Syllabic riddles-charades of two syllables for preschoolers and younger students. Syllabic riddles-charades of two syllables for preschoolers and primary schoolchildren Charades for children 7 8 years old

Another type of word games is called "charade". The components of the charade are separate small words, which add up to a larger word. For a riddle-charade, a description of each part of it is given, and then the meaning of the whole word. And the word is not always broken into syllables.

The word "charade" comes from the French "charade" - the word to be found. This last word-guess is divided into parts that have an independent meaning. Each part of the main word is usually also encrypted in poetic lines.

Charades are described in ancient literature, and they reached their heyday in the salon culture of the 17th-18th centuries, and then disappeared from literature, remaining only as a game.

Here, for example, is how the word “sail” can be encrypted in verse:

Three letters flutter like clouds

Two are visible on the face of a man,

And the whole sometimes turns white "In the fog of the blue sea."

Here are some more examples of riddle words for charades:

bean-salt, task-dacha, top-ears, bale-rice, Chalk-and-poplar, ball-a-laika, half-was, bar-suk, ox-window, caramel, par-mustache, wine- hail,boycott.

Perhaps you yourself will try to come up with tasks for them? Just keep in mind that not any words are used for charades, but nouns in the nominative case.

The beginning is called a tree,

The end - my readers,

Here in the book there is a whole,

And every line has them.

(Answer: "Letters".)

The first syllable in surprise I exclaim

I remove the second syllable from the bookshelf,

When the first unites with the second,

That will be the smallest particle.

(Answer: "A-tom".)

Part of the dance is my first syllable,

Wine is my second syllable

Generally transported

Across the river towline.

(Answer: "Pa-rum".)

My first syllable is a preposition

In the second we will live all summer,

A whole from us and you

Been waiting for an answer for a long time.

(Answer: "Task".)

The end is at the bottom of the pond,

A whole in the museum

Find it easily.

(Answer: "Painting".)

You will find the first syllable among the notes,

And the second - the bull carries.

Do you want to find the whole

So look for it along the way.

(Answer: "Road".)

My beginning is in lead

And in silver and in steel,

And the ships at my end

Yesterday we got to the pier.

And if you are friendly with me,

Persistent in training

You will be in the cold, in the rain and heat

Hardy and dexterous.

(Answer: "S-port".)

You will find my first syllable then,

When water boils in a cauldron,

Pronoun - second syllable

And in general - your school table.

(Answer: "Par-ta".)

From the squeak of birds - take my first syllable,

The second - with a lamb's head.

Open the oven and find

Something that you have eaten more than once.

(Answer: "Pie".)

Note is my first syllable

Put a suggestion next to her

And, having solved the riddle to the end,

Get a facial expression.

(Answer: "Mi-na".)

You remember the measure of the area first -

You certainly studied it in school.

The five letters that follow are inspired,

They cannot live without dance, music and the stage.

Weapon eyes on the exhibits,

You will find the answer in the historical museum.

(Answer: "Ar-ballet".)

Here it is - the first syllable.

The letter at the end stands, opens the alphabet.

It’s a pity there is no answer: there was, but the answer floated away.

(Answer: "The missing".)

From paper - the very first syllable.

You could put sugar in it.

The second - he measures information or

We have a musical style...

The whole word is like a somersault,

You could see him at the circus.

(Answer: "Kul-bit".)

At the beginning - a series of actions,

But not walking or driving.

Then here comes the vowel,

And then - vice versa.

The answer is the beast hippopotamus.

You need to say otherwise.

(Answer: "Hippopotamus".)

Look for disease-infection,

And add a letter - right away

The new word is ready.

Ships have this word.

(Answer: "Anchor".)

You take the name of fish soup,

Attach the letter "M" to the beginning,

Here, everyone knows

An insect will appear in the answer.

(Answer: "Fly".)

The first is a note, the second is a game,

The whole will meet at the carpenter.

(Answer: "Before-lotto".)

The first syllable is called the river,

There is a second on the ship,

Well, the whole is given

In honor of the military victory.

(Answer: "Firework".)

pronoun, preposition,

Between them - the name of the poet,

And the whole is a known fruit,

What ripens at the end of summer.

(Answer: "Apple".)

Everyone knows my first syllable -

He is always in class.

We will add an alliance to it,

Put a tree in the back.

To know the whole

The city should be named.

(Answer: "Chalk-and-poplar".)

You will find my beginning in the field,

The second with the third you taught at school,

When there was a grammar lesson,

One of them is union

The other one is a suggestion.

Then you, with diligence,

Find the name of the tree.

But in general - the name of the hero city,

Whose battle glory we are proud of.

(Answer: "Sev-a-s-poplar".)

The first is a note, the second is the same,

And in general - it looks like peas.

(Answer: "Beans".)

Look for the first syllable in the dance

The second two are a number and a preposition,

And we call people whole,

Ready to give their lives in battle

For the good of their country.


My first syllable is a large stack of papers.

The Japanese from the second drive vodka.

But in general - trees are slimmer

Not a single alley knows.

(Answer: "Kipa-rice".)

The first syllable shines from the wall,

The rider rushes on the second,

And the third (who would have thought?)

IN Slavic alphabet find.

On the whole, he's unpleasant.

The law is following him.

(Answer:"Bra - horse - er".)

My first syllable is a preposition

Consent sign - my second syllable,

My third syllable is an evil fate,

All together - on a holiday we receive.

(Answer: "Present".)

The first syllable for measuring a circle is needed,

The second two together mean "age".

In general, firearms

It would be better if a person did not own it.

(Answer: "Gun".)

Geographic charades

1. In the letter and in the note you will find the capital of one of the republics of Russia.

2. My first syllable is a marine animal. He is sometimes hunted down. And the interjection - the second All - the state, but what?

3. Interjection is the first syllable. Among the birds, look for the second Third - the letter. In the Urals I flow like a river.

4. To show your skill

Let's think with you

My first syllable is a pronoun

The name of the forest is the second syllable

And at the end (be brave!)

Take one consonant.

End of the charade! whole word

Let's name a famous city.

5. Everyone knows the first syllable -

He's always in the classroom

We will add an alliance to it,

Put a tree in the back.

To know the whole

We need to name the city.

6. The first is a consonant, the second is a preposition, the third is a country in Africa, the whole is a republic in South America.


1. Wow. 2 Kit-ai 3 Chu-owl-ya 4. Vy-bor-g. 5 Chalk-and-poplar. 6. B-o-libya.

There are seven in number,

All of them are played.

Add the letter "E" to the word -

Animals are obtained.

(Notes - raccoons)

Prefix "U".

Style of music then.

Where are we calling?

(Rock - for the lesson).

The word has three letters.

Stings, flies.

Add the letter "R" -

She sparkles.

(Wasp - dew).

Tina saves crucian,

And with a crow "car" -


Every house has it.

He can creak, knock.

And "D" to "Z" just change -

She will go berserk.

(The door is a beast).

With the letter "T" she is in the sky

The sun obscures.

Instead of "T" we put "Zh" -

Barks and bites.

(Cloud - Bug).

Night comes. The day is gone.

Who is hurrying to us at this hour?

Who will turn the answer -

In the word, he will find a part of the face.

(Sleep - nose).

Beautiful short female name,

The initial letter is "O".

And if we put "K" in front,

It will easily turn into a man.

(Olya - Kolya).

Ancient Italian city.

He fought many times in his life.

Read three letters backwards -

You will know what he dreamed about.

(Rome is the world).

Five brothers on hand

Soldier brothers.

The fifth is small, like a gnome,

We affectionately call him.

"P" to "M" we will change,

And then who do we meet?

(Finger is a boy).

The first letter hisses.

He is already flying into the sky.

Add the letter "F" to the word -

On the shoulders will be renewed.

(Ball - scarf).

Basically everyone eats me in the morning.

I am tasty and healthy, they say.

And if we change "K" to "M",

IN beautiful name we turn food.

(Porridge - Masha).

He sleeps with the letter "K" on the stove.

Replace "K" with "R"

He will speak.

(Cat - mouth).

The beginning is a bird with a flat beak.

The end of the charade is part of the face.

(Duck - nose - platypus).

You put things in it

They picked up the bird note.

On the road!.. Sit down on the couch,

It will be …


The wind took him

Long circled in the air.

Tore off his tail,

And he immediately became a beast.

(Leaf - fox).

The first letter buzzes

Asking to fly.

On “Pa) you will replace the letter “Zh” -

Weaves a mesh.

(Beetle - spider).

Let's add "Po" to the word trouble,

Already have -


Near the house, all in flowers,

With a hat-roof stands.

Remove the letter "K" from the word -

She will speak.

(Arbor - conversation).

The very first

The most important,

the kindest

word in the world

Grandmothers also know

Grandparents also know

All adults know

All children know.

It has a second

And it's ready to eat.

(Mom - am-am).

What kind of bird

Will turn into a number

If the last letter


(Magpie - sorok).

If the most beautiful flower

In the name of his letter "G" suddenly let in,

For everyone, I assure you

He wouldn't be nice.

(Rose, rod).

He is skillful

Back up.

Read backwards -

Whose notes sound?

(Cancer - kar (crow).

Birds, bunnies in the cold

Very cold.

"X" to "G" will not change,

To not become...


We live in it for the whole summer.

What is the name of our house?

prefix to the word add

And we solve a new word.

(Dacha is a task).

Spring is the last month.

Add the syllable "Ka" to it.

Then change clothes

For a cute animal.

(May - T-shirt - Bunny).

To a lucky number

(Everyone should know it)

Try to add the letter "I" to you.

And there is hardly a native word,

It is the foundation of your happiness.

(Seven is a family).

With an added letter

We drive away laziness.

In the handsome forest

We transform it.

(Laziness is a deer).

He is homely, he is fluffy,

Well-fed. Sings a song.

Read the answer from the tail -

The electricity will go.

(Cat - current).

When adding two notes

For everyone not new

We will get a product from the legume family.

(fa, salt, beans).

She was born in the first month of spring,

When dreams come true.

Add a letter to the name of the month

And with the name of this daughter we will present.

(March - March).

Charades for children were composed by Zhabko Ya.

Syllabic charades are a simplified version of letter charades. The meaning of the charade is to guess the blitz riddle and, from the first syllables of the riddle words, compose the answer to the whole charade.

The first syllable from the booth barks,
They put a second bouquet in a syllable,
And fold it - it flies in the dark
And does not like the sun light.
(Owl: dog, vase)

The first syllable is the limb of the octopus,
The second syllable with a patch,
And all together - barracuda,
Only found in the river.
(Pike: tentacle, boar)

The first syllable in the sky shines
The second syllable is a weaver bug,
And put these two syllables
And you will see a dot with a ball.
(Magnifier: moon, spider)

The first syllable is a colored arc,
The second syllable is an iron horse,
And everything surrounds
Canvas, even with a field, even with a palm.
(Frame: rainbow, car)

The first syllable is sweetness from berries,
They wear the second syllable at home,
Together - white furry
And sometimes sterile.
(Cotton wool: jam, slippers)

The first syllable is red, like a flame,
Beach hat - second,
Together - a tree with flowers,
What attracts a bee swarm.
(Linden: fox, panama)

The first syllable is a milk dessert,
The second syllable is the trouser holder,
And all together day and night
Hitting everything around.
(Sea: ice cream, belt)

The first syllable is an elegant chest,
Cupcake flavor - the second,
Together - a stone, but boiling,
poured out by the mountain.
(Lava: Strongbox, Vanilla)

The first syllable is just a note
And the second syllable is the crew,
Let's put it together and get water
that flows to the sea.
(River: re, carriage)

The first syllable is put on the legs,
Damp where the second syllable is,
And all along the way
Rushing after the daring trio.
(Sledge: boots, lowlands)

The first syllable is six melodious strings,
In red clusters the second syllable,
Together everything is a mighty athlete
Raised up with one hand.
(Kettlebell: guitar, rowan)

The first syllable of the queen is worn,
The second syllable is salted fat,
And everything tangled up together
And it's on the shoulder.
(Scythe: crown, fat)

The first syllable in fruit puree,
The second syllable rushes through the snow,
Put them together, you'll get the word
What is toothy, but silent.
(Pitchfork: vitamins, skis)

The first syllable hides the face
The second syllable is a clam house,
And everything together illuminates
Way to go there later.
(Headlight: veil, shell)

The first syllable stands in the middle of the field,
The second syllable "Kva-kva!" sings,
And all together a lot of pain
Cause if it hits.
(Bullet: scarecrow, frog)

The first syllable is baked from dough,
The second syllable blooms in the meadow,
Put them together, and what is together
There are those who are all in fluff.
(Feather: biscuit, chamomile)

The first syllable on the tops of the waves,
Squeeze out the second syllable,
And fold it, and there are shells
Can be found sometimes.
(Sand: foam, juice)

The first syllable in the treasures is found,
Syllable second camel brother
Together, everything is at the stove in the hearth,
How the logs burn.
(Ash: gold, lama)

The first syllable of a bee in the abdomen,
Wool gives us the second syllable,
And all together - not a frog,
But she looks like her.
(Toad: sting, ram)

The first syllable is a game with a board,
The syllable will grind the second cheese,
Together they will dig the tunnel
Becoming blacker than the night itself.
(Miner: chess, grater)

The first syllable is an icon for sound,
Variety of cookies - the second syllable,
And they all wear pants
And runs after the kids.
(Leg: note, biscuit)

First syllable with tail and mane,
The second flies from the poplars,
And all together proudly
Grows over the grass.
(Burdock: horse, down)

The first syllable is a feathered predator,
The second syllable is light on a stick,
If someone lies down where he seeks,
There is no better place in the world.
(Sofa: falcon, torch)

The first syllable is almost silent,
The ledge of the roof is the second syllable,
All together - the catch is not the best,
But floating and alive.
(Tina: silence, canopy)