How to read yellow in English in Russian. Learn colors in English

Your child most likely already knows the colors in Russian (if not, be sure to do it!), And the colors in English will help you learn and learn this simple game. Click on the balls and listen. Invite the child to repeat the names of the flowers. Do not be lazy and say them out loud yourself. After several repetitions, point (preferably with a finger, not with a mouse) to a color and ask the child to name it.

On the touch screen, your little one can literally touch the colors with their hands and immediately hear their names. Such a game will help you quickly remember the words denoting colors in English. It is also advisable to ask in English: What color is this? Start with the simplest, brightest colors and gradually work your way up to midtones. Show and give the child other objects of the same color, name them. Do not rush the child, what seems simple to you is quite a difficult task for him.

Touch to read or click to listen to the color name in English.

Hover over the balloons to read the colors in English and Russian or click to listen in English.

The first seven balls in this picture- the colors of the rainbow. Note that there is no blue in the English rainbow, indigo has taken its place. Outrageous, - the uncompromising reader will say, - color was stolen! In fact, there are millions of shades in the spectrum of the rainbow, and we have chosen only seven, and this choice is quite subjective. Isaac Newton identified 5 primary colors of the rainbow: red, yellow, green, blue and purple. Later, he added 2 more orange and indigo, as he believed that the number of primary colors corresponds to the number of primary notes in an octave. So the number and names of colors are more a tribute to the language tradition.

In Russian, a mnemonic phrase for remembering the colors of the rainbow, well known from childhood, is used: "Every Hunter Wants to Know Where the Pheasant Sits." In English it is replaced by: Richard(Red) Of(Orange) York(Yellow) Gave(Green) Battle(Blue) In(Indigo) Vain(Violet). As you can see, there is no light blue in it, but indigo is right there.

The study of colors in English usually does not present any particular difficulties due to the clarity of the material being studied. In this article, we will introduce you to how the primary colors are called in English with a translation into Russian. Not all English learners are familiar with English transcription, so we will teach you how to name colors in English with pronunciation in Russian.

So, in the world there are a huge number of colors and shades. And far from each of them we can call one word even in our native language, not to mention a foreign one. And in order not to have a shortage of words denoting colors in English, it is not necessary to study all possible color options. It will be enough to know a couple of dozens of the main names most often used in speech.

Color names in English

Here are ten basic colors that children are first introduced to when learning English.

Yellow - yellow (Elou) [ˈjeləʊ]

Green - green (green) [ɡriːn]

Blue - blue, blue (blue) [bluː]

Brown - brown (brown) [braʊn]

White - white (white) [waɪt]

Red - red (ed) [red]

Orange - orange (Orange) [ˈɒrɪndʒ]

Pink - pink (pink) [pɪŋk]

Gray - gray (grey) [ɡreɪ]

Black - black (black) [blæk]

The pronunciation of colors in English for children is usually not very difficult, most colors are indicated by one-syllable words and are easy to remember.

After you have mastered the first ten colors in English, you can add ten more colors to your vocabulary that you can see quite often in different situations.

Beige - beige (beige) [beɪʒ]

Golden - golden, golden (golden) [ˈɡəʊldən]

Emerald - emerald (Emerald) [ˈemərəld]

Coral - coral (coral) [ˈkɒrəl]

Copper - copper (kopa) [ˈkɒpə]

Olive - olive (Olive) [ˈɒlɪv]

Purple - purple, purple (ash) [ˈpɜːpəl]

Silver - silver, silvery (silva) [ˈsɪlvə]

Lilac - lilac (lilak) [ˈlaɪlək]

Khaki - khaki (kaki) [ˈkɑːki]

Thus, now you know the basic colors in English with transcription in Russian. There are twenty words in total, with which you can easily name the color of any item that you need.

In addition to the name of the color, sometimes you need to name the shade. The names of shades can be indicated by adding certain adjectives to the main color. For example: bright, dark, light, etc. They will allow you to convey the color saturation of the described phenomenon or object. Here are words that will help you more accurately indicate the desired color.

light- light (light) [ laɪt ]

Dark- dark (dak) [dɑːk]

Bright- bright (bright) [braɪt]

Dull- dim (gave) [ dʌl ]

Pale- pale (pale) [peɪl]

After you have learned the names of all colors in English, for better memorization and further training, you can try to name objects familiar to you in English, adding the name of the color to them. For example, a red sofa (red sofa), a white fridge (white refrigerator), light green walls (light green walls), dark blue socks (dark blue socks).

You also need to know how to correctly ask in English what color this or that object is. To do this, use the What color? (what colour). For example:

What is this?- What is this? (wot from zis?) [‘wɒt ɪz ðɪs]

This is a flower.- This is a flower. (zis from e flaua) [‘ðɪs ɪz ə ˈflaʊə]

What color is it?- What colour is he? (wat kala from it) [wɒt ‘kʌlʌ ɪz ɪt]

It is yellow.- He is yellow. (it from Yelou) [ɪtɪz ˈjeləʊ]

Learning colors in English in a playful way

If you are learning flower names in English with your kids, there are many fun game activities to come up with. Starting from playing with pencils - asking what color the pencil you are holding, and vice versa, so that the child asks the question.

One of the variants of such a game is "Guess". One participant hides a pencil behind his back, and the second tries to guess what color this pencil is. Structures used in this game:

-Is it...(color name)? - He ... (color name)?

- Yes, it is. (No, it isn't)- Yes. (No)

For example:

Behind the back, the participant holds (a blue pencil)

Then he asks the second player a question:

What color is the pencil?- What color is the pencil? (wat kala from ze pensil) [wɒt ‘kʌlʌ ɪz ðə ˈpensl]

The second player starts guessing:

Is it red?- He is red? (from it ed) [ɪz ɪt red]

First member:

No, it isn't.

Is it yellow?- He is yellow? (from it Yelou) [ɪzɪt ˈjeləʊ]

No, it isn't.- No. (know, it iznt) [ ‘nəʊ ɪt ‘ɪznt]

Is it blue?- Is it blue? (from it blu) [ɪz ɪt bluː]

Yes, it is.- Yes. (eu it from) [ ˈjes it ‘iz]

It is also good to remember colors in English for children to help your questions on a walk, when cleaning toys - “What color is this?”. How more exercise the memorization you do, the faster and more lasting the effect will be.

So, as you can see, remembering the names of flowers in English will not be difficult for either adults or children. Now you can go further in learning English. And most importantly - do not forget from time to time to return to the passed words and use them in combination with the newly learned ones.

Color memory exercise

To consolidate the result, right now, you can go through the online exercise. We wish you success!

Complete the sentence with the missing word (color name)

Complete the sentences with the correct word combinations

Make an offer

    Colors bright I like ... colors bright I like ... colors bright I like ... colors bright I like .

    Healthy yummy and are red fruit ... healthy yummy and are red fruit ... healthy yummy and are red fruit ... healthy yummy and are red fruit ... healthy yummy and are red fruit ... healthy yummy and are red fruits.

If you are interested in learning English quickly and effectively, then register in our online learning service Lim English and start exciting classes!

How not to let your child get bored and not turn learning into torture.

In this article you will find all the information about how tocolors in english with translation for children. As well as games, interesting memory rhymes and much more to help your child learn English titles colors.

The human eye can distinguish a huge number of shades of our bright and diverse world. The average person is well versed in about 150 primary colors, but a professional can already distinguish up to 10 thousand shades under certain conditions.

But for children, everything is much simpler: in order to understand the world around them and describe it, they need to know only a few basic colors in their native language. Today we will tell you how best to submit basiccolors in english for kids,so that they would be interested, and parents would not get bored.

Basic colors and concepts

Before you teach a child colors, you need to be sure that you yourself know the basic concepts and definitions.

color. This is how the word "color" is translated into English.

Note that the "-ur" ending is the British spelling. In American English, this word would be spelled "color". Itis among the top differences between British and American English, which you can read more about in. By the way, the gray color will also have different spellings: gray (BrE) and gray (AmE).

Each color has a huge number of shades (shades), they can be warm (warm) or cold (cool), neutral (neutral) or saturated (intense / vibrant).

There are 15 primary colors (primary colors), which are considered basic and are the basis for other shades.

Of these, 3 are neutral:

  • white - white
  • black - black
  • gray

And 12 - the rest:

  • red - red
  • orange - orange
  • brown - brown
  • beige - beige
  • yellow - yellow
  • light-green - light green
  • green - green
  • light blue
  • blue-green - blue-green (sea green)
  • blue - blue
  • violet / purple - purple
  • pink / magenta - pink / purple

If you need English for kids - colorsYou don't have to learn everything at once. Start with the primary colors: red (red), green (green), blue (blue), yellow (yellow) and, of course, do not forget about black (black) and white (white).

You can designate complex colors by simply adding the two main names. For example: red-orange (red-orange), blue-violet (blue-violet) and so on. However, suchcolors in english for kidsshould be used only when the child is already well aware of the names of the primary colors. And how to learn them for a baby - read below.

Learn Colors: Games and Memos

The easiest way for a child to remember the colors that often surround him in Everyday life and in subjects familiar to him. Fruits and vegetables are good for this purpose. Learning in this waycolors, english for kidswill not be another boring activity, but an exciting game. And parents, in turn, will be able to easily feed the child useful products which is sometimes not so easy to do.

Check out the refrigerator. Which of the products available there can clearly demonstrate color to a child? Here are the most simple examples: green apple, orange carrot, yellow banana, red tomato, white milk, brown potato and so on. True, not all of them can be found in the refrigerator, so it is better to take children's toys or cards as examples of colors such as purple, pink, blue, beige and black.

For training, ask your child questions about the color of an object in English. So you will not only repeat the colors with him, but also learn the names of the things around you. Visual demonstrations are one of better ways memorization not only for children, but also for adults, because visual memory is also connected to auditory memory. If you don't have the items you need, you can always use ready-made picture cards or other simple and clear images.

Even during everyday activities and games with children, you can start a dialogue game with them and ask questions about colors:

What color is this apple? (What color is this apple?)
- It's green. (It's green)
- What color is this banana? (What color is this banana?)
- It's yellow. (He is yellow)

One of the good and versatile items for learning colors with a child is regular colored pencils. The standard set contains all the colors you need to learn, and the process itself can easily be turned into another game.

Ask your child questions about color, taking different pencils out of the box one by one:

What color is this pencil? (What color is this pencil?)
- It's pink. (He's pink)
- And what color is this one? (What color is this one?)
- Blue. (Blue)

The same pencils can be used to create color cards. Cut out rectangles from white cardboard and color them, signing each of them with a color in English. Cards can be taken with you and entertain the child during a walk. For example, taking out a green card, ask him to remember the name of the color and find it on the street. The child, in turn, must find a green object (grass, leaves, etc.) and show it to you.

When the child knows the basic names of colors and can easily distinguish them, you can move on to more complex exercises at home, which will not only help him remember the colors, but also keep him busy for a while.

To get started, ask him to draw you the subject you learned color from. For example, yellow banana, red tomato, pink pig, etc. When the child can easily cope with this task, complicate it as follows: let the child draw something using an unusual color for this. Purple lemon (violet lemon), pink banana (pink banana) and more, what your imagination is capable of.

One of the most simple ways learning the primary colors is, of course, the rainbow (rainbow). It consists of seven bright colors, the names of which should already be known to the child in Russian. Therefore, when your baby can name all the colors of the rainbow in the correct order without errors, then you can replace the Russian names of colors with English ones. For clarity, it is better to use the image of the rainbow or draw it yourself.

Play a confusing game with your child: take colored cards and, showing them to the baby, name the wrong color. He, in turn, must correct you and say the correct color in English. Believe me, the child will enjoy correcting you and “winning” in this game.

Another variant of the mindfulness game is to take it well known to the child cards, ask him to close his eyes, remove one of the colors and ask him to name the color that is missing.

Also, in learning colors in English with a child, parents will come to the aid of cartoons and educational videos. As a rule, all children's cartoons are bright and colorful. The main and secondary characters have their own distinctive colors, and that's exactly what you need to ask them to name the child during the next viewing.

There are many ways to make it funEnglish for kids. Colorsyou can also teach with the help of special verses and "treaties." These are such short rhyming couplets that end in the name of a certain color in English.

Here are some of them:

I'll catch fish in the sea
In the sea blue, blue - blue

Hey, take a look here:
Jumping bunny gray - gray

Ripe, fresh apple color
In English red - red

White snow in winter flies
White, in English - white

White snow began to melt
And the earth turns black

We picked ripe apples
Yellow-yellow means - yellow

Orange box full
All orange

The boy Styopa ate the grapes,
Purple he is purple

Frog, look
All so green - green

We all like chocolate
He is brown, he is brown

Pink color - pink

You can always come up with your own agreements and rhymes.

There is also an English verse for memorizing flowers and things around the child:

Let's learn the colors song together
An apple is red, a lemon is yellow
Leaves are green, the sky is blue
Carrot is orange, berries are purple
Night and day for black and white
Rainbows are always bright

Let's sing a flower song together
Apple - red, lemon - yellow
The leaves are green, the sky is blue
Carrots - orange, berries - purple
Night and day - black and white
Rainbows are always bright

And here is a funny song with color memorization actions:

If you are wearing red, shake your head.
If you are wearing blue, touch your shoe.
If you are wearing green, bow to the queen.
If you are wearing yellow, shake like Jell-O.
If you are wearing black, pat your back.
If you are wearing brown, turn around.

If you're wearing red, shake your head.
If you're wearing blue, touch your boot.
If you wear green - bow to the queen.
If you wear yellow - shake like jelly.
If you're wearing black, pat yourself on the back.
If you're wearing brown, turn around.

As you can see, it's not that complicated.English: colors for kids- a simple and fascinating topic, if you approach it creatively. Here are some more tips for learning colors with kids:

  • Look in the mirror

We often need colors to describe someone's appearance. Start with yourself and your child. Name your eye color (I have green eyes - I have green eyes) and ask the child to say what color his eyes are. Remember with him the colors of the eyes of mom, dad, grandma, grandpa and other family members.

  • Look around

It will be easy enough for a child to learn colors when he sees them in front of him regularly. For example, when taking a banana out of the refrigerator, ask the child to remember its color in English (yellow), ask what T-shirt he wants to wear today (black, white or blue - black, white or blue), what color is his toothbrush, cup and so on.

  • Make stickers

Connect visual memory to the study of colors: choose objects at home that best match a particular color and stick stickers with the name of the color on them. After that, you can complicate the task and add the name of the subject itself, so that the child expands his lexicon. For example: brown chair (brown chair), white lamp ( white lamp), red book (red book), etc.

  • repeat

As soon as you learn the basic colors in English with your child, look for any convenient occasion for their practice. It is best to talk about everything that meets the child around. At the same time, it is worth making simple, but whole sentences, and not learning colors out of context. Let the child name the color of a certain object not just like that (blue, yellow, green), but with a complete sentence: The sky is blue (The sky is blue), The grass is green (Green grass), This bus is yellow (This bus is yellow), etc. .d. This will help him, firstly, immediately form speech and be able to express his thoughts more fully, and, secondly, will allow him to expand his basic vocabulary.

We hope you have found a lot in this article. useful tips and ideas on how fun it is to learn colors in English with your child so that he remembers them for a lifetime.

Hello kids, their parents, nannies and teachers!

I noticed a long time ago that along with numbers, children love to learn words for colors in English. Apparently, therefore, according to the well-known law "The more interesting, the faster", they remember such words with lightning speed!

If you don't believe us, let's check it out right now! And let's start with songs and videos, which, I'll tell you, are just an abundance on the Internet. But I have chosen the best ones for you! And she provided a dictionary with a translation of those without a single Russian word))

So, learning colors in English for kids is our goal today! Go...

balloon - balloon
bye-bye - bye-bye
say "bye-bye" to all the beautiful balloons - say "bye-bye" to all the beautiful balloons!

Let "s learn the colors song together - Let's sing a song of flowers together
Apple is red - red apple
Leaves are green - leaves are green
Lemon is yellow - yellow lemon
Sky is blue - the sky is blue
Carrot is orange - orange carrots
Berries are purple - purple berries
Flowers are pink - pink flowers
Night and day for black and white - Night and day for black and white
Rainbows are always bright - rainbows are always bright

What colors do you like? - What colors do you like?
I like blue sky - I love the blue sky
I like green grass - I love green grass
I like purple butterflies - I love purple butterflies
I like yellow daisies - I love yellow daisies
Pink and orange sunsets - pink-orange sunsets
I like white - snowy white - I love white - snow white
Black of the night - Black as night
I like the brown of the earth in the ground - I love brown like the earth
I like blueberry-pie - I love blueberry pie
Green cabbage and broccoli - green cabbage and broccoli
I like yellow corn - I love yellow grain
Orange carrots too - orange carrots too
White mashed potato - white mashed potatoes
And a brown gravy stew
I like red strawberries - I love red strawberries
Purple grapes - purple grapes
I like pink grapefruit - I love pink grapefruit

There are also a lot of interesting things in Russian-language videos, but keep in mind that if the child is not more than 3 years old, it is better for him to show only the English-language versions (those above). If he's older, it's up to you to decide. And if his age is approaching 8 years or more, then a video with Russian comments will be just right!

And here they are:

It's time to add to this riot of emotions and voiced cards in the form of a table (under it you will find a file for printing), which will help you repeat the colors and come up with different games with them.

The following game came to my mind: The kid chooses any card from your hands at random. When he sees a color, you are together or he himself must remember the word corresponding to the color, and then you go in search of an object of that color - at home, in the garden, on the street! When this stage is completed (several such sessions are required), you can do the opposite - show the baby an object and ask him to find a card with the appropriate color and pronounce it. Or you offer him two oral options, and he chooses.

You can invent games on the go - it's very easy and fun!

By the way, if you need a word with transcription, there is a service in the sidebar on the right that can provide it to you. Just enter the word and click "Transcribe"

And we continue:






File for downloading and printing cards with colors and words in English

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I will also be glad to your comments with your questions, wishes or thoughts on today's topic.

The article has a large number of materials for learning English.

Colors in English with translation and transcription for children, toddlers, beginners: table, writing

Learning colors in is an important part of learning English. It is not difficult to memorize them, since the words are quite simple in pronunciation, and thanks to the clarity, funny songs and reinforcing cartoons, the lessons are fun and effective, both for children and adults.

In English, there are primary (most commonly used) colors and additional ones. You should study them, depending on what age you are, what materials in English you work with and what you need the language for (colloquial, business, literary).

IMPORTANT: Adults should learn colors, reinforcing knowledge with colloquial phrases, dialogues, poems. It is useful for children to watch cartoons and learn funny theme songs, as well as play simple games using the learned material.

Primary colors (names and transcription) and visualizations for memorization:

Translation of rainbow colors into English with translation and transcription

Fun and easy to remember colors using rainbow. As you know, this natural phenomenon has 7 primary colors most commonly used in speech. Invite your child to watch an educational cartoon with a rainbow, make a rainbow from plasticine or cut it out of colored paper, draw with pencils or paints, naming each color in English and fixing the material.

IMPORTANT: The "English" rainbow has a slight difference from the usual "Russian". The fact is that the "Russian" rainbow has two related colors: blue and cyan. In turn, "English" - purple and lilac. This happened because the color blue and cyan in most cases in English is pronounced like blue. In rare cases, you can find such a designation as sky blue(sky blue, i.e. blue). But purple and lilac in English have a completely different sound: purple And lilac(lilac).

Video: “A song about a rainbow in English - The Rainbow Colors Song”

Song about colors in English for children: words with translation

Learning funny songs, singing them and playing with musical accompaniment, it is much easier to memorize new words, use them in speech and improve your knowledge. There is a large selection of thematic songs, the main thing is to be able to interest a child in them, cheer him up with songs and entertain him with musical cartoons.

See the lyrics below for the lyrics.

Video: "Song about colors in English"

Poems in colors in English for children: words with translation

As an alternative to songs, English-language rhymes about colors can become. They help not only memorize new vocabulary, but also train the correct pronunciation of words.

Poems about colors in pictures:

Cartoons about colors in colors in English for children: list, video

Cartoons and video lessons are very effective in learning English for children. Their visual memory is more developed than other skills. Cartoons are a favorite entertainment for children and they will gladly accept this form of activity.

Exercises, assignments for colors in English for children with translation

Creative and interesting tasks for children will not only be able to interest them and teach them new vocabulary, but also help the child have fun, as well as usefully spend time. For work, it is important to have a set of colored paints, pencils or felt-tip pens.


Task: Write the names of fruits and vegetables, color them and name their colors correctly

Color games in English with translation and transcription

Games are one of the favorite activities of children in English lessons. While playing, you can also get acquainted with new words and consolidate vocabulary.

Picture game options:

Task: Recognize and name the colors obtained by mixing paints

Color cards for learning English for children with translation and transcription: photo

Flashcards for learning English always help to study the material. Cards can be used for games, creative projects, and as visual aids.

IMPORTANT: The cards suggested in the article can be printed and used in English lessons.


How to speak, read, pronounce in English, colors in English in Russian: video, translation, transcription

The names of other colors will also come in handy. English language. Below you will also find a video of the correct pronunciation of words.

Video: “Colors in English. Learn the names of colors in English "

How will the word color be in English: translation with transcription

The word "color" in English

How will the color of hair, skin be in English: translation with transcription

Knowing the colors of eyes, hair, and skin can be useful in describing a person's appearance.

Video: "How to teach a child a foreign language?"