Cosmonautics Day in kindergarten - a script for the middle and preparatory groups for the day of cosmonautics. The scenario of sports entertainment for the Day of Cosmonautics in the preschool educational institution


Marching children enter the hall, line up in two lines
Hello kids,
Girls and boys!
On April 12, we celebrated one of the most interesting holidays on earth. Back in 1961, the first man flew into space. I think you know this person. Say his name guys (parents)
Children: Yuri Gagarin
Leading: Correctly! Since then, every year our country celebrates this day. And what is it called?
Children: Cosmonautics Day.
Leading: Yes, Cosmonautics Day. And our sports festival is dedicated to this day. I think you all want to be as strong and brave as our astronauts.
And now the guys will read us poems:

Lenya: We dream of rockets,
About flights, about the moon.
Lera: But for this to study
Much is needed on earth.
Vanya: School of young cosmonauts
We're going to open.
Lisa: And we want a whole group
Get into this school.
Artem: To be honest, first,
Speaking without further ado,
Vitya: One desire is not enough,
Everyone must be ready!

The Martian enters to the music

Martian: Hello, earthlings, I flew from the planet Mars! My name is MARSIK, I often watch you through my telescope. I learned that today you have a holiday where you will show your dexterity, courage, endurance, strength and ingenuity. So I decided to fly to you to see everything with my own eyes. I flew in to watch how children become young astronauts, because it's a celebration when the first man flew into space!
Leading: Welcome! We are very glad to see you at our holiday. Our guys are preparing to enter the school of young astronauts. Look how it happens.
Poems for children:
Kolya: I'm not a master of sports
And I still don't break records
Andrey: But exercises every day,
Do not be lazy to deal with them!
Sonya: If you don’t get arrogant in vain,
Every day to train
Lesha: Run, jump, throw the ball,
You can become an astronaut!
Dasha: And at the holiday we should
Show your skill!
Nikita: Be healthy, brave, strong
And, of course, do not be bored!

Leading: Two teams are participating in the competition today: the “rocket” team and the “satellite” team
Leading: Well, before we start our competitions, our future cosmonaut needs to practice.
Leading: Get ready for training!

Rhythmic warm-up/dance to music
Leading: Dear Martian, do you think the children are ready to enter the school of young astronauts?
Martian: Yes, quite.
Leading: We have many interesting competitions ahead of us.
Leading: If you are ready, then you can start our competitions. Teams, to the start!

First star relay
There are two hoops near one wall and one hoop near the teams, in the hoops near the wall there are stars that need to be transferred one for each player to their own hoop near the team, the team that completes the task faster wins.

The second relay "carry it do not drop it"
We will need the help of our mothers (2-3 mothers each), each mother must put her young astronaut into the (basin) spaceship and bring her to orbit, that team wins. Which will take you faster, safe and sound of your astronaut.

The third relay "assemble the rocket"
We need to build a rocket from sticks laid against the wall, moms, come to your kids, we can't do it without you!
The team that builds their rocket the fastest wins.

And now a musical pause, our guys have prepared space ditties for you.

With a bright look warms
fire eye,
This sun is shining

Faithful companion of the Earth
The yellow moon has become
Shines very, very bright
She is always there at night.

Flickering in the sky at night
bright sparks,
It's the stars that lit up
On my picture.

The hero conquered the rocket,
conquered the stars,
This is our Gagarin Yura
The whole world was surprised.

We are fervently about space
All ditties sang.
Everyone liked it, with happiness
Almost flew away.

Martian: What talented guys you have! For the first time I meet such smart, fast, brave guys! When I fly to Mars, I will definitely tell all my friends about you.
Host: And we still have space relay races in stock!

The fourth relay "flies - does not fly"
In this relay we don't need to run, jump, here we will clap, but we just need to be very careful! I will call you words, and you will clap if this object flies! Don't get caught, I'll be cunning!
Leading: Well done!

Leading: The next relay is called
"lunch in weightlessness"
We will need mothers (2-3) For this we have an astronauts' lunch, your task is without hands! Only with your mouth to catch an apple hanging on a string, after you catch an apple, you need to quickly run back, the next player starts only after the previous one has brought lunch. The team that "catch" the most space lunch wins.

The sixth relay "hit the target"
We have balls suspended, you need to hit the target with sandbags, we play in turn, the first deuce, then the next pair, etc., the team that knocks down more targets wins (throw one person once).

Leading: Well done boys. Everyone coped with such difficult tasks, we found out that you are the most attentive, the fastest, the most dexterous and the most friendly!

Music sounds

Martian: Welcome, welcome! I understood you! Guys, trouble is trouble! My planet has been taken over by space pirates, what should I do? What to do?!
Host: Don't worry! We will help you now. The guys and I will collect all our goodness and send it to your native Mars, and it will defeat any evil!

All children sit in a Turkish circle, put their hand on their heart, close their eyes and listen to how it beats ...
Host (quietly):
Quietly, quietly we breathe
We listen to our heart...
Leading: Hear, guys, how your heart beats. Feel how warm your palms have become, and now open your eyes, unfold your palms and direct the warmth of your hearts into space to help the Martians who are now in trouble.
Music sounds...
Martian: Welcome, welcome! The guys just told me that everything is fine and life is getting better. I thank you for your help, you really deserve to go to the school of future astronauts - you are brave, resourceful, and the kindest in the world. Thank you guys for a wonderful holiday, I will always remember it, I hope you will not forget me either. And now it's time for me to fly to my planet. Goodbye friends! I look forward to visiting you!
Host: So our holiday has come to an end. The teams coped with difficult tasks, and can consider themselves enrolled in the school of young cosmonauts, and in confirmation of this, medals are awarded to everyone!
Music sounds, the presenter puts a medal around the neck of each child.

It is important that this holiday is fun and interesting for every child. The scenario is suitable for the senior and preparatory groups of the kindergarten.

Characters: children, Cosmonaut, Teacher.

whatman paper and colored pencils, "moonstones", bags.

It is desirable that the children be dressed in space-themed costumes (stars, planets, comets, etc.). The hall also needs to be decorated in accordance with the holiday. You can hang pictures of famous astronauts, relevant posters, stars, models of rockets and spaceships.

To the music, children enter with the Teacher. The children are seated.

Hello kids, hello guests, today we have a great reason to get together. Today the whole country celebrates Cosmonautics Day, and we are no exception. I want to congratulate you all on this holiday, and wish your stars to shine brightly brightly! So here we go! Kids, do you know why people started celebrating this day in our country?

(Children take turns answering. If there is no correct answer, the Teacher explains that this day was founded in honor of the first flight into space)

Space, how much is mysterious, unknown, new in it. Children, which of you would like to become an astronaut?

(Children answer)

You know, I also once dreamed of becoming an astronaut, but, as you can see, it didn’t work out, but this doesn’t mean that you won’t succeed either, I’m just afraid of heights. By the way, I have good news for you, a real Cosmonaut came to our holiday!

(Astronaut enters to the music)

Astronaut :
I often fly into space
And I conquer heights
And I flew over the moon
And discovered the planets!
I came to you for the holiday,
I found time in the schedule,
I will celebrate with you
Answer questions!

Dear Cosmonaut, thank you for visiting our holiday. How did you get there? Did you manage to find our kindergarten right away?

Astronaut :
The flight went well! What is there to look for it? The instruments immediately showed me where to land.

Tell us where you flew, what did you see? Our children are very inquisitive, and they are very interested.

Astronaut :
Recently, for example, I was on the moon. My flight lasted almost 8 days! By the way, if you could walk to the Moon on foot, it would take you as much as 9 years, and to the Sun 3500 years, imagine what a huge distance it is! By the way, the entire surface of the Moon resembles Africa in area, so it turns out that it is not so big.

Marvelous! Really, kids?

(Children respond in unison)

Astronaut :
I'm a little tired,
The flight was difficult
I would like to rest from the road,
And continue our lesson!

Of course of course! And while the kids read poems, because they prepared, tried, taught.

Astronaut :
Poems are good, I love verses very much!

Well, kids, let's surprise
Show knowledge,
Astronaut we are now
We'll tell you everything about space!

Child 1:
Wonderful in space
different worlds,
stars and planets,
They must be opened!
sharp missiles,
Flying here and there
star greetings,
They want to pass!

Child 2:
I'll look through the telescope
I'm closer to space
To touch with your hand
To the stars that I see!
Like bright diamonds
shining high,
We can't get to them
Very far!

Child 3:
I want to say, frankly, friends,
The richest of all in space is our Earth,
It has water, air and life,
On it with you we were born!

Child 4:
Every planet is different
And you can't confuse the planets,
Let's call them all now
Ready guys, ready friends?

Child 5:
There is a big ring around Saturn
And it doesn't look like anything
Once upon a time, just water froze,
And it turned out a ring of snow and ice!

Child 6:
The tiny planet has been around for a long time,
She's closest to the sun
Baby's name is Mercury
People, alas, do not live on it!

Child 7:
Carbon dioxide filled the spaces
The planet is visible to people
It arises in the morning and in the evening,
You can't live on Venus either!

Child 8:
This planet is called fiery,
Satellites only fly to Mars,
Days go very slowly on the planet,
A huge volcano is resting there!

Child 9:
Jupiter is huge, probably beautiful,
But they haven't explored it to the end.
On it, Super Man would lose power,
The earth is rich in krypton!

Child 10:
Cold and insanely long year
No one will live there
Time to explore Uranus
But don't get there yet!

Child 11:
Winds, hurricanes walk on Neptune
A year there is a century,
This planet was not really known,
Just a person will not survive there!

Child 12:
Space is so mysterious, beautiful,
I want to fly into space
Unravel the mysteries of space
And see, conquer the moon!

Astronaut :
What good fellows you are, what clever girls you all are! So small, but you know so much about the planets! Obviously, future astronomers and astronauts gathered here. In general, I rested, and I'm ready to continue, but I propose to move away from the topic of the Moon a bit and talk about rockets. This is one of the most amazing inventions of mankind. The power of engines, a porthole and many mechanisms, buttons that allow us to control it. You know what, let's draw a rocket!

(Children are divided into 2 teams. Each receives a drawing paper and a set of colored pencils. The captain begins to draw, after which each child adds one detail to the drawing. Run time 2 minutes. Props: drawing paper and colored pencils.)

Astronaut :
I'll tell you a secret guys, sometimes in zero gravity, I even manage to dance. I really love this thing!

Our kids love to dance too. Really, kids?

(The song “Earth in the porthole” sounds and the children dance to it)

Astronaut :
Well, straight, pleased, so pleased! For now, you can rest a little, and I will tell you more about my space travels. So, do you know that the Moon is a satellite of our planet?

(Children answer)

Astronaut :
It's very difficult on the moon, I tell you. There is an unstable temperature, moonquakes periodically occur and there is very harmful lunar dust. But what a view from the moon! Our entire planet seems to be in the palm of your hand. You know, I fly into space so often, I've seen so many things that I don't even know what else to tell you. Do you know, dear kids, that there is a diamond planet in our universe? I personally did not visit it, but it is known to our scientists. Also, there are moon rovers on the moon! By the way, would you like to be in their role for a while?

The game "Little moonwalkers".
The leader (in our case, the Cosmonaut) squats down, the children do the same. The music turns on quietly, to which the leader begins to move (without changing his position) and making the sounds of beep-beep-beep. Children repeat after him. It turns out very fun and funny.

Astronaut :
You made excellent Lunokhodiki! But I’m wondering if I ask you about space, will you answer?

(Making riddles)

Examples of zagado to:
1. He flew the first into space,
Everyone in the world knew him!

2. The biggest star,
We see her from the window
She warms us with warmth
And everyone in the world knows her!

3. Appears in the sky,
When the lights are on
From the window you see her
Come on, call me quickly!

4. There is water on the planet,
Continents, houses, forests,
We live on it with you
Name our home!

5. Bright tail of light,
Rushing across the sky
If something comes across
Will definitely explode!

6. Ships fly away from it,
What is everyone calling this place?

(Riddle options may vary)

Astronaut :
I landed successfully. I have never seen such smart kids! Listen, I completely forgot! Oh what will happen now! What will happen!

Dear Cosmonaut, what happened?

Astronaut :
Yes, you understand, I brought moonstones from my mission, but apparently I lost them somewhere in the hall, but I can’t do without them, they’ll fire me!

Well, it's not scary! We will help you find them! Can you show me what they look like?

Astronaut :
I just had one lying around! (shows)

(For this task, in advance, before the start of the holiday, you need to scatter “moonstones” around the hall. They can be made of paper or take large pebbles for decoration. Children are divided into two teams and begin to collect pebbles in bags or bags. The team that finds more. Props: "moonstones", bags.)

Astronaut :
What did I do without you! Thank you so much dear kids! Unfortunately, it's time for me to hit the road, another flight is coming soon, and I need to get ready!

And finally, congratulations
We will read together
We want to say thank you
We need to know all this!

(Children read together)

Astronaut :
Until we meet again, friends
I am very glad to meet you
It's time for me to go
It's time for me to go to space!
I wish you success
I wish you all well
Let the stars shine bright
And always light the way!

(Removes to the music)

You can add a few more if needed. Before the holiday, it is recommended to conduct an educational lesson about space.

April 12, 1961 was the day that marked a new round in the development of science and technology. Decades before, scientists different countries developed projects for space rockets - aircraft that help people go into space. Before that, in 1951, the first attempt was made to send dogs into space, however, the ship with the animals did not reach orbit - the dogs returned to earth. Later, after several more rocket launches with dogs on board, the world-famous successful flight of Belka and Strelka followed. Shortly before Yuri Gagarin became the world's first cosmonaut in 1961, a monkey monkey from the United States put on a spacesuit. In addition to these amazing flights, history knows the adventures of French astronaut cats and even ... turtles! In addition to mammals, various insects, plant seeds, algae, microorganisms managed to visit the orbit. The first person to walk on the moon was Neil Armstrong, an American astronaut. Since it was our country that was able to successfully send a man into outer space, for decades we have been celebrating April 12, 1961 as Cosmonautics Day. This day is celebrated annually throughout Russia. In schools and kindergartens there are holidays dedicated to space and everything related to astronautics. Together with the parents of the children, the educators draw up scenarios for holding this holiday in the middle, senior and preparatory groups of the kindergarten. Cosmonautics Day in kindergarten turns for little boys and girls into a real intergalactic adventure.

An amazing holiday for Cosmonautics Day 2017 in kindergarten - Scenarios for the April 12 event for children

The holiday for Cosmonautics Day in kindergarten can be spent in different ways. Older children and preschoolers will be interested in a thematic conversation, the purpose of which will be to expand the knowledge of preschoolers about everything related to space. Showing slides during the conversation will help the children understand how people came up with the idea of ​​​​building the first aircraft. Boys and girls are told about the role of K.E. Tsiolkovsky and S.P. Queen in the development of space shipbuilding. Of course, the monologue of a teacher or an invited guest, even if “flavored” by showing amazing pictures, would be boring, especially if such a story would last for a long time. That is why the script for holding Cosmonautics Day in kindergarten includes songs and poems about space. The children themselves read and sing them. The more children are involved in the organization of the holiday, the more interesting it is on April 12 in the kindergarten!

Ideas for Cosmonautics Day in Kindergarten - Scenario "Great Space Journey"

According to the "Great Space Journey" scenario, the host opens the holiday. He talks about why April 12 is called Cosmonautics Day. The facilitator briefly tells the children the story of launching animals into space. Boys and girls are looking at photos of Strelka and Belka. Perhaps some of the boys and girls have already watched a full-length Russian animated film about the adventures of dogs in orbit and their training. However, the presenter can inform the children that at the end of the matinee they will watch this funny cartoon. It is necessary to include the children's performance with poems and songs about human spaceflight into space in the scenario of the celebration. For this, 7-14 days before the "Great Space Journey", the teacher distributes to the children pieces of paper with poems about the brave cosmonauts, about the first flight around the Earth of Yuri Gagarin. As it was reported to the children at the very beginning of the holiday, the matinee on April 12 ends with watching the cartoon "Squirrel and Strelka".

Cosmonautics Day in kindergarten - Matinee scenario for the middle group

AT middle group kindergarten children 4-5 years old are not yet able to memorize poems well. However, at this age, children are happy to take part in various skits. Since the kids still cannot keep their attention for a long time, listening to the teacher or the host of the matinee dedicated to Cosmonautics Day, the holiday script should include many short numbers - poems, dances, songs, skits. The children will also be interested in a quiz - answers to questions about space and astronauts. Among other things, each of the kids, own will, can tell everything he knows about rocket flying. The scenario of the Day of Cosmonautics in the middle group of the kindergarten may include a sporting event. Boys and girls already know that only the strongest and most trained people are taken as astronauts. The competition for the fastest, most dexterous and flexible will appeal to all the guys without exception! Since space is always associated with mysteries and mysteries, children can organize a "meeting with aliens."

Holiday for Cosmonautics Day in the middle group - Scenario "Meeting with aliens" in kindergarten

Spending Cosmonautics Day in the middle group of the kindergarten, it is not necessary to tell the children about the development of space shipbuilding for a long time and in detail. Kids 4-5 years old are much closer to the idea of ​​​​everything magical, mysterious and unfamiliar, connected with space. Of course, they already know that life is possible on distant planets. Boys and girls secretly hope to meet aliens, see a UFO, a flying saucer. If the most active parents of children are involved in the preparation of the holiday, they will be able to play the role of space aliens. Mothers can sew astronaut costumes for their children - “spacesuits”, and educators and fathers will dress up as alien guests. In this case, small children become spectators of the big show "Meeting with aliens." Of course, some of the children will recognize their father or mother in the strangers asking questions to kindergarteners, but it will still be fun!

"Alien" greeting

Coming to you from afar
We are with Bim Bim
Villager planets
A TV show came to us
What do you have here merry and congratulations

Is this a guest here?
You look and stunner
Pretty and smart
What do we wish them?

Wish we are kind
Wish the big man
To long not an old man
And a big wallet

We would sit with you
But we need to fly away
To the planet bim-bonyako
wish you good luck
And cosmic energy fuels you
Goodbye, goodbye!!!
Fly away!!! Fly away!!!

Holiday Cosmonautics Day 2017 in kindergarten - Scenario for the preparatory group

The topic of space flight is always interesting for young children. Indeed, in childhood, not only boys, but also girls dream of becoming astronauts, going on a long journey to the stars and, perhaps, meeting representatives of alien civilizations there! The teacher, having connected the parents and older brothers and sisters of the children to the preparation of Cosmonautics Day in the preparatory group of the kindergarten, can independently prepare a presentation on the history of human spaceflight. To increase children's interest in the topic of astronautics, adults responsible for holding the event collect materials about space in advance - photographs of astronaut animals, illustrations, posters, photo albums with pictures of the conquerors of interstellar space. The children are told about the first "flying" heroes of fairy tales and legends - the Little Humpbacked Horse, Icarus, flying carpets.

Holiday for Cosmonautics Day in the preparatory group - Scenario "I want to become an astronaut"

Preschoolers of 6 years already perfectly memorize poems and actively participate in all events in honor of the holidays with pleasure. The children of the preparatory group of the kindergarten can be offered to hold matins "I want to become an astronaut." It is necessary to include sports competitions for children, quizzes, competitions in the script of the matinee. The games and relay races included in the holiday script will bring great excitement to the matinee. For example, in the middle of an activity, children can be divided into two teams. Each of these teams is given a set of constructor with large parts. Children competing with each other must build a rocket. Members of the winning team are always awarded homemade medals (for example, "Best Spacecraft Designer" or "Future Astronaut").

Scene "I want to become an astronaut"

Dad is sitting at the table (the role is played by a boy). There is a second chair next to it.

LEADING: Every boy dreams, of course,
That someday he will fly into space.
And the boy Seryozha was no exception,
I decided to be an astronaut when I grow up.

The boy Seryozha comes out to the middle of the hall.

SEREZHA: The astronauts are lucky,
Fly into space every day
Count the stars, walk on the moon...
As much as I would like to.
I want to become an astronaut
I'll grow up and fly into space!

HOST: But first you need to know
What does it take to become an astronaut?

Seryozha approaches dad.

SEREZHA: I'll ask my dad. Dad, tell me
What does it take to become an astronaut?

PAPA: Cosmonauts have their own, special regimen.
Charging every day, and on time they go to bed.
It's very important for health
This special regime must be observed.
Jogging, push-ups, squats,
Cold water pouring.
At least start with this.

SEREZHA: Well, this is a couple of trifles.
I am ready to do the charging.
And go to bed by the hour.
All this I can do myself.

PAPA: Well, son, since you are ready,
Let's get started today.

LEADING: All day he worked with dad,
And squatted, and did push-ups,
Washed with cold water,
And even lifted the bar.
He jumped, ran and jumped.
And terribly tired in the evening.

Papa and Seryozha pantomime exercises, running, wiping with water, etc.
At the last words of the host, Seryozha sits wearily on a chair.

PAPA: Are you so gloomy, son?
Have you changed your mind about becoming an astronaut?

SEREZHA: Now I understand - this is not an easy job.
Space fly.
I did not change my mind about becoming an astronaut,
But I'm not ready yet
To such space loads.
Being an astronaut is not easy!
Of course I won't be discouraged
I will develop strength in myself,
Exercise in the morning
And go to bed on time.

LEADING: All the boys dream of space,
They read books about space.
In the sky the stars are studying
They dream of becoming astronauts.

Cosmonautics Day in kindergarten, senior and preparatory groups can turn into a fun and memorable event if it is prepared in advance. We are sure that our ideas for spaceflight matinee scenarios will help you spend April 12 a real holiday for children.

Sports entertainment for the middle group of the kindergarten: “If you really want to, you can fly into space! »

Purpose: to introduce children to healthy lifestyle life, consolidation of ideas about space and the profession of an astronaut through outdoor games.

Develop motor activity of children.

To develop the voluntary attention of children with the help of elements of psycho-gymnastics.

Development of proper nasal breathing skills.

To cultivate goodwill, responsiveness, the ability to act in a team.

Develop cognitive interests, the ability to compare, reason.

Education of attitude towards oneself as an inhabitant of the planet Earth.


Hoops 8 pcs.

Skittles 8 pcs.

Sandbags (according to the number of children)

Event progress.

Children enter the hall to "space" music.

Host: Hello guys! Today a letter came to our kindergarten, let's see who it is from. (Opens the letter. It contains a picture of the cartoon character Luntik). Guess who sent it to us? Let's see what is written there: “Dear guys! You know that I was born on the moon and one day I came to Earth. I really like Earth, but I would like to know if there is a better planet in space than Earth. I live far in the forest, and I cannot fly to other planets myself. Maybe you can help me, fly off and tell me how it lives on other planets? "Guys, can we help Luntik?

Host: but before we fly, let's solve riddles and think about what we need to fly into space.

A bird cannot reach the moon

Fly and land

But he can do it

Make fast (rocket)

The rocket has a driver

Weightlessness lover.

English: astronaut

And in Russian (cosmonaut)

Children guess riddles, express their thoughts about what is needed to fly into space.

Host: That's right, kids. To fly into space you have to be an astronaut. Do you know that astronauts are the healthiest people? After all, flying into space is a difficult task, preparation is needed! Who knows what to do to be strong and healthy like an astronaut?

Children: play sports, do exercises, etc.

Host: right! And we will also prepare a little and gain strength. Join our fun space workout!

Children get up to warm up.

Warm-up with elements of breathing exercises.

Exercise "We start the movement - this is head rotation"

I. p. Hands on the belt, feet shoulder width apart. Head rotation at a slow pace.

Exercise “Now the step is in place. Higher legs! Stop, one, two! »

I. p. hands along the body, legs together. Walking in place. (6 times)

Exercise "Raise your shoulders higher, and then lower them."

I. p. hands along the body, raise and lower the shoulders (6 times)

Exercise "Weightlessness".

I. p. lying on the stomach. Legs are closed, arms are bent under the chin. Raise your head and shoulders, take your hands back and bend. Lie down in the starting position and relax.

Exercise "Squirrel and Strelka".

I. p. "The dog is happy." Standing on hands and knees. Raise your head, stretch and bend in the lumbar region. Take a deep breath.

I. p. "The dog is angry." Standing on your hands and knees, lower your head and press your chin to your chest. Bend back. (5-6 times)

Exercise "The planet rotates: you need to jump ten times,

Let's go higher, let's go together! » Jumping with a turn.

Exercise "Let's fill the spacesuits with air."

Connect your hands in front of your chest, clenching your fists. Perform forward bends - down and with each springy slope, take jerky breaths - breathe like a "pump". Exhalation is arbitrary.

Leading: here we are ready for the flight. But after all, we will not enter into one rocket with you, what should we do?

The children make their guesses.

Host: I know that we need to split into two teams and each team will fly on its own rocket.

Children are divided into two teams.

Host: in the team you need to choose the captain of the spaceship. Crews ready? Then, the next task for the teams. You need to choose the items that you, astronauts, will definitely take with you on a flight. (Gives out cards to teams with the image of a spacesuit, space food, a moon rover, a Russian flag, a cup. Children choose the items they need).

Well done guys, you got the job done. Let's check if everything is in order with our missiles.

Psycho-gymnastics: exercise "Attentive astronaut". Children take the pose of an attentive astronaut.

Fast rockets are waiting for us

To travel to planets.

Whatever we want, we'll fly to such!

But there is one secret in the game:

There is no room for latecomers!

The children take their places.

Leading: so, fasten your spacesuits and help your neighbor, knock on the back with your fingers!

Children "button their spacesuits", help neighbors on the right and left.

Host: close your eyes, let's fly. (slow music playing)

Relaxation: "Slow motion". Children sit closer to the edge of the chair, lean against the back, put their hands freely on their knees, legs slightly apart, close their eyes and sit quietly for a while, listening to slow, quiet music:

Everyone can dance, jump, run, draw.

But not everyone knows how to relax, to rest.

We have a game like this - very easy, simple.

The movement slows down, tension disappears.

And it becomes clear - relaxation is pleasant!

Host: We've arrived. And to find out where, guess my riddle.

Only better stars are visible

The sky is full (Moon)

That's right, we're on the moon. What is unusual on the moon?

Children: children's answers.

Host: There are lunar craters on the moon. And now we will walk on the lunar surface and collect samples of lunar soil.

Relay race "Moon path". (There are hoops on the floor, children can only walk by stepping into the hoop. After walking through the lunar craters, each child takes a bag of sand and returns to his team).

Moderator: Well done guys. So we walked on the moon. We didn't meet anyone. Are we going further?

Leading: then into the rocket! And listen to my riddle.

Almost at the speed of light

The fragment flies from the planet.

Flying towards the ground

Space ... (meteorite).

We flew to a large meteorite. There is no one here except us, only small meteorites. Let's collect them, take Luntik! The first team collects meteorites of blue color. Second red. (on the floor there are small balls of two colors of red and blue, each team collects balls of its color to the music).

Host: Well done. How many meteorites have been collected! Let's go further. Only in the suits there was little air left. Gotta pick it up.

Breathing exercise "Let's fill the spacesuits with air."

In space through the thickness of years

Icy flying object.

His tail is a strip of light,

And the name of the object is ... (Comet)

We, too, will now be comets. The team captain is the comet, and the crew is the tail of the comet. The comet flies past all obstacles, and should not lose its tail! Come on, let's check which team will complete the task faster and not lose anyone! (Children stand behind each other with a "train", holding on to each other's waist. Comets must go around obstacles and return to their places).

Host: Well done! Sit on your space chairs. We fly further. Listen to the poem:

There is one garden planet

AT preschool age children should receive as much useful and important information as possible. And not only about things that can be seen, touched, tasted, but also about what is far and inaccessible: about the laws of nature, cosmic phenomena, distant discoveries. In connection with the 50th anniversary of the first human flight in outer space you can organize a fascinating holiday - Cosmonautics Day in kindergarten for the middle and preparatory groups. A high-quality scenario of the event will expand the horizons of children, enrich them with new knowledge about the hitherto unknown, and temporarily quench their thirst to fantasize about other planets and hidden cosmic mysteries.

But do not forget: the holiday for Cosmonautics Day in the kindergarten is a colossal work in preparation, design and organization. It is better to approach her with all the responsibility inherent in the educator.

Not only 50 years ago, space was interesting to man. Modern children also watch programs about astronauts, dream of one of the most romantic professions in the world, sincerely dream of flying into earth orbit or another unknown planet. April 12 - Cosmonautics Day. That is, an excellent occasion to hold an educational and entertaining event in kindergarten for the smallest "why" and more adult curious children. Another question is where to start preparing and organizing a holiday? Unlike any open lesson or sports competition, such a children's event should be drawn up in a single thematic direction. All stages of the event must necessarily echo the space theme, the mysteries of the universe, alien characters and great astronauts. The conclusion is obvious: in order to arrange a fascinating and informative holiday for the Day of Cosmonautics for children, you will have to carefully study the design and script preparation tips in advance.

How to competently organize a holiday Cosmonautics Day in kindergarten

The organization of a children's event for Cosmonautics Day can be divided into several stages:

  1. 1-2 weeks before the holiday, hold an introductory lesson-lecture or presentation on the topic "History of astronautics" in the kindergarten, so that during the event the children have an idea of ​​​​everything that is happening;
  2. Choose the appropriate scenario template and think over its content ( short story about astronautics, a slide show on an interactive board, thematic poems and songs, intellectual and outdoor competitions, costume fitting, an exhibition of crafts, a sweet table);
  3. Distribute roles and tasks among preschool children;
  4. Distribute poems about space and important remarks to the children in advance so that the children have time to learn their words;
  5. Invite the kids to prepare fun "space" crafts with their parents to make a thematic exhibition in the group;
  6. Prepare a short slide show with portraits of prominent astronauts and rocket launch footage. Do not forget about musical accompaniment for competitions;
  7. Decorate the hall, prepare the necessary props and sweet treats for the children;

Such tips will greatly simplify the preparation of the script and the design of the holiday for Cosmonautics Day in the kindergarten.

An interesting scenario for Cosmonautics Day for the middle group in kindergarten

The theme of space captures both adults and children, it is favorable for the development of curiosity younger preschoolers and deepening the knowledge of elders. But any, even the most interesting information is easier for a child to perceive and remember if it is supplemented and supported by visual material. And since it is impossible to demonstrate living space to children, they will have to work hard on the thematic decoration of the hall and create the necessary “cosmic” atmosphere.

Choose interesting scenario on Cosmonautics Day for the middle group in kindergarten - half the battle. It is equally important to carefully select the props and scenery for the group or assembly hall. In order for the whole room to be designed in the same style, everything will have to be decorated:

  • walls - with portraits of Yu. A. Gagarin and photographs of spaceships;
  • curtains - homemade models of planets, comets, satellites, asteroids, etc.;
  • chairs - voluminous silver stars;
  • educational table - children's "space" crafts;
  • wall shelves - models of rockets and space suits;
  • an impromptu stage - with a blue carpet or a blanket in small paper stars;

Such an interesting design option for the room suits absolutely any type of scenario for Cosmonautics Day for the middle group in kindergarten. Meanwhile, the typology of children's themed events is incredibly wide...

How can you spend Cosmonautics Day in the middle group of kindergarten - event options

Today it is easy to find and pick up the most different variants scenarios for holding an event for Cosmonautics Day in the middle group of kindergarten. For example:

  1. Sports competition "Space flight: towards the stars". During the relay race, you can crawl at speed in a space rocket (fabric pipe), jump over asteroids (cardboard models), pull the tail of a comet (a rope with red fabric ruffles), throw planets into a ring (decorated balls of different sizes and weights);
  2. Introductory lesson "Discoverers of the distant space world." Important elements of the holiday are a slide show on an interactive whiteboard or a presentation on a computer; demonstration of posters and pictures with space flights, ships, rockets; trying on an astronaut's suit, reviewing dry rations, etc.;
  3. Intellectual competition. Such an event implies a lot of the most interesting, curious and informative questions, riddles, puzzles, tasks and competitions on space topics;
  4. An entertaining holiday based on popular children's films and cartoons with space characters: star Wars”,“ Wally ”,“ Guardians of the Galaxy ”,“ Lilo and Stitch ”,“ Star Trek ”;
  5. Talent show "Space Heroes". The guys take turns performing with prepared numbers on the theme “Space, Galaxy, Universe” - with poems, songs, dances, pantomimes and skits, tricks, parodies, small theatrical sketches, etc.

Cosmonautics Day in kindergarten - a script for a preparatory group with games, competitions, tasks

In preparation for a new school life, it would not be superfluous to recall and strengthen everything learned over the years of kindergarten education. Therefore, even thematic holidays and concerts should:

  • strengthen the expressiveness of speech and auditory memory;
  • develop attention and spatial orientation;
  • strengthen creativity;
  • develop emotionality and the ability of non-verbal communication;
  • to cultivate respect for the heroes of the country and a sense of true patriotism.

It is much easier to achieve all these tasks by filling the scenario of the holiday for Cosmonautics Day in the preparatory group with all kinds of competitions, tasks, games. Of course, we should not forget about incentive prizes. After all, a child tries more willingly if he expects a reward for his efforts. A sweet table or even a modest tea party will not be out of place at the holiday. If you arrange cupcakes or cakes in the form of planets (UFOs, Martian faces) and distribute them to the children at the end of the celebration, the degree of mood in the team will increase significantly.

Games and competitions for the event for the Day of Cosmonautics in the preparatory group of the kindergarten

Of course, conversation and presentation are important elements of a children's holiday. But it is equally important to choose a script for the preparatory group with games, contests and tasks for Cosmonautics Day in kindergarten. For example:

  1. Mysterious chain. Invite the kids to solve some space-themed riddles. But not simple riddles, but with a secret ...
    • “In order to arm the eye and be friends with the stars, To see the Milky Way, you need a powerful ...
    • Telescopes have been studying the life of planets for hundreds of years. A smart uncle will tell you about everything ...
    • Astronomer - he is an astrologer, he knows everything! Only better than the stars are visible in the sky full ...
    • A bird cannot fly to the moon and land on the moon, but it can do it fast ...
    • The rocket has a driver, an amateur of weightlessness. In English: "astronaut", and in Russian ...
    • The astronaut is sitting in the rocket, cursing everything in the world - in orbit, as luck would have it, ...
    • A UFO flies to a neighbor from the constellation Andromeda, in it, out of boredom, an angry green wolf howls ...
    • The humanoid has lost its course, lost its way on three planets, if there is no star map, speed will not help ...
    • Light flies the fastest, does not count kilometers. The Sun gives life to the planets, we are warm, tails are ...
    • The comet circled everything, examined everything in the sky. He sees that in space a hole is black ...
    • In black holes, the darkness is occupied by something black. An interplanetary ...
    • A starship is a steel bird, it rushes faster than light. Learns in practice stellar ...
    • And the galaxies fly in all directions, as they want. This whole ... universe is very hefty!
  2. Astrological quiz. Invite preschoolers to answer popular questions. Give a gold star for each correct answer. The winner gets a prize!
    • Question: What is space?

      Answer: Cosmos (Greek κόσμος - “world”) is the same as the Universe. Literally translated from Greek, kosmos means order.

    • Question: What science studies the stars, the Galaxy, the starry sky?

      Answer: Astronomy

    • Question: Who was the first person to fly into space?

      Answer: Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin

    • Question: What is the name of an apparatus designed to carry humans into space?

      Answer: space rocket (jet aircraft)

    • Question: Which country was the first to launch an artificial Earth satellite?

      Answer: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)

    • Question: Who was the first of our smaller friends to go into space and what was his name?

      Answer: dog Laika

    • Question: In what year was the first ever orbital flight into space of living beings with a successful return to Earth?

      Answer: On August 19, 1960, the dogs Belka and Strelka made this flight on the Sputnik-5 spacecraft.

    • Question: What was the name of the ship on which Yu. A. Gagarin made his flight?


  3. Lesson of space needlework. Distribute the same sets of colored paper, glue, scissors, cardboard and other things to the kids, and then offer to glue a small space rocket as quickly and accurately as possible. The one who copes with the task in the best way will receive an interesting prize. And all the rest finished work will decorate the kindergarten thematic exhibition.

Cosmonautics Day in kindergarten is a mysterious and magical long-awaited event. When preparing the event, try to meet the expectations of preschoolers. Carefully select and competently draw up a holiday script for Cosmonautics Day for the middle and preparatory groups so that the children are satisfied and full of vivid space impressions.