Methodology for diagnosing the level of speech development of children. Diagnosis of speech development in preschoolers

Galina Kasimovna Utemisheva
Analytical report on the results of diagnosing the level of speech development of children

Analysis of children's diagnostics in the group as of February 2015 identified 3 level of speech development. By the results of the diagnosis of children Children were enrolled in the speech therapy group senior group and children remaining in the second year of study. Total 14 people: 12 children with ONR and 2 children with FFNR.

Analyzing the data of speech development of children, 2 children with 2 level of speech development - Zagaidze Artyom, Ukraintsev Vladislav. Artyom began to show speech activity, it became easier to get in touch with peers and adults. During school year regular speech therapy work was carried out with him. The selection of material was carried out taking into account individual speech disorders and characteristics of the child.

The second group includes Katya Osokina, Maxim Saprychev, Maxim Stepanov, Vladislav Denshchikov. These children began to pronounce disturbed sounds more distinctly, they can make different types suggestions, actively communicate with peers. Difficulties are still caused by complex words. Prepositions are not always used correctly. Planned work on interaction with the educators of the group. The parents of these children proposed advisory work.

With the help of exercises of general articulation gymnastics, she continued to work on activating the articulation apparatus children and the formation of the correct pronunciation of disturbed sounds;

AT game form the formation of correct physiological and speech breathing was carried out; children have learned to use speeches verbs in different tense forms;

The use of nursery rhymes and poems in the classroom contributed to development of children's reactions on intonation and facial expressions, memory developed, thinking and attention;

continued to attract children to active participation in the dramatization of fairy tales, game plots;

- development phonemic hearing was facilitated by exercises to distinguish between non-speech sounds (did games were used, CDs with audio recordings were listened to);

She continued to work out the correct articulation of sounds and clear pronunciation of the text during finger games, the rhythmic execution of movements "palm-fist-rib", consolidated the ability to alternately connect the fingers on the hands, children are able to carry out self-massage of the fingers.

Work on general and fine motor skills was carried out in close cooperation with educators and parents (games with beads, mosaic, tracing along the contour and pattern, typing in notebooks, shading);

Used in individual work notebooks for graphics, contributing to their development in children the ability to use a template, a quality skill to hold a pencil correctly and perform tasks graphically correctly;

Continued development of children various ways word formation and inflection.

Children began to understand the change in the meaning of words, the syllabic structure improved;

During a dialogue or conversation, children began to answer questions correctly, change the strength of their voice, choose the right pace speeches.

By the middle of the year, their phrasal speech became more deployed, and children freely communicate with others. Isolated sounds in self speeches began to be more clearly pronounced. Sound pronunciation has been improved. Dictionary children significantly replenished with generalizing concepts, but not all children understand the meanings of complex words. The use of game moments, a variety of exercises for memory development, thinking, attention contributed development cognitive activity. At children developed the ability to compare, generalize. They began to navigate better on a sheet of paper, fine motor skills of the hands became more active.

In my work, I began to use testoplasty, sand. Significantly improved mobility of the speech apparatus. Fixed shortcomings in the pronunciation of sounds and gross violations in the syllabic structure speeches.

In the middle of the year, these children showed an average level of speech development. The children began to use prepositions more often. It became easier for them to compose various types of sentences and to determine the number of words in a sentence. There are still difficulties children in education relative adjectives with different meanings. Normalization speeches in combination with the activation of cognitive activity, thinking, memory helps to ensure full readiness children to school.

Learn children use not only a subject dictionary, but also a dictionary of actions and features.

Continue to form a full-fledged sound side speeches(education of articulation skills, fixing the correct pronunciation, development phonemic perception, syllabic structure speeches).

Continue enriching the passive vocabulary, consolidate ideas on lexical topics.

To consolidate the skill of free use of the delivered sounds.

To teach practical skills of word formation and inflection.

To consolidate the ability to coordinate words in a sentence in gender, number and case.

Continue to learn how to make sentences on questions, stories on the picture.

Individual work on development fine motor skills hands in notebooks (completion of tasks in class and at home).

Regular monitoring by educators for a clear sound pronunciation of the child in the classroom and in free activities.

encourage children preparatory group for syllable-by-syllable reading. introduce children with the concept of letter and symbol. Use the sound alphabet in your work.

Group educators to expand the card file of games by development of fine motor skills.

Diagnosis of speech development of children preschool age[Text]: Toolkit/.- Red: MDOU "Kindergarten" Kolosok "s. Red”, 2010.-76s.

The manual contains short description speech of preschool children, as well as diagnosticmethods for examining different aspects of the speech of preschool children, recommended; , Grizik addressed to preschool educators, students of pedagogical colleges, parents interested in the high speech development of children.


1.Characteristics of children's speech………………………………………………………3

2.Methodology for examining the dictionary of children………………………………….........4

3 Methodology for examining the sound culture of speech ………………………....31

4. Methodology for examining the grammatical structure of speech…………………….49

5. Methodology for examining coherent speech………………………………………67



Speech - one of the main lines of child development. The native language helps the baby to enter our world, opens up wide opportunities for communication with adults and children. With the help of speech, the baby learns the world, expresses his thoughts and views. Normal speech development is necessary for a child to succeed in school.

Speech develops at a rapid pace, and normally, by the age of 5, he correctly pronounces all the sounds of his native language; owns a significant vocabulary; mastered the basics of the grammatical structure of speech; owns the initial forms of coherent speech (dialogue and monologue), allowing him to freely come into contact with people around him. At preschool age, an elementary awareness of the phenomena of the native language begins. The child comprehends the sound structure of the word, gets acquainted with synonyms and antonyms, with the verbal composition of the sentence, etc. He is able to understand the patterns of building a detailed statement (monologue), seeks to master the rules of dialogue. The formation of an elementary awareness of linguistic and speech phenomena develops the arbitrariness of speech in children, creates the basis for successful mastery of literacy (reading and writing). At preschool age, along with certain achievements, omissions and shortcomings in the child's speech development become obvious. Any delay, any disturbance in the course of the development of a child's speech negatively affects his activity and behavior, and the formation of the personality as a whole.

Purpose of the survey - to determine the initial level of speech development of each child and the group as a whole at the beginning of the school year; determine the effectiveness of work on speech development for the previous year (the dynamics of speech development for the year).

1. Characteristics of the speech of preschool children

younger age

Under favorable conditions of education, the assimilation of the sound system of the language occurs by the age of four (correct pronunciation, the formation of the intonation structure of speech, the ability to convey the elementary intonation of a question, request, exclamation). The child accumulates a certain vocabulary, which contains all parts of speech.

The prevailing place in the children's dictionary is occupied by verbs and nouns denoting objects and objects of the immediate environment, their action and state. The generalizing functions of words are actively formed in the child. Through the word, the child masters the basic grammatical forms: the plural appears, the accusative and genitive cases of nouns, diminutive suffixes, the present and past tense of the verb, the imperative mood; complex forms of sentences develop, consisting of main and subordinate clauses, causal, target, conditional and other connections expressed through conjunctions are reflected in speech. Children master the skills of speaking, express their thoughts in simple and complex sentences, and are led to compose coherent statements of a descriptive and narrative type. However, in the speech of many children of the fourth year of life, other features are also noted.

At this age, preschoolers may mispronounce (or not pronounce at all) hissing (w, w, h, u), sonorant (p, r, l, l) sounds. The intonation side of speech requires improvement, work is needed both on the development of the child's articulatory apparatus, and on the development of such elements of sound culture as those, diction, voice power.

Mastering the basic grammatical forms also has its own characteristics. Not all children are able to coordinate words in gender, number and case. In the process of constructing simple extended sentences, they omit individual members of the sentence. The problem of speech neoplasms, which are generated by the word-formation system of the native language, also comes out very clearly. The desire to create new words is dictated to the child by the creative development of the riches of his native language. A simple form of dialogical speech is available to children of the fourth year of life, but they are often distracted from the content of the question. The child's speech is situational, expressive presentation prevails.

Middle preschool age

The main direction of speech development in the fifth year of life is the development of coherent monologue speech. There are noticeable changes in the development of word formation methods, an explosion of word creation begins. Children get an initial idea of ​​the word as a sound process (it sounds, consists of sounds, sounds are pronounced one after another, sequentially). Children of this age have a very strong attraction to rhyme. They choose words, sometimes devoid of any meaning. But this activity itself is far from meaningless: it contributes to the development of speech hearing, forms the ability to select words that are similar in sound.

The child learns to correctly understand and use the terms word, sounds, sound, listen to the sounding word, independently find words that are different and similar in sound, determine the sequence of sounding sounds in a word, highlight certain sounds. This is the period of familiarization of children with the word - its semantic side (it makes sense, denotes some object, phenomenon, action, quality). The child's active vocabulary is enriched with words denoting the qualities of objects and actions performed with them. Children can determine the purpose of the object, functional signs (The ball is a toy: it is played). They begin to select words with opposite meanings, compare objects and phenomena, use generalizing words (nouns with a collective meaning).

This is the period of practical assimilation of the rules for the use of grammatical means. The speech of children is replete with grammatical errors, neologisms (“childish” words like “machine”, “knocked”, “creep”). Children master the morphological means of the language (coordination of words in gender, number, case, alternation of consonants in the stems of verbs and nouns). The child is brought to an understanding of the ambiguity of individual grammatical forms. He learns ways of word formation of nouns with suffixes of emotional-expressive evaluation, with suffixes meaning baby animals, as well as some ways of forming verbs with prefixes, degrees of comparison of adjectives.

Children learn the ability to build different types of statements- description and narration. When compiling stories, the understanding of the semantic side of speech, the syntactic structure of sentences, the sound side of speech are improved, that is, all those skills that a child of the fifth year of life needs to develop coherent speech. Speech activity increases and DUE with the fact that this is the age of "why". At the same time, there are violations in the speech of children of the fifth year of life. Not all children correctly pronounce hissing and sonorous sounds, some have insufficiently developed intonational expressiveness. There are also shortcomings in mastering the grammatical rules of speech (coordination of nouns and adjectives in gender and number, the use of the genitive plural). The speech of children from four to five years old is characterized by mobility and instability. They can focus on the semantic side of the word, but the exact use of the word causes difficulty for many children. Most children do not have the ability to build a description and narration to a sufficient degree: they violate the structure, sequence, do not have the ability to connect sentences and parts of a statement. This specification is approximate. The levels of speech development of children of the same age are very different. These differences are especially clear in the middle preschool age. First, by this time, most children learn the word - and sound pronunciation. Secondly, the child masters coherent speech and begins to build an independent statement, consisting at first of only a few sentences. The level of speech development of children of the fifth year of life can be identified by a method developed for junior group. However, some tasks are added and complicated.

senior preschool age

In children of senior preschool age, the development of speech reaches high level. Most children correctly pronounce all the sounds of their native language, can regulate the strength of the voice, the pace of speech, the intonation of the question, joy, surprise. By the senior preschool age, the child accumulates a significant vocabulary. Vocabulary enrichment continues ( vocabulary language, a set of words used by the child), the stock of words similar (synonyms) or opposite (antonyms) in meaning, polysemantic words increases.

Thus, the development of the vocabulary is characterized not only by an increase in the number of words used, but also by the child's understanding different meanings the same word (multi-valued). Movement in this regard is extremely important, since it is associated with an increasingly complete awareness of the semantics of the words that they already use.

At the senior preschool age, the most important stage of the speech development of children is basically completed - the assimilation of the grammatical system of the language. The amazing weight of simple common sentences, compound and complex sentences, is increasing. Children develop a critical attitude to grammatical errors, the ability to control their speech.

The most striking characteristic of the speech of older preschool children is the active assimilation or construction of different types of texts (description, narration, reasoning). In the process of mastering coherent speech, children begin to actively use different types connections of words within a sentence, between sentences and between parts of a statement, observing their structure (beginning, middle, end).

Children make mistakes in the formation of different grammatical forms. And of course, the correct construction of complex syntactic constructions is difficult, which leads to an incorrect combination of words in a sentence and the connection of sentences with each other when compiling a coherent statement.

The main shortcomings in the development of coherent speech are the inability to build a coherent text using all the structural elements (beginning, middle, end), to connect parts of the statement.

Speech tasks in relation to children of older preschool age are included in those sections as in previous ages, however, each task becomes more complicated both in content and in teaching methods.

Methods for identifying individual aspects of children's speech development. The section discusses individual methods that reveal the peculiarities of a child's possession of vocabulary, grammar, phonetics of the native language.

Levels of proficiency in speech skills and abilities, according to different sides speech development

younger age)

By the end of the year, children can:


1) form the names of animals and their cubs in the singular and plural, using diminutive suffixes (cat - cat - kitten - cat - kittens);

2) agree on nouns and adjectives in gender and number (fluffy kitten, little cat);

3) make simple and complex sentences using pictures together with an adult.


1) pronounce the sounds of the native language, their clear articulation in sound combinations and words;

2) clearly pronounce phrases using the intonation of the whole sentence and regulate the strength of the voice and the pace of speech.

Connected speech

1) answer questions about the content of the picture and write a short story together with an adult

2) reproduce the text of a well-known fairy tale;

3) compose a story from personal experience child;

4) use words denoting speech etiquette (thank you, please, hello).

Average age (4 - 5 years)

By the end of the year, children can:

1) Understand words that are close and opposite in meaning, as well as different meanings polysemantic word;

2) understand and use generalizing words (furniture, vegetables, dishes);

3) select signs, qualities and actions to the name of objects;

4) compare and name objects by size, color, size.


1) Correlate the names of animals and their cubs (fox - fox, cow - calf);

2) use verbs in the imperative mood (run, wave);

3) correctly coordinate nouns and adjectives in gender, number, case, focusing on the ending (fluffy cat, fluffy cat);

4) make sentences of different types.


1) Pronounce the sounds of the native language correctly;

2) find words that are similar and different in sound;

3) correctly use the moderate rate of speech, the power of the voice, intonation means of expression.

Connected speech

1) retell short tales and stories with previously unfamiliar content;

2) compose a story based on a picture or about a toy together with an adult;

3) describe the object depicted in the picture, naming signs, qualities, actions, expressing your assessment;

4) use a variety of polite forms of speech.

Senior age (5-6 l)

By the end of the year, children can:

1) activate adjectives and verbs, select words that are accurate in meaning to the speech situation;

2) select synonyms and antonyms for given words of different parts of speech;

3) understand and use different meanings of polysemantic words;


1) Form the name of the cubs of animals (fox - fox, cow - calf); select single-root words, coordinate nouns and adjectives in gender and number;

2) form difficult forms of the imperative and subjunctive mood (hide! Dance! I would look for); genitive case (hares, foals, lambs);

3) build complex sentences of different types.


1) Differentiate pairs sounds from-z, s-ts, w-zh, w-sh l-r to distinguish between whistling, hissing and sonorous sounds, hard and soft;

3) select words and phrases that sound similar.

Connected speech

1) In retelling literary works intonation convey the dialogue of characters, characterization of characters;

2) write a description, narrative or reasoning;

3) develop a storyline in a series of paintings, connecting parts of the statement with different types of connections.

2. Methodology for examining children's vocabulary

Examination technique according to (Strebeleva )

Average age (4-5 years)

1. Method "Show the picture."

Purpose: diagnosis of understanding by the child functional purpose items shown in the pictures.

Equipment: pictures depicting objects familiar to the child: a hat, mittens, glasses, a needle and thread, an umbrella, scissors.

Survey progress : pictures are laid out in front of the child, while the verbal instruction does not correspond to the sequence of the laid out pictures. The child must choose a picture among others based on the following verbal instructions: Show what people put on their heads when they go outside . - "What do people put on their hands in winter?" - "What is the button sewn on with?" - "What do people need to see better?" - "How do you cut paper?" - "What should I take outside if it's raining?" Fixed: the child's choice of a picture in accordance with the frost, the ability to name the objects depicted in the picture.

2.Methodology "Name what I will show."

Equipment: pictures depicting objects found in a child's life: an apple, a cup, a cat, a car, a carrot, a coat, a watch, sweets; pear, pan, cow, ship, bow, scarf, fox, decide, egg, bathrobe, sofa, elephant, plum, turtle, aquarium, monument. Pictures depicting activities familiar to children from their experience: reading, riding, feeding.

move examination: the adult consistently invites the child to look at pictures depicting various objects of action and name them. In cases of difficulty, the adult asks to show a certain picture, and then name it.

3.Methodology "Be careful."

Purpose: checking the subject and verb vocabulary.

Equipment: pictures depicting objects encountered in a child’s life: an apple, a cup, a cat, a car, a carrot, a coat, a watch, sweets, a pear, a saucepan, a cow, a ship, a scarf, a fox, a turnip, an egg, a dressing gown, a sofa, an elephant, plum, turtle, aquarium. Pictures depicting activities familiar to children from their experience: reading, rolling, feeding.

The course of the examination: the adult consistently invites the child to look at pictures depicting various objects of action and name them.

In cases of difficulty, an adult asks to show a certain picture, then name it.

4. Method "Name it in one word."

Purpose: testing the ability to summarize in one word objects and images in pictures, grouped according to a functional basis. toys - a car, a bunny, a bear, a pyramid, a nesting doll, pictures depicting several items: clothes and vegetables.

The course of the examination: the child is offered to look at pictures of clothes and vegetables, as well as toys and name them in one word.

5.Methodology "Say the opposite."

Target: diagnostics of the ability to use words denoting signs of objects.

Equipment: pictures depicting objects that have opposite signs: healthy-sick; clean - dirty, white-black; thick-thin; high Low.

move survey: the child is offered to play, picking up words-signs with the opposite meaning. For example: "One boy has clean hands, and the other - what?"

5.Methodology "Call it affectionately"

Target: diagnostics of the formation of the ability to form nouns with a diminutive-petting suffix.

Equipment: pictures depicting large and small objects: a flower - a flower, a hat - a hat, a ring - a ring, a bench - a bench.

move examination: the child is offered to consider and name pictures depicting large and small objects.

Senior age. (5-6 years)

Identification of vocabulary mastery (accuracy of word usage, use of different parts of speech).

1. Method "Name what it is?"

Purpose: to reveal the mastery of generalizing words.

Equipment: pictures depicting: clothes, fruits, furniture.

The course of the survey: an adult invites the child to consider a series of pictures and name them in one word (clothes, furniture). Then the adult asks the child to list flowers, birds and animals. Next, the child is offered to guess the object according to the description: “Round, smooth, juicy, sweet, fruit” (apple). Orange, long, sweet, growing in the garden, vegetable (carrot); green, long, delicious it is salty, it is delicious raw, who is he? (cucumber); red, round, juicy, soft, delicious, vegetable (tomato).

2. Methodology "Who moves how?"

Equipment: pictures of fish, birds, horses, dogs, cats, frogs, butterflies, snakes.

The course of the survey: an adult invites the child to answer the Questions: Fish.,. (floats) Bird.,. (flies). Horse .. (jumps). Dog... (runs) Cat... (sneaks, runs). Frog (how does it move?) - jumps. Butterfly. ..(flies).

3.Methodology "Name the animal and its cub."

Purpose: to identify the level of vocabulary formation.

Equipment: pictures of domestic and wild animals and their cubs.

The course of the examination: the child is shown a picture of one of the animals and is asked to name him and his cub. In cases of difficulty, an adult takes pictures and helps the child answer: “This is a cat, and she has a cub - a kitten. And this is a dog, what is the name of her cub?

4.Methodology "Choose a word."

Purpose: to identify the ability to select words denoting the quality of action.

The course of the examination: an adult invites the child to listen carefully to the phrase and choose the right word for it. For example: “The horse is running. How? Fast". The following phrases are offered: the wind blows ... (strongly); the dog barks ... (loudly); the boat is sailing ... (slowly); the girl whispers... (quietly).

Senior age (6-7 l)

1.Methodology "Explain the actions."

Purpose: to reveal the understanding of the semantic shades of the meanings of verbs formed in an affixal way (using prefixes that give words different shades).

The course of the examination: the child is invited to listen to the words and explain the meaning of the words:




laugh-laugh-make fun;


2. Method "Pick a word"

Purpose: to reveal the understanding of the shades of the meanings of synonyms - adjectives.

The course of the survey: an adult invites the child to choose words that are close in meaning to the named word (adjective), For example: smart - reasonable .; weak - timid -. old.

3.Methodology "Explain"

Purpose: revealing the understanding of the figurative meaning of adjectives.

The course of the examination: the child is offered to explain the following phrases: evil winter; skillful fingers; Golden hair; prickly wind; light wind.

Examination technique (according to Ushakova, Strunina)

Younger age (3-4 years)

Purpose: diagnosis of the formation of children's vocabulary.

Task 1. Doll.

The teacher shows the child a doll, asks questions in the following sequence.

1. What is the name of the doll? Give her a name.

1) The child calls the name in the sentence (I want to call her Marina);

2) gives a name (in one word);

3) does not give a name (repeats the word doll).

2. Tell me, what is Marina?

1) Names two or more words (beautiful, elegant);

2) names one word (good);

3) does not name qualities, signs (repeats the word doll).

3. What is she (Marina) wearing?

1) Independently names more than two items of clothing (in a green dress, white socks);

2) with the help of the teacher's questions: “What is this? Show me ... "(This is socks, this is a dress);

3) shows items of clothing, but does not name them.

4. How to call in one word? (The teacher calls: “Dress, socks - is this ...?”)

1) The child names generalizing words (clothes, things);

2) name other types of clothing (panties, tights, jacket...);

3) repeats the words that the teacher called (dress, socks).

5. What clothes are you wearing?

1) Names more than two words (shirt, T-shirt, trousers);

2) names two items of clothing (sarafan, T-shirt);

3) names only one word (dress) or lists shoes (slippers, shoes).

6. What is Marina doing?(The teacher performs actions: the doll sits down, gets up, raises its hand, waves it.)

1) The child names all actions;

2) names two actions (stood up, raised her hand);

3) names one word - action (standing or sitting).

7 . What can be done with the doll?

1) Names more than two words (put to sleep, rock her, play);

2) names two actions (roll in a stroller, feed the doll);

3) names one word (play).

Task 2. Ball.

1 . What ball (give in the hands of the child)?

1) Names two or more signs (round, rubber);

2) names one word;

3) does not name qualities, says another word (play).

2 . What can be done with it?

When diagnosing speech development in children of older preschool age, we relied on the following provisions:

Communicative and rhetorical skills in preparatory group associated with the ability to analyze and evaluate communication

And also with the ability to communicate, when the ability to navigate the situation is assessed.

When diagnosing the speech development of the speech of children in the preparatory group, the following assessment indicators were used:

The ability to navigate in different situations of communication, taking into account who is speaking, to whom the speaker is addressing, for what purpose, what - about what, how, etc .;

The ability to analyze and evaluate one's own speech behavior and the speech behavior of another, what the speaker said, what he wanted to say, what he said unintentionally, etc .;

Mastering the culture of listening, listening carefully to the interlocutor, adequately responding to the speaker's speech;

It is appropriate to use the rules of speech etiquette, conduct an etiquette dialogue; - correlate verbal and non-verbal means of communication, possession of non-verbal means (facial expressions, gestures, body movements).

To identify the level of speech development in older preschoolers, the diagnostics “Development of speech according to the program “Rainbow” was used.

Diagnosis of children in the preparatory group for the development of speech was carried out in the following areas.

1. To diagnose the sound culture of speech, it was found out whether the child had speech defects. Which?

The following tasks were offered:

a) The child was asked to name any words with the sound s.

“For example, I remembered now,” the teacher says, these are the words: pine ... aspen ... sowed .... It's your turn. Continue!"

b) A game was offered. A sheet of paper with a grid is given to determine the position of the sound in the word and a chip. The rules of the game are explained: “Repeat the word river after me. Do you hear the r sound in this word? Is it heard at the beginning of a word or in the middle of it? Put a chip in the first window, since in the word river the sound r is at the beginning of the word. Listen to another word - rhinos. Where is the r sound? Put a chip in the second window. Let's say the word fire together. And I put the chip in the third window. Am I right or wrong? Now work on your own. I will call the word, you say it after me and put the chip in the right box: cancer ... lilac ... cheese.

2. The following was proposed for the examination of speech understanding and the level of active vocabulary.

a) The teacher says: “A little puppy has a very sore ear. He whines. Needs your sympathy. What will you tell him? Start like this: "You are mine..."

b) The children were asked to look at the picture. The question was asked what happened to the chickens. I was asked to come up with a title for the story.

The teacher asks to take a closer look at the chicken, which saw not yellow, but black and grimy chickens; describe her condition. She is… . 3. Fiction.

a) The child is asked to read a favorite poem

b) They offer to name fairy tales that the child is ready to listen to more than once. If he cannot remember the name of the tale, let him start telling it, you can suggest the name.

c) The child is asked to remember the writers whose books were read in kindergarten and at home; artists who made beautiful drawings for children's books.

The evaluation of the performance of tasks was carried out as follows:

9-10 points (high level) - answers all tasks correctly, without prompting from adults, answers quickly and willingly.

5-8 points (intermediate level) - answers most of the questions correctly, but uses the prompt of an adult, answers slowly but willingly.

1-4 points (low level) - answers most of the questions incorrectly, even with a prompt from an adult, answers little and reluctantly.

The analysis of the data obtained was entered into the individual card of the child, where the data on the child were indicated. Below is a summary table of test subjects for all three types of tasks (see table 2).

table 2

Sound culture of speech

Speech comprehension, active vocabulary


1. Marina V.

2. Artem B.

3. Slava T.

4. Roman S.

5. Diana N.

6. Konstantin D.

8. Sveta V.

9. Daniel Zh.

10. Alina L.

11. Irina M.

12. Veronica S.

13. Yaroslav K.

14. Bogdan G.

15. Kirill A.

16. Lada D.

17. Sevastyan S.

19. Maria B.

20. Mark Z.

As a result of the analysis of the data obtained, the average score was obtained, the results are presented in table No. 3 and in the form of a diagram in figure No. 2.

Table No. 3 Diagnostic results to identify the level of speech development of children in the preparatory group

The data obtained is presented in the following diagram:

Rice. 2

Thus, in the process of diagnosing the speech development of older preschool children, it was found that 10 out of 20 children have a high level of speech development, 7 children have an average (satisfactory) level, and 3 children have a low level.

The work on determining the features of speech development in older preschoolers showed that children of this age make few mistakes in word usage, in the construction of not only a simple, but also a complex sentence; use a variety of ways to connect sentences in the text. Older preschoolers try not to break the sequence of presentation of thoughts, often in their stories there are elements of narrative and description. But sometimes children turn to the help of an adult, as they cannot always cope with the task on their own.

The results obtained testify to the effectiveness of conducting complex classes for 3-4 years, starting from the second junior group and up to and including the preparatory one. This confirms the need for such training in order to master the active vocabulary, the formation of a sound culture of speech, the development of skills to transfer knowledge in fiction, the construction of a coherent monologue in the process of conducting complex classes.

Reading 11 min.

Identification of the level of speech development occurs through a diagnostic examination of preschoolers.

Diagnosis of speech development of children 2-4 years old.

Formation of a dictionary.

For diagnostic testing younger preschoolers and revealing their level of speech development, illustrative material is needed: thematic subject and plot pictures. Children need to be interested, and therefore all tasks are offered in a playful way.

Preschoolers should be guided in the following lexical topics: “Seasons”, “Toys”, “Vegetables and fruits”, “Clothes and shoes”, “Dishes”, “Furniture”, “Personal hygiene items”, “Domestic and wild animals”, "Poultry", "Insects", "Man. Body parts".

To fix nouns, you can offer options for tasks.

  • Option. 1. In the table, different subject pictures, an adult shows any image, and the child must say what it is.
  • Option 2. The adult names the object, and the child must find its image.
  • Option 3. An adult offers to select all the pictures on a given topic. For example, "Show toys." "Gather the vegetables." "Where are the pets?"

The use of verbs in speech can be checked by offering a preschooler of this age plot pictures depicting labor actions, modes of movement, and emotional states of people. The child, looking at the picture, must answer the proposed questions. For example, “How does a worm move? Butterfly?" etc.

Adjectives. An adult shows either an image or some object and asks to determine its color, size, what it tastes like. For example, lemon (yellow, sour).

For preschoolers 3-4 years old, offer the game "Say the other way around." The adult begins the phrase, and the child finishes:

  • The elephant is big, and the mouse .... (small).
  • Mom has long hair, and dad .... (short).
  • The wolf is brave, and the hare ... (cowardly).

To check adverbs (high-low, far-close, warm-cold), you will also need plot pictures.

The grammatical structure of speech

To test the ability of children to put nouns in the plural form, he is invited to consider paired object pictures (chair-chairs, plate-plates, etc.) and answer “What is shown in one picture? (one item) to another? (several items).

Checking the formation of skills to form diminutive forms of nouns occurs with the help of subject pictures. The child can be offered to name the depicted objects affectionately, for example, a doll - a doll, a table - a table, an apple - an apple, etc.

The ability to coordinate nouns and pronouns with verbs is better with the help of plot pictures or toys and leading questions. For example, the doll is sleeping, but the dolls? The ball lies, and the balls?

The use of verbs in different tenses can be reinforced with questions like, “What are you doing now? What did mom do yesterday? What will you do tomorrow?"

The correct use of prepositions is also checked with the help of questions about plot pictures or the location of objects in space. For example, there is a box in front of the baby, there is a red cube in it, and a green one is on it, a doll is sitting in front of the box, behind it is a matryoshka. You can ask the child questions: “Where is the doll? Cubes? Green cube? Red? etc.

Sound culture of speech

This is a clear pronunciation of all sounds. An adult can hear mistakes in everyday speech of preschoolers. You can also ask the child to repeat words after the parent to check for a particular sound, for example, hard and soft sound"m" - mouse, ball, Masha, bear.

Connected speech

Preschoolers should be able to:

  • clearly express your thoughts;
  • tell a familiar fairy tale, an event from your life (How did you spend your weekend? What did you like about the circus? etc.;
  • compose a short descriptive story about the toy using leading questions and using the plot picture “The doll is having lunch”, “The boy plays toys”.

The table shows the approximate requirements for telling a familiar fairy tale (for a high level of speech development of younger preschoolers).

Diagnosis of speech development of children 4 - 5 years old

Vocabulary formation

Preschoolers of this age should have elementary knowledge of lexical topics: “Seasons”, “Toys”, “Vegetables and fruits”, “Clothes and shoes”, “Dishes”, “Furniture”, “tools, Appliances”, “Personal hygiene items”, “Trees and shrubs”, “Berries”, “Flowers”, “Domestic and wild animals”, “Pets”, “Wintering and migratory birds”, “Insects”, “Man. Parts of the body”, “Professions”. Games are used to fix them:

  • “Find out by description”: an adult thinks of some object and names its characteristics, the child must guess what was conceived, for example, yellow, oval, sour (lemon), green, round, sweet, large (watermelon);
  • "Who has who?" - there are two windows in the table, in one is an image of an adult animal, in the second - the child must put the image of a cub, who does the hare have? (hare), At the she-wolf? At the chicken, etc.
  • “Call it affectionately” - a fox - a fox, a duck - a duck, a sparrow - sparrows, etc.
  • “One-many” - one lemon - many lemons; one ball - many balls, one birch - many birches, etc.
  • “Come on the ball, name the parts of the body” or “Throw the ball, name the furniture quickly.” The adult says a general concept and throws the ball to the child. He, returning the ball, must list the appropriate words. The game will be more interesting if several children take part.

To identify the preschooler's understanding of the purpose of objects, the game “What is for what?” Is used:

  • What is the artist drawing?
  • What is used to sew on a button?
  • What item do you need to play football?
  • In what dishes are the first dishes prepared? Etc.

Diagnostics grammatical structure of speech is carried out using similar tasks as in the examination of preschoolers 3 years old.

To check the use of prepositions, you can offer such a task. Lay out in a spreadsheet geometric figures according to the assignment, for example, a square over a triangle, a circle under a triangle, an oval on a square.

Sound culture of speech

At this age, preschoolers should pronounce all sounds clearly. In the sound table, vowels are marked in red, hard consonants in blue, and soft consonants in green.

To identify the development of the skills of children of this age to differentiate words that are similar in sound, it is proposed to name the images in the pictures or repeat after the adult: dot - daughter, goat - braid, fever - ball, duck - fishing rod, etc.

You can check the ability to hear a certain sound from the sound range as follows. The parent pronounces several sounds “t, p, a, l, i, d, and”, the child needs to clap when he hears, for example, the sound “i”.

With the help of the game "Echo" auditory attention is checked. An adult pronounces syllables and asks them to repeat: pee-bee; the date; zo-so; zha-sha.

Connected speech

For this age it is important to be able to:

  • come up with simple sentences of 3-4 words;
  • compose stories based on a picture, a series of pictures, from personal experience up to 5 sentences;
  • retell texts of 3-5 sentences;
  • read poetry expressively.

For productive speech development, it is useful to use visual aids developed independently. So that the child quickly memorizes verses, they can be presented in a table, for example:

Diagnosis of speech development of children 5–6 years old

Vocabulary formation

Lexical topics are supplemented by "Holidays", "Musical Instruments", "Animals of the North and South". Games are used, as in the examination of preschoolers 4-5 years old.

The child’s understanding of the semantic side of the word can be checked by asking the child to come up with the end of sentences:

  • In autumn it often drizzles…
  • In the spring, migratory birds return from the south ...
  • The symbol of Russia is a white-barreled ...

The grammatical structure of speech

The development of auditory attention is checked using the following task. The adult calls the words, and the child needs to clap when he hears the sound “sh”, in the words house, spinning top, hat, bark, fox, bump, pen, car.

Sound culture of speech

The adult names the words, the child determines which syllable is stressed and how many syllables: fishing rod, car, ball, box, horse.

The game "Find the sound" - the child must determine the position of the given sound in the word, for example, the sound "s" - owl, dew, litter, lynx, braid.

The game "Hard-soft" - the child needs to determine in which position the given sound is located. A new sound is marked in the sound table with a color signal.

Determine the number of sounds and letters in a word.

Connected speech

Preschoolers of this age should be able to:

  • make simple and complex sentences. For example, from the given words: from the mountains, spring, streams, came, ran.
  • from the proposed phrases, form new ones: a dress made of wool - a woolen dress, wooden boxes - a box made of wood, an apple turned red - a reddened apple, etc.
  • compose stories from a picture, a series of pictures, from personal experience (5-6 sentences);
  • retell the text in the amount of up to 5 sentences;
  • know and explain the meaning of proverbs and sayings;
  • expressively read poems, riddles.

Diagnosis of speech development of children 6-7 years old

Vocabulary formation

Lexical themes are the same. Didactically, games are also used similar to those used in examining children of six years of age. You can use additional tasks:

“Part - whole” - the child needs to name the parts or details of the whole. For example, face (eyes, mouth, nose, forehead, cheeks, chin, eyebrows), kettle (spout, handle, bottom, lid), etc.

“Name it in one word”: a rook, a crane, a stork - this, a coat, a jacket, a raincoat - this, an armchair, a bed, a sofa - this, etc.


  • Who is driving?
  • Who delivers the mail?
  • Who puts out the fire?
  • Who heals people? Etc.

To identify the level of use of adjectives in children's speech, the following task options are offered:

The child is offered objects or subject pictures, he needs to name their signs: What ball? What pear? What chair? What flowers?

A preschooler of this age should form adjectives from nouns: what kind of wooden table? (wooden), What kind of glass is it? (glass), What kind of chicken cutlets? (chicken), What silk dress? (silk), etc.

The use of antonyms: clean - (dirty), kind - (evil), fat - (thin), cheerful - (sad), warm - (cold), far - (close), friend - (enemy), etc.

Verbs. "Who is moving?" bird - (flies), snake - (crawls), man - (walks, runs);

"Who's doing what?" cook - (cooks), doctor - (heals), artist - (draws).

The grammatical structure of speech

The formation of plural nouns in the nominative and genitive cases: doll - dolls - dolls, apple - apples - apples, etc.

“Call it affectionately”: sparrow - (sparrow), table - (table), sofa - (sofa), flower - (flower), etc.

The combination of nouns with numerals: pencil - (2 pencils, 7 pencils), apple - (2 apples, 5 apples), matryoshka - (2 nesting dolls, 6 nesting dolls), etc.

The formation of verbs with the help of prefixes: fly - (fly away, fly, fly off, fly up, fly in, fly), etc.

Table results

Diagnostics involves the final result, namely, the identification of the level of development: + high - all tasks are performed independently, correctly; - + medium - most of it is done correctly or all with hints; - low - most of it is not completed. The table can reflect all the components of speech at all levels of the age of preschoolers.

Sound culture of speech

A preschooler must clearly pronounce all sounds. The child either pronounces words to a given sound, or repeats sentences, for example, Sasha walked along the highway and sucked dry; Zina closed the lock; Roma is happy for Rita.

The child is offered tasks for the sound analysis of the word:

  • highlight the stressed vowel: fishing rod, pack, game.
  • name the first and last consonant: daughter, catfish, lump, lemon, table.
  • choose pictures depicting objects that contain the sound "N": fish, knife, shovel, socks, glass, scarf.
  • determine the number of syllables in a word: mosquito, snail, scoop, army, shirt.
  • name the sound with which the word in the picture begins, in the table below. In an empty cell, the child must put the corresponding color card. (red - vowel, blue - hard consonant, green - soft consonant)

Connected speech

The tasks are similar to those for examining preschoolers of six years of age, only the stories being compiled should be up to 8 sentences long. In the table there are reference pictures with which the child composes the story "Winter".

Why is it necessary to diagnose the speech development of preschool children? This special technique is used to assess and recognize the correct development of speech. Every child learns new sounds and words at different rates. On the early stages Speech development in children often has slight delays. In order for them not to negatively affect the formation of speech in a child, certain diagnostic methods will help to eliminate them in time.

Correct dynamics of speech development in children

The child's language skills continue to improve in adolescence. Children reach the main stages of development in speech up to 5-6 years.

Already from the birth of a child, parents should carefully monitor how the child develops speech. For classes with children, it is necessary to use a developing educational material which will improve the speech of the child.

Communication in preschool children consists of imitation of sounds, expressiveness of language with gestures, understanding of words and their use in speech.

In accordance with age, the dynamics of speech development in children is divided into several stages. The table below shows a list of communication skills that fall at a certain childhood age.

Up to 1 year 1 to 3 years 3 to 5 years
In the first months of life, babies learn sounds. They recognize the voice of their mother, distinguish the rhythm of sounds and respond to them with cooing. By the first year of birth, babies know the voice of the rest of the family (dad, sisters, brothers). They can also say short words (for example, "mother", "woman", "grandfather"). Some children already know a few words a year, remember the sounds they hear and try to repeat them. The child's language skills are improving rapidly. Every word has meaning for him. At this age, children can point to objects that arouse their interest. They also understand the meaning of phrases (fluffy cat, summer day). At 2 years old, a child knows about 50 words and understands the meaning of objects placed in the house or depicted in books. In addition, children understand short phrases: “mom has come”, “your dad”, “a good bear”, etc.

Everyone who is over 2 years old knows by heart some parts of the body and tries to name objects based on the first letters of their name (“bun” - “beech”, “kitty - kiki”, “mouse” - “cape”)

At 3 years old, children use 100-150 words in their communication and understand the instructions of parents (for example, “put away toys”, “put the book on the table”, “wash your hands”). In the same years, children can pronounce letters that are difficult for them (“f”, “p”) and make sentences in different tenses of the verb and call words in the plural.

At 4 years old, children communicate in long sentences, ask questions, describe past events, and retell stories.

In general, by the age of 4 or 5, a child can maintain a dialogue with an adult. Moreover, at 5 years old, some children are able to learn the language and express words in writing.

These age limits will help parents control the correct development of speech in children.

Methods for diagnosing speech development in children

In what cases should parents avoid diagnosing a child's speech development? The reason for a visit to the doctor is a violation of the dynamics in the improvement of speech in children 3-4 years old. As a rule, at this age, the child's vocabulary is more than 200 words, and at the same time, it continues to grow rapidly. At 4-5 years old, children are able to pronounce letters that are difficult for them, such as “r”, “f”, “u”, etc. They give less preference to sign language and try to communicate as much as possible with peers and adults in verbal form.

A diagnostic method for detecting delays and defects in the development of speech will help the child to correct communication skills in a timely manner

Usually, a defectologist deals with the examination and treatment of speech disorders. Through diagnostics, this doctor finds the main causes that can interfere with the development of speech (for example, poor memory, hearing problems and some dysfunctions of the speech apparatus).

A defectologist diagnoses a violation of speech and cognitive abilities in a child using several types of testing, such as listening, perception of the rhythm of speech, the ability to reproduce sounds heard. This also includes tests for associative and logical types of thinking.

If the child does not lag behind in cognitive abilities and he has only minor speech defects (for example, not pronouncing the letters “l”, “f”), in this case, not a defectologist, but a speech therapist should deal with him.

Parents can also diagnose the development of speech in preschool children at home. One of these methods is the author's work, which was developed by F.G. Daskalova (speech pathologist-defectologist). Virtually every organization, school and clinic whose activities are aimed at early development child, uses the material of F.G. Daskalova for diagnostic purposes.

Parents are advised to use this method only if their child does not have an intellectual or autistic disability. With such disorders, children need professional examination and serious treatment.

For everything you need to know about child development, watch the video below.