What currency to take to Greece. How much money to take to Greece

Among the resorts in Greece there is something for everyone - whether you want to retreat or dance until you drop, meet the fascinating world of mythical gods and antiquities, or active rest. After all, in Greece you can bask in the rays of the hot sun, enjoy the turquoise sea and white sandy beaches, walk through picturesque places, go surfing, admire the unique architecture, visit the

Each culture has its own unique, sometimes bizarre customs and traditions. Greece is no exception. New Year's Day is celebrated here as the feast of Saint Basil, who was one of the founders of the Greek Orthodox Church. The Greeks love and honor Basil, the patron saint of the poor, for his kindness and generosity. This day opens a whole series winter holidays, each of which is unusual and uni

There are hotels in Greece for every taste: for families with children and for lovers of silence; luxurious palaces and modest villas; hotels by the sea and apartments in the mountains; spa hotels and even island hotels. Airotel Stratos Vassilikos Hotel, Athens, Greece. View tours to this hotel Greece is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world, hosting more than 12

There are many religious (Orthodox) holidays in Greece. Widely celebrated New Year and Christmas, Epiphany, Apokries and other dates. There are national holidays, and state, and small-town festivals and carnivals. At Christmas in Greece, the head of the family cuts the cake, leaving one piece for St. Basil, another for Jesus, a third for the Virgin Mary, the rest of the pieces are distributed

Photos of Greece amaze with bright colors. It seems that the sea here is all shades of blue: from pale blue to deep turquoise. This combination is especially beautiful in Crete. Balos Lagoon. Crete, Greece. Find out the prices for tours to Crete Look at the photo of the Balos lagoon - three seas meet at once on it, which makes the landscape fantastic. It's hard to imagine that such beauty exists.

Greece currently uses the euro. Prior to this, the currency was the drachma. In general, this monetary unit has ancient history. Its origin dates back to ancient times. The drachma was first mentioned in the fifth century BC. It is the oldest currency in the world. In addition, it is also the most durable.

What was the currency before the euro

The currency of Greece is the euro, but before that there was a drachma, which appeared in the fifth century BC. Why did the coin get this name? In ancient days, instead of paper money, twigs made of silver and gold were used, having four corners. They were also called "obols". Six pieces were called "drachma". From the Greek language, this word means "palm" or "handful". The coin was the mite.

Money in Greece of that period was called as drachma. The same name has survived to this day. It originates from the Hellenic period. Most of these were silver coins. All cities had their own name for the drachma, for example, the Babylonian or Phoenician drachma.

ancient drachma

Until 2001, there was just such a currency in the territory. From time to time throughout the history of the country, its name changed depending on under whose yoke the state was. In 2001, new money appeared.

The monetary unit of Greece has undergone many modifications throughout its history. On the front side was the face value, all the inscriptions were written in Greek. The color scheme was different, as the masters in antiquity managed to combine different shades together.

In the fifth century, the coins bore the profile of the goddess Athena and an owl. Starting from 1204, a cross appeared on the money. In 1833, the silver drachma came into use. New coins appeared during the Second World War. One unit of such money could be bought for 50 billion old ones. Inflation continued until 1954. Then one new coin could be bought for 1000 old ones. The paper drachma appeared in the 19th century.

The government made this decision because minting money from gold and silver has become an expensive pleasure, and it has become more difficult to get precious metals.

Until January 2001, banknotes were valid from 50 to 10,000 drachmas. The largest denomination on itself carried a portrait of George Papanicolaou, who was a famous Greek scientist.

200 drachmas paper bill

What money do tourists need in 2018

The currency used here is the euro. After all, this country has been part of the European Union for a long time. Although it is possible to come with dollars, experienced tourists still say that it is better not to do this.

If a tourist decides to pay in a hotel, bar or on the beach with a dollar bill, they will, to put it mildly, not be understood. The maintenance staff will look at this money as fake. They will have a question: is it money at all or some kind of rally.

If a person is going to go to Europe, but he has dollars or rubles in his hands, then it is better to buy national money at home. This is more profitable, and they will not look at the bills with surprise.

If there is a bank card, then it will be a salvation for the tourist. You can take either a credit or a debit card:

  • There are many ATMs throughout the country, so there are no difficulties with cashing out the card;
  • Almost every store and outlet in Greece accepts cashless payments by card.

It is impossible to find out about the favorable exchange rate in the store when paying with a card in advance. For this reason, it is better to travel to the country with local money, as this is the payment currency of the country. Therefore, it is better to pay with such banknotes.

What money goes in Greece? These are euro banknotes with denominations from 5 to 500 units. Coins are presented from one to 50 cents, also 1 and 2 euros. You can withdraw money from cards at ATMs. The tariff for the country is the same, by the way, it is valid throughout the European Union.

Banks start working at 8 am and end at half past two in the afternoon. You can exchange dollars anywhere. The commission will be 2 percent.

10 euro note

It is better to have small change coins and banknotes available so that you can get change for the purchased goods.

Additional Information! Banknotes of 100 and 200 euros are most often counterfeited, so it is better to use 10 or 50 euros.

It is best to pay by card, then there will never be any problems with taking change. But if a tourist decides to walk through small souvenir shops, then he will not wait for change there, as the sellers rely on the fact that he simply does not need it.

Given all these nuances, it is worth noting that it is better to have small bills with you when traveling to Greece in order to avoid counterfeit banknotes. It is also recommended to pay everywhere with a card so as not to leave legal change to the seller.

How to exchange money in Greece

Can I pay with US dollars in Greece? This question can immediately be answered with no. US dollars are not recognized in the EU. Therefore, a tourist with that kind of money will simply be looked at as a clown. And this is at best, at worst they will call the police to deal with those who do not want to pay the bill.

Do dollars or euros work in Greece? Since the country belongs to the European Union, euros go here, so it is better to have this particular currency with you. As for Russian rubles, they are not needed here at all. Not only are they considered non-convertible currencies, but they cannot be exchanged even at the most unfavorable rate.

It is better for visitors from Russia to have euros with them. As a fallback, you can take a bank card, both credit and debit.

The introduction of the euro turned the politics of the whole country upside down. The national currency could no longer be called a drachma. Now euros are circulating around the country in denominations from 5 to 500.

Important! It is more difficult to change the dollar for the euro than in Russia, so it is better for tourists to come with the national currency of the European Union.

Each country that signed an agreement to join the European Union had to accept the arrival of new money. For this reason, now every tourist is obliged to pay with euro banknotes.

The ruble is not in use in Greece. Even in the early days, he was not very welcome, now no one needs him here at all.

Banknote denomination of 50

On the territory of Greece, there is a local institution Euroexchange, which was established back in 1993. Here you can exchange up to 50 world currencies. The rate is more profitable than in other exchangers of the country. Although the institution is not banking, the Bank of Greece controls its work.

There are 28 branches throughout the country. These are the following cities:

  • Athens;
  • Thessaloniki;
  • Piraeus;
  • Rhodes;
  • Mykonos;
  • Santorini;
  • Spit.

And also at the Eleftherios Venizelos airfield.

Since the organization has always regularly fulfilled its obligations to the citizens and guests of Greece, it has earned the respect and trust of more than one person. Now visitors and locals turn to this institution for the issue of exchange.

Important! For the exchange, you need to provide a passport.

Each major city, as well as the center of tourist congestion, is equipped with an exchange office, which has a sign "Exchange". Currency exchange points work every day, even on weekends. If there is a need to change money, you can also in hotels, as well as at the airport or seaport, here exchange offices work around the clock. Change is given only in the currency of the country.

This means that a person should have banknotes of different denominations. The bank has a commission of two percent of the amount.

If a tourist decides to leave the local currency in Greece, then it will be more difficult to exchange money in the opposite direction. After all, the bank can give out no more than one hundred dollars.

If there is a desire to use the bank for currency exchange, then it is open from 8 am to two in the afternoon from Monday to Thursday, or from 8 am to half past one on Friday. The bank is closed on Saturday and Sunday. It is best to use credit cards.

Experienced tourists report that although crime in the country is quite rare on the part of local residents, since you can leave any thing, it will not be taken by anyone. The owner can always return and take it from where he put it. As for foreigners, cases of thefts on their part have become frequent.

This means that it is better to store valuables in a hotel safe and be careful with your belongings, especially in places with a large concentration of foreigners. For example, in a market or a large shopping center.

Places where people gather

In the exchanger, deception is minimal, but it is possible that an inexperienced tourist will be given a fake bill. Usually these are banknotes in denominations of 100 or 200 euros. To avoid this, it is better to receive banknotes in smaller denominations.

Considering that the doors in hotel rooms are unreliable (due to the heat, as well as the lack of wood, they are made of plastic), you should not leave valuables in the room.

They can even cheat in a cafe when they offer to try some delicious dish or drink, and then include it in the bill. And it usually turns out that it is very expensive. Therefore, you need to clarify in advance whether this is a gift or you will need to pay for it.

Important! It is better to pay in cash, especially if the card is carried away from the eyes.

In the end, it is worth noting that it is better to take euros on a trip. Also, a tourist should be careful in crowded places of foreigners, as thefts are possible. Pay in cafes in cash, in shops with a card.

If you are going abroad, I advise you to issue an international travel sim card Drimsim. For only 10 euros you can receive incoming / outgoing calls and internet for the entire stay in the country. Convenient and inexpensive.

You can get 7 euros for invited friends. Friends will also receive 7 euros per account. Profit

How much money to take to Greece? This question is relevant regardless of whether you are planning a two-week vacation or a two-day weekend - you always need to be aware of local pricing features.

The main expense items are accommodation, food, entrance fees, car rental or fuel costs and, of course, souvenirs.

Greece is famous for its oils - olive oil, in particular, is brought home by almost every traveler. No less popular are walnut wines and natural-based beauty cosmetics. Such expense items will add at least a hundred euros to the costs.

To find out how much food costs in Greece and what is the minimum investment for a vacation in this country, read on.

How much money to take to Greece for food

It is impossible to fully learn the culture and traditions of the people without trying its cuisine.

The freshness of vegetables, herbs and seafood in a Greek dinner was always in abundance. You will not be able to refuse such a rare, and most importantly incredibly tasty chance. Yes, and not worth it. The main thing is to correctly allocate the budget.

So, the question is open - how much money to take to Greece on vacation in 2019. The first task is to determine how much food costs in Greece in 2019.

Let's start with simple coffee. In a busy area, rich in tourists, taking a drink with you will cost around 1-2.5 euros, but in a cafe they will ask twice as much - 2.5-4.

You can understand such a pricing policy - the crisis has knocked the course a little, but the growth of VAT and the influx of tourists again raised it to the heights.

The most common food scenarios on vacation in Greece:

  • Three meals a day in restaurants and cafes will cost over 40 euros / day for two. This is subject to staying at a hotel where breakfast is served.
  • With a budget option, buying food in supermarkets for two will cost 10-15 units (with rented housing).
  • A very economical option is to eat at fast foods. The most popular Greek type of such establishments is souvlach. Here you can keep about 1.5€. An important nuance of such an institution is the price per table. If you eat their dishes at their table, then the cost of the dish immediately increases and starts from 4 euros.

Those who cannot live a day without meat will have to pay at least 15 € per person from their wallet. In souvlach, a lunch with a drink, a meat dish and a vegetable side dish will cost from 20 € for two.

Establishments that specialize in fish will also not let you save money - here for two people for a normal lunch they will require almost fifty euros (40-45).

How much money do you need in Greece for transport

One of the best offers is rental. The price depends on the rental period. If you rent for a week, you will have to pay 30 euros / day; on the long term use - from 20 euros / day.

The Greek road transport service recognizes our international rights, there will be no problems here, you can safely travel around the local streets and highways.

If there is a car, it will need to be refueled. Gasoline will cost about 2 euros / liter. Therefore, consider the volume of the tank of the rented vehicle, the best choice will be small.

Important details:

  • You need to return the car with the same amount of fuel as it was when you rented it - this is worth remembering so as not to add new expenses to yourself.
  • Some companies set a limit on the number of kilometers. If you “run over” it, you will be required to pay for each kilometer outside the limit.

How much money to take to Greece in 2019 on excursions

It is important to know who to contact here. Private guides will ask from 100 units per trip, while organized societies are only 30.

The main architectural sights can be visited for 3-5 euros. This includes museums, monasteries and other buildings.

The Acropolis does not apply to generalized data - to see it, you need to pay 20 euros for a single ticket. But, the price includes the possibility of visiting many closed attractions, such as the Agora and Acropolis museums.

How much money to take to Greece for housing

Accommodation is perhaps the first priority of all tourists and the most expensive.

There are many hotels, with different services and offers. Here you have to search and choose yourself.

A good option for adventurers, lovers of eco-travel or low-budget travelers is camping. It will be cheaper in a pair - then 40 units / day, with breakfast included. A single person will have to pay more - from 30 euros / day.

Accommodation options in Crete:

Accommodation options in Santorini:

How much money do you need for a flight

The second place in terms of cost belongs to air travel and bus flights.

You can save money only by booking tickets much earlier than the travel date. You can use the services of Aegean Airlines. The price for charter flights starts from 40 euros, and during the season can reach 250 euros.

Do not forget small, but important expenses:

  • visa (from about 35 €);
  • insurance (it is obligatory, from 10 €);
  • transfer to the hotel or other place of residence (from 10 €).

These are the main, but not all, financial needs for a tourist in Greece. Do not forget about souvenirs, gifts, calls home, unexpected purchases and, of course, you can’t do without a “just in case” supply.

Plan your trip well. Think over and calculate the details so that the new country will please you with its extraordinary opportunities.

Muffins, bagels, pies cost from stalls on the street from 50 cents to 2 €, corn - 2 €, crepe (pancake) - 1.50 €. You can “push” food with water bought from vending machines: 35 cents per 500 ml. It will be possible to enjoy ice cream from 1.50 to 2 €.

You can take a break from sightseeing, you can get enough in inexpensive cafes. You can order a kebab for €2.40, a Greek salad for €4.50, or just buy a huge plate of meat plus a side dish for €12. Alternatively, buy bread, french fries, salad, 2 sausages and get an economy snack for 7€. For drinks, order coffee (from 2.20 €) hot chocolate (from 1.70 €) or milk shake for 1 €. Desserts in cafes cost an average of 4 €, water is expensive - up to 2 €. You will have to spend from 4 to 6 € on juices and drinks.

McDonald is not uncommon in Greece: food in it will be even more economical. For example, the Big Mac menu costs from 3 to 5 €, a hamburger, cheeseburger, Milkshake, ice cream in a cup cost 1 euro. KFC fast foods will also become an option to satisfy your hunger abroad. A chicken leg here will cost 2.80 € for 2 pieces. And by ordering a plate of wings and potatoes, you will be satisfied and spend about 10 € at the same time. A set lunch will cost only 8 €.

If fast food is not for you or you can afford a restaurant, and not the cheapest, then go ahead for gourmet dishes from the chef. In Greek taverns (restaurants), prices are almost the same, regardless of their location. In popular tourist places, the cost of dishes may be slightly higher.

Let's give an example of ordering a menu and what time lunch will result. Let's say you ordered a meat dish (steak, ribs or kebab), fish (the cost is indicated for 1 kg), a couple of Greek dishes (moussaka or pastitsio) - the approximate cost of this order is about 25 €. Of the appetizers, vegetable salads, Russian salad, cheese salads have the same price - from 3 to 4 €. Mussels, octopuses - up to 9 €.

Drinks in restaurants are twice as expensive as in a store or supermarket. For a bottle of Greek wine 0.5 l pay from 10 €, beer of the same capacity - up to 3.50 €. Carbonated drinks - one and a half euros. Plain water (in all restaurants the same) - 0.50 €. On average, to eat and feel full, you will have to spend about 50 € per person (and this is without alcohol).

We take the cart and rush to the supermarket

Greek supermarkets have everything: here the country confirms the well-known proverb. Despite the fact that milk is cheap, dairy products are expensive. Not every Greek can afford to buy the most delicious piece of fish or meat (their cost starts from 10 €).

Of the fruits, the cheapest are bananas and lemons (from 1.40 € per 1 kg). Nectarines, cherries and apricots are expensive (about 5 €). Vegetables are available - cucumbers, tomatoes and onions (from 0.50 to 2 €).

You will find sweets in supermarkets in a large assortment. Although chocolates cost from 14 € per 1 kg, oriental sweets from 15 €, you can treat yourself to at least a hundred grams of Greek dishes.

With drinks, the situation is such that it is better to drink water and juices, and especially not to get involved in alcohol on vacation (and at home too). If 50 cents costs one and a half liters of water, 3 € - the same amount of juice, then the prices for wine start at 8 € (for 500 ml), for vodka from 16 € per liter.

Before going on vacation, many tourists are interested in how much pocket money to take. Moreover, the all-inclusive system in Greek resorts is not very popular.

It is difficult to give a definite answer to this question, because the final amount depends on many factors:

  • whether major purchases are planned (leather, gold, furs, electronics)
  • what excursions would you like to visit?
  • what type of accommodation the hotel offers (breakfast only, half board or all inclusive).

The national currency of Greece is the euro, so it makes no sense to take money in dollars or rubles with you. Of course, there are exchange offices in tourist areas, and banks provide a currency exchange service, but doing this is extremely unprofitable. As well as withdrawing cash from ATMs using a debit or credit card. Extortionate bank and service interest on both sides pays off only with security when withdrawing large amounts. It is better to purchase the required amount in euros before leaving.


The history and culture of Greece cannot leave indifferent even people who are far from ancient art. Therefore, the lion's share of expenses inevitably goes to excursions, and the mainland is the richest in sights. The recently popular Greek islands (Corfu, Euboea, Thassos, Crete, Rhodes, Mykonos), although they boast the ruins of ancient cities, are more suitable exclusively for a calm beach holiday. Of course, you can organize a trip to Athens, Delphi or Meteora from here, but the prices for excursions will be much higher.

Average cost of excursions

  • Sightseeing tour of Athens - 45-110 €, depending on the proximity of the resort to the capital. The first price is given from the Athenian Riviera, the second - from the Chalkidiki peninsula.
  • Olympus - Dion - Vergina - 40-65 €
  • Rock monasteries in Meteora - 75 (Chalkidiki) -120 € (Athens Riviera)
  • Any boat trip - 35-50 €

So if you plan to visit 2-3 excursions in Greece, budget 150-200 Euro per person.

Car rental

Some tourists do not trust tour operators and prefer to travel around Greece on their own, armed with a map and renting a car. I must admit that this is a rather interesting and in many ways profitable way to get to know the culture of the country. The cost of car rental on the mainland and the islands is approximately the same, although the price fluctuates throughout the season. It works here general rule– the earlier the car is booked, the lower the price. Fortunately, thanks to modern technology, you can order and pay for car rental in advance using the Internet.

For example, a weekly car rental like Toyota Aygo or Chevrolet Matiz (the most inexpensive category) in Crete costs about 230 € in mid-July (reservation on the spot upon arrival). For the same period, but when ordered 2 weeks before arrival, a car will cost 200 € and will cost only 145 € if booked early in early May. It is cheapest to rent a car in Athens - on average, it will cost only 120-130 € per week.


A bite to eat at a local diner with a chicken or meat dish costs 10-12 € per person. Lunch at McDonald's or Burger King will cost only 6-7 €. If we are talking about a three-course dinner in some fashionable restaurant on the seashore, then the prices here will be completely different - from 30 € plus drinks. As elsewhere, the cost of alcoholic and soft drinks in restaurants and cafes is slightly overpriced. Local beer (bottle 0.5 l) costs about 4 €, imported (bottle 0.33 l) - 4.50 €, a bottle of good wine - 12-20 €.


Many women take the opportunity to visit Greece to indulge in a new fur outfit. To buy a fur coat, it is better to go to the city of Kastoria, where the best factories and shops selling leather and fur products are located. The price of fur coats depends on the length, type of fur and the number of skins. A short coat made of seals, for example, costs about 1000-1200 €, but a one-piece mink coat to the floor is much more expensive - 2500 € and more.

But not only fur coats are brought by tourists from Greece. Gorgeous ceramics, olive oil and soap, jewelry and bijouterie self made, fabrics and traditional items - this is an incomplete list of unique Greek goods and souvenirs that you can buy in memory of a wonderful holiday.

Calculate the travel budget

In general, the minimum amount of "pocket" money for a trip to Greece ranges from 350-400 € per person, again, it all depends on the category of the hotel and the type of accommodation. The amount of 600-700 € per person will allow you to practically not deny yourself anything and even leave a little for Greek duty free. Large purchases require serious sums, so it is better for men to have an extra thousand or two euros with them in order to please their lady with a fur or gold surprise.