Automated workplace of a specialist (AWP). The concept of an automated place (AWP) of a specialist

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automated workplace(AWP) is a workplace of a specialist equipped with a personal computer, software and a set of information resources for individual or collective use, which allow him to process data in order to obtain information that provides support for his decisions when performing professional functions.

The creation of an automated workplace assumes that the main operations for the accumulation, storage and processing of information are assigned to computers, and the economist performs some of the manual operations and operations that require a creative approach in preparing management decisions.

Personal equipment is used by the user to control production and economic activities, change the values ​​of individual parameters in the course of solving the problem, as well as enter the initial data into the AIS to solve current problems and analyze control functions. Analyzing the essence of workstations, specialists most often define them as professionally oriented small computing systems located directly at the workplaces of specialists and designed to automate their work. Structure Workstation of a specialist, includes five main components:

Personal Computer;

complex of programs for information processing;

training system (hypertext user documentation system; integrated hint system; system of bookmarks, pointers and references; system of examples; error control and detection system);

tools for setting up workstations (calculation algorithms, analytical and technological parameters; devices: printer, scanner, modem; ergonomics of screen forms, etc.);

AWP operating tools (classifiers, reporting forms generator, tools for receiving / transmitting data via communication channels, copying and storing data, database administrator, monitoring the work of specific users).

In addition, the workstation is completed with documentation and methodological materials on the application of programs, as well as regulations for the performance of work on information processing. The specific saturation of each of the components is determined by the tasks to be solved. Workstations can function autonomously or as part of a computer network. In the autonomous mode of operation, workstations are created to solve individual functional tasks and cannot quickly use the entire information base of an economic object, and the exchange of information between different workstations is carried out using machine media. Work on the basis of computer networks allows you to organize the exchange of data between workstations via communication channels, combine the information space of the control object and organize access to it for any employee within his authority.

Each workstation is considered as an independent subsystem, and together they form a single whole. At the same time, the head of the department has the opportunity to manage the process of solving functional problems and integrate the results of the work of individual specialists, quickly receiving processed information for decision-making. At the same time, the possibility of autonomous work of each specialist is preserved. As a rule, workstations are organized in accordance with the existing distribution of work. Depending on the amount of work and the total number of computers at one workplace, various tasks can be solved. Another option is also possible, when one task will be distributed among several jobs.

Classification of workstations.

1. According to the degree of automation:

Manual workstations - special furniture available to the employee (table, chair, cabinets, telephone, rulers, tables and other auxiliary tools);

Mechanical workstations also contain simple or programmable calculators;

Automated workplaces necessarily use a PC with the appropriate software.

2. By the number of employees using workstations and the functions they perform:

Individual workstations, which are typical for leaders of various ranks;

Group workstations used by persons who prepare information for the purpose of its further use and management decision-making by managers (workstation of accountants, financiers, clerks, etc.).

3. By typing the functional tasks to be solved:

Unique workstations, highly specialized for solving a set of non-standard tasks;

Mass workstations created to solve typical problems in various industries.

4. By specialization: AWP manager is characterized by functional isolation, fully providing offline work leader. The workstation of a specialist should provide him with the opportunity to solve any functional tasks facing him, making the most of all the necessary information. The workstation of a technical worker should save him from the daily routine work performed, which requires certain professional skills.

5. According to the technical basis for creating workstations: workstations based on large (universal) computers that provide specialists with the opportunity to work with large amounts of data with technical and software support provided by employees of their own information center (ICC). Workstations based on personal computers are the simplest and most common option for creating automated workstations, as they eliminate all the shortcomings of workstations based on large computers.

The general principles of creating workstations remain unchanged, they include: consistency; flexibility; stability; efficiency. The principle of consistency means the following: an automated workplace should be a system of interconnected components. At the same time, the structure of the workstation must clearly correspond to the functions for which this workstation is created.

The principle of flexibility is of great importance in the creation of modern and efficient workstations. This principle means the possibility of adapting the workstation to the proposed modernization of both software and hardware. At present, when the rate of obsolescence of software and hardware is constantly growing, compliance with this principle is becoming one of the most important conditions for creating workstations. To ensure the principle of flexibility in real working automated workplaces, all subsystems of a single workstation are implemented as separate, easily replaceable modules. To avoid incompatibility problems when replacing, all elements must be standardized.

Great importance has the principle of stability. It consists in performing the functions inherent in the workstation, regardless of the impact of both internal and external factors. In the event of failures, the performance of the system should be quickly restored, the malfunctions of individual elements should be easily eliminated.

The principle of efficiency implies that the costs of creating and operating a system should not exceed the economic benefits from its implementation. In addition, when creating an automated workplace, it must be taken into account that its effectiveness will be largely determined by the correct distribution of functions and workload between the employee and the computer means of information processing, the core of which is a PC. Only if these conditions are met, the workstation becomes a means of increasing not only labor productivity and management efficiency, but also the social comfort of specialists.

It is necessary to develop an automated workplace for a department specialist. The software should have an intuitive interface, be easy to use, convenient, informative, flexible and multifunctional. The essence of the automated workplace of a department specialist is as follows: the formation of an individual load; creating schedules for control, independent, consulting work, schedules for defending term papers. Graphs are created for convenience in Microsoft Word.

Using the capabilities of modern computer technology to automate the information processing process allows you to increase labor productivity, improve the efficiency of working with documents and speed up the exchange of management information. At present, the concept of distributed automated control systems aimed at local processing of information has become widespread. This allows you to organize the division of labor of management personnel and automate the performance of their functions. To implement this idea, it is necessary to create automated workstations based on personal electronic computers (PCs) for each level of management and each subject area.

At present, the concept of distributed automated control systems aimed at local processing of information has become widespread. This allows you to organize the division of labor of management personnel and automate the performance of their functions. To implement this idea, it is necessary to create automated workstations based on personal electronic computers (PCs) for each level of management and each subject area.

Distributed control systems allows you to highlight the following requirements for an efficiently and fully functioning workstation:

Timely satisfaction of the information needs of the user;

Minimum response time to user requests;

Adaptation to the level of user training and the specifics of the functions performed by him;

The ability to quickly train the user in the basic methods of work;

Reliability and ease of maintenance;

Friendly interface;

Ability to work as part of a computer network.

AWS consists of hardware and software (Fig. 10) of computer technology, as well as the necessary methodological documentation that allows the user to effectively interact with these tools.

With the advent of competition between enterprises and organizations, quick and economically justified management decisions are required to solve vital operational and tactical issues for them. The organizational activity of management employees, including accountants, specialists in the credit and banking system, planners, etc., should be guided by the use of advanced technologies that save time.

New approaches to the organization and implementation of management functions require a radical change in the management technology itself, the introduction of technical means of information processing, primarily a PC. Under the new conditions, PCs must be transformed from systems for automatic processing of input information into reliable and accessible means for managers to accumulate information, analyze, evaluate and develop the most effective economic decisions.

The trend towards increased decentralization of management entails a transition to distributed information processing with decentralization of the use of computer technology and improvement of the organization of user workplaces.

The main purpose of workplaces for managerial and other employees is to provide conditions for comfortable, high-performance and high-quality work. For this purpose, the workplace of a specialist should be conveniently planned, equipped with everything necessary and providing uninterrupted information support and rational organization of work at this place. The use of workstations should not disturb the usual rhythm of the user's work and should focus the user's attention on the logic of the tasks being solved. However, if a given user action is not performed, the user must know the reason and information about this must be provided to the user.

Under automated workplace(AWP) is understood as a set of methodological, linguistic (linguistic), hardware and software tools that provide automation of user functions in a certain subject area and allow quickly satisfying its functional and computational requests.

Thus, the workstation has a problem-professional orientation to a specific subject area. The creation of automated jobs assumes that the main operations for the accumulation, storage and processing of information are assigned to computer technology, while the specialist performs certain part manual operations and operations that require a creative approach in the preparation of management decisions. At the same time, the PC works in close interaction with the user, who controls its actions, changes the values ​​of individual parameters in the course of solving the problem, and also enters the initial data for solving problems and control functions.

AWS, as a tool for intensifying management activities, must ensure the performance of a certain group of functions. The simplest function of the workstation is information and reference services, and this function is inherent in any workstation to one degree or another, however, the features of its implementation significantly depend on the user category.

Many well-known workstations can be classified based on the following features:

Functional scope ( scientific activity, design, production and technological processes, organizational management);

Type of computer used (micro-, mini-, macro computer);

Operating mode (individual, group, network);

User qualifications (professional and non-professional).

Within each of the selected groups of workstations, a more detailed classification can be carried out.

For example, organizational management workstations can be divided into workstations of heads of organizations and departments, workstations of employees of planning departments, workstations of logistics workers, workstations of accountants, etc. Conventionally, all these workstations can be called ARM - economist.

According to the level of decisions made by the employee, the following types of workstations can be distinguished:

workstation of the manager;

workstation of a specialist;

AWP of a technical worker.

Features of each type of workstation are determined by the main functions and tasks of employees.

The main functions of the manager are operational management and decision-making.

It is these functions that determine the general requirements for Workstation of the head:

The presence of a sufficiently developed database, constantly updated with operational and reliable information, and a limited number of employees, as a rule, has access to a part of this database, and only the head himself has access to its individual fragments;

Ensuring the possibility of prompt search for information;

Ability to present information in the required convenient and integrated form (including information coming from different sources);

Availability of software tools that ensure decision-making and tools that regulate organizational and administrative activities;

Ensuring operational communication with subordinates and various sources of information.

The professional orientation of a specialist determines the requirements for AWP specialist, however, the workstation of any specialist should provide the opportunity to carry out analytical work.

Therefore, to general requirements AWP specialist should include:

Ability to work with corporate databases, institutional and personal databases;

Possibility of modeling the analyzed processes;

Ensuring the versatility and flexibility of the system.

Technical workers include secretaries, operators, typists, inspectors, etc. They, as a rule, perform routine work that requires certain professional skills. This is information entry, maintenance of file cabinets and archives, control of the daily personal plan of the manager, processing of incoming and outgoing documentation, etc. Workstation of a technical worker should provide automation of these functions.

standard forms Workstation of a technical worker are:

Workstation of the inspector of the department of letters;

AWP inspector of time records;

AWP operator for processing text documents;

Archivist's workstation.

The first workstations were created on the basis of large universal computers, later they were built on the basis of small computers. With the development of PCs, PC hardware is mainly used to build workstations.

On the present stage various types AWS correspond to various architectural and technological solutions:

PC-based workstation- the simplest and most common version of the workstation of employees in the field of organizational management. Such a workstation is a system that, in an interactive mode of operation, provides the user with a monopoly on all types of software for the entire session. The user himself performs all the functional duties of converting information.

Such workstations provide:

Simplicity, convenience and user friendliness;

Ease of adaptation to specific user functions;

Low requirements for operating conditions;

High reliability;

simple organization Maintenance.

The conceptual difference between a PC-based workstation is that the workstation is an open architecture. Functionally, physically and ergonomically adjusted to a specific user (personal workstation) or a group of users (group workstation).

Workstation as a workstation provides an efficient mode of operation within the local area network. This mode is appropriate when it is necessary to distribute information and computing resources among several users.

Workstation using a PC as an intelligent terminal involves remote access to the resources of the central (main) computer or external network. Several PCs are connected via communication channels to the main computer, while each PC can work offline. In addition, workstations can connect to various information services and systems. general purpose(news services, information retrieval systems, databases and knowledge, library systems, etc.).

State educational institution

higher professional education

"Russian Customs Academy"

St. Petersburg named after V.B. Bobkov branch

Russian Customs Academy

Department of Informatics and ITT

on the topic "Automated workplace of a specialist"


5th year student

full-time education

Faculty of Economics

groups 541

Vershinina Irina


The challenge of automation production processes and management processes, as always, has been and remains relevant in the national economy. The need to automate the management of the national economy and its links is explained by the tasks of facilitating the work of managerial personnel, curbing the growth of their numbers, caused by the development of production; the complication of industrial relations; increase in the volume of management functions. An important role is played by the task of matching the technical base of management with a similar base of production, in relation to which automation is carried out.

At the present stage of automation of production management, the most promising is the automation of planning and management functions based on personal computers installed directly at the workplaces of specialists. These systems are widely used in organizational management under the name of automated workstations (AWPs). This will allow people who do not have special knowledge in the field of programming to use the system, and at the same time will allow supplementing the system as needed. The current scale and pace of introduction of management automation tools in the national economy with particular urgency poses the task of conducting comprehensive research related to a comprehensive study and generalization of the problems that arise in this case, both practical and theoretical.

This essay discusses the concept of AWS and its main characteristics. This topic very relevant in our time of modern technology and innovation. The active implementation of the automated workplace leads to the improvement and acceleration of production processes, and, accordingly, to the growth of economic indicators in general.

§ 1. The concept and general characteristics workstation

Analyzing the essence of workstations, specialists most often define them as professionally oriented small computing systems located directly at the workplaces of specialists and designed to automate their work.

For each control object, it is necessary to provide automated workstations corresponding to their functional purpose. However, the principles of creating workstations should be general: consistency, flexibility, sustainability, efficiency. According to the principle of consistency, workstations should be considered as systems, the structure of which is determined by the functional purpose.

The principle of flexibility means the adaptability of the system to possible restructuring due to the modularity of the construction of all subsystems and the standardization of their elements.

The principle of sustainability lies in the fact that the AWP system must perform the main functions, regardless of the impact on it of internal and external possible factors. This means that malfunctions in its individual parts should be easily eliminated, and the system's performance should be quickly restored.

The efficiency of the workstation should be considered as an integral indicator of the level of implementation of the above principles, related to the costs of creating and operating the system.

AWP is a set of software and hardware that provides human interaction with a computer, provides the ability to input information and its output. Most often, the ARM is part of automated system control (ACS). AWP - can be defined as a set of information, software and technical resources that provide the end user with data processing and automation of management functions in a specific subject area.

According to their purpose, workstations are computer systems located at the workplaces of specialists, which serve to automate their work. The role of workstations is determined by the nature of their participation in the management process of a particular area of ​​production activity.

AWP as a tool for rationalization and intensification of management activities is created to ensure the performance of a certain group of functions. The simplest function of the workstation is information and reference services. Although this function is inherent in any workstation to one degree or another, the features of its implementation significantly depend on the user category. Workstations have a problem-professional orientation to a specific subject area.

AWP has the following properties:

availability. (The set of technical, software, information and other means available to the user);

the possibility of creating and improving projects for automated data processing in a specific field of activity;

data processing by the user;

interactive mode of interaction between the user and the computer both in the process of solving control problems and in the process of their design.

The following main functions of the ARM can be distinguished:

Satisfying the information and computing needs of a specialist;

Minimum response time to user requests;

Adaptation to professional needs;

Ease of mastering work on the workstation; - Ability to work in the network.

The ARM usually includes:

A set of software tools and software (applied and auxiliary programs);

Complex of information and methodological support

The use of workstations in a modern office facilitates the work of a specialist as much as possible, freeing up time and effort that was previously spent on performing routine data collection operations and complex calculations for creative, science-based activities in solving professional problems.

The advantages of implementing AWP are:

Automation of labor, the use of labor-saving technologies (for example, the use of computers);

Improving production safety (when used in industry);

Faster management decision making;

Mobility of workers;

Increasing labor productivity

The functioning of an automated workplace can give a numerical effect only if the functions and workload are properly distributed between a person and machine tools for processing information, the core of which is a computer. Only then will the workstation become a means of increasing not only labor productivity and management efficiency, but also the social comfort of specialists.

§2. Purpose and types of workstation

industrial workstation

The use of workstations in a modern office facilitates the work of a specialist as much as possible, freeing up time and effort that was previously spent on performing routine data collection operations and complex calculations for creative, science-based activities in solving professional problems. The purpose of the implementation is to improve the following indicators:

automation of labor, the use of labor-saving technologies (for example, the use of computers);

improving production safety (when used in industry);

faster management decision making;

mobility of workers;

increase in labor productivity

To characterize the workstation, we can single out the main components of the information technology that implements it. These include:

Technical and hardware support (computers, printers, scanners, cash registers and other optional equipment);

Information support (document standards and unified forms, standards for the presentation of indicators, classifiers and reference information);

Network and communication devices (local and corporate networks, e-mail).

The characteristics of these components determine the level of the workstation, its purpose and features. Workstations are designed to provide conditions for comfortable, high-performance and high-quality work of a specialist and must meet the following requirements:

the user interface should be simple, convenient and accessible even to an unprepared user. It should contain a hint system, preferably in a demonstration form (video, sound, animation);

it is necessary to ensure the safety of a specialist and the fulfillment of all ergonomic requirements (comfort, color and sound gamut corresponding to the best perception, convenience in the location of information and the availability of all the means necessary for work, a unified style of performing operations, etc.);

the user of the workstation must perform all actions without leaving the system, therefore, it is required to be equipped with all the necessary operations;

ensuring the uninterrupted operation of the workstation should guarantee the user the timely completion of tasks, in accordance with the work schedule. Failures in production are unacceptable;

rational organization of work of a specialist creates comfortable working conditions and increases the productivity of a specialist;

AWP software must be compatible with other systems and information technologies, so the most valuable technologies are those that combine several AWPs.

§3.Principles used in the creation of workstations

The creation and use of workstations is based on a number of general principles designing data processing systems:

The principle of maximum orientation to the end user. This principle is implemented by creating special means of adapting the workstation to the level of user training and to the possibility of his learning and self-learning, so the workstation is often supplied with special demonstration videos. It is necessary that the input of new data and the correction of information be accompanied by automation of operations, built-in control and a hint system, which allows even an unskilled worker in the computer field to quickly learn how to work in the workstation.

Problem orientation. Each workstation specializes in solving a certain class of tasks, united common technology data processing, the unity of operating modes, the unity of data processing algorithms.

The principle of matching the information needs of users to the technical means used. The characteristics of the technical means used must correspond to the amount of information and algorithms for its processing. This means that only after a thorough analysis of the user's information needs, one can begin to determine the composition and functions of the workstation.

The principle of creative contact between AWS developers and their potential users. The joint participation of the user and the developer in the creation of the workstation helps to better understand the problem situation, stimulates the intellectual activity of the future user of the workstation and, ultimately, improves the quality of the workstation.

Complete documentation, which should contain explanations for the tasks performed using the workstation, instructions for installing and operating the workstation, instructions for filling out and maintaining input and output documents.

§four. Workstation and prospects for its development

The current scale and pace of introduction of management automation tools in the national economy with particular urgency poses the task of conducting comprehensive research related to a comprehensive study and generalization of the problems that arise in this case, both practical and theoretical. In recent years, the concept of distributed systems for managing the national economy has emerged, which provides for local processing of information. To implement the idea of ​​distributed control, it is necessary to create automated workstations (AWPs) based on professional personal computers for each level of control and each subject area. Analyzing the essence of workstations, specialists most often define them as professionally oriented small computing systems located directly at the workplaces of specialists and designed to automate their work. For each control object, it is necessary to provide automated workstations corresponding to their functional purpose. However, the principles of creating workstations should be general: consistency, flexibility, sustainability, efficiency. According to the principle of consistency, workstations should be considered as systems, the structure of which is determined by the functional purpose. The principle of flexibility means the adaptability of the system to possible restructuring due to the modularity of the construction of all subsystems and the standardization of their elements. The principle of sustainability lies in the fact that the AWP system must perform the main functions, regardless of the impact on it of internal and external possible factors. This means that malfunctions in its individual parts should be easily eliminated, and the system's performance should be quickly restored. The efficiency of the workstation should be considered as an integral indicator of the level of implementation of the above principles, related to the costs of creating and operating the system. The functioning of an automated workplace can give a numerical effect only if the functions and workload are properly distributed between a person and machine tools for processing information, the core of which is a computer. Only then will the workstation become a means of increasing not only labor productivity and management efficiency, but also the social comfort of specialists. The development of electronics has led to the emergence of a new class of computers - personal computers (PCs). The main advantage of a PC is its relatively low cost and at the same time high performance. So, for example, if we analyze the characteristics of large computers of the early 60s, minicomputers of the early 70s and PCs of the 80s. , it turns out that the performance is about the same. Low cost, reliability, ease of maintenance and operation expands the scope of the PC, primarily through those areas of human activity in which computers were not previously used due to the high cost, complexity of maintenance and interaction. These areas include the so-called institutional activities, where the use of PCs.


In recent years, the concept of distributed systems for managing the national economy has emerged, which provides for local processing of information. To implement the idea of ​​distributed control, it is necessary to create automated workstations (AWPs) based on professional personal computers for each level of control and each subject area.

For each control object, it is necessary to provide automated workstations corresponding to their functional purpose. However, the principles of creating workstations should be general: consistency, flexibility, sustainability, efficiency.

The functioning of an automated workplace can give a numerical effect only if the functions and workload are properly distributed between a person and machine tools for processing information, the core of which is a computer. Only then will the workstation become a means of increasing not only labor productivity and management efficiency, but also the social comfort of specialists.

List of sources used

1. Automated workplace for statistical data processing / V.V. Shurakov, D.M. Dayitbegov, S.V. Mizrokhi, S.V. Yasenovsky. -

M.: Finance and statistics, 1990. - 190 p.: ill.

Appak M.A. Automated workplaces based on personal computers. - M.: Radio and communication, 1989.-176 p.: ill.

Automated systems for processing accounting and analytical information /

V.S. Rozhnov, V.B. Lieberman, E.A. Umnova, T.V. Voropaev. - M.: Finance and

statistics, 1992. - 250 p.

Information systems for leaders / Ed. F. I. Peregudova M.: Finance and statistics, 1999.

Computer technologies in personnel services / M.A. Vinokurov, R.D. Gutgarts, V.A. Parkhomov - I.: IGEA Publishing House, 1997. - 198 p.

The activities of management employees are currently focused on the use of developed information technologies.

The organization and implementation of management functions requires a radical change in both the management technology itself and the technical means of information processing, among which the main place is occupied by personal computers (PCs). They are increasingly turning from systems of automatic processing of input information into a means of accumulating the experience of managerial workers, analyzing, evaluating and developing the most effective economic decisions.

The trend towards increased decentralization of management entails distributed processing of information with the decentralization of the use of computer technology and the improvement of the organization of user workplaces.

Automated workplace- a set of information, software and technical resources that provides the end user with data processing and automation of management functions in a specific subject area.

The creation of an automated workplace assumes that the main operations for the accumulation, storage and processing of information are assigned to computers, and the user performs some of the manual operations and operations that require a creative approach in preparing management decisions. Personal equipment is used by the user to control production and economic activities, change the values ​​of individual parameters in the course of solving a problem, as well as enter initial data into an automated information system to solve current problems and analyze control functions.

AWP as a tool for rationalization and intensification of management activities is created to ensure the performance of a certain group of functions. The simplest function of the workstation is information and reference services. Although this function is inherent in any workstation to one degree or another, the features of its implementation significantly depend on the user category.

Workstations have a problem-professional orientation to a specific subject area. Professional workstations are the main tool for communication between a person and computer systems, playing the role of autonomous workplaces. Workstations perform decentralized simultaneous processing of information at the workplaces of performers as part of a distributed database. At the same time, they have access through the system device and communication channels to the PC and database of other users, thus ensuring the joint functioning of the PC in the process of collective processing.

Workstation created on the basis of personal computers (PC) is the simplest and most common version of an automated workplace for employees in the field of organizational management. Such a workstation is considered as a system that, in an interactive mode of operation, provides a specific employee (user) with all types of support exclusively for the entire session of work. This is consistent with the approach to designing such an AWP component as internal information support, according to which the information fund on magnetic media of a particular AWP should be at the exclusive disposal of the AWP user. The user himself performs all the functional duties of converting information.

The creation of a PC-based workstation provides:

Simplicity, convenience and user friendliness;

Ease of adaptation to specific user functions;

Compact placement and low requirements for operating conditions;

High reliability and survivability;

Relatively simple maintenance organization. An effective mode of operation of the workstation is its functioning within the local area network as a workstation. This option is especially appropriate when it is required to “distribute” information and computing resources among several users.

A more complex form is an workstation using a PC as an intelligent terminal, as well as with remote access to the resources of the central (main) computer or an external network. In this case, several PCs are connected via communication channels to the main computer, while each PC can also work as an independent terminal device.

In the most complex systems, workstations can be connected through special equipment not only to the resources of the main computer of the network, but also to various information services and general-purpose systems (news services, national information retrieval systems, databases and knowledge, library systems, etc. ).

The capabilities of the created workstations largely depend on the technical and operational characteristics of the computers on which they are based. In this regard, at the design stage of an automated workplace, requirements are clearly formulated for the basic parameters of technical means for processing and issuing information, a set of component modules, network interfaces, ergonomic parameters of devices, etc.

A prerequisite for the functioning of the workstation is technical support. Information processing tools - computers of different capacities and types - form the basis of the technical support of computer networks. characteristic feature The practical use of technical means in organizational and economic management at present is the transition to decentralized and network processing based on PC.

If as a workstation small local network A PC is used, on which all the information necessary for work is centrally stored, the amount of information processed is small. The speed of work is determined not by the speed of the computer, but by the speed of the dialogue between the operator and the machine. It follows from this that in this case a PC with low speed and a minimum amount of RAM is quite acceptable.

In another case, if the computer is intended for the regular preparation of voluminous documents and uses large amounts of information for this, it is necessary to install powerful machines with a large amount of external and internal memory.

The information content of the automated workplace in determining the range of users and clarifying the essence of the tasks they solve is carried out by the information support of the automated workplace. In the field of organizational management, users can be roughly divided into three categories: managers, management staff and support staff. Developed workstations for different categories of users differ in the types of data presentation. For example, service personnel usually deal with the organization's internal data, solve repetitive tasks, and usually use structured information. Managers require both internal and external data to achieve management goals or make decisions.

The use of workstations should not disrupt the rhythm of work familiar to the user. Workstations concentrate the user's attention on the logical structure of the tasks being solved, and not on the characteristics of the software system that implements them. However, if the action specified by the system is not performed, the user must know the reason, and information about this must be displayed on the screen.

Mathematical support of the automated workplace is a set of algorithms that provide the formation of the resulting information. Mathematical software serves as the basis for the development of a complex of applied programs.

As part of the AWS software, two main types of software can be distinguished, differing in functions: general (system) and special (applied). General software includes a set of programs that automate the development of programs and organize an economical computing process on a PC, regardless of the tasks being solved. Special software is a set of programs for solving specific user problems.

As operating systems Workstation created on the basis of 16-bit PCs is usually used MS DOC, on the basis of 32-bit - OS / 2 and UNIX.

The main applications of the application software packages that are part of the special AWP software are word processing, tabular data processing, database management, computer and business graphics, the organization of human-machine dialogue, communication support and networking.

Multifunctional integrated packages that implement several functions of information processing, such as tabular, graphic, database management, text processing within one software environment, are effective in AWS.

Integrated packages are user-friendly. They have a single interface, do not require docking of the software tools included in them, and have a fairly high speed of solving problems.

The linguistic support of the workstation includes the languages ​​of communication with the user, query languages, information retrieval languages, intermediary languages ​​in networks. The language tools of the automated workplace provide an unambiguous semantic correspondence between the actions of the user and the hardware in the form of a PC. At the same time, AWP languages ​​should be user-oriented, including professionally-oriented.

The basis of AWS languages ​​is predefined terms, descriptions of ways to establish new terms, lists of rules on the basis of which the user can build formal structures that correspond to his information needs. For example, in some workstations, data and constructions are presented in the form of tables, in others - in the form of special operators.

ARM language tools can be divided according to the types of dialogue. Dialogue support tools define the language constructs that the user needs to know. Several types of dialogue can be implemented in one workstation: computer-initiated, by filling in templates, using menus, and hybrid.

The organizational support of the workstation includes a set of documents regulating the activities of specialists when using a computer or another type of terminal at the workplace and defining the functions and tasks of each specialist.

The specialist performs the following operations on the workstation:

Entering information from documents using the keyboard (with visual control on the display screen);

Entering data into a PC from magnetic media from other workstations;

Reception of data in the form of messages via communication channels from other workstations in the conditions of functioning of local area networks;

Data editing and manipulation;

Accumulation and storage of data;

Finding, updating and protecting data;

Output to the screen, printing, magnetic media of the result information, as well as various reference and instructive messages to the user;

Formation and transmission of data to other workstations in the form of files on magnetic media or via communication channels in computer networks;

Obtain operational information on request.

The methodological support of the automated workplace consists of guidelines, recommendations and provisions for the implementation, operation and evaluation of the effectiveness of their functioning. It also includes machine-organized reference information about the workstation as a whole and its individual functions, training tools for working on the workstation, and demonstration examples.

Ergonomic provision of workstations is a set of measures that provide the most comfortable conditions for the use of workstations by specialists. This involves the choice of special furniture for the placement of workstation equipment, the organization of filing cabinets for storing documentation and magnetic media.

Legal support of the automated workplace is a system of legal documents that define the rights and obligations of specialists in the conditions of the functioning of the automated workplace. These documents are strictly linked to a set of developments that regulate the procedure for storing and protecting information, the rules for data revision, ensuring the legal authenticity of operations performed on the workstation, etc.

Efficient functioning of automated information system and AWS is based on the integrated use of modern technical and software tools for processing information in conjunction with modern organizational forms of equipment placement.

Choice organizational forms it is expedient to use software and hardware tools taking into account their dispersal by levels of the management hierarchy in accordance with organizational structure automated object. In this case, the main principle of choice is the collective service of users, which corresponds to the structure of the automated object.

Taking into account the modern functional structure of territorial government bodies, the set of software and hardware tools should form at least a three-level global data processing system with a developed set of peripheral tools at each level (Fig. 2.5).

Rice. 2.5. circuit diagram multilevel organization of software and hardware tools of a local area network (LAN)

The first level is the central computing system of a territorial or corporate body, including one or more powerful computers or mainframes. Its main function is general, economic and financial control, information service for management employees.

The second level is the computing systems of enterprises (associations), organizations and firms, which include mainframes, powerful PCs, provide data processing and management within a structural unit.

The third level is PC-based locally distributed computer networks serving the production sites of the lower level. Each site is equipped with its own PC, which provides a set of works on primary accounting, accounting for needs and distribution of resources. In principle, it can be a workstation that performs functional computational procedures within a certain subject area.

At the same time, at each level of the management hierarchy, there are three ways of organizing technical means: centralized, decentralized and hierarchically distributed. The first method assumes that all data processing work, starting with data collection and registration, is carried out in one processing center; the second provides for the preliminary processing of information, which does not require the creation of very large data arrays, on the peripheral equipment of the remote user of the lower levels of the automated object; in the third method, the processing technology is optimally distributed over the system control levels.