the store. The cost of such a card can be recouped with the first purchase.

Cost optimization. Some Vasya

  1. Make a list of really necessary expenses per month so that it covers the basic needs.
  2. Find places where you can buy it cheaper than at a convenience store.
  3. Set limits on cards and disable online purchases in them.
  4. Before going to bed, mentally check is not it I bought today what I need at the best price.

Read how Anton helps to optimize costs

How to spend and save money wisely

How to save money as a family

Family budget depends on family circumstances. There is no right way T-F He talked a lot about the successes and mistakes of families in various situations:

My parents didn't know there were principles to help

  1. Don't buy anything on demand. The purchase must be conscious and desirable.
  2. Let the child choose. Don't push.
  3. Help create a sound financial plan.
  4. Do not buy yourself - offer to save.
  5. Get your child two envelopes: one for spending, the other for savings.
  6. Do not be afraid of bad spending.

As a drastic measure, you can let your children

How to save on groceries

I am horrified when I imagine how much I would save on products if I had been given tips from T-F.

Make a shopping list. Remember that all marketers in the world are powerless against the guy with the shopping list. The list will help you not to miss anything and avoid unplanned expenses. For example, I do not use a shopping list, so I often take too much.

It is necessary to make a shopping list not before going to the store, but at the moment when there is a need for a product. And make it not on a piece of paper, but on the phone, which is always at hand. They took the last bag of tea out of the box - they wrote it down in notes: "Tea."

Cook at home. When I buy tea in a cafe, I pay not only for a bag, sugar and water, but also for the work of employees and the rent of the premises. If I make tea at home, I only pay for the tea. The same happens with everything else: meatballs, salads, soup or dumplings.

Don't go shopping hungry. When I come to the store hungry, I buy what I want to eat now, but I don’t really think about the benefits and price of the products. Remember: a well-fed person is a reasonable person.

Don't buy a lot of perishable foods. It's simple: you may not have time to cook them. For example, if you buy 25 bunches of green onions at a discount, but then throw away some of them, it's like overpaying.

Stop eating fatty meats. Two arguments: fatty meat is more expensive and harmful to health.

Don't buy energy drinks. I got off energy drinks because I learned that the main substance in energy drinks that invigorates is caffeine. There is nothing more wonderful about them. I also calculated that one energy drink contains about as much caffeine as a cup of coffee. But coffee is more profitable energy and more pleasant, especially grain.

In addition to these general principles There are special ways to save on products. Good savings are obtained if such people are called cherry pickers.

How to save money on tariffs

Compare service rates. For example, if you live in Moscow and put multi-tariff meter, then from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. you will pay 4-5 times less for electricity compared to the daily rate.

Refuse unnecessary services. I have a radio connected in my house, although no one listens to it. Turning it off does not reach the hands, but it pumps out almost 1000 rubles a year.

  1. Install modern lever taps - save up to 25% of water.
  2. Eliminate faults in plumbing and seal cracks - you will save up to 20% of heat and water.
  3. Get your batteries in order - save up to 40% on heating.
  4. Buy modern household appliances - save up to 40% electricity and up to 50% water.

There are several other ways to save energy.

How to save electricity

Unplug electrical appliances at night. Everything is clear here: the longer the light is on, the more you have to pay. If the forgotten lamp burns all night, you will have to pay 4 rubles at the rate. If you forget to turn off the light every night, 1460 rubles will run up in a year.

Install energy saving light bulbs. Energy-saving lamps shine in the same way, and consume 5-10 times less energy. They come in two types: fluorescent and LED. LED ones are more expensive, but they immediately turn on at full power (no need to wait until they warm up) and “live” for almost 6 years.

Use the correct utensils for the electric stove. Cookware for the electric stove should be with a thick and even bottom. If the bottom is thin, then when heated, it may lose its shape, it will take longer to heat up, and as a result, you will overpay for the dishes.

Set up the refrigerator correctly. The refrigerator cannot be placed anywhere. For example, if you install it near a hot battery, it will use more power, overheat, and may deteriorate.

Load the washing machine with laundry according to the rules. If you violate the rules for loading the machine, there will be more electricity consumption, the laundry or the machine may deteriorate. Majority washing machines designed for 3.5-6 kg of laundry.

How to save on habits

Lead a healthy lifestyle. Not all elements healthy lifestyle lives lead to savings. how much do they cost gym, personal training and delivery proper nutrition. Julia explained that saving on sports is real.

Use at least those healthy lifestyle options that directly reduce your costs. For example, cycling or walking instead of transport. My friends say that the cost of buying a bike pays off because you stop spending money on travel.

Less money will be spent if you stop eating just for pleasure. It is difficult if a habit has developed, and usually a person breaks down anyway. Therefore, it is not necessary to change dramatically: at first you can reduce the fat content of foods, drink kefir, and not buy a piece of cake. If you fail, just try again as if nothing had happened.

Forget fashion. I noticed that it is profitable to buy not the most fashionable clothes, but those that are sold on sale. You can simply choose a universal classic - you can't go wrong, but at the same time save money. Some go further, for example, Eugene buys clothes in second-hand stores and

Take care of things. Maxim spoke about his own. Thanks to this, they served him for nine years.

Do things yourself. Of course, you will not make a digital camera, an incandescent lamp or a hair dryer, but a lampshade, original storage containers or photo frames are quite within the power of a person. There are many sites where complete guides by handmade.

Replace paid hobbies and hobbies with free ones. To run, you can go to the gym, or you can find some park near the house. For example, I run in Central Park: it is fresher and freer than on a treadmill in the gym.

Give handmade gifts if you know how to do something with them. For example, a custom-made knitted scarf is more expensive than buying it in a store. If you knit it yourself, spend only on yarn. It looks like a heartfelt gift.

Use exchange services. There are special services for the exchange of things. Through them, you can exchange a phone, car or even an apartment with another person.

How to save money on vacation and travel

The earlier you schedule, the better. This applies to travel and travel to another country by plane: the sooner you start tracking prices for tours and tickets, the more likely you are to snatch a profitable offer.

What not to save

One day my friend's regular dentist said that his tooth was a difficult case and therefore I had to pay 5,000 more. He felt sorry for the money, he went to a free dentist, and since then he has been missing a tooth.

Do not save on your health, the health of others and the quality of life. You should not smear the wound with toothpaste instead of antiseptic, save on mosquito repellent and send the girl home on foot rather than by taxi.

It is dangerous to save money on complex products that are impossible or have no time to check, - He showed by examples that if there is not enough qualification in everyday matters,

How to save money smartly and in a big way

Set up a separate account for each goal: your account to buy a computer, your account to travel. It will be more difficult to take money from the account for a specific purpose: you will see how with each withdrawal the goal eludes you.

Discuss upcoming expenses with your family. Relatives will not give unreasonable advice, but they will be able to dissuade from reckless spending or lead to new thoughts. In any case, it is never superfluous to discuss the problem with a loved one.

Pay the necessary bills first, that pose problems. If you do otherwise, you may not have the amount that you planned to set aside.

Invest wisely. Investments are not scary if you understand them. This will help you

Set big goals. It will be easier to save money if you have a specific meaning of saving: a car, an apartment or a personal island. Readers of the Tinkoff magazine said that when they began to keep a personal budget.

Some succeeded Here is what they advise:

  1. Choose a car in advance and decide on the price. To make the price affordable for you, do not buy on credit, do not take a new car and do not be fooled by the class of car.
  2. Keep a budget.
  3. Optimize costs.
  4. Divide the cost of the car into monthly payments, as if paying off a loan. Set aside them every month - this is the main condition.
  5. Multiply your savings with bank interest and securities.

Those who have common feature. People regularly set aside a fixed amount or a percentage of income until the right moment came - lowering mortgage rates or housing prices. Then they used the savings as a down payment on a mortgage or bought an apartment entirely at once.

What to do if you can't save money

I opened many pages on this request and even found a recommendation. It seems superfluous to me, but it's important to start Why do you want to save money? What are your goals?

After that, you will understand how to save money. Internet banking will help. Just saving is not enough - try And when, make a nest egg or invest them.

Learning to accumulate money correctly is important for everyone, even those who receive a small salary. In order not to borrow until payday and be rich, you must follow simple rules.

Most people in Russia today are financially illiterate. This is constantly used by banks, credit firms, sellers, scammers and many more. Even people who, it would seem, receive decent salaries, fall into credit bondage, forever sitting without money. What can we say about those who have small paychecks - poor students, pensioners, young mothers ...

To break the vicious circle of lack of money, it is important in everyday life to use simple rules for managing finances, which will help to accumulate money.

Savings will protect you from emergencies. Plus, if you save money, you won't have to turn down unexpected exciting opportunities in life.

The basic rule of wealth is very succinct: "Spend less than you earn." Only four words. It would seem, what could be easier? But for some reason, for many, the opposite happens all the time.

How to save money even with a small salary

We will analyze what methods will help to implement the main rule of a rich person and start really saving money.

1. Keep track of your budget

If you are going to save money, it is important to start keeping a family budget. Don't mindlessly spend money on shopping and paying bills, but keep a record of all expenses for a month.

Thus, you can understand how much money was spent in vain, and what you can save on next month without much harm to the family.

In addition, in a couple of months you will know exactly how much money you and your family need for a normal existence, and how much you can save in a piggy bank.

2. Live on the same amount

If you have already calculated how much money your family needs on average per month for a normal life, then you need to fix this amount. It's no secret that we have easy money from time to time. Someone is given a bonus, others have additional earnings, or maybe you finally managed to move on career ladder and wages have gone up a bit.

Rest assured that as income increases, expenses will tend to rise. Does that mean you can't save money again?

You need to set for yourself a fixed amount of money that you will spend on life every month, even if easy money appears. It is better to immediately put aside additional income, leaving only the necessary fixed amount for life.

3. Save 20 percent of your income

If it is difficult to determine the fixed amount necessary for a normal family life, then you can use a simpler way to save money. Immediately after receiving any income (including easy money), put aside 20 percent of the funds received in a piggy bank. And it is important to do this not at the end of the month, but at that hour! If you postpone this important matter until later, then be sure that the money that you planned to save will most likely have already been spent.

How to learn to save money to save?

Understand a simple thought: everyone is trying to make money on you. Even when you yourself earn money in the service, your employer profits from your work. In modern life, you are constantly hunted by those who want to take your money. Thousands of marketers come up with clever schemes to take your money in such a way that you are also happy when you part with your hard-earned money.

To avoid this, you should try to follow the following principles.

4. Simplify your financial life

The more complex your financial life, the more time and effort it takes. Along with this, the chance of getting confused and making a financial mistake increases.

The more loans and credit cards, the greater the chance of not noticing the loss of funds or missing the next payment.

Pay attention to the services of your mobile operator. Do you need all the connected paid features? If not, disable the extra ones.

Understand utility bills. Calculate the feasibility and amount of savings when switching from average tariffs to metering water, gas and electricity. Buy energy-saving light bulbs. They really lower your electricity bills.

See what other recurring “planned” expenses you can cut.

It is useful to do such general cleaning every few months.

5. Get rid of the highest interest loans

Try to refinance loans in other banks at a lower percentage.

Use an effective way to get rid of loans. Select the loan that has the highest interest rate, and start paying off this debt twice as fast, that is, in double payments. Do this until the debt is paid off. Then add the entire amount of money released, which was spent on repayment, to the payment of the second debt, until that one is also paid off. And so on until the liquidation of all debts.

6. Go shopping with a shopping list

A shopping list prepared in advance with which you need to go shopping will help you avoid spontaneous spending. The point of shopping lists is not only to remember to buy something, but also not to buy too much.

The easiest way is to make it on a regular paper sheet. For these purposes, you can adapt the “reminders” built into gadgets and, in general, any application where you can make a simple list.

However, it should be noted that today fewer buyers use this way of saving. Another method is coming into fashion...

7. Buy products with discounts and promotions

Each of us roughly knows what goods he uses in everyday life all the time. With a certain frequency, each family buys detergents for the kitchen and laundry, shampoo, toothpaste, toilet paper ... But you never know what else! These products do not deteriorate and will definitely be needed. Today you can buy them at a discount on promotions, saving decent money on this.

This type of consumer behavior in our country. People who are always on the lookout for promotions and discounts on items they purchase regularly are called Cherry Pickers. This word comes from English cherry picking, literally "picking cherries".

8. Stop using a bank card

Using a credit and even a debit bank card makes it difficult to save money. If you have a habit of paying in stores with a bank card, and not with money, then try switching to cash.

When we pay with a card, we do not realize the value of the money we give for goods - we entered the pin code and that's it. And now there are bank cards that do not even need to be inserted into the terminal. Paying is becoming easier, and, accordingly, saving and saving is becoming more and more difficult. In addition, there may be more money on the card than you would take to the store for purchases. There is a high probability of spending more than planned.

When you go to the store with cash, do not put more money in your wallet than you need for the purchases you planned earlier.

9. Use cashback cards

If you think that the refusal of a bank card is a return to the past, then at least use cashback more often. This word comes from English. cashback and translates as "cash back". Today, many Russian banks issue cashback cards.

The principle of its operation is simple. The buyer pays for goods or services with a bank card, and a part of the paid amount is returned to his account in monetary terms or in the form of bonuses.

As a rule, banks set different amounts of cashback for different groups of goods and services, and therefore you can choose the most profitable one. There are people who use cards from several banks with cashback on different groups goods. So they try to get the highest possible discount. True, banks are trying to combat such behavior, considering it a fraud, and may limit the accrual of bonuses or refunds. Therefore, it is sometimes desirable to spend money on the card without receiving a cashback.

10. Buy through cashback services

Recently, cashback services have been gaining popularity in our country. These are aggregators of goods and services that enter into contracts with online stores. They attract visitors with advertisements or convenient services, such as the ability to select similar products and compare prices, and then redirect them to stores, receiving a percentage of each purchase.
Here, the money is returned not by the online store where the purchase was made, but by the cashback services themselves. They share their commissions with customers in the hope that they will come back again and again.

11. Use the 10 second rule for cheap shopping

Did you see something inexpensive on the counter and immediately wanted to buy it? Hold this thought in your head for 10 seconds and honestly ask yourself the question: do you really need this thing so much? Is it really impossible to do without it? Often these 10 seconds are enough to understand whether you really need a thing.

For expensive purchases, use the 30 day rule. If you want to buy something expensive, do not rush to spend money, but consider the importance of this acquisition for a month. Most likely, after 30 days, there will be no trace of your keen desire to buy this thing.

12. Estimate the cost of shopping in hours of work

In order not to make unnecessary purchases, calculate how much one hour or day of your work costs. Then, when you buy this or that product, think about whether the thing you plan to buy is worth the few hours, or maybe days of your work that you spent to earn this amount of money?

This principle works very well during the purchase of household appliances or other large goods, when time is no longer calculated in hours, but in days, or even months. Such financial "sobering up" helps not to commit stupidity in the form of buying unnecessary expensive goods.

How to save money

Now that we got rid of unnecessary expenses and learned how to save money from our income, we need to properly manage the funds

The path to proper money management

Divide the free money that appears as a result of all your efforts into several parts at once.

1. Create a financial reserve in case unforeseen situations. Free money is needed to solve unforeseen problems that arise. It is better if it is cash, so that in case of an emergency you do not have to urgently run to the bank.

2. Open a deposit in any of the reliable banks, for example, VTB, with the possibility of replenishment and partial withdrawal of money without loss of interest. As a rule, expense deposits do not have a high interest rate, but on the other hand, you can set aside a certain amount to this account every month, and withdraw part of the funds at any time.

3. Make a term deposit at the best interest rate. This will be useful when you have already accumulated a decent amount. You will not be able to withdraw funds from such a deposit at any time, but you will be able to accumulate money. Open deposits in rubles, dollars and euros to get even more income if the currency grows in value.

4. Save money not for the sake of abstract wealth, but to achieve a specific goal. You can even draw up several accounts to save: for repairs, for a car, for a summer house ...