A short course on using an intercom for beginners: how to connect an apartment call. The History of Computer Symbols in Sandbox Drafts

As you can see, the switch is placed in the break of the phase wire going to the lamp. That's why in the socket box with electrical wiring for a single-gang switch, there are two wires.

The first, let's call it "A", goes to the switch from the electrical panel and always energized.
The second, let's call it "B", goes from the switch to the lamp.

When you press the switch key - the conductors "A" and "B" are connected, the voltage flows freely to the lamp and the lamps in it light up. Accordingly, when the key is lowered, the contact is broken and the light goes out.

Now, if we recall the basic designations in electrics that we considered (there are not so many of them, I advise you to familiarize yourself with it in the future), it becomes clear what the “L” marking on the switch contact means.

The designation "L", on the switch, indicates the contact for connecting the phase wire. The same wire "A" in our circuit, which comes from the electrical panel and is always energized.

Determining which of the wires in the socket should be placed in the L terminal of the light switch is quite simple - just check, for example, indicator screwdriver, on which of the conductors there is voltage - that will be the desired phase wire "A".

In the remaining, free, contact of a single-key switch, which can be marked in different ways: L1, L`, with an arrow, “1” or not at all, the “B” wire from our circuit is connected, which goes directly to the switch.

You can read quite a bit about how to properly connect a single-key switch, with a description of not only its contacts and the order of connecting wires, but the entire installation process, you can read.

If, when examining the terminals of the light switch, in addition to the designations L and L1, you also met contacts with some markings, then most likely you are dealing with a two- or three-key switch.

When determining the assignment of contacts, for example, a two-gang switch, the same logic works, let's look at its scheme.

When connecting a two-gang switch, three wires are used, which are available when mounted in a socket box, are:

"A" - phase wire coming from the electrical panel and always energized. It is connected to contact L of the two-gang switch.

"B" - a conductor going to the first lamp, or turning on the first mode of operation of the chandelier. Connects to terminal L1, L` or simply "1" of the light switch.

"C" - a wire going to the second lamp or turning on the second mode of operation of the same chandelier. Connects to terminal L2, L`` or simply "2" of the light switch.

I think now general principle the markings of all light switches are clear to you. For more information on how to connect a two-gang switch, which and where wires should be connected, is described.

Contact L - this is always a place to connect the phase wire .

The rest of the contacts (L1, L2, L3), most often numbered in order, refer to the corresponding switch keys, pressing of which will light the lamp connected to the terminal of this key.

Determine which of the wires is responsible for turning on which of the lamps, without special equipment, quite difficult. Therefore, their relationship is usually revealed experimentally.

By alternately connecting the free conductors to the phase wire in the socket, you can notice which lamps are lit. In other words, you can connect the switch arbitrarily (except for the “L” terminal) and, if the keys are reversed, simply swap the wires in terminals L2 and L3 if the switch is a two-gang switch.

If there are three or four contacts for connection, and the light switch is single-key, or there are six contacts, and the switch is two-key, then you are most likely holding one of the types of switches in your hands.

Pass-through switch wiring diagram- you can see three contacts for connecting wires to a one-key device. Double key switch- six terminals for connecting wires.

Cross switch wiring diagram- four contacts for connecting wires for a single-key model -.

Do you have any questions? - Write in the comments to the article, I will try to answer and help as quickly as possible. In addition, I will be glad to any additions, amendments, criticism, etc.

Ever since a person realized what a drawing could do, he never ceased to improve his skills in this skill. He painted everything he saw and thought about. And it was not just entertainment or useless action. Visual images on clay, stone, canvas and other things helped to complement human speech and served as a kind of communication tool. Thanks to this skill, writing was invented - a universal system of symbolic communication, which significantly accelerated the further pace of human development.

Almost any thing bears traces of this very important discovery: our clothes have labels indicating the size and country of origin, on household appliances full of inscriptions regarding the modes of operation and functions of devices, the lamps indicate the permissible power of the lamps used, and so on. And if you look very closely at all these things, you will notice that, in addition to plain text, auxiliary symbols are also used on different devices.

Their significance is very great. It is worth picking up any electronic device - and you will accurately determine which button you need to press to turn it on, increase or decrease the brightness on the screen, turn off the sound, and so on. Looking at the icons on the laptop case alone, one can draw a conclusion about the current mode of operation or about the filling of the mobile computer. The designations understandable to modern man have been used for so long that we do not think about where they all came from. Let's remember today how the most popular signs were born.

Symbolic signs greatly simplify the transfer of meaning, they are more capacious and perceived faster. For example, for a driver The best way quick warning - a bright sign on the road. If the billboards had written messages like: “You need to be careful on this section of the road, because children can run across it,” drivers simply would not have time to read all this and react.

Power button

The symbol denoting the button for turning on an electronic device is familiar to everyone, because it is with it that the vast majority of electrical appliances begin to work.

For the first time, its prototype could be seen on military equipment during the Second World War. However, at that time its meaning was not obvious (for a reason that we will discuss below), and it began to be used everywhere later, from the moment when integrated circuits came into use, which began to appear around the end of the sixties of the last century.

Jack Kilby is the person who received Nobel Prize for the discovery of the integrated circuit

The electrical state and operation of logical elements were characterized by signal levels at its inputs and outputs. A signal of a small (or zero) voltage, the level of which did not exceed a certain value (0.3-0.4 V), in accordance with binary system reckoning was called logical zero (0), and the signal is more than high voltage(compared to logical zero) - a logical unit (1). These simple symbols served as a visual indication of "off" and "on".

In the mid-seventies, Elektron color televisions were produced in the USSR. The size of the tube TV, as well as its weight, were huge by modern standards: it was quite difficult to move such a device alone. Switching between channels was carried out using a massive PTK channel selector, or a TV channel switch (in the eighties, this element sunk into oblivion, giving way to more reliable push-button switches and incredibly convenient IR remote controls). On the front panel, under the channel switch, there was a “rocker” to turn the TV on / off. This detail is surprisingly similar to a similar element on modern players and all kinds of household appliances. In fact, the "rocker" was only a decorative nozzle, which, with the help of a simple lever, moved the hidden toggle switch. In the model "Electron-710" along the edges of the "rocker" on the TV panel there are verbal designations "on." and "off".

But if we take the subsequent models of the same plant, "Electron-711" or "Electron-714", which practically did not differ in design from their predecessor, you can see that the switching modes are designated as "0" and "I". By combining these two symbols, we get the familiar logo of the power button.

Officially, the standard for designating the device's power button was approved in 1973 by the International Electrotechnical Commission (International Electrotechnical Commission). The symbol in the form of a vertical line against the background of a broken circle was given a somewhat vague definition: “standby power state”. A little later, another standards organization, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), simplified this definition, shortening it to a simple “power” (Power).

For modern man zero and one are the most basic means of counting. However, if you think about it, the concept of "zero" is not as obvious as other numbers. A person learns to count not from zero, but from one. Due to the limited imagination and pragmatic thinking, it is difficult for him to correlate something with "nothing". Therefore, for example, the ancient Greeks or Romans did not know the number zero in their counting system. The Egyptians, the Sumerians and the Chinese unconsciously used zero, not as a number, but as a void, a place to fill within a number. Zero, as well as other numbers that are not quite correctly called Arabic today, originate in India, where a decimal number system was created with numbers that, after minor changes, acquired a familiar look today. If we compare the writing of numbers by the ancient Indians and the Arabic numeral system, we can see that, for example, 2 and 5 in modern writing are much more similar to Indian characters.

The first evidence of the origin of the number zero can be seen on the wall of a temple in central India, in the fortress of Gwalior. There you can find inscriptions in Sanskrit dating from about the ninth century (although zero was probably used by ancient Indian mathematicians even earlier). They contain a new sign in the form of a circle. According to one version, the rounded shape of the zero sign was born as a result of the experiments of ancient mathematicians. Many of them preferred to do calculations with the help of some objects. So, for example, in China, counting sticks were used for counting. In India, stones were used to solve problems. Having laid them out on the ground, mathematicians shifted them from place to place, and under the removed stone there was a rounded hole - that very “nothing”, or zero. It is curious that the discovery of the number zero roughly coincides with the appearance of philosophical concept"nothing", shunyata, the concept of non-existence and eternity, characteristic of ancient Indian culture. Either the cultural aspect stimulated scientific research among people of that time, or vice versa - mathematical calculations forced them to delve into philosophical reflections. One small discovery, and what a turn in the history of mankind - from a new convenient way of counting to the symbol of the power button for any device!

⇡ Standby

With the advent of more and more complex devices, a person is faced with the need to use the standby mode, the essence of which is that the device is ready for operation, but does not perform its functions. The mode provided a quick start and saved time on setting up some device options. For example, before the advent of this function, the TV turned on for quite a long time, “warming up” from a dozen seconds, while in standby mode it consumed a minimum amount of energy and was instantly ready for use.

The innovation is convenient, but it was not very easy to convey to an inexperienced consumer what “standby mode” means. After racking their brains, the designers offered a very good comparison - a human dream. During a night's rest, the functionality of a living organism slows down, but at the same time, a quick awakening and vigorous activity are possible. This is how the crescent-shaped icon was born, and the standby mode turned into "sleep mode", or "sleep mode".

⇡ Who invented the cursor?

The image of the cursor appeared on the screen along with the invention of the first computer manipulator - the mouse. Douglas Engelbart began his work on the mouse in 1961. It was very difficult for him to work, since the manipulator was created for devices of narrow specialization.

At that time, computers as such, one might say, did not exist, and the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat they would look like was just beginning to take shape. And, of course, there was a need for precise positioning of objects on the screen.

The inventor of the first computer mouse can serve as an example for those who do not feel confident in their abilities. In the eyes of today's users, Engelbart looks like a genius, because his discovery outlived the author himself, becoming the main human-machine interface for the coming decades. Of course, Douglas was very inventive and insightful, but this man developed his talents by collecting and carefully analyzing the works of others. And by the way, he was not endowed with superpowers in circuitry. Despite the fact that Engelbart's father kept a shop selling and repairing radios, the inventor of the mouse admitted in one interview that he himself tried to make only a few detector receivers, but none of them worked.

It is not known whether the computer mouse would have been invented if Douglas had not read the work of the American engineer Vannevar Bush.

Vanivar Bush

In 1945, The Atlantic published his essay "How We Can Think," where Vanivar discusses the need to store large amounts of information with a convenient navigation system. Drawing a parallel with human thinking, Bush accurately describes a hypertext system (some hypothetical device called "Memex") with the ability to use associative links and notes. Engelbart and his colleagues succeeded in turning many of Vanivar's ideas into reality.

The invention of the mouse was only a small part of an ambitious project to expand human intelligence, which was originally called Augmenting human intellect. Behind this loud name is a detailed development of the structure of the computer and the formation of the principles of communication between the user and the device. Engelbart assembled a team of scientists and like-minded people who made up the Augmentation Research Center at the Stanford Research Institute.

In the technical description of the project that has survived to this day, you can see many accurate and amazing predictions regarding computer technology. As part of this project, Engelbart argued that a computer should consist of a keyboard, a CRT screen, a mouse, and he also talks about the basic principles of working with files and folders. In addition, Douglas described in detail why it is convenient to use the new computer manipulator for text editing and how it is better than the developments that already existed at that time - the “light pen” and the “joystick”. The inventor of the computer mouse first introduced everyone to such a fantastic useful thing, like a clipboard, and revealed the meaning of the commands "copy", "cut", "paste". Douglas explained how it all works, insisting on the concept of "interactive editing", or NLS ("oN-Line System").

It is often said in books and the press that Douglas himself called his device a mouse, but this is not the case. For technical documentation, the device was called very boring - XY Position Indicator for a Display System. While working on it, someone in the lab noticed that the tail-wire arm looked like a living rodent, and the name stuck. However, as Engelbart himself claimed, which of his colleagues first guessed to call a computer mouse a mouse, no one remembers.

For a long time, the team of Douglas Engelbart experimented with the design of the manipulator. Even when the engineers "felt" the right direction of the concept and form, they still continued to look for a way to make the new device better and more convenient. To do this, for example, they unfolded the wire so that it went from the user to the computer. In the first versions of the computer manipulator, it was displayed in the direction of the user, which led to the fact that the wire got tangled at hand and interfered. The first computer mouse was bulky, in a wooden case with two perpendicularly rotating wheels that transmitted information to the sensors about the movement of the pointer vertically and horizontally. At first, there was only one button, but Douglas wanted to make a more functional manipulator, ideally with five buttons, for each finger.

However, nothing happened with this idea, and I had to leave the maximum number of buttons that were convenient to work with - three. It was proposed to compensate for the lack of keys on the mouse with an additional five-button keyboard block. The latter really made it possible to speed up data entry - when using button combinations, it was possible to type text on it - like from a large keyboard. But in practice, this module turned out to be difficult to master, since the user had to remember a large number of keyboard shortcuts.

For some time, Engelbart was looking for sponsors for his developments and even negotiated with NASA, but the largest space agency was not interested in his invention due to the fact that the mouse did not work properly in weightlessness.

⇡ Cursor with seven seals

It is worth noting that the project of Douglas Engelbart was actually not the first computer manipulator. Something similar was already at the disposal of the military different countries, and these developments could also revolutionize the computer industry if they were not kept under the heading "Secret". And of course, the shape of the cursor could be different - for example, a point, a triangle, or something else.

So, for example, back in 1946, a very young engineer, Ralph Benjamin, designed the first roller ball trackball for the British Navy, which acts as a pointer on the radar. During the war, Ralph lost his parents during the genocide of the Jews, and he himself was forced to flee Germany to Switzerland, and later to England.

At the age of 91, Professor Ralph Benjamin tells reporters with great pleasure that he invented the cursor twenty years before Engelbart.

A little later, in 1952, under the strictest secrecy, a similar manipulator was made by Tom Cranston, Fred Longstaff and Kenyon Taylor. A funny detail - the engineers used a Canadian five-pin bowling ball as the "ball" in the design of this trackball. This device was part of the DATAR system, which stood for Digital Automated Tracking and Resolving ("digital automatic tracking and calculation").

As conceived by the military, she was supposed to collect information from sensors on different ships and display them on the screen. The operator could view data on ships from the scene of hostilities, choosing them as a manipulator. But when the trackball was made, it became clear that this device was too ahead of its time, and the improvement of the already expensive DATAR system (the budget was almost two million Canadian dollars) required even more funding.

While on the other side of the planet they were thinking what to do with this trackball, in the USSR from 1953 to 1957 they designed and put into operation the first protomy, which, of course, was also used by military structures.

The Vozdukh-1 system, developed under the supervision of designer Mikhail Ivanovich Mikhailov, was adopted by domestic air defense systems.

According to information from special educational literature, it was intended for semi-automatic removal, automatic transmission, generalization and display of data on the air situation on the indicator devices of the system, instrument guidance of fighter-interceptors at enemy air targets, control of air defense forces and interaction with them. Simply put, this system made it possible to track up to 40 targets (including its own interceptors) and direct the interceptors to several targets at the same time. Part of "Air-1" was a set of ASPD-I equipment, containing a primary indicator for entering and transmitting altitude and numbers (IPN or IPN-1) - a Soviet version of a computer manipulator.

This picture shows the hardware layout. automated system control of the radar post VP-02u. Pay attention to the mirror "mat" and the manipulator on the right side of the stand. Why not a two-button mouse?

Yes, and this tool performs almost the same functions. And all this - long before the official demonstration of the invention of Douglas Engelbart.

The ground-based automatic targeting system for interceptor aircraft in the United States (Semi-Automatic Ground Environment), created around the same time, also had a pistol manipulator that could be driven directly on the radar. The heart of this system was the AN / FSQ-7 computer, created by IBM.

⇡ Why is the cursor tilted?

But let's get back to the cursor. The participants of the Fall Joint Computer Conference on December 9, 1968 could see it first. The first cursor in the form of an arrow indicated the position on the screen where the text was being edited.

A demonstration of the capabilities of a computer manipulator by Douglas Engelbart was recorded on video and went down in history as The Mother of all Demos.

But if you look closely at the image of the first cursor, you will notice that it is somewhat different from the modern pointer on the monitor screen. It is straight, unlike the usual cursor, which is tilted to the left. Why was he tilted?

Some time after the invention of the mouse, the Augmentation Research Center team began to disintegrate, some scientists moved to Xerox PARC, where they continued to improve the manipulator. Soon, Xerox was able to boast of the first PCs that were controlled not only by commands from the keyboard, but also with the help of the first models of computer mice.

The screen resolution of the first Xerox Alto computers was 808 dots vertically and 606 dots horizontally. Due to this limitation, it was impossible to achieve a clear display of the vertical cursor, so it had to be "rotated". The new cursor was better for a number of other reasons as well. A vertical cursor could blend in with the characters on the screen, but a tilted cursor could not. The interface elements of the Star operating system contained mainly vertical and horizontal lines, against which it was easier to visually determine the position of the tilted cursor.

Also, do not forget what low performance computers had at that time. When creating the cursor, it seemed quite logical to the developers to place a “hot spot” on the cursor tip with coordinates (0; 0) - this saved several rendering cycles by the subroutine that determines the position of the cursor.

As for the question “Why is the cursor tilted to the left?”, then it is not difficult to find the answer here. Try to point your finger on the monitor screen at some detail. See, it's tilted to the same side (unless you're left-handed). Therefore, the cursor with an inclination to the left looks clearer.

⇡ The history of the @ icon - where the "dog" is buried

The @ sign has many names. There is an official name - "commercial at". And there are a lot of nicknames that users actively invent on the go. What nicknames were not assigned to this sign - “ear”, “squiggle”, “trunk”, “bagel”, “bun”, “monkey”, “ram” and dozens of others. Well, the most popular name (at least in Russia) is “dog”.

It is curious that the association with different animals varies among users, depending on the place of residence. For example, in Taiwan this sign is called a “mouse” (how can they not get confused with a computer mouse?), in Hungary it is a “worm” and a “tick”, in Greece it is a “duck”, in Italy it is a “snail”. In Finland, this sign is called "cat's tail" or "meow-meow". Hungry users from the Czech Republic and Slovakia see our "dog" as a completely edible herring roll - "rollmops", and in Israel they even call it "strudel".

But why did the “dog” take root with us? Apparently, there are reasons why this particular animal is associated with @ by our users. Perhaps it all started in the eighties, when a line of computers called DVK (“dialogue computing complex”) was produced in the USSR. The specific display of this sign on the display made @ (if there was imagination) look like a dog. And this symbol was displayed on the screen every time the DVK was turned on.

There is also a version that the pronunciation of English at is consonant with the barking of a dog. And also, according to gamers with great experience, in the nineties there was computer game Adventure with text graphics, where the main character had an assistant - a dog. On the screen, it was shown with an @ sign. Despite our careful searches, we did not manage to find this rarity.

Which of the above versions is correct - hardly anyone can say for sure. Choose any.

The @ sign was given special meaning by programmer Raymond Samuel Tomlinson, who worked at BBN (Bolt, Beranek and Newman) and took part in the work on the ARPANET project, the prototype of the modern Internet.

The computer network ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network) was created in 1969 at the suggestion of the US Department of Defense as an alternative and reliable way data transmission over a distance. Two years later, Tomlinson proposed an ingenious way to send e-mail to different computers on the ARPANET - separating the user and his computer name using @.

There were a lot of symbols on the keyboard, and theoretically one could take any, but here the play on words influenced. The fact is that the @ symbol appeared long before computers and was even present on typewriters as a separate key. It was possible to print "dog" at the end of the 19th century on Underwood typewriters.

The @ sign was used in commercial and business correspondence, denoting the preposition "by", "at", or "at". So, let's say if you had to write "the price of the product will be $100 apiece", it was enough to type @$100. Thus, by separating the postal address with the preposition at, Raymond Tomlinson got the literal definition of the address - "such and such a user on (@) such and such a computer." Ironically, the first email sent with the @ symbol turned out to be spam—it contained a nonsensical set of characters that Ray used to check the e-mail was working.

Interestingly, the programmer did not immediately realize the significance of his discovery. What's more, when demonstrating how to send and receive e-mail online to a colleague, Jerry Burchfiel, Tomlinson warned, “You know, don't tell anyone about this. Actually, that's not what we're supposed to be doing here."

⇡ USB: devilish logo

An image symbolizing a USB connection can be found on any cable or next to the connection jack. Created within the framework of the USB 1.0 specification, the designation of the USB port is represented as a triple line, resembling a fragment of a printed circuit. In a vertical position, this sign takes the form of a trident, which is no coincidence.

The designers borrowed this symbol from the image of the god of the water element Neptune (Poseidon) in ancient mythology. In ancient Greek mythology, the mighty pitchfork of Poseidon has a special meaning - it is both a formidable weapon with which the god destroys rocks, and a symbol of power. Like on the trident of Poseidon, the central point protrudes a little more, but if in Greek mythology this means the rod of Zeus and the recognition of the strength of the elder brother (the other two “teeth” on the trident of Poseidon are the horn of the second brother, Hades, the god of the underworld realms of the dead), then in the case of the USB logo, the protruding element has no meaning. Instead of spikes on the trident of the USB logo, three main geometric figures- circle, square and triangle. These simple figures symbolize the variety of peripheral devices that can be connected to a single USB interface.

It's funny that the trident from the USB logo has been the subject of controversy among some believers. Four years ago, it provoked an inappropriate reaction from some religious ministers in Brazil, who dubbed it a tool of the devil and urged users to abandon the benefits of this technology, using Firewire or Bluetooth instead. If we follow this strange Brazilian logic, then USB should be followed by a ban on all Apple products with a logo in the form of a bitten apple, and at the same time throw out dessert cake forks with three teeth. As they say, stay away from sin.

⇡ Bluetooth: Sign of King Sinezub

A mobile device cannot be imagined without the support of wireless networks. Without the ability to download data from other devices and transfer them, a portable gadget is simply useless. At the moment, there are two most popular data transmission technologies in local networks without wires - Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. Each of them has its own logo.

Take a look at the blue icon next to the blue light bulb on your laptop. Do you notice anything strange? Compare it with other characters on the computer. Each drawing is more or less clear, as it can be "deciphered". For example, the battery is drawn in the form of a battery, and the volume control is marked on the keys with an image of a dynamic emitter. But no matter how you fantasize about the Bluetooth logo, you can hardly guess what kind of "crakozyabra" is depicted on it.

To understand where the logo came from, you need to remember how and where this technology appeared.

And she was born in the homeland of the Vikings, in Sweden, under the guidance of the well-known company Ericsson. This technology was developed in 1994 by two engineers - the Swede Sven Mattisson (Sven Mattisson) and the Dutchman Jaap Haartsen (Jaap Haartsen). Moreover, Mattisson not only created Bluetooth, but also indirectly influenced the fact that this technology was named after King Harald Sinezub, one of the most significant figures in the history of Scandinavia.

Sven Mattisson

The Bluetooth name was proposed by Jim Kardach, who helped organize negotiations between Intel (where Kardash worked), Ericsson, IBM, Toshiba, and Nokia to develop a single wireless standard. Ultimately, these negotiations ended with the appearance of the Special Interest Group (SIG), which approved the Bluetooth standard.

Jim Kardash

One day Jim asked Sven what book he was currently reading. He replied that it was a historical novel by the Swedish writer Frans Gunnar Bengtsson about the Vikings. Kardash became interested in this author and soon also became interested in the history of ancient Scandinavia. The literature he read was very fascinated by Jim, in particular he was impressed by the personality of the Old Norse king Harald Sinezub. During his reign, Harald did a lot of useful things - he united the scattered lands, and also introduced Christianity to the territory of Norway and Denmark.

Kardash proposed the name of the king as the working title of the project, justifying his choice with reason. The name Bluetooth turned out to be very apt and accurate. King Sinezub united the Scandinavian tribes, and the new technology united the disparate developments in the field of low-power wireless data transmission. Bluetooth put an end to the variety of standards that existed at that time.

The sign that became the logo of Bluetooth technology is formed by two Old Norse runes. The first is called "hagalaz" (Hagall), the other - "berkan" (Berkanan). These two runes repeat the letters of the Latin alphabet H and B. Together they make up the initials of King Harald Sinezub. For the same reason, the Bluetooth logo is blue.

There are many versions of the appearance of such a nickname by the king, for example, because of the expensive robes of a rare of blue color which emphasized his high status. Strictly speaking, the word "blue" is not a completely correct translation from the Old Norse language, in terms of meaning it is closer to "dark". Perhaps the king had problems with his teeth, which is why they darkened. There is also a version that Harald just loved blueberries very much.

The name Bluetooth was immediately remembered, it was very popular with journalists who began to beat it in their news headlines, so it was decided to keep the working name. Although in fairness it must be said that there were almost no other variants of the name. There was only one worthy alternative name for this technology - Flirt, which was supported by the slogan "Close, but without contact."

⇡ Hamburger icon: most popular button

The interface of different computer applications has common details. Programs may differ in functionality, installation and launch methods, but the basic principle of user interaction remains the same. We look at the familiar main menu, study the icons - and instantly guess where and in what place of the interface we should look for this or that application option. One of the icons that helps the user quickly navigate when getting to know a new application is called a "hamburger". It has three horizontal lines, one above the other.

Probably, the person who named this icon that way was hungry, and such an arrangement of lines resembled layers in a sandwich. In general, this icon has a great history. She is a real long-liver, she is over thirty years old, and she appeared on the very first computers.

⇡ Conclusion

The graphics above the device's function buttons are deceptively simple. Yes, everything ingenious is simple, but not everything simple is brilliant. It’s not enough just to draw a sign, you also need to choose an image so that the user has no doubts about the purpose of this button or switch. Sometimes hardware designers get it right, and sometimes they don't. Sometimes you look at some kind of button and wonder: “What did the artist really want to say with this hieroglyph?” However, now you know the secrets of even the most intricate computer logos.

Experienced tenants know very well how to use such a device, but beginners ask many questions about the operation of the intercom. This article will help owners deal with a new device for them. In it you can find answers to some of the most asked questions by users about the operation of this device.

What is an intercom

First, you need to briefly introduce the essence of the matter and explain to those who do not know what kind of miracle device it is - an intercom.

Intercom systems are used on entrance doors and gates. They allow the owner of the dwelling to personally control the admission of persons to his house. Typically, most often such devices can be found on. They are equipped with intercoms that work with many subscribers.

The intercom allows you to secure the apartment and the entrance from unwanted persons and bad companies, and this allows you to keep the flights of stairs clean and tidy. And products equipped with a video camera allow you to capture each visitor, which, in the event of a robbery in the house, will help identify the thief.

Principle of operation and constituent elements

This device consists of several main parts and mechanisms. The elements that carry out the main work of this system are:

  • external calling panel;
  • signal switch;
  • tubes of internal panels;
  • electromagnetic lock;
  • exit button.
Scheme of connecting the components of the device

All these parts of the system are interconnected and work in the same way. The external panel provides communication with subscribers and allows access to a door locked with an electromagnetic lock. In turn, the internal tubes help to monitor the course of events at the external panel through the built-in camera and to carry out remote admission of persons.

How to use this device

Intercoms in the homes of the inhabitants of our country appeared a long time ago. Someone every day deals with this device, so he knows all its flaws and quality. And those who have not had to work with this device may be in a stupor, not knowing how to use the intercom.

First of all, the simplest question: how can a visitor contact the landlord?

Having come to visit, a person will once meet with such an action for the first time in his life. If the house is private, then it is most likely, almost 99%, that there is one single button on the call panel. After pressing this button, a signal is transmitted to the house, accompanied by an audible warning from the system that a call is in progress. The owner, having heard a sound similar to a telephone call, must answer the call on the handset of the internal panel. Having previously familiarized himself with the guest through the speakers and microphones built into the composite panels of the system, the host can unlock the lock for the visitor by pressing a special button on the remote control of the internal panel. This button usually has a pattern in the form of a padlock.

Voice contact can be made between the outer panel and the handset

If a guest visits a friend who lives in apartment building, then you need to know the apartment number, dial its number on the special numeric keypad of the external call panel and press the call button. Further actions are the same as in the first case.

How to get access to the entrance to the tenant of the house?

Everything is clear with the guests: you warn them in advance about the apartment number, they come, call the apartment and get access to the house.

And how to get into the entrance, bypassing the electronic lock? Intercom systems are equipped with a tablet-shaped reader for special keys. The key is applied to this niche, the microcontroller reads the cipher from the key, checks with the base in its system and, if there are matches, gives access to the house.

The electromagnetic lock can be opened with a key reader or by entering a pin code

For some reason, the owner of the apartment does not have a key. He moved into the house recently, when buying he was given one copy of the key, but he lost that one. In this case, you can, of course, call the neighbors a couple of times and ask them to open the door. But this is not worth doing, the constant worry of the neighbors will not lead to good. To open an electromagnetic lock, you can enter an electronic code consisting of a combination of numbers, usually four characters. This code can be obtained from neighbors or from the installer company. To do this, you will need to present a residence permit.

Does the intercom work and how not to miss a call?

Many novice users of this device ask how to understand that the intercom is on. The hostess is waiting for a guest or doctors and does not know if her intercom works. How, in this case, not to miss the arrival of visitors and not make them wait, just because the intercom was turned off? Many intercoms are equipped with a button for switching the state of intercom operation, but for some reason they do not have the usual “on” signatures for everyone. and “off”, but are equipped with other marks - “stick” and “circle”. So, when the intercom is on: is it in the stick or circle position? It is worth immediately dotting all the I. Yes, you understood correctly, the wand is the English I, and the circle is O. These are abbreviations from English words IN and OUT, analogues of Russian ON. and OFF. Therefore, with a wand, the intercom works, with a circle it is turned off.

Some models do not have signatures on the handset on and off button

How to get out of the entrance?

It often happens that you go down the stairs to the entrance to the entrance, and it is so dark there that a person who does not know how to open the door from the inside can get confused. To open an electromagnetic or electromechanical lock indoors, a special button is installed at the level of the outer panel, at a height of 1.3-1.4 meters. When you press it, a beep sounds, and the lock is unlocked.

In the dark it is difficult to find a way out, this will help the illuminated exit button from the entrance

Important! The exit button from the entrance is round, it has a backlight along the contour, but due to the fact that a sharp transition from a bright room to a dark one does not allow a person’s eyes to see the color, it seems that there is no button.

I did not pay for the intercom, it was turned off, how can I connect the device myself?

Utilities can disconnect a certain apartment from common system if the tenant does not pay the bills. It happens that tenants who regularly pay utility bills are subjected to such actions by public utilities.

You can disconnect a tenant in various ways:

  • make it impossible to call a certain apartment;
  • remove the key cipher from the database;
  • disconnect the tube from the system mechanically.

Often, the subscriber is deprived of the opportunity to use the device in the first two ways. This is achieved by introducing certain combinations in the software environment on the external panel.

So, if the key does not work, the apartment is not called, the bills are all paid, and there is no response from the relevant authorities to requests to restore the system, then you can resort to independent actions.

Consider an example for one of the most popular systems - Vizit. If public utilities removed the ability to call your apartment, you need to do the following.

There is a system switching panel in the entrance, you need to open it and get to the board in the block. It has a special jumper that is responsible for the state of the system mode. From the working state (work) it must be transferred to the programming mode (PRG). After that, you should go to the call panel and enter the required combination of numbers. The input process will be accompanied by sound signals.

Programming environment on the Vizit device
  1. #999. The intercom will beep twice, the display will show "1-2".
  2. You need to enter the setting environment, to do this, press 1. One beep, display state: “P_SE”.
  3. Among all the possibilities of settings under the number 8 is the service for turning on and off the apartment call. Accompanied by a single beep, “A__” appears on the display.
  4. Next, enter the apartment number. The number of characters is from 1 to 3. If the apartment number is one-digit or two-digit, then after the number you need to enter #, if it is three-digit, the grid is omitted.
  5. 1 - turn on the call of the apartment, this will be displayed on the display with the value ON and the system will beep twice.
  6. * - saves and exits the installation environment.

You can check the implementation of the apartment call.

If the key does not work, but should be in good condition, then most likely it was removed from the system database. To return the key to the base, you must also put the system into programming mode with a jumper on the board. Enter the next combination on the panel, which will also be accompanied by sound signals.

#999 (double beep) 1 (single beep) 3 (more beep) APARTMENT NUMBER #

Attention! If the apartment number is three-digit, then the lattice at the end does not need to be entered.

This combination prepares the system to write the key cipher in order to enter it into memory. If, after entering this combination, the message FULL appears on the display, accompanied by four beeps, then the memory is full and it will not be possible to write the key. If a single beep sounded after entering the apartment number, the system is ready to memorize the key.

It is best to have several additional keys in case of loss or disconnection from the database.

The key must be attached to the reader. If a double beep sounds and YES appears, the key has been written successfully. If there are several keys, then they can be applied one after the other. The main thing is to save all actions at the end with the introduction *.

Learning how to use the intercom, learning new things is not so difficult. Do not be afraid and think that this device can only bring inconvenience, in fact, you need to understand that it makes life much easier and adds security to all residents.

Reading alphanumeric designations of elements electrical circuits

On all types of circuits, any element - a resistor, a contactor coil, a measuring device, etc., has an alphanumeric designation.

This designation consists of one or two letters and numbers. The letter(s) denote-

the code of this element, and the numbers (numbers) are the serial number of this element in this scheme.

For example, the alphanumeric designation KT2 means the following: KT - time relay, 2 - the second in order in this circuit.

In the case of the image on the diagram of the components of the elements of electrical circuits

after the main digital designation, an additional one is put through a dot, I denote

giving the serial number of this component.

In this case, the decoding of the designations of numbers and letters is performed in the reverse order, i.e. alphabetic characters and numbers are read from right to left.

For example, the alphanumeric designation KM5.4 means the following: KM - coil of an electromagnetic contactor, the serial number of the contactor in the circuit is 5, the serial number of the contactor contact in the circuit is 4.

This designation is read as follows: the fourth contact of the fifth electro

magnetic contactor.

Rice. 1. Plus, positive polarity . To indicate positive polarity connectors connecting a source direct current

Rice. 2. Minus, negative polarity. To indicate the connectors of the negative

alternating polarity, connecting a direct current source

Rice. 3. Direct current. To designate the connectors connecting the device -

ru to a direct current source, as well as to indicate that the equipment operates only on direct current

Rice. 4. Alternating current. To indicate the connectors that connect the machine

AC power source, and to indicate that the equipment is operating on AC power only. alternating current

Rice. 5. AC to DC converter. To designate pre-

AC to DC driver and related connectors

Rice. 6. DC to AC converter. To designate pre-

generator direct current to alternating and corresponding connectors

Rice. 7. Hull, chassis. To refer to connectors connected to a chassis or chassis

Rice. 8. Grounding, mass. To designate earth connectors

Rice. 9. Grounding, protective. To designate ground connectors, I create

protecting against defeat electric shock

Rice. 10. Protection class II device. To designate equipment corresponding to

meeting the safety requirements defined for class II equipment (protective

Rice. eleven. Fuse. To identify fuse boxes and indicate their location

Rice. 12. Signal lamp. To designate a switch with which

turn the signal lamp on and off

Rice. 13. Lighting lamp, backlight. To designate switches, controls

emitting a source of light

Rice. 14. Included. To indicate the inclusion of the network, network switches or their position corresponding to the inclusion of the network

Rice. 15. Turned off. To indicate a mains shutdown, mains switches or their position corresponding to a mains shutdown

Rice. 16. On/Off, pushbutton switch with two fixed

bathroom provisions. To designate a switch that turns on or off

drawing a network. Each switch position is fixed.

Rice. 17. Ready to switch on, standby mode. To designate a switch

the agent (or his position), with the help of which a part of the equipment is brought into state

“ready to switch on” expression. On ships, the standby mode is called "stand-by" ("stand-by")

Rice. 18. Foot switch, pedal. To designate connectors to which

eye connects footswitch

Rice. 19. Program channel selector. To indicate the switches that control channel selection, program

Rice. 20. Start, launch, actuation. To designate start, start, actuate switches

Rice. 21. Quick start. To designate a switch or control element

the moment by which the operating speed (normal mode) is reached without signifi-

chima delay

Rice. 22. Stop, block. To indicate a switch with which movement, for example, the movement of a tape, is stopped

Rice. 23. Quick stop, stop. To designate the control elements with which the process, programs, the tape is stopped without significant delay

Rice. 24. Pause, break. To designate a switch whose action is changed

movement (e.g. belt) is interrupted by the braking system and

Rice. 25. Effect or action towards origin, normal mode. To indicate effect or action switches in the direction of action

real or imaginary starting point, sign, mark, for example, simultaneous reduction of several equipment parameters to pre-selected values

Rice. 26. Automatic control. To designate a switch (or its position) by means of which the equipment is brought into the mode automatic control

Rice. 27. Manual control. To designate a switch (or its position) by means of which the apparatus is brought into manual control mode

Rice. 28. Remote control . To indicate a switch (or its position

Rice. 29. Regulation. To indicate the element to be adjusted, setting the corresponding value of the quantity. The magnitude value increases with the height of the shape

Rice. thirty. Treble control. To indicate the regulation

power elements of high sound frequencies

Rice. 31. Bass control. To indicate the regulation

power elements of low sound frequencies

Rice. 32. Music. To indicate the "music" position of the "speech/music" switch

Rice. 33. Sound. To designate switches, controls and connectors related to audio information

Rice. 34. Balance. To indicate the adjustment of the balance of stereo channels

Rice. 35. Synchronization. To designate connectors, switches and controls

control elements designed to control equipment operating synchronously

but, for example, connecting a movie projector synchronizer

Rice. 36. Filter (transmission) high frequencies . To designate a high-

frequencies, as well as associated switches and control elements

Rice. 37. Filter (transmission) low frequencies . To refer to the low-pass filter and its associated switches and controls

Rice. 38. Band-stop filter, notch. To indicate lanes

but-stop filter, as well as associated switches and control elements

Rice. 39. Mid pass filter, band pass. To designate a bandpass filter-

ra, as well as associated switches and control elements

Rice. 40. Tuner, radio. To designate connectors, switches and control elements of a radio receiver, tuner

Rice. 41 . Entrance. To designate input connectors when a distinction is needed between inputs and outputs

Rice. 42. Exit. To designate output connectors when you need to differentiate

between inputs and outputs

Rice. 43. Loudness. To designate switches and control elements

cops that allow you to compensate for the physiological curve of audibility

Rice. 44. Amplifier.

power elements of the amplifier. To designate an amplifier enclosed in a protective case

Rice. 45. Clock, time relay. To designate switches and control elements in watches, time relays, timers

Rice. 46. Monophonic, mono. To denote monophonic playback

recording (recording) sound. To indicate the "mono" position on the "mono /

stereo". Also used on record labels

Rice. 47. stereophonic. To refer to stereo playback (recording) of sound. To indicate the "stereo" position on the "mono/stereo" switches. Also used on record labels

Rice. 48. Record player. To designate connectors, switches and controls

connecting elements designed for a tape recorder

Rice. 49. stereo tape recorder. To designate connectors, re-

switches and control elements intended for stereophonic

Rice. 50. Headphones. To designate connectors, switches and control elements intended for head phones

Rice. 51. Stereo headphones. To designate connectors, switches and control elements intended for stereo headphones

ic phones

Rice. 52. Headphones with microphone. To designate connectors, re

switches and control elements designed for headphones with microphone

Rice. 53. Microphone. To designate connectors, switches and controls

Elements designed for microphones

Rice. 54. Stereo microphone. To designate connectors, switch

Chauffers and controls designed for stereo microphones

Rice. 55. Earphone. To designate connectors, switches and controls


Rice. 56. Speaker. To designate connectors, switches and controls intended for a loudspeaker

Rice. 57. Recording (registration) on a storage medium. To designate a

the switch of its position, in which the equipment is turned on for recording

Rice. 58. Playback of a recording from a storage medium. To designate a re-

switch or its position in which the equipment is switched on for playback from the information carrier

Rice. 59. Erasing a Recording from a Media. To indicate the switch

The location or position at which the information recorded on the media is erased

Rice. 60. Control of input data during recording or registration on the media

body of information. To designate a control element by which input data is controlled during recording or registration

Rice. 61. Control of input data after recording or registering them on the media

body of information. To designate a regulatory element by means of which control of input data is carried out after recording them or registering

Rice. 62. Control of input data during their playback. For designation

the value of the regulating element, through which the control of the input

data during playback

Rice. 63. Write lock. To designate a control element, blocking

circuitry designed to prevent accidental playback of the recording.

Rice. 64. Marker (marker). To designate a control element, using

whose mark (for example, signal, perforation, special code) can be

registered on a storage medium

Rice. 65. Media cutoff. To designate the control element of the system from-

cuts, for example, in devices for copying and mounting paper, magnetic, perforated

torn tape

Rice. 66. Direct and alternating current. To designate connectors, connect

teasing equipment to a source of direct or alternating current, as well as to indicate

that the equipment operates on direct and alternating current

Rice. 67. Quartz. To designate controls for quartz resonators

Rice. 68. On/Off, push button switch with one fixed

bathroom position. To designate a switch that turns on or off

th network. Off position is fixed, the "On" position carried out only when the switch is pressed

Rice. 69. Call. To indicate the switch that controls the bell

Rice. 70. Horn. To indicate the switch that controls the beeps, sound-

mi alarms

Rice. 71. Fan. To indicate the switch that controls the fan

Rice. 72. Grounding silent. To designate earth connectors, both

sintering minimal equipment noise from grounding

Rice. 73 . equipotentiality. To designate connections intended to bring several pieces of equipment to a single potential

Rice. 74. Rectifier (no type specified). To designate connectors and control elements associated with rectifiers

Rice. 75. Transformer. To designate connectors, switches and regulators

control elements designed to control power transformers

Rice. 76. Movement in one direction

ment, as a result of which the object moves in the specified direction

Rice. 77. Movement in two directions. To designate the regulating element

ment, as a result of which the object moves in two specified directions

Rice. 78. Movement limited in two directions. To designate elements

one, as a result of which the object moves in two directions in a certain

within bounds

Rice. 79. Action from origin. To designate a control element,

through which the object (effect) moves from the original (real or imaginary) point

Rice. 80. Action towards the starting point. To indicate the regulation

driving element, through which the object (effect) moves to the original (real or imaginary) point

Rice. 81 . Action in two directions from the starting point. To designate reg

adjusting element, through which the object (effect) moves from the original (real or imaginary) point

Rice. 82. Sequential action from the starting point and back. For designation

control element, through which the subsequent movement occurs

transfer of an object (effect) from the starting point (real or imaginary) and back

Rice. 83. Simultaneous action from the starting point and back. For designation

control element, through which there is a simultaneous change

moving the object (effect) from the starting point and back

Rice. 84. Setting the minimum. To designate a regulating element,

which sets the minimum value of the value, for example, the balance of the bridge circuit, the minimum deviation measuring device, indicator, etc.

Rice. 85. Setting the maximum. To designate the regulating element, according to

by means of which the maximum value of a quantity is set, for example, on-

construction, maximum deviation of the measuring device, indicator, etc.

Rice. 86. Resonant notch filter (wave trap). For designation

the value of the regulating element that controls the notch resonant filter

Rice. 87. Stop filter with variable stop band

(bandwidth). To designate a regulating element that controls the

variable bandpass filter

Rice. 88. Bandpass filter with variable average frequency. To designate an adjusting element that controls a bandpass filter with a variable average frequency

Rice. 89. Bandpass filter with variable bandwidth (selective adjustment). To designate an adjusting element that controls a band-pass filter with a variable bandwidth

Speech by Professor Karelsky State University Ivanova A.V. in St. Petersburg, July 4, 2016. " final exams There are only two schools: basic mathematics and Russian. High school has become meaningless." Video: [link-1]

1) I finally figured out the admission procedures until 2015 and starting from 2015, the logic of calling, and so on.
2) It is interesting about the piecewise linear scale for converting primary to secondary scores in mathematics in the middle part of this scale.
3) Especially interesting - about the experiment with the "general profile" in Vladikavkaz and Birobidzhan.
4) It would be nice to do a transcript for such a long video. 1h45 is a very long time. Moreover, the most interesting and new, starting from the middle of the video, and not from the beginning.

Something he repeats and fantasizes quite frankly. If you listen to him, the Soviet school is like a tsarist gymnasium. So they took and produced teachers of the same quality, only a hundred times more. Yep, 20 years. Teachers, they breed like cats, they are killed, expelled, and there are only more of them.
And my physics teacher from the courtyard school, it turns out, could teach physics. And math is math. And the fact that in the 8th grade I found mistakes behind the scenes at every second lesson. But then I didn’t study mathematics additionally, I just knew how to read and read a school (!!!) textbook in mathematics and for those entering universities in physics. And fse!!!)))
Now, if the teachers also knew how to read, then I could not find mistakes in them. But they could read something at the university if they could actually read, of course. But they didn't know how, they knew how to read aloud, but the meaning slipped away. Like most school teachers, in the 30s, in the 80s, and now.
And if it were not so, then the parents of modern children would have an education. And the school had nothing to do with the education of children, since they would have taught their children to read.
A dangerous dreamer, proceeding in his reasoning from his false fantasies. He wants to sweep everything under the carpet, so that the same illiterate teachers take exams, produce their own kind, and everything looks good on the outside. And he would take entrance exams from those who themselves learned without school, as before.
Does he have students himself? What are the students?
There is only one problem with the USE - predictable questions. If you make them unpredictable, 90 percent will not pass, so they will not, alas. But if they did, the training methodology would immediately change. They would not prepare for questions, they would teach precisely the sciences.

These are two absolutely wonderful stories - memories of the era of the 90s.
There is no pink snot, but there is a beautiful romantic story.
It is structurally built on episodes-memoirs of the current 40-year-olds about their youth. Where there were crazy fans of pop groups, and the first new technologies and computers, first loves, fateful football matches of the Korean national team, etc. Very funny. Very close in spirit to us, I just looked to myself :))) Something, again, similar in spirit to "Friends", but this is still not a sitcom, but a series. Very funny confrontations between boys and girls, funny male troubles, as they have it in their youth :)))
Until the very end of the series, the intrigue remains, who did the heroine marry anyway :))) It’s clear right away that she married someone, but for which of the 3-5 guys around it’s not clear until the end :))) Special thanks for images of parents are something :)))) And how is the sheep bleating behind the scenes! :))))

For those who are afraid not to distinguish faces - here the faces and role-playing images are chosen so that it is impossible not to distinguish. :)))

First, it’s better to watch 1997, then 1994, because the second series sometimes amusingly beats the first one, even characters from 1997 appear in episodes.

Watch - you won't regret it.

And here's another topic. Read carefully - "8.1. Before starting to move, changing lanes, turning (turning) and stopping, the driver must give signals with light indicators for the direction of the corresponding direction, and if they are absent or faulty, with his hand. In this case, the maneuver must be safe and not interfere with other participants movement." If I'm in the far right lane and I start driving straight ahead, should I turn on the turn signal and which one if I, again, am driving straight ahead? What I don't...


And who with an emergency gang, he is ready to burst! :-)))

Let's read: "8.1. Before starting to move, changing lanes, turning (turning) and stopping, the driver is obliged to give signals with light indicators for the direction of the corresponding direction, and if they are absent or faulty, with his hand. At the same time, the maneuver must be safe and not interfere with other participants movement."
And why should the driver do all this? What are turn signals for? He himself, in general, imagines where he is going to go, and he does not need turn signals at all to turn or stop. Then it is logical to assume that turn signals are needed to inform other road users.
And from the point of view of other road users, a driver leaving the MKAD acceleration lane actually drives to the left, moving away from the sidewalk at least a little bit, but shifting to the left ...
So the left turn signal, as many have already written, is more logical in this case.

the child ran the computer - the icon was gone, where the sound level is adjusted. And there is no sound. How to find it and put it back in place (lower right corner)?

There is a child almost 4 years old (3.10). Last night I was lying down watching TV, the children were hustling around. At the same time, I am not indifferent to her: I talk, kiss, hug - an idyll. Starts jumping on the bed. Please do not do this, continues. I repeat several times - continues. I promise that now I’ll be kind of angry - continues. I spank - continues. I leave for another room, knowing what makes me special for me as an annoyed spectator, comes after me and jumps on the bed already in another room, an infection :)))) I already ...


do not prohibit anything that is not dangerous to the health of the child. if she's having fun, let her jump! we ourselves grew up on continuous bans - without explanations why "it is impossible" - stupidly "it is impossible" and that's it! like "I said so". Did you like it? me - no. and my children are jumping around. after all, it’s not news for a long time that when a lot is possible - to do something “special” that is unpleasant for adults, children somehow don’t want to ...

the child has unrealized motor activity, plus a lack of mother's attention in the evening .. play tag, we still play rolls, I throw her on the bed, and she gets up, I blame it again - so much joy))) lift by the arms, by the legs, gymnastics for a child and you instead of a simulator ..
3 years old, still a baby, well, she doesn’t understand a lot, she’s still learning something, especially the fact that her mother is not busy with her, but with the TV. Buy a trampoline for your child where you can jump)

Yesterday we moved into a new rented apartment. With dishwasher. Since we have never dealt with this unit, we don’t know which side to approach it from. There are no instructions. Familiar friends also do not have dishwashers, so there is no one to ask. Could experienced users give me a little advice? There is only one hope for you. Dishwasher Ariston, fully built-in. The panel has two rows of buttons. In one row are: 1. On / off. 2 START In the second row are: 1. Rinse or soak (this is my...


I usually use the pan program. Everything is washed better. Only crystal and glass do not need to be placed.
At the bottom of the machine - for salt. In the door - for the rinse aid with such a screw-down round cap, and for the powder - reclining, it is very easy to handle it, because the powder must be put in every time.

Normal program for washing very dirty dishes, economical - if there are no greasy pans and pots, medium soiling. I don’t know about the fast one, I don’t have it on Bosch. Two containers in the door - for detergents. If there are a lot of dishes, you fall asleep only in a large compartment, if there are few, respectively, in a small one. Of the funds, you need the entire gentleman's set - detergent (powder or granules), rinse liquid, salt to soften hard water (do not neglect it, the machine will last longer). By the way, try to figure it out according to the instructions, there may be a small container on the door for rinsing, there should also be a container for it. I have such a small box with a hole and a window for level control, but I have a Bosch.

The child somehow turned on the subject on the boot screen of the laptop and now he can’t turn it off. Every time I turn it on, it's all black and white again. Ease of Access Center, theme change, hotkey combination - do not help (what else can I do?

Tell me what's the problem. The computer stopped updating the time automatically. I went to the provider, he said that it was the battery, he came and changed it. After that, the computer did not just not update the time, but after turning it on, for some reason it shows December 2004, as a result of which the antivirus immediately goes crazy. I don’t want to call this unfortunate wreck something anymore. And what could be the matter - put a broken battery?


set the correct time and turn off (do not restart the computer); if the next day the time "flies" then it's a bad battery

you can of course put it in the BIOS, but I don’t know which user you can and in principle if the battery is bad, then this will not help

Dear mothers, does anyone have such children? 8th grade. English, Russian, literature, history, biology are good, but mathematics, physics, chemistry are bad, even by analogy. What are you going to do with it, except for the law faculty, I don’t see any options ... Well, not in intern. yaz?


My nephew suffered in the Physics and Mathematics Lyceum. Realizing that this was not his, he planned a legal one, the entire 11th grade was preparing. I passed mathematics at 52, while the hostel, history, Russian and English. for 90+. At the last moment I chose history. Passed on the budget at the Higher School of Economics. At the same time, no one understands what he will do in the future, but he studies with pleasure.

Tips for Bored Moms: Kids Games - Every Day


Thank you for the article! I also have a huge sense of guilt due to the fact that I have to play for more than 30 minutes, well, I just can’t bear it. And the picture really stands before my eyes that all mothers, except for me, are really passionate about this process all day long.

Good afternoon Please tell me at what height from the floor you need to make sockets and switches. I heard about the standards 30cm and 90cm. It's right? Thank you very much in advance!


The workers recommended me to do it at the level of the lowered arm - and it turns out - 90 cm. However, we have a one and a half year old child, so they did it somewhere at the level of 120-130 cm. )

05/27/2003 00:36:42, Biryukow

We have all switches at the level of 1 m from the floor.
The main part of the sockets is at a level of 20 cm from the floor. Exceptions:
* TV and video sockets (and TV antenna at the same time) in the bedroom, which will be located on the wall on the bracket. They are located high, where the TV is supposed to be.
* sockets for the work surface in the kitchen. They are located between the upper and lower kitchen cabinets.
* sockets in the bathrooms for an epilator / hair dryer / razor (even though no one here uses an electric razor :-))
I would also make a "high" outlet in the hallway for a hair dryer if not drying hair in the bathroom and a "high" outlet for an iron if the ironing board does not have its own outlet.

If you send SMS during lessons, we will take away your phone. When we sit down to eat, it is forbidden to use the phone. At this time, we are distracted from everything extraneous and communicate with each other. This applies to all cases, whether we eat at home or not. When you study, the phone must be turned off. If you check incoming messages all the time, it will distract you: such a habit is not the best way to study. Remember: everything you send from your smartphone may one day become public domain. So don't send anything that you couldn't show your parents or teachers. Even if the program destroys photos...
... This is how she describes it: “Friends of my children know: when entering our house, they must take off their shoes, leaving them at the door, and lay out mobile phones, leaving them in a basket nearby. The first helps to keep the house clean, and the second helps to make friends. Simply turning off electronic devices can be a symbolic spiritual reset for the entire family. Here is what one mother tells who decided to ban the use of electronic devices for the whole family - both adults and children - for a week. “The atmosphere in the house has changed dramatically,” she said. Everything seemed more peaceful. There was no constant annoying noise of the TV running. Board games,...


Yes, it is interesting, but as a rule it does not work much. My little one is harmful - he is trying to somehow cheat :). He begs for a tablet with tears and plays on similar sites. He likes the link to mini-games about minecraft.

With a contract, great idea, I'll take note)

What will the control panel tell us about.

Cleansing and moisturizing. There are three modes here. I am offered a choice between cleaning or combining it with moisturizing. If I cannot make a decision, the device will do it for me, having previously determined the air quality. I stop for now on the combined version, and then we'll see, maybe I'll trust the technology. When changing modes, the device rustles in different ways, but much quieter than my old assistants. What's next? And then I can adjust the amount of air flow, as many as four modes - quiet, stronger ...


How interesting you write, Svetlana!
I read with pleasure! (To be honest, I already want to run and buy)))))))))))))))) But I will be patient and go read you further!
My eldest son is allergic, and not just allergic ... last year, in May, he was diagnosed with bronchial asthma :(
So now we need such a device is vital!

Clean air in the apartment - my experience and preparation for testing...

My parents always had a fad, if someone is sick in the apartment, then twice a day you need to turn on the blue quartz lamp. To enter the room, you had to wear glasses. I didn't like the smell of ozone, it reminded me of a hospital and something bitter. No one even thought about humidifying the air, towels were spontaneously hung on radiators. Time passed and now I am a mother myself. The fact that I would decide to buy an air humidifier was unbelievable until the very moment of purchase. I doubted if I would throw away money for ...

Acquaintance of children with maramoyka ...

Last night, after the children returned from the camp, the festive dinner and the departure of the soup, the children said that dad suggested that they go to the cinema on the weekend "four of them, along with his new aunt, because he loves her very much, soon they will live together, and he wants to introduce them to each other" O_O The children refused with the words "the four of us want to go only with you and mom", the soup did not insist ... The children "want to see dad, not dad in company with another aunt", as they told me explained your answer... I...


From my own experience. The husband (already ex) introduced our children of 9 and 4 years old to his beloved when we were still married. The children liked her, of course: she also wanted to impress them: a kind, affectionate aunt. Because my husband immediately moved in with her from our house, then he took the children to her for the weekend. The children were not opposed: she pampered them. I freaked out and took sedatives. And so far (they have not signed yet), she behaves like this. There are excesses: he calls my eldest and says how much he misses him, how he loves, he is waiting for a visit. I immediately call my husband (used) and say not to mislead the children, in my opinion this is a farce ... He listens, she does not call for a while, but writes to her son in classmates ... In short , go with the flow. The situation is simplified by the fact that now her son will live with her - 7 years old, and the children are by no means friends, he also calls BM "dad", which angers mine))) Good luck to you, wisdom and patience !!!

And how was the word "maromoyka" born? Who is this anyway? "Soup" - of course, it's short for "husband". And "maromoyka"?

Why is the light blinking? I screwed in an energy-saving Ikea light bulb in place of a burned-out ordinary one. And here it is in on mode. normally lit, but in off mode. blinking for some reason .... Why? And what to do? Unfortunately, there is no other light bulb at hand.

My purchase, see Other products. Pick up: - Tulskaya near Pravda on sub, approximately 10.00 - from Kolomenskaya near the metro or from home by dog-ti designed for daily use. They heat up quickly, so that you can start curling your hair as early as 4 minutes after turning on the device and hold the temperature for about 15 minutes, and then slowly cool down. Ceramic...

"Chaynitsky" question


Let me add my personal experience:
- iron kettles are very noisy when water is heated.
it’s worth checking the sound in the store right away so that it doesn’t become an unpleasant surprise (like ours, when boiling, you can hear it through the whole apartment even with the doors closed).
- the case of iron kettles gets very hot. If there are children, then it is better to provide for this so as not to hide the kettle in the "inaccessible zone".
- enough programs for heating at 40,60,70,80,90,100 degrees ... intermediate values ​​are simply not needed, but the price of the kettle increases for their presence.

And lastly, you can perfectly clean the kettle by boiling water with the addition of citric acid or vinegar. This method is perfect for both open and hidden heating elements.

01.06.2005 23:44:08

For an old man, this is especially dangerous, as any traumatologist will confirm. A special bath mat or tiled floor mat can eliminate this danger. Comfortable and secure seat for the bathroom. A handrail that you can hold on to when getting in and out of the tub. Memory. If there is a possibility that a person may forget to turn off an electrical appliance, it is worth giving him a special socket with a timer. Or a safe modern electric kettle. Vision. All older people experience visual impairment. And the glasses do not remove this problem 100%. A telephone with large keys, a watch with large numbers or a talking clock would be appropriate as a gift. It just doesn't need to be emphasized. The large lens in the frame will help you see small...
...It's hard to move around. There are special "walkers" that make it much easier for the elderly to move around the apartment and make it safer. You can also think about how to save them from unnecessary movements. For example, it is no longer a big problem to organize remote switching on - switching off the light. If the elderly live separately, a set of various quality products can be a good gift for the holiday. Remember if they have good can openers, scissors. What else? Prompt. Free time. It is sometimes too much. Maybe a subscription to a suitable magazine or newspaper? Tickets for a good show. A deck of cards - for playing...


And I gave my grandfather a video cassette with his favorite film - "Officers". I haven't seen him so arrogant in a long time. And I also definitely involve my grandchildren in this: a homemade postcard, children's drawing framed to hang on the wall - this is the most expensive of all our gifts.

05.11.2001 12:18:03, Tanya

my friend congratulated her 85l. mother on TV, the result exceeded all expectations. The old woman was moved to tears. Try it and you will see the happy eyes of your parents.

06/09/2001 03:44:36 PM, lili

Truckers, '90s Business, Banking, Lie Detector, Diner Master, Day Watch, Turtle Race, Oil Tycoon, Dead Man's Treasure - funny titles board games for kids, right?


But I still prefer to buy in regular stores. Touch, you can see. In online stores, this is often not the case.
I really don’t like (this is such a digression) that in many games (those in boxes) there is often no description of the game on the box itself. Nonsense. Our manufacturers are especially famous for this.

I have been buying all the toys in online stores for almost a year. I especially like the ones with customer reviews. I prefer to take 3 games for 100 rubles than one for the same money. I buy 7-8 pieces at once, and give them away one at a time, sometimes I give a second one if the first one doesn’t work. But in general, the correct approach is to first look at least analogues. But for a birthday, you can be generous.

How to choose a lamp in the nursery for the baby.


Hello Olga!
It was very interesting and funny to read your article. I couldn't help but smile when I read it :(
Especially since I have exactly the same situation. I have weather girls. the difference between them is 1 year and 1.5 months (: (2 years, 10.5 months)
When I read, I see myself! I wish you patience! health kids! and happiness to all your family!!! (:

15.06.2011 12:01:25, Olyusika

thank you. when I was pregnant, I tried, as it were, to “work out” with the baby in advance, I constantly worked with him every day, I thought that I wouldn’t be able to do anything at all when the second one was born. And now every day it’s more fun and easier. We have a huge wooden constructor and we build together and tear down. The elder whirlpool is terrible, but it seems to me that there are more brains now, but before I could, for example, while I feed the baby, hide from me behind a curtain on the windowsill. The main thing is that for 3 years you don’t changed their minds because the second child is an important step and in fact everything is very serious. and if you don’t get distracted by household chores, but play non-stop with the kids, ideas are born every minute. good luck

LIGHTING EQUIPMENT FROM THE MANUFACTURER N*O*O*TECH. LIGHT REGULATORS OF DIFFERENT MODIFICATIONS, TIMERS, "GUARD OF APARTMENTS", ETC. BUDGET PRICES! 7-10 times cheaper than imports with excellent quality. Warranty 12 months Replacement and return of marriage. http://www.n*o*o.c*o-*m.b*y/products/inde-x.php Remove the stars! There is a whole range of site! redemption at the end of March on their own. ORG + 15% (except for impulsators - they are without%). For controllers and impulsators - prepayment of 30% Wholesale price on the website. Prices in $ at the exchange rate of the site on the day of redemption...


TIMER-WATCHMAN guards the apartment

The watchman timer is designed to simulate your presence in an empty apartment. At the same time, it automatically turns on and off the lighting randomly at a reduced brightness level.

Principle of operation

Mains voltage 220 V ± 20%
Load power 40 - 300 W

Connection and installation diagram




Mains voltage 220 V ± 20%

Connection and installation diagram



The timer is designed for joint operation with incandescent lamps and halogen lamps for 220 V and 12 V (the latter are fed through a conventional, non-electronic transformer).

Principle of operation

Mains voltage 220 V ± 20%
Shutdown time
(subject to change) 5 min

Connection and installation diagram


The timer is installed in the mounting box (A) together with the switch (B) (see diagram).
- Connect the light wires to the wires from the junction box (A) going to the lighting lamps.
- Connect the dark wires to the switch terminals (B).


The timer is designed for joint operation with incandescent lamps and halogen lamps for 220 V and 12 V (the latter are fed through a conventional, not electronic transformer).

Principle of operation

Mains voltage 220 V ± 20%
Shutdown time
(subject to change) 5 min

Connection and installation diagram


The timer is designed for joint operation with incandescent lamps and halogen lamps for 220 V and 12 V (the latter are fed through a conventional, not electronic transformer).
The watchdog does not work with electronic transformers!

Principle of operation
The watchdog timer works in conjunction with a key switch and performs 2 functions.

Function 1 - Turn on / off the lighting.
Switch the switch key to the opposite position.

Function 2 - Imitation of human presence.

Entering the Presence Imitation mode - repeatedly (6-8 times) turn on / off the lighting until the lamps are ignited at low brightness. The interval between inclusions is no more than 3 seconds. Exit the Presence Simulation mode - repeatedly (6-8 times) turn on / off the lighting until the lamps are ignited at maximum brightness.

Mains voltage 220 V ± 20%
Load power 40 - 300 W
Load type incandescent, halogen lamps

Connection and installation diagram

The Timer must be connected when the mains voltage is off. The total power of the load connected to the Timer must not exceed 300 W.
The timer is installed in the mounting box (A) together with the switch (B) (see diagram).
- Connect the light wires to the wires from the junction box (A) going to the lighting lamps.
- Connect the dark wires to the switch terminals (B).



The timer for bathrooms is designed to turn on and off the exhaust ventilation of the bathroom.
The timer turns on the fan 30 seconds after the lighting is turned on and turns off the fan 5 minutes after the light is turned off in the bathroom.

Mains voltage 220 V ± 20%
Fan power 40 - 300 W
Fan turn-on delay 30 sec
Fan off delay 5 min

Connection and installation diagram

Connect the Timer for bathrooms with the mains off. The power of the fan connected to the Timer must not exceed 300 W.
The timer is connected with three pairs of wires, as shown in the diagram.
1. A couple of wires white color connect to the fan.
2. Connect a pair of gray wires to a 220 V network.
3. Connect a pair of black wires:
- for bathroom lighting lamps for 220 V - parallel to the lamp (see diagram);
- for 12 V bathroom lighting lamps - in parallel primary winding step-down transformer or electronic transformer input terminals (see diagram).


The lighting off timer is designed to automatically turn off the light 5 minutes after it is turned on.
The timer is designed for joint operation with incandescent lamps and halogen lamps for 220 V and 12 V (the latter are fed through a conventional, not electronic transformer).
Does not work with electronic transformers!

Principle of operation
The lighting off timer works in conjunction with a key switch.
Switching on the lighting - turn the switch to the opposite position.
Turning off the lighting - occurs automatically 5 minutes after switching on. If necessary, turn off the light earlier than after 5 minutes, switch the switch to the opposite position.

Mains voltage 220 V ± 20%
Shutdown time
(subject to change) 5 min
Load power 40 - 300, W -500W, -1000W, -1500W according to the model range.

Connection and installation diagram

The Timer must be connected when the mains voltage is off. The total load power connected to the Timer must not exceed 300 W for BZT-300-OS, 500 W for BZT-500-OS, 1000 W for BZT-1000-OS and 1500 W for BZT-1500-OS.
The timer is installed in the mounting box (A) together with the switch (B) (see diagram).
- Connect the light wires to the wires from the junction box (A) going to the lighting lamps.
- Connect the dark wires to the switch terminals (B).


The timer-staircase switch is designed to automatically turn off the light 5 minutes after it is turned on.
The timer is designed for joint operation with incandescent lamps and halogen lamps for 220 V and 12 V (the latter are fed through a conventional, not electronic transformer).
The timer does not work with electronic transformers!

Principle of operation
The timer-stair switch works in conjunction with the push-button(s) switch(s).
Switching on the lighting - press the switch button.

Turning off the lighting - occurs automatically 5 minutes after turning on (pressing the switch button).

Mains voltage 220 V ± 20%
Shutdown time
(subject to change) 5 min
Load power 40 - 300 W for BZT-300-LV, 40 - 500 W for BZT-500-LV, 40 - 1000 W for BZT-1000-LV, 40 - 1500 W for BZT-1500-LV

Connection and installation diagram

The Timer must be connected when the mains voltage is off. The total power of the load connected to the Timer must not exceed 300 W for BZT-300-LV, 500 W for BZT-500-LV, 1000 W for BZT-1000-LV, 1500 W for BZT-1500-LV
The timer is installed in the mounting box (A) together with the push-button switch (B) (see diagram).
- Connect the light wires to the break in the power supply of the lamps.
- Connect the dark wires to the terminals of the push-button switch.

LIGHTING EQUIPMENT FROM THE MANUFACTURER N*O*O*TECH. LIGHT REGULATORS OF DIFFERENT MODIFICATIONS, TIMERS, "GUARD OF APARTMENTS", ETC. BUDGET PRICES! Excellent quality. Warranty 12 months Replacement and return of marriage. http://www.n*o*o.c*o-*m.b*y/products/inde-x.php Remove the stars! There is a whole range of site! redemption at the end of March on their own. ORG + 15% Wholesale price on the site. Prices in $ at the rate of the site on the day of redemption. Let's focus on column 2. The cost depends on the size of our order and will be posted for each...


Dimmer SAPPHIRE with remote control

You have turned the light on and off hundreds and thousands of times, not suspecting that modern switches are capable of more. Nootekhnika has been producing such switches for 9 years, constantly improving their design.

With the modern Sapphire switch, you can turn on, turn off and adjust the brightness of the lighting not only manually, but also remotely using the remote control. Moreover, any remote control from the household equipment available in the house is suitable.

The built-in soft start mode eliminates the harmful effect on the eyes of a sharp flash of light and significantly extends the life of the lamps.

When you go on vacation, you can be calm: in a special mode, "Sapphire" randomly turns on and off the light, simulating the presence of a person in the apartment.

Sapphire serial color: white - $13.5
beige, silver, golden - $14.5

colors: white golden beige silver

Sapphire new design color: white - $13.5

Sapphire Design "Makel", series "Mimosa" color: white - $14.5

Sapphire DESIGN "VIKO" SERIES "CARMEN" color: white - $14.5, beige - $15.5

Remote control of lighting with any remote control
Extend lamp life by 5-7 times
Smooth brightness control
Imitation of your presence in an empty apartment
Smooth switching on of lighting, prolonging the life of the lamps
Automatic lighting off after 12 hours

Convenient and easy to control lighting from a distance
Choose the level of lighting according to mood and circumstances
Security of the apartment in your absence
Save energy, extend lamp life
Affordable price at high level quality, design and comfort

Scope: apartment, cottage, house, cottage, office, hotel, etc.
Mains voltage 220 V, 50 Hz
Load power 40 - 400 W
Type of load Incandescent lamps
Halogen lamps 220 V
Operating temperature range 0°C …+40°C

Flash-presentation of the REMOTE SWITCH-REGULATOR "SAPPHIRE" at the link:

A dimmer switch from a conventional switch is real.

If you have already installed a switch that suits you in terms of design, color, etc., you can give it the function of a dimmer by installing one of the AGAT-K, -S, -D dimmer blocks (Push-button, touch or remote of your choice).

Agat-D, unlike Sapphire, does not have the function of simulating the presence of a person in the apartment, but just like Sapphire, it can control any remote control.

Whether you are reading, dining or relaxing, lighting levels should be appropriate for each of these activities.
Dimmers (dimmers) "Agat" allow you to set the required level of illumination at the moment. They are ideal for the bedroom, where bright light is practically not needed, and the nursery, if your baby does not want to fall asleep in the dark.
The level of lighting when turned off is remembered, and therefore the light turned on at night will not disturb your loved ones.
"Agate" smoothly turns on and off the light, so that your eyes have time to adapt to changing lighting conditions.
Dimmer "Agat" is designed to turn on, off, smoothly adjust the brightness of lighting and extend the life of the lamps. The dimmer is designed for joint operation with incandescent lamps and halogen lamps for 220 V.

When choosing a dimmer "Agat", pay attention to the fact that the power of the load connected to the dimmer should not exceed that indicated on it.

Installation scheme (using Agat 200 as an example):