Download the presentation for the game game. Children's electronic presentations and clips

Completed by: Kabankova N.V. Checked by: Gulyaeva V.A. Types of children's games and their impact on child development cognitive sphere of preschoolers in different age periods 5. Conclusion 6. Source What is a "game" Game, a type of unproductive activity, where the motive lies not as a result of it, but in the process itself. Types of children's games outdoor games (help improve children's health, develop movements) building games (with cubes, special building materials) didactic games (specially designed for children, for example, loto to enrich natural science knowledge) role-playing games (games in which children imitate everyday, labor and social activities of adults, for example, games at school, daughters - mothers) story games, (in addition to cognitive purpose, they develop children's initiative, creativity, observation) creative games, are aimed not only at developing the baby's imagination, but also contribute to the formation child's personality. A game for a child is not only a favorite and main activity. The most important thing is that play prepares the child for adulthood. The game shows the child what to do in a given situation. Learn to do the right thing in certain circumstances. The influence of games on the development and psyche of a child The role of toys in the development of the cognitive sphere of preschoolers in different age periods A toy is an object that serves for fun and entertainment, but at the same time is a means of a child's mental development. Collapsible toys, a variety of designers, exercise children in analysis, synthesis and generalization. Various mosaics contribute to the development of concentration and stability of attention. Children use visual-active thinking to explore the wide variety of connections found in the world around them. Conclusion The leading activity in preschool age is the game, and toys are its means, so most children's games are associated with the use of a variety of toys. The value of toys in the upbringing of children is great. A toy is an indispensable companion of childhood and the most important tool of the game. Source 1) The influence of toys on the mental development of the child preschool age[Electronic resource]: online store of soft toys. - URL: ( - 05 - 11 - 25) (13.02.2013). 2) Monster toys. Their influence on the child's psyche [Electronic resource]: ( t/igrushki_chudovishha_ikh_vlijanie/27 - 1 - 0 - 16) (13.02.2013). 3) The influence of toys on the child's psyche [Electronic resource]: online store of children's toys VGA WOODEN TOYS. - URL: ( - bin/toys.cgi?stp=art_card&id=727) (02/13/2013).

Relevance of the topic

Sooner or later, even the best computer game can get boring. Also, recently you can often hear a phrase like "I was waiting for this game, but it did not live up to my expectations." Indeed, games sometimes do not correspond to our desires, and sometimes the thought flashes through our heads “What if I made a game ...”

So is it necessary to go to the store for a new game?

Not at all! At the moment, there are many designers (editors) computer games

Computer game designers


With the help of the program "3D game designer" you can create an unlimited number of your own unique games, even if you are not familiar with programming.

A few clicks of the mouse and your dream game becomes a reality!


AT FPS Creator x10 creating a beautiful shooter is easy, if you want to make something really unique, then you will need to break your head a little over simple scripts, plot, well, or create unique models in 3DMAX, etc.

I would like to add that in this version FPS Creator the implementation of water, bloom and various effects has been completely added. Your character can swim, dive.


3D Game Studio - a full-fledged game designer, a whole system for creating three-dimensional games. But rather, even more than a constructor. It allows you to create games of any genre, and acts more like an engine. In addition, it supports its own programming language called C-script

3D Rad - this software is completely free for commercial and non-commercial use. 3D Rad allows you to create games of any genre. There is a possibility of scripting. There is a possibility of visual construction of AI. There is a convenient editor in which you can create game levels. Creating a game in 3D Rad it's not hard work. A simple game without a single line of code can be created in an hour. AT 3D Rad you will be able to create a game and connect it to the website.


Quest3d it is a multifunctional system for developing real-time applications. Many singles studios and professionals around the world use Quest3D to visualize your projects. Flexibility and controllability of the system allows it to be used in any area

game maker

Game Maker is a program for creating computer games. Creating games in it does not require prior knowledge of any of the programming languages. A game in Game Maker is built as a set of game objects whose behavior is set by programming reactions to events

It is designed mainly for the creation of two-dimensional (2D) games of any genre. Also suitable for creating various presentations, etc. It can be recommended for children to learn programming.

Comparative analysis of computer game editors

The 3d game maker

Easy to master

Fps creator x10

3d objects

Built-in library



game maker

Programming skills

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Presentation "Games with ready-made content and rules"

Presentation "Games with ready-made content and rules"

The game is the leading activity of preschoolers

The value of play for a preschool child

The game affects the development of all cognitive processes: thinking, attention, memory and, of course, imagination.

In the game, the child actively communicates with peers. This affects his communication skills.

During the game, the mental activity of the child develops

The game is a way of processing the impressions and knowledge received from the outside world

Didactic games

Children solve mental problems proposed to them in an entertaining way, and in a game situation, the child understands the very need to acquire new knowledge and methods of action.

Games with objects

Toys and real items

Board printed games

word games

Outdoor games

Outdoor games have great potential for a beneficial effect on the health and physical development of children.

Outdoor games contribute to the education of intelligence, observation, attention, imagination, the development of positive feelings.

Outdoor games are based on a variety of movements: running, throwing, climbing, jumping.

Music games

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THE FIRST COMPUTER GAMES The first attempt to give the computer a gaming edge took place in 1952. This possibility appeared when a cathode ray tube was connected to the monitor. The monitor showed the state of one of the mercury delay lines, which were used as RAM. And although a patent for such an "entertainment device" was filed in the United States back in 1948, this device had nothing to do with a computer. And there was no official evidence of its implementation either. The pioneer of computer games was the Tic-Tac-Toe game (quite familiar to us in the form of a board game). The most ordinary, with a field of 3x3 cells. The biggest problem was not the limited power of computers, but the limitation of computer time. After all, the main areas of use of computers were military, government and scientific. Only six years later did the second known to the world computer game. And this despite the rapid improvement of computer technology! The game was called "Tennis for Two", but apart from the name, little information about the game has been preserved. It was a "video game" and unlike the turn-based counterparts, where players can take a break and reflect, here you had to act in real time, controlling a tennis player. The game was presented as a standard oscilloscope connected to an analog computer. Two devices for control were also attached. One "prototype" was built at the Brookhaven Laboratory, USA. A real breakthrough in the world of computer games was created in 1962 at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the game SpaceWar! For the first time it was developed for this game game controller. For the first time, a virtual world appears - primitive, but having no analogue in the real world. SpaceWar Game! was designed for the PDP-1 computer by DEC. Since the company distributed the game along with the computer as a test program, SpaceWar! soon became popular around the world, receiving the status of a mass game.

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The influence of computer games on a person. With the advent of computer games, people who are interested in, playing and studying games have also appeared. Gamers are people who play computer games and are interested in them. Perhaps the same term can also be used to refer to people who are addicted to computer games. Gamers are people who are not particularly dependent on computer games. But there are others who are even too carried away by them. They are called gamers. Gambling is considered a psychological addiction. Sometimes addiction reaches amazing limits. For example, in 2005, in October, one Chinese girl died of exhaustion. She played without leaving her computer for several days. The game is a pleasant thing, but there is also side effects. Often computer games depict military actions or any battles, as a result of which, after a long time spent in the game, aggression, anger, and rage may appear. Sometimes it happens that the emotions felt in the game go out into the real world, which sometimes has a negative effect on human and public relations. Also, there are examples of how people who have a lot of problems at work or at school, who have experienced some kind of misfortune or psychological shock, escape from reality into the world of computer games. This is one of the causes of addiction. In virtual reality, you do not think about your problems, you solve the tasks of the character given to you, which distracts you from the world around you. You immerse yourself in the game with your head and begin to forget about everything in the world. I think the following conclusion can be drawn from this: playing is not so bad, but, as they say, everything is good in moderation. You shouldn't get too carried away with this. Scientists advise to play a maximum of 3-4 hours a day. Beat game records, but know how to stop in time. But there are also positive aspects of computer games. Let's think about tutorials, simulations and games of this kind. For example, as far as I know, computer simulators are used to train drivers or pilots, for training and some practice of doctors and representatives of other specialties. Also, games are used for early preschool education children, to develop their attention and mental abilities, learning new skills. Such games can be puzzles, labyrinths and the same simulators of any kind of activity. In addition to all of the above, there are programs for creating something: for example, music, movies / cartoons, other games, etc. Simply put, electronic music. (of course, not necessarily that it is). The principle of operation is based on the manipulation of the contrast of the image, which allows a person, as it were, to re-learn to represent the world with two eyes.

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Negative aspects of computer games. The biggest danger posed by computer games is the emergence of gambling addiction. This is a real deviation of the psyche, requiring the help of a qualified doctor and the support of relatives and friends. A person who has succumbed to addiction to computer games literally lives in virtual reality, only occasionally going offline. The extreme degree of gambling addiction is when a gamer loses his appetite (he does not want to leave the games even for eating) and sleep (he spares time to rest and even in his sleep continues to conquer worlds and kill enemies). The worst thing about this addiction is that it usually starts quite harmlessly, without arousing suspicion from loved ones. That is why it is so difficult to fight gambling addiction - when it becomes obvious, it is impossible to pull the gambler out of her tentacles so easily. The harm of computer games for children is especially noticeable, among which adolescents are a special risk group. Their fragile psyche in a matter of days lends itself negative influence games, and the problem of how to tear off the child from the computer becomes acute for parents. In addition, children, unlike adults, do not know the measure and have a worse sense of time - it seems to them that they spent only a few minutes at the computer, while several hours have already passed. However, the harm of computer games also affects adults. And if an adult can and should be next to a teenager who is obliged to snatch him from gambling addiction, then few people follow an adult gamer. And by the way, computer games, along with drunkenness and betrayal, are becoming one of the most popular causes of divorce in young families. Well, what kind of wife would like a husband who spends all his free time not with his family, but surrounded by virtual robots, zombies and killers? In addition, over time, the gamer becomes inattentive, distracted, he does not get along with his work, he ignores his duties. Gambling addiction causes the collapse of the family, problems at work, leads to depression and loneliness. Many gamers go further and are willing to spend money to take advantage of paid services in online games. Become the strongest and coolest in a few minutes, without "pumping" your hero for several months - well, who doesn't dream about it? And the creators of online games "helpfully" slip the players this opportunity. Of course not free. And since everything is not limited to one game, money slowly begins to flow away from the family, the gamer eventually gets into debt, real life begins to resemble a living hell, but in virtual life he is a king, a god and a super hero. Such is the price of gambling addiction. In addition, constant sitting at the computer can cause negative consequences: vision will deteriorate, problems with excess weight and the musculoskeletal system will arise, and hands will become swollen.

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Positive aspects of computer games. Do you still believe, after reading everything, that computer games can be useful? It turns out that it really can be! First of all, you should pay attention to the varieties of computer games that contribute to the development of intelligence, logic, attention, memory and other qualities. These are various logic games, puzzles, rebuses. Strategies occupy a special place among such games. Such games do not require increased attention, speed, eye strain. They are measured and designed for a long pastime. They can be interrupted at any time without the risk of being killed or eaten. There are a number of educational computer games for the youngest children from 3 to 5 years old. They will teach the baby letters and numbers, introduce the world of animals and plants, have a beneficial effect on the development of the emotional sphere, contribute to the development of hand motor skills (manipulating the joystick, mouse and keyboard), visual memory, musical ear. The benefits of computer games for younger students are also obvious - a lot of educational games have been developed for them that will help deepen their knowledge in a particular area, teach them to act in different situations, contribute to the formation of perseverance, concentration, attentiveness. With the help of computer games, you can unobtrusively teach a child foreign languages, improve his knowledge of a particular subject, develop “limping” qualities and abilities. Of course, the computer should not become the only source of development for your child - books that develop board games, constructors, puzzles and of course, parental attention and affection as an integral companion of all activities. That is why the direct responsibility of parents is not to forbid the child to interact with the computer, thereby causing resentment and aggression, provoking him to escape to Internet clubs (where, for sure, no one will offer him educational games, but will load him with shooters and walkers), but to choose the most optimal for him, options for computer games, draw up a lesson plan for them, allow him to play “harmful” shooters for a certain time limit, stimulate the child to relax not only in the virtual world, but also in the real world. Harm and benefit of computer games. What do we have as a result? As it turned out, everything depends on the sense of proportion and the variety of the game. Virtual reality should not take up all the free time of a person, it should not provoke him to cruelty, develop aggression and anger in him. It should be just one of the options for recreation, along with sports, outdoor walks, reading books, watching movies, meeting friends.

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Types of computer games Now developed a wide variety of computer games, and their creators are releasing new ones. Since the creation of computer games refers to the support of the entertainment sector, their classification is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Often the developer firm cannot clearly indicate the genre new game, as it intends to sell this software product to a larger number of end users, without narrowing the circle of potential buyers by topic. Usually computer games are divided into several types: quests, action, role-playing games (RPG), strategies, simulations, logic and gambling. Quests - carry out the journey of one or more characters to the goal by overcoming various difficulties. Action (action) - games from the first person - popular rpg-shooters. Role-playing games or RPGs - the player plays the role of a certain character and performs the tasks assigned to him. Strategy and logic games imitate the activities of a manager. Simulators simulate driving a car, a spaceship, an airplane, etc. Gambling and logical well develop mental activity. LET'S CONSIDER AN EXAMPLE OF GAMES OF THESE GENRES.

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GENRE: QUEST (Quest) Quest (eng. quest), or adventure game (eng. adventure game) - one of the main genres of computer games, which is an interactive story with the main character controlled by the player. The most important elements of the game in the genre of the quest are the actual storytelling and exploration of the world, and the solution of puzzles and tasks that require mental effort from the player plays a key role in the gameplay. Such elements characteristic of other genres of computer games as battles, economic planning and tasks that require the player to react quickly and respond quickly are minimized or absent in quests. Chimeras 2: Signs of Prophecy DESCRIPTION: A mysterious detective is invited to Munich. Something strange is happening in the city. The coachman said that when he was driving a passenger, he heard a terrible scream. But looking into the carriage, he saw only a pile of dust. The detective faces a difficult investigation.

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GENRE: Action solutions. The action of such games develops very dynamically and requires a high concentration of attention and a quick reaction to the events taking place in the game. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive DESCRIPTION: Counter-Strike (abbr. - CS; translated from English. "Counterstrike") - a series of team computer games in the first-person shooter genre, based on the GoldSource engine, originally appeared as a modification of the game Half- life. In total, five versions of the game were released in the main series, the latest of which is Counter-Strike 1.6. There are also separate parts, for example, Counter-Strike: Condition Zero (multiplayer with single tasks) and Condition Zero: Deleted Scenes (story game), based on the GoldSource engine, as well as Counter-Strike: Source, based on more

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Genre: Role playing (RPG) Role-playing game- a game of educational or entertaining purpose, a type of dramatic action, the participants of which act within the framework of their chosen roles, guided by the nature of their role and the internal logic of the action environment; together they create or follow an already created plot. The actions of the game participants are considered successful or not in accordance with accepted rules. Players are free to improvise within the chosen rules, determining the direction and outcome of the game. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim DESCRIPTION: Years after the defeat of the hordes of Oblivion, the inhabitants of Tamriel managed to forget about the danger, and life went on as usual. But defeating Mehrunes Dagon only delayed the inevitable Daedra invasion. The hour is not far off when the skies of Skyrim will open up in a merciless bloody rain, and the earth will be engulfed in flames erupting from the dragon's mouth.

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GENRE: STRATEGY person. The objective of the strategy is the efficient use of available resources to achieve the main goal (strategy as a way of action becomes especially necessary in a situation where there are not enough available resources to directly achieve the main goal). Tactics is a tool for implementing the strategy and is subordinated to the main goal of the strategy. The strategy achieves the main goal through the solution of intermediate tactical tasks along the "resources - goal" axis. Command and Conquer 4: Tiberian Twilight DESCRIPTION: In 2062, humanity was on the verge of extinction. Because of tiberium, a mysterious alien mineral that has infected the Earth and caused a bloody war between the Global Security Council (GSC) and the Brotherhood of NOD, the planet is practically empty. In the midst of the crisis, Kane, the leader of the NOD Brotherhood, informed the GDI that he had developed a system that would allow him to control tiberium and harness its power. However, Kane needed the help of the GDI to create a network for managing tiberium. Thus, two opposing factions have joined forces in order to prevent the disappearance of mankind from the face of the Earth. 15 years after these events, the network was practically created. Tiberius is under strict control, and the Earth has entered a new era of prosperity and prosperity. And only now the population of the Earth began to wonder: why did Kane decide to help everyone and what would he demand for this help? All questions will be answered in Command & Conquer 4: Epilogue. Kane. GSB. GCD. Tiberius. What is the ending? Find out about all the events of this story in the game Command & Conquer 4: Epilogue.

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GENRE: SIMULATION Simulators - simulators, mechanical or computer, simulating the control of any process, apparatus or vehicle. Most often now the word "simulator" is used in relation to computer programs (usually games). Pilots, cosmonauts, and high-speed train drivers train with the help of computer-mechanical simulators that absolutely accurately reproduce the interior of the vehicle's cabin. Simulators are software and hardware tools that create the impression of reality by displaying some of the real phenomena and properties in a virtual environment. Farming Simulator 2015 DESCRIPTION: The most famous farming simulator is back with new features! Explore the multifaceted world of modern farming, where you will find a lot of exciting, albeit challenging activities, including animal husbandry and agriculture, harvesting and marketing products. Create your own farm in any of the presented picturesque corners of the planet - this season, among others, you can choose a new Scandinavian region. And do not be too lazy to make acquaintances with new neighbors - they can provide you with invaluable help in completing tasks.

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GENRE: GAMBLING Gambling (French jeu de hasard - literally “game of chance”, before the revolution in Russia they wrote “gamble”, from the outdated “gamble” - to take risks), sometimes gambling (from English gambling) - a game, in in which the gain depends entirely or to a large extent not on the skill of the players, but on chance. The term currently has the following economic definition: betting on money or any material value on an event with a dubious outcome with the main intention of making a profit or material values. Gambling depends more on chance than on the skill of the players, and the size of the bets is assigned arbitrarily and can be changed by the players, and the main interest is directed not to the process of the game, but to its outcome. DESCRIPTION: TEXAS HOLD'EM POKER 2 Texas hold'em has its own rules and features. Each player receives two so-called "pocket cards": they are closed from other players. Next, Texas Hold'em online goes according to the following scheme. After the participants have received "pocket cards", five cards are placed on the table during the game, open to everyone sitting at the table. The rules and main strategies in the online version are no different from the standard Texas Hold'em. To form combinations of five cards, two cards are used that are dealt into hands, as well as five cards that are opened on the table. Hold'em is poker in which the pot is formed during the game. The winner is the participant at the table who was able to collect the best combination. TEXAS HOLD'EM POKER 2

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