Autonomous non-profit organization of spiritual revival and strengthening of moral values ​​"Women of Smolensk". Healthy lifestyle in the company Promoting a healthy lifestyle among young people

Judging by the projects of the participants of the HR Brand Award-2012, targeted work to improve the health of employees is becoming increasingly important for many companies.

Headliners of the annual spring conference on HR branding, authoritative experts in the field of leadership and health Juliet and Michael McGannon believe that the introduction of a variety of practices aimed at maintaining a healthy lifestyle significantly and undeniably affects the quality and efficiency of work. We found out from our experts whether their companies adhere to a similar view, and also how justified the costs of implementing and promoting such practices in Russia are.

Marina Rudkovskaya, HR director of the company Amway:

Care for employees and commitment to a healthy lifestyle are among the key values ​​of our company. We have developed a whole program that includes a weekly consultation at the general practitioner's office, sports motivation, fruit and vegetable days on Fridays, and much more. The list of events is updated annually, which allows employees to choose the best option for taking care of their health.

The values ​​of a healthy lifestyle are supported primarily not by HR specialists, but by top managers of the company, who set a personal example by participating in marathons, football competitions and thereby involving all staff in these initiatives. No wonder they say that a healthy mind in a healthy body, because it is our well-being that provides the opportunity to be more efficient, fast, attentive, and also gives us the ability to quickly cope with stress and get satisfaction from what we do.

The costs of implementing and promoting these practices are small, but the payoff is huge: we regularly conduct employee surveys and are very pleased that 80% of them are proud of their work in the company.

Ekaterina Maksimova, Director of Human Resources, Eli Lilly Russia-CIS:

Our company practices many initiatives aimed at maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Some branches have outdoor sports grounds, massage chairs are located in the offices, healthy eating days, yoga classes are held, and the company's main office in Moscow even has an entire fitness center. It's not an easy task, but exercising is an important part of a healthy lifestyle, and as an alternative to a compensation package, we offer paid fitness for employees and their families. Our office is equipped with ergonomic furniture, which helps reduce the risk of various “office diseases” among employees.

Our team includes many specialists with experience in practical medicine. They regularly share their experience and knowledge with colleagues at educational events on the prevention of a healthy lifestyle. We also publish advice on healthy eating and prevention of various diseases in newsletters and a corporate magazine.

In our branch in Ukraine, a healthy lifestyle has already become the norm: there are no smoking employees in the team, there are always herbal teas, and instead of sugar, honey is offered.

Such initiatives do not require large investments, but at the same time they give a significant practical result: employees get sick less, and the company does not lose labor resources. However, in our opinion, the main advantage of all these initiatives is that in this way we support the values ​​of people, show concern for them, and this naturally strengthens the involvement of our employees.

Vasily Pigin, managing partner TriMetrix Solutions:

Indeed, research by TTI Success Insights, a leader in the field of psychodiagnostics of behavior and values, confirms that physical health is necessary for psychological health.

To do this, it is important to debug 4 factors:

  1. EQ-temperature (stress, working atmosphere, emotional mood),
  2. physical activity (gymnastics at the workplace),
  3. meals (breakfast, lunch, weight control),
  4. sleep (road home, online work).

Moreover, studies show that for effective activity it is necessary to work with all factors simultaneously, in a complex way, and not just with one or two.

  • We try to reduce the level of stress, using, on the one hand, predictability (clear plans, transparent assessment and payment systems), and on the other hand, a human approach, that is, we treat each other with care and respect. We have introduced into conversational practice the dimension of the so-called EQ temperatures(training on emotional intelligence). Anyone can say: "Don't come near me, my glass is now cloudy or red." This means that a person asks to give him time to recover and treat his excited state with understanding. I believe this is a must if you want to not only spare each other's nerves, but also stay at a high level of productivity.
  • Gymnastics in the workplace. Here we did not come up with anything new, but peeped how the Chinese do it and how it was done earlier in the USSR. Daily morning exercises awaken the body and attention, make the team more cohesive, reduce the chances of taking sick leave and increase a person's satisfaction from life.
  • Food. If you eat breakfast yourself almost every day, and give dinner to the enemy, then you will have many years of active life. Do you eat breakfast regularly every day? Really? Okay, how often do you stick to this? mediterranean diet"? I'm talking about the priority of unleavened cereals over fragrant cholesterol bacon and insulin-exciting French jam with a fatty croissant. And in order to publicly stand on the scales before the collective breakfast. Eating at the office helps to cope with yourself, and it is valuable that you have a head start in this struggle 5 out of 7 days.
  • Dream. It is difficult to influence this factor directly, but you can optimize the time by giving a person the opportunity to get enough sleep, sometimes work at home and not sit up stupidly in the office until night. It is necessary to develop a clear attitude towards regular overtime, destroying the stereotype that the one who works more, does more. A few years ago, I conducted an experiment: for 3 months I entered the time of my rise and falling asleep into an Excel spreadsheet. I used to sleep for 3 hours, and then slept off at the weekend. It's funny that when I added up the sleep time for all 90 days, I got an average ... 8 hours a day. Watching workaholics leaving the office late and working on weekends, I noticed that they take more time off and take sick leave once a year. Miracles don't happen.

Caring is important for everyone, so you need to stop squeezing juice out of yourself, live as a family. This, of course, will entail a decrease in intensity and efficiency at short distances. One week a year without sick days will pay for the juicer. A stable team for ten years means saving 36 salaries per employee per year - this is the cost of changing one employee.

Sergey Karpov, Researcher Advanced Management Institute:

Let's look at the issue from several angles.

  • First, is it necessary to maintain a healthy lifestyle? Of course, Yes.
  • Secondly, do people who lead a healthy lifestyle work more efficiently than others? Of course, Yes.

But the justification for the introduction of such practices in Russia inspires some concern. Let me explain: society is sick in itself, but attempts to heal it often take such bizarre forms that they give exactly the opposite effect, as well as the reaction of employees (organizations) and citizens (states). The initiatives themselves (without changing the corporate culture, and possibly even production processes and relationships) for Russian conditions, as a rule, either meaningless, or harmful. Rare companies can introduce this tool into circulation without a large amount of additional work and serious effort. Processes designed for organizations and countries in one culture overwhelmingly do not work in another, or work in a way that would be better not to see it. The solution can only be complex. However, if we are talking about the HR branch of a Western company in the Russian Federation, you are most likely lucky.

Margarita Danish, the president Advanced Management Institute (AMI Business School):

Of course, the health of employees is an extremely important topic. In my opinion, there is nothing new here - these are echoes of the "hygienic" approach. When a company runs out of opportunities to provide loyalty at the salary level, it turns to factors of the same order, that is, health care is just another way to increase the attractiveness of the employer. But then we need to talk about what exactly at work can affect a person’s health: for example, stress associated with professional tasks or improper organization of the process itself will not block any healthy lifestyle.

In Russian HR practice, there is a huge gap in understanding the real sources of employee ill health and, as a result, there is a lack of stress management skills. In my opinion, talking about a healthy lifestyle without taking into account these factors is similar to cosmetic surgery: everything seems to be nothing on the outside, but the hidden mechanisms continue to operate and destroy health, including the organization itself.

Alexander Belanovsky, Motivation and Recruitment Trainer, Training Center BizMotiv:

Opportunities for personal growth and strengthening the health of employees should be used primarily as motivating factors that allow you to increase efficiency and keep people in the company.

During the period of low unemployment, which is now noted not only in Russia, but also in most European countries, the issue of recruiting is not so much the selection of new personnel, but the use of technologies to stimulate existing employees and increase their loyalty to the employer. Therefore, the trend that will only develop is to devote more time and resources to the health of staff, as well as to encourage those who are engaged in the processes of self-learning and personal growth.

It is estimated that finding and training a newcomer costs a company 5-10 times more than organizing a set of measures to retain and motivate an employee who plans to quit.

Nina Arkhipova, PR manager, Personnel center "Etalon":

Healthy and happy people work better and more efficiently - this thesis does not need special proof, it is empirically obvious, and many career-oriented people understand this very well. It has long been a good form to go to the gym, keep yourself in good physical shape, monitor nutrition. When applying for a job, qualified specialists pay special attention to this issue and sometimes prefer to choose a company that includes a card of a neighboring fitness club in its social package (in Moscow, the proximity of a sports facility to the office is of particular importance). Wherein nominal value wages may not be the highest in the industry. In addition to a positive impact on health, a joint visit to the sports complex with colleagues further unites the team and helps team building. Of course, this has a positive effect on working under stressful conditions, when the success of the project depends on the degree of involvement in the overall work.

Anna Mosolova, Senior Specialist of Recruitment Department, Top-20 bank:

In our organization, of course, there are programs to promote and maintain a healthy lifestyle for employees. They work within the framework of programs of voluntary medical insurance, preferential fitness, as well as sponsorship various kinds sports: ice hockey, rugby, rafting, motor sports.

Thus, the importance of maintaining and cultivating a healthy lifestyle among the staff is realized. Any company is a living organism, so it is necessary to understand the value of each person, to show loyalty to his problems. This attitude is a marker of a reliable employer who cares about their HR brand.

Elena Vlasova, psychologist, candidate of sociological sciences (Yekaterinburg):

Working as the director of the HR department, I had to deal with such issues all the time. Participant observation and measurements of job satisfaction confirmed that the practice of maintaining a healthy lifestyle is very important for people, because it directly affects their attitude to work.

Everything is clear about sports events: employees usually come there with relatives and friends, experience vivid emotions, throw out accumulated tension, get physical activity - this is extremely useful.

Since 2014, the Belarusian Red Cross Society, together with the Swiss Red Cross, has been implementing the project "Involving communities in promoting a healthy lifestyle" in partnership with the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus, the Republican Center for Hygiene, Epidemiology and Public Health and their structures and institutions, as well as other state and public organizations of Belarus.

Overall goal of the project

health promotion and behavior change towards a healthy lifestyle among the population of Belarus.

The project is being implemented

  • 2 regions– Vitebsk, Grodno
  • 4 districts- Senno and Polotsk, Slonim, Oshmyansky
  • Gorki Mogilev region.


The project uses a community-driven approach to mobilize communities to promote healthy lifestyles by creating proactive volunteer groups in local communities.

Members of initiative groups

These are active people united by a common goal of promoting a healthy lifestyle and improving the health of their community residents, who are actively involved in planning and implementing activities aimed at improving the health of their community residents, and involve others in this activity. There are initiative groups with the support of the district organization of the Regional Committee of the Red Cross, representatives of partner organizations from institutions of healthcare, education, culture, social protection, and local authorities.

Currently established and active 14 initiative groups (IG) on healthy lifestyle - about 200 people - in 12 settlements of Belarus: Senno, settlement. Bogushevsk, ag Khodtsy, Sennensky district, Vitebsk region; Polotsk (2 IG), ag Zelenka, Polotsk district, Vitebsk region; Oshmyany, ag Zhuprany, ag Golshany, Oshmyany district, Grodno region; Slonim, Zhirovichi village, Pavlovo village, Slonim district, Grodno region, Gorki, Mogilev region (2 IGs).

A circle formed in the pilot regions partners who are ready to actively participate in the implementation of the project and activities to involve the population of local communities in the promotion of a healthy lifestyle. Partners represent a wide range of different bodies and organizations - healthcare, education, social protection, sports and tourism, culture, local authorities. The number of partners is about 50 people.

The logo and slogan of the project was developed, which became the basis of the corporate identity, in which the ideas of the project were embodied - to create a movement of volunteers and unite under our wing all those who are engaged in a healthy lifestyle, change together and help others change together; people find it easier to change their lifestyle when they feel supported by others. The project logo and slogan "Together for Health" reflects these principles and is a handshake of two people, transformed into a graphic image.

Representatives of partner organizations

as well as BOCC employees

have been trained in working with active participation in communities and approaches to involving communities in the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, in the prevention of NCDs and the promotion of a healthy lifestyle:

Training "Informing for the purpose of changing behavior patterns in the field of prevention of noncommunicable diseases"(facilitator - IFRC consultant Nancy Claxton).

– for work with active participation in communities in relation to the promotion of healthy lifestyles – 72 participants.

— training of instructors (facilitators) to conduct trainings on NCD prevention and healthy lifestyle promotion among volunteers in the pilot regions of the project – 51 participants.

Initiative group "Start with ourselves" develop breathing exercises

The trainings were conducted on the basis of a module on healthy lifestyles and NCD prevention, developed by the IFRC and with the consent of the RBRC for the use of methodological materials. The translation of the original methodological materials was adapted and trainings were conducted by the project staff (T. Svetlovich, S. Anatsko).

Study materials can be downloaded here:

Trainer's Manual: Healthy Lifestyles and Prevention of Noncommunicable Diseases (NCDs) Module

VOLUNTEER's Handbook: Module on Healthy Lifestyles and Prevention of Noncommunicable Diseases (NCDs) VOLUNTEER's Handbook: Module on Healthy Lifestyles and Prevention of Noncommunicable Diseases (NCDs)

Community Toolkit: Module on Healthy Lifestyles and Prevention of Noncommunicable Diseases (NCDs)

Trained instructors received special kits necessary for effective implementation trainings on the prevention of NCDs and the formation of a healthy lifestyle among volunteers. Sets include teaching aids, posters, other visual materials, scales and blood pressure monitors for assessing the personal risk of developing non-communicable diseases and monitoring the health status of residents of local communities.

Initiative groups (IG) were trained in organizational development and healthy lifestyle issues:

– on approaches to work with active participation in communities with a focus on promoting a healthy lifestyle – 160 participants;

training on effective methods informing the population and planning information events - 58 ISIS leaders and representatives;

— on NCD prevention and healthy lifestyle promotion for volunteers in pilot communities — 290 participants.

Trained volunteers started working with residents of local communities to change behavior towards a healthy lifestyle: each trained volunteer accompanies (supports) at least 3 residents of the local community - about 580 people in total - will conduct an NCD risk assessment, help develop a personal action plan for healthy lifestyles and NCD prevention, and provide regular support at the stages of behavior change.

Members of the Senno initiative group demonstrate a master class in dancesport.

In October-December 2015, events were held in the pilot districts as part of the healthy lifestyle campaign “Increased physical activity”.

The choice of the topic of physical activity was dictated by the results sociological research conducted as part of the project in 2014 in order to characterize the lifestyle of the population and identify behavioral risks. In addition, the WHO Regional Office for Europe has adopted the first Sedentary Action Strategy 2016-2025, aimed at reducing the number of people suffering from noncommunicable diseases by increasing the level of physical activity of the population.

The total number of people who took part in the campaign was 4 460 human

Senno district - 1561 people

Polotsk region - 545 people

Oshmyany district - 876 people

Slonim district - 1130 people

Gorki - 348 people

Good day, dear readers. In this article we will talk about what constitutes the work of promoting a healthy lifestyle. You will learn the definition of this concept. Find out what the purpose of this propaganda is. You will learn what factors you need to consider in order to bring a healthy existence into your life.

Essence and purpose

Mentioning the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, we consider various areas, the purpose of which is to instill the right attitude towards oneself, to familiarize people with the minimum skills that affect the improvement of health.

A significant way to form a healthy society is to educate each individual on the right life, promote and inform about the significant role played by everyone to maintain their health and the general well-being of the nation.

Propaganda aimed at the development of the population needs to create a campaign in which various media will be involved: radio, print, television, and so on.

In the promotion of healthy lifestyles, the following methods are used:

  • printed - includes wall newspapers, information leaflets, booklets, various memos and brochures, articles;
  • oral - holding talks, special lectures, introductory conferences, is the most effective way;
  • visual - designed for visual perception;
  • combined - a method of propaganda, including a joint influence on several analyzers.

The main goal of a healthy lifestyle is to improve the quality of health, maintain it, and ensure the prevention of various diseases.

Promotion of a healthy lifestyle is also an introduction to sports. The media in promoting this image should contribute to:

  • the emergence of interest among the population in their improvement from a physical point of view;
  • disclosure of the value of physical education in the formation of a clear attitude that life should be healthy, that health is too valuable for everyone individually and for society in general.

Everyone wants to be cheerful, strong, healthy, have a large supply of energy. Health is the greatest acquisition in the life of any individual.

In the rising generation

The health of the younger generation is the key successful development any society. The question of the formation, strengthening and preservation of the health of children, children adolescence, youth in general has social significance. Whether the nation will be healthy depends on the rising generation.

Recently, the method of informing children, as well as adolescents, has been actively used by creating special Internet resources that host information materials promoting healthy lifestyles.

A special place in the promotion of healthy lifestyles in the lives of young people and the elderly is occupied by social workers. Their main task is to work with their wards in certain areas:

  • individual conversations and instruction of each;
  • mention of healthy lifestyle during communication during correspondence;
  • publication information materials talking about the importance of a healthy lifestyle;
  • organization of group meetings.

Healthy lifestyle promotion among adolescents and children should be preventive in nature. The younger generation should be given the choice of any hobby and their place in life.


To follow and master the principles of a healthy lifestyle means to have an understanding of what is harmful and what is good for the body, to know how to discipline yourself, select the right daily regimen, give up certain foods and bad habits, thereby prolonging your youth, preventing the development of possible diseases.

The application of the basic principles allows:

  • live much longer;
  • avoid a number of diseases, including senile ones;
  • properly educate their offspring;
  • do not harm yourself, paving the path of life.

Let's look at what the basic principles of a healthy life are.

  1. Complete sleep. It is extremely important to get enough sleep and sleep certain hours. The body must have time to recover, because the lack of night rest can lead to heart problems, increased pressure, and changes in the functioning of the digestive tract.
  2. Physical activity. Regular exercise is important. It cannot be overlooked that in modern world many people spend most of their time sitting in front of a monitor screen or at a table, driving a car. When there is no necessary mobility in a person’s life, the muscles weaken, problems with the cardiovascular system begin. Therefore, it is so important to do, at least, exercises, but it is better to work out in a fitness center or in gym, or even devote yourself to some kind of sport.
  3. Proper nutrition. This is not about diets. It is important that the diet is chosen correctly. Good nutrition does not mean eating only greens and germinated wheat. It is important not to overeat, not to abuse food before bedtime, get rid of fast foods, carbonated drinks and all kinds of chips, crackers, introduce the maximum amount of fresh vegetables and fruits into the diet.
  4. Getting rid of extra pounds. It must be understood that excess weight disrupts the functioning of the whole organism. Fat accumulates not only under the skin, but also in the internal organs, lungs, liver, stomach, heart. In addition, excess weight puts a certain pressure on the musculoskeletal system, as a result of which pathological processes in the joints can develop.
  5. Refusal of all kinds of bad habits, smoking, taking illegal drugs, alcohol abuse. Being under such substances allows you to feel satisfaction for a while, but it is illusory. Bad habits deal a devastating blow to health.
  6. Compliance with personal hygiene. It is important to remember that pathogenic microorganisms can multiply on dirty skin, in a neglected oral cavity. If you follow the basic rules of hygiene, you can prevent the development of a number of diseases.
  7. Routine. It is necessary to calculate the time allotted for work, passive and leisure, full sleep. It is extremely important to plan everything and strictly follow your schedule.
  8. hardening procedures. Doctors have repeatedly proven that an individual who is not afraid of the cold encounters diseases much less frequently.

Now you know what healthy lifestyle promotion is. As you can see, the basics of instilling healthy lifestyle skills appear in the lives of children from the very beginning. early age. Parents try to instill care for themselves, their bodies, educational establishments also play an important role in the formation of relevant skills. Remember that the health of each individual person shapes the health of the whole society.

The project "Promotion of a healthy lifestyle among rural residents" HEALTH SAVING "is aimed at promoting the preservation and strengthening of the health of residents of the Smolensk region living in rural areas, promoting healthy lifestyles, raising awareness of the importance and role of maintaining one's own health, and preserving the well-being of families.
Within the framework of the project, in 9 municipalities of the Smolensk region, it is planned to hold “Health Days” according to mini-programs developed based on the specifics of the districts. The "Health Days" will be attended by the teaching staff of the Smolensk State Medical University, clergy, medical volunteers.
Video materials created following the results of the Health Days will be posted on the Internet in wide access. The final event of the project will be a conference, during which the results of the project implementation will be announced, the created methodological materials will be presented and the mechanisms for holding “Health Days” in each district using the products created during the project will be shown.
As a result of the implementation of the project activities, it will be possible to promote the recognition of the value of health and the formation of personal responsibility of beneficiaries for their own health, to provide free qualified medical advice to rural residents, socially unprotected categories of the population - pensioners, the disabled, war and labor veterans, single mothers, large families , children, teenagers.
The main principle of the project implementation will be its information openness: information on the progress of its implementation and ongoing activities will be regularly posted on the website of the ANO "Women of Smolensk", the official websites of the project partners (Smolensk diocese, Smolensk State Medical University), on the Portal of socially oriented non-profit organizations of Smolensk region and on the regional news portal "Our good Smolensk region", in social networks, in regional media mass media.


  1. Promoting the preservation and promotion of the health of various social groups population living in regional centers and rural areas.
  2. Organization of promotion of a healthy lifestyle, compliance with the rules of health conservation, responsible attitude of beneficiaries to their own health and the health of others.
  3. Help in creating a strong and harmonious family, able to withstand any destructive trends of modern life.


  1. Develop 9 mini-programs for conducting traveling "Health Days", based on the specific needs and specifics of the selected districts of the Smolensk region.
  2. Organize "Health Days" in 9 municipalities of the Smolensk region.
  3. To create opportunities for residents of rural areas to receive highly qualified consultative medical care from highly specialized doctors.
  4. Contribute to the activation of rural residents' own resources for maintaining personal health by raising awareness and motivation.
  5. Contribute to the preservation of well-being in families as a factor affecting the health of parents and children.

Substantiation of social significance

Today, the solution of the problems of preserving the health of the population is one of the priorities of the work of the authorities, public institutions, organizations of the commercial sector and socially oriented non-profit organizations. Moreover, there is an increased interest of the citizens themselves in maintaining their health in view of the expansion of the market for paid medical and health services. However, in rural areas, the availability of such services is much lower due to remoteness from district centers, the lack of specialized specialists in the district, insufficient awareness of the possibility of obtaining one or another assistance or service, and simply the lack of correct information about health promotion opportunities and a healthy lifestyle. . At the state level, in all regions of the country, national projects "Health" are being implemented, which include, among other things, the implementation of preventive measures. At the moment, the All-Russian public organization "League of the Health of the Nation" is developing a Strategy for the formation of a healthy lifestyle for the population, the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases. In work on this direction also involved are authorities at all levels, representatives of professional medical and expert circles, public organizations and business. The strategy states that the main direction of ensuring national security in the field of protecting the health of the nation, in the medium term, is to strengthen the preventive focus of health actions of all branches of government, sectors, strata and structures of society, with a focus on maintaining human health throughout his life, in all areas of his activity, while improving as a basis life of the institution of the family, protection of motherhood, fatherhood and childhood. Therefore, one of the priorities of modern public policy is the preservation and strengthening of the health of the population Russian Federation and strengthening the promotion of healthy lifestyles. Health promotion refers to a wide range of activities, from educational and community outreach programs to the use of the media. The project “Promotion of a healthy lifestyle among rural residents “HEALTH SAVING” proposed by us is aimed at ensuring that rural residents take their health responsibly and have the necessary information to preserve and strengthen it.

Project geography

Smolensk region

Target groups

  1. Women
  2. Large families
  3. Children and teenagers
  4. Persons in difficult situations
  5. Alcohol and drug addicts, as well as persons suffering from other types of severe addictions

According to VTsIOM surveys, a healthy lifestyle, sports and proper nutrition become an integral part of Russian life. The number of physically active Russians is increasing every year. If in 2015 61 percent were involved in sports, then in 2017 - already 76 percent (among young people (18-24 years old) - 97 percent). Every second prefers to work out at home, every third goes to the nearest stadium or sports ground, and every tenth goes to a fitness club or sports section. Our fellow citizens began to monitor their diet more. Half of the respondents try to follow a certain diet, giving preference to healthier food. 27 percent of our fellow citizens regularly check their health and undergo medical examinations.

The team of our Commission of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation on Physical Culture and Promoting a Healthy Lifestyle came up with the initiative to hold an all-Russian competition (hereinafter referred to as the competition) aimed at identifying, promoting and supporting the best practices for developing a healthy lifestyle. The main condition of the competition is that such practices must be implemented on the territory of state, commercial, public organizations of the Russian Federation.

Indeed, in recent years, the practice of holding various competitions promoting a healthy lifestyle has become widespread in the Russian Federation. These events are very diverse both in scale (international, all-Russian and regional) and in form (photo contests, poster contests, quizzes and marathons, game contests, quests, travel formats, graffiti, online competitions, healthy lifestyle project contests, etc.). .d.).

The main difference of our competition from all others that promote a healthy lifestyle is that:

For the first time it is addressed to entrepreneurs and employers (target audience - employers);

Encourages employers to provide healthy lifestyle conditions for a large number of their employees;

Allows to draw public attention to the importance of the employer's mission in maintaining a healthy lifestyle of working Russians;

Aimed at identifying and replicating the best practices of industrial healthy lifestyle in the Russian Federation;

Promotes the idea of ​​creating an employers' charter of commitment to a healthy lifestyle for Russian enterprises and organizations;

It is a form of public monitoring and search for the most breakthrough projects that today effectively contribute to increasing the life expectancy of the most active category of Russians - working citizens.

I want to emphasize that in the last five years, official statistics have noted a significant increase in the involvement of the Russian population in classes physical education and sports. According to departmental statistics, in 2016, 46.7 million people (a third of the country's population) were engaged in physical culture and sports in Russia, in 2012 - 29 million people. Growth - 38 percent.

However, 46 percent of the indicated number of citizens are children and adolescents under 17 years old (that is, almost half of the citizens who systematically go in for physical culture and sports).

If you look at the statistics in the context, then in 2016 only 16.5 million people involved in sports are citizens employed in the economy, that is, the working population of Russia. That is 22 percent (a fifth of the working population) of the total number of citizens employed in the economy, or 11 percent of the entire population of the country. In addition, there is a decrease in the number of young people aged 15-17 who are systematically involved in physical culture and sports by 19 percent. Moreover, the proportion of children in poor and very poor health was 1.4 percent in 2016.

The above data can be considered a problem that requires a response from both society and the state in order for Russia to be able to enter the club of “80 plus” countries, as President of Russia V.V. Putin in his Address to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on March 1, 2018. Also, in the Strategy for the formation of a healthy lifestyle, prevention and control of non-communicable diseases in the Russian Federation until 2025, the main goal was set - to reduce overall mortality by 25 percent.

Moreover, scientists say that 60 percent of the achievement of this indicator depends on lifestyle. Experts named the criteria, the observance of which gives grounds to classify a person among those who adhere to a healthy lifestyle. These are smoking cessation, consumption of at least 400 grams of vegetables and fruits per day, moderate physical activity (at least 30 minutes per day) and salt intake of no more than five grams per day.

On April 19, 2017, at the XI All-Russian Forum "Health of the Nation - the Basis for Russia's Prosperity", as part of a meeting of the interdepartmental working group to develop a system of motivating citizens and employers to preserve and strengthen the health of the population of the Russian Federation, Olga Golodets, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, urged employers to concentrate all efforts on breakthrough projects that have the effect of increasing life expectancy.

The participants in the discussion agreed that the success of involving the working population in systematic physical education and sports largely depends on the policy of the employer in this matter.

Olga Golodets suggested that the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs develop a kind of charter of adherence to a healthy lifestyle for Russian enterprises and organizations.

On July 26, 2017, following a meeting of the Presidium of the Council under the President of Russia for Strategic Development and Priority Projects, the passport of the priority project “Formation of a healthy lifestyle” (2017–2025) was approved. This priority project is aimed at increasing the number of citizens who are responsible for their health and leading a healthy lifestyle, including those who systematically engage in physical culture and sports, reduce tobacco consumption, improve legislation in the field of advertising related to alcohol, tobacco, irrational food.

As part of the project, it is planned to increase the share of citizens committed to a healthy lifestyle by the end of 2019 up to 45 percent, and by the end of 2025 - up to 60 percent; to increase the share of citizens systematically engaged in physical culture and sports, up to 38 percent in 2019 and up to 45 percent in 2025; reduce the prevalence of adult tobacco use from 30.5 percent in 2017 to 29.5 percent in 2019 and 27 percent in 2025; reduce alcohol consumption per capita from 10 liters in 2017 to 9.3 liters in 2019 and to eight liters in 2025.

In 2010, the World Health Organization developed the "Global recommendations for physical activity for health" on the prevention of noncommunicable diseases in the workplace through diet and physical activity and " global strategy on nutrition, physical activity and health. Overall, according to the World Health Organization, there is strong evidence that physically active adults, compared with less active men and women, are much less likely to have common causes of death, coronary heart disease, hypertension, stroke, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and colon cancer. gut, breast cancer and depression.

Also, WHO scientists point out that there is strong evidence that, compared with less active people, physically active adults or older people have higher rates of cardiovascular health and muscle tissue, have more correct body weight and structure and more favorable indicators. on the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, type II diabetes and the strengthening of bone tissue. The modern demand for a healthy lifestyle, for sports among our citizens is growing.

So, at the state level, there is an active search for effective mechanisms for interaction with employers, including departments, large corporations, public associations, in order to attract up to 40 percent of the working population of the country to systematic physical education and sports by 2020.

Social activists and experts propose to create (revive) a system of health services at enterprises and institutions, which will include physicians and a sports instructor, in order to create a variety of industrial gymnastics complexes and their prompt implementation.

There is an understanding that the success of involving the working population in systematic physical education and sports largely depends on the policy of the employer.

Scientists are unanimous in the position that for employers, spending on health programs is an investment, and as a result they will receive a healthy workforce, productive workers with high level loyalty and motivation to work. Of course, it is very important for employees to have a positive attitude towards maintaining their health.

Given the above, I propose to unite all employers and employees in the desire to be healthy, create and maintain a healthy spirit in their work environment! I encourage you to take part in our competition and win!