Automated workplace of a specialist (AWP). Automated workplace of a specialist

As a result of the increase in the amount of information, the need for its correct and timely processing also increases. Computing and information processing technology is an obligatory component in modern world. That is why such a definition as workplace automation today - actual question for both employees and management.

The workplace may differ in purpose, target value, and specialization. However, in all cases it is important to provide additional provision of computer office equipment. The number of options for such equipment and the composition of the workstation is determined by the skill level of the employee himself, as well as the specifics of his duties.

For example, according to the specifics of work, one employee will need a computer with special programs for calculating and transmitting information. To provide functional space for labor activity another employee needs multiple office equipment with options for information flow transmission, deductions and processing.

AWP is an abbreviated definition of an automated workplace, which includes the provision of hardware and software, methodological and information documentation.

Fundamental principles of formation

#1 Sustainability

The functions performed by the automated workplace must be stable, recoverable or mutually complementary, compensated. So, for example, in the event of a malfunction in the electrical network, computer office equipment should automatically save all previously processed and entered information. When restoring data, the necessary and relevant information is not distorted, it remains in the same volume. Such stable and sustainable work is a must for an employee who will not spend extra time for data and information recovery.

№2 Consistency

Consistency is the interconnection of all components in the workplace. All automation must be timely, correct, and work in one system.

Distinguish systemic point (one workplace), intra-corporate (several places in one system), public.

#3 Flexibility

In conditions of high and constant development of technologies, techniques and capabilities, this principle of formation makes the automated place of a specialist or manager as adapted as possible.

Flexibility refers to the ability to adapt workplace technology to efficient new processing options. This process is called modernization.

#4 Efficiency

The last point means the effectiveness of the work performed by the employee. All automated processes carried out should not cause discomfort that would have an impact on the original functional duties of the employee.

In turn, such a clause has several sub-clauses that must be observed:

  • fast processing of requests;
  • compliance with the level of knowledge of the employee;
  • understandable managed interface;
  • ease of maintenance;
  • opportunity to acquire new knowledge and improve it.

An automated work system is an integral part of any workflow today. Simply put, if not the AWP, then most of today's elementary options for work would be performed with multiple difficulties.

For example, the search for the necessary information 20 years ago was archival extraction, compilation of data and their reconciliation. Today, such a process boils down to submitting an application online to the right place and waiting for a response. Everything is as simple as possible, and most importantly - with a minimum of risk, errors and inaccuracies.

Arrangement of automated places for employees: composition

The structured basis of automated technical (industrial) means includes the implementation and provision of computer functions, as well as peripheral devices, equipment (office equipment). On the basis of a computer, a place is realized for a specialist or manager, and the connected peripheral technical means differ from the goals and realizable tasks of a separate option under consideration.

The efficiency of the work performed directly depends on the quality of the equipment provided, the provision of workstations. Before choosing a technique, you need to pay attention to its specifications, specific items that help to integrate into the market at the proper level of professionalism.

Otherwise, it will be extremely problematic to implement, to implement the choice of implementation and implementation of production resources that is necessary in terms of efficiency and volume, satisfying the needs of a particular employee. At the same time, it is worth considering such an important factor as the flexibility of technology, its adaptability to the innovations being introduced.

The composition and development of an automated place of an employee depends entirely on his profession, functions and responsibilities. However, in in general terms it is possible to divide all provision into technical support, computerization and additional specific management tools. At the same time, the set of special management tools differs in the duties of the manager and the performer.

Classification (groups) of workstations by types of tasks to be implemented:

  • solution and calculation of information-computing problems;
  • tasks for preparing the necessary information;
  • processing of information and reference information;
  • bookkeeping;
  • processing of statistical information;
  • analytical calculations;
  • mathematical, chemical or physical calculations.

The basis of the workstation is a personal PC. Computerization or providing a workplace with a personal computer is an simplification of the work process, control of all actions, and the most accurate execution of work instructions. For additional automation of the workflow, special paid control software - CPM systems - can be introduced. Such software allows you to control all functional obligations, monitor the correctness of the chosen strategy in work, and also calculate shortcomings.

CPM is often used for large companies that are difficult for managers to manage. There are both personal CRM systems and collective ones (up to 50 people). Such a system is relatively “young”, but many managers give preference to such a system of control of the entire work process as a whole and the work of a separate department, a person.

A PC or personal computer is considered the main mechanism in automation, since it is this technique that contains a lot of options, features and benefits that successfully simplify the entire process of work of any level of complexity.

An automated workplace for an operator, technologist, engineer or teacher cannot be implemented without the introduction and use of a computer in the future. In turn, the speed and efficiency of the processes in each profession is different.

A personal computer is a complementary component parts:

  • system block with processes in control;
  • monitor for image transmission;
  • loudspeakers for transmitting sounds and signals;
  • keyboard and mouse for entering, controlling and executing information from requests;
  • memory disk as a component link in the processor for storing information performed by the work.

The work and its quality depends on the model of office equipment chosen, its functional content. The newer the technology, the greater the flexibility and the possibility of upgrading the process of performing tasks for personnel.

Workstation programs (AWP)

If you have the necessary equipment and a PC, you need to worry about the introduction of a special program for an automated process. So, there are several options for paid or free (on a temporary basis, like a probe) software, however, the development of a specific paid component allows you to use all the convenient options.

A popular frequently chosen workstation program (AWP) is MS Excel. The spreadsheet processor, which is Excel, provides work where it is necessary to constantly manipulate graphs, numbers, and comparative tables. The program helps to automate the procedure for processing information from tables.

You can also use spreadsheets to:

  • perform economic, accounting, engineering functions;
  • build diagrams;
  • conduct economic analysis;
  • to model the decision of economic structures.

The cheapest and most commonly used automation program, Microsoft Excel, is an alternative solution for creating the necessary databases. It is possible to import information from other (third-party, including) accounting systems, attach text files.

The following features of VB MS Excel are highly valued:

  • file structure;
  • macro language VBA;
  • combo boxes;
  • switches, other controls;
  • the ability to create dialog boxes;
  • making changes to the menu;
  • adding new items to the menu;
  • creating a new menu;
  • format programming in Excel;
  • manage the objects you need with easy-to-understand Excel instructions.

The system of automated places can be implemented both at the beginning of the formation of the workflow, and during its development. However, the need for such measures is clear. Automated place for work processes - these are unique opportunities for modern man who wants not only to work, but also to develop.

AWS is an interactive human-computer system, which is an organized productive environment for information processing, represented by methodological, organizational, legal, linguistic, software, technological, ergonomic means that ensure the implementation of the professional functions of an executor (manager, specialist) of a specific subject area directly on his workplace.

AWS is a complex of hardware and software tools, organizational techniques linked to a single technology focused on the implementation of certain problems of a particular subject area, as well as regulatory documents and instructive and methodological materials.

The functioning of the workstation activates creative activity, intensifies activity, and helps to improve the performance discipline of specialists at all levels.

For each control object, it is necessary to provide automated workstations corresponding to their functional purpose.

However, the principles of creating workstations should be general: consistency, flexibility, sustainability, efficiency. According to the principle of consistency, workstations should be considered as systems, the structure of which is determined by functional purpose.

The principle of flexibility means the adaptability of the system to possible restructuring due to the modularity of the construction of all subsystems and the standardization of their elements.

The principle of sustainability lies in the fact that the AWP system must perform the main functions, regardless of the impact on it of internal and external possible factors. This means that malfunctions in its individual parts should be easily eliminated, and the system's performance should be quickly restored.

The efficiency of the workstation should be considered as an integral indicator of the level of implementation of the above principles, related to the costs of creating and operating the system.

The following list of principles can also be considered as the basic principles for designing an automated workplace:

1. Maximum focus on the end user, achieved by creating tools for adapting the workstation to the level of user training, the possibilities of his training and self-learning.

2. Formalization of professional knowledge, that is, the possibility of providing automated work with the help of AWS to independently automate new functions and solve new problems in the process of accumulating experience with the system.

3. The problem orientation of the automated workplace to solve a certain class of tasks, united by a common technology for processing information, the unity of modes of operation and operation, which is typical for specialists in economic services.

4. Modularity of construction, which ensures the interface of the workstation with other elements of the information processing system, as well as the modification and enhancement of the capabilities of the workstation without interrupting its operation.

5. Ergonomics, that is, the creation of comfortable working conditions for the user and a friendly interface for communicating with the system. The main goals of creating a specialist workstation are:

Improving the technique and technology of managing the functioning of an economic entity;

Reducing the preparation time and improving the quality of management decisions;

Increasing the level of information support for the management process of a specific subject;

Shifting the emphasis on the creative activity of the employees of the administrative apparatus by releasing them from the routine processing of information.

In the scientific literature, interpretations of AWS differ depending on the purpose and subject area. To perform his work, a specialist, as a rule, applies certain knowledge, skills, methods of work, uses reference books, regulatory documents, instructive and administrative documentation, and also uses various tools depending on the complexity of the tasks being solved. It mainly uses information from the information space of a certain subject area.

Automation of such a workplace should include:

Operations to search for normative and reference material;

Carrying out computational work with minimal human intervention;

Search for information (including required indicators) in the information space;

Editing and formatting the results of the work, as well as their output in the required form on the appropriate media; background execution of local computational tasks.

For the effective functioning of information systems, it is necessary to quickly process large amounts of information, including the preparation of data for decision-making at all levels of management. In this regard, the concept of distributed information systems arose, providing for complete automated processing of information at various levels of the management hierarchy, followed by the transfer of the necessary aggregated information from the bottom up. The implementation of this concept put forward the problem of creating information processing tools at each management level, implemented in the form of an automated workplace. Thus, the automated workplace of a specialist becomes an important link in the field of information processing and a new element of information technology.

The development and widespread implementation of AWS became possible due to the emergence of interactive tools,

The information space of the subject area, including regulatory and reference information, including database management systems, visualization tools, friendly interfaces, the development of communications and the integration of these achievements with office equipment into a single “line” of automated information processing directly at the workplace.

The presence of an automated workplace in the control loop implies the constant use of a computer for communication between specialists in the course of their direct activities related to the interactive solution of various tasks that support the productive functioning of the economic system.

The concept of workstation at the time of its appearance was qualified as follows: “Workstation is a professionally oriented computing complex, consisting of a terminal device (personal computer) and specialized software. As a rule, such a complex is located directly at the workplace of a specialist and is intended to automate his work.

An automated workplace can be defined as a set of information, software and technical resources that provides the end user with data processing and automation of management functions in a specific subject area of ​​the management process.

Automated workstation (AWS) - a workplace of personnel of an automated control system or other information processing system (for example, a planner's workstation in an automated control system, an accountant, an economist-analyst), equipped with a personal computer (which is connected to a local computer network and other information networks), as well as special software designed to solve the tasks of the user of the workstation.

The creation of automated jobs suggests that the main operations for the accumulation, storage and processing of information are assigned to computers, and the manager performs some of the manual operations and operations that require a creative approach in preparing management decisions.

Personal technology is used in the process of user management to control production and economic activities, change the values ​​of individual parameters in the course of solving a management problem, as well as enter initial data to solve current problems and analyze management functions.

An automated workplace as a tool for rationalizing and intensifying management activities is created to ensure the performance of a certain group of functions. The simplest function of an automated workplace is information and reference services. Although this function is inherent in any workstation to one degree or another, the features of its implementation significantly depend on the user category.

Automated workplaces are problematic - vocational guidance on a specific subject area of ​​the management process. Professional workstations are the main tool for human communication with computer systems, playing the role of autonomous workplaces, intelligent terminals of large computers, workstations in local networks. Automated workstations have an open architecture and are easily adapted to problem areas of management processes.

Analyzing the essence of workstations, specialists most often define them as professionally oriented small computing systems located directly at the workplaces of specialists and designed to automate their work.

For each control object, it is necessary to provide automated workstations corresponding to their functional purpose. However, the principles of creating workstations should be general: consistency, flexibility, sustainability, efficiency.

According to the principle of consistency, workstations should be considered as systems, the structure of which is determined by the functional purpose.

The principle of flexibility means the adaptability of the system to possible restructuring due to the modularity of the construction of all subsystems and the standardization of their elements.

The principle of sustainability lies in the fact that the AWP system must perform the main functions, regardless of the impact on it of internal and external possible factors. This means that failures in its individual parts should be easily fixed, and the system's performance should be quickly restored.

The efficiency of the workstation should be considered as an integral indicator of the level of implementation of the above principles, related to the costs of creating and operating the system.

The functioning of an automated workplace can give a numerical effect only if the functions and workload are properly distributed between a person and machine tools for processing information, the core of which is a computer. Only then will the workstation become a means of increasing not only labor productivity and management efficiency, but also the social comfort of specialists.

The localization of the workstation allows for the rapid processing of information immediately upon its receipt, and the processing results can be stored for an arbitrarily long time at the request of the user.

In the context of the implementation of the management process, the purpose of introducing an automated workplace is to enhance the integration of management functions, and each more or less "intelligent" workplace should provide work in a multifunctional mode.

An automated workplace based on personal computers is the simplest and most common version of an automated workplace for workers in the field of organizational management. Such a workstation is considered as a system that, in an interactive mode of operation, provides a specific user with all types of software exclusively for the entire session of work.

Let us consider the main components of the AWP of workers of economic services, management activities, etc., the prospects for their development and use. On fig. 1 presented general scheme PC, which is the technical basis of the workstation.

Fig 1. Generalized scheme of a PC:

1-microprocessor, 2-main memory, 3-VZU, 4-display, 5-keyboard, 6-printer, 7-system highway

All PC devices interact through the system backbone. However, the information from the VZU must first be rewritten to the RAM, and only then it becomes available to the processor.

Recall that the most efficient organizational form The use of PCs is the creation on their basis of workstations of specific specialists (economists, statisticians, accountants, managers), since this form eliminates the psychological barrier in the relationship between man and machine.

The accumulated experience suggests that the workstation must meet the following requirements:

timely satisfaction of the information and computing needs of a specialist.

minimum response time, and user requests.

adaptation to the user's level of training and his professional needs.

ease of mastering the methods of work on the workstation and ease of communication, reliability and ease of maintenance.

user tolerance.

the ability to quickly train the user.

the ability to work as part of a computer network.

The generalized scheme of the workstation is shown in fig. 2.

Fig 2. Scheme of an automated workplace.

General software (software) ensures the functioning of computer technology, the development and connection of new programs. This includes OS, programming systems and service programs.

The professional orientation of the workstation is determined by the functional part of the software (FPO). It is here that the focus on a specific specialist is laid, the solution of problems of certain subject areas is provided.

When developing FPO, very great attention is given to the organization of interaction "man-machine". It is interesting and exciting for the user to work on a computer only when he feels that he is engaged in a useful, serious business. Otherwise, unpleasant sensations await him.

An analysis of dialog systems from the point of view of organizing this dialog showed that they can be divided (according to the principle of user-machine interaction) into:

command language systems;

"man in the world of objects";

dialogue in the form of a "menu";

The use of the command language in applied systems is the transfer of ideas for building command interpreters for mini- and microcomputers. Its main advantage is the simplicity of construction and implementation, and the disadvantage is the continuation of their advantages: the need to remember commands and their parameters, repeating erroneous input, delimiting the availability of commands at different levels, etc. Thus, in systems with a command language, the user must learn the language of interaction. Outwardly, the opposite approach is “a person in the world of objects” - there are no commands and a person in the process of working “moves” around his object using cursor keys, special pointing devices (mouse, pen), and functional key combinations. A dialog in the form of a menu "menu" presents the user with a set of alternative actions from which he selects the necessary ones. Currently, the most widely used user interface combines the properties of the last two. In it, the entire working space of the screen is divided into three parts (objects). The first one (usually at the top) is called the bar or menu bar. With its help, the user can use various menus that make up the "skeleton" of the program, with their help, access to other objects (including control ones) is made. The second part (usually located at the bottom or may be absent altogether in small programs) is called the status bar. With its help, the most frequently used objects can be quickly called up or some current information can be displayed. The third part is called the work surface (table surface) - the largest. It displays all those objects that are called from the menu or status bar. This form of organization of the dialogue between man and machine is the most convenient (at least nothing better has been invented to date) and all modern programs use it to some extent. In any case, it must comply with the CUA (Common User Access) standard from IBM.

Let us now consider two approaches to the development of workstations. The first approach - functional is the automation of the most typical functions.

Let's see how functional software (FPO) adapts to specific application conditions. We note the software tools that are basic for AWP for various professions associated with the processing of business information and management decisions.

The first to appear were software tools for automating the work of technical personnel, which was probably due to the large formalization of their functions. The most typical example is text editors (processors). They allow you to quickly enter information, edit it, search for errors themselves, and help prepare the text for printing. The use of text editors will significantly increase the productivity of typists.

Specialists often have to work with large amounts of data in order to find the required information for the preparation of various documents. To facilitate this kind of work, database management systems (DBMS) were created: DBASE, RBASE, ORACLE, etc.). DBMS allow you to store large amounts of information, and, most importantly, quickly find the right data. So, for example, when working with a card index, you constantly need to search through large data archives to find the necessary information, especially if the cards are not sorted according to the desired attribute. The DBMS will cope with this task in a matter of seconds.

A large number of specialists are also associated with the processing of various tables, since in most cases economic information is presented in the form of tabular documents. CATs (Large Format Spreadsheets) help create such documents. They are very convenient, since they themselves recalculate all the final and intermediate data when the original data changes. Therefore, they are widely used, for example, in forecasting sales volumes and revenues.

AWP software tools for monitoring and coordinating the activities of an organization are quite popular in institutions, where all management activities are described as a set of processes, each of which has start and end dates and responsible executors. At the same time, the activities of each employee are linked with the rest. Thus, a work schedule is created. The package can automatically generate tasks for performers when the deadline comes, remind you of the deadline for completing work and accumulate data on the performance of employees.

An important role in institutional activities is played by the rapid exchange of data, which takes up to 95% of the time of the head and up to 53% of the time of specialists. In this regard, software tools such as "e-mail" have become widespread. Their use allows you to distribute documents within the institution, send, receive and process messages from various workplaces, and even hold meetings of specialists located at a considerable distance from each other. The problem of data exchange is closely related to the organization of the work of APM as part of a computer network.

Currently, there is a trend towards the creation of so-called integrated packages that contain the capabilities of text editors, spreadsheets, and graphic editors. The presence of a large number of different programs for performing essentially the same operations - creating and processing data is due to the presence of three different main types of information: numerical, textual and graphic. To store information, DBMS are most often used, which allow you to combine all these types of data into a single whole. Now there is a rapid development of two other types of information: sound and video information. For them, their own editors have already been created, and it is possible that soon these types of information will become an integral part of most databases.

Although modern FPO meets almost all the requirements imposed on it by workers of various professions, something is still always missing. Therefore, a big plus of such software is the possibility of its refinement and change. As for the development of new software tools in the AWS, it is carried out in two directions: the creation of new software for new professions and the specialization of software for existing professions. At present, there is a trend towards the creation of professional workstations. It is expressed as follows:

accounting of tasks to be solved

interaction with other employees

taking into account professional habits and inclinations

development of not only FPO, but also special technical means (mouse, network, automatic dialing of telephone numbers, etc.)

Equipping specialists with such workstations makes it possible to increase the productivity of office workers, reduce their number and, at the same time, increase the speed of processing economic information and its reliability, which is necessary for effective planning and management.

The representation of freedom of choice in the variability of solutions, objectively speaking, allows you to determine the choice of a specific combination of CT tools and basic software in the absence of knowledge about them, and in addition, it allows you to reduce the dimension of the problem used to solve the model in order to increase the efficiency of using CT tools.

Looking to the future, it should be noted that further development market relations, as well as the widespread introduction of PCs and workstations based on them should lead to a significant development of the domestic PS market and, accordingly, increased competition, which is already being felt very significantly. And competition, as you know, is an important factor in reducing the prices of PS, reducing the cost of their creation, as well as improving their quality.

The technical support of an automated workplace should guarantee high reliability of technical means, organization of user-friendly operating modes, and the ability to process the required amount of data at a given time. Since the workstation is an individual user tool, it must provide high ergonomic properties and user comfort.

The software is primarily focused on professional level user, combined with his functional needs, qualifications and specialization. The user from the side of the software environment must feel the constant support of his desire to work in any mode, actively or passively. Therefore, during their interaction, it is envisaged to ensure the convenience of human work by improving software tools.


At present, most computers are not used in isolation from other computers, but are constantly or from time to time connected to local or global computer networks to receive this or that information, send and receive messages, etc.

If there are several computers in one room, building or complex of nearby buildings, the users of which must jointly solve some problems, exchange data or use common data, then it is advisable to combine these computers into a local network.

A local area network (sometimes the term "local area network" is used, abbreviated as LAN) is a group of several computers connected to each other by means of cables (sometimes also telephone lines or radio channels) used to transfer information between computers. To connect computers to a local network, you need network hardware and software.

Local networks allow you to provide:

collective processing of data by users of computers connected to the network and data exchange between these users;

sharing programs;

sharing printers, modems and other devices.

Therefore, almost all firms that have more than one computer combine them into local networks. Many laptop users connect to the company's local network either by coming to the office or by connecting to the company's computer via telephone channels using a modem.

To ensure the functioning of the local network, a special computer is often allocated - a server, or several such computers. Server disks contain shared programs, databases, and so on. The rest of the computers on the local network are often referred to as workstations. Workstations that only need to process data on the server (for example, enter information into a shared database of orders and sales) often do not install hard drives to save money (or for security reasons). In networks with more than 20-25 computers, a server is required - otherwise, as a rule, network performance will be unsatisfactory. The server is also necessary for joint intensive work with any database.

Sometimes a certain specialization is assigned to servers (storage of data, programs, provision of modem and facsimile communication, printing, etc.). Servers are generally not used as user workstations. Servers that provide valuable data are often located in an isolated room that only specially authorized people have access to (as in a bank vault).

There are three main types computer networks:

local area network (LAN);

regional computer network (RSN);

global computer network (Internet).

In addition, each of the listed networks can be:

Single-server - the network is served by one file server (FS);

Multiserver - the network is serviced by several FS;

Distributed - Two or more local networks connected by internal or external bridges (a bridge or interconnection controls the process of exchanging data packets from one cable system to another). WAN users can use the reserves (such as: files, printers or disk drives) of all connected local networks;

- multi-server local - when the local network is served by more than one file server;

— multiserver distributed.

Also, LANs can be peer-to-peer (all computers on the network are equal, i.e. there is no FS, Any workstation can access any other workstation) and with centralized management (dedicated server).

A local area network is a group of computers that can communicate with each other, share peripheral equipment (such as hard drives, printers, etc.), and access remote central computers or other local area networks.

A corporate network is a complex system that includes thousands of various components: computers different types, from desktop to mainframe, system and application software, network adapters, hubs, switches and routers, cabling.

The main task of system integrators and administrators is to ensure that this cumbersome and very expensive system copes as best as possible with the processing of information flows circulating between employees of the enterprise and allows them to receive timely and rational decisions that ensure the survival of the enterprise in a fierce competition. And since life does not stand still, the content of corporate information, the intensity of its flows and the methods of its processing are constantly changing. The latest example of a drastic change in the technology of automated processing of corporate information in full view is associated with the unprecedented growth in the popularity of the Internet in the last 2-3 years.

Group Information Systems are focused on the collective use of information by members of the working group (one unit), most often built as a local computer network PC or less often as a multi-terminal centralized computer system. Single-type or specialized workstations provide a call to one or more specific applications. The general information fund is a database or a collection of document files. Sharing of information is organized with the help of record and file locks. These applications are developed using multi-user "desktop DBMS", workgroup database servers (Btrieve, NetWare SQL, Gupta SQLBase, Sybase Anywhere SQL, MS SQL Server, Progress, Informix-SE, Workgroup Oracle, etc.) and appropriate development tools or document management systems and their tools. User interaction occurs through a centralized database or through a network file system or via e-mail.

Corporate information systems are the development of systems for workgroups and are focused on the scale of the enterprise, they can support geographically dispersed nodes or networks. They may have a hierarchical structure of several levels. The main feature is the provision of access from the unit to the central or distributed database of the enterprise (organization) in addition to access to the information fund of the working group. Such systems are characterized by a client-server architecture with specialization of servers. They are built on corporate SQL database servers (Oracle7, Informix-OnLine, Informix-DSA, Sybase, CA-Ingress, etc.) and related tools. In addition to proprietary development tools, independent multi-platform tools are often used, supplemented with interfaces, drivers, and gateways for communicating with different DBMS.

For such systems, the requirements for reliability of operation and data safety are increasing. The latter property is provided by maintaining the integrity of data, links and transactions in database servers. A transaction is an indivisible set of database operations, it completes successfully when all of its operations are completed, otherwise it rolls back to the state that preceded the transaction.

The main types of local area networks are Ethernet and ARCNET. Moreover, Ethernet can have several types of cable:

- thin Ethernet cable - otherwise called "Thinnet". Has a number of advantages such as the use of cheaper cable compared to a thick Ethernet cable system and the use of equipment that is easier to install;

Automated workstation (AWS) is a specialist's workplace equipped with a personal computer, software and a set of information resources for individual or collective use, which allow him to process data in order to obtain information that provides support for his decisions when performing professional functions.

The creation of an automated workplace assumes that the main operations for the accumulation, storage and processing of information are assigned to computers, and the economist performs some of the manual operations and operations that require a creative approach in preparing management decisions.

Personal equipment is used by the user to control production and economic activities, change the values ​​of individual parameters in the course of solving the problem, as well as enter the initial data into the AIS to solve current problems and analyze control functions. Analyzing the essence of workstations, specialists most often define them as professionally oriented small computing systems located directly at the workplaces of specialists and designed to automate their work. Structure Workstation of a specialist, includes five main components:

Personal Computer;

complex of programs for information processing;

training system (hypertext user documentation system; integrated hint system; system of bookmarks, pointers and references; system of examples; error control and detection system);

tools for setting up workstations (calculation algorithms, analytical and technological parameters; devices: printer, scanner, modem; ergonomics of screen forms, etc.);

AWP operating tools (classifiers, reporting forms generator, tools for receiving / transmitting data via communication channels, copying and storing data, database administrator, monitoring the work of specific users).

In addition, the workstation is completed with documentation and methodological materials on the application of programs, as well as regulations for the performance of work on information processing. The specific saturation of each of the components is determined by the tasks to be solved. Workstations can function autonomously or as part of a computer network. In the autonomous mode of operation, workstations are created to solve individual functional tasks and cannot quickly use the entire information base of an economic object, and the exchange of information between different workstations is carried out using machine media. Work on the basis of computer networks allows you to organize the exchange of data between workstations via communication channels, combine the information space of the control object and organize access to it for any employee within his authority.

Each workstation is considered as an independent subsystem, and together they form a single whole. At the same time, the head of the department has the opportunity to manage the process of solving functional problems and integrate the results of the work of individual specialists, quickly receiving processed information for decision-making. At the same time, the possibility of autonomous work of each specialist is preserved. As a rule, workstations are organized in accordance with the existing distribution of work. Depending on the amount of work and the total number of computers at one workplace, various tasks can be solved. Another option is also possible, when one task will be distributed among several jobs.

Classification of workstations.

1. According to the degree of automation:

Manual workstations - special furniture available to the employee (table, chair, cabinets, telephone, rulers, tables and other auxiliary tools);

Mechanical workstations also contain simple or programmable calculators;

Automated workplaces necessarily use a PC with the appropriate software.

2. By the number of employees using workstations and the functions they perform:

Individual workstations, which are typical for leaders of various ranks;

Group workstations used by persons who prepare information for the purpose of its further use and management decision-making by managers (workstation of accountants, financiers, clerks, etc.).

3. By typing the functional tasks to be solved:

Unique workstations, highly specialized for solving a set of non-standard tasks;

Mass workstations created to solve typical problems in various industries.

4. By specialization: AWP manager is characterized by functional isolation, fully providing offline work leader. The workstation of a specialist should provide him with the opportunity to solve any functional tasks facing him, making the most of all the necessary information. The workstation of a technical worker should save him from the daily routine work performed, which requires certain professional skills.

5. By technical base creation of workstations: workstations based on large (universal) computers, providing specialists with the opportunity to work with large amounts of data with technical and software support provided by employees of their own information center (ICC). Workstations based on personal computers are the simplest and most common option for creating automated workstations, as they eliminate all the shortcomings of workstations based on large computers.

The general principles of creating workstations remain unchanged, they include: consistency; flexibility; stability; efficiency. The principle of consistency means the following: an automated workplace should be a system of interconnected components. At the same time, the structure of the workstation must clearly correspond to the functions for which this workstation is created.

The principle of flexibility is of great importance in the creation of modern and efficient workstations. This principle means the possibility of adapting the workstation to the proposed modernization of both software and hardware. At present, when the rate of obsolescence of software and hardware is constantly growing, compliance with this principle is becoming one of the most important conditions for creating workstations. To ensure the principle of flexibility in real working automated workplaces, all subsystems of a single workstation are implemented as separate, easily replaceable modules. To avoid incompatibility problems when replacing, all elements must be standardized.

Great importance has the principle of stability. It consists in performing the functions inherent in the workstation, regardless of the impact of both internal and external factors. In the event of failures, the performance of the system should be quickly restored, the malfunctions of individual elements should be easily eliminated.

The principle of efficiency implies that the costs of creating and operating a system should not exceed the economic benefits from its implementation. In addition, when creating an automated workplace, it must be taken into account that its effectiveness will be largely determined by the correct distribution of functions and workload between the employee and the computer means of information processing, the core of which is a PC. Only if these conditions are met, the workstation becomes a means of increasing not only labor productivity and management efficiency, but also the social comfort of specialists.

It is necessary to develop an automated workplace for a department specialist. The software should have an intuitive interface, be easy to use, convenient, informative, flexible and multifunctional. The essence of the automated workplace of a department specialist is as follows: the formation of an individual load; creating schedules for control, independent, consulting work, schedules for defending term papers. Graphs are created for convenience in Microsoft Word.

Using the capabilities of modern computer technology to automate the information processing process allows you to increase labor productivity, improve the efficiency of working with documents and speed up the exchange of management information. The concept of distributed automated systems management aimed at local processing of information. This allows you to organize the division of labor of management personnel and automate the performance of their functions. To implement this idea, it is necessary to create automated workstations based on personal electronic computers (PCs) for each level of management and each subject area.

At present, the concept of distributed automated control systems aimed at local processing of information has become widespread. This allows you to organize the division of labor of management personnel and automate the performance of their functions. To implement this idea, it is necessary to create automated workstations based on personal electronic computers (PCs) for each level of management and each subject area.

Distributed control systems allows you to highlight the following requirements for an efficiently and fully functioning workstation:

Timely satisfaction of the information needs of the user;

Minimum response time to user requests;

Adaptation to the level of user training and the specifics of the functions performed by him;

The ability to quickly train the user in the basic methods of work;

Reliability and ease of maintenance;

Friendly interface;

Ability to work as part of a computer network.

AWS consists of hardware and software (Fig. 10) of computer technology, as well as the necessary methodological documentation that allows the user to effectively interact with these tools.

Automated workplace (AWS) - a complex of computer equipment and software, located directly at the employee's workplace and designed to automate his work within the specialty.

Automated workplaces must be created strictly in accordance with their intended functional purpose. However general principles creation of workstations remain unchanged, these include:





The principle of consistency means the following: an automated workplace should be a system of interconnected components. At the same time, the structure of the workstation must clearly correspond to the functions for which this workstation is created.

The principle of flexibility is of great importance in the creation of modern and efficient workstations. This principle means the possibility of adapting the workstation to the proposed modernization of both software and hardware. At present, when the rate of obsolescence of software and hardware is constantly growing, compliance with this principle is becoming one of the most important conditions for creating workstations.

To ensure the principle of flexibility in real working automated workplaces, all subsystems of a single workstation are implemented as separate, easily replaceable modules. To avoid incompatibility problems when replacing, all elements must be standardized.

The principle of sustainability is of great importance. It consists in performing the functions inherent in the workstation, regardless of the impact of both internal and external factors. In the event of failures, the performance of the system should be quickly restored, the malfunctions of individual elements should be easily eliminated.

The principle of efficiency implies that the costs of creating and operating a system should not exceed the economic benefits from its implementation. In addition, when creating an automated workplace, it must be taken into account that its effectiveness will be largely determined by the correct distribution of functions and workload between the employee and the computer means of information processing, the core of which is a PC. Only if these conditions are met, the workstation becomes a means of increasing not only labor productivity and management efficiency, but also the social comfort of specialists.

Practical experience The use of workstations allows us to highlight the following requirements for an efficiently and fully functioning workstation:

Timely satisfaction of the information needs of the user;

Minimum response time to user requests;

Adaptation to the level of user training and the specifics of the functions performed by him;

The ability to quickly train the user in the basic methods of work;

Reliability and ease of maintenance;

Friendly interface;

Ability to work as part of a computer network.

The means necessary for the operation of the operating workstation are shown in Figure 12

Figure 12 - AWP scheme

5.5 Personal computer as the basis of the workstation - its main

A modern personal computer consists of several main blocks or nodes:

system block;



mouse manipulator.

A personal computer, or the main hardware component of a computer, consists of a processor, memory, and input/output devices; each component is represented by one or more modules. For a computer to fulfill its primary purpose of running programs, the various components must be able to communicate with each other.

CPU. It controls the actions of the computer, and also performs the function of data processing. If there is only one processor in the system, it is often called the central processing unit (CPU).

main memory. This is where data and programs are stored. Typically, this memory is temporary. It is often referred to as real, random access, or primary memory.

I/O devices. Serve to transfer data between the computer and the external environment, consisting of various peripheral devices, which include secondary memory, communication equipment and terminals.

System bus. Certain structures and mechanisms that provide interaction between the processor, main memory, and I / O devices.

Simplified block diagram showing the main functional components computer system in their relationship is shown in Figure 13. Later we will get acquainted with these devices

Figure 13 - Scheme of a personal computer