How to feel confident in your own body. How to be prepared for anything and not fuss in unforeseen situations

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Self-confidence is one of the most important qualities in a person's life. You can achieve anything if you have this faith. Faith in your own strength and faith in your beauty. A few tips for those who have not yet fallen in love with themselves, we will give today.

This is not a tiny nuance - it is clearly important. You will be surprised how clothes change a girl, and not so much externally as internally. The rule of choosing a set magically transforms, so until you find something in which you feel as attractive and relaxed as possible, not a foot from home!

Yes, your mother (and your teachers) were right when it was almost like a mantra to chant "stand still and straighten up." Standing and sitting upright not only improves your health, but also boosts your self-confidence.

In addition to a beautiful body, you will get a lot of endorphins, and endorphins, as you know, are “happiness hormones”. When you are happy, there is no question why you feel better among people and on your own. Harmony is above all.

Waxing, a full body massage or a banal contrast shower will give you more self-confidence. When you take care of yourself, spending time and effort on it, you begin to look and feel presentable, and this, albeit a small one, is still a step towards inner self-confidence.

The power of your own thinking is stronger than anything in this world. In other words, you are what you think of yourself. So if you know how to control your thoughts and tell yourself that you really can, then by all means do it!

Imagine where, when and who you want to be. Imagine getting the job you've been dreaming of for a long time, or achieving the best results in school or college. Create in your head a strong and positive image and confidence will come.

It’s great to visualize and focus on yourself, but helping others is no less rewarding. Whether it's a friend next to you or a random stranger, reach out to them! It will make you think better of yourself and make someone else's life easier.

The environment in which you live and spend most of your time has a huge impact on your state of mind. By creating a clean and positive environment around you should be constantly engaged. Fold your clothes, put away what you don't need, decorate the room to your liking. All of these contribute to your inner happiness. You cannot be sure of yourself if you are dissatisfied with yourself and your home.

Don't count the bad moments - focus on the good ones. Count how many men opened the door for you today, how many people looked admiringly, and how many smiles you caused on the faces of others! ...

Do you still only want to feel yourself confident, but in reality, little is achieved? Our article will help you find the missing element for self-confidence and methods on how to raise your own self-esteem.

Brain -chief assistant

The most important rule of confidence is positive thinking. Reality depends entirely on perception. Positive thinking is not self-deception at all. Thus, you will take everything under your control.

Control thoughts and formulate them correctly. Let's say you have problems with excess weight and every time you look at yourself in the mirror, one thought flies through your head - "I am very fat (fat)". Thus, you only drive yourself into depression. Think differently - I'm not satisfied with my appearance, I have to change it with such and such actions. Such a statement of the question, instead of driving it, motivates to action.

Positive thoughts result in positive actions. Thinking always badly, you will come to the fact that in the perception of the world around you negative emotions will become dominant. Hence failures and even deviant behavior.

Learn to give thanks. In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, we stop noticing the elementary things that life actually consists of.

First of all, you are alive. Every day you open your eyes and take a breath of fresh air. Isn't that already a miracle?

Think about your strengths and talents. About what you have that others don't. Praise yourself for this and develop the abilities that life has given you.

And while taking a sip of water, remember how many people in the world suffer from its lack. Remembering how much you actually have and what you are capable of. You will not forget about confidence.

Is it hard to trick the brain? As it turns out, everyone can do it. After many studies, psychologists managed to prove. That thoughts follow actions. Based on this, a violent action will begin in your head after you smile or frown. So why deliberately let in bad thoughts? Smile as often as possible so that the brain turns on only with a positive message.

Smile also fraught with such an amazing thing as endorphin and serotonin - the hormones of happiness. It is worth showing you all 32 how happiness has already begun to be developed. A happy person has much more confidence than a depressed person.

Quite often, a smile is compared to oatmeal - both of them relieve stress and lower blood pressure. The main advantage of a smile in this case is that it is always at hand.

A smiling person is more attractive to others than one who ignores such a manifestation of emotions. The more attention is paid to you, the more self-confidence appears.

If you have a feeling of insecurity, analyze where exactly it is most of all? Your days are mostly spent in several settings - home, work, study, a group of friends. As soon as you manage to understand where you feel worst of all, immediately leave this place, these people. Most likely it's just not for you.

There are tricks to quickly overcome uncertainty. For example, you urgently need to speak to an audience, and 5 minutes is clearly not enough for you to gain true faith in yourself. Work with your imagination. Very clearly imagine that everything worked out. If you go out expecting failure, that's the only way it will be. Hoping for success will increase your chances of success.

Reduce your heart rate by breathing. Slow and deep breaths will help with this. The fact is that for our body a rapid heartbeat is an alarm signal. Immediately begins the production of adrenaline and other protective reflexes. They cause anxiety and introduce a person into a nervous state. That is why the first thing before accomplishing the plan is to bring the physical state of the body back to normal.

The value of appearance

Yes, the appearance is not at all the main thing in a person - the inner world, that's real wealth! But a well-chosen toilet gives confidence like nothing else.

The main thing is to remember about accuracy and freshness. A haute couture dress with a ketchup stain is clearly not going to impress anyone. Yes, and spirits “poured” in the literal sense of the word on the body will also charm not everyone.

When choosing an outfit, first of all, you need to understand where you are going - for a sports run, to an expensive restaurant or library. Everything must be selected in accordance with the requirements of the place of visit.

But good looks aren't just about clothes. One of important points- posture. If a person believes in himself, then the posing of the body will stand out - widely spread shoulders, a raised head, a wide, even step. The reverse arrangement of things subconsciously drives the owner of bad posture into insecurity and shows everyone around him his internal problems. Therefore, watch your spine, walking down the street with your head up, you yourself will feel how you let in confidence.

Sport. A person doing even elementary exercises or jogging is always healthier, and therefore looks better. From what we read earlier, we remember that the better a person looks, the more confident he is. It is also worth remembering about endorphins, the production of which occurs during physical exertion. No matter how busy your schedule is, try to find at least 30 minutes every day for exercise. Even such small expenses will give their result.

Let's move on to real action

When choosing an activity for yourself, prioritize what you do best. By doing what works and seeing great results, you raise your self-esteem and give yourself confidence. And this happens through a sense of pride in oneself and the ensuing desire to do more and more.

When you do something well, it causes approval and interest in others around you. People begin to reach out to you feeling respect for the work done. And of course, the increase in the level of self-confidence will not be long in coming.

Try to communicate as much as possible. Even fleeting phrases on the street will have their effect. Self-doubt can be associated with a poor understanding of people, and this problem can be solved by the last of the proposed methods.

Communicating even just with passers-by, you will understand that for the most part people are friendly. One has only to push them to communicate, and after a couple of minutes, fleeting phrases will turn into a cordial conversation. The main thing is for you to decide to leave your comfort zone where there are no strangers. And having taken such a step, in addition to a new acquaintance, you will gain the opportunity to be proud of it. To be able to overcome fear.

Try to connect with people who are very different from you. It is they who will teach new things, open the world from the other side.

Once you start a conversation, don't try to end it as soon as possible. The more communication you have in your life, the better you will get to know people and the less you will be afraid of them. And from here, self-confidence will be at a decent level.

Learned to win over others. Some manipulation techniques will help you with this. Use your first name as often as possible. Any person is flattered to hear his name, on a subconscious level, it causes pleasant emotions in relation to the interlocutor.

Make compliments, but only healthy ones, insincerity in such a matter is felt immediately. If you tell an overweight girl that she has a great figure, it will look like false flattery. You will not be able to cause anything but negativity in this way. But appropriate praise and a couple of pleasant words will lift you up in the eyes of others.

In addition to the ability to give compliments, one must also learn how to accept them. Forget about making excuses when hearing nice words and other manifestations of excessive modesty. After a couple of such cases, you will simply stop saying pleasant things.

Learn to observe yourself and the world around you. At what carrying out supervision change condemnation to the analysis with the subsequent conclusions. This will help you to become better day by day gaining more and more self-confidence.

Always be yourself in everything. Of course, you can choose a role model for yourself, whose behavior delights you. But only he must be a real person. Just don't aim to be one. You are an individual and should have faith in yourself, not who you are trying to appear to be.

People like it when they succeed. But often, due to a lack of courage and self-confidence, people miss opportunities, they are afraid to say something. There is a feeling of dissatisfaction with oneself, dissatisfaction with one's life. It is difficult to fix this situation, but it is possible. How to feel confident in life, read on and start doing it right now!

Begin with appearance

Of course, self-confidence starts in the head. But it is better to back it up externally. Go to the mirror, what do you see there? The shoulders are straightened, the head is raised, the stomach is pulled in, and the legs are not bent at the knees. No? Then you need to straighten up for three counts. One - shoulders forward so that the back is rounded. Two - lift them up, as if shaking. Three - take your shoulders as far back as possible and lower them. And then another person is reflected in the mirror. The head is raised, the chest is forward, the stomach does not stick out, the legs are even. And you immediately feel more confident. Of course, you will have to monitor your posture and not allow yourself to “hunch over”. This is not the easiest task, but you can make such sacrifices for yourself.

Posture is followed by gait. To feel confident on the street, you need to straighten up, straighten your shoulders, raise your head. You shouldn't walk around with your head down. This not only betrays a dull person, but also harms the appearance. Wrinkles appear on the neck, which are difficult to get rid of, and the chin is deformed, which can cause the second and third ones to appear. Having adopted the correct posture, watch your step so as not to “clubfoot”, do not “short” and do not wave your arms too much when walking. If you wear shoes with heels, you need to be careful not to walk on half-bent legs. Of course, it happens that you get very tired, and it’s more difficult to walk in high heels all day. Then it is better to make a choice in favor of low-speed shoes, because a girl walking like a duck is a very funny and at the same time pathetic sight.

There are no trifles in life, in order to feel confident, you need to look confident. Even when just sitting. Sitting straight, free, not leaning on the table - it would seem that it could be easier. But most of us are not used to sitting like that. Therefore, you need to practice at home, watching TV or talking on the phone. Gradually, the habit of sitting evenly and beautifully will be developed, but at first self-control is still necessary.

You feel confident in life if you look good. A well-groomed woman is always beautiful. Dirty clothes, bad smells or unkempt nails should never be tolerated. When you have a one hundred percent view, you feel self-confidence, and the people around you notice it too.

Take on the inner world

When you have established external confidence, move on to internal. Of course, you can do the opposite, but morale can drag on for a long time. And when half the work is ready, it is easier to proceed further.

The voice is a very important instrument in our life. In normal situations, he should sound calm and confident. Very often in shops or restaurants you can meet people who, as if afraid and apologizing, talk to the attendants. In the same way, we then communicate with colleagues at work, clients, neighbors. Therefore, speaking confidently and feeling superior in life is very important. You can work out again in shops or restaurants. When asking a salesperson in a store, or placing an order in a restaurant, watch your voice. It should not tremble and be too quiet, the tone should be confident. In the end, you are the client and the master of the situation, you have no one to fear and nothing to apologize for. Again, once you develop the habit, over time you will be able to communicate with everyone equally easily.

To feel confident in life, it is important to have a large circle of acquaintances. And for them to appear, it is necessary to master communication skills. The first thing you need to do is learn how to maintain a conversation. Very often in an unfamiliar company, or even surrounded by colleagues or classmates, we can behave closed and silent all the time. Usually such people become invisible over time, they are no longer noticed. Therefore, you should always try to keep the conversation going. We already have a confident posture, a neat appearance, we can speak in a normal voice. So there is no need to be ashamed of other people. Most likely, they are as shy as you are, they just learned to disguise it. You need to enter into conversations, not being afraid to chat something wrong. In any case, the experience of communicating not only with relatives will add self-confidence and help you better find a common language with other people. And any statement can always be translated into a joke.

And, most importantly, don't forget to praise yourself. Everyone knows the method of auto-training, when a person, by his own efforts, persuades himself to change with the help of kind words and approval. You don't always get praise from strangers when you want to. People are often busy with themselves, they do not have time to single out someone else from the crowd. But you have a person who closely follows your successes and victories, you yourself. By working on yourself, you can achieve a lot. Praise yourself first, and the rest will certainly notice a change in better side and they will also begin to admire an interesting and self-confident woman - you!

Do you want people to perceive you as a hero of our days? Maybe you want to create an image of a self-confident person who is not afraid of obstacles on the way? Or it will be an image of the savior of human destinies, outwardly calm, having an unbending core inside. And let the dreams of fame and popularity remain dreams, we care about what others think of us.

Create perfect image in real life it is almost impossible, because there is no such person who could please everyone at once. What you can really start doing right now is start improving yourself. To do this, every day, pay attention to the tiny little things that will ultimately lead you to big changes. Here's what you need to do to build your confidence.

7 minutes for a workout

If you have ever practiced yoga, you have probably heard that just 7 minutes of practice will give a significant impetus to improve mental and physical conditions.

Your body will become more flexible, and your mind will become more focused on internal processes. But even if you are not a fan of yoga, you can transfer this experience to a regular workout. 7 minutes is the time for which you need to give your maximum. You will feel better, and the feeling of inner harmony will give you self-confidence.

The Benefits of Mutual Aid

It's amazing, but your strength will not run out in the process of helping other people. That's why you need to be socially oriented. It doesn't take a lot of effort. All you need to do is give a compliment to a cashier in a supermarket or give someone a recommendation for Good work. If someone from your environment starts working in a small business, it doesn't cost you anything to support your friend by buying goods from him.
Helping other people, seeing their grateful and happy faces is a great way to get a charge of vivacity and excellent health. This is how you start earning a reputation good man. Remember that someday your kindness will definitely return to you.

Work in a charitable organization

Have you ever thought about why rich and wealthy people so often pay attention to charitable events? They feel responsible for those who are disadvantaged and cannot help themselves. However, you don't have to be a millionaire to volunteer for a charity. You can donate care to people in need.
As research at the Harvard School of Medicine has shown, volunteering provides enormous mental and physical benefits for the volunteers themselves. Good deeds in the name of society lowers blood pressure in people and helps to prolong life. Even if you're pressed for time, you can always take a moment to make a modest "token" donation to one of our local charities.

New cafe

Every day, people perform the same actions, which are brought to automatism so that they can be performed even with their eyes closed. You drive the same route to work, you see the same faces along the way, you go to the same cafe for lunch. Such a life places you in a fertile and comfortable vacuum. But all you need to feel confident is to leave the proverbial comfort zone.
Take a break from your community for a few hours and explore the city. There are probably people nearby who will be of interest to you. You will never know about it unless you go looking for them. As the old saying goes, "Change is as good as rest."

Use dental floss

According to scientists, flossing is associated with an overall improvement in health, not just a whiter smile. The procedure takes only one minute and does not require superhuman efforts from you to perform a standard brushing of your teeth at a time when you are very tired.

Don't compare yourself to others

Do you think there is anything worse than comparing apples to oranges? As you might have guessed, it is the desire to compare yourself to others. The fruits that grow on trees have a juicy taste and are equally beneficial to health. Comparison in favor of one of them is a matter of personal preference, nothing more. But when we talk about people, they come into play different factors which make us completely unique.

It's about background, upbringing, talent, privileges, and even accidents that affect our lives. Initially, all people are in different conditions. It's like comparing the arrival of runners who started from a separate start to the finish line. Pure time is another matter - it is an opportunity to compete with yourself.

In addition, in practice, comparison with others will either develop a bunch of complexes in you, or develop in you a strong belief that you are better than others. There is no need to do this, because "comparing yourself to others is an act of violence against your true self."

Don't Forget Nutritious Foods

The modern concept of "healthy food" is loaded with various myths, insinuations and past bad experiences. Therefore, you should not blindly trust nutritionists and refrain from everything that contains salt and sugar. Just think about the benefits for your body. Here is what clinical psychologist Dr. Carmen Harra says: “The nutrition you provide for your body directly affects your well-being. Food with no nutritional value leaves you sluggish, depressed and powerless. With a lack of energy, the body fights for its rights and asks you for better food. So instead of leaning towards a healthy diet, think about what nutritious foods you can enrich your diet with.

Learn something new

If you want to expand your capabilities, start learning something new. Pull up literacy if in high school this aspect left much to be desired. Set yourself up to learn how to swim if you spend your holidays lying on a sun lounger year after year. It's time to dive into the water and explore the new possibilities of your own body. Remember that you are doing this for yourself and not to impress other holidaymakers. Find a French tutor or Chinese. This will help you get to know the culture of other countries better. “Live and learn,” folk wisdom agrees with us.

How to find a way out in a difficult situation?

Ask yourself: How much time are you willing to spend developing a project, idea, or relationship that doesn't work? In fact, this situation is familiar to many people who feel stuck at the same level. You invest money, time, emotions, knowledge and skills, but the business does not get off the ground. Are you ready to part with precious resources further?
According to Northwestern University psychologists Daniel Malden and Chin Ming Hui, there is a simple and effective method, which helps people in the event that things are not going well. Make sure you focus on the end result and what you want to get out of this project. On the other hand, drive away thoughts of wasted resources. It is difficult to find a way out of a situation when there is a lot of negativity around you.

Give Thanks, Don't Regret

There is one the right way make other people feel good. Remember how you usually apologize for being late? You're probably throwing out an on-duty phrase like "Sorry for being late, stuck in traffic." Why don't you flip the situation 180 degrees and thank a colleague for waiting patiently for you?

Instead of apologizing for any inconvenience, always thank other people for their patience and generosity.

How difficult and long way you need to walk in order to educate and grow it in yourself?

I wonder how faith in one's own strength and trust in one's own personality begins? Your opinion?

It turns out that confident behavior is the result of confident thinking. How a person presents himself, so he looks. And he acts on the basis of internal installations, self-image.

How to become confident?

You can start with the simplest thing - to portray a confident person in any life situations. In the supermarket, in the pool, on the street, among colleagues, in the subway. Here the well-known law of the transition of quantity into qualitative changes will work. You will show more, with each action you will become more confident. Step, one more, next. And the process has begun! With every step better, more natural, more persistent.

So you can outsmart your thinking, fixated on patterns. You can easily and unobtrusively rebuild, imagining yourself as an actor who selflessly and talentedly plays a role. You decide when to release the actor on stage, when to turn the "switch" to turn it off. You are in complete control of the situation. We decided that at the party you will be embarrassed - there will be strangers, so go ahead. Feel good! With all my might! Tired? Flip the "switch" - choose confident behavior, communicate on an equal footing, with dignity and self-respect.

How to look confident?

Absolutely in the history of your life there were moments when you were a confident person.

Remember them.

Perhaps in childhood, when you helped your little sister fasten her sandals, or at school, when you recited a learned poem with pleasure. Or in your youth, when you won in sports.

Or in situations where you were among close and dear people, when you spoke to an audience or talked with some person.

Reproduce in your memory the intonations, how you spoke, how you breathed, how you moved, how you gesticulated, what position were you in? How did the voice sound, what did the face express, what were the sensations?

Now, in order to “turn on” a confident person in yourself, repeat all this, copy the posture, pace and volume of speech, gestures - enter the desired state. There is no need to invent anything, you have already been in this place - in the body, you were such a person, now you remember this and make it your natural state.

When you are self-confident, others perceive your dignity, self-confidence, self-respect. And they strengthen you even more in these feelings.

  1. Space. A confident person settles well in space. Fully occupy the proposed chair or armchair, lean back, use the armrests. Make broad gestures, on a grand scale, expanding your area of ​​​​influence. Differ from the insecure one, who, on the contrary, tends to shrink, shrink, take up as little space as possible, sit on the edge of a chair, limit himself to mean gestures.
  2. No fuss. Is there a model of a confident person for you? Who is this? Margaret Thatcher? Angelina Jolie? Ivan Urgant? Sylvester Stallone? Or someone else? Imagine your ideal, which nervously bounces in a chair, fidgets, intensely fiddling with a tie, pounding a drum roll with his fingers on the table. Yes, it's hard to imagine. Confidence is incompatible with vanity. Take her away.
  3. Straight posture. In any position, standing and sitting, maintain an even posture. It allows you to radiate confidence, feel it and look like a confident person. Practice: chest forward, shoulders back, keep your head level in a horizontal and vertical plane. Imagine that a string comes out of your crown and pulls you into the sky. Remember this posture and merge with it.
  4. The pace of speech. When someone chatters, speaks quickly, it is difficult for him to be confident and independent. A confident person speaks with feeling, with sense, with an arrangement, without tension. He knows that he will not be interrupted, he will be allowed to speak. The pace of speech is average, smooth. Take it as a rule, the more you worry, get nervous, the slower and calmer you speak, pause. Speak as if you are communicating with a child and it is important for you that he understands you.
  5. Me, me and me again. Speak in the first person. Use phrases: I think, I think, I decided, I found out, I support, I disagree, I think differently. Feel free to express exactly your opinion, do not hide behind the streamlined and impersonal “we”, “all”, “joint decision”, “everyone”. Avoid excuses!
  6. Eye contact. A confident person shifts the focus from themselves to others. He is not fixated on himself, he is interested in the interlocutor and the world around him. Therefore, a direct open look is very important and helps to be confident, makes people understand your interest. In communication, you connect not only your hearing, but also an additional channel of perception, “listen with your eyes”, perceive and understand the interlocutor more clearly.
  7. Dignity. Take the example of the king of beasts, the lion. What plasticity, strength and power he has in his movements. Slowly, with dignity, confidently, elegantly. To be more confident, slow down your movements. Move like a king. Your movements should be smooth, meaningful, thoughtful, unhurried.
  8. Acceptance of yourself and others. Be calm, friendly and benevolent, even if the interlocutor does not agree with you or you with him. Believe in yourself, in your point of view. Yours doesn't make people think the same way you do. Yours is to be respected.
  9. Gesture of a confident person - spire gesture. The fingertips of one hand touch the tips of the other hand at an acute angle, forming a spire. This is a signal of confidence and calmness. Use it as an additional way to confidently behave.
  10. Don't try to please everyone. You need to be good, first of all, for yourself. Your confidence should not depend on how, when and how they evaluate and accept you.
  11. Pauses. Insecure people are afraid of silence, they are afraid of silence and quickly break it. You do not need to "get out of your skin" to fill every second, albeit meaningless, but chatter. Pause before answering. small. One or two seconds. Think about what you heard, what the interlocutor wanted to convey to you. This will give you confidence and help you master the situation in communication.
  12. Laughter. Don't giggle. You are not in the circus. Giggling is a sign of insecurity and instability. Appreciate good jokes: smile or laugh quietly.
  13. Nodding disease. If you listen to the interlocutor and agree with him, you do not need to continuously nod your head - you are not a "Chinese dummy". You are a serious, confident person. A couple of head tilts in agreement are sufficient.
  14. Secret and obvious. Being in any situation: in or with people, in the rays of the sun or in the dark - do not do what you will be ashamed of in front of you. Act in accordance with your principles, do not prevaricate, and she will reward you with the foundation of the foundations on which self-confidence and high self-confidence will be kept.
  15. I don't know and I'm not afraid. If you want to be trusted, never be afraid to admit that you don't know something. “I have not yet faced such a challenge. Right now I don't have an answer to that question." It is impossible to know everything. Realize this and speak boldly about what you do not know. This will help you further build your confidence.

Friends, everyone has absolutely everything they need in order to be sure, starting today, from this moment. You do not need to read additional literature for this, make an appointment with a psychologist, or undergo trainings. Just decide to be the confident person, flip the switch and turn on the new personality. Good luck!

Video for you "Confidence is the key to victory."

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