How to choose eco-friendly plastic windows. What is ecological cleanliness? What emit plastic windows into the atmosphere


Environmentally friendly plastic windows

The topic of ecology, environmental protection and human health is very relevant today and worries many, since improper use natural resources and pollution of the external environment entail irreparable consequences. In order to improve and maintain the ecological environment, human activities must be directed towards a balance with nature. Understanding this, manufacturers have recently been striving to properly dispose of waste, introduce innovative developments and manufacture products from safe raw materials. After all, adherence to the principles of environmental friendliness is the best advertisement and engine of trade.

The company "Modern-windows" is no exception, which, taking care of its customers and the natural environment, sells windows made of environmentally friendly materials.

Examples of our work

Before installing PVC windows, almost every client is interested in the environmental friendliness of the purchased windows and wants to be sure that his future purchase will not cause allergies and will not release toxins. Environmentally friendly PVC windows Rehau (Rehau) are made only from high-quality and safe material. They consist of natural raw materials: oil, gas and table salt.

Polymer technologies have found application in medicine, the cosmetic and food industries, the production of packaging products, the automotive industry and construction. Due to its durability and environmental friendliness, PVC is indispensable in various fields human life. After numerous examinations, the Ministry of Health in Europe recognized the polymer as a harmless material that does not emit harmful chemicals for human health. We believe that this is one of the strongest evidence of the hygiene and safety of this raw material.

environmentally friendly plastic windows Rehau meet high environmental standards, maintaining their whiteness in all weather conditions. Any high-quality PVC windows must pass various toxicity tests. And the production of Rehau windows does no harm environment. They undergo the strictest sanitary and epidemiological control and have hygienic certificates.

Buying environmentally friendly windows Rehau (Rehau) inexpensively in the company "Modern Windows", you care about the environment, the health of loved ones and your wallet. It is important to opt for reliable and safe products from global manufacturers.

Window structures produced on the latest equipment from environmentally friendly materials that do not emit substances harmful to human health and the environment are called eco-windows. Strict quality control of products is carried out at all production stages.

Work examples

Which windows are considered the most environmentally friendly and safe?

Today there are three main types of safe window products based on profiles:


Manufactured from PVC free of lead stabilizers. Recommended for use even in children's and medical institutions, Easy to clean, airtight, durable, reliable, resistant to negative impact weather phenomena, have a high rate of heat and sound insulation, have a wide price range, a large number of options for shapes and colors.


Made from pine, oak or larch wood. For resistance to fire, insects, mold and fungus, wood is treated with special compounds. They are characterized by excellent heat saving and sound insulation performance, high maintainability, resistance to low temperatures, aesthetics. Thanks to the microcirculation of air through the pores in the wood, they create a special microclimate in the room. The main disadvantage is the high cost.

Glass composite

Made from fiberglass. They have high strength, thermal insulation, maintainability, have a wide color palette. Resistant to deformation, temperature fluctuations, corrosion, moisture, fire and ultraviolet. Do not emit harmful substances. On average, they are 20% more expensive than plastic products.


One of the first in this direction eco-friendly PVC windows of the KBE brand, produced using Greenline lead-free technology, have become. The chemical compound calcium-zinc acts as a stabilizer.

The German company Rehau has also made a choice in favor of environmental friendliness and began to produce plastic profiles without the use of harmful substances. This is confirmed by a hygienic certificate of conformity. Structures can be recycled, saving resources and respecting nature.

Key Features:

  • the absence of excretions harmful to the body, due to the use of safe chemical compounds in the production;
  • a large selection of shapes and colors;
  • high noise and heat insulation performance, tightness;
  • great price variety;
  • durability, up to 40-50 years of operation;
  • ease of care;
  • reliability, resistance to negative external influences.

Myths and truth about plastic eco-windows

The main myths that scare buyers who choose this option:

MYTH #1: Polyvinyl chloride (PVC, plastic), from which the profile is made, is a harmful substance.
TRUE: In pure form is a powder white color, mixed with other, safe components during production. As a result, it becomes inactive and does not emit substances that pose a threat to human health and the environment.

MYTH #2: For stabilization, lead is used, which is a dangerous poison. Over time, under the influence of high temperatures, when exposed to direct sunlight, lead begins to stand out, poisoning everything around.
TRUTH: Manufacturers of eco-windows have long refused to use lead compounds in production - they were replaced by absolutely harmless compounds of calcium and zinc.

MYTH #3: Tightness not only completely removes drafts, but also makes it impossible for microcirculation of air in the room. As a result, it stagnates, is not saturated with oxygen, and an unpleasant odor occurs.
TRUTH: Modern plastic windows are equipped with a micro-ventilation mode, as well as ventilation air valves, which ensures the supply of fresh air in sufficient quantities.

2. Wooden windows

Materials from which environmentally friendly are made wooden windows, are of natural origin, and not mined as a result of chemical reactions. Naturalness is the main advantage of these designs.

Characterized by a high degree of flammability and exposure to bark beetles, they need special impregnation, and for resistance to the influence of negative natural phenomena - painting. Modern manufacturers offer paints and impregnations that are safe for health, do not emit substances harmful to the body and the environment during use, and perfectly cope with the task.

3. Eco windows made of fiberglass

Glass composite as a material for the manufacture of window profiles was patented by Canadians. It is produced by pultrusion, the process consists of two stages:

  • Fiberglass is pulled through a container filled with thermosetting resin (predominantly polyester).
  • The resin-coated material enters a die heated to 150 ° C. Here it solidifies and takes the form of a die.
The main advantage of the material is that chlorine and lead or any other stabilizers are not used in its production. It will not harm even particularly susceptible people, even at high temperatures.

Comparison of profile characteristics





⚫ Excellent

⚫ There is air microcirculation

⚫ Excellent

⚫ Good

⚫ High

⚫ High

⚫ 40-60 years old

⚫ up to 90 years

⚫ over 90 years


In the last decade, a real environmental boom can be observed. Eco-friendly packaging, products from farmers, eco-gadgets. The desire for environmental friendliness has not bypassed PVC windows. But what are ecological windows?

Environmental indicators are influenced by the material of window structures and production technology. You don't have to take the manufacturer's word for it - today windows undergo mandatory testing and certification.

The very concept of environmental friendliness of windows can be divided into two components. The first is human security. The second is concern for nature. We will talk about them in a new article.

Windows and human health

We have already touched on this topic in the article "". Let's go the other way this time.

People always trust natural materials. Therefore, questions about the environmental friendliness of wooden structures have never arisen. But is it really so?

It should be remembered that modern wooden windows are impregnated with resins and protective compounds. This increases durability and fire safety, but the level of environmental friendliness, on the contrary, decreases. That's why natural material This is far from a guarantee of absolute security.

There are a lot of rumors about plastic windows. Contrary to all fears, plastic is an environmentally friendly and hypoallergenic material. This is confirmed by its widespread use in medicine: it is plastic that is used to make prostheses, droppers, syringes and utensils.

In addition, plastic windows have a high combustion temperature of 140°C, so they are also safe from the fire side.

Ecological windows and the state of the planet

We figured out the influence of wooden and plastic windows on human health. What about the health of the planet?

Wooden windows do not harm the environment. They quickly decompose, not letting toxic substances into the soil. Plastic windows are also not aggressive towards nature, but only if PVC is properly processed for reuse.

The modern window market does not endanger human life, but their environmental performance can be either excellent or not fully developed. When choosing windows, contact only trusted manufacturers who confirm the quality of the goods with relevant documents.

Kaleva cares about the environment. We honor ours and guarantee that any window from ours will not negative impact on the health of customers or nature.

If you have your own thoughts on the topic of windows and ecology, share them in the comments to this article. I also recommend subscribing to our weekly newsletter so as not to miss new publications.


When making a purchase, environmental friendliness is one of the most important factors, which is why affordable solid wood eco-windows that have recently appeared on the market are so popular. Let's determine what are the advantages of such structures compared to their PVC (poly-vinyl chloride) counterparts.

Windows made of natural wood help to create a cozy, favorable atmosphere for living in your home. Environmentally friendly systems are created using advanced technologies, combining tradition and innovation. Such windows are characterized by aesthetic appearance and high functionality, in addition, unlike PVC, they can be repaired. At the same time, processed wood products can serve you for more than 50 years.

Wood or plastic?

Many are interested in the question of why not so long ago the whole world switched to plastic profiles. The thing is that wooden windows were an unattainable luxury for many Europeans and Americans, while PVC and aluminum profiles are available for most consumers. High-quality wood is an expensive material, so elite systems made of solid-lamellar timber are quite an expensive pleasure. That is why economical Poles or Germans furnish their homes with standard budget wooden windows with finger-jointed beams, creating typical template interiors.

At the same time, many customers tend to buy plastic windows with a profile that imitates wood. A person who wants to be in a comfortable emotional state will always prefer a real wood product to plastic analogues. That is why we advise you to pay attention to eco-friendly windows made of timber, which will become a luxurious addition to any interior.

Advantages of wooden window systems

Wooden windows are warm and quality systems, which explains the difference in cost with PVC. However, really good exclusive things cannot be sold for next to nothing, otherwise it will simply not be profitable to produce them. Our company creates eco-windows from solid and finger-jointed timber based on time-tested woodworking technologies and completely new methods. That is why our profiles are distinguished by the following advantages:

  • resistance to mechanical and chemical influences;
  • ecological cleanliness;
  • hygiene;
  • strength;
  • durability;
  • Ease of use.

At the same time, ecological windows from natural wood allow you to embody any design ideas. They have a respectable appearance, allowing you to emphasize the status and good taste of their owners. Solid wood windows create an attractive and ecological living space. Separately, it is worth mentioning the special microclimate inside the room, because such systems provide natural air exchange, therefore, in the apartment where they are installed, there is always clean and fresh air.

On the one hand, speaking about the environmental friendliness of window structures, the question naturally arises about the environmental friendliness of the material itself, which is used as the basis for the production of windows.

Few people have a question - which windows are more environmentally friendly.

The only true and not causing any additional questions is the answer -, given that this is the only natural material used today in the window construction market.

However, the crux of the matter - in fact - lies at a deeper level. First, you need to carefully look at such a product as PVC windows.

This material is definitely not natural. However, the question of its safety for human health is still open. Most plastic window manufacturers claim that this product is absolutely safe for the human body.

Let's take a closer look at this material (polyvinyl chloride).

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is a synthetic material that is made from components such as chlorine and oil. Subsequently, these two substances are combined, resulting in a substance called ethylene dichloride.

Already this composition in the process of various chemical processes with the addition of other additional substances, it is converted into a material called polyvinyl chloride.

As additives that improve performance characteristics PVC, various kinds are used - stabilizers, modifiers, dyes, lubricants.

The biggest concerns are stabilizers, as such substances such as lead, zinc, tin can be used. As a dye, titanium dioxide is added to PVC, it is thanks to it that plastic windows have such a pure white color.

The development of such a material with wear-resistant properties has led to the fact that PVC today ranks second after polyethylene in terms of its use among all synthetic polymers. PVC is used to produce many consumer products, from medical supplies to children's toys and clothing. This list also includes windows.

At the same time, it has been accurately proven that when burning, plastic releases hydrogen chloride, and if it enters the lungs of a person, it can cause serious harm to the body.

In addition, in the "aging" PVC can also release harmful substances due to the slow chemical reactions that take place in it.

Thus, plastic windows definitely cannot be called ecological. However, at the same time, it is widely believed that, despite its naturalness, it is not completely an environmentally friendly product.

The basis for this opinion, first of all, is the fact that wood is a natural, but at the same time, insufficiently reliable material. tree like construction material tends to age, deform, dry out, crack over time, it is highly susceptible to moisture.

In this regard, for the production of wooden windows, many auxiliary substances are used that help the tree fight against the influence of moisture and other influences on it. external factors, which for untreated wood can lead to the appearance of fungus, mold, decay and, as a result, the destruction of wood.

However, you need to figure out what these substances are. Their list is quite large - these are tannins, impregnations, adhesives, antiseptics, varnishes, paints.

However, most of the formulations used for are water-soluble substances. They do not contain organic solvents. And therefore they cannot cause serious harm to the human body.

At the same time, one or another type of wood may require a different amount of used compositions for processing. It depends on how high quality wood material you use.

, for example - one of the most reliable and durable materials that is great for the production of wooden windows.

If plastic windows are so tight, and the composition of the material from which they are made, does not allow a single drop of air to pass through, which, in the absence of proper ventilation, leads to the formation of stale air. And this can not but affect the human body.

In turn, even without any ventilation, wooden windows are able to pass air through their own pores, thereby creating natural ventilation in the room and a healthy atmosphere in the room.

from - your guarantee of the quality and environmental friendliness of your windows. Our windows create comfort and do not harm your health.