Competitions in periodical magazines for preschool teachers. Information material for preschool teachers

Creating a comfortable environment for children with speech disorders

Deviations in speech development children interfere with their full-fledged educational activities. By the age of 7, and sometimes even earlier, children with speech disabilities become silent, shy, irritable. Not receiving comprehensive assistance, they will join the ranks of lagging behind schoolchildren. It is necessary to create an environment of individual educational space. The relationship of specialists of the preschool educational institution lies in the speech therapy of regime moments and classes. In the classroom, it is good to develop fine motor skills of the hands and articulatory apparatus in children, using finger gymnastics, various games.

Additional funds, providing a health-saving orientation of the pedagogical process, are:

-spring and ball massagers;

- sand therapy;

- theater activities.

Spring and ball massagers for development fine motor skills and digital praxis. Stimulation of points with massagers effectively treats many diseases, stimulates the work of all internal organs. Finger massage replaces general massage body, helps to increase tone, performance, has a general preventive effect.

sand therapy- a powerful resource for correctional development and educational work. With the help of games on the sand, the most complex correctional and developmental tasks are solved. All children enjoy playing with sand.

Such a game is a natural activity of the child, so the transfer of educational and developmental tasks to the sandbox gives a unique effect. On the one hand, the motivation for classes increases, on the other hand, they develop more intensively and harmoniously. cognitive processes. Games on the sand contribute to the development of fine motor skills of fingers, tactile sensations, help to involve the child in active verbal communication. According to parapsychologists, sand has a wonderful property to absorb negative psychic energy and purify a person's energy. On the sand you can create various situations together with the child, not only imagine, imagine and fantasize, but also really live whole stories. The use of a sandbox in pedagogical practice gives a complex educational and therapeutic effect.

What does such a thing as a comfortable environment for a preschool educational institution include?

A comfortable environment in a preschool educational institution is the internal space of a preschool educational institution, a system of its conditions that allow maintaining the psychophysiological health of preschoolers. The comfort of the child allows you to preserve his health as much as possible, maintains a positive emotional background, forms a stable experience of pleasure from being in kindergarten.

What effect does theatrical activity have on the development of children?

Theatrical activity is not only a means of entertainment, it stimulates the creative activity of children, increases the motivation for verbal communication. With the help of theatrical games, emotional and personal disorders are corrected: fear, aggression, communication skills with peers are developed. The possibilities of methods of theatrical pedagogy are unique in correctional work. Working with a toy, a doll allows children to relax and be liberated. Children learn that actors in their work use the tools that nature has given them: body, movement, speech, gesture, facial expressions ... A variety of theatrical performances (finger, puppet, dramatic) allows you to use them in all sensitive moments. Having reincarnated, putting the doll on his hand, the child comes into contact with peers more easily, not embarrassed by mistakes in sound pronunciation, because he speaks not for himself, but for the doll. By playing different roles, children enrich their vocabulary, as they need to remember all the words accurately. It is easier to work on the automation of the delivered sounds and their introduction into speech. Playing with a doll helps to build a dialogue correctly, affects the development of coherent speech. Dramatization of fairy tales affects the development of the timbre of the voice, its strength, intonation, and expressiveness.

Helping a child can be truly effective when we believe in the value of his personality, accept the child as he is, and do everything in our power to contribute to his development.

Professional Internet sites for preschool teachers: competitions, advanced training courses, webinars, publication of materials

Modern Internet magazine "Planet of Childhood" about the professional education and development of children. Daily updating of materials will help you in organizing the educational process.
Interesting developments, collections of didactic games, lesson notes, classes, teachers' councils - all the best materials for educators and primary school teachers are here! Each active teacher can become our author, with a certificate of article placement, which is taken into account when you pass the certification.
The Internet magazine "Planet of Childhood" is a platform for holding competitions of various kinds. Professional competitions for teachers of preschool and primary education are held monthly. Competitions for children are of particular interest - all children and curators receive certificates. Prizes await the winners!
Regular visits to the Internet magazine "Planet of Childhood" is the key to your professional growth and successful certification!

The highlight of this project is the ability to create a very quick and simple personal mini-site.
If you want more, then based on the expandable functionality of groups (communities), you can create large educational projects.
179"519 user mini-sites have been created on the network and 834"229 educational and methodological materials have been collected with a very convenient search system.

Educational-methodical cabinet is a site for educators, teachers, educators, students, parents and all those involved in the upbringing and education of children.
The study room is educational portal, where you can get a lot of interesting and useful information and exchange with colleagues pedagogical experience and skill.
The materials of the site will help you find answers to your questions about the upbringing, development and education of children.

The site is designed for a wide audience and is designed to unite teachers of preschool educational institutions in the territory Russian Federation into a single information network and competitive movement.
The purpose of the site: organizing an information educational space for the exchange of pedagogical experience, methodological support and professional growth preschool workers, demonstration of innovative activities of teachers in the field of preschool education through the widespread use of the Internet.

The festival has become the most massive and representative open pedagogical forum. The materials of all participants are published.
Each participant receives a complete set of final materials, including:
personal diploma;
certificate confirming the fact of publication of materials;
CDs (DVD) with full-text versions of all materials;
books - collections of abstracts of all articles *.

"About childhood" - a pedagogical portal for preschoolers, schoolchildren and teachers. The portal "About Childhood" is the successor of the portal "", which was launched on September 1, 2009. Portal "About Childhood" has the official status of an electronic tool mass media federal level: in May 2012, the portal received an official Mass Media Registration Certificate (El No. ФС77-49362) from the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information and Mass Communications (Roskomnadzor).
The main goal of the portal is to discuss the pedagogical problems of CHILDHOOD.

St. Petersburg Center for Additional vocational education since 2011, it has been implementing the All-Russian educational project RAZVITUM, providing an interactive platform for the exchange of experience and discussion of professional issues for a fairly wide audience: teachers, educators, teachers and, of course, children of all ages.

The world around us is constantly changing, every day throwing a new challenge to our knowledge and skills. Today, self-education, new ways of extracting, analyzing and processing information, new skills and technologies come to the fore. The Snail Center is a vivid reflection of modern requirements and trends in education. The remote events of the Center are a mosaic from which each participant can put together their own venous educational trajectory. Here self-expression brings joy, and freedom of choice and competition provide an additional incentive.

And information and methodological portal "Kindergartens of the Tyumen region"contributes to the implementation of information opennesspreschool organizations, directed for the development of a single information space of the regional system of preschool education, networking

11. Information and Methodological Center "Bachelor"

Information and methodological center "BAKALAVR" was established on August 1, 2013. The organization is a structural subdivision of the Interscholastic Association of Teachers of Science and Natural Disciplines (MAUNED).


Expansion of professional contacts, introduction of new

pedagogical technologies in the education system;

Stimulation of research activities of teachers and

their professional growth;

Identification of talented, creatively working teachers,

their support and encouragement

Portal of information support for specialists of preschool institutions

13. Little country

Raising and educating preschoolers

14. Site of workers of preschool education"My Kindergarten"

15. "Crossroads"safety road

Nomination "New educational standards in my practice"

AT educational organizations today it is time that computers are not perceived as something not real, then preschool institutions cannot stand aside, especially that, according to the new law on education, preschool institutions now belong to the first level of education in the Russian Federation.

Due to the fact that since 1991 our institution has included a kindergarten, the process of informatization, having begun its penetration from the middle, basic and elementary school, he smoothly stepped into the preschool department. I note that given vector development is now actively supported public policy and in normative documents occupies a through line.

Modern realities of life present to the educator not only maternal feelings of love, care for babies, but also force the educator to use information and communication technologies in their professional activities. Now the educator, like the teacher of the school, must not only use the computer as a means of multimedia support, but also use it as a means of managing the educational process in his group, preschool institution. On the other hand, the increasing demands on the educator from customers of educational services require him to devote more time not only to children, but also to maintaining various reports accompanying the child's development process, as one of the means of fixing his educational results in a preschool institution.

To this end, our school has developed an electronic journal"Educator".

The purpose of the development of the journal was:

1. Connection of all information flows of the educator into one information node.
2. Systematization of information collected by the educator about each child, group into a single information resource.
3. Creation on the basis of the journal of an integrated model of information and methodological support for the educational process of a preschool institution.

The electronic journal embodies all the requests of the educators of our preschool institution. It includes those pages that educators need in their daily painstaking work.

The electronic journal "Educator" contains 33 sheets, each of which has its own function.

  • 1 sheet."Characteristics of the group".Here the teacher gives general characteristics students in their group.
  • 2 sheet."List of the group with personal data."On this page, the educator enters personal data about the pupils and their parents, this page is the key one, and from this page all information will be duplicated as necessary. The age of each pupil is automatically calculated, the total number of girls and boys in the group.
  • 3 sheet. "Achievement ».
  • 4 sheet. Group schedule.
  • 5 sheet. "Orders".
  • 6 sheet. "Attendance".
  • 7 sheet "Health sheet".
  • 8 sheet. "Seating plan ».
  • 9 sheet "Employment".
  • 10 sheet. "Leisure".
  • 11 sheet "Movement".
  • 12 sheet "Accounting for payment for preschool educational institutions."
  • 13 sheet "Minutes of parent meetings."
  • 14 sheet "Themes of parent meetings."
  • 15 sheet "Meeting Attendance".
  • 16 sheet "Mode of the day."
  • 17 sheet "Social passport of the group".
  • 18 sheet "Psychological portrait of the group."
  • 19 sheet "Participation in competitions."
  • 20 sheet "Parents Committee".
  • 21 sheets "Diary of Affairs".
  • 22 sheet "Goals and objectives ».
  • 23 sheet "Work Plan".
  • 24 sheet "Financial activity".
  • 25 sheet "Cycogram of work."
  • 26 sheet "Grid of classes."
  • 27 sheet "Thematic planning".
  • 28 sheet "Cyclogram of educational activities outside of class."
  • 29 sheet "Perspective lesson plan."
  • 30 sheet "Calendar work plan."
  • 31 sheet "Summer thematic planning."
  • 32 sheet "Self-education".
  • 33 sheet "Equipment".

The introduction of an electronic journal in the educational process of a kindergarten has shown many advantages:

  1. Close contact in the parent-teacher chain.
  2. Efficiency of management and the possibility of compact storage of large amounts of information.
  3. Combining various information flows into a single log.

Educators of our preschool department in the reflection questionnaire expressed only positive feedback about the appearance and implementation of the magazine in the activities of educators.

"Electronic journal of a preschool teacher".

Get bonus rubles for your activity!

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Comments (24 )

11/14/2015 at 23:00

The idea is good, but I foresee a lot of difficulties in maintaining documentation in this form: problems with carving out time and providing educators with computers, the imperfection of such tables in practical application (you can’t just transfer school documentation to preschool rails - your tables are not “run-in”, you are cunning, saying that the teachers of your preschool department expressed only positive feedback about the appearance and implementation of the magazine) ... Of the advantages you have prescribed, I will only agree with the combination of various information flows into a single magazine. And one more thing: Alexey Alexandrovich, to put it mildly, you have a very peculiar command of an official-business style of speech and very curiously talk about the demands of modern realities of life that require maternal love from the educator :)

11/15/2015 at 02:56 pm

The main problem that may arise is the lack of a PC in the workplace, we do not have this problem. There is no guile, everything in the practical field is tested, we add something, we refuse something. Any innovation requires skill from the manager and the effectiveness of the introduction of ICT in preschool educational institutions depends on it. No one removes from the educator the feeling of maternal love for their wards, but alas, work as before, alas ...

11/16/2015 at 21:07

Alexey Alexandrovich, excuse me, but I agree with Eva Vladimirovna. I also have a lot of questions about practical application of your magazine. I was especially surprised by the section on the financial activities of the educator. There are no words. Don't you know that educators do not have the right to such activities (raising funds for repairs and household needs)?
Although the idea (basically) is not bad and has a place to be. Perhaps one of the colleagues will take it as a basis and, having processed it for themselves, will be able to put it into practice.

11/17/2015 at 03:12 pm

Why are you so narrow minded. For some reason, you associate financial activity with extortion. and the organization of trips, excursions, holidays, New Year's gifts or in your preschool institutions children with caregivers sit only in groups.

11/17/2015 at 19:36

Good evening, Alexei Alexandrovich!
I also like consistency and order. But not to such an extent. Of the proposed 33 pages, I would leave no more than 10, because. many of them are either not needed at all, or duplicate each other. For example, what can be the academic performance of preschool children? Why is it necessary to fix the "seating plan"? for the most part, just unnecessary paperwork. I see one big plus - the convenience of storage. And about financial activities - and trips, and gifts, and so on and so forth - this is the concern of parents. So this item is also illegal. Your activity would be in a peaceful direction!

11/21/2015 at 08:34

Of course, you can leave five pages. I didn't see any duplicate pages. Progress, if you looked carefully, implies input and output diagnostics according to the necessary parameters for each age group. It is enough for the educator to enter the diagnostic parameters and indicate the results 0-not formed, 1-partially, -2 fully formed, and the computer will calculate everything and build models. So, it’s not yet a fact what the educator will spend more time on manual counting or automated counting, but if you do nothing, then it’s clear that the program is not needed!

11/21/2015 at 11:21 am

That is, doing nothing is not spending the time that is so necessary for working with children filling out this electronic journal?
Yes, indeed, it is very long and difficult to calculate the number of boys and girls, zeros and ones in the input and some kind of "output" diagnostics!
About duplication - why is it necessary to highlight the pages ""Characteristics of the group" and "Psychological portrait of the group"? "Employment" and "leisure"? But these sheets are 9 and 10, or 21,22,23,25,28,29,30 - after all, all this can be simply put together. And if we talk about "various reports accompanying the process of a child's development, as one of the means of fixing his educational results" - in your journal, only 2 points are needed for this. We, teachers, class teachers, should also be a plan educational work", but it is much simpler and more compact, without the requirements of "seating" and even more so - financial reporting. BUT! - any document is needed in printed form (for inspectors). tabular unnecessary work, they also "offered" its electronic version.

11/22/2015 at 10:33 am

It is a pity that you do not feel the difference in the concepts of "Characteristics of the group" and "Psychological wipe". In addition, it is not clear, you write that in addition to all the paper-spreadsheet work, UNNECESSARY work, they also offered electronic work, but I think that now any piece of paper is output from the computer, and if you have it all connected together, then the efficiency of managing a group team increases . Employment is where pupils go to develop in addition to the preschool educational institution, and leisure is in order to see what cultural events the educator, pupils and parents went to during the year. If you did not read carefully, then I will REPEAT that all pages are NOT REQUIRED TO FILL OUT,

22.11.2015 at 17:50

Alexey Alexandrovich, "Psychological wipe". is one of the parts of the characteristics of the group, as well as the social passport. In the same way - and many other points you have proposed - they are parts of one whole. What can you say, for example, about the Diary of Affairs and the cyclogram of work? and 23,25,26.27 points? However, you can say nothing, it still won't change my opinion that this version is a pile of "electronic" papers, and certainly does not affect the "efficiency of managing a group team" in any way. Moreover, at There are more than 250 of you who want to do this and GET ANY BENEFITS FROM THIS. Or maybe it’s better for educators to work more directly with children? Goodbye!

23.11.2015 at 14:33

Once again, I have to tell you that this program he doesn’t force anyone to work, but simply reveals one of the ways to use ICT in the work of a preschool teacher, and using them, in my opinion, the teacher will spend more time than looking for and recovering information each time. Good luck!

11/19/2015 at 18:40

Dear Alexey Alexandrovich! Thank you for participating in the contest. You have the right to your point of view and its implementation. It's great if your educators accepted the "Electronic Journal" with joy.
But I'm afraid that this does not please the majority of educators in the country. So in our big city of Yekaterinburg, where he goes to Kindergarten my grandson, the teachers don't even know how to type! And their parents do it for them! And even if they could, this work would take away all the time that they should devote to children!

11/21/2015 at 08:36

I’ll stop again, but if, as you write, educators cannot type, then this program is not for them. But I did not think that in the regional center it was so hard with personnel. And the success of my program is confirmed by the fact that more than 250 educators from all over Russia have already signed an agreement on the use of the program.

11/24/2015 at 11:26 am

Aleksey Aleksandrovich! The fact that your work has caused so much debate suggests that this topic is relevant! All programs, websites, electronic versions of documents are subject to change. Something proves its ineffectiveness, something, on the contrary, becomes vital. I agree that any documentation is initially typed by us on a computer. And the ability to save it is a huge plus! The fact that many educators cannot use elementary Word programs is very upsetting. ICT skills do not interfere with kindness and love for children! To be interesting child, you should at least keep up with them! I have been organizing my documents since 1998, ever since a PC and a digital camera appeared in the house, and I can say with confidence that this is an invaluable material! This is an opportunity at any time to find what could be lost! You can argue a lot about the necessity and expediency of certain pages (I wouldn’t talk about extra work here, because I’m sure the PC and the systematization of the material only helps in the work), but what you are trying to make open and transparent is to find an opportunity to bring everything to a single the denominator is wonderful. Everything starts somewhere, and at the beginning it is always a huge work, but I am sure, even with time, something will go away, something will be added, something will unite, the main start has been made!

11/25/2015 at 02:56

Thank you for understanding and accepting the fact that ICT in the work of an educator is already a reality, and no matter how the previous participants in the discussion rejected this, sooner or later preschool educational institutions will have to do this. This stage in its history the schools have already experienced.

11/26/2015 at 03:27 pm

And I am very sorry that you so zealously reject ICT, but if you competently and skillfully combine "your" literacy and ICT, you can achieve even more. And our educational institution intelligently uses innovations, but not all kinds, but specific ones.

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