The most useful tips for girls. beauty tips

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Every girl secretly dreams of universal recognition and respect. And it doesnโ€™t matter if you are an ordinary shy girl or a class star that all the boys run after. I want the guys at school to respect, communicate well, and not call names and steal a backpack during the break. Our 9 useful and relevant tips for girls help you become more attractive in terms of communication. True, everything is not so easy as it might seem at first glance. You'll have to work on yourself a little., but the result will not be long in coming.

your appearance

When you come home from school again, stand in front of a mirror and look at yourself carefully. Of course, you will not like everything terribly, or vice versa, you will not find flaws: these are the features of adolescence. But try to look at yourself from the point of view of our useful tips and change something in yourself.

Tip 1: Your appearance should be appropriate for your age

How old are you? 10 to 15? Is the girl in the mirror appropriate for this age? Sometimes long socks and funny pigtails on the sides look too childish if the girl is already 14-15 years old. But the bias is also useless: brightly dyed hair, fashion trends in adult clothing, an abundance of decorative cosmetics on your face will age you ahead of time. Do you need it? So search the Internet for "an image of a girl at ... years" and compare yourself with it: is everything all right?

No matter how old you are and how old your school uniform is, everything should be spotlessly clean and ironed. People intuitively relate well to someone who is neat on the outside. This always gives hope that he will be just as pure in his relations with people. So accustom yourself to checking your school clothes every evening before school: are there any stains? isn't it too rumpled?

No matter how trite it sounds, but a girl who smiles towards even an evil look and insults does not look stupid at all. She disarms the enemy with her smile. And it is also very cute and attractive to others. Learn to smile at people.

It seems that everything is too simple? Starting to change in these parameters, you will see that not everything is as sweet as we would like. It is difficult to change the habitual image, character. It is very difficult to smile when you want to cry. It is not at all easy to tear yourself away from the monitor of your favorite tablet or laptop in the evening to get ready for school. But by following these tips, you will realize that people have begun to treat you differently. And then you can start working on the next block of our helpful tips for girls which relate directly to the character.

Curious fact

As scientists have found, a smile is contagious. Smile and you will get the same in return.

Your character

You definitely cannot evaluate your character objectively. Here the situation is the same as with appearance: either you consider yourself a white and fluffy Angel, or a fiend. What to do? Heed our advice.

Think about which of the people around you trust the most and who will be able to assess your character with an open mind. Useful and wise advice: do not take your girlfriends into account right away. It is better if it is one of the adults: an older brother or sister, parents, grandmother, aunt, teacher, school psychologist, neighbor, etc. Ask him to write down your good and bad character traits on a piece of paper.

When you see the negative aspects of your character on a piece of paper, do not be offended: try to accept the criticism as it is. And now, right on the list, begin to eradicate these bad qualities in yourself. As soon as you get rid of one shortcoming, start working on another.

In adolescence, girls rarely think seriously about the future. Don't be like the common herd. Be purposeful. Set achievable goals for yourself and work hard to achieve them. Make a plan that will help you achieve your dreams and strictly follow it.

Of course, this is much more difficult than working with appearance. It will take such inner work which is not for everyone. But when you see and feel the first results, you will begin to respect yourself for forging your own character. Well, the last block of useful tips - about relationships with others.

Keep in mind

It is during adolescence that there is a surge in brain growth, so everything is within your power now.

your surroundings

Be sure to work on relationships with people around you, who in one way or another affect your mood. It's not just family, it's classmates and adults you have to deal with at school and elsewhere.

Rudeness doesn't suit girls. Even if you have been very insulted, humiliated, offended, do not stoop to their level. The best response in this case is complete disregard. So you show that you are much higher than them in terms of education. Involuntarily, they will begin to respect you and will no longer do so.

Very useful and wise advice, which mainly concerns relationships with boys. Sometimes you are so irresistibly drawn to them that you want to write first on social networks, come up, start a conversation. Yes, you can do it once. But if after that he does not make attempts to meet you halfway, you should not impose yourself and achieve him by force: this is not in the competence of the girl. Get over yourself. Trust me, love will find you.

Despite all the great work you do on yourself, if you really don't like something, don't do it. After all, the most important rule in all this is: always and under any circumstances, remain yourself, be a unique person. And then everything will work out for you, you will be able to achieve everything in life, and people will treat you with respect and trust.

1. Forget about flaws. It is better to think more often about your merits. This is the first and main commandment.
2. Stay at home less. There are a lot of interesting things around! Explore the world around you and share new discoveries with your friends and your beloved boyfriend.
3. Know how to listen. Respect someone else's opinion. Don't impose yours.
4. Smell yourself. Find "your" perfume and stay true to it, because smells are associated with people ๐Ÿ™‚
5. Take care of your eyebrows. The eyes are the windows to the soul, but don't forget the frames! And it is better to correct the shape of the eyebrows with a specialist.
6. Don't be afraid to change. Develop, move forward. Be versatile, don't focus on one thing. Try. Look for yourself.
7. Be passionate. For example, learn to fence with samurai swords. After all, every guy dreams of dating a supergirl ๐Ÿ™‚
8. Stock up on candy. All advertisements say that fresh breath makes understanding easier. The way it is!
9. Watch your steps. Let the gait be feminine, flying. No need to constantly look under your feet, slouch and rush.
10. Read more. FROM interesting person want to communicate.

11. Eat. With appetite and beautiful. The word "diet" is annoying.
12. Branded recipe. Learn to cook at least one dish and delight your loved ones with it. Even if it is the most ordinary apple pie ๐Ÿ™‚
13. Don't raise your voice. Keep calm. Hot-tempered and scandalous natures are repulsive.
14. Give gifts. Small and even homemade. Just. Because you are in a good mood ๐Ÿ™‚
15. Take care of your hair. Fancy styling is, of course, good. But only for special occasions. And the hair that you want to touch looks like a romantic young lady from movies about pirates ๐Ÿ˜‰

16. Feel the difference. Dress sexy, but not vulgar. Or a short skirt, or an open jacket, or bright lipstick. All together - never!
17. Don't be smart. Annoying when a girl, wanting to demonstrate her intelligence, pours quotes through a phrase.
18. Don't flinch. Do not drive crumbs on the table, do not wrinkle napkins, do not pick the spine of the book. Such gestures are terrible. Instead of fidgeting nervously with your hair, blow a section of your bangs out of your face. A lot of people think it's sexy.
19. Make pens. Don't forget your manicure. Any guy will want to hold a well-groomed hand in his hand.
20. Smile more often. Let everyone know that you are happy ๐Ÿ™‚

21. Don't skimp on accessories. Wear the insignia. Even the smallest one.
22. Talk less about yourself. Let the people around you ask.
23. Keep your eyes open. When talking to a person who is interesting, look into the eyes. This is what is called the ability to build eyes, and not cutesy rolling orbits.
24. Remember your sense of humor. Don't be afraid to laugh at yourself. This shows your sense of humor.
25. Remember the dates of the birthdays of all loved ones. This is a very important thing. Make a list and congratulate on it in a timely manner.
26. Take off. Learn to raise an eyebrow flirtatiously - it drives guys crazy.
27. Calmness. No need to constantly think about how you look from the outside. Relax and enjoy.
28. Don't be jealous. Be happy with what you have.
29. Stylization. Keep an individual style in clothes. Don't blend in with the crowd, but don't be weird either. Remember the rule of the golden mean.
30. Don't talk too much. Better do it. Believe in deeds, not words. Words are empty.

Today we have to find out best advice for teenage girls of all ages. This period for a woman in itself is very important, from the point of view of psychology, physical development. During adolescence, the body transforms and prepares for entry into adulthood. Many parents experience this time with difficulty - it can be difficult to get along with an almost formed personality. And the girls themselves have to deal with new phenomena and changes for them. How to behave during this period? What advice can be given for teenage girls (11 years and older)? What will help their proper development?

Attention: hormones!

In itself is characterized by the so-called game of hormones. This applies to both boys and girls. Only in guys such changes are expressed mainly only in behavior: they become more independent. But girls have it harder. Their hormones have a huge impact on overall health. The first thing you should pay attention to is that the Period begins at about 11-12 years old. For some, it comes earlier.

Unlike young ladies, guys go through this stage a little later, so it can be said that it is a little easier for them to endure it. Advice for teenage girls can be given in different ways. But if we talk about puberty and hormones, then you should not be afraid of them. And be ashamed of the changes taking place in the body. Be prepared for the fact that, for example, your breasts will begin to grow, acne and acne will appear. They are a natural reaction of the body. It's okay - nothing to be ashamed of. Morally tune in to the fact that now your health is almost completely formed for adult life.

Critical days

What else do you need to pay attention to? For example, the fact that puberty in girls does not go unnoticed. As already mentioned, changes begin in the body, and visible ones: the chest increases, the hips are rounded, the skin deteriorates a little. This is fine. It is also worth noting that in adolescence, girls begin They often frighten still inexperienced little girls. On average, already at 10-11 years old, you can encounter the so-called menstruation.

Tips for teenage girls necessarily contain items on moral preparation and further behavior. Do not be afraid of the first critical days - this is the first sign that you have become an adult. They will now come to you monthly with a certain interval: 28-30 days. Get a calendar that will help you calculate the exact period of such an event. This is very important for both teenagers and adults. If you come to an appointment with a gynecologist, then you will be asked very actively about critical days.

There is no need to be scared if your periods are too heavy or painful. It happens, but over time the body adapts and the process normalizes. If you can't stand it, it's best to see a doctor. He will help you choose a good and safe painkiller.

Personal care

Advice for teenage girls is endless. Of course, a lot depends on you and your goals. Someone already at this age attaches great importance to appearance, and some do not see the point in killing time in front of a mirror. Of course, in adolescence it is worth taking care of yourself. After all, you are already a young lady who is almost ready for adulthood. It is advisable to stock up on special masks and creams for teenage skin, wash your face with scrubs and do peels at least once a week.

This is especially true for those who experience certain skin problems due to hormones. Just don't overdo it. Especially with decorative cosmetics. Tips for teenage girls often indicate that you need to put on makeup and show with all your might that you are already an adult. But this is not entirely correct. Yes, no one has canceled decorative cosmetics, but everything should be in moderation. It is desirable to preserve your natural beauty, which is emphasized by light makeup: without a ton of various powders, shadows, foundations and other feminine joys.


The next stage that cannot be skipped is the manifestation of interest in the opposite sex. In adolescence, people begin to have their first love, a timid kiss, a reverent relationship. This is fine. There is no need to close in on yourself, especially girls. This is not entirely normal.

Vice versa, good advice for teenage girls, they necessarily indicate that you need to communicate more with the opposite sex. But only without the manic task - to find a boyfriend. Just make new friends among the boys, chat with them, have fun and spend more time together.

Relationships are not to be feared. If someone likes you, don't be afraid to make the first move. Maybe it really is your destiny! But be prepared to be rejected. Relationships are tricky things. There are successes and failures here. However, you do not need to abandon the usual and completely immerse yourself in them. The advice of a psychologist will help to behave correctly: professionals often recommend a teenage girl - there is no need to run after boys. Even if all the girls are in awe of someone. This is not entirely correct. It is better not to be afraid to take the first step in relation to someone who is really interesting and pleasant to you.

Your opinion

Adolescence is a very difficult period for any person. And not everyone is able to survive it without negative consequences. It is at this time that hormonal and physical changes take place in the body: the child becomes a real person with his own opinion. For parents, this behavior is often unacceptable, hence the huge problems.

Tips for teenage girls aged 14 (and over) often point to a lot of preparation. Now you will have to learn to defend your opinion in front of your parents. If you disagree with something, don't be silent. Scandals, quarrels and resentments - all this is almost inevitable. It is better to behave in this way than to bend under parental authority. If you donโ€™t learn to defend your point of view now, then everyone will use it later. But this must be done competently, without aggression.

Yes, it is better not to agree to an open conflict. To begin with, try to peacefully explain and justify why and with what you disagree, how you want to act. If you have understanding parents, they will accept you. Not? Then only rebellion. Rebellion, of course, is not the most the best option but sometimes you can't do without it. The main thing is not to go too far. Learn to say "no" if your interests are violated. It doesn't matter who: parents or friends. Otherwise, they will simply sit on your neck in the future. Just do it without tantrums, anger, rudeness, pressure and blackmail.


Don't forget about school. Under the influence of hormones, sometimes you donโ€™t want to study or do business. Yes, it will be difficult, but nevertheless, there is no need to skip lessons. Pay due attention to your studies, but do not exalt them above your principles and interests. Look for harmony in everything.

By the way, if you are already 14 years old, you can simultaneously get a part-time job. This is a great way to show everyone that you are no longer a child, but an already formed personality. Earn for yourself pocket money yourself, attach yourself to work - without it you cannot survive in the adult world.

By the way, at the age of 16 you can request emancipation. If you can provide for your own housing, as well as food and education, you can apply for early incapacitation with the help of the court. This can hardly be called advice, since at a young age not everyone is ready to shoulder such a burden. But if you have the opportunity, why not? Just remember, parental consent is required. It is better not to quarrel with them, because without the support of the family, even an adult can be hard.

Calm and problems

Useful tips for teenage girls don't stop there. It is worth paying attention to the fact that it is at a young age that you will have to learn to remain calm. This recommendation applies to both boys and girls. You should not rebel and rowdy too much: learn self-control. Either on your own or with the help of a psychologist.

If you have any experiences and emotions, do not keep them in yourself. But don't expose them to the public. It is advisable to seek help from parents, best friends or a specialist. Remember: the psychologist is not your enemy at all. He is often able to help a teenage girl become the most real girl, and then a woman with a decent outlook on life. Turning to such doctors is not a shame, but rather an achievement for a modern person.

To keep calm, by the way, many tricks help. First, one can take hot bath or shower. Secondly, some people meditate. Thirdly, negative emotions can be splashed in the gym or on a pillow / pear. The main thing is not to keep in yourself what has accumulated inside. Come up with a personal way to relieve stress!


Tips for teenage girls necessarily contain some lifestyle recommendations. The thing is that children during this period begin to change dramatically. At the same time, their way of life is being transformed. Try not to succumb to the temptations that are expressed in the form bad habits. Teenagers often start drinking and smoking to appear like adults. It is not right. Lead healthy lifestyle life, do not ruin your health.

Also, do not imitate your peers in this matter. After all, you can often contact a bad company that will teach you bad principles. Smoking, alcohol, drugs are your enemies. In all senses. Resist the temptation to look "cool", "adult". In the eyes of society, on the contrary, you will look like a small and stupid child.

Goals in life

Tips for teenage girls (12 years old and up) are not rules to follow unconditionally. These are just some guidelines that will help your personality develop with minimal stress. Pay attention to the last fact - you need to decide now with goals in life.

Analyze everything you want to achieve. For example, learn (for whom exactly), work (where and by whom), get married, have children ... And depending on own desires. For example, you should not try to become a professor if your task is only family, children and household. It is better to devote yourself more to cooking, needlework, the study of psychology. Do you want to build a career? Then do everything for it. Your prioritization will help you in the future.

The main thing is not to be afraid. Here you are likely to encounter misunderstanding and rejection of your parents' point of view. As practice shows, the older generation tries to plan for teenagers their whole life (no matter for what reasons). Following the parental script means ruining yourself as a person. Defend your point of view, prioritize and enjoy youth!

For modern girls and women, housekeeping is most often one of the responsibilities that they take on after returning from work. For some, this is a favorite hobby and recreation, for others it is a burdensome duty. In any case, our helpful tips for girls will help young housewives significantly save time, cope with a non-standard situation, and possibly turn everyday life into an exciting event. Useful advice is necessary for every woman, regardless of age, and even more so for young girls, as they help them learn how to manage the household in the most rational way, as well as avoid numerous mistakes.

Real and high-quality jeans can last a very long time. long term. At the same time, they practically do not stretch in the area of โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹the knees and hips and retain their original shade. However, even a high-quality denim product must be cleaned and washed periodically. This is required by the rules of hygiene ....

Dear girls and women, we all want to be beautiful and smart, do everything and enjoy life. But more often than not, we do not have enough time for what we have planned, in the crazy rhythm of the stone jungle, we do not pay attention to the little things. Today we want to give you simple, but at the same time valuable tips that will make you even more beautiful, make your life easier and get rid of bad habits. Remember, beauty begins with health.

Say "NO" to tight tails

Our motto is simple: "no" - ponytail, "yes" - pigtails! Hair doesn't like being tormented. Perms and styling with a hot iron, tight elastic bands and break the structure of the hair. If your hair is bothering you, then braid a light braid. Hair for this will only say "thank you."

Don't brush wet hair or do it right

For the structure of the hair, it is harmful to comb them immediately after a shower. But if you decide to do this, then start combing them from the tips, gradually moving higher and higher. It is better to perform this manipulation with a comb made of natural materials, for example, a rare comb made of wood.

Drink more water

Drinking a glass of still water before meals should become a habit. Love water, because our body needs it so much. Drinking a glass of water will alert your stomach that you will be eating soon. This will improve the condition of the body, and at the table you will eat less than usual.

Forget about diets and start eating right

Give up diets. Scientists have proven that sudden weight fluctuations have a bad effect on health: from a sharp change in weight, stretch marks (stretch marks) appear, which are difficult to get rid of. It is better to switch to a healthy diet and start playing sports - and keep your health and improve your mood.

All eyes on the face

Change the pillowcase on your pillow more often and wipe the phone case with alcohol. These things most often touch our face. If you follow this simple advice, acne on the face will be much less.

Don't "Get Annoyed"

The most common salicylic acid will help to fight irritations on the skin after shaving on its own. It is sold in any pharmacy and costs a penny. This tool perfectly fights red dots and protects the skin from the penetration of bacteria. Wipe with salicylic acid not only the legs, but also the delicate area of โ€‹โ€‹the bikini and armpits.

Remember the main

Get a diary or a small notebook. Put it in a conspicuous place at home. Write down all the cases and useful tips there, take notes, etc. Thanks to such an assistant, you will never forget anything.

Order in the closet - order in the head, order in the head - order in life

At the beginning of a new season, always remove excess clothing. Spend a couple of hours of your time on this useful activity that will make your life easier. Put things in the back drawers that you definitely wonโ€™t wear this season. The daily choice of clothes will be reduced, thus. you will save time that you can spend wisely, for example, for applying a mask or for a 10-minute relaxing self-massage after a hard day's work.