Body traits. Taurus man character secrets

Taurus is a fixed earth sign, creator and foodie. He personifies the love of life with all its advantages, and is also distinguished by stubbornness and practicality. Taurus know how to work, diligently working to create comfortable conditions for their lives. Also, representatives of this sign are able to wait for a long time until suitable conditions are created.

The patience of Taurus is impressive, it is quite difficult for them to comprehend something new and study unfamiliar conditions. Taurus strongly perceive everything beautiful, have a developed intuition, are prone to analyzing the situation before committing acts. We will consider the character of Taurus in more detail in this material.

Taurus' ruling planet is Venus. She is responsible for fun, joy, love for people, therefore she bestows vanity and love for pleasure and luxury on her “wards”.

At the same time, Venus can be in a different position in the horoscope and play both a positive and a negative role.

  • Representatives of the sign, which is patronized by the "good" Venus, are distinguished by artistry, elegance, grace, friendliness, mystical charm, natural kindness and compassion.
  • When Venus is in a negative aspect, a person will feel "unhappy" and feel a craving for suffering. In this case, the positive characteristics listed above are transformed and appear in a perverted form.

Be that as it may, if a person was born during the reign of Venus, he is very strongly endowed with the “symptoms” of this planet. Therefore, it is possible to draw up even an approximate external characteristic of such an individual: in most cases, he has a round face, skin with a pinkish tinge or blush, burning, playful, kind and cheerful eyes. As a rule, we can talk about a large physique, a tendency to be overweight, such people are distinguished by a pleasant, soft voice and lush hair.

Character features

Taurus is a slightly passive sign who would rather wait for the right moment than actively look for opportunities. Representatives of the sign are capable of long and hard work, they are, in principle, the most hardworking of all the signs of the Zodiac, the main thing is that Taurus find acceptable methods of their self-expression.

Crazy about beautiful things, they are used to evaluating everything according to inflated criteria. Thanks to his brightly shown practicality and worldly wisdom, together with slowness, Taurus is a solid householder.

He is distinguished by sociability, has musical talents, believes in himself and attracts members of the opposite sex. Usually Taurus choose for themselves art, finance, real estate - those areas where they can enjoy life. Taurus is distinguished by conservatism, they are not inclined to chase ghostly ideas.

In almost all cases, they tend to make a positive impression, they have a special personal charm, but deep down they are skeptics and misanthropes, they have very strong nerves, an excellent sense of humor, they can make fun of themselves.

Of their core values, one can name security, the availability of specific guarantees, if the situation is unfavorable, Taurus can get sick.

Taurus is distinguished by the ability to empathize; by accumulating natural forces, they can become mediums, psychoanalysts, or even psychics, provided they develop empathy in themselves. Sexual balance is very important to them, they are looking for such a person who can satisfy their sensuality. They are distinguished by impressive patience in solving family problems.

Strengths and weaknesses of the sign

Taurus are somewhat lazy, love pleasure, and are stubborn. They have a hard time coping with unpleasant events. Outwardly they look very calm, but at the same time they suffer from internal aggression.

If something bad happens to Taurus, they will complain to their relatives until circumstances change for the better. They are distinguished by anger and jealousy. Taurus will not immediately show that they hurt him weakness, but it will take a long time to test their concerns. Subsequently, restrained aggression can result in a terrible scandal, a trifling showdown.

But Taurus people show others only the tip of the iceberg of their experiences. They may suffer from greed, craving for hoarding, limitedness in the material world.

Developed Taurus is distinguished by a very strong sensitivity and susceptibility to the surrounding reality, the ability of a psychologist. Filled with sufficient knowledge and information, Taurus can, using their intuition, predict future events. They are philosophers and mystics at heart.

Taurus Men

They are distinguished by self-confidence, calmness and reliability. They can be somewhat lazy, but when they fall in love, they pay maximum attention to their soulmate. Taurus men are practical romantics, it is comfortable to travel with them and spend time at home.

They love and know how to cook. They do not tolerate criticism in their direction very well, as well as disagreements and protracted conflict situations.

Going out of himself, the Taurus man ceases to feel any boundaries. After scandals, they tend to cool down quickly, but they remember grievances for a long time.

In love, they are possessive, jealous, but they manifest themselves as a caring husband and father. For them, appearance is very important, as well as sensuality and talent.

Taurus Women

They are one of the most attractive female types of the Zodiac. The Taurus woman is characterized by intelligence, sociability, as well as a sound mind. She strives for a beautiful and comfortable environment, flowers, beauties of nature and romance.

It is distinguished by caring, has a cheerful disposition and an excellent sense of humor, strives for prosperity and hoarding, but not only financial, but also spiritual.

For the young Taurus, constant sensual pleasures are very important. In the love sphere, they strive for constancy, and when they find sexual harmony with their beloved, they can forgive him many disadvantages. In difficult times, they will always come to the rescue.

Leading element

Astrologers divide all twelve constellations into four trigons (or elements), each of which corresponds to three signs. Taurus refers to the earth element - which is the basis of everything stable and eternal. The element of earth is associated with stability, rigor, responsibility and rationalism.

Each element correlates with its own type of temperament, indicating which vital "juices" prevail in the human body. Astrologers believe that representatives of the earth element are dominated by lymph, which gives him calmness, slowness and phlegm.

Taurus has a strong and calm temperament, all his nervous processes are slow, so he is characterized by balanced decisions and prudence.

Phlegmatic people have enough specific goals that they achieve quite confidently. Taurus do not always show their emotions brightly and usually do not suffer from sentimentality. But at the same time, phlegmatic people are distinguished by enviable perseverance in their careers, productivity and poise. To bring them out of mental balance - you need to try very hard.

The characteristic of Taurus will help you better understand this stubborn and controversial sign. You will learn his psychological portrait with the strengths and weaknesses of the personality, features of suitable professions and many other nuances below.

Description of the zodiac sign Taurus

If you see a silent person with a strong, deep gaze in the crowd, it will most likely be a Taurus. If he decides to say something, he will speak slowly, express his thought as briefly and clearly as possible. This is a peaceful person, he can remain calm for years, even if there is always an irritant next to him. However, if you still manage to get Taurus out of yourself, beware of his anger. In normal situations, if you anger Taurus, then he will simply be stubborn all the strong.

Taurus do not like popularity, general attention. At the same time, they are quite hospitable, gladly receive guests. In addition, Taurus love the attention of the opposite sex. However, they are unlikely to actively pursue their chosen one. In matters of love and friendship, Taurus is very passive.

Taurus love painting, music and just adore their home. For them, this is the main fortress, protection and support. Despite the fact that representatives of this sign usually do not squander money, they do not skimp on home purchases.

Born under the sign of Taurus famous people like Al Pacino, Robert Pattison, Honore de Balzac, Penelope Cruz, Jessica Alba, Uma Thurman.

Psychological characteristics of the sign Taurus

Taurus is one of the most patient signs of the zodiac, which only plays into the hands of Taurus. It takes a lot of effort to get him out of it. Patience is complemented by generosity, so that Taurus does not harbor resentment for a long time, easily forgive offenders, and do not make life difficult for themselves.

The second positive side of personality is practicality. He always knows exactly what he can benefit from. That is why Taurus is always with money. We can say that material goods themselves are attracted to the representatives of this sign, so that they rarely live in poverty.

But nobody is perfect. The main negative character trait of Taurus is laziness. It creates problems not only for the Taurus themselves, but also for all the people around them.

Also, the negative aspects include conservatism and excessive stubbornness. You will have to persuade Taurus to try something new for a long time. Well, if he decided something for himself, do not even hope to convince him, no matter how right you are.

The element of Taurus and its talismans

Taurus has two heavenly patrons at once: Venus and the Moon. Venus, she endows Taurus with thriftiness, perseverance and, in general, makes them exactly who they are. The moon also has an important role to play. It extinguishes the excessive stubbornness of Taurus, helps them find compromises and find a common language with people easier. But the element of this sign is earth.

Now let's deal with the mascots of this sign:

  • lucky numbers: 2, 4, 16;
  • talisman: figurine of a bull, figurine of an elephant with a raised trunk (it is important that the figurines are not made of ivory);
  • color: yellow, orange, all shades of green;
  • countries that I help to find spiritual balance: Switzerland, Sweden, Ireland.

Turquoise is the main talisman stone for this zodiac sign. He will help Taurus to win in any situation. Agate should be taken with you to all serious events. It gives its owner the gift of oratory. Opal will share psychic abilities with Taurus, but it should not be worn by people with a weak psyche, as the problem may worsen. Jade will protect Taurus from diseases. Chrysoprase will increase self-esteem. Chalcedony will protect against stress, bad mood and bad influence evil people.

Here are some things Taurus should avoid. First of all, we are talking about silver. It does not suit this zodiac sign. Also, you can not abuse the red colors. The real danger can be represented by red stones - jet, jade, garnet.

Choosing a profession for Taurus

Taurus knows how to make good money, unless, of course, he is lazy. So for their future, representatives of this sign can be calm.

Taurus has golden hands. They manage to do everything, no matter what they undertake. They are especially good at all the work that is associated with creating comfort in the house. They are excellent architects, builders, designers, weavers. They also do a good job of interior decoration premises.

Among other professions that suit Taurus are the following:

  • writer;
  • farmer;
  • animal breeder;
  • cook or confectioner;
  • restaurant business owner
  • dealer.

Taurus, unlike many other signs of the zodiac, is calm about routine work. He will perform it not anyhow, but carefully, observing all the rules. In terms of work, Taurus is a real pedant, so the boss can be calm about the part of the case that he entrusted to Taurus.

Taurus Health

Taurus are quite healthy. However, even the smallest health problems can have serious consequences for them. The fact is that Taurus will take too long to visit the hospital, in the hope that everything will go away by itself. And for preventive purposes, you can’t drag him to the hospital at all.

The vulnerabilities of Taurus are the intestines, larynx and throat. They may develop various diseases associated with these areas. Often diseases begin with something harmless and progress. For example, the usual sore throat flows into bronchitis, and then into bronchial asthma. That is why the throat must be very careful, be careful with cold drinks and dishes.

Another problem that Taurus suffer from is obesity. Partly excess weight associated with their laziness, slowness and sedentary lifestyle. It is enough to add regular exercise to protect yourself from this problem.

Now, thanks to the characteristics of the zodiac sign, Taurus will become at least a little closer and more understandable for you. Open the veil of secrecy over people born under this amazing sign in order to better understand them.

Each person has both innate and acquired character traits. Some of them will be associated with the environment and social status, others are assumed to be the sign of the zodiac under which a person is born. Consider the character of the representatives of the Taurus sign and its pros and cons.

What is the character and temperament of Taurus according to the horoscope

First of all, it should be noted that representatives of this sign are usually considered friendly and good-natured people. But if their patience is tested for too long, Taurus can become angry to the point that they become indomitable and uncontrollable.

The main advantages of Taurus are naturalness, reliability, innate charm and sensuality, passion for everything beautiful, fidelity and tenderness, ease of communication and balance. They also possess courage and determination, practicality, a sharp mind and diligence. Taurus is also characterized by an analytical mind, a well-developed intellect, as well as a good memory and commitment to fulfilling its promises.

The main negative aspects of their character include extreme conservatism and slowness, stubbornness and a materialistic attitude to life. In addition, Taurus are domineering, jealous, adamant in their opinion and have the psychology of owners.

Usually by nature, Taurus is peaceful and patient. The need for harmony makes them put up with a lot, but it's terrible when their patience comes to an end. Taurus do not like disputes, especially in a raised tone and cannot stand a disharmonic life.

The element of the Earth gives Taurus practicality, strength, perseverance and patience. Those born under this sign know exactly what they want and work purposefully to achieve it.

At the same time, they do not spare their strength and do not rely on a fluke or luck. In the vast majority of cases, all efforts are not in vain, but allow Taurus to achieve a lot, to become wealthy and authoritative people in society.

Taurus personality traits

The main features of the character according to the horoscope of Taurus include practicality and the ability to translate ideas from the spiritual into the material sphere. Their activities are always aimed at building, building and strengthening, and their actions are always guided by common sense. Assumes character and emotional stability and balance.

They are materialists and pragmatists, for whom pleasure, prosperity and comfort are above all. It is also worth noting that on the way to well-being and prosperity, Taurus are able to overcome any obstacles, but at the same time, their goal is not greed and passion for hoarding. The main thing for them is the need for a sense of calm and comfort.

For Taurus, objectivity is important, they do not like to think, they are less religious than other signs of the Zodiac, they have an excellent memory, they keep their word. They annoy themselves and others with their indecision, unwillingness to deal with a variable situation. They should overcome the idea that the whole world revolves around them, they should learn loyalty.

The nature of the zodiac sign Taurus is secretive. When it comes to their personal affairs, even if they are talkative. Generous, but at the same time greedy, owners. It is necessary to learn the right balance: "give - take." Taurus is characterized by common sense, simplicity, pragmatic intelligence. Feelings in Taurus are sharper than in other signs.

Most of the energy of Taurus is spent on gaining control over all situations in his life. He believes that material well-being will provide him with a secure existence, which in turn means happiness. His propensity to own is countered by the considerable effort he makes to make life comfortable for his loved ones.

His naturally generous nature is admirable, and he should develop a sense of pride in this regard. He also tries to overly control all those around him, not so much for the power that this gives him, but for their own interests.

He should not invest his emotions in people who are not truly worthy of his trust. He must understand that everyone must develop in himself a sense of his own interests and learn to act for them without outside help.

Taurus in family life

The positive qualities of Taurus as life companions include the fact that they:

  • they adore the house and always dream of their own nest, appreciate comfort and enjoy the familiar environment;
  • very patient, rarely restless, nervous, cruel or vengeful, have an excellent sense of humor, devoted to their family and friendly;
  • do not limit the rights of their spouses, respect them, are reliable and faithful, very rarely get divorced;
  • perfection for their children, enjoy their authority, although they require discipline;
  • attentive to the needs of the family and rarely spare money for them, but they also think about tomorrow.

Negative character traits

As for the negative aspects of Taurus in the family, they include the fact that they:

  • as stubborn as it is generally possible, but they themselves consider themselves patient owners of a strong character;
  • can be a little boring because of their taciturnity and restraint, love flattery and indulgence, and sometimes become indifferent and selfish;
  • they are not always able to take advantage of favorable situations, they are embarrassed and oppressed by changes in the situation, and they regard repairs as a feat on their part;
  • sometimes their needs and desires can be only practical, which is not in the best way affects relationships with partners.

Character traits of Taurus are very interesting. It is believed that those born under the sign of Taurus are very lucky. Gifted with the energy of Venus, the mistress of harmony, beauty, love and prosperity, they are simply created in order to be successful. Yes, and the nature of such a person allows you to succeed in almost everything: in finance, knowledge, spiritual values, in love and in friends.

What you need to learn Taurus to become happy

Taurus spends most of his energy on taking control of all the situations that happen to him. He considers material well-being the key to a secure existence and happiness. But at the same time, he makes many efforts not only for himself, but also to improve the lives of his loved ones. His generous nature is admirable and he should develop a sense of pride in himself on this occasion.

He tries to control everyone around him, and not so much for the sake of power, but for the sake of their own interests. Taurus should not invest too much of his strength for the benefit of those who are truly not worthy of trust. He must understand that each person must independently develop a sense of self-interest and learn to act independently.

Taurus' determination to live without making mistakes often leads to failure and fear that they do not meet the chosen criteria. Therefore, each Taurus needs to learn to free himself from self-doubt.

The dual influence of Venus and the Moon causes sensitivity and sentimentality, which gives Taurus a calm and confident taste. He loves discreet, but well-tailored clothes, rich silks and wool, leaving the right to extravagance for Aries. Dislikes necklaces, stiff collars and ties, loves perfumes with a delicate scent. Keeps clothes short, reverts to the same style if he thinks it suits him.

They trust their perception, an inner conviction based more on feelings than on inference. By nature, Taurus are cautious observers who prefer to look ahead one more time before taking a step.

Taurus is often too concerned about their health. This is important to him. Taurus is very afraid of being abandoned, so they want to have control over all situations. You want to know what kind of heaven you are in, and you feel safe when you have this knowledge. You must understand that you cannot plan everything, so try to let go of what you have no control over.

Taurus often tries to do everything in their favor. Taurus is very good at combining business with pleasure. When you invite your friends over for dinner, you want to impress them with good food and fine wines. Sex is also important for Taurus. Taurus loves all the good things life has to offer and will of course try to enjoy the good things as much as possible.

Taurus wants to forgive the person who humiliated and teased him. Taurus will never forget if someone was hurt by his pride. You are vindictive and you keep your anger inside until you have a nervous breakdown. Taurus then becomes like a rabid bull and is very dangerous. When you are angry, it is very difficult to stop you.

Taurus loves his partner for a good figure and a beautiful face. But getting married is not so easy for Taurus, especially if the partner does not have a lot of money, then perhaps there will be no marriage. A wealthy partner will give Taurus a good social status and prosperity. A less attractive trait of Taurus is that you can be very suspicious and accuse others of taking advantage of you. Taurus is an earthbound and practical zodiac sign, but it takes persistence to earn your trust.

It is not uncommon for Taurus to be a tyrant in the family. Beware of exploiting your own household members. If you start exploiting your loved ones, the risk is that you will get a lot of enemies and be left alone.

It is easy for you to become whiny and insecure, especially when you have little money. And if you have money, you can become arrogant and arrogant. Your whining can be stressful for your environment. You don't have to worry about money. Your goal in life is to have a lot of money and possessions. But this desire often takes up too much space in your life. No one can escape Taurus' crazy pursuit of money and wealth. However, things may go well for you. Taurus seeks to gain status and beautiful things in their home.

Taurus man must learn to be more humble and responsive to loved ones and Taurus must learn to give and receive love and affection. If you do this, your self-esteem will improve and you can focus more on things that you can influence yourself. Apply for professional help for your control of jealousy and envy, otherwise you may end up carrying everything alone in your soul. More peace of mind in your life and then you will feel much better.

Taurus most often chooses friends according to their ability to increase their social status or career. Taurus is sure that he is not inferior to his friends in anything. You feel good when you feel that you are better than your friends. You are egocentric and selfish and want to be the best at everything and there are always some ulterior motives when you make new contacts.

You can easily destroy a friendship, and when you think that a friend has nothing else to give you, then you simply forget him. Remember that it is thanks to your friends that you have achieved such success. The worst situation for a Taurus is when there are too many competitors around him. If you continue in this spirit, you will be lonely, and it will be very difficult for you to win over people.

Negative qualities of Taurus

Often hides his feelings, bad temper (if provoked), stubborn, unimaginative, lazy (usually when ordered to do something), materialistic, likes to indulge his whims, jealous, tends to procrastinate, overconfident, inflexible.

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Among all the signs you will not find a calmer and more silent calf. - a peaceful and solid creature.

It takes a lot of effort to get him out of balance. You can yell, prove you are right, rush with your fists - it's useless! If the Taurus thinks in his own way, it is impossible to convince him.

Taurus will not cross the road to another, but he will not allow himself to interfere. Start to pester him - he will rest.

Leave it alone - you will be happy. But if you tease the Taurus man for real, the offender will be unhappy.

Another quality that nature has awarded Taurus is patience. For months and years, he can pretend not to pay attention to the fuss around.

But if the cup of patience overflows, you will not envy the one against whom his anger will turn. The enraged Taurus is ready to demolish everything on its way. The only consolation is that it happens very rarely.

In general, Bucky is rarely nervous and encounters trouble without panic. There are few things that can lead them astray.

Another feature is the love of one's own home. It is better to invite guests than to go on a visit.

To the opposite sex, the bodies are not indifferent. But here he will not pursue the object of adoration. The main way to win favor is to charm a woman so that she herself reaches out to him.

Therefore, if you like some Taurus, show it first, and then he can immediately take the initiative.

And remember one more character trait that you just don’t notice. Behind all the restraint lies something that seems incompatible with Taurus - romance.

Therefore, the courtship of the calf is sustained in the best traditions. And he will always remember the first meeting, and other intimate dates that you yourself will forget to think about.

Taurus is not a heartthrob-Leo, but a dreamer-Aquarius and not Aries - a builder of castles in the air.

You will see - if he chooses you as his wife, he will first show the plan of the future house and talk about plans for life together. With him, your future will be in safe hands.

Taurus should choose a profession based on his passions and desires. He will make a wonderful real estate dealer, banker or farmer. You can meet representatives of this sign among gardeners, clerks, engineers, bakers and butchers.

If we talk about the health of Taurus, then perseverance can lead to protracted illnesses. And this despite the large stock of endurance and physical strength.

The most "favorite" doctor - ENT. Complaints about the throat are a sore spot for Taurus. Their legs and back are vulnerable - rush, sudden movements and unrest are contraindicated for Taurus.

And behind the silence, there can be a tendency to depression and pessimism, which they cope with a good relationship with a partner.