Buy board games for children 5 6. Games that develop fine motor skills

Baby board games are becoming more and more popular. They are suitable for any company, because their variety is great. Modern toys, educators, logical, didactic - this is only a small part of the variety. Children are happy to devote time to such games at home and in kindergarten, with family and friends. Although games have competitive tactics, they bring players closer together in finding solutions, observing each other, studying actions and consequences.


Board games are a community affair. That means one of useful properties- Close communication between the players. The child learns to negotiate, communicate, give in, acquires a sense of healthy competition, no less important for the future life.

Situation simulation is another usefulness of board games. The imagination starts to work. The child receives a problem situation and looks for ways to solve it, analyzes, suggests what the result can be.

Also, the child gets acquainted with the outside world - animals, plants, professions, situations. They also teach the rules of life - safety, traffic rules, proper behavior, what is good and what is bad.

From the point of view of mental processes, babies develop thinking, attention, memory. Logical thinking is actively included in sorting and grouping games. Along with this, the child learns to read, count, write. Many games are aimed at familiarizing the child with the works of various writers, folk art. Popular and useful games for the development of fine motor skills, which affect the accuracy, clarity of actions, the speech apparatus of the child.

The usefulness of board games is undoubtedly great. It would seem that such simple children's entertainment, but what is the potential for the development of the baby in them. And if they are made by the child himself with his parents, then their value increases significantly.


There is no clear ranking among board games, as many of them can be classified into different categories. . But still, among these entertainments, several varieties can be distinguished:


Games with chips, dice and card. The map can be themed according to fairy tales, cartoons, with the study of animals, plants, professions - the choice is huge. The sets also include additional tasks in the form of riddles, performance of poems, songs, dances. Suitable for any company, but the more children, the larger the card should be, otherwise the game will end very quickly.


Children's themed dominoes and bingo have many themes: plants, fruits, animals, transportation, professions, seasons and the like.


Game sets such as "Do it yourself", "Lego", the assembly of various parts, the creation of streets, cities - all games in which, after collecting the parts, you need to come to a certain result. For boys, this game is especially interesting. It comes with instructions with options for crafts. But this does not mean that the child should be limited to this. If it is difficult for him to come up with a model himself, then adults may well provide assistance and give an idea.

Puzzles and mosaics

From 40 to 60 large pieces - the optimal number of puzzles for children 5-6 years old. If the children are experienced and well versed in this matter, then the number can be increased, and the size of the parts can be reduced. The complexity of the mosaics can also vary. If you are aiming to keep your child occupied, but not tired, then choose puzzles of medium difficulty.


Classes with cards “Find a couple”, “What is superfluous?”, “Memory”, “Who lives where?” aimed at the development of thinking, attention and memory. The child in the game recreates connections with the outside world, gets acquainted with the processes, develops logic. For kindergarten these games are perfect - children learn by playing.


Interesting games with rules, where the player makes a decision on which the further course of the strategy depends.

Monopoly, Children of Carcassonne and similar toys will make your child think and think over his actions in order to achieve the desired victory.

Games that develop fine motor skills

Beads, weaving from rubber bands, "Jenga" and many others. The child controls the accuracy in execution, coordination of movements, accuracy.

Games with chips and pawns


Creating game material with your own hands. Lotto, dominoes, chess, cards - all this can be done at home without extra costs. And the child will especially appreciate the game made by himself.

The best board games for everyone. All children have different interests and character, so the choice can be any, because the variety of games will please any whim.

Popular Games

The abundance of board games will not make bored even the most restless and fastidious critics.

Answer in 5 seconds

A game with a clock, a ball moving in a spiral for five seconds, and question cards. In five seconds, you need to answer one question with three answers. Name three favorite foods, colors, and so on. If you managed to give an answer, then move forward, and if not, then stay in place.


Game set with cards. You need to quickly find a match for your image, hidden on a colorful illustration of another card. Thanks to the fast pace, the game does not get boring, and the child can play it several times.

Pathfinder and Kolobok

Games in which a child, using fragments of cards, creates a map of movements from hero to hero. Kolobok, for example, needs to get to his grandmother on the opposite side of the field, but avoid meeting with predatory animals.

Mister Twister

Monopoly Junior

Children's version of Monopoly. The child learns what money is and how to use it. Like her - "Marakkesh" and "Farm Frenzy". The child also manages his household, trying to manage it properly and make profitable deals.

Leaning Miombo Tower

Children's colorful version of the Jenga game. First, the child builds a tower from the bars, and then carefully takes them out, trying not to drop them. The player who moves the tower to fall loses.

Rattlesnake jungle

The kit includes magnetic eggs and snakes. You need to be able to hold the eggs so that they are not attracted to each other and do not make a rattling sound.

Alias ​​- team toy

Task: explain to your team what word is written on the card, what is drawn, without pronouncing it. A similar game “Guess who you are?” is different in that each player puts a headband with a word on his head, and, asking questions, tries to guess what the word is.

Constructor "Builder"

The constructor "Builder" of 65 elements is made of wood and includes various parts for building towers, houses and all kinds of figures. Bright and high quality material makes the game safe and interesting.

Wheel of Fortune Quiz Game

The kit includes a drum and cards with words (more than 1000), which are placed on special fields. The moves of the players are determined by the wheel. The player needs to guess where the ball will land.


It is a card, the words of which must be depicted without using words, only facial expressions and gestures.

Corridor (Labyrinth)

This game is all about tactics. The child must make moves in such a way as to drive the opponent into a trap and at the same time not get caught and get out on his own.

Action games

There are a huge number of games. "Doctor Aibolit" a simple game based on the famous cartoon with tasks will captivate the baby. The original and popular toy "Cat and Mouse" is a three-dimensional field with mouse chips, inside of which there is a glass ball. If it falls out, then the player's chip returns to the start. The cat interferes with the mice, creating obstacles. Another interesting walker is Turtle Run. Children take turns doing various tasks from cards. The whole catch is that where - whose turtle can be found out only at the end.

Lotto in four languages

A simple lotto, but on the other side of the card the word is written in 4 languages ​​- Russian, English, French and German.

Firstly, the child memorizes words in an unobtrusive form, by picture-sound association, and secondly, you can find out which language is closer to your child.

Seth Junior

You need to collect a set of cards by color, shape and number of characters. The winner will be the one who collects the most sets in the shortest time.

Children of Carcassonne

Game with cards-fragments of the map. The kid must think over the tactics of laying out cards with his hero and come to the finish line first.

haunted tower

Set with clock with arrows and token cards. It is necessary to collect casts by color of three tokens, if the color does not match, then the clock starts adding five minutes. If you find the same kids, then place them in the bedroom. The game is designed for team interaction.


Addition game up to 10. In the center of the table is a deck of round cards with fruits and numbers. A team of raccoons and hedgehogs chooses cards by type and looks for those among their own that will add up to ten. All this must be done quickly so that the opposing team does not take the card. The team that collects the most cards wins.


Cards with animal families are shuffled and distributed equally to all participants. Each player takes a card from the player on the left and tries to gather families. The loser is the one who has a card with a cockroach in his hands.


Players are dealt 7 cards. Purpose: to discard a card of a similar color or number to a deck on the table. The game is complicated by special cards with tasks.

color code

Cards with geometric shapes different colors must be repeated using the special color frames included. Helps to develop color perception and not to confuse shades.

Animal letters

Small colorful cards with letters and large cards with animals and names include five different games. The simplest is to collect the letters of your animal as quickly as possible.


Card exchange game. The more the player changes, the greater the chance of becoming a winner.

Paper games

These games are good because you only need paper, a pen and no expenses. These include Tic-Tac-Toe, walking cards, puzzles cut out from the picture, that is, all the toys that can be made “here and now”, if everything that is already tired and you want something new.


“Who eats what?”, “Where is whose baby?”, “Edible-inedible”, “Vegetables and fruits”, “What a fairy tale”, logical domino “What then?” and many other popular games to familiarize the child with the outside world.

All games develop various senses and mental abilities of children. Therefore, it is better to purchase them as a set or, in order not to tire the child, change them as they are fully studied.

Before purchasing games, decide for what purpose you are buying them.

  • If you are buying a game for a toddler ask him what he likes. If this is a gift, then find out about the interests of the birthday man.
  • For 5-6 year olds, the main thing is safety. Make sure that there are no sharp objects, too small details. If the game is with a case and batteries, then all covers must be firmly fixed.
  • When choosing a game, carefully read the instructions. And in general - check if it is available. Fortunately, today the game series has an age limit, so the selection is facilitated. But if your child has already outgrown some of them, then you can safely look at options for older children.
  • Consider the terms of the game– number of players, age, presence of adults. During the game, there should not be such conditions under which it is impossible to play - there are many players, the presence of leaders who are difficult to recruit in a house with one or two children. Otherwise, the child will simply abandon this activity and all interest will be lost.
  • Another aspect is the material. from which the game set is made. Paper and cardboard cards and cards wear out quickly. Salvation is a lacquered material. High-quality and dense, because children are very quickly upset if scuffs appear. Metal can hurt. Wood and plastic have the best characteristics.

As you can see, everything is individual in choosing a toy. It is best to choose the game with the child together. A joint choice will help to purchase a game for the whole family and have fun.

Recently, I was reviewing our board games and found some that I have not yet talked about on the pages of the site. In addition, by the summer I had acquired several more interesting ones, which we also had time to play.

Today's review includes card games, walking games, and even a few games that we still don't play according to all the rules, but are slowly getting used to them.

First, let's talk about card games. I must say that Yegor and I have not yet played card games, and I took three games for testing - two on my favorite automotive theme and one from a “proven” company - Djeco.

1. Board auto game "Whose car is cooler?" (on the first photo there is a green box) (see in Ozone).

Included 40 playing cards with the image of wheelbarrows of varying degrees of "coolness", which is indicated by a number from 1 to 10. Standard-sized cards made of fairly thin cardboard. The marking on the packaging says that the game is suitable for 2-8 players aged 6 years and older. In fact, the meaning and rules of the game will remind adult players of the notorious game "Drunkard". Yegor, at the age of 4.3, easily learned the rules. In general, for the game it is enough to have a certain perseverance and know the numbers from 1 to 10 (that is, to understand which of the numbers is larger so that there are no disputes about whose car is cooler). The winner is the one who collects all the cards, that is, the coolest fleet.

2. Board card game "Akulina" (see in Ozone)

In the first photo - a small red and white box. The description on the Ozone website stated that it was the simplest card game"Akulina", the rules of which can be mastered even by a three-year-old. Well, when I got this "game" I could only conclude that I must have missed something in my childhood. In the box, I found only an ordinary deck of cards with the image of wheelbarrows and no hint of a description of the rules of the game in this very Akulina. Thanks to the Internet, otherwise I would have to come up with the rules myself.

3. Djeco Happy Family Card Game (look at in Ozone)

I have been staring at the games of this manufacturer for a long time, the price scared me away. Perhaps I chose not the most outstanding creation of this company for the first acquaintance, but, frankly, I am disappointed. The pictures are not in the style that I like. The quality of workmanship is at the level of our Russian manufacturer (see item 1), except that the box for cards is more solid. But in my opinion, it absolutely does not justify the price. I was very amused by the presence in the box of the rules of the game in 10 languages ​​- each on a separate card. The essence of the game is to collect families different professions- the family of a gardener, a fishmonger, a baker, a hairdresser, a fireman, a postman and a doctor.

By the way, I personally did not understand the rules of the game from the description. Good thing I found this video detailed instruction:

4. The game "Baobab" ( watch in ozone)

Does anyone have this game in Russian? I would like to look at the rules of the game. Well, we play the way we could translate from German, simplifying the rules a bit. The manufacturer recommends the game for children over 6 years old. Of course, you can play with more early age, especially if the baby has a passion for design and well-developed fine motor skills. The set includes a trunk of a baobab tree and cards depicting different animals, from which the crown of a baobab is formed as the game progresses. Players take turns placing cards on the trunk, and the method of placement (toss, put between other cards, etc.) is dictated by the rules of the game and depends on who is depicted on the card. There is also a whole set of rules that regulates the actions of players in the event that one or more cards still fall from the baobab during its turn. I think that by the age of 6 we will master this unusual game in full.

5. Board game Bondibon "Pig in a poke" ( watch in ozone)

Like all the games of this company - expensive, very high quality and mega-exciting! The set includes double-sided game cards, plastic chips, a textile bag and 27 figures made of wonderful thick cardboard. The rules of the game offer several options that allow the game both in a company of up to 6 people and alone. The essence of the game resembles a lotto, but instead of "kegs" you need to get out of the bag and guess the figures by touch. One of the few games I've seen that directly engages a child's tactile senses.

Tired of the mess in the nursery? Tired of endlessly collecting toys for the child?

6. Board game "Faster, little snails!" ( watch in ozone)

The simplest "walker" of excellent German quality, which is suitable for playing with the smallest (from 2 years old). You don't even need to know the numbers to play, as the "fast" snails crawl only 1 or 2 moves forward. Whose snail will crawl to the finish line first? The field is made of thick cardboard, folded in half, 6 colored snails and 2 cubes with colored edges are made of wood.

7. Board game Stellar "Cool races" ( watch in ozone)

And this is a walking game for big boys. The quality of performance is not very good. As the game progresses, you need to assemble and disassemble cars from spare parts (cabins, bodies and wheels for trucks are included separately), but I broke off the cab mounts on the first try, and my son can’t separate the parts of the cars at all. It's a pity, because the idea, of course, is wonderful. So, we play this game like a regular walker, the field is very interesting, during the game you need to choose which track your truck will drive on - long and safe or short, but with different "pitfalls".

8. Board game "Hooligan Monkeys" ( watch in ozone)

This game has not been played by us yet. In my opinion, the rules for a four-year-old (namely, this age is indicated on the box) are too confusing. I think we will master this game in the fall. The essence of the game is to collect as many tokens as possible with the image of animals that escaped from the zoo. Tokens are taken from the bag, and also taken from other players according to certain rules. At the same time, you constantly need to make a decision whether you will draw another token, because this may end up returning all the tokens collected during the course back to the bag. As I understand it, it is assumed that the players should evaluate the probability of such an outcome by hint cards, which indicate the number of animals that escaped from the zoo - that is, the number of tokens that are in the bag). As the game progresses, some of these animals migrate from the bag to the piles of other players, while we see only the top token. It must be assumed that the game contributes to the development of memory. All these rules somehow reminded me of a game of dominoes, but I must say, I play it “as I have to”, never calculating how many and what kind of bones the other players have left. Maybe that's why I didn't really like the game "Hooligan Monkeys".

9. Board game "Monkey Island" ( look at ozone)

Another game about monkeys, and, by the way, the same author as the previous one. Interestingly, the manufacturer recommends this game for older children, but I found it much more fun and accessible than the Hooligan Monkeys game. Here we place the figurines of monkeys on liana cards, in the center chips with images of various fruits are laid out - “shirt” up. Each monkey prefers a certain type of fruit, the image of which is pasted on its stand from below - so that it is not visible. Players take it in turns to open chips with fruits and, from memory, determine the monkey who loves this fruit with pleasure. At the same time, the monkey jumps over a liana to a free card - thus, the location of the monkeys changes all the time, so remembering where the pineapple lover sits and where the kiwi fan is is not so easy. The game is very dynamic and fun.

10. Board game Wurfel Zwerge

Finally, the last one in today's review board and logic games for children 4-5 years old the game is also very dynamic and exciting. The game contains cards made of very thick cardboard, depicting gnomes in different poses. In the clothes of each gnome, there are from 1 to 3 colors - the trousers, blouse and cap of the gnome can be red, yellow, green or blue flowers. The cards are laid out face up. Then the players take turns rolling three dice, on the sides of which 3 colors fall out. The task is to find a card with a gnome as quickly as possible, in whose outfit all 3 colors are represented. The one who first finds the right gnome takes the card for himself. The one who collects the most cards wins. Very captivating!

You may be interested in other reviews of board and logic games on our website:

These are the games - interesting and not very much today got into my review. And what board and logic games for children of 4-5 years old do your children play? Share in the comments! If you have any games from this review in your game library, tell us about your impressions!

Board games are a worthy alternative to modern gadgets. Contrary to the misconception, they have not only an entertaining purpose, but depending on the variety, they can also include educational and educational elements. Unlike the Internet and television, where in most cases the child passively receives information and runs the risk of becoming addicted, board games offer a useful way to spend leisure time both alone and in the company of friends or family. There are a lot of options for sale, so we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the rating of the best board games for children of different age categories.

The best board games for children 2-3 years old

Children at the age of 2-3 years old begin to actively explore everything around. Everything is new for them - animals, numbers, shapes, etc. The board games presented in this category will help parents make their acquaintance with the world around them exciting and informative.

4 Icoy toys Adventure ball

Fun game of skill
Country: China
Average price: 1490 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

A fairly simple, but at the same time exciting game will appeal to children over two years old. You can play alone or with friends, complicate the task by setting a timer. The essence of the game is to use the levers to control the ball, moving it through the maze on the playing field. The winner is the one who completed the task faster without ever dropping the ball from the playing field.

In addition to having fun, this game develops fine motor skills, dexterity, accuracy, coordination of movements. Parents speak very well of it, they consider its main advantage that the children do not get bored with it - they are ready to play it every day for several hours in a row. There are no complaints about the quality of the game either - the plastic is durable, small parts do not break even with daily use.

3 Escape from the chicken coop

The most fun game
Country Russia
Average price: 959 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Chicken Run is a fun and easy game for kids ages 3 and up. The game is aimed at developing fine motor skills and concentration. During the game, the child learns to coordinate complex chains of actions and has fun. The chicken coop suddenly jumps, after which 36 hens of different colors try to escape. Children squeal in surprise, laugh and send chickens to the chicken coop again and again to see how they will jump out - users share in the reviews.

The game involves from 2 to 4 people, the party takes an average of 5-10 minutes. All chickens are divided among the players, after which each of the participants chooses three chickens and places them near the cube. Next, you need to click on the chicken coop so that it begins to slowly prepare for the jump. At this time, players take turns rolling a die with different colored faces. If the color that has fallen out matches the color of the displayed chickens, they are sent to the chicken coop, and others are chosen in their place. When the chicken coop jumps, the chickens in it will scatter. Your goal is to catch the runaways. The winner is the player who was able to help all his chickens escape by throwing them into the chicken coop.

2 Dobble

Developing. Find something in common
Country Russia
Average price: 1,190 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The board game Dobble "Numbers and Shapes" is intended for children from 3 years old. This is an educational card game that is suitable for friendly and family confrontation. This variety is an adapted children's version of the legendary Dobble game, which has become so popular among users. The peculiarity lies in the combination of entertaining and educational orientation. During the game, kids will learn to distinguish geometric figures, numbers and colors.

The game usually takes no more than 10 minutes. The game can be played by one player or five opponents. On the round cards of the game there are figures and numbers of different colors. And each of the cards always has only one common feature: a number or a geometric figure of the same color. The player's task is to find this similarity as soon as possible.

How to choose a board game for a child?

How to choose a board game - we turned to child psychologists with this question. Here's what experts advise to pay attention to:

  • Age. All board games on the packaging and / or in the instructions have a note about age group for which they are intended. Psychologists recommend not to lose sight of this aspect, however, do not forget about the correspondence of the age of the child to his development, so that the chosen game is really relevant.
  • Variety. Intellectual games include games of a strategic and logical nature - "Carcassonne", "Cluedo", "Ticke to ride", etc. In this case, the player who manages to calculate the next moves and surpasses the opponent wins. In board games of gambling type, the outcome depends largely on luck - "Turtle Race", "Uno", etc. In games that test physical abilities, the most attentive, dexterous and quickly reacting player is awarded victory ("Jenga", "Football"). Games with communicative overtones (“Activity”, “Imaginarium”, etc.) help to establish friendly contact and overcome shyness.
  • Purpose. Board games can be designed for single use, for two opponents, family pastime and for a friendly company. In addition, some manufacturers offer games with a gender division - for boys and girls. Traditionally, military and automotive themes prevail among boys, while puppet and animalistic themes prevail among girls.

1 Jigsaw puzzle

Animal introductions for toddlers
Country Russia
Average price: 599 rubles
Rating (2019): 4.9

The floor puzzle "Jungle" is an exciting and educational game for kids from 2 years old, which contributes to the development of sensory skills, attention and associative thinking. 34 elements of various shapes are complemented by 8 game figures of animals. This puzzle is to the liking of kids and their parents, allowing them to have fun together. In the course of collecting pictures, the child gets acquainted with the animals living in the jungle. Users in the reviews note that the big advantage is the large size of the elements, which allows you to carefully consider the inhabitants of the jungle, talk with the child about the features appearance animals, their color and character.

In comparison with table puzzles, floor puzzles definitely win, since kids at the age of two years are more likely to move around during the game, and it is still quite difficult for them to concentrate for a long time in a sitting position at the table. All that is needed is to correctly dock the elements in order to get a complete image, which can later be hung on the wall as a picture, after gluing the puzzles together.

The best board games for children 4-5 years old

4-5 years old is the very age when children are incredibly active and inquisitive. To direct energy in a peaceful direction will help board games, which are presented below. Among them are the most famous and favorite games that received the most positive feedback from parents and children.

4 Piatnik Tick Tock Boom

The largest number of players
Country: Austria
Average price: 1399 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

An exciting board game that can be played by up to 12 players at the same time. The set includes 55 cards and a bomb, which is activated by pressing a button. The participant in the game must name a word related to what is shown or written on the card. If he thinks too long, the bomb will explode. The winner is the one whose bomb exploded the least.

The game helps not only to have fun, but also to develop ingenuity, replenish vocabulary, learn to think faster. The game is fully adapted for children from the age of four - all tasks are very simple. There are a lot of reviews about the game and they are all very good. Parents enjoy playing it with their children.

3 Hungry hippos

Best Road Game
Country: USA
Average price: 513 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

"Hungry Hippos" is the best road game, according to parents. Addictive game designed for two players, starting from 4 summer age. This is a compact version of the original game, which is convenient to take with you on the road. Catching balls is suitable for friendly and family confrontations, develops accuracy and improves concentration. As users say in the reviews, you want to play again and again. Each batch is approximately 5 minutes. All parts are stored inside, so you can not be afraid that the balls will be lost.

The heroes of the game, hippos Vega and Glutton, are trying to catch the balls with the help of levers. The only negative is that for more accurate fishing, a flat surface is needed, so feeding hippos will be convenient when traveling by train or on an airplane, but playing while traveling by car will be difficult.

2 Turtle race

Simple and well-made "walker"
Country Russia
Average price: 890 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

"Turtle Race" is a board game of the "walker" subspecies. This is an educational game that has received a lot of reviews. Users point out the advantages of high-quality cutting of tokens, high-quality printing and thick paper. This is a simple and calm game that can captivate a child for a relatively long time. Designed for children aged 4 years and older, designed for 2-5 players. The party lasts about 20 minutes.

The goal of the game is to bring your turtle to the cabbage field. The turtle chip in pursuit of cabbage moves in accordance with the cards that have fallen out. A feature that makes the game more interesting is that it is possible to move not only forward, but also backward. In addition, turtles love to ride on the shells of their girlfriends. The playing field is represented by 10 steps, thanks to which the game does not have time to get bored with the child.

1 Table football

Most Played Game
Country: China
Average price: 5490 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The legendary table football (kicker) is a game loved by many generations, as evidenced by the survey. The optimal age of players is from 5 years old. The uniqueness of the game lies in the gambling confrontation, which develops dexterity, reaction speed, the ability to concentrate and make decisions quickly. This is a great gift for children, which will not remain indifferent to adults.

Sports game is a football field on the footboards with handles to control the players. 360-degree rotating figures, the presence of mechanical head counters, durable materials (wood), three additional balls - all these advantages are mentioned in user reviews. Due to the fact that the table is foldable, it is easy to transport and store.

The best board games for children 6-7 years old

At the age of 6-7 years, children show intelligence, rich imagination and improved coordination. For the most active and sociable, the following board games will be to their liking, positive reviews of which are shared not only by our users, but also by experts.

4 Ravensburger Crazy Maze

Game for the development of thinking
Country: Czech Republic
Average price: 1690 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Highly interesting game designed for 2-4 children aged 7 years and over. The rules are very simple, clear from the first time. This is a spatial thinking game in which children are invited to play as ghosts, wandering through the labyrinth of an abandoned castle in search of treasure. During the game, the field is constantly changing, as the participants can move the walls and corridors, making way for the chip. The task of each player is to collect as many treasures as possible and be the first to return. The beauty of the game is that it does not bore children - it only gets more interesting with each move. The party lasts about half an hour.

From the point of view of psychology, the board game is very useful for the development of thinking, reaction speed. She teaches to think over moves in advance, to develop a strategy. Judging by the reviews, sometimes parents play it even without children. It is impossible to find fault with the workmanship - the cardboard is very dense, of high quality, the packaging is decent.

3 Uno

Best price. Excitement and fun
Country: USA
Average price: 416 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

"Uno" is the most budget game among those presented in the rating, but no less exciting. This card board game is for 2 to 10 players aged 7+. The party takes no more than 20 minutes. In Russia, the game is better known as "One Hundred and One". As they say in the reviews, this perfect solution for a party - excitement, enthusiasm and fun!

At the beginning of the game, each player receives 7 cards. The essence of the game is to get rid of the cards. The top card of the remaining deck becomes the starting point. The movement is clockwise. Players must report from their cards the one that will match the top one at that time in color or picture. Having got rid of the penultimate card, the player must shout “Uno!”, Otherwise, he is fined - an additional 4 cards from the deck. When someone has discarded all the cards, the round ends and scoring begins for those who have cards left in their hands. The data is being written. The game is played for several rounds until someone scores a total of 500 points, thus the winner is the one with the fewest points.

2 Jenga

For the most dexterous and accurate. Bestseller all over the world
Country: USA
Average price: 1,250 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The board mobile game "Jenga" is incredibly popular all over the world. The peculiarity of the game is that it remains interesting both in single construction and in the construction of a tower by a large friendly company. This game develops fine motor skills, accuracy, balance, quick reaction and stress resistance. You can build a tower at home, in nature, take it with you on a visit, without worrying that the blocks will be lost or broken.

The rules of the game are extremely simple - after the tower of 54 elements is built, the players take turns pulling out the blocks one at a time, as well as attaching the upper tiers. The game ends with the collapse of the tower, the loser is the one whose actions led to the fall of the building. If the tower is partially destroyed, the game can be continued at the request of the players.

1 Imaginarium

The best association game. Development of the imagination
Country Russia
Average price: 1,750 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

"Imaginarium" is an associative board game for children from 6 years old, in which from 3 to 7 people participate. Experts consider the game extremely useful for children, as it is aimed at developing imagination and logical thinking, expanding the associative range and improving communication skills. On the playing field, each player is marked with an elephant chip. One person acts as a leader, who explains to others his associations in relation to the extended card. The right of the leader is transferred to the next player in a circle, thus all participants are equally involved.

The peculiarity is that the players choose from their cards the most appropriate to the descriptions of the presenter. The latter reports the card he was explaining. The cards are shuffled and numbered, and, already choosing from them, everyone votes for the card, which, as it seems to them, belonged to the leader. Depending on whether the participant guessed correctly or not, and also whether someone gave preference to his card, he remains in place, steps back or moves forward several cells. There was a place on the map for additional fields, when getting to which the presenter must, for example, come up with an association of 5 words, associate with a brand or make a description based on a movie.

The best board games for kids aged 8+

For schoolchildren, the combination of the entertaining and educational nature of board games is especially important. The dry presentation of knowledge leaves them indifferent, but the veiled educational message, whether it is the study of fractions or just games for the development of logic and strategic thinking, will be perceived by them, as evidenced by the reviews, with a bang.

4 Dwarf pests

Simple but fun game
Country: Belgium
Average price: 1270 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

This game is a kind of analogue of the mafia, but more intense and varied. Suitable for children over eight years old and adults, up to 12 players can participate at the same time, and the game lasts about half an hour. There are "good" and "bad" in the game, between which the struggle for gold is unfolding. The dwarves are plotting the rest of the characters, preventing them from expanding the passages and looking for gold. The winner is the one who collects the most gold nuggets.

The game is packaged in a safe and beautiful tin box, so it can be considered as a gift option. The package includes a set of cards of the playing field, actions, gnomes and gold diggers. This role-playing game-strategy will help to develop thinking, ingenuity. It is not too difficult for children and at the same time very exciting.

3 Scrabble

The most intelligent. Vocabulary expansion
Country Russia
Average price: 1050 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Scrabble is a game that you have probably heard about more than once. Alternative name "Scrabble" and "Words". This is an educational board game based on the players making up words from letter chips. Experts recommend the game for children to expand vocabulary and develop logical thinking.

This game will be interesting for children from 8 years old. It is also often played with friends or at family gatherings. Having succumbed to excitement, adults sometimes find themselves even more involved in the process than children. Next to each letter is a number - the number of points that the player is awarded for using this chip. In addition, there are additional tricks on the playing field itself - multiplying points, accruing additional points, etc., which makes the game more interesting.

2 Carcassonne

Strategy game of conquest
Country Russia
Average price: 1290 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The strategic and economic board game "Carcassonne" involves the step-by-step collection of the playing field and the subsequent placement of chips of their subjects on it. It depends on which area the chip is placed on, whether it becomes a knight, a peasant, a monk or a robber. A feature is the tactical component of the gameplay. To win, you need to think through the possible moves of other players and correctly prioritize, for example, complete your object or block the opponent's path.

Terrain squares must fit exactly, eg fields to fields, roads to roads. As the end of the game approaches, the tension increases, because there are fewer possible scenarios for the development of events, as well as game pieces. This game is great for kids aged 8 and up, helping them build chains of action and develop strategic thinking. The victory remains with those who at the end received the most points for their constructed objects.

1 Delissimo

The best math game. laid-back learning
Country Russia
Average price: 790 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Delissimo was recognized as the best game with a mathematical bias. Being logical and developing, it is relevant not only in terms of entertainment, but also education. “It has never been so easy to convey information about fractions to a child!” parents are enthusiastic. The child gets acquainted with shares and fractions, mastering their features in a fun and easy way during the delivery of pizza.

The reviews emphasize that the game cards are made of thick cardboard. A big plus, according to buyers, is colorfulness and dynamism. The game is divided into three difficulty levels according to age (from 5, 8 and 10 years old), so it remains relevant for many years. Each game takes 15 to 20 minutes. The task of the players is to collect an order from a visitor to an Italian restaurant, making pizzas in accordance with the list of ingredients and their quantities, which are indicated in shares and fractions. Soon the child will start clicking fractions like nuts, and the included play-style posters will help reinforce the material visually.

The best board games for the whole family

If you are puzzled about how to hold a celebration or a family evening, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the list of the most interesting board games that will brighten up your leisure time with enthusiasm. The peculiarity of the games below is that they are designed for a large number of players, among which children and adults can be together. In short, no one will be left behind.

4 Monopoly

The famous financial game
Country: Ireland
Average price: 1779 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Classic Monopoly has been one of the favorite games of growing children and adults for many years. In this game, everyone can feel like a real businessman, investing, acquiring property, making deals. Up to eight people can play at the same time, so it is perfect even for a large family, as well as a company of children or adults.

The game is not only exciting, but also useful. It promotes the development of logical, strategic thinking and mindfulness in children. Parents write that time flies unnoticed while playing. The only drawback is that restless children do not have enough patience for it, since one game can last quite a long time. The rest is a classic that needs no comment.

3 Ticket to Ride

The best strategy. Journey game
Country Russia
Average price: 2,990 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Train Ticket is an exciting travel board game for the whole family. Suitable for adults and children from 8 years old. The game teaches you to think consistently, apply tactics and tricks. During the adventure, you can learn a lot about the device railway, as well as consolidate knowledge of geography. The party can take from half an hour to an hour.

Throughout the game, participants (2-5 people) enthusiastically move around the map, showing strategic skills. The task of the participants is to get as many points as possible, which are given for completing missions and building routes using plastic trailers and stations. Success depends on the chosen strategy. The element of luck is present, but less pronounced than in dice games.

2 Cluedos

Detective game with a fascinating storyline
Country: USA
Average price: 1730 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

"Cluedo" is a classic detective board game for adult children from 8 years old. The game, designed for 3-6 players, is a simulation of a murder investigation. The playing field looks like a plan country house. The goal is to find out who, where and how killed the owner of the mansion. Each of the participating players is under suspicion. The number of possible combinations is amazing - more than 324, so the game is absolutely unpredictable and mysterious every time, and certainly will not get bored.

Players move around the cells, wandering around the house, making assumptions about who, with what, and in which room committed the crime. Decks of intrigue and rumors are called upon to prompt thoughts. The first person to answer the questions correctly is the winner.

1 Activity

The most popular. dynamic, command
Country: Austria
Average price: 1,990 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The most popular game for family pastime is "Activity". This board game is known all over the world. She fell in love with users due to its simplicity, fascination and dynamism. A big plus is the ability to involve a large number of people. It can be played simultaneously by 3 to 16 people. That is why this game is so in demand at parties and family gatherings.

Participants need to be divided into teams. On the playing field there are chips that move towards the finish line if the team can explain the word indicated in the task using facial expressions, gestures and drawings. As users note, time with the game flies unnoticed - active movements, fun and ringing laughter are guaranteed to you!

Now let's move on to five years!

Five-year-olds are already completely ready-made little men. In the fifth year of his life, the child actively learns to count, sometimes write and read, develops strongly physically and mentally. Therefore, for the fifth anniversary, roller skates, bicycles and the following board games are equally good as a gift.

turtle race- fun and unexpected game.

5 turtles run to race for a cabbage stalk, children take turns chasing each other and can even jump on a neighbor. But you can find out where whose turtle is only at the end!

Much more intellectual and quick game- Khali-gali. Players are dealt cards with fruits depicted on them, there is a bell in the middle of the field. Players open one card at a time, as soon as you notice 5 fruits of the same type on all open cards, ring the bell urgently. Whoever has all the cards wins.

We have already talked about some games in which you need to make paths, board games Pathfinder, Kolobok of such.

We have a box-field, along the edges of which there are heroes and locations: a bear, a grandmother, a grandfather, a gingerbread man, an apple tree, etc. The set includes a book with tasks of 4 difficulty levels, according to which the player will have to pave the path from place to place or from hero to hero. A very entertaining game that develops logic, strategy and spatial thinking.

If your child is addicted learning to read, Or do you yourself think that it's time to learn to read - Scrabble Junior- what you need!

In general, scrabble is a legendary word-building game that can keep several people entertained for many hours at a time, but for children it can seem complicated. Then you just flip the field, and there? And there are already words - you just need to substitute letters. Whoever finishes first wins.

The game trains attentiveness and, of course, reading skills.

For little adventurers we offer a game Shark hunting.

Have you ever run away from a real shark? Throw the dice and run! And be careful not to hit the shark in the mouth!

Do children have a good memory and many true friends? Then the game "Haunted Tower" they will love it! The task is to put all the little ghosts to sleep by opening three chips with ghosts of the same color. And if you don’t win right away, you can try again and again!

Quite difficult at first glance, but an exciting and entertaining game - Wild Jungle Safari. Everything is here - wild animals, hunters, and totems of different colors! You need to be more attentive, faster, be the first to find out the diet of the animal and pick up the right cards. The whole family can play!

One of the world's favorite games just starts playing at the age of five. It's a game - Jenga (for Russian manufacturers - Leaning Tower)

A tower is built from wooden blocks of the same size. Players take turns moving, one block is carefully pulled out in one move so that the tower does not fall. The task is to keep the tower as long as possible. The one who pulls out the block unsuccessfully, bringing down the tower, will lose. There is a more complex variation, when the players take out the blocks from the bottom and put them on top. So, the tower for the game grows almost twice!

Splash Attack- a game for the fast and smart.

The point of the game is to catch as many fish as possible and eat them. We roll the die, we grab the fish before everyone else, and on the next turn we take the piranha to eat the fish. Oh, it would be so simple))) Perfect for children's companies!

If you dream of growing up a polyglot, then you will surely like it. Lotto in 4 languages. It looks like an ordinary loto. But on the back of each picture there are 4 words in Russian, English, French and German. A good option not only for teaching an elementary stock of foreign words, but also in order to test the child's inclination to learn languages.

An excellent Belarusian game Treasure Hunters will delight not only with an adventurous mood, but also with a variety.

In fact, this is a set of 12 games collected in one box. Opening it, you will visit the islands, hot deserts and dense forests. Many different tasks will force you to apply all your skills and gain new ones: players will have to go through a bridge falling apart right under them, find their way through an intricate labyrinth, avoid falling into an abyss, take possession of an ancient totem, etc. To cope with all this, players will be helped by useful items that they will take with them on the road: a machete, a rope, a torch and a flare.

Alias ​​(junior) is also a classic of board games.

The player's task is to describe the card without naming the word itself. You can use synonyms, antonyms, sign language, various sounds, whatever ...

The Junior version differs in that the cards not only have words written on them, but also pictures are drawn especially for those players who are just starting to learn to read.

Brave and courageous knights will play the game with pleasure Dragon and Knights. Finger dexterity, ingenuity and caution coupled with speed - all this will come in handy in order to build a ladder to the dragon's lair and take the stolen treasure from him.

Remember we used to play the game as kids "I believe - I do not believe"? The game will help you remember the wonderful times with your children "Zavriki". The main thing is to be on the alert and not collect Zavrikov!

Perhaps the most popular or even iconic board game is Monopoly.

There are many on sale today different options Monopolies, including Monopoly for children.

It will be easy for children to comprehend the basics of economics, they will become the owners of pizzerias, museums, amusement parks and other favorite places. Of course, the rules in Children's Monopoly are simplified, and the chips are made in the form of cats, dogs, boats and cars, but even in this form, the game allows you to quickly understand the meaning of the famous game.

And to close this review of board games will be one of best games on attentiveness, ingenuity and the ability to compare - Seth junior (baby of the famous game Seth).

A set is a set that is assembled according to the color / shape and the number of symbols on the card. The winner is the one who quickly collects the most such sets!

In fact, the games described above are a small but interesting part of the huge variety of "tabletop" games. Even games that are similar in type often differ and become individual. Some people have more fun playing with robots or pirates, girls love princesses more, and everyone, of course, loves funny animals.

Whatever your child is, you can always choose what he likes. And even though many of these games cost decent money, they are worth it, because this is not a machine that in a month will have its wheels torn off and thrown away or forgotten on the shelf. Children come back to board games again and again over the years, they are inherited and always become the center of attention and fun at big holidays! However, having fallen in love with board games, do not forget about the mandatory change of activities for children, and having played enough, having counted, having guessed everything you like, go for a walk, run and jump!

In contact with

Many parents dream that their children spend less time with a phone / tablet in their hands or staring at a TV screen. I offer you an idea for joint leisure without gadgets - board games. They develop imagination, ingenuity, teach counting and logic, decision-making, train memory and rhetoric, gross and fine motor skills. It is fun for the whole family to play. Profit, as they say! I will tell you about the most useful, high-quality and popular "boards" for children 4-6 years old.

Photo -

Alias ​​Junior ("Say Different for Children")

Game with cards for children from 5 years old. The goal is to explain the word to other participants without naming it. You can use synonyms or antonyms, depict gestures, sounds.
In the "adult" version of the game, words are written on the cards, and in the children's version there are also pictures. Well, the set of riddles, of course, is simpler (no "synchrophasotrons"). Alias ​​develops imagination, improves reading skills, teaches to express thoughts and listen to others, replenishes vocabulary. They play with two teams, but only two can play.

Price from 600 rubles. Photo -

Activity Junior ("Activity for children")

The principle is the same as that of Alias ​​- to explain the words that come across to you on the cards. But there is a peculiarity: on the playing field there are instructions on how exactly to explain the word - with a picture, words or pantomime. There is another version of the game called "Activity for Kids" with simplified rules.

Price from 1000 rubles. Photo -

Price from 1000 rubles. Photo -

Scrabble Junior (Scrabble Junior)

Many in childhood played the domestic game "Scrabble". So Scrabble is about the same. The version for children is suitable from 5 years old, but it will also be interesting for those who are older: after all, the game has a two-sided playing field. The option for children from 5 to 8 years old is simple - there are already words on the field, you just need to put letters on them. The first one to complete the whole word gets points for it.

Price from 1500 rubles. Photo -

On the second side of the field, there is already a classic Scrabble for children from 7 to 10 years old (composing words according to the crossword principle), only the design is prettier and the rules are simpler.
Scrabble game introduces children to the alphabet, teaches how to write words.

Photo -

My first monopoly (Monopoly Junior)

The classic "tabletop" that everyone has heard of. Its analogues are widespread - "Manager", "Banker", "Monopolist". But the original, of course, is one and the quality of its execution is on top. And there is also a version for the little ones (you can play from 4-5 years old).
The rules of the game have been simplified, boring streets have been replaced with more interesting objects - a zoo, a candy store, a skate park, a toy store, etc. Cute figurines - a puppy, a kitten, a car, a boat. All money of the same denomination - 1, that is, it is easy to count.

Price from 1400 rubles. Photo - Desktop World

Photo - Desktop World

The game teaches you to manage money wisely, develops strategic thinking.
There are many modifications of Monopoly Junior - "Masha and the Bear", "Icy Heart", "Cars", "Finding Dory" and so on.

Photo -

Pull out the carrot

A fun game for children from 3-4 years old. The playing field in the form of a green hill with circles and a carrot on top. The goal of the rabbit chips is to get to it. To do this, the participants take turns taking cards with tasks. It happens that you need to turn the carrot, then one of the circles will open. If there is a rabbit on it, it will fall and the player will have to start all over again.
The game will captivate the whole family, teach the smallest to count.

Price from 1400 rubles. Photo - myToys

Dobble (Dobble, Spot It!)

Compact game in a box that you can take with you on the road. Consists of round cards with many small pictures - animals, plants, words, emoticons, symbols. Each pair of cards has one common picture. The player's task is to find it before others. The game is dynamic and fun.
Officially, Dobble is recommended for children from 6 years old, but, according to experience, you can play even earlier. For kids from 3 years old there is a special version of "Dobble: Numbers and Shapes", the cards show only geometric shapes and numbers, which will allow you to playfully teach the child.

Price from 800 rubles. Photo -


The game at first glance is similar to Tetris. You can play with a child from at least 2-3 years old (the main thing is that he has already stopped dragging small objects into his mouth), simply laying out colored figures of various shapes on the playing field.
If you play by the rules, then it is better to forget about Tetris. The goal of the players is to add figures to the field so that they come into contact with only the corners already laid out. The winner is the one who leaves no options for the opponent to move. The game trains abstract thinking, fine motor skills.

Price from 2000 rubles. Photo - Takealot

Guess Who (Guess Who)

A fun game for two players. It consists of two playing fields into which identical cards with images are inserted. One player chooses a character for himself, and the task of the other is to guess who exactly the opponent has chosen. In the process, you need to ask questions like "does he have dark or light skin", "does he have glasses", "does he have curly hair", "does he have a hat" and so on.

Price from 600 rubles. Photo - Mosigra

There are two types of characters in the basic set - people and animals. Additional pictures can be downloaded from the manufacturer's website.
The game develops speech, fantasy, imagination, teaches to think by the method of exclusion. Suitable for children from 4-5 years old.

Turtle Race (Ribbit)

The set includes a stack of task cards, wooden figurines and a game board with 10 stones. The goal is to reach the finish line, near which tasty cabbage “grows”. The main intrigue of the game is that no one knows who is responsible for which turtle (excluding his own, of course). At the same time, it is not at all a fact that you will get cards that allow you to control your turtle.

Price from 600 rubles. Photo -

Chips can move back, forward and even "fall on the tail" of the opponent. The rules are simple, the pictures are clear. The game can take part from 2 to 5 children aged 4 years. Adults will certainly enjoy it too.

Halli Galli

A game of attention, speed and reaction. The child is only required to be able to count to five, so you can play from the age of 4. The game is compact, packed in a tin box, it is convenient to take it with you on the road.

Price from 800 rubles. Photo -

The set includes 56 cards and a bell. Each card depicts one of the five fruits: banana, strawberry, plum, lime. Participants take turns laying out their cards. As soon as there are five fruits of the same type on all open cards, you need to ring the bell. The one who did it first takes the cards. If someone hits the bell by mistake, he distributes his cards to other players. The one who collects all the cards wins.

Jenga (Leaning Tower)

There is no need to think, talk, read or count much. The main thing is ingenuity and sleight of hand! You can also train your sense of balance and gross motor skills.
The set contains a lot of wooden bars - durable and pleasant to the touch. To start the game, you need to build an 18-level tower. Then the participants take turns taking the cubes from the lower floors and placing them on top. The one who eventually destroys the entire tower loses.

Price from 1000 rubles. Photo - Mosigra

Officially, the game is addressed to children from 6 years old, but it is worth giving out cubes to those who are much younger. Of these, you can simply build towers and other structures.

Rush Hour (Rush Hour, Parking)

A puzzle game that attracts children at first sight, especially boys - because it's with cars! The child needs to be explained that there is a serious traffic jam on the road. Well, or the parking lot was chaotically forced by cars. You need to move all the other cars so that you can find a way out for yours.

Price from 700 rubles. Photo -

The set includes 40 cards with tasks of 4 levels of difficulty. Each has the correct answer on the back.
The game requires perseverance (so I would recommend it to children from 5-6 years old), develops logical thinking.

Uno (Uno)

Another hit that everyone or almost everyone has heard of. The game will be interesting for people of all ages (and children from 5 years old), it is extremely compact (deck of cards) and colorful. And also inexpensive.
The set includes cards of four colors with numbers from 0 to 9, as well as special ones - “Skip turn”, “Change the direction of the game”, “Opponent takes two cards”, “Order a color” and “Order a color and the opponent takes four cards”. Players lay out cards so that they match either in color or in face value. Well, the special ones only add humor to the game, “setups” and dynamism.

Price from 300 rubles. Photo - Wikipedia

The goal is to get rid of all the cards. When the player has only one card left, he must shout "Uno!". If someone gets ahead of him, you will have to take a penalty card.
The game develops reaction and attentiveness, teaches colors, numbers.

Mistakos (Stools)

A game of dexterity and coordination, sort of like Jenga. Due to its simplicity, it is suitable even for babies - you can play with multi-colored plastic chairs just like that.
Well, the goal of the game is to alternately build a tower of chairs without collapsing it. Complicating the task is that the chairs have different shape and often do not fit well with each other.

Price from 1000 rubles. Photo - Trefl

Anaconda by Bondibon

A game from a well-known manufacturer of children's puzzles, perfectly trains logic. On a small playing field you need to place a snake. It is made up of plastic parts with an image on both sides. More than a hundred options for the location of the snake are available.
There are cards with tasks of two levels of difficulty. In a simple version, it is said on which cell to place two pieces of the puzzle, in a complex one - only one. The goal is to build a complete snake using all the parts (even the ones that don't show anything).

Price from 900 rubles. Photo -