What is 3 years. Hypermetropia at an early age

Let's take a look at what a 3-year-old baby can do, why a developmental crisis occurs at this age and how to cope with it, as well as what activities to develop a three-year-old child with.

Age Features

  • The motor development of the child is improved. A 3 year old kid manages well own body. He walks evenly, without unnecessary movements, can change the pace of walking and is able to learn to ride a bicycle.
  • The efficiency of the nervous system of a three-year-old child becomes greater. The child is awake for a longer time and is ready to learn new information. He is already more patient and can do one thing for longer than 2 years (up to 20-25 minutes).
  • Fine motor skills also improve, allowing the baby to master buttoning, drawing with pencils, using cutlery and other everyday skills.
  • The vocabulary of a 3-year-old baby already includes more than 1000 words. The child uses almost all parts of speech in conversation, although sometimes incorrectly. The pronunciation of sounds improves, although children at 3 years old may not yet pronounce many sounds. Three-year-olds constantly pronounce their actions, giving the impression that they are not silent at all. Also characteristic feature the speech of children of this age is the presence of numerous questions.
  • The main activity of a three-year-old child is the game. Now the kid most of all loves role-playing games. In the scenes played out by the child, there is a plot, since the crumbs develop abstract thinking and imagination.

Many kids at this age at the first opportunity want to play with other people's toys, while not paying attention to their own. Is this normal and how to respond to this situation, see the video of Larisa Sviridova (Lara's mother).

Calculate the vaccination calendar

Most parents are not happy with their child's weight. Is it worth worrying about a deviation from the norm, see E. Komarovsky's TV show.

Types of child development


This type of development is aimed at increasing the child's endurance, developing dexterity and coordination of movements. Activities that affect physical development should be daily for a three-year-old child and may include such actions:

  • Charging to music, poetry or video lesson.
  • Stepping over obstacles (lay out the bars on the floor).
  • Walking on an inclined board.
  • Jumping over a line drawn on the floor.
  • Walking on a rope laid out on the floor.
  • Jumping on two legs from a place forward.
  • Jumping off small hills.
  • Ball games - throw to each other, throw up, and then catch, kick, hit the box, race with a rolling ball, roll between the legs of a chair.
  • Mobile games with simple rules.
  • Overcoming obstacle course.
  • Dancing.
  • Fitness with mom
  • Swimming.
  • Exercises on the sports wall (rope, rings, ladder, crossbar).
  • A ride on the bicycle.


This type of development helps to explore the world around the baby and the different properties of objects. Classes with a cognitive purpose will develop attention, logic, memory in a toddler. AT game form the baby learns the first mathematical concepts, learns more about the world in which he lives. Classes at the age of three can be as follows:

  • We are looking for colors by name and by pattern.
  • Consistently collect nesting dolls and molds of different sizes.
  • We select flat geometric figures according to the sample.
  • We select volumetric geometric shapes for holes and study their names.
  • We collect a pyramid of 8-10 rings different color and size, guided by a drawing or sample.
  • We study the differences between the concepts of small-medium-large.
  • We put the picture in 2 parts.
  • We play with mosaic and loto.
  • We remember the place in which there was a toy that was removed by an adult.
  • We are looking for the whole picture by its details.
  • We study the concept of right-left.
  • We generalize objects according to some property, for example, floating, flying.
  • We study with the child natural phenomena, plant and animal world, labor activities.
  • We find an extra item in the group.
  • Choose from a group of objects opposite.
  • We study numbers.
  • We are looking for the shadow of the picture.
  • We select payments.
  • Adding missing items.

Parents can start in a playful way to introduce the child to mathematical concepts. Conduct the next lesson according to the "Flower" method, which is shown by M. L. Lazarev (music development expert) in the next video.

At the age of three, the baby will be interested in getting to know the days of the week. Conduct classes in a playful way and in a good mood.


Such development involves the child's senses - touch, taste, smell, sight, hearing. During sensory training, the baby improves tactile sensitivity, learns to recognize objects by smell and taste. Such activities at the age of three may include:

  • Determination of the texture of objects.
  • Determination of geometric shapes by touch.
  • Guessing animals by the sounds they make.
  • Games with sensory bags and boxes.
  • Guessing objects by smell.
  • Guessing food by taste.


This type of development of a three-year-old baby not only affects the child's hearing, but also instills in him a sense of rhythm and musical taste.

You can develop your baby with the help of such activities:

  • Singing.
  • Playing a musical instrument.
  • Listening to music with different rhythms.
  • Guessing the sounds of everyday objects.
  • Song Guessing.
  • Dancing.
  • Music background.

An expert on musical development Lazarev M. L. shows how theatrical performance "Music Festival" can be held using the "Flower" method. The child will get acquainted with musical instruments and musical intervals.


For a child of 3 years old, it is very important to constantly expand vocabulary, so you should communicate more with the little one. Articulation classes also affect speech development. With a baby of this age, speech development can be done as follows:

  • Learn songs and poems.
  • Discuss plot pictures.
  • Tell a story with pictures.
  • Discuss what you read.
  • Listen to a fairy tale read by an adult, as well as in an audio recording.
  • Make a riddle for the baby, in which the answer is the last word of the quatrain.
  • Talk to your child about how the day went.
  • Discuss different situations on the topic “what if?”.
  • Perform articulation exercises.
  • Learn vowels.

fine motor skills

Developing motor skills is essential for stimulation speech development peanut, because the areas of the brain responsible for speech and hand movement are very close. If during the lesson the baby will use his fingers more, you will simultaneously stimulate the speech zone. Suitable activities for fine motor skills for a 3-year-old baby are as follows:

  • Finger gymnastics.
  • Games with sand and grains.
  • Fastening buttons, eyelets, various fasteners, buttons.
  • Stringing multi-colored beads on a cord, including alternating color and shape of beads.
  • Games with nesting dolls, laces, mosaics, liners, clothespins.
  • Laying out patterns from pasta, shells or pebbles.
  • Water games.


Activities that will stimulate a child's creativity include different types drawing and applications, games with constructors, modeling and the like. With a three-year-old kid, you can do this:

  • Draw details to the drawings, for example, leaves to a branch or stems to flowers.
  • Draw lines, rectangles, ovals and circles.
  • Color in the drawing.
  • Draw according to your idea and tell what you draw.
  • Roll out plasticine or dough in the palms and sculpt simple shapes (sausages, balls, bagels).
  • Make simple applications using paper, natural materials, pieces of fabric.
  • Build bridges, fences, houses from cubes using speech instructions, your imagination, sample or drawing.
  • Cut with children's scissors.
  • Decorate cakes or sandwiches with mom.
  • Act out a fairy tale.
  • Play with puppet theatre.

For creative development the child, conduct a lesson according to the “Little Leonardo” method, which is shown by O. N. Teplyakova, an expert in intellectual development.


A three-year-old child reaches out to peers and communicates a lot with other children. Many kids of this age are already attending kindergarten, so their social development goes at its own pace while communicating with the children in the group. If the three-year-old does not go to the garden yet, it is important for parents to pay additional attention to the social development of the child. In addition, this type of development also includes the acquisition of skills that children will need in everyday life.

Classes aimed at the social development of the crumbs will be as follows:

  • Games with other children using substitute items.
  • Learning words of politeness.
  • Folding clothes before bed.
  • Learn to tie shoelaces and button up.
  • Learning table manners.
  • Strong help around the house.

Many parents are faced with the difficulties of parting with a child, accompanied by tears and tantrums crumbs. Is this normal and is it worth it to continue to take the baby to kindergarten, see the video of Larisa Sviridova.

Sample weekly exercise program

By compiling a weekly lesson plan for the development of a three-year-old child, you can evenly distribute classes over the days of the week, while not missing anything, but not overloading the little one. For each child, such a lesson plan will be different. Its compilation should be based on the interests of the baby and mother, as well as the presence of certain skills in the little one. The plan includes visiting sports and developmental activities, massage and other mandatory activities.

When drawing up a plan for the first time, it is better to focus on a minimum list of activities. After one or two weeks, you will be able to analyze how the child is coping, whether any activities need to be added, what the baby likes more and what is more difficult.

We offer the following approximate weekly schedule of developmental activities for a 3-year-old child:








Physical development


Charging by video lesson

ball games

Charging with music

Fitball game

Outdoor games

cognitive development

Learning numbers

Studying birds

Looking for the whole by detail

The study of natural phenomena

Exploring colors

sensory development

Sensory Pouch Games

Exploring Tastes

We study smells

Guessing objects by touch

fine motor skills

Finger gymnastics

Clothespin game

sand play

Bead game

water play

Groats game

Musical development

Learning musical instruments

background music

Speech development

Reading a fairy tale

Articulation gymnastics

Telling a story from a picture

Learning the verse

Audio fairy tale

Discussing the plot of the picture

creative development


Puppet show


Games with a constructor



social development

Learning etiquette

Games with peers

Learning the words of politeness

Care and mode

In the development of 3-year-old children, attention should be paid to maintaining the health of babies, so the importance of the daily routine and caring for the little one is beyond doubt:

  1. The baby needs to get enough rest. The approximate duration of sleep at the age of 3 is 12-13 hours a day. Many children may refuse to sleep in daytime, but pediatricians note that preschoolers need rest during the day, so parents should try to put the child to sleep for 1-2 hours during the day.
  2. The morning of a three-year-old should begin with hygiene procedures. The child should wash himself, brush his teeth and comb his hair. Parents should constantly remind the baby to wash their hands before eating and after returning from a walk, as well as after using the toilet.
  3. Many parents continue to harden their children, carry out procedures in the period after daytime sleep. Such procedures include sunbathing, walking in the fresh air, wiping with a dampened towel, dousing the legs or the whole body, contrast showers, swimming in ponds.
  4. With a three-year-old child, it is advised to walk 1-2 times a day, dressing the little one according to the weather.
  5. In the diet of a child of this age, 4 meals are provided, between which 3-4 hours pass. The nutritional value of the daily diet of three-year-old children is 1500-1800 kcal.

And once again about the most important thing: what happens to a child at the age of 3 and why it is important to behave correctly during this difficult period, see the video of the child psychologist Yulia Milovanova on the Open TV channel.

  • At the age of three, it is important to ensure that the child has toys that will support the baby's motor activity (ball, bicycle, skittles, and the like). Also, for the games of a three-year-old peanut, designers and pyramids, lotto and cubes, books and posters, sets for creativity and toys for children are needed. role playing(dolls, animals, dishes, food and others).
  • If your child is about to start attending kindergarten, discuss the changes in his life with the crumbs. It would be a good idea to attend developmental classes so that the baby gets used to the children's team.
  • Remember that three-year-olds are very sensitive to criticism, so if you want to criticize the baby, do it gently, but rather offer to correct mistakes together.
  • It is not necessary to buy expensive toys for development, you can use improvised materials for classes.

According to medical statistics, farsightedness in children is detected in 90% of cases, since all babies come into the world with eye hyperopia. This is considered the norm and up to a certain age, parents should not worry much, but one should not forget about a timely visit to the optometrist, at least once a year.

Hypermetropia in newborns refers to farsightedness, with which absolutely all children are born. This is an abnormal refraction of the eye, in which the focus of the visual system is outside the retina. In children, this is due to the small length of the eyeball. Hypermetropia usually persists between the ages of 1 and 3 years and is approximately 3 diopters. With the growth of the child, its value gradually decreases towards normal refraction and by school age it has a value of about 1 diopter. This happens because the eyeball grows and the focus is set on the retina.

Therefore, farsightedness in children from 1 year to 3 years and a little older is quite normal. But it is necessary to be examined by an ophthalmologist during this period. It will help control the development of vision and prevent complications, because at a younger age, hypermetropia can be more than 3 diopters.

In general, there are three types of optical system:

  1. Emmetropia - normal condition, bordering between farsightedness and myopia and not requiring correction. Indicated as zero.
  2. Farsightedness is a pathology of vision, indicated by a plus sign and corrected by positive lenses.
  3. Myopia is a visual impairment indicated by a minus sign and corrected by negative lenses.

Each small village lens is measured in diopters, which characterize its refractive power. That's why we say this: "I have farsightedness plus two." Or: "I have minus six myopia."

Causes of complications and how to identify them

But it happens that children's farsightedness still manifests itself, the reason may be a lag in the growth of the eyeball. Children with this disorder have to strain their eye muscles to see objects. At first, their eyes seem to adjust, compensating for poor vision. But then it can turn into the development of various diseases, for example, a spasm of the eye muscles.

Also, the causes of children's hypermetropia are:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • intraocular pressure;
  • deformation of the eyeball;
  • other disorders of the visual system.

Since children themselves cannot determine whether their eyesight is poor or good, and it is difficult for babies under 1 year old to make a diagnosis, you should pay attention to symptoms or complaints such as:

  • unwillingness to read;
  • sharp pain in the eyes;
  • frequent headaches;
  • fatigue;
  • visual discomfort;
  • irritability;
  • severe sleep disturbance.

With the frequent repetition of such complaints, without delay, take the child to the doctor. Farsightedness in a neglected state is fraught with such consequences as frequent inflammation of the eyes (conjunctivitis), an increase in the village of a small risk of developing glaucoma due to impaired outflow of intraocular fluid.

The progression of hypermetropia in children from 1 to 3 years of age can lead to a disease such as amblyopia, also called the "lazy eye" syndrome, inherent only in early age. It leads to the fact that the brain cells responsible for vision, taking a distorted picture, reduce the stimulation of the normal development of neurons.

Such changes lead to decreased vision and developmental disorders. It is impossible to correct the pathology with glasses or lenses. As a bonus to amblyopia, strabismus may appear, developing in about 40% of cases.

Based on the degree of pathology, children's farsightedness is divided into three types:

  1. Weak degree - up to 2 D.
  2. Average hyperopia - 3-5 D.
  3. High - over 5 D.

It is possible to identify the degree only after a special medical examination by an ophthalmologist.

age margin

All children under 3 years of age have a margin of farsightedness. But sometimes it may not meet the standard. In itself, this is not terrible, but over time, complications and vision problems may appear. For example, if the eyeball grows ahead of the age norm, this means that the child has an insufficient supply. In this case, there is a very high risk of developing myopia. With an excessive reserve, characterized by a retardation of the growth of the eyeball, the occurrence of possible complications is described above.

Correction of the visual system at an early age

All these complications and diseases can be prevented if the problem is identified on early dates. Today, an ophthalmologist can establish a reserve of farsightedness even up to 1 year. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe glasses and prescribe special exercises. And with strabismus - a complete treatment of the visual system.

Parents should understand that glasses are needed for treatment, and not for inconvenience!

Plus points with an excessive supply normalize the functioning of the visual cells of the brain, preventing the development of amblyopia and strabismus, and with an insufficient supply, triggering mechanisms to slow down the growth of the eyeball.

In addition, hardware treatment with different ways vision stimulation. Such a course is prescribed only after the necessary examinations and is carried out 3-5 times during the year.

Look at the video computer graphics of the disease of the eye

AT preschool age, from 1 to 3 years and older, it is recommended to use positive lenses even for the correction of a small degree of hypermetropia (about 1 D). But in this case, children should wear glasses only during visual work - reading, watching TV, at school, performing homework, at computer. School-age children, from the age of 7, are usually prescribed contact lenses or glasses with converging lenses.

Once again, we recall that the sooner pathologies are detected, the greater the chances of recovery. Moreover, modern treatment technologies make it possible to completely cure children's hypermetropia with a high percentage of success.

Your baby is three years old, day after day he imperceptibly grew up and now he is not that little defenseless little man, he is already an independent person with his own character and characteristics. During this year, the baby has grown noticeably, has mastered new skills and abilities, has become dexterous, active and inquisitive.

Your child already knows...


89.5-104 cm.
11.6-18 kg.
48.0-53.5 cm.
48.6-58.2 cm.
87.3-103.8 cm.
12.3-17.7 kg.
47.6-52.7 cm.
48.2-57.6 cm.

Physical development of a child at 3 years old

Your baby is starting to look more like an adult. The formation and growth of the musculoskeletal system is actively underway, fine motor skills fingers and mimic muscles.

At the end of the second year, the rate of weight gain and increase in body length can be assessed.

So the indicator of the required body weight on average is calculated by the formula:

10.5 kg (average body weight of a child at 1 year old) + 2 x N;

where N- the age of the child in years (not the years that have been lived after the first year of life, but the actual age of the child).

Body length up to 4 years on average increases by 8 cm annually.

According to the centile tables of the distribution of weight and body length in children, the averages are:

Average body weight of a 3 year old

  • Boys - 13.6 - 16 kg;
  • Girls - 13.3 - 15.4 kg.

Average body length of a child at 3 years old

  • Boys - 92.0 - 100 cm;
  • Girls - 92.0 - 98.5 cm.

Neuropsychic development of a child at 3 years old

A three-year-old child likes both active games and educational activities. The kid enjoys playing outdoor games, but at the same time, on duty, he can fiddle with a toy that attracted his attention, play story games, look at pictures and listen to fairy tales.

Motor development of a child at 3 years old

At three years old, a child is able to master rather complex skills, such as riding a tricycle, swinging, sledding. By the age of three, many kids are no longer afraid to swim. The child is good at jumping over obstacles, walks on an inclined plane, jumps in length from a place on two legs, can jump from a small height. At this age, children can perform two actions at the same time (for example, stomp and clap, jump and raise their arms to the sides).

With ease, the child throws, rolls, catches the ball.

Can perform all familiar movements on command and repeats them after adults.

Cognitive development of a child at 3 years old

  • At three years old, a child should know and name correctly four primary colors and some shades of colors.
  • At this age, the baby is able to collect sequentially (that is, from smallest to largest) caps, a pyramid, molds, a nesting doll of 4-6 components.
  • Able to pick up geometric shapes according to the sample, can also pick up the corresponding shapes according to the shape of the hole in the developmental aid (game). Can name familiar geometric shapes.
  • Collects a pyramid of 10 rings (in size, for example, in descending order, in color, in shape).
  • Distinguishes objects by size - small, medium, large.
  • Can distinguish an object by texture - soft, hard.
  • Drawing skills are improving, so the kid can complete the missing details to the adult’s drawing - for example, a leaf to a branch, a stem to a flower, smoke to a steam locomotive.
  • He tries to paint over, draws ovals, circles, draws lines.
  • While drawing, the baby can imitate the writing of an adult.
  • During modeling, he can pinch off a piece of plasticine, roll it in his palms, and connect the parts. He tries to sculpt simple shapes - sausage, ball, bagel and others.

Social and emotional development of a child at 3 years old

At this age, it is very important for a child to be appreciated and praised. The kid wants to be good, we are waiting for approval and praise from an adult.

Increasingly more self-reliant and independent.

He rejoices if he was able to fulfill his plans, feels a sense of pride for himself, for his parents.

Strive to be the best in everything.

At three years old, babies are very inquisitive and curious.

Improves long-term memory.

Able to show emotional restraint, calmly listens and fulfills the request of an adult.

He may be offended by the punishment, he worries if he is scolded for something.

A three-year-old baby is able to experience feelings of shame, jealousy, and fear.

He can express his feelings not only by speech, but also by facial expressions, tone, gestures, gaze, posture.

The child begins to empathize with the characters, emotionally responsive.

Many kids sing along and dance.

Knows how to distinguish beautiful from ugly, good from bad.

Enjoys socializing with peers. There is an interest in joint games.

Expresses sympathy for some children and adults.

Speech development of a child at 3 years old

By this age, the child is able to build complex sentences. In communication, he uses both simple and more complex formalized phrases. Expresses his feelings, desires, emotions with the help of speech.

At the age of three, some babies begin to change words for numbers and cases.

Asks a lot of questions. Easily repeats unfamiliar words and phrases after an adult.

He remembers and recites poems and songs well.

Likes to engage in dialogue with both children and adults. Answers the questions.

Can name familiar animals, plants, items of clothing, household items, etc. from the picture. Can tell a familiar fairy tale from the picture.

In the game, he can speak for himself and for a fictional character (doll, bunny, etc.).

Moves to the pronoun "I", stops talking about himself in the third person.

Household skills of a child at 3 years old

  • Knows how to independently dress simple things of his wardrobe.
  • Undresses independently, with a little help from an adult. Can fasten several buttons.
  • At three years old, a child can complete an assignment of 2-3 actions.
  • Washes hands with soap, rinses, dries with a towel.
  • Can put clothes in the closet.
  • Knows how to use a handkerchief.
  • Controls their physiological needs.
  • He eats and drinks independently, uses a napkin.
  • Wipes feet before entering.

Three year old child care

The regimen of a child at three years old remains the same - four meals a day, daytime sleep (or rest) for at least 1 hour, night sleep - about 10 hours, regular walks in the fresh air.

Be sure to pay attention to both personal hygiene and cleanliness in the room.

At three years old, the baby tries to brush his teeth on his own, under the supervision of adults. Let him do this, while periodically showing him how to move the brush correctly. Particular attention should be paid to the recesses between the teeth, since it is there that most food particles remain and plaque accumulates.

The child's teeth should be brushed 2 times a day: in the morning - after breakfast and in the evening - after dinner. During for, after each meal (especially sweet), teach your child to rinse his mouth.

At this age, almost all children love to swim. In the warm season, you can bathe the child at least every day. In the cold season at least 1 time per week.

For bathing a child, it is better to use special baby products. While swimming, it is very convenient to check the skin for abrasions, bruises or rashes.

Teach your child to use only their own hygiene items (towel, washcloth, toothbrush, comb, etc.).

Do not forget to trim your child's nails - do this as the nails grow.

Watch the baby's hair, cut it in time, as, for example, long bangs may interfere with the child.

If you decide to take your child to the kindergarten, at least for some time before that, go with him to early development groups - so that parting with you is not so abrupt.

Facilitate the period of adaptation of the child to kindergarten will help to maintain the daily routine.

Find out in advance what the daily routine is in kindergarten (which the child will go to) and try to stick to it.

Nutrition for a 3 year old

The nutrition of a child at three years old should be regular, it is better if the main meals every day are at the same time.

The menu of a three-year-old child becomes more diverse and gradually approaches the diet of an adult. But the child, as before, is not recommended to give fatty and spicy foods, as well as various canned food, chips, sweet carbonated drinks.

The child's diet should contain dairy and sour-milk products, fresh fruits, vegetables, products containing animal proteins.

The diet of a child at 3 years old is 3-4 meals a day.

The need for kilocalories is no more than 1600 kcal / day.

Distribution of food throughout the day:

Breakfast - 25%;

Lunch - 35-40%;

Afternoon snack - 10-15%

At three years old, a child can drink almost any drink (except coffee). It can be tea, juices (preferably freshly squeezed), jelly, compotes from fresh fruits and dried fruits, fruit drinks, milk, kefir.

Required examinations at 3 years

At the age of three, the child undergoes an in-depth medical examination, especially if he goes to kindergarten.

The three-year medical examination includes:

  • Examination by a pediatrician, neurologist, ophthalmologist, ENT doctor, orthopedic surgeon, dermatologist, speech therapist, dentist;
  • Laboratory examination - clinical analysis of blood, urine, coproscopy, examination of scrapings for enterobiasis (or feces for helminth eggs).

If a child is vaccinated according to the national vaccination schedule, then at the age of three, no routine vaccinations are carried out.

What toys are suitable for this age?

At this age, children prefer more complex and functional toys.

Toys for motor development- balls, gymnastic sticks, pull-up toys, a bicycle, a circle for swimming, skittles and others.

To develop design skills- toys consisting of geometric shapes, toys that open and close, cubes, pyramids, Lego with large details, sand molds and others.

Didactic toys- layout books, bingo or dominoes with pictures, books with expressive illustrations, board games with pictures, wall calendars and posters with useful information(animals, plants, numbers, seasons).

Toys for role-playing and story games- sets of a doctor, a fireman, a hairdresser, a builder, a teacher's shop, a set of children's dishes, toy vegetables, fruits, cars, houses, dolls, animals and others.

Creator's Kit - pencils, crayons, plasticine, clay, lacing games, colored paper sets, stickers, watercolors.

Despite the fact that the child is already big, try to give him time. Play and study with him. Praise for efforts more often and then his successes will not keep you waiting.

Before entering the kindergarten, we went through a psychoneurologist. He asked various questions, some of which he did not receive answers from my child. For example: who am I to her, who is she to me; name the season in the illustration (did not receive an answer), name the colors of objects (answered in full); count objects (easily coped with the task); could not perform actions on addition and sum within 5. Nevertheless, the child is active, easily makes contact. The doctor diagnosed F83. Explain in more detail the norms for the development of a child by 3.5 years. Is my daughter really mentally retarded? (Anna)


Hello Anna! Thanks for the question. It’s understandable that you are worried… and even indignant somewhere… I must say that “fees” and “documentary preparation” (collection of documents, commissions, etc.) for kindergarten cause a lot of feelings for most parents, which is reflected in children. And I am grateful to you for the question, because it touches on an important topic: How to most painlessly undergo an examination by a specialist, both for the child and for the parent, especially if the further stage of the baby’s life depends on the results of the examination (type preschool, for example). Therefore, I want to appeal to those parents whose children are waiting for PMPK, examinations, collection of documents and give a few recommendations that may help to help go through all this the least acute.

It is very important for parents themselves to tune in in a special way (calmly - positively) to all kinds of examination procedures, PMPK, so that this does not affect the emotional state of the child during the examination itself, and hence the results of this examination. And this happens.

It is also recommended to repeatedly play with the child situations of conversation with the doctor, situations that they will ask him something, ask questions, they will look at pictures with him, offer to “play”. And before a direct meeting of the child with a specialist, it is important to consider a few points:

  1. 1 - 1.5 hours before the meeting, feed the child (you can use something tasty and loved) so that during the examination, the feeling of hunger that arises does not distract from the tasks
  2. Be sure to say “plan of the day for today”, that your “doctor called for a visit” to play, that in the game he will ask questions that you will definitely answer, etc. It is important that the child goes in a good mood, with a sense of success. (I often hear this position of moms or dads: “Why should he say all this, he’s still small, he still doesn’t speak well ..?” I would like to emphasize: If your child still does not speak enough, has not learned enough to express his desires, needs and thoughts due to age, this does not mean that he does not hear you and does not feel you!)
  3. You can take your favorite toy to a meeting with a specialist (you can “introduce the bear to other children, to the doctor, etc.”, “go on a trip with the bear, take it to the hospital, and then with the bear - visit your grandmother or in a cafe - for a cake”…) The presence of favorite toys in a new environment for a child helps him to perceive this “environment” psychologically easier, softer and calmer.
  4. Parental calm (“If mom smiles, then everything is fine and there is nothing to be afraid of”)

Before answering your main question (about explaining the developmental norms of a child at 3.5 years old), I would like to start by explaining the very wording of F83.

F83 "Mixed specific disorders of psychological development" This is a residual group of disorders in which there are difficulties in the development of the child at the level of several mental functions (memory, attention, thinking, perception ..), and it is difficult to distinguish exactly where these difficulties are greater, therefore such a vague diagnosis. Therefore, to begin with, I would recommend visiting a psychiatrist (preferably a child psychiatrist), a neurologist in order to strengthen the accuracy of the diagnosis or the very fact of the diagnosis, as well as to get a more complete and objective picture of the child's development. Would recommend to pass or take place research of a brain (EEG). If, nevertheless, certain developmental difficulties are observed by specialists, then it makes sense to think about the treatment that the doctor will prescribe and at the same time turn to a psychologist, speech therapist, defectologist so that they systematically professionally work with your girl, show you what you can do at home for the development of the child. And, of course, it’s important for you to talk a lot with your child, read poems and fairy tales, look at pictures-objects, pictures-actions that are interconnected in meaning, ask as many questions as possible, you yourself should think aloud, explain, pronounce, etc. (Specialists recommend: S.V. Batyaeva, E.V. Savostyanova “Album on the Development of Speech for the Littlest Ones”, “I Explore the World”, an encyclopedia in pictures for kids, etc.) After all, we know that the brain is formed and develops right up to 21-23 years, that it is formed in different ways, in its individual rhythm, that mental functions in their development can sink at different age stages, that at each age stage its own predominates and matures mental function(So, at an early age - this is perception, in preschool - memory, in school, adolescence - this is thinking). And since the psyche develops systematically, even if the child has difficulties somewhere, it is possible, by engaging in the development of other mental spheres, so that those where there are difficulties are pulled up. Therefore, on the one hand, I would like to reassure you and say that each child develops in his own way, and this is normal, you should not panic if the specialist noted certain problems. You just need to deal with the child, and over time, the child will catch up with a lot, and sometimes even surpass his peers in something. On the other hand, you should not ignore the information of a specialist, just take note, go through the examination again.

And now about what a child of 3.5 years old should be able to do. Briefly, the age can be characterized as follows:

  1. Visual-active thinking prevails. The intellectual development of a child depends on how rich the developing environment around him is, whether it allows him to explore the world around him in a varied and meaningful way by manipulating various objects.
  2. Speech is in the process of formation. Specialists distinguish (speech therapists, defectologists) the following standard indicators at this age: Indicators of speech development \ Time of appearance is normal
    • Uses words-names of parts of objects in active speech 3 years 6 months.
    • Uses diminutive suffixes From the age of 3
    • Uses prefixed verbs in speech 3 years 1 month.
    • Word creation appears From the age of 3
    • Distinguishes words that differ in one phoneme (such as beetle - onion) By 4 years
    • Pronounces the sounds Sh, Zh, Shch, Ch, L, P By 4 years
    • Notices incorrect pronunciation in own speech By 4 years
    • Can retell a familiar story close to the text By age 4
    • Encourages adults to play fairy tales with him, distributes roles, portrays the voice of various heroes of a fairy tale
    • The child should be able to name animals: wild, domestic. Must know the name of their cubs: horse-foal.
    • Should be able to describe the picture in 2-3 sentences: who is in the picture, what kind of ears he has, what he is holding in his paws, etc.
    • The child should be able to name various actions: the wolf is running, the fish is swimming, the squirrel is sitting, etc.
  3. attention, thinking, memory are involuntary. This means that the baby cannot control them by own will, he cannot concentrate or remember - he pays attention to what is in his field of vision, remembers what attracted attention. (!) Training is effective only against the background of the child's psycho-emotional and comfortable state.
  4. Concentrate attention, i.e. complete the task without being distracted for about 5 minutes; find 3-4 differences between objects; keep 3-4 objects in sight; find 2 objects similar to each other; perform tasks according to the proposed model.
  5. Be able to memorize 3-4 pictures, know a few quatrains by heart, repeat a short fairy tale read with the help of an adult; remember what he did in the morning, afternoon, evening; tell from memory about the content of the picture on leading questions.
  6. Be able to quickly and correctly assemble the pyramid; put together a picture of 4 parts; collect simple insert games; find simple connections between objects and phenomena.
  7. Depict the simplest objects and phenomena of reality using straight, rounded, oblique, long, short, intersecting lines; repeat simple movements of finger gymnastics.
  8. State your first and last name; name the people of his inner circle; know and name 6 primary colors; distinguish seasons; name the essential details and parts of objects.

Here are a few things you can test your child on.

Development of attention

  • Find the same objects in the picture, determine their color.
  • Draw on a piece of paper, for example, 2 houses and 2 bears and draw a path from each bear to the house. It is desirable that these paths intersect. Invite the child to trace the path of each bear to his house with his eyes and show who lives where. If the baby finds it difficult to do this visually, then invite him to run his finger along the path.
  • Offer to color the figurines according to the model.
  • Draw the contours of 3-4 objects so that they are superimposed on each other). Invite the child to find what objects are hidden there.
  • Offer to find several differences in the picture (a gray-red cat, one has a ball, the other has a cube, etc.). If the child is at a loss, then ask him leading questions. Memory Development
  • We consider a picture with 3-4 objects. The child must name the objects. We close the book and ask you to remember what is drawn there.
  • We consider a picture where, for example, a cat holds a ball, a squirrel holds an apple, and a mouse holds a box with a bow. In another picture, animals and objects are separate. You have to remember who held what.
  • Recall the heroes of the fairy tale "Kolobok". Who did the bun meet first? Recall from the picture of animals.
  • We are looking at 2 pictures. The first is a bunny under an umbrella, it's raining, mushrooms are growing. In another picture - the sun, berries, no mushrooms, the umbrella is complicated. What has changed in the picture?

Development of thinking

  • 2 pictures. One with animals, the other with food. You have to find who likes what.
  • We examine the picture, we need to choose a pair for the subject: a vase and a flower, a hat and a scarf, a shovel and a bucket, etc.
  • Find a patch to the rug. A red rug, and it has a red circle in the middle, which is also drawn separately. A green rug with a green triangle in the middle, and so on. The kid should tell what patch to put where, what color rugs. Development of fine motor skills
  • The kid should be able to draw vertical, horizontal and oblique lines of the right size. To do this, you can offer to finish the fence, the rays of the sun, rain, etc. You should also be able to draw round objects.
  • The kid should be able to accurately paint pictures.
  • The child should be able to perform simple movements of finger gymnastics.
  • And in general, work more with the baby with your hands (sculpt, draw with both fingers and pencils, collect simple large puzzles, etc.), because. thinking develops visually-effectively, tk. speech development is directly related to the development of fine motor skills)

I hope I have answered your question. Do not worry, Anna, remember that at this age, psycho-emotional comfort is especially important for babies, and your girl needs a calm and smiling mother.

Most modern parents pay a lot of attention to the early development of children, realizing that up to three years the child learns easily during the game, and after that it becomes much more difficult for him to learn new information without a good initial base. And many adults face the question: what should a child know at 3 years old? The answer to it, as well as everything about the developmental features of children at this age, you will learn from this article.

Caution: crisis of three years

It is considered one of the first of a child, it proceeds differently for everyone, but it still takes place. It is connected with the fact that at this age the process of becoming a baby's self-awareness begins - the old picture of reality becomes obsolete, and a new one comes in its place. In order to avoid unnecessary conflicts, stress and know how to help a child during this period, it is important to understand the following age characteristics of 3-year-old children:

  • There is a need to separate from adults, and reality, previously limited mainly by objects and the family circle, becomes the world of adults.
  • The child begins to oppose himself to adults, ceases to obey and protests against the norms of behavior instilled earlier.
  • It is during this period that the baby learns the difference between "I want" and "should", and deliberate actions begin to prevail over impulsive ones.
  • At this age, self-esteem is actively developing, which is greatly influenced by the attitude of adults.

New opportunities

But in addition to the complexities of behavior, useful features of a 3-year-old child appear that increase the ability to learn:

  • Communicative readiness: the child begins to interact with other people, guided by rules and norms.
  • Cognitive readiness: is formed due to which children are able to think about objects and conduct comparative analysis even when they can't see them.
  • Emotional development: the child begins to manage emotions, including coping with aggression.
  • The ability to count and read appears.

Interacting with the surrounding reality, the child learns the world and develops, the task of adults is to help him. When teaching, it is important to take into account and use something a child can do with the help of adults, and what he has learned to do on his own should become a passed stage in time.

Assessment of speech development

Up to five years, speech develops very intensively, so it is important to control whether the child is lagging behind, and if necessary, help him. To assess the development of speech, there is the following list of what a child should know at 3 years old:

  • The vocabulary is about a thousand words.
  • When designating objects, people and animals, full words are practically used, and not sounds or abbreviated versions.
  • Distinguishes and correctly uses prefixed verbs (ran, ran, ran out).
  • He knows how to name objects using generalizing words ("fruit" instead of "pear" and "apple").
  • Masters the names of the details of objects (can say that the pan has a bottom and handles).
  • Matches words and understands what synonyms are.
  • Invents his own words from those already known to him.
  • Draws attention to the incorrect pronunciation of other children, while the sounds themselves can also be pronounced incorrectly.
  • Can speak in a way that any adult can understand.

How to develop connected speech

The next 3 years include: increasing vocabulary, practicing the correct pronunciation of sounds and building sentences. The main goal of all classes is to improve coherent meaningful speech. To do this, you can engage in special magazines with colorful pictures and exercises.

Unfortunately, you can’t count on a child’s perseverance for a long time, but you can remember the main tasks for children of 3 years old and perform them using concepts from real life:

  • At home, you can name objects and pick up on the example of toys, shoes, dishes and any other things.
  • On a walk, you can tell the child adjectives and ask them to find objects that correspond to them, for example, "high" (the baby points to the house) or "red" (maybe a car). The advantage of this exercise is that the baby can find in real world Much more matching items than in the pictures.
  • On the street and at home, you can ask the child questions about the objects that he sees, for example, where they are, what color, why others are needed.

Learn poetry

At three years old, a child should be able to memorize and repeat 3-4 words that an adult said. Thanks to this ability, you can begin to learn poetry. They train memory, attention, develop speech, enrich vocabulary, expand ideas about the world, and also help the child grow purposeful and be able to complete the work begun.

A rhyme for children 3 years old should not be too long: two quatrains are enough. Before starting to learn a poem, an adult should expressly tell it and discuss the content with the child. If desired, you can draw pictures to the text. Each quatrain learns according to the same pattern: an adult slowly pronounces the first line and asks the child to repeat after him until he remembers it. Then the second line is learned and connected to the first, then the third is added to the first two. Then the last one is remembered, and the first quatrain is ready. When the two parts are memorized, they are combined and the verse is read in its entirety.

Easy rhyme for children 3 years old about the onset of winter:

In the morning I went to the window
Surprised: "Well, well!
I went to sleep in autumn
The world changed overnight!

Wearing white coats
Both trees and houses.
This means, in fact
Winter came to us at night!"

The earliest mathematical concepts

The first acquaintance with mathematics begins much earlier than it seems, and the further relationship of the child with this complex science depends on how successful it is. The following list of what a 3-year-old child should know in the field of mathematics will help to assess the completeness of the ideas:

  • Be able to compare objects by width, length, thickness and height.
  • Use the concepts of "many" and "one" in speech, correctly coordinate them with nouns.
  • Learn to count up to three on your fingers.
  • Know and name the basic geometric shapes: square, circle, triangle and compare objects by shape.
  • Know and use in speech the concepts: small, big, less and more.
  • Be able to compare the number of items.
  • Be able to find a pair of an object according to a given attribute.

Checking knowledge about the world around

Some parents underestimate the capabilities of their three-year-old children and do not give the required amount of load, and intensive classes begin during the period of preparation for school and face the child’s reluctance to study, because cognitive activity has already faded. To prevent such problems, it is important to find out in time what a child of 3 years old should know about the world around him, and, if necessary, fill in the gaps.

A child at this age should:

  • Know what domestic and wild animals look like and are called.
  • Understand who birds, insects and fish are, and be able to name three or four representatives of each class.
  • Know three or four names of trees and flowers.
  • Be able to distinguish between fruits, vegetables, mushrooms and berries, as well as know their basic names.
  • Have an idea about such natural phenomena as wind, rain, rainbow, snow.
  • Know and be able to name parts of the day.
  • Have an understanding of the materials from which the surrounding things are made.

We evaluate the development of thinking and motor skills

A three year old child should be able to do the following:

  • collect an image from 2-4 parts;
  • see and explain the discrepancy in the picture;
  • determine an extra item and justify your choice;
  • explain how objects are similar and how they differ;
  • cut paper with scissors;
  • separate pieces from plasticine and make sausages and balls out of them;
  • draw dots, circles and different kinds lines;
  • do finger exercises.

How to develop fine motor skills

Modeling for children of 3 years old is considered the most useful for the development of motor skills, but the child begins to show interest in it much earlier, for example, when he enthusiastically smears porridge on the table. You can sculpt from plasticine or puff pastry. Classes also help to develop speech and consolidate existing ideas about the world. You can sculpt if you wish, at least every day, but twice a week is enough. In order to make classes more fun and not too difficult for the child, you can make blanks from paper bases and select suitable stories or poems.

The purpose of the first experience with plasticine: to teach the child to tear off pieces from it and sculpt them on paper, you can draw trees and decorate them with colorful leaves. In the second lesson, you need to learn how to roll balls, you can decorate the Christmas tree with New Year's toys. During the third lesson, the child practices rolling sausages, it will be possible to make a rainbow out of them or For the age of three, these simple tricks are quite enough.

Of course, all children are individual and have different levels of ability. But it depends on the parents how these abilities will be used. It is important to closely monitor the progress of the child, assess his level of development and constantly give new and more complex, but no less interesting tasks for children 3 years old in a playful way.