What does itching mean in a certain part of the girl's body. Scratching is not shameful ... What does it mean when something itches

The head is one of the most important parts of the body. It's believed that itchy head portends quarrels. To avoid swearing, it is recommended to wash it to wash away bad thoughts.

The area near the temples itches to failures in seemingly win-win situations. There is also a positive sign. The head may itch for purchases or gifts.

Why does the left or right eye itch

From a physiological point of view, the left eye is responsible for performance, and the right eye symbolizes the emotional side of a person. Lefties have the opposite effect.

According to popular wisdom, right eye itches for positive changes in personal life. At this time, you can safely make appointments and make acquaintances. In the evening, a sign promises a prophetic dream.

If the area near the right ear itches, then you should wait for wise advice. And the itching around the left ear, on the contrary, promises a willingness to help loved ones in solving impending problems.

According to European experts, the right eye itches to material wealth.

Why does the left eye itch? Alternatively, hard work.

The left eye is a harbinger of hard work which will take a lot of effort and energy. In the West, it is believed that the left eye itches due to overwork or hidden diseases.

Also, the sign speaks of ill-wishers and evil eye, which should be feared. In the east, on the contrary, they believe that the left eye itches for change and new discoveries.

If the eyes itch at the same time:

  1. You need to be afraid of betrayal of loved ones.
  2. Emotional upheavals are possible.
  3. The long-awaited meeting will happen soon.

The right or left eyebrow itches - a sign

In the old days it was believed that itching of the right eyebrow portends happy events, such as the birth of a child, recognition of success, fateful meetings.

The left eyebrow, on the contrary, warns of danger. You have to be careful about those around you.

Unfavorable acquaintances are possible, which in the future will lead to misfortune. It is not recommended to plan long distances.

good omen, when both eyebrows itch. This portends a replenishment in the budget, cash gain, salary increase.

Why does the forehead itch

The forehead area is associated with the mental activity of a person, which explains the rubbing of the forehead while thinking about any questions.

The upper part of the forehead itches for treason. There is a belief that "horns grow." If there is no second half, then betrayal by the surrounding people is possible.

Itching in the nose area promises a successful solution to long-standing issues. And if the forehead itches in the middle, then you need to be prepared for important meetings and negotiations.

Itchy ear - what does it mean

Ears belong to the hearing organs, which justifies the connection of signs about them with discussions and negotiations.


  1. Right ear lobe. It itches to a big quarrel. It will be possible to smooth it out with the help of restraint and weighty arguments. Also, itching can indicate worsening weather.
  2. Right ear inside. People around will learn the truth, which will excite them and lead to gossip. Don't focus on the situation.
  3. Right ear outside. You can expect pleasant surprises and profits. Free girls will meet the second half.
  4. Lobe of the left ear. It itches to the conflict, in which it is necessary to play a conciliatory role. A scandal can affect relationships with colleagues, which will lead to problems with superiors.
  5. Left ear inside. Indicates squabbles in the environment, for which you will have to make excuses. On the other hand, the situation will show the true face of friends.
  6. Left ear outside. It portends cash costs and the return of old debts. Clarification of relations with relatives and friends is not excluded.

The nose itches - a folk omen

Why the nose itches, according to popular belief, is judged based on the combed area. The tip of the nose itches for fun gatherings.

The left wing portends bad news. But don't worry about them, the situation will be resolved in a positive way.

The right wing, on the contrary, promises good news. Itching of the bridge of the nose portends a serious illness or death. Trouble is possible.

Each nostril also has its own meaning. The right one itches for joyful events, and the left foreshadows misfortune.

For couples who are expecting a baby, the itching of the right nostril portends the birth of a girl, and the left - the birth of a boy. The whole nose itches for a fight or conflict.

It itches over the lip - meaning

If it itched place above the upper lip, then it is worth waiting for condemnation and betrayal. You will also have to face the ingratitude of acquaintances.

In people who are dependent on meteorological indicators, the upper part of the lips itches to change the weather for the worse.

Why do the upper and lower lips itch

According to popular belief, if lips itch, wait for kisses. But few people know that this applies only to the upper lip.

Also, itching of the upper lip portends a romantic date, which will mark the beginning of a strong relationship. In the east, it is believed that the omen speaks of receiving a sweet gift.

Lower lip itches for praise, after which it is possible to increase at work and consolidate the status in society. If there is a task that has been put off many times, then it's time to take on its implementation.

In the case when the lip itches after a romantic evening, it's worth the wait successful development relations.

Cheeks itch - why

According to the teachings of Buddhism, right cheek itches for a long journey. For a patient, a sign promises a speedy recovery.

Married couples will have a conversation that will help to find out the causes of discontent. After that, the long-awaited reconciliation will come.

The right side of the face is filled with good energy, which means an overabundance of emotions in the body. At this time, it is necessary to restrain yourself so that a surge of energy does not lead to a misunderstanding of loved ones.

The area of ​​the face on the left side is responsible for the romantic mood. Lonely sign promises success in communicating with the opposite sex, and lovers a wave of positive emotions.

For those who are far from home, a sign predicts a quick return. Both cheeks itch to tears, but they won't necessarily come from grief.

Why does the tongue itch

Language and talkativeness can be equated with synonyms, so all signs of itchy tongue are associated with communication.

Itchy tip of the tongue speaks of gossip behind your back- at this time you need to be careful, as ill-wishers plan to spread rumors; the middle - about the desire to slander an innocent person himself; the root of language is conflict.

It is important not to succumb to provocations and keep feelings under control.

Itching in the mouth and on the teeth - what does it mean

The sign indicates an ill-wisher who wants to deliberately slander. At the same time, he will act behind his back, and his name will remain a secret.

What does it mean when your chin itches

Since ancient times it has been considered that jealous chin itches. Over time, this sign was indeed confirmed. If a loved one behaves unusually, then you should think about his loyalty.

Free people will have a long-awaited rest at home. If it is not possible to plan a vacation, then good news is expected.

Why does the neck itch

First of all, the sign warns of upcoming events. What they will be depends on the person. By carefully studying the surrounding factors, impending troubles can be avoided.

In front, the neck itches for a fun feast. Even if there were no events planned in the near future, it is worth preparing for unexpected invitations. A festive meeting is inevitable.

The reverse side of the neck promises unfair punishments. At this time, you should not tempt fate and get involved in dubious companies.

Elbow itches - a sign

According to Russian signs, it was considered a good sign, when both elbows itch. This meant that global changes in life were approaching..

In most cases, positive events are expected, but situations are possible in which you have to fight for happiness.

The right elbow portends auspicious moments. Free girls will receive gifts and tokens of attention. In love with the fair sex, you can prepare for the journey.

A sign warns men about the appearance of envious people. For both sexes, the itching of the right elbow may indicate a move.

The left side of the body is considered a harbinger of misfortune, therefore left elbow itches to cause problems. It is necessary to establish relations with relatives, their help will be needed to eliminate troubles.

What does it mean when your finger itches

Left hand:

Why does the wing of the nose itch: Left - portends bad news, Right - promises good news.

Right hand:

  1. Thumb. For girls, tickling the thumb indicates receiving gifts, perhaps even an engagement ring. In the near future, a salary increase or bonus is foreshadowed.
  2. Forefinger. The outcome of recently started cases depends solely on the person whose index finger itches. It is worth preparing for the envy of ill-wishers.
  3. Middle finger. As well as on the left hand portends profit.
  4. Ring finger. It itches to big waste that will bring emotional satisfaction. The ring finger is associated with marriage, which explains the sign of receiving an offer for girls.
  5. Little finger. It is recommended to postpone important matters.

The hand itches - folk signs

The left hand is a harbinger of material well-being. The more it itches, the more profit you should expect.

In order not to miss the opportunity to get rich, you should clench your hand into a fist, put it in your pocket and open it, imitating folding money.

The right hand itches for successful negotiations. The sign is justified by the fact that at a meeting or a successful transaction, right hands are shaken.

Itchy right or left palm - meaning

Why the palm itches according to the Russian folk version is known to everyone. Left palm itches for money right palm itching for acquaintance. These are the most popular interpretations of signs.

The sign about the left hand warns that you will have to part with loved ones.

What does it mean if your wrist itches

Left wrist itches for trouble. Emotional mood will push a person to rash acts. It can be a quarrel, a fight, relationship problems, even arrest and prison.

Sign associated with right wrist, portends praise and receiving well-deserved awards. You may have to make some serious decisions. But do not be afraid, in the future they will bring joy.

Itchy chest - why

For both men and women itching of the left breast predicts changes in communication with a loved one. Free people should take a closer look at their surroundings. Recent acquaintances can develop into a serious relationship.

For men, the omen promises financial well-being.

For women, a sign about the right breast indicates relatives who are waiting for support. Girls who are in a quarrel with the second half can expect an early reconciliation. For men, itching indicates excessive roughness.

It itches in the armpits - folk signs

The time has come for undertakings - this is what the left armpit itches for.

For shy people, this is a sign that it's time to gain self-confidence and achieve success. The time has come to analyze your personality and deal with shortcomings.

The sign about the armpit on the right side warns of new clothes. Also, the right armpit can itch in a person who cannot defend his point of view.

Why does the stomach itch - a sign

There are two opposite interpretations of this sign. One side itching of the abdomen symbolizes dissatisfaction.

A bad mood entails conflicts in the family, misunderstanding at work, deterioration in the general condition.

These problems can be solved by taking control of your emotional state. The second option insists on the arrival of great happiness and prosperity in all areas of life.

What does it mean if your back itches

Regardless of which area itched, back itching is explained by the prediction of sadness and disappointment.

Perhaps the appearance of melancholy for no apparent reason and the development of depression. This does not apply to owners of moles on the back. They are considered lucky amulets. The spine itches to change the weather.

Butt itches - why

No wonder they say "find adventures on the fifth point." Popa warns of unplanned trips. The sign warns of deceit for selfish purposes.

Why do thighs itch

The sign portends the arrival of guests. If for a long time it was not possible to visit old friends, then they themselves will organize a meeting.

You have to be careful about money matters. Possible fraud or unforeseen waste. Bad news may also come.

Itchy knees - what does it mean

The more itching in the left knee, the more radically the weather will change. In the near future you have to do uninteresting work, but you will be generously paid for it.

The sign about the right knee says that all old questions will be resolved soon. In this case, participation in the decision is practically not required. We should also expect good news.

Why do legs itch below the knees

Most of the signs about the legs are associated with movement. Left foot warns of bad trips, demotion, material and emotional losses.

The right leg predicts events exactly the opposite. It is necessary to open up new acquaintances, accept invitations to events. All this will entail limitless possibilities and discoveries.

Itchy foot - meaning

In women, the feet itch for marriage and pregnancy. This is due to the fact that soon you will have to run a lot for the child.

For men who are not burdened with a serious relationship, a sign portends thoughts of betrayal. Whether it will actually take place depends on the endurance of the person himself.

For family guys, fate has a pleasant surprise in the form of a promotion at work.

When the left foot itches, a busy day with the second half is expected. Itching is also observed when there are unfinished business that will entail losses.

Right foot itches before talking to an influential person. As a result of the meeting, important issues will be positively resolved.

The heel itches - a Russian omen

Both heels itch to change the weather. AT summer time rain is expected, and in winter time on the contrary, warming.

Heels are also considered harbingers long journey. How the path develops depends on which heel itches.

P the right heel, as a harbinger of good luck, promises a successful journey which will bring both moral and monetary satisfaction.

For girls and guys who are not burdened with relationships, the right palm itches to romantic date. For family people, a sign predicts success in business.

With itching of the left heel, you should refuse any trips. They can bring material losses.

What to prepare for if one or another part of the body itches, numerous folk beliefs tell. Someone unquestioningly believes in signs, and someone does not even think about it.

In any case, a person’s life is in his hands and even the worst prediction can be corrected by positive actions and thoughts.

What itches for what (folk signs):

Why does the left, right hand itch:

Signs why something itches
Head itches - to be scolded.
The forehead itches - to say hello to someone.
The back of the head itches - they will scold.
Temechko itches - to thoughts about family and related matters, and the more it itches, the more important things are.
Right eyebrow - to a date with a friend, or someone praises you.
Left eyebrow - a date with a hypocrite, or someone scolds.
The right eyebrow - you will bow to a man, the left - to a woman.
The right eyebrow itches - for a date with a man, the left - with a woman.
Eyebrows itch, itch - you will look at a guest who has come from afar.
Between the eyebrows - to a meeting with a married couple.
Eyes itch (itch) - you will cry.
Itchy eyes or under the eyes - on this day you will cry about something, regret.
Left eye - to joy.
Right eye - to tears.
The right eye, according to other beliefs, can itch both to tears and to joy, depending on which day the eye itches: if on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Sunday (that is, on those days in the name of which there is the letter P ), then to joy, and if on Monday or Saturday, then to tears. To prevent possible tears, it is necessary to scratch both eyes at the same time and cross worn eyes three times.
In the ears - to a newborn or to bad weather, to the wind.
Right ear - someone scolds.
Left ear - someone praises.
In the auricles - to condemnation, and in the right - to condemnation from relatives, in the left - from strangers.
The whole ear itches, itches and burns: in winter - to a thaw, and at what other time of the year - to fast news.

Itching in the nose - to the good news.
Nose bridge - you will hear about the deceased.
The tip of the nose is to be in honor or drink wine (look into a glass), or look at a drunk, or to the news.
The nostril itches - to the homelands: the right one - someone will give birth to a son, the left one - a daughter.
The nose itches - to old age.
The nose itches on the side - to the news.
This or that side of the nose - the conceived will be forgotten or the forgotten will be remembered.
From the inside (in the nose) - to secret neighborly good deeds.
Under the nose - to failure, ingratitude.
Mustache - to a hotel, or to a treat, or to be at a party.
Mustache - for a date or you will kiss.
Lips - to the hotel or to be away.
Lips - kissing someone.
Upper lip - kissing a man.
Lower lip - kissing a woman or a child.
Both lips itch - kissing a married couple.
Language - to speak with the wind, that is, with a person who came from the wind, with a stranger.
Tip of the tongue - to gossip and evil intentions against you. To prevent evil intentions, it is necessary to tie a strong knot on something so that the mouths of the spiteful critics also get tied up, or prick the tip of the tongue with a needle, or sprinkle the tip of the tongue with something sharp (salt, pepper) so that all evil returns to ill-wishers.
The palate and gums are a clear undisguised condemnation and the inability to determine the ill-wisher.
Cheeks - to the news, and the right one - to the news from afar, and the left - to the news from close places.
Cheeks itch or burn - to tears.
Beard - kiss.
Chin - someone will bow to you.
Neck - sudden fees on the road.
The back of the neck - to return halfway loved one and talking to him.
Clavicles - to be in an honorary meeting, away.
Shoulders - get ready for the journey, and the right shoulder - to a long absence from home, and the left - to a short one.
Under the armpits - to a mild illness, under the right - to one's own illness, and under the left - to the illness of loved ones.
If the hand itches, then in order for the money to flow, it is necessary to scratch or rub the back side of the table board with this hand.
Right palm - to receive money (pay will be more accurate if you scratch your palm on a tree).
Left palm - give money.
Elbow - to grief, or sleep on someone else's bed, or fall on it.
Right elbow - to a dispute, quarrel, fight.
Left elbow - in front of a strange, unrealistic proposal.
Fingers on both hands are a sign of anemia and an indication of the need for treatment.
Boca - guests will be or the debt will be returned.
Chest - to grief or to bad weather.
Heart (under the spoon) - to annoyance.

Back - to sadness.
Shoulder blades or between the shoulder blades - to bad weather.
Spine - to change the weather.
Loin - to bad weather.
The stomach - to sadness or to a sharp change in the weather, and if it itches from top to bottom, then the change will come within a day, from bottom to top or from the side - in a day.
The navel and the place around it are either for a party, or for news from afar, or for a guest (guests) from afar.
It itches in the groin - not good.
The back itches - praise.
The right buttock - to illness and sadness, the left buttock - to self-interest.
Knees - pray on your knees in a strange church.
Right knee - before the arrival of the guest rider.
Left knee - before going to a difficult but profitable job.
Under the knee - the owner (head of the family) has a road ahead, most likely a long one.
Legs itch below - to the rain.
The hamstrings itch - to be on the road.
Sole - go on an unfamiliar road.

The soles itch when there is footwork to be done or to set off on foot, to the road.
Right sole - go any way.
The first sole is not to go on any road.
Heels in the summer - to the rain.
Heels in winter - to the thaw.
The cat scratches behind the ear - to the guests.
The pig itches - to heat.
The pig itches about something - for bad weather.

There are many superstitions and signs that are associated with scratching certain parts of the body. Perhaps they will seem strange or funny to someone, but many generations of people have used them and continue to use them to this day, arguing that in most cases the predictions associated with them come true. It is these signs that help some to find out what awaits in the near future. What itches for, we will consider in this article. Here are some of the beliefs associated with scratching, whether they are true or not - judge for yourself.

Folk omens: itchy eyes

It is believed that the left eye itches to tears, grief or trouble. There are legends that in medieval times, before they were burned at the stake, witches scratched their right eye to show everyone that after her death, misfortune would certainly happen. The left eye, on the contrary, itches to joy. Such superstition is connected with these signs: if your friend has a stinging right eye, then you can try to avert trouble. To do this, you need to scratch your left eye with your right hand, then cross yourself and read a prayer. There is a saying among the people associated with this sign: "The left eye itches to tears, the right eye - to look at anyone."

Why does the nose itch?

The signs associated with this part of the face have several interpretations. The most popular is the one that says that the nose itches for drinking ("the nose itches - look into a glass"). Although some believe that such an interpretation has already been invented today. Another meaning of the sign is the upcoming unpleasant conversation with someone, a quarrel or even a fight. As the saying goes, "a good nose can smell a fist a mile away."

Why do lips itch?

If you feel itching on your lips, then it is possible that this is not a sign, but a beginning cold. As for superstition, it is believed that this part of the face itches for a kiss. During the Second World War, all the men went to war, and only women remained in the villages.
Therefore, passing by the guy, the girl deliberately rubbed her lips, thus showing that she was not averse to kissing him. "Mouths itching - to eat goodies" - this is another meaning of the omen.

What itches for: ears

"The ear itched - wait for the news." Another prediction option is a change in the weather. Lobes, according to legend, itch to heat if you were born in the spring-summer season, or to cold - if in autumn-winter. Sometimes a person hears a ringing in the ears, this is also a sign that has its own interpretation. If it rings in the right ear, then this is good news, if in the left - to bad news.

Other signs: what itches for

  • Eyebrow - to tears or a date.
  • Palm - the right hand itches for money, and the left for parting with them.
  • Elbow - to grief.
  • The bridge of the nose - to the dead, to death. Nostril - portends christening.
  • Cheeks - to tears.
  • Heels - to the road.
  • Knee - you will be jealous of your loved one.

Here are the main beliefs associated with scratching something. Of course, over time, some interpretations and signs have disappeared or changed. What's itching for? This question is no longer so relevant in our time and will seem ridiculous to someone. Although there are certainly people who still believe in omens and listen to their predictions.

Why does the stomach itch?

AT modern world many people do not attach any importance to the appearance of itching in a particular part of the body, although for several decades this was considered an important sign from the Higher powers. All this explains the existence of numerous signs.

Why does the stomach itch?

Since ancient times, there is information that the stomach is the center of the body, in which all vital energy is concentrated. The appearance of itching in this area was associated in most cases with something bad.

What does it mean if the stomach itches:

In the mythology of the ancient Slavs, scratching the stomach is a symbol of the existence of discontent, which can be associated with anything.

The right eye itches for what: signs

To believe in signs or not is a personal matter for everyone, and arguing with someone about whether they should be believed is a useless exercise. But in any case, signs appeared for a reason and are not an invention of any particular person. They have been building up over the centuries.

In ancient civilizations, in pagan times of polytheism, people did not know why this or that event occurs, and they came up with an explanation for it, which subsequently created the religion of that time. It rained and irrigated the crops - which means that the rain god is now favorable, a hurricane has passed - the god of the wind is angry.

It is the same with signs: people were looking for an explanation for what happened and associated it with signs - signs. Moreover, this was not a single experience, a repeating pattern was needed. For centuries, people have collected, analyzed and generalized these patterns (or, for non-believers, coincidences) and created signs from them.

So, regardless of whether signs actually work or not, they are part of the centuries-old culture and our mentality.

There is also an opinion that higher powers or our subconscious sends us signals in the form of physical sensations, and people just noticed it and began to use it.

But some esotericists believe that signs, like dreams, are purely individual, and only the person himself can interpret them, listening to his intuition, because it is his subconscious that sends him signs.

Today we will talk about signs, namely, why the right eye itches. Is this good or bad, according to signs?

Right and left side

Christians believe that there is an Angel behind the right shoulder, and a Demon behind the left. Therefore, signs associated with the right side are considered good, they are mainly for good and joyful events. And everything on the left is a bad sign. As can be seen from existing signs, this is not always the case. In addition, often the same sign can be interpreted in different ways. For example, the right eye itches to tears, or maybe to joy.

And the ancient Slavs (who, by the way, were pagans) associated the right side with a man and male heroic strength. It was also the side of truth and everything right, even the root of these words is the same. That is why they greet with the right hand.

There is another, less common opinion. According to him, everything on the right carries bad news, and on the left - on the contrary.

Why does the right eye itch: signs

The signs for this case are the most diverse, so everything is collected here.

In most cases, it is believed that this is fortunate and joyful, which can be caused by other signs associated with itching in the right eye. According to this version, even if he itches to tears, these will be tears of joy or, despite grief, everything will end well.

Why does the right eye itch? Signs:

  • It can be laughter, fun and joy. Moreover, both on a big and significant occasion, and on trifles, perhaps you will simply have a good mood.
  • Meeting with good friend, an old acquaintance, a relative, or any other person to whom you relate well. Perhaps you will have nice guests.
  • Good luck and sudden wealth, getting money from a new source, it is believed that if you do not scratch your eyes, you can multiply profits. According to another version, on the contrary, it is necessary to rub the right eye with the fingers of the right hand (someone thinks that it is the left), stroke the right shoulder and turn to the Angel for him, you can also say: “I’m waiting, I’m waiting, I can’t wait, let happiness come, go sadness” and cross yourself three times. But do not forget that, according to one of the versions, when referring to higher powers you can’t use the particle “not”, because when transferring “up”, it is omitted.
  • A long-awaited date. Moreover, tears here may mean that your beloved will upset you, or portend a quarrel, but everything will end well. Or meeting a betrothed. Moreover, this meeting can be brought closer, you need to immediately go to the window, close your left eye and imagine your betrothed. You also need to look in turn at all the roads in your field of vision and say: “I’m sitting at the window, waiting for a sweetheart, like a cat, I scratched my right eye - I ordered a date.”
  • Fulfillment of a dream or strong desire.
  • Unexpected news, and pleasant.

If the right eye itches and twitches - this is a change. These can be any long-term changes, an increase in salary is possible, or maybe there will be a small one in the family. The right eye twitches - changes for the better, the left eye - vice versa.

Days of the week

It is widely believed that if the right eye itches on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Sunday, then this is a joy (in the names of these days there is a letter “p” - joy). And if on Monday or Saturday - to disappointment. Why does the right eye itch on Friday? This is to tears, chagrin.

In another similar version, everything remains the same, except for Friday, if the eye itches on Friday, it does not mean anything.

It is also believed that when the right eye itches in the morning of an odd day of the week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday), this promises an unexpected event that will change your views and beliefs.

What to do if itchy eyes?

Christians believed that you need to rub your eyes with your right hand and cross them three times, this was done to protect your eyesight from demons. It is also believed that if one or both eyes itches, then they need to be rubbed both at the same time and crossed three times.

But the pagans believed that you need to show yourself a fig, rub your eyes with both hands and wash yourself with spring water. This was done for the same purpose - to protect eyesight from evil spirits.

There is also an opinion that if an eye or both eyes itch, then tears and troubles are guaranteed, and this cannot be changed.

Other beliefs

Why does the right eye itch? There are other interesting theories for this case.

There is an opinion that the right eye can itch in a shy person when he is embarrassed or feels uncomfortable.

Aristotle claimed that the right eye itches in men who are happily married and who love their wife.

AT Ancient Greece On the contrary, it was believed that lovers of scratching their right eyes were useless wives and mothers, bad housewives.

Sign or pattern?

Why does the right eye itch? Is it worth it to believe in all these signs? You can believe in them and follow them steadily, but you should not forget about common sense. Sometimes it is worth looking for other reasons for fulfilled prophecies. For example, if you scratched your left eye and stumbled, you should not blame signs for your fall, you just got distracted and did not notice the bumps.

What does it mean if the right eye itches? The rational point of view, in principle, rejects omens. After all, everything that happens to us is the result of our actions and circumstances. Therefore, instead of blaming fate for your failures, it is better to try to take fate into your own hands.

Other reasons

Why does the right eye itch? Perhaps you should not look for something good or bad in this? Sometimes the eye can itch for quite understandable and prosaic reasons: perhaps a speck has got there or the eyes are simply overtired. It can also be a sign of inflammation, infection or allergies, in which case it is best to see a doctor.

What itches for... inside

The left eyebrow itches - someone is scolding you at this very time.

The right eyebrow itches for a meeting with a friend.

Eyes always itch unfortunately and tears. True, our ancestors also came up with an “antidote” to this sign from undesirable consequences. It is necessary to scratch both eyes at the same time and cross them three times. It is believed that in this case there will be no tears.

Your head itches - you will be scolded.

The chest itches - this is a sign of bad weather. But there is an opinion that the chest itches and to sadness.

Lips itch - this sign portends kisses.

The stomach itches - to sadness.

The back of the head itches - to sadness.

The tip of the nose itches - this is a sign of drinking.

The palm of the left hand itches before giving money.

The right palm, according to signs, promises a meeting with a familiar person.

The elbow itches - to grief, someone else's bed, a quarrel and even a fight.

The shoulder blades itch - this is a sign of bad weather.

The palate and gums itch - you will be strongly condemned, and the ill-wisher will remain unknown.

The leg itches - this is a sign of good news.

The nostril itches - to christening.

Fingers itch on both hands - this sign indicates a clear sign of anemia, and you urgently need to be treated.

The groin itches - expect trouble.

The bridge of the nose itches - this sign, as our ancestors believed, indicates that you will soon hear about the deceased.

It itches under the knee - to a change in the weather, moreover, to the warm side.

It itches under the nose - combing refusal or someone's ingratitude.

Armpits itch - this sign portends a mild illness: on the right side - yours, on the left - the illness of someone close to you. Or have you recently shaved your armpits ;)

In general, everything below the shoulders usually itches not for good.

Butt itches - this sign means that someone is praising you

Left buttock itches before illness.

Itching of the right buttock portends selfish intentions on someone's part.

The loin itches to bad weather.

Heart - itches in the region of the heart, which means combing annoyance

The back, according to folk signs, itches to sadness.

The foot itches - this sign is preparing a certain path for you.

The left ear itches - this sign indicates that someone scolds you.

The right ear itches - to scolding.

The auricle itches - then expect condemnation.

If the auricle is right, then close people will condemn.

If left - outsiders.

The neck itches - this is a sign of a feast or a beating.

Cheeks itch - this sign promises tears. If the cheeks do not itch, but burn, then in this case there may be another variant of the sign - they are discussing you. Moreover, in order to find out whether they are talking good or bad about you, you need to draw a golden ring across your cheek. If the trace from the ring is black, then they say bad things about you, white - good.

The tongue itches or the tip of the tongue itches - this is a sign of bad gossip and atrocities against you. However, there is a way to "return" these troubles back to ill-wishers. To do this, prick the tip of the tongue with a needle or something sharp, or sprinkle with something tart, such as pepper. Or you can just tie a strong knot somewhere. In this case, the ill-wishers will also "tie up" their mouths.

There is no scientific evidence for the effectiveness of folk signs. However, many of them have been effectively "working" for many millennia. That's why modern people very often they are interested in the meaning of this or that sign.

A large number of signs are associated not only with natural phenomena, but also with the person himself. So, a very interesting sign is related to why the right palm itches or, on the contrary, the hand on the left.

According to many "magicians" and psychics, the palms are a strong energy area. However, if the right palm itches, then it will have one meaning, and if the left palm itches, then a person can get a completely different answer to his questions.

Due to the high energy characteristics of human palms, our ancestors treated their hands with great care and attention, as they were firmly convinced that they contained creative power. In some ways, they are really right, because unique works of painting, sculpture, architecture, cooking and much more are created by human hands.

If it is the right hand of a person that is working, then her strongly itchy palm symbolizes an acute desire to “let off steam”, that is, to get rid of anger, irritation, anger and other negativity.

In this case, you just need to find effective method its exit, for example, to go in for sports or needlework.

Another answer to the question, the right palm itches, why would it be, is associated with the approach of a new acquaintance or a pleasant meeting. In order not to frighten away this event, you should not immediately scratch your palm, it is more expedient to simply clench your hand into a fist and put it in your pocket.

But if the upcoming meeting is negative, then you can redirect the energy by just rinsing your hands under a stream of cool water, that is, by eliminating the reasons why the palm itches.

The value of itching by time of day

The human body accumulates information on many levels, including energy flows. This happens throughout the day. But the manifestation of such signals as, for example, the right palm itches, usually occurs in the morning or evening.

In the case when the right hand begins to itch in the evening or closer to the night, then this should be taken as a hint of what will most likely happen tomorrow. In order for these events to be positive, even if the palm itches strongly, then you need to scratch it from right to left, and then just kiss it. And, of course, you should sleep well and rest in order to be cheerful and energetic the next day.

If the hands itch, especially the right one, in the morning, then this means that we are talking about an upcoming trip and / or meeting, for which you should prepare carefully, carefully working out the route and method of movement. Also, morning itching can “bless” the purchase of equipment or expensive clothes, while you don’t have to worry about the money spent, the costs will soon be compensated.

Quite a lot of statements are associated with the fact that the right palm itches precisely to receive financial profit. In order to receive money for various needs in the near future and ensure one hundred percent fulfillment of the sign, our ancestors advised to scratch the edge of the palm of your hand on any wooden surface, for example, on the underside of a table.

Also, if the right palm itches, it will become very effective the following ways:

  • pick up a handful of coins;
  • hold any banknote in a fist;
  • place in the palm (especially for pregnant women) a red rag or a red object.

This folk sign, answering the question, the right palm itches, why would it, very often implies a financial component, perhaps that is why a simple layman “likes” it.

Itching of the right hand by day of the week

Several cases were considered above, but the sign has additional meanings for the days of the week. Of course not scientific explanation to that, the right palm itches why on Monday or Friday and what to do about it, but many Natoki argue that the sign is almost always right.

  • If the palm of the right hand itches on Monday, it means, work week will fly by unnoticed, and all business and negotiations will go "like clockwork". Also, itching of the right palm in women can promise a pleasant romantic meeting.
  • On Tuesday the explanatory reason is an invitation to a holiday towards the end of the week.
  • If you want to scratch your right or left palm on Wednesday, then on this day you should be more careful with your wallet, it may be lost, unreasonable spending, or you will have to repay debts.
  • If it itches on Thursday, then we should expect the speedy return of a loved one.
  • In cases where the right or left palm itched on Friday, then separation from loved ones, alas, will be inevitable.
  • Causes of itching on Saturday very pleasant - girls should prepare for a passionate and stormy date.
  • Why does my right hand itch on Sunday Either to the appearance of a rich patron, or to a quarrel with a close friend.

When answering the question of why the left or right hand itches on a certain day of the week, it should be remembered that the above signs can be transferred to left-handers, in which case all these values ​​​​will appear in them with itching of the left palm.

If itching is persistent, then medically it can be considered a skin disease. In this case, you should consult a dermatologist.

Of course, signs and their interpretation are a very interesting side of folklore. But all the same, to build life solely on their interpretation is very inappropriate, they should act only as an auxiliary element.

Mother of two children. I have been running a household for more than 7 years - this is my main job. I like to experiment, I constantly try various means, methods, techniques that can make our life easier, more modern, richer. I love my family.

If the head itches, it means that the person is seriously puzzled by something. The head is considered the main part of the human body, and its itching portends the adoption of important decisions and the onset of new events. Most often, she itches to quarrels, a showdown and the appearance of deep concern.

The interpretation depends on which side of the head the itching bothers:

  • On the right - to the right decision.
  • On the left - there is a risk of taking the wrong step.
  • The back of the head - to long thought, doubt and sadness.
  • The top of the head - to family problems and misunderstanding.
  • Forehead - you should expect a meeting with an unpleasant person or a long and not very interesting conversation.
  • Whiskey itch for advice. Right - advice is expected from a person; left temple - he himself needs a hint from other people.

If the whole head itches, then there is a possibility that a person will be condemned, scolded and accused of something. The stronger the feeling, the more difficult it will be to find a compromise and resolve the conflict.

In addition, the head is not limited to the scalp. Important are the itchy sensations that can occur on the face or even in the mouth.

part of the head What does
Brows The right eyebrow itches for a meeting and conversation with pleasant people. Left - a meeting with a person whom you do not want to see threatens
Eyes Right - to joy or a meeting with a loved one. Left - to tears and news that will upset

The desire to scratch the most prominent part of the face can mean a variety of events:

  • Itching in the nose - to receive good news.
  • The bridge of the nose itched - a person will receive news of a deceased person.
  • The tip of the nose - to a feast with wine.
  • Right nostril - to the birth of a son from neighbors or acquaintances.
  • Left nostril - one of them will have a daughter


  • lower lip - for a kiss with a child or a woman;
  • the top one is for kissing a man.

The tongue itches - you should prepare for gossip and gossip. To avoid them, you need to tie a strong knot on something (but not on yourself) so that the ill-wishers have a tongue

Heaven in the mouth A man behind his back is condemned by unfamiliar people
Teeth To a change in the weather and an unpleasant conversation
Gum A man or a woman could blurt out too much and offend someone

According to popular beliefs, cheeks itch for guests:

  • right - to relatives from afar;
  • the left one predicts guests living nearby
Chin If a man has an itchy chin, he will have to make important decisions. The right decision will be to do what the heart tells, not the mind. In women - to love relationships, pleasant acquaintances, flirting and intimate pleasures

They predict the weather will change for the worse. In addition, it may be a sign of rumors:

  • the left ear predicts a discussion of unfamiliar people;
  • right - relatives and friends will discuss a person behind his back

The neck itches in front for the upcoming road or gatherings of relatives on the road. Behind - to a meeting of relatives or friends at home.